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Belgrade Media Report 16 May



Spain confirms will not change its policy towards Serbia regarding Kosovo (Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received on a farewell visit Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Serbia Miguel Fuertes, to whom she expressed her gratitude for his personal engagement in improving relations between the two countries. Fuertes underlined Spain's strong support for Serbia's further progress on the road to the European Union and stressed that this support will continue through close, friendly relations with our country. He once again confirmed that Spain will not change its policy towards Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija.

When it comes to bilateral cooperation, Brnabic said that Serbia cherishes a special friendly relationship with Spain and its people, and said that she hopes that the relations will continue to improve, especially in the field of the economy.


Drecun on Veseli’s initiative: They are trying to divert attention for their crimes (RTS)


Pristina is facing loss of support following a series of unilateral moves and refusal to resume the dialogue with Belgrade over which they wish to divert the attention from themselves and to present themselves as the victims, the Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). “With a strong propaganda campaign, they wish to divert the attention for the crimes they committed. The creators of this campaign are precisely those who are facing invitations of the specialized courts and those who, we hope, will be charged for the gravest crimes,” says Drecun. Pristina is trying this way to completely disable the resumption of the dialogue with Belgrade. However, Serbia will not break under pressures to recognize independence of Kosovo. “They wish to strengthen positions that they had lately lost, as well as to divert the attention from the crimes committed by the KLA members,” says Drecun. The creator of this idea Kadri Veseli says that Kosovo has the capacity and that it will arrest war criminals. “They can only maltreat and falsely accuse the Serbs who live in Kosovo and Metohija, which had already been the case. The terrorist KLA is the one that had the genocidal plan on the creation of a Greater Albania by expelling all Serbs,” opines Drecun. Not a single international instance, which is authorized to speak about that, has launched this issue, neither the Security Council, neither the UN or the EU. “They have no mechanism to form some international court. Only if they have the support to blow up the story on an alleged genocide of the Serb side in order to then declare general amnesty and thus avoid processing,” explains Drecun. In all this, he says, such initiatives have an internal aspect turned towards the Albanian public, and the other part of the campaign is turned towards abroad. This is why Serbia will also launch a diplomatic offensive. “I will write a letter to members of the Serbian caucus to organize, if possible, for us to present to Congress members exclusively facts and for us to, thus, prevent the Pristina propaganda,” said Drecun.


Djuric: Referendum character of elections in north Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)


I expect the Serbs to voice political unity at the Sunday elections for mayors of four municipalities in the north of the province, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told Politika in an interview. He says the local elections in the Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija are always specific since Pristina slates them, but that the Serbs must take part in them by force in order to retain in their own hands the possibility to manage their local regions. “Therefore, the citizens are not expected to voice their stand on communal issues or topics of local significance, but the political message that greatly exceeds the very reason of voting. It is very important for the Serbs in Zubin Potok, Leposavic, Zvecan and Kosovska Mitrovica to vote in as large as possible numbers for the Serb List candidates in order to demonstrate how big is their strength and resoluteness to fight for their elementary political rights and how big is their capacity to resist Pristina’s all the more unscrupulous political diversions. The clearly and unambiguously expressed political will of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is necessary also as support in the fight conducted by our state on a daily basis on the international plane in order to protect its interests in the southern province,” notes Djuric.


Hocevar: Catholic Church should be included in solving Kosovo problem (Beta)


The archbishop of Belgrade, Stanislav Hocevar, reiterated his stance that the Catholic Church should be included in solving problems in Kosovo. Recollecting that the Catholic Church had great experience in assisting in the solution of similar problems throughout the world, Hocevar said it would be good if there was more cooperation in that sense regarding Kosovo, after a meeting with the Serbian minister without portfolio in charge of regional development, Milan Krkobabic. "The Catholic Church has a lot of experience in the preservation of monuments and we believe it is very important to preserve all religious and cultural monuments, because where the wealth of culture is preserved, the wealth of human identity is preserved, too," the Belgrade archbishop stated, adding that, for this reason, it is very important that dialogue exists. Assessing that Vatican's diplomacy was one of the oldest in the world and one with a great reputation,

Hocevar said that a solution for Kosovo would be found more easily if the Vatican, together with

Serbia, discussed this issue with other states. Krkobabic recollected that the Vatican had not

recognized the independence of Kosovo, assessing that this proved the seriousness and thoroughness of not making hasty decisions.




Prosecutor’s Office of B&H confirms they launched case against Dodik after Komsic filed criminal report against him (N1)


The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) received a criminal report that Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic filed against Chairman of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Komsic submitted this criminal report due to Dodik’s statement at the ceremony organized on May 12 in military barracks in Banja Luka on the occasion of marking the Day of the Third Regiment of B&H Armed Forces (AF) and the Day of Republika Srpska (RS) Army.

Komsic filed criminal charges against Dodik for saying members of the armed forces should wear the uniforms of RS army, next year. Dodik also said the abolition of the RS Army was a mistake.


Peace Implementation Council condemns Dodik's statements regarding B&H army (N1)


B&H Presidency is the commander in chief of the Armed Forces of B&H, and all members of the tripartite Presidency have a legal responsibility to ensure the functioning of the Armed Forces, and in no way call them into question, the international body overseeing B&H’s peace said Wednesday. "The Peace Implementation Council's Steering Board (PIC SB) unequivocally affirms that B&H's Armed Forces represent a key element of stability, cohesion and security of B&H and supports the role it has played in B&H as well as in a number of international peace-keeping missions" the statement said, following the Chairman of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik's speech on May 12, at the anniversary of the Third Infantry Regiment 'Republika Srpska' calling on Serb army members to wear wartime uniforms during next year's celebration.

"We support the full implementation of B&H's defence legislation, which clearly defines the chain of command, duties, responsibilities, and conduct of the members of the Bosnia's Armed Forces," said the PIC SB whose members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Presidency of the European Union, European Commission, and Organisation of the Islamic Conference, represented by Turkey. The Russian Federation did not join the PIC's statement.


Russian Embassy to B&H: No need for PIC SB to issue special statement on Armed Forces of B&H (BHT1)


The Russian Embassy to B&H stated on Wednesday that there was no need for the Ambassadors of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to issue a special statement on the Armed Forces of B&H. According to the Russian Embassy to B&H, the special statement does not contribute to solving the main problem – the problem of formation of authorities at the levels of B&H and the Federation of B&H. “With regard to Wednesday’s statement of the Ambassadors of the PIC Steering Board, we would like to emphasize that the Russian Federation supports the work of the central authorities of B&H based on the Constitution of B&H and relevant laws, including the Armed Forces that is not threatened by anything, in our opinion” reads the statement issued by the Russian Embassy to B&H.


Inzko: I will not use Bonn Powers today, but we will see what tomorrow brings (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Valentin Inzko commented statements of Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik regarding the Armed Forces of B&H and the demands for him to use the Bonn Powers, and he told that Dodik’s rhetoric is irresponsible and provocative, and it is unacceptable considering that the Armed Forces of B&H represent an important element of stability, cohesion and security of the state. “The Bonn Powers have not been discussed for years. That means that something happened in B&H. They have been discussed now more than ever. There are some disagreements, the Bonn Powers were there since the beginning, but they were activated in 1997, when it was realized that Carl Bildt (former High Representative) cannot work as fast as it was needed. Today I will not use the Bonn Powers. We shall see what tomorrow is going to bring” stated Inzko and pointed out that the international community always awaits the moves of the local authorities before starting to consider its next steps.


HJPC Vice-President condemns US Embassy meeting with judiciary representatives (N1)


The Vice-President of a special council that monitors the work of B&H judiciary condemned on Wednesday a meeting between some of her colleagues with the US Ambassador and the USAID representative in the country, saying their discussion over potential changes regarding the institution represents interference in B&H’s judiciary. US Ambassador Eric Nelson and the Assistant Administrator for USAID’s (United States Agency for International Development) Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, Brock Bierman, met with representatives of B&H’s judiciary to discuss potential changes of the law that regulates the election of judges and prosecutors by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). The HJPC appoints judges and prosecutors and disciplines them and Nelson and Bierman spoke to HJPC member Goran Nezirovic, State Court Judge Branko Peric and Chief Prosecutor in the Tuzla Canton, Tomislav Ljubic about potential changes to the law which they said would ensure a more transparent process and would thus strengthen rule of law in the country. HJPC Vice President, Ruzica Jukic, said it was “baffling that any embassy” discusses the law with any member of the HJPC. “No embassy has the right to interfere in the election process of the chief prosecutor or any other judicial position, nor to impose its solutions” Jukic said. She explained that she did not know anything about the meeting because “my colleague Nezirovic didn’t want to talk about it. I condemn this move by the US Embassy. Absolutely. For me, this represents interfering in the election process” she said, adding that since politicians are not allowed to interfere in the process, neither should any embassy be. “I cannot regard this as a well-intentioned move,” she said, saying it is wrong to “bypass and not invite vice-presidents, as we are the leaders of the HJPC” but to invite “some third-grade servants.” She said the President of the HJPC, Milan Tegeltija, was also not invited. “I believe that, if they mean well, they will come to the HJPC,” she said, adding that she considers “any invitation for individuals to go to the US Embassy” as “not well-intentioned.” Later on, Public Relations Office of the US Embassy issued a press statement to FTV, which reads: “As we have emphasized, US Ambassador Eric Nelson and Brock Bierman, Assistant Administrator for USAID's Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, met with representatives of judicial institutions. They discussed the need to amend the Law on HJPC in order to enable transparent appointment of judges and prosecutors, for the sake of strengthening the rule of law in B&H.”


Pacolli: We want good relationship with B&H (Oslobodjenje)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo and Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo government Behgjet Pacolli said: “We would want to have close and strong relations with B&H, and we are fully aware that majority of population and leadership of your country want the same. However, for the reasons we all know, our bilateral relations are facing obstacles and challenges.” Asked if he expects German Chancellor Angela Merkel to call on Serbia to acknowledge Kosovo independence, he said that the whole democratic world is going to insist on recognition of Kosovo, and call on Serbia to accept historical facts. “As long as Serbia refuses to accept this truth, and many other truths in the past 30 years, it will remain in darkness. The US and the EU are calling on this country to leave darkness” said Pacolli and pointed out that for Kosovo, the US is a guarantor that will ensure Serbia remains disciplined: “You know the role of the US in reining Serbia in its aggression.” Asked to comment nervousness of Belgrade and Banja Luka after the fact that Chairman of the Council of Ministers of B&H Denis Zvizdic was invited to attend a meeting of regional leaders in Berlin instead of Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik, Pacolli said: “Belgrade is, unfortunately, nervous about anything that does not speak ‘Serb’, and that is primitive. They must accept the fact that B&H, just as Kosovo, have not succumb to its goals neither during the war nor in the times of peace. Serbia must learn to live with this reality, despite the crimes and genocide in B&H, as it refuses to accept this fact 25 years later.” Kosovo FM continued to say that they are encouraged by the interest the EU is showing to the region, underlining that it will be impossible to become an EU member without respecting the EU principles. In conclusion, he said that Kosovo wants good relations with everyone in B&H.


Catalonia representatives visit Croatia, ignored by officials (Hina)


The Minister of Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of Catalonia, Alfred Bosch, visited Croatia on Wednesday, expressing great interest in the region and possible cooperation in industry and trade, while his host, County Prefect Radimir Cacic expressed surprise that state officials would not meet with the Catalan official, who is heading a Catalan government delegation on a working visit to Croatia. After meeting with Cacic, Minister Bosch said that there was a lot of room for cooperation, particularly in industry and trade. We can cooperate in all these areas and will continue talks. I am certain that we will reach certain agreements and utilize those opportunities, Bosch said. We are certain that we will identify opportunities and achieve cooperation of common interest, Cacic said. Cacic did not want to speculate why the president and prime minister would not meet with the Catalan delegation like Slovenia's President Borut Pahor and many others, who met with Bosch before he arrived in Croatia. The Catalan delegation will be in Zagreb this evening where it will attend a concert - "Catalonia, Harmony," which will be held ahead of a panel discussion where Bosch will present the program of the Catalan Delegation to Southeast Europe, called European Dignity, with emphasis on the future of human rights in Europe and on culture as the backbone of dialogue, respect, democracy, peace and development in building a free, open and inclusive Europe.

The Catalan government has a representation in Zagreb which covers almost all of Southeast Europe and maintains relations with Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria and Greece. The representations, which Spanish media outlets refer to as "embassies of Catalonia", were closed in the autumn of 2017 when the Spanish government took over direct rule over the province, which is one of Spain's 17 autonomous regions. After pro-independence parties won last year's elections in Catalonia and formed the government, Bosch, a member of the Catalan Republican Left party (ERC) became the Minister of Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of Catalonia. The Delegation of the Government of Catalonia reopened its office in Zagreb in March. "Zagreb is an important city in this region, it has a favorable strategic position," Bosch told Hina in an interview in March.


Boskovic: We want Russia and NATO to have better relations (RTCG)


Softening relations between Russia and NATO is in the interest of Montenegro as well, said the Minister of Defense, Predrag Boskovic. On the occasion of the anniversary of NATO accession, Boskovic said that Montenegro had achieved its first foreign political objective and started thinking about itself and its future. He added that NATO door was open for other WB countries.

“We’ve been trying to convince everybody, not only in the region but in Russia too, that Montenegrin NATO membership doesn’t jeopardize anybody’s interests. We are guided by our own national interests,” said Minister Boskovic. However, Russia fails to show understanding.

“That won’t stop us from adopting democratic values because future of Montenegro and its citizens lies in developed democracies,” said Boskovic. Commenting on the relations between Russia and NATO, Minister said that the relations had been through several phases. After the events in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine they’ve become more strained. “That relationship is frozen now. But we all want it to be melted, we all want issues at global and political stage to be tackled by dialogue, not use of force,” said Minister of Defense.


Markovic: Verdicts in the case of terrorism attempt are proof that judicial system is immune to pressures (CDM)


Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said in Bundestag that delivering verdicts in the process of the coup attempt was a proof that the judicial system in Montenegro was immune to all pressures.

PM informed the Board about the reforms which are under way. He put particular emphasis on the judicial system and fight against organized crime. “It’s obvious that organized crime is losing the battle with the country, institutions are becoming stronger and more efficient. I’d like to thank your country for the support in strengthening rule of law that will soon result in addressing your experts to the Ministry of Justice and Montenegrin Police Department,” said Markovic. He said that the judicial power has consolidated its capacities and raised the level of efficiency and accuracy. Verdicts delivered in the case of coup attempt was the most complex judicial process in the more recent history of our judicial system and we did a great, professional job. PM is in his two-day visit to Germany. He reminded that Montenegro had clear orientation and course. “We are the country which is going to join joint, foreign and security policy of the EU in any case, and the country that has turned out to be a responsible member and reliable NATO ally,” said PM. Markovic spoke with the members of the Board for European Affairs at the German Federal Parliament – Bundestag, and said that the EU had to be more present in the public of WB countries and send clear messages to our citizens, on a daily basis if necessary. “A discrepancy, that might be conspicuous at first sight, draws attention. The EU and western states are the greatest investors and donators at WB. This is what it looks like in the last 10 years: more than 8 billion investments, trade doubled – over €49,5 billion. EU is the main trade partner of the region and accounts for 73% of its trade. First and foremost, our citizen wants to live a better life. In that context, EU has to be more present,” said Markovic. Montenegro wants Germany as its partner, role model and objective observer of circumstances.


Zaev: Government changes in early June (Nezavisen vesnik)


Changes in leadership positions in ministries and state institutions will be known in the beginning of June, followed by interventions in municipalities by the end of the month, said North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Zaev said several ministers, deputy ministers and directors will be replaced. “I already have the concept in my head. The main criteria will be arrogance, failure to meet citizens’ expectations, sluggish actions by officials, nepotism, remarks by the anti-corruption commission, all aspects will be taken into consideration. I believe we will take the proper solutions that will speed up the tempo in the country, because citizens expect concrete results after the big political decisions and the completion of the presidential elections,” Zaev told reporters. He said a meeting with DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and other coalition partners regarding the Government reshuffle is to be scheduled in the coming days. Zaev noted they are all responsible before the citizens. “Citizens are the ones who grade us. I have no obstacles or prejudices. It is my responsibility as the PM to perceive the citizens’ remarks and make the proper corrections,” added Zaev.


Pendarovski plans a “sweep” in intelligence services (Nezavisen vesnik)


At least four employees of the Intelligence Agency are facing dismissal from their posts, after Gjorge Ivanov leaves the presidential villa. The now former president used their services in his cabinet and in the agency under his control, but the change of Vodno will tighten the criteria, so there will be no room for those under investigation by the prosecutor’s offices. These are the first measures, but there will be a complete overhaul of the intelligence services, first in the Intelligence Agency, and then in the Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence, from which the new National Security Agency should be created. The President’s cabinet foresees two advisors for foreign affairs and two for internal affairs, including one for security. According to the information, the last remaining position is saved for Professor Aleksandar Spasov from the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Law in Skopje. The current security advisor, Sinisa Aleksovski, was supposed to complete his duties with the termination of Ivanov’s term, who, in turn, hired him back in the Intelligence Agency, knowing that his appointment was nearing its end. Exactly Aleksovski, who is associated with the bloody incidents in the parliament on 27 April 2017, is the biggest reason that Pendarovski announced he will “sweep” those who violated the law and the Constitution. “They will not be part of a team that is under the authority of the president” the newly elected head of state announced. Sinisa Aleksovski, along with Boris Josifovski, who served as general secretary in Ivanov’s office, was pointed out by the defendants on 27 April as active participants in the events that preceded that evening. That day, Josifovski was at the headquarters of VMRO-DPMNE, but according to Ivanov, there was nothing wrong with that, because he was a member of the party, so he could go there whenever he wanted. Aleksovski, meanwhile, reportedly informed the protesters that a state of war would be declared. “We need to distinguish between several things: Nikola Boskovski was mentioned by all accused who gave statements and they had direct contact with him, and Aleksovski was mentioned in the sense that someone has talked to him, so he just passed on information. We cannot put the two on the same level,” Prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska explains why Aleksovski is not charged in the case. Although Ivanov himself denied that he ever planned to declare a state of war, the mere mention of employees in the Intelligence Agency in the context of activities for overthrowing state institutions questioned the agency’s legitimacy, whose annual budget is over 3.5 million Euros, and half of this budget is spent on salaries. “What has happened over the past period was a devastation of this service. It was not meant to be a home for party personnel, but for professionals in this line of work. There are many flaws, for example, the Intelligence Agency does not have its own agents outside the country, which is unacceptable for a serious country. How can we get timely information if our people stay home? They cannot give a report only on the basis of what someone tells them, they must be present there and see for themselves. Also, employees in the Intelligence Agency are publicly known, if you send them to medical examination – one can read in their healthcare card where they work. What kind of intelligence agents are they if everyone knows them? In the west, even their closest family members don’t know where they work. There are many such banal examples, there are many things that need to be corrected. First of all, a good budget should be provided, a good team should be equipped, there should be no political revanchism, that is, leave the professionals who were under Ivanov and reform the way of work. Pendarovski, as a person who has experience in dealing with the services, is aware of all this, and, undoubtedly, that there will be order there very soon,” said sources from the intelligence circles. The reform of the intelligence and security services was one of the three key requirements of the Alliance in the negotiations with North Macedonia, following the implementation of the Prespa Agreement and defense reforms. In December last year, NATO urged the government to reconsider and issue all security permits in the country after Macedonia’s accession, to ensure that internal information from member states and the Alliance will not leak, or be abused. In this context, the National Security Agency (NSA) has been announced, which should inherit the current UBK. It will employ some of the staff in the UBK, but there will be room for all that will meet the requirements and will pass the check on NATO standards. Those who will “fall” will be fired. This reform was due to begin on 1 June, but it will be delayed because the elections slowed down the processes in the parliament.


Hahn: European Commission will recommend the opening of accession negotiations for North Macedonia (Nezavisen vesnik)


The European Commission will recommend the opening of negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania’s accession in the European Union. This was confirmed by EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn. Hahn said that the recommendation will be made on 29 May, when the European Commission publishes its annual report on the progress made by countries which are part of the enlargement process. However, there are still no clear signals whether a date will be given on the launch of accession talks. North Macedonia’s Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov said in a speech delivered at the German Bundestag, that he’s expecting good news from the European community. “Despite the aggravated political situation in Europe today, despite the upcoming European elections, we cannot afford not to be a story of success. My country is a success story which must be encouraged and be supported if we want to make a difference” Dimitrov said. Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Bujar Osmani said that this summer, the country will obtain a date for the start of accession talks. “We’re working with EU member countries to prove that we’ve delivered all the necessary criteria to enter the second phase, namely, the launch of accession talks,” Osmani said. However, French ambassador to Skopje, Christian Thimonier has declared in the recent days that he cannot talk about dates before the publication of the European Commission report.


Political crisis, Kryemadhi raises concern at US State Department (ADN)


Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) Chairwoman, Monica Kryemadhi, was received this Wednesday by the US State Department Director of the Central and Southern European Affairs Office, Sultan K. Falkatko. During the meeting, Kryemadhi shared with Falatko opinions and concerns regarding the grave political and social situation in Albania and the political engagement of the SMI at this delicate moment for the country, according to SMI Chairwoman.

She underlined the special role of the US for Albania based on the extraordinary values of democracy that America represents for the country.