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Belgrade Media Report 02 September 2019



Continued support of Germany in EU integration process (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with Bundestag MP Peter Beyer to discuss relations between the two countries, economic cooperation, the situation in the region and Serbia’s EU integration, the Office for Cooperation with the Media of the President announced.

The interlocutors concluded that Germany is one of the most important economic partners of Serbia, as well as one of the largest investors in the Serbian economy. “We are interested in further improving economic cooperation, through continually growing trade and making use of investment potentials. The fact that German businessmen in Serbia are by and large satisfied with their business is encouraging,” Vucic stressed, adding that about 400 companies with German capital are doing business in our country, employing approximately 60,000 workers.

Political dialogue is characterized by developed cooperation in all areas and by very intense contacts, including frequent visits at the high and highest levels. “We highly appreciate the continued support in the EU integration process and expect Germany to continue to influence our reform efforts being adequately valued in the EU. The Serbian government is fully committed to implementing medium and long-term reforms. As we have done so far, we are focusing our efforts on Chapters 23 and 24, which are the most demanding,” said Vucic. Beyer stressed that there is no future of the EU without the integration of the Western Balkans. “Germany’s interest is a stable and economically strong region,” Beyer added. During the meeting, President Vucic emphasized that Serbia is fully committed to normalizing relations with Pristina in order to reach a compromise solution acceptable to both sides. “We expect that such a solution, if achieved, will receive the support of Germany, the EU and the wider international community,” Vucic said, according to a statement.


Dacic: Appointment of Palmer shows that US wants to speed up resolution of Kosovo issue (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Saturday that the appointment of Matthew Palmer as Special Representative for the Balkans is a sign that the US administration wants to speed up the Belgrade-Pristina negotiation process. Dacic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the format of the dialogue, which will continue to be held in Brussels, will not change. This is a sign that the US wants to formalize what they are constantly saying, and that is to encourage a swift resolution of the issue, that is, to encourage all parties in the Western Balkans to build regional peace and stability. Dacic said that not only this appointment is crucial, but that the key question is whether the US will pressure Pristina to abolish the taxes. Dacic said that Palmer is well aware of the situation in the region, but that his “handicap” is that he has been at the State Department for many years and has an established value system and mindset that may create certain stereotypes in the current situation. He estimated that Palmer is following the lines of the new US administration well and wants to reach a solution that would be permanent, noting that there are still issues on which there is no agreement between Serbia and the United States. He noted that other countries also have the position of a special representative for the Balkans, including Germany. Answering the question of whether our country will have to terminate the agreement with the Eurasian Union once it joins the EU, Dacic stated that Serbia has free trade agreements with various countries and that when it becomes an EU member it will have to respect its foreign trade and customs policy.


Dacic: Pristina major obstacle to improving regional cooperation (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Helsinki on Friday that Serbia expects the EU to take decisive steps to influence Pristina to give up unilateral moves and allow dialogue to continue and contribute to easing the tensions in the region. Dacic reiterated at an informal meeting of foreign ministers of EU member states, partners from the Western Balkans and Turkey, that full EU membership is Serbia’s key foreign policy priority. He pointed out that the format in which this meeting was convened is artificial, because it was not based on EU criteria for gaining candidate status, and is a kind of precedent. If the purpose of the meeting is to foster regional cooperation in the Western Balkans, or to reset regional dynamics, it remains unclear how this meeting can contribute to fostering regional cooperation when it is clear to all participants that Pristina’s behavior is a major obstacle to improving regional cooperation at the moment, Dacic emphasized. Failure to comply with the Brussels Agreement, flagrant breach of CEFTA by imposing 100% draconian fees, attempting to build an army against a valid UN Security Council Resolution 1244, attempting to curb historical facts and misuse of cultural heritage, restricting freedom of movement for officials to the citizens of Serbia proper in Kosovo and Metohija and the like, in this sense, they can by no means represent steps towards fostering regional cooperation, Dacic said. According to Dacic, our side strongly supports the dialogue on normalization of relations with Pristina, and the gross violation of CEFTA by the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina deserves stronger condemnation and must be urgently suspended. Dacic stressed that Serbia has the right to sign free trade agreements up to the point when it joins the EU - which is not around the corner and cannot be spoken about as a near future. Dacic said that at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Helsinki there were questions on the sidelines about what the free trade agreement with the Eurasian Union means. “There are no ambiguities or disputes regarding the EU. This is not about some kind of membership, it’s a free trade agreement that we have signed with several countries in the world, and some of those countries are also gathered around the Eurasian Union,” Dacic explained to his interlocutors.

He pointed Serbia will have to, once it becomes a member - just as Croatia had to do when it joined the EU - respect EU decisions, and that it will not be able to have independent free trade agreements with other countries. “But that’s when we join the EU. It’s not around the corner. We are not talking about this as a certain and near future,” Dacic emphasized, adding that it’s rude for anyone to now attack Serbia for working to advance its own interests.


Lutovac: Everyone who takes part in false elections will have to account for that (Beta)


The leader of the Democratic Party (DS) Zoran Lutovac said that everyone who takes part in a false election would have to account for that at some point. “Elections can be elections only if will is formed freely, if citizens can go to the polls without being blackmailed or under pressure, and vote for anyone they want, instead of having their job or anything else depend on their vote, of threatening them with consequences if they vote otherwise,” Lutovac said at a session of the United Democratic Party in Paracin. Lutovac said that that was illegal and warned that everyone accepting to succumb to such pressures will have to account for that at some point. In his opinion, the citizens can’t get relevant information on political views other than the ruling coalition’s. “This is a critical problem, and we need to start with it to clear things up. We do not accept taking part in a rigged vote,” Lutovac said.


SSP to boycott upcoming elections (FoNet)


Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) will boycott the upcoming general and local election, the party leader Dragan Djilas said after the Main Board session on Sunday. “In these conditions, where there’s only one prosecutor, judge and truth, the party decided not to take part in such elections,” Djilas noted. He said that the party decided to respect the Agreement with the people and that they expect other Alliance for Serbia (SzS) members to make a similar decision by 15 September.




Dodik’s announcement for filing initiative to RS parliament for restoring competences from B&H to entity level sparks reactions (N1)


The deadline for implementation of the agreement of SNSD, SDA and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on formation of the B&H authorities will expire in the upcoming week – on 5 September, which is when the fate of the agreement is expected to be known. Meanwhile, Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced that, if the agreement fails, he will file an initiative to the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament for restoring competences from the B&H level to the entity level. Specifically, Dodik intends to seek the RS’ withdrawal from agreements on the B&H Armed Forces (AF), the B&H Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA), the Court of B&H and other joint institutions in B&H. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak (PDP) warned that Dodik’s announcement is madness and accused Dodik of calling for a new war. Crnadak underlined that SNSD would show it is calling for a new war if it does not give up on its intention to bring down the B&H AF, ITA and the Court of B&H. “I am certain that the people of the RS do not want to wage a war”, Crnadak noted, adding that the people particularly do not want to wage the war just because SNSD and its coalition partners are not a part of the B&H authorities. Crnadak added that the future of the RS should not be put at risk because of the interests of SNSD. “The people will not support such an adventure, because no one wants new mobilizations or wars. SNSD has its partners and the majority in the B&H parliament. They signed the agreement, they need to implement it. No one is keeping them from doing this, but SNSD should not put into question the position of the RS within B&H,” said Crnadak.


Reactions to B&H FM Crnadak’s comment on Dodik’s statement (RTRS/TV1/ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted on Sunday to the statement of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak (PDP), who accused Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik of calling for a new war with the announcement of bringing down the B&H Armed Forces (AF), the B&H Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA), the Court of B&H and other joint institutions. In her reaction, Cvijanovic said that Crnadak’s statement is scandalous and utterly irresponsible and assessed that it aims to introduce fear among the people and encourage the foreigners to protect SDA to detriment of the RS. Cvijanovic warned that speaking about the war is “irresponsible nonsense” that Crnadak is doing only to keep the seats that “election losers” from the RS are currently holding in Sarajevo. The RS President was quoted as noting: “Citizens of the RS expect that their constitutionally guaranteed rights are respected and this includes the right to representation in line with their election will. Therefore, Crnadak made this statement hoping that someone else, instead of the citizens in the elections, would preserve his ministerial seat in Sarajevo.”

MP of SNSD in the B&H Parliament Stasa Kosarac said that the statement of Crnadak is heightening tensions and inciting the political crisis in B&H. Kosarac said that SNSD has never called for the war or any sort of an armed conflict. He said that Crnadak is equalizing the blame of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H, even though everybody knows SNSD is not conditioning the formation of authorities. According to Kosarac, Crnadak is currying favor with “the foreign factors that did everything for the agreement on formation of authorities to fail”. Kosarac noted that SNSD has never called for the war and stressed that not even SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic made the kind of statements like Crnadak did. Chairman of the Executive Committee of SP RS Slobodan Protic believes that it is time for Serb’s unity, not for wars, which was mentioned in the statements made by Minister Crnadak. Serb delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Dusanka Majkic assessed Crnadak’s statement as “scary” and pointed this is not the best time for any inflammatory rhetoric, as “B&H already has enough problems”. Majkic also said that Crnadak’s stance is that the RS should accept everything that is being imposed and prepared “in the Sarajevo cuisine, thanks to his PDP, and SDS”. ‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic pointed out that, in recent days, it is visible that PDP wants the Annual National Program (ANP) for NATO to be submitted in procedure, which goes on to show that PDP is participating in “that project”. Stevandic said: “Those are people who are willing to cause conflicts only to preserve a couple of seats.” Stevandic added that PDP is working to detriment of the RS and its people. Stevandic called Crnadak’s response a “reckless statement” which shows “Crnadak is afraid of losing his seat in the B&H CoM”. Stevandic believes Crnadak, B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic to be the worst Serb representatives in the Council since it was created. HDZ B&H leader and President of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic commented the latest developments on B&H political scene and warned that a cause of the conflict between Bosniak and Serb politicians regarding the Annual National Program (ANP) should be searched in the idea of Bosniak politics, which manifests through attempts to expel the terms people and constituent status from the Constitution and to introduce a civic state, which can never pass. Covic underlined that Croats in B&H want to join the NATO and EU, as soon as possible, stressing that this is the matter of logic for Croats in B&H, being that Croatia is already a member of both the EU and NATO.


Komsic: SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H might implement their agreement, but there is also possibility of dissolution of parliament of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Chairman of the Presidency of B&H and DF leader Zeljko Komsic commented the political crisis in B&H said that if Member of the Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik requests new session of the Presidency of B&H, he is going to schedule it, but he does not believe that is going to happen at all. “However, considering mutual relations between Dodik and (candidate for Chairman-designate of B&H Council of Ministers) Zoran Tegeltija, I am almost certain Dodik will not request it anymore” said Komsic. Asked how the situation could be resolved, Komsic said there are different options, including the implementation of the agreement of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H by the end of this week, as well as formation of new parliamentary majority. “It is also possible for the House of Representatives of the Parliament of B&H to call for its own dissolution, or for it to be done by the OHR, so we can organize new elections,” said Komsic and concluded that there is also a possibility that nothing is going to change.


PIC SB expresses support for political dialogue that would lead to formation of authorities at all levels in B&H (BHT1)


Ambassadors of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB) issued a statement on Friday expressing support for the political dialogue that would lead to the formation of authorities at all levels in B&H and facilitate unconditional progress towards reforms that are consistent with existing policy goals and commitments. The PIC SB reaffirmed its position that entities and institutions must abide by existing legislation and legally binding arrangements. “Reforms such as the defense reform, creation of a single High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) at the state level, and creation of state-level indirect tax authorities were carried out with the full support of the entity and state-level parliaments”, reads the statement. “The PIC SB encourages political dialogue that would lead to the formation of authorities at all levels and facilitate unconditional progress towards reforms that are consistent with existing policy goals and commitments”. The PIC SB reiterated its stance that entities and institutions must respect existing laws and legally binding arrangements while reminding that reforms, such as the defense reform, as well as the formation of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H and the Indirect Taxation Administration of B&H, were conducted with full support of entity and state parliaments. The statement further reads that the PIC SB wants B&H to make progress and achieve its full potential in its reform path in close cooperation with the international community.


Russian Embassy to B&H: We are forced to say agreement of three political leaders practically failed (BN TV)


The Russian Embassy to B&H stated on Friday that they are forced to say that the agreement of the three political leaders signed on August 5 practically failed. The statement also reads that irreconcilable positions about sending of the Annual National Program (ANP) for the NATO have blocked the dialogue and this situation can last for indefinitely long. The Embassy stated that at the same time, important issues of the country will not be solved, political and inter-ethnic tensions will keep on growing. The Embassy noted that it is their opinion that issue regarding of authority formation became urgent, stressing that uncertainty is paralyzing the work of institutions, the country is undergoing deep political crisis, which affects wellbeing of citizens, prevents implementation of necessary reforms and damages B&H’s international position. “Irreconcilable positions regarding submission of ANP, have blocked the dialogue. Such situation can last indefinitely long. At the same time, important issues for the country will not be solved, political and ethnic tensions will increase” reads Embassy’s statement.


President Grabar-Kitarovic: Croatian people contributed the most to the antifascist struggle in Europe (HRT)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was in Warsaw on Sunday for a commemoration marking the 80th anniversary of the start of the Second World War. President Grabar-Kitarovic said she and other state officials from around the world were in Poland to honor all the victims of the war, both in Poland, which was the first country to start fighting the Nazi war machine, and in all other states which stood up in the defense of freedom and peace in Europe and the world.

"The Croatian people, proportionate to its population, contributed the most to the antifascist struggle in Europe in which more than half a million Croatian citizens actively took part," the president said. "We are marking 80 years since the start of World War II, which is a highly important anniversary for Croatia, Poland and the whole world," she said. The president also said the war served as a reminder "to build and keep world peace, security and stability, so that we never again have to face the threat of a world or any other war," she added.


Djukanovic regrets that Russia and other Yugoslav nations didn’t attend the Warsaw event



The ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the beginning of World War II would be more complete if only Russia attended it, as I’m thinking about the dominant role the former Soviet Union played in the liberation of Europe and the Allied victory over fascism, President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic told in Poland. He also said he regretted that no representatives of some other Yugoslav nations attended the event. “Starting from Serbia, which, together with us, enormously contributed to the great victory in the National Liberation War that represented an important part of the overall victory over fascism” President Djukanovic stated. He continued: “It seems to me that Montenegro has a need to be present in all places honoring the memory of and celebrating victory over Nazism, to attend and take part at all the events glorifying anti-fascism, as this all represents a permanent moral and state-political commitment of Montenegro throughout its whole history, including the existing Montenegrin society.” Djukanovic attended the central ceremony in Warsaw upon the invitation of the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda. Earlier, Presidents of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany, Andrzej Duda and Frank Walter Steinmeier opened the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II. The ceremony began symbolically at 4:40 a.m. in the Polish city of Wielun, when the first Nazi bombs blasted in Poland and killed the first civilians.


Dimovski: The National Security Agency starts working, UBK is history (Nezavisen vesnik)


The Director of the National Security Agency Viktor Dimovski at a press conference said that the National Security Agency is becoming operational, as its capacities have been put in function in line with the law on its establishment. Director Dimovski said today was a historic day.

“Today marks the end of a key phase of the process to reform the country’s security sector. Today, the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), which in the past was abused by individuals and group of people for their interests, is now a thing of the past… Today marks the start of a new era in the field,” Dimovski stressed. The National Security Agency, he said, is an independent institution that’s not part of the Interior Ministry and it marks the completion of reforms of the security and counterintelligence system in North Macedonia. The Agency will focus on implementing reforms in line with European security standards, thus contributing to the process of integration of the country into NATO and the EU as a factor of stability in the region, according to him. “With the formation of the Operational Technical Agency (OTA), the grip held for years by the UBK on the system for the interception of communications has been finally broken. It guarantees that illegal wiretapping will never happen again,” Dimovski vowed. A system of parliamentary and civil oversight has been established, according to him, adding the Agency would be fully transparent. “I’m confident that with the National Security Agency in compliance with the Constitution and the laws of our country and full implementation of the fundamental European values we will demonstrate commitment to and capacity in addressing complex security challenges in the coming period,” said Dimovski.


Mogherini: EU must have a sustainable approach on opening negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The EU High Representative, at the same time Vice President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini, has spoken about Albania’s integration, urging the EU to have a sustainable approach. “The European Union must have a sustainable approach when it comes to making decisions like opening negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania,” Mogherini said during a briefing following the informal meeting of EU and Balkan foreign ministers. Further, the senior EU official stated that developments in the region, integration and co-operation were the focus of discussions with the foreign ministers. “We were pleased to welcome our colleagues from the Western Balkan countries, six partners from the region. It is not the traditional format used over the past four or five years for inviting candidate country representatives. This does not make a precedent. Today, we just wanted to discuss developments in the region, integration, cooperation in the region and we wanted to do this together with our partners in the region. We do this several times at different levels. And we welcomed all six partners. We had an intense, lively, constructive conversation with them during which we emphasized the importance of being consistent with them, pursuing reforms, reconciliation processes and regional cooperation between them. They also stressed the need for a sustainable approach by the EU, especially when it comes to making decisions such as opening negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, as well as the decision for the Kosovo Visa Liberalization. We also emphasized the need for Pristina and Belgrade to return to the table mediated by the EU. I am encouraged by the positive spirit expressed during the meeting by both our partners and member states,” Mogherini said.




Hungary accuses EU of blocking Western Balkans accession (Emerging Europe, by Claudia Patricolo, 2 September 2019)


Hungary has blamed the European Commission for preventing the enlargement of the European Union, claiming that Europe can only be strong if the number of its member states increases.

“We Hungarians know this only too well, as we live in the neighbourhood of the Western Balkans, and we are perfectly aware that Hungary -and the European Union, too – have a vested economic, strategic, security and political interest in the enlargement of the European Union, and the integration of the Western Balkans region,” said the country’s minister of foreign affairs and trade Péter Szijjártó. Mr Szijjártó pointed out that not only has just one Western Balkans country (Croatia) joined the EU, but those countries which already have candidate status were unable to make any progress towards accession. “We expect the next European Commission to not decrease, but increase the number of member states, to accelerate the enlargement of the EU in the direction of the Western Balkans, to open up all the accession negotiating chapters with Montenegro and Serbia, and to accelerate the EU integration of the Western Balkans countries,” Mr Szijjártó added.


A Gas Pipeline Contract From Turkey Through Bulgaria to Serbia is Expected to be Signed on September 5 (Novinite, 2 September 2019)


Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said on Sunday that a gas pipeline contract from Turkey through Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Austria is expected to be signed on September 5th. He said at the 12th Summer University of GERB Youth Organization that he is currently working on this very important energy project that will ensure diversification of supplies. Together with the gas interconnector, Greece will achieve 100 percent diversification, Borissov said. The Prime Minister also commented on the Belene NPP project, saying that many countries are gathering in it, and there are many proposals. It is important because after 10-15 years, when the 5th and 6th units of Kozloduy NPP are closed, we will have to have replacement capacity, he explained.

Borissov also commented on major and important infrastructure projects for Varna, saying he would provide additional funding for them. He stated that GERB's candidate for mayor of Dobrich is Nadezhda Petkova - a specialist in European projects, who attended the forum.

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has confirmed that the draft budget for next year envisages a 10% increase in income. "Since we already consider the budget, with 10% guaranteed, we will raise revenue next year in all sectors."