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Belgrade Media Report 18 April



Brnabic: Abolishing taxes is minimum for resuming talks with Pristina (Beta/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated that the abolishing of taxes by Pristina was the minimum for the resumption of talks with Pristina. “I do not expect much (from the meeting in Berlin); we have been invited, we will listen to what they want to say to us,” Brnabic. Brnabic said she did not think Serbia would be served with some final solution at that meeting, nor did she believe such an ambition existed. She said the possible attempts to change the format of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, so that Serbia would be persuaded to sit at the negotiating table without the abolishing of fees, will fail. She assessed that Pristina did not wish to compromise, which it had demonstrated by adopting a platform that is directed against the dialogue.


Dacic: Vucic to be pressured, EU didn’t know about Berlin meeting (TV Pink/Tanjug/B92)


Pressure regarding Kosovo awaits Aleksandar Vucic in Berlin, which is why his meetings with presidents of Russia and China before that will be very important, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told TV Pink. He sys he does not expect any pressure regarding the adoption of a framework on the content of a future agreement with Pristina, but it will definitely be a culmination of pressure on Serbia to continue the dialogue regardless of whether or not Pristina abolishes taxes. He said the meeting in Berlin at the end of the month, organized by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, who invited leaders of the Western Balkans, has caused controversy in the European Union as it was set up without the knowledge of Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, other EU member-states.

Dacic said that Vucic is under extraordinary pressure to, among other things, stop Belgrade’s campaign for withdrawals of Kosovo recognitions. According to the minister, Vucic’s meetings in Beijing on 25 and 26 April are very important because he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose country is an important and strong Serbian ally, and also with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Dacic added that disinformation is often placed abroad that Russia and Serbia have different views on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and stressed that this is not true. Dacic, who was in Moscow on Wednesday, said that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated that Russia will support any solution that Serbia considers to be in its interest. “Lavrov told me that the (Vucic-Putin) meeting will be on 26 April at 15:45 hours, which shows that they are paying great attention to this meeting,” Dacic said. He also pointed out that Serbia's internal stability in Serbia is important because of Belgrade's negotiating position on Kosovo and added that there is an image is being created of political uncertainty, which, it assessed, undermines the position of Belgrade in the negotiation process with Pristina. “Negative images coming from Belgrade have become a recurrent theme. An image is being created as if here is a dilemma in Serbia about who has support of citizens and who doesn’t, thus undermining Serbia’s position in the negotiation process,” Dacic said. However, he added that Serbia's position is much different and better than five or six years ago, when nobody asked us anything - instead we just did what others planned.


New victims of bombardment even two decades on (RTS)


The President of the Commission for Investigating Consequence of the NATO bombing Darko Laketic has told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that a research has been conducted, together with the Batut Institute of public health, on a generation of children born after NATO’s aggression on Serbia in 1999, because it was possible to exclude all risk factors with the young population, unlike with adults - giving the results great scientific value. Laketic said that the study showed the presence of a toxin that made children aged five to nine more susceptible to malignant disease. In the next phase of the research, the Commission will try to identify which toxin is in question, Laketic added. The research was conducted on the generation of children born after the bombardment. “Some time must pass from the moment of exposure to the toxin until the disease is manifested. For malignant diseases of the blood it takes about eight years, while for solid tissue tumors from 14 to 18 years. We have enough time distance now to do the research,” says Laketic. He explains there is clean and dirty depleted uranium. “Clean depleted uranium is created as a by-product of fission in reactors. Dirty depleted uranium is the spent nuclear fuel that also contains traced of plutonium, americium, and these increase the toxicity. Significantly, depleted uranium is nephrotoxic (damaging the kidneys), cytotoxic (damaging living cells), and carcinogenic,” said Laketic. He explains that uranium ion, which easily reacts with biological molecules, is what makes depleted uranium harmful. Laketic recalls that during the aggression, NATO targeted infrastructure facilities that contain compounds with stronger negative effect on human health than uranium. He cite Kragujevac as an example, where electrical substations full of transformer oil came under attack. “Transformer oil contains pyralene, which is one of the most carcinogenic substances. Pyralen then spilled into Lepenica (River),” Laketic said. He stresses that Serbia can now implement preventive measures, early treatment and environmental cleanup where necessary. He recalls that the NATO aggression was carried out illegally - without the approval of the UN Security Council. Therefore, he adds, Serbia has the right to seek assistance in medical treatment, prevention, environmental rehabilitation, primarily from Western countries. The first full preliminary report on the consequences of the bombing will be published in 2020.


Press Statement of the Secretary General of the Serbian parliament (Tanjug)


“Regarding the incorrect allegations MP Balsa Bozovic made at a press conference I would like to stress that it is shameful that I have to repeat that I had given permission for the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior to enter the Serbian parliament building as stipulated by Article 71, paragraph 2 of the Law on the Serbian parliament. I would also like to say that I am sorry that this shows MP Balsa Bozovic’s lack of basic knowledge of the Law on the Serbian parliament.”




Covic, Dodik and Izetbegovic agree in principle distribution of ministerial posts (Hayat)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic met in Sarajevo on Wednesday afternoon and discussed the issue of formation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). The three party leaders reached an agreement on distribution of ministerial posts, while they once again failed to agree on adoption of the Annual National Program for NATO, that SDA insists on completing before the future B&H CoM is formed. According to the agreement on distribution of ministries, each of the parties obtained three ministerial posts. SDA should get the ministerial posts in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. HDZ B&H should get the ministerial posts in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, while SNSD should get the posts in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, along with the B&H CoM Chairman post. According to SNSD’s request, Republika Srpska (RS) got the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees but the party leaders agreed that a non-partisan individual should be appointed the minister in this ministry. Izetbegovic stated that the talks on formation of the B&H CoM have once again encountered an issue related to agreeing on MAP activation, particularly the adoption of the Annual National Program. Izetbegovic noted that SDA insists that the B&H CoM Chairman cannot be someone who would dispute the commitment of B&H to the NATO path. Izetbegovic did not comment on the allegations that SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic could be appointed the Minister of Security. However, Dodik confirmed this information to media. Dodik noted that he does not support integration of B&H in NATO. According to Dodik, formation of the B&H CoM is not connected to the NATO path, while failure to form the B&H CoM threatens to block the European path. Covic said that, as far as HDZ B&H is concerned, the talks on the B&H CoM have been completed. It was not decided when the B&H CoM Chairman will be appointed and the process of the formation of the B&H CoM will begin. Neither Dodik nor Izetbegovic mentioned any of the ministries that DF, the partner of SDA in the B&H authorities, should get.


If there is no agreement regarding NATO accession, DF will not be part of authorities (TV1)


Representatives of DF were not invited to attend Wednesday's meeting of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H leaders which took place in Sarajevo. Member of DF Presidency Milan Dunovic stated that what the leaders of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H presented to media following their meeting represents taking of negotiating positions because, according to him, one cannot consider something to be agreed upon if it was not agreed who will be the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman-designate and whether the B&H CoM Chairman-designate will be someone who is ready to respect the laws of B&H. Dunovic recalled that DF together with SDA agreed principles, stressing that if there is no agreement regarding the NATO accession, DF will not be part of the authorities. "DF will absolutely not become part of the authorities just to be part of them, but to be able to implement the abovementioned principles," Dunovic underlined.


OHR delegation meets with RS leadership in Banja Luka (TV1)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic met with the OHR delegation, led by High Representative Valentin Inzko, in Banja Luka on Wednesday. Participants of the meeting discussed the current political situation in the RS and B&H. During her meeting with the OHR delegation, Cvijanovic stressed that elections in B&H were held more than six months ago and that it is high time to form a new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), as well as legitimate authorities at all levels. Inzko said that it is disgrace that authorities at the B&H level have not been formed yet. "Consequences are already visible in the Council of Europe where B&H is no longer represented," Inzko underlined. Principal Deputy High Representative Michael Scanlan also attended the meetings. According to the OHR statement, Inzko and Scanlan underlined the importance of the full implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement as foundation of political stability and prosperity of B&H.


Dodik: There won’t be another war in B&H (Srna/RTRS)


B&H cannot be a functional and prosperous country because Bosniaks want to be the dominant people in it, Bosnia's Presidency Chairman and Serb leader Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday.

“They’re already trying to dominate the Croats in the Federation of B&H, and they’d like to do the same with Serbs at the state level by promoting a civic state in a country whose constitution says it consists of two entities and three peoples,” Dodik told RTRS. He noted that people are living in some kind of virtual life which implies a civic state which is absent in the political system and the system of government of B&H. Dodik argues that Serbs are entirely humiliated and devastated in the Federation of B&H. The Presidency Chairman touched the 2009 Sejdic-Finci verdict. “The verdict was never implemented because the Federation of B&H has a problem with that. RS, on the other hand, has a consensus on this. We continued electing our Presidency member in a direct presidential election,” Dodik said. “We’re ready to say the RS is not voting for the Serb Presidency member, but one of the Presidency members so that we could adapt to that farce.” Dodik also noted that he is fighting for the RS and Serb interests in the State Presidency, adding that he never hurt a single Bosniak and Croat since he has been in office. “There won’t be another war in B&H. I care about peace, progress and tolerance. I don’t want to prevent any beneficial projects, and that's how I act in office,” he concluded.


B&H MFA to send protest note to Croatia due to activities of SOA re B&H citizens; Dodik says B&H Armed Forces will not take part in preventing entry of migrants to B&H (N1)


The B&H Presidency held a session on Wednesday in Sarajevo. The B&H Presidency tasked the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to send a protest note to Croatia. The reason for this note is the behavior of the Croatian Security Intelligence Agency (SOA) towards B&H citizens who are located in Croatia or were passing through. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic called on the B&H security agencies and other institutions to protect the B&H citizens who are targeted by the intelligence agencies of other states. The B&H Presidency also addressed the issue of the migrant crisis. Addressing reporters on this occasion, Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stressed that the B&H Armed Forces (AF) will not be engaged to protect the border from migrants. “The AF will not participate. The AF cannot be deployed to the border just like that, especially not to the border with Serbia. There should be a much more serious approach to this issue. There is no comprehensive plan here,” Dodik underlined. Given the fact that the current capacities are insufficient to stop the influx of migrants, there is a proposal that security structures from both entities should work together with those at the state level. However, Dodik stressed that it is not going to happen either. Instead, capacities of the B&H Border Police should be strengthened, in his opinion. “It is impossible for the police of one entity to go to the territory of the other entity. The Border Police should strengthen its capacities. There is also civil protection and other forms of engagement” he said. It was also decided at the session that members of the B&H Presidency will pay their first official visit to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 2 May.


New protests in Saturday, we were gaining strength (RTCG)


The “Odupri se- 97000” movement will organize a new protest on Saturday, 20 April, at 19:00, in front of the building of the President of Montenegro in Podgorica, leader of the movement Dzemal Perovic announced. Perovic said that since previous protests they were gaining strength and did what they had promised to the citizens of Montenegro and approached them in order to hear their proposals and suggestions. He said that a power change through elections could not happen in Montenegro, which was proved by the “Koverta” affair. Perovic says that before free elections they want to dismantle the system in order to get independent institutions. "We continue this struggle, we are ready to lead it as far as it is needed, this is a big chance. We will nonviolently win oppressors who represent this corrupt regime," Perovic said, adding that he will not give up on the fight. Perovic pointed out that he believed in the massive scale of protests. "Although we know that after the fourth protest, all the machinery has been put into operation, the secret machinery, the one that goes through the households, and not the public machinery," he said.


The presidential threshold must be re-examined (Nezavisen vesnik/TV21)


It is questionable whether the creators of the Constitution of Macedonia at the very beginning of the country’s independence, when it was being prepared, considered that the high turnout threshold for the election of head of state would be difficult to reach in the next decade, and will open up space for various political maneuvers and bargains. Almost 28 years have passed since then, so in the meantime the turnout threshold in the second round for the presidential elections was reduced from 50% to 40%. However, in this pre-election period, it seems that there are fears of failure in the elections for the head of state as never before, especially after the bad experience with the referendum on the name eight months ago, when, mainly due to the opposition boycott, only around 37 percent of voters came out to vote. Faced with the possibility of a new opposition boycott, these days Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev left the door open for a new intervention in the Constitution. In an interview with TV 21, Zaev said that he had already consulted Justice Minister Renata Treneska -Deskoska on this issue. “I have consulted Deskoska, who the Minister of Justice in this government. She told me that by changing the Constitution, the president of the country can be elected in two ways – either to remove the turnout threshold, or to elect the next president in Parliament” said Zaev. However, he believes that turnout of over 40 percent will be reached on 5 May, and that the fifth president of the country will be elected. “There was 37 percent of turnout at the referendum, even with the painful question for the Macedonian ethnic community. Even with boycotting, the turnout threshold can be achieved. But I don’t think that the opposition will boycott,” Zaev said. He asked the opposition to take part in the second election round, in order not to provoke a new political instability in the country. The risk that the country could be left without a president was first felt more intensely during the extraordinary elections in 2004, so it remains unclear to this day what kind of agreements were made between SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE in order to reach the even higher turnout of 50 percent, and for Branko Crvenkovski to be elected to the position. Already in the next elections in 2009, which were held along with local elections, it was shown that the turnout was reduced at the right time, because they were hardly reaching 42.6 percent up to the very last moment, although in the first round there were as many as seven candidates, which is the highest number of candidates so far. Five years later, the situation in terms of turnout changed drastically, given that in the second round, which was held along with snap general elections, 54.3 percent of registered voters came out to vote. Then Gjorge Ivanov was re-elected to the post and defeated Stevo Pendarovski, but the then-opposition did not recognize the presidential election result, nor the result of the parallel general elections. The analysts and professors we have consulted emphasize the fact that in the first cycles of direct presidential elections, the turnout threshold, although it was higher, was not such a big problem as it is now. They say that the turnout threshold is related to the legitimacy of one of the holders of the executive power, so the current solution is essentially a good one, but the problem is in the current political elites that with their policies contributed to violating the credibility of the office. Therefore, a more comprehensive debate about the model of presidential elections is needed to avoid recurring electoral cycles for the country’s formally highest office. However, any changes to the model, regardless of whether the reduction or deletion of the turnout threshold or the election in parliament would be reduced, will have to be done through constitutional changes, so that political consensus will have to be achieved beforehand. The possible modification of the model would be a long process, which could last for more than half a year, which, in turn, is the longest possible period in which the parliament speaker could be the acting president. Accordingly, in the event of a failure in the upcoming elections, the entire election process will have to be repeated as soon as possible, but there would be no guarantee that the repeated elections will be successful… The presidential candidate of VMRO-DPMNE, Gordana Siljanovska- Davkova, as a constitutional law professor, opposes the electing of president in parliament. She believes that it is necessary to eliminate the turnout threshold in the second round, while for the possible election of president in the parliament, she believes that she would turn into a political bargain. At a central rally in Skopje, she called for massive turnout in the presidential elections and, as she said, not allowing the ruling majority to change the Constitution. “If we don’t reach 40 percent turnout, then they will change the Constitution. It won’t be difficult for them. This way they will let the president to be elected in Parliament. Then the president will be elected by bargaining, and guess who will be elected president then, Siljanovska said. Germany, Italy, Greece, Albania, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Kosovo, etc. are examples of countries whose presidents are elected by the parliament. However, in many European countries, presidents are elected in direct elections, starting with France, Poland, Portugal, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Cyprus, Turkey, up to Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia as countries in our region. In some of these countries, there is no turnout threshold for presidential elections, with the most striking example being France, where the candidate that gets more votes in the second round, wins. There is a turnout threshold in other countries, but significantly lower than the Macedonian one. The Venice Commission also points to Macedonia as a rare example of a country with such a high turnout threshold in the second round of presidential elections. The reports of the observation missions during the elections in the country also have recommendations for re-examining the turnout threshold.


Companies asking for joint customs services between Macedonia, Albania and Serbia (Meta)


The companies that are part of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia (ECM) are asking for joint customs services for goods between our country, Albania, and Serbia. According to the monitoring that was conducted by ECM at the border crossings Tabanovce and Kjafasan, the biggest delays for the transporters are happening when a phytosanitary control is conducted (around three hours) and a veterinary control (one day). “The companies are demanding that bilateral agreements are signed between institutions in Macedonia, Serbia and Albania in order for the joint controls at the previously mentioned border crossings to start working sooner. The implementation of a joint control on part of the organs from two states will allow for the goods to pass the border crossings faster by having control at one location, at the same time, with fewer resources for the state administrations” said the Economic Chamber’s Operative Director Aneta Trajkovska. A problem for the transporters is that the phytosanitary and veterinary control in Serbia doesn’t work on the weekend and in Macedonia, the working hours start at 7 am until 7 pm, and at Kjafasan there aren’t always officers for these types of control and a previously issued confirmation will be needed. According to the monitoring conducted by the World Bank, the transporters lose 80 percent of their time by waiting at the border crossing, and 20 percent while on the road. The long wait on the borders decreases the value of the goods by one percent and why agricultural products get decreased even by 7 percent. Transportation costs are part of the total value of the products which also influences the competitiveness and the exporting. The companies seek that the joint customs services should start from 1October.


The issue of visa return to Albania (ADN)


Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Gent Cakaj, stated on Wednesday that Netherlands cannot return visa regime with Albania, because it is the European Commission (EC) who decides on the issue. According to him, the decision taken by the Dutch parliament is politically motivated due to elections in the Netherlands. "The decision taken by the Dutch parliament is politically motivated. This is because of the elections in the Netherlands, where there are parties which want to exclude countries that are not EU members. We expect the European Commission to respond negatively to the decision of the Dutch parliament," said Cakaj. He added that there is no withdrawal of visa liberalization for Albanians and that a positive recommendation is expected without additional conditions for opening of the EU accession negotiations with Albania. Deputy Prime Minister Erion Brace, stated on Wednesday that the Democratic Party (DP) Leader, Lulzim Basha is the one standing behind the vote by the Dutch parliament. According to him, there is not a battle of Netherlands against Albania, but Basha's battle against the country. The Deputy Prime Minister called on Albanians to open their eyes after Lulzim Basha has declared opened war against them. The Chairwoman of the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI), Monika Kryemadhi, stated that the decision is a result of the government failure and a big damage for Albania. "The Dutch parliament's debate and the decision to propose to the EC's the return of the visa regime for Albanian citizens is serious. The motivation of this motion is even more serious as it relates to the violation of the national security of the Netherlands by criminal groups of Albanian origin and their activity in that country," said Kryemadhi. She added that the vote by the Dutch parliament, not only represents the unprecedented failure of the current government, but also strongly signals the low level of preparation of Albania to withstand the challenges of the European path.




Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a joint news conference following talks with Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, (Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow, 17 April, 2019)


Ladies and gentlemen,


We had very useful talks during which we affirmed the commitment by Russia and Serbia to further promote bilateral relations in all areas based on the Declaration on Strategic Partnership that was signed by the presidents of our countries in 2013.

Our countries maintain an intensive and trust-based political dialogue. President Putin’s visit to Belgrade in January 2019 was especially important. President Aleksandar Vucic visited the Russian Federation twice in 2018. We also maintain regular contacts at the level of foreign ministers and between the two foreign ministries in general. Parliamentary cooperation is also gaining momentum. In June, Belgrade is expected to host a regular meeting of a bilateral inter-parliamentary commission co-chaired by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and Speaker of the National Assembly of Serbia Maja Gojkovic.

We noted positive developments in terms of trade and economic ties. Trade exceeded two billion dollars and continues to grow. We attach special importance to the Russia-Serbia Intergovernmental Committee on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. It had a meeting in March 2019 in Belgrade that was quite useful. Today, Ivica Dacic as the Serbian co-chair will have a meeting with his Russian counterpart Yury Borisov.

There is also steady progress in the energy sector, including in terms Russian gas deliveries to Serbia. We discussed the advancement of the TurkStream project, including prospects for extending it to Europe, including to Serbia.

Out countries traditionally share rich cultural, people-to-people, educational and spiritual ties. In keeping with the agreements reached by our presidents we are working on an intergovernmental agreement to step up cooperation in protecting cultural property. In March, an agreement was signed in Belgrade to extend Russia’s involvement, through Gazprom Neft, in interior design work at Belgrade’s Church of Saint Sava.

Only a short while ago you witnessed the signing of an intergovernmental programme for cooperation in culture, education, science, sports and youth policy for 2019-2021.

Russia supports Belgrade’s independent and balanced foreign policy. We respect Serbia’s policy of military neutrality that contributes to maintaining peace and stability in Europe. We also value the fact that Belgrade is seeking to expand its ties with the CSTO. Members of the National Assembly contribute to the work of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly as observers. Every year Russia, Serbia and Belarus hold the Slavic Brotherhood military exercise, and our two countries also hold the Brotherhood of Aviators of Russia and Serbia exercise. Serbian military personnel have established a tradition of taking part in the International Army Games. All these cooperation formats strengthen the ties between our peoples.

We discussed the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 on the Kosovo settlement and reaffirmed Russia’s support for Serbia on all matters that have to be addressed in order to fully implement this instrument. We noted that twenty years ago NATO forces bombed Yugoslavia for two months and a half and did so without a UN mandate, causing numerous casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure, while the use of depleted uranium rounds resulted in a significant increase in cancer cases. These problems have yet to be fully resolved.

We noted that NATO covered up crimes committed by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army and its leaders, including kidnappings as part of illicit organ harvesting and trafficking, as reported by PACE rapporteur Dick Marty. This report triggered the decision to investigate this issue. An ad-hoc court was formally set up within the EU, but it has yet to begin its work, even though the documentary evidence is available to start the investigation without delay.

In keeping with the UN General Assembly resolution, our EU colleagues are designated as mediators in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but unfortunately they are overwhelmed by this role. The commitment by Pristina in April 2013, or six years ago, to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo is being sabotaged, and the EU cannot do anything about it. Decisions by Pristina to create a Kosovo army directly contradict UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Once again, the EU has failed to take an active stand, and NATO Headquarters is encouraging this illegitimate step in breach of a UNSC decision. In November 2018, the authorities in Pristina introduced 100 per cent duties on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, essentially seeking to “strangle” Kosovo Serbs. We call on Washington and Brussels to use its influence with Pristina to ensure that it abides by the Security Council resolutions, since the West, including the US and Europe, were directly involved in drafting them, and to force the Kosovo Albanians to stop this policy of provocation and confrontation.

All in all, we are satisfied with our talks. I strongly believe that the Minister’s visit to Russia, timed to coincide with the 140th anniversary of the first embassy of the Principality of Serbia to Russia, will help strengthen our strategic partnership.


Media on Berlin: Red card for border change, proposition of “dual sovereignty” (European Western Balkans, 17 April 2019)


BELGRADE / PRISTINA / BERLIN – Regional conference on the Western Balkans initiated by the French president Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in the focus of both regional and foreign media. Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard reports that the goal of the upcoming regional conference is to “bear down” the plan on the exchange of territory, adding that the German Chancellor’s cabinet intends to propose special status for the Northern part of Kosovo. Germany is strictly against the idea of border change, newspapers remind, which has been supported by the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn and Advisor in the US administration John Bolton, but also Austria and Hungary.

Der Standard claims the idea of the territory exchange has brought fear from persecution among Serbs living south of river Ibar. The US has given up on the idea according to the diplomatic sources, due to the fact the idea was connected with legal and security difficulties. According to this media, Berlin thinks it is more important that Belgrade and Pristina reach a good agreement than a quicker one. France shares the same attitude on this matter, as it considers that it is very important to establish better rule of law in the Balkans.


Gazeta Express: Dual sovereignty without partition of territory

Gazeta Express writes that France and Germany will present a draft agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, which to a certain degree would accommodate requests of Belgrade, but excludes partition of Kosovo. It will propose dual sovereignty without border changes. “There is a discussion about dual sovereignty. Kosovo will keep its territorial integrity intact, whereas Serbia will enjoy a kind of sovereignty over Serbs in Kosovo and Serbian Orthodox churches”, a source told Gazeta Express. According to the source, it is likely that Kosovo transfers a part of its sovereignty to  Brussels, who will then transfer it to Serbia.


What do officials from Serbia and Kosovo say?

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi says the meeting in Berlin is not about reaching an agreement or presenting a plan on Kosovo-Serbia issue. He wrote in his Facebook post that he is in continuous consultations with international partners on developments in Kosovo and the Western Balkans. The Berlin meeting is just a continuation of interest Germany and France have in Kosovo and the region. As he explained at the end of the meeting, the Western Balkan leaders and the hosts will issue a joint declaration confirming the European perspective of both Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo would be disappointed in case France and Germany fail to harmonize their position on visa liberalisation for Kosovo citizens during this meeting, he wrote. President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić said an extremely difficult period is ahead for Serbia, which will be faced with a request to recognise full independence of Kosovo, without divisions and in a full and integral territory of an independent Kosovo. “Nothing good awaits us there and I expect nothing good. The only thing I expect is a start of requests for a new format where the goal would be a recognition of independence without Serbia getting anything”, said Vučić, adding he would not accept a resumption of any dialogue without scrapping of the taxes. Dual sovereignty is just an assumption and it does not exist in the world, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić commented on the matter.