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Belgrade Media Report 25 April 2019



Vucic: Unlike others, China doesn't pressure Serbia (Tanjug/B92)


It's important for Serbia to cooperate with China as it's a great power, which, unlike others, doesn't exert pressure on our country, says Aleksandar Vucic. Speaking at a panel organized by China's Communist Party ahead of the Second Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, the Serbian president stressed that cooperation between people should not be treated as a matter on the sidelines, but that this is instead the basis for building all other forms of cooperation. At the beginning of his speech, the Serbian president told the audience that he had just had a meeting with President of China and the General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping, and that he talked with him about very important issues. "We will continue with excellent cooperation that exists between our two countries. Serbia is a relatively small country in Southeast Europe, with seven million inhabitants, and is the largest country in the Western Balkans. I know how many more important players than Serbia there are in the international arena for China. But there is something special that binds our two countries and peoples, as well as the Communist Party and the SNS, as the two largest parties (in China and Serbia)," said Vucic. According to him, China's policy led by President Xi has succeeded at achieving much more than anyone else in the modern world. "Today you can see that, although faced with major political challenges, pressure from political and economic competitors from the West, China not only has become increasingly powerful, but has an increasing number of friends all over the world," Vucic said. Vucic recalled that Serbia is on its way to the EU and at the same time emphasized that there was something that particularly distinguishes China from other great powers. "When you talk to great powers of the West, there is always some sort of pressure that you face, and when you talk to China and its leaders, you are always treated with respect," Vucic emphasized. If Beijing continues and maintains this approach toward small nations and countries, with the position of respect and mutual respect, this is something that the whole world wants to see and the country will acquire new friends and people who will support Chinese ideas, Vucic added. He recalled that Serbia was among the first countries to sign onto the Belt and Road initiative and that in the past years, along with Chinese companies, it has done a lot. Vucic said that Serbia implemented consolidation measures, reduced its public debt from 78 percent to 50 percent of GDP, and was ready to cooperate even more with Chinese companies on the infrastructure agenda. More important than that is contact between people, Vucic added, and emphasizing that in Serbia, the Chinese are not only respected and valued, but also liked. He pointed out that in the past years, Serbia has managed to double and then triple the number of Chinese tourists, and said that he hopes this number would continue to grow. According to the president, trade has significantly increased - but he added that he was still dissatisfied, as it could continue to grow, which is why he thinks that even closer contacts between people and understanding are needed. "When you are confronted with such a stance, that you can always count on the support of such a large country as China, then you can count on a strategic partnership in the future," Vucic said.


Dacic thanks Georgia for respecting Serbia’s territorial integrity (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who is on a bilateral visit to Georgia, met with Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani. Dacic emphasized the importance of good and friendly relations between the two countries and its people, expressing satisfaction with successful cooperation in all areas of mutual interest. He expressed his special gratitude for the firm position of Georgia in respecting the international law and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. After the meeting, Dacic and Zalkaliani signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of youth and sports between the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia and the Joint Declaration of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. During his bilateral visit to Georgia, Dacic also met with Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze. In a friendly conversation, the interlocutors highlighted a high degree of compliance of the views of the two countries on the most important political and economic directions of development. They exchanged opinions and views on the basic principles of international law, respect for territorial integrity, as well as on the successful economic reforms implemented in both countries. Dacic and the Prime Minister of Georgia underlined the traditional and friendly relations of the peoples of the two countries, the necessity for their further improvement and for the opening of new dimensions of cooperation, primarily in the field of the economy. During the talks with President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili, Dacic conveyed gratitude for Georgia’s strong support to Serbia’s territorial integrity, and stressed the importance of further enhancing bilateral cooperation. The interlocutors noted that the areas of economic cooperation, culture and tourism have the greatest potential for development, as well as cooperation in the field of European integration.


Jeremic: Serbia must not relinquish Kosovo under any condition (Beta)


The leader of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremic stated that Serbia must not relinquish Kosovo

as part of its territory, under any condition. Jeremic assessed that, if it would, the cloth will start

to unstitch and Kosovo would not be the last part of the country Serbia would lose. Jeremic stressed that his statement is not warmongering, denial of reality in the field or conflict

with major powers... None of that. It is possible to talk with the part of the world we disagree with about that in a civilized, rational, diplomatic and skillful way. “It is also possible to establish normal relations among the people, even a functional relation between the authorities in Belgrade and in Pristina, without us making a single decision that would mean the relinquishing of Kosovo,” Jeremic stated.


Patriarch Irinej: Kosovo is spiritual cradle of Serbian people (Beta)


Serbian Patriarch Irinej underlined in his Easter, message that the Serbian people considered Kosovo its spiritual cradle. The Patriarch wished for peace and freedom to return to Kosovo.

“With special earnestness, we pray today to the Resurrected Christ God that, through the intercession of Saint Sava, the Holy Tsar Lazar and all the saints of our nation, peace and freedom may return to our crucified Kosovo and Metohija, our spiritual cradle and our Jerusalem, where the greatest Serbian holy shrines are, the pearls of Orthodox spirituality, Serbian culture and of the entire Christian and world spiritual heritage,” said Patriarch Irinej.




Izetbegovic meets Radoncic; says SBB B&H is yet to accept invitation to become part of authorities (BHT1)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic met with SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic on Wednesday. However, according to BHT1, SBB B&H is yet to accept the invitation to become part of the authorities. BHT1 stressed that this means that there is still no final agreement on formation of the authorities in B&H. Main negotiators, including SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD, are currently discussing distribution of posts in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Izetbegovic told the media following his meeting with Radoncic that he is yet to receive a "green light" from SBB BiH, but that talks will continue. Izetbegovic added that it is necessary to have as many pro-Bosnian parties in the authorities as possible.


Radmanovic: some progress was made during last meeting on CoM formation (N1)


A final agreement on formation of state authorities in B&H has not been reached yet. Main negotiators, SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H, are discussing distribution of seats in the B&H CoM, but their relations are affected by increasing political tensions within the country. Commenting the authority formation process, SNSD member Nebojsa Radmanovic told N1 that many things were discussed by the delegations of SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA, and some progress was made, but added that “almost nothing was agreed”. It has been seven months since the October elections in B&H were held, and the last meeting between the three delegations was held seven days ago. Their agreement was not reached as the parties have differences in opinions in regards to B&H’s NATO path and the announced formation of the reserve police unit within the RS Ministry of Interior (RS MoI). Talks that were held so far revealed the possible way in which the seats in the B&H CoM would be distributed. According to N1, SNSD would hold the position of the Chairman, as well as three other ministries: B&H Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations; B&H Ministry of Human Right and Refugees; and B&H Ministry of Transport and Communications. SDA would control the B&H Ministry of Defense, B&H Ministry of Security and B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while HDZ B&H would get B&H Ministry of Justice, B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury and B&H Ministry of Civil Affairs.


Leaderships of Cantonal Boards of SDP B&H and NS confirm they have minimum parliamentary majority to form program TC government (FTV)


The Tuzla Canton (TC) confirmed on Wednesday that they have the minimum parliamentary majority for formation of, according to them, the program TC government. Aside from 12 representatives from SDP B&H and NS, the program TC government received the support of two representatives from SBB B&H and four representatives of PDA. SDP B&H is expected to obtain six ministries and the post of the TC Prime Minister, while NS and SBB B&H should each obtain three ministries. PDA will most likely keep Senad Alic on the post of the TC assembly speaker. The process of formation of the TC assembly collegium and appointment of the future TC government should be completed by mid-May.


Canton 10 government yet to be formed; Source says obstructions are caused by disagreements within HDZ B&H (Oslobodjenje)


The Canton 10 has been unable to form the authority since the October elections even though it is known that the authority will be constituted out of HDZ B&H, HDZ 1990, SDA and SNSD. HDZ 1990 will get one ministerial post and keep the position of the speaker of the Canton 10 assembly (Jozo Cosic), while SNSD and SDA will keep their three and one ministerial posts. According to a source from Livno, the formation of the Canton 10 government is being obstructed by disagreements within HDZ B&H. There are two factions within the party, stated the source and said that HDZ B&H in Tomislavgrad wants someone from this municipality to be appointed new Prime Minister considering the number of votes they received; on the other hand, HDZ B&H from Livno wants to keep the position of the Canton 10 PM. “Goal of Borjana Kristo as the most influential HDZ B&H official from Livno, is to have someone close to her appointed the Prime Minister. Yesterday we had the Day of Defense of Livno, and even President Covic (Dragan Covic) came, but members from Livno and Tomislavgrad were physically divided at the celebration,” stated the source. The daily noted that the formation of authority in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton is also on hold since the last meeting of HDZ B&H and SDA delegations was held more than 40 days ago.


HDZ B&H, SDA issue statements, accuse each other of obstructions regarding formation of new HNC authorities (Dnevni list)


HDZ B&H and SDA in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) have continued their ‘public statements war’ in which they accuse each other of obstructions regarding formation of new HNC authorities. The daily notes that according to HDZ B&H’s statement, SDA is using deceptions in order to explain to the public why the HNC assembly is blocked. Namely, HDZ B&H claims that only one political agreement in HNC has been implemented so far, which is related to election of two HNC assembly deputy speakers. HDZ B&H adds the truth in the matter is that HDZ B&H made a proposal during last negotiations between the two parties (HDZ B&H and SDA) regarding the issue of election of deputy speaker from line of Serbs, which would then lead to election of the HNC assembly speaker and appointment of HNC Prime Minister-designate. According to HDZ B&H, SDA representatives have not even attempted to call session of the HNC assembly, underlining that according to the HNC assembly’s Rules of Procedure (RoP), the assembly can temporarily function with two deputy speakers, which SDA knows as two last sessions of the HNC assembly were carried out in that way. On the other hand, SDA issued a statement, which reads it is currently not possible to convene session of the HNC assembly in a legal way, stressing that according to the assembly’s RoP, it is only the HNC assembly speaker who can convene the session. According to SDA’s statement, there is no assembly speaker because of obstructions coming from Tomislav Martinovic (HDZ B&H, deputy speaker), arguing that SDA and HDZ B&H agreed it is SDA who will nominate the speaker, and that SDA nominated Serif Spago for the speaker, however Martinovic is refusing to implement the agreement.


Dodik meets Serbian Patriarch Irinej ahead of his visit to Vatican (BHT1)


B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik met with Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Belgrade on Wednesday ahead of his visit to the Vatican where he will meet with Head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis. Dodik said that support of the Serbian Patriarch and opinion of the Serbian Orthodox Church are very important to him. Dodik said that he and Patriarch Irinej discussed possible messages that he will convey to Pope Francis, adding that he and the Head of the Roman Catholic Church could discuss the position of the Serb people and the Serbian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Irinej said that Dodik is going on an important trip, stressing that the Roman Catholic Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church are two separate churches, but that there are many more things that connect them than things that separate them.


OHR: Current political discourse related to reserve police forces in entities, which started with unilateral step taken by RS on this issue, does not contribute to peace and stability in B&H (Al Jazeera Balkans)


The Office of High Representative (OHR) called on the RS authorities not to proceed with adoption of amendments to the RS Law on Police and Internal Affairs stipulating formation of reserve police forces. The OHR underlined that instead adoption of this legislation, the RS authorities should open dialogue with their counterparts at the state and the FB&H level as well as with the international community. “The current political discourse related to reserve police forces in the entities, which started with the unilateral step taken by the RS on this issue, does not contribute to peace and stability in B&H. On the contrary, it has generated negative spiral of mistrust and competition, and even fear. The current dynamic is worrying as it undermines stability by creating tensions and divisions in the country, that are ultimately of no benefit to the citizens of B&H,” reads the OHR’s statement.


Siljanovska: The government is very nervous before 5 May (Republika)


Professor Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, at Wednesday’s press conference, accused the nervous government of a personal attack on her, referring to the question of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev where was she during the transition. The second part of the campaign started, before the key part of 5 May, and what I notice is the expected, logical and strong nervousness among the government. It is a little tragicomic for me to blame me as someone who has a connection with the transition because the transition is still sadly an unfinished process in Macedonia. And I was a minister from 1992 to 1994. The transition had just begun then. And, it is especially tragicomic when the accusations come from transitional icons that have passed all of their youth and life within the transition. But, unfortunately, they annulled everything that was clever and valuable in the Social Democratic Union, said Davkova. She reiterated that it is unusual to see a defense minister in an election video spot as it is unusual to see a prime minister and interior minister in a campaign.


Mickoski: We expect victory in the runoff, many citizens are encouraged to oppose the government (Republika/24 TV)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on 24 TV “Otvoreno” show that he expects VMRO-DPMNE and Gordana Siljanovska Davkova to score a victory in the presidential runoff.  We expect a victory in the runoff, we expect more mobilization of the activists and the citizens, because many of them in the past few days have been calling and saying that we have their support, that they didn’t go to the polls because we know that the runoff is deciding, said Mickoski. Mickoski said that people do not trust Zoran Zarev anymore, that today’s reality is the police forces on the ground, searching and raiding homes of people who are close or somehow connected with VMRO-DPMNE. Of course, I expect a victory in the runoff, said Mickoski.

Imagine now the number of parties in Zaev’s coalition has increased, while the number of votes since 2016 has dropped drastically. Our coalition, however, the VMRO-DPMNE coalition won more votes, and the number of parties was reduced. I am talking about voters who went out and voted, at the end of the day it counts, Miskoski said on 24 TV “Otvoreno” show. If we compare the coalition from the 2017 local elections, Zaev’s support has decreased by about 100,000 and something votes. And the number of parties in our coalition was reduced, and we won this number of votes. We managed to mobilize a large number of voters, Mickoski said. Hristijan Mickoski emphasized on 24 TV “Otvoreno” show that the agreement signed with Greece is capitulation and Zoran Zaev’s work. The problem is at the very beginning of this overall procedure. Here we can start from the very beginning, let’s see what was Zoran Zaev’s motive to set off in such an adventure. Macedonia to join NATO, Macedonia to start negotiations with the EU, be allowed to change the law on public procurement, and the Public Procurement Council so that tenders can be agreed in four eyes. The court to be able to decide otherwise than what it should decide. So that he can become prime minister. Let’s see what was the real motive for us to get to such an agreement, asked Mickoski. Mickoski noted that Zaev as an opposition leader swore in the Macedonian string. At the first leaders’ meeting, he claimed that what he would not do what he did. And at the second leaders’ meeting, he claimed the same. But he did. We now have a reality in the state, in the way that the Prespa Agreement was adopted and implemented. For us as a political party and for me as a politician, it is a capitulation agreement. But in order to change this reality in the Republic of Macedonia, I need 80 deputies, or Badinter majority, said Mickoski. Mickoski explained that he cannot come out in front of citizens in the Republic of Macedonia as a politician and deceive them, in order to become prime minister, in order to steal or realize another type of clientelism, and on the other hand to do the opposite he promised the people that elected him.


Clashes within the IRC as Buzaku proclaimed himself to be a reis while Rexepi disputes his decision and condemned the judge to death (Meta)


When Skender Buzaku proclaimed himself to be the new reis-ul-ulema of the Islamic Religious Community (IRC), Suleiman Rexepi, the Head of the IRC, during the extraordinary meeting at the Faculty of Religious Studies in Kondovo, the Riaset has decided that it will take part in the propaganda against the government if there aren’t reforms in the legal system in this country. According to him, their headquarters was taken away from them by means of forged documents and he was dismissed and is demanding punishment for the judge. Rexepi also condemned the judge to death for making this decision which was greeted with applause! Previously, during the day, Skender Buzaku, a former secretary of the Mufti of the Islamic Religious Community said that he will be the new head of the community according to a decision made by a court.

Yesterday, the headquarters of the IRC was surrounded by the police. “This is a police state, as there are no legislative, nor judiciary authorities and there is nothing independent. The IRC’s riaset is bitter and very worried as this represents a great evil for us. We had hopes for the government structures as there were promises for major reforms, including the judiciary and other reforms. But I feel guilty because we gave our opinions previously, trusting those that are lying. They are big liers. I won’t say that the trust between IRC and the government structures in Macedonia doesn’t exist but it is close to zero,” said Rexepi and stressed that he isn’t afraid of the police and that he will go to work at IRC’s headquarters. He also rejected all sorts of findings of misuses during his managing of the IRC. “The condition should be changed from its roots in order to have a coexistence. I summon all citizens of Macedonia regardless of their religious and national background to be careful and if they want this country to advance then they have to have conscious, moral. We will not accept to be subjected to deceits. Skender Buzaku has asked the financial police to intervene. There is no force that can prevent an IRC member as we are all solidary, – all for one and one for all. Whenever they wanted they all came and audited the IRC,” said Rexepi. He also said that he had heard that the judge who has made a decision for his dismissal is having health issues and he said “let her die, I don’t care” said Rexepi, and he was applauded by his supporters. Skender Buzaku said that he will be the new reis according to the decision from the court that he has in his possession.


Parties registered for local elections (ADN)


The Albanian opposition is officially out of the local elections. The Central Elections Commission (CEC) made public on Tuesday at the end of the registration deadline, the full list of those parties registered to run in local elections of 30 June. None of the parties which are part of the opposition coalition that signed the co-operation agreement a day ago, were not registered in the CEC to compete by votes with the government. According of the list published by CEC, 34 political parties have been registered so far.

The parties which will compete are listed as below:


  1. Socialist Party of Albania, Edi Rama;
  2. Social Democratic Party of Albania, Skender Gjinushi;
  3. New Democratic Spirit Party, Bamir Topi;
  4. Social Democracy Party, Paskal Milo;
  5. Law and Justice Party, Spartak Ngjela;
  6. Equal List Party, Ben Blushi;
  7. Solution Party, Koco Kokedhima;
  8. Green Party, Edlir Petanaj;
  9. Christian Democratic Party, Dhimiter Muslia;
  10. Democratic Christian Alliance Party, Zef Bushati;
  11. Moderate Socialist Party, Gjergji Koja;
  12. National Unity Party, Idajet Beqiri;
  13. Albanian Emigration Party, Kostaq Papa;
  14. People with Disabilities, Gjovalin Shqalshi;
  15. Albanian Workers Movement Party, Genci Sakaj;
  16. Denied Rights Party, Ilir Vata;
  17. New European Democracy, Koci Tahiri;
  18. Alliance for Equality and European Justice, Valentino Mustaka;
  19. Democratic Party for Integration and Prosperity, Kujtim Muça;
  20. Albanian Future Party, Emin Subashi;
  21. Greek Ethnic Minority for the Future, Kristo Kico;
  22. Party for Democracy and Solidarity, Gaqo Apostolo;
  23. For the Protection of Emigrants' Rights, Ymer Kurti;
  24. Communist Party of Albania, Qemal Cicollari;
  25. Albanian Democratic Union Party, Ylber Valteri;
  26. The Albanian Clock Party, Zef Shtjefni;
  27. Liberal Democratic Union Party, Arian Starova;
  28. Party for Freedom, Democracy and Ethics, Arian Galdini;
  29. National Conservative Party, Kujtim Gjuzi;
  30. Party for the Protection of Rights of Punishment, Kadri Isufaj;
  31. Red and Black Alliance Party, Kreshnik Spahiu;
  32. Democratic Reform Party, Krenar Rryci;
  33. National Reconciliation Party, Spartak Dobi;
  34. Albanian Social-Worker Party, Ramadan Ndreka;




Xi meets Serbian president (Xinhua, 25 April 2019)


BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is here to attend the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia in 2016, bilateral cooperation in various fields has been advancing steadily, political mutual trust has been strengthened, and both sides have firmly supported each other's core interests, Xi said.

"Serbia is an important country in jointly building the Belt and Road, and the two sides should deepen mutually beneficial cooperation to better benefit the two peoples," Xi said. Both sides should enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges and mutual learning, improve people-to-people ties, strengthen international cooperation in multilateral fields, jointly uphold multilateralism, and promote world peace and development, Xi said. Vucic expressed congratulations on the 70th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China, saying that China's development achievements provide Serbia with valuable reference. Serbia firmly supports and actively participates in cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, which is bringing benefits to the people of Serbia and the rest of the world, Vucic said. Major cooperation projects built with Chinese assistance have greatly promoted Serbia's economic development, he added. As a staunch friend of China, Serbia will continue to maintain mutual understanding and support with China on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, Vucic said. After the meeting, the two leaders witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents.