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Belgrade Media Report 03 September 2019



Vucic dissatisfied  with dynamics in searching for missing (Beta/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic agreed with the delegation of the Coordination of Association of Families of Missing and Killed people during the 1990s wars in former Yugoslavia that the state should do more in searching for them, Beta reported. The delegation complained about “an increasingly negative stand” of the respective institutions across former Yugoslavia in finding the remains of the Serbs and asked for Belgrade’s help. According to official data, 10,167 missing people are registered across former Yugoslavia, one-third of whom are Serb nationals. A statement from Vucic’s office said he was not satisfied with the dynamics in searching for the missing people and supported the delegation’s demand for more state institutions to get involved in the search.


Djuric: Violence towards Serbs must be sanctioned immediately and most harshly (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Belgrade has for years been warning patiently and persistently international representatives and points to the fact that the bridge on the Ibar River has been the scene of more than 900 intrusions and attacks on the majority Serb part of Kosovska Mitrovica. “We are telling them that if you don’t want the repetition of the scenario from Pristina, Djakovica, Prizren, from areas where there are no more Serbs, don’t even think of imposing any kind of solutions not accepted by the local community. Any solution needs to be exclusively in agreement with the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Djuric. Speaking about the upcoming early parliamentary elections in Kosovo and Metohija, he notes the Serbs in the southern Serbian province need to be united and gather around the Serb List. “It is very important for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to be united towards the Albanians and all others, and this is why the Serb List is an important instrument of the state of Serbia, Belgrade in cooperation, communication and fight for achieving our interests in Kosovo and Metohija,” says Djuric.


Palmer: I hope Belgrade will stop its efforts for international de-legitimization of Kosovo (Tanjug)


My goal is to return Belgrade and Pristina to the negotiating table as soon as possible and to ensure the reaching of an agreement, states Matthew Palmer, new US Special Representative for the Western Balkans in an interview for Tanjug. He stresses that he has accepted the position because he believes he can achieve an agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina which would transform the entire Balkans, open Serbia’s and Kosovo’s European path and would be a positive thing for the region, Europe and the United States.

“Solution of the issue of Kosovo is very high on my agenda. We have a possibility and we want to use it”, says Palmer. The return of Belgrade and Pristina to the negotiating table is a short-term goal of the US, Palmer emphasizes. “Election in Kosovo takes place on 6 October, and in Serbia next spring. We will have a possibility to continue with the negotiations in between two elections, and we should use it. We hope that the both sides will use the opportunity that is presenting itself,” he stresses. Palmer says that there are many challenges in this process, and that one of them is to continue with the negotiations as soon as possible, while the other is to find enough common ground. He expressed his hope that the next Kosovo government will accept to suspend taxes so that the dialogue can be renewed, and that Belgrade will stop its efforts for international de-legitimization of Kosovo and lobbying for the revoking of recognition by other countries. All of that, according to him, is poisoning the atmosphere and making the return to the constructive spirit of negotiations hard. Asked why, if there are no red lines in the dialogue, as is officially repeated, is Serbia’s lobbying against Kosovo’s independence a problem, Palmer says that the lobbying has caused the taxes, which have become an obstacle to the dialogue. “Something like that is not helpful. Lobbying small countries to revoke their recognition may be a tactical success for Serbia, but it prevents Belgrade from maintain its interest and achieve normalization agreement. We hope that both sides will understand their interest and achieve an agreement,” he says. The US wants to see mutual recognition as a central part of the agreement, Palmer is unambiguous. He emphasizes that nobody should have a feeling that he has lost, and that there is no reason for a compromise not to be a victory for Serbia, Kosovo and international community. According to Palmer, both the US and Serbia want the same thing – progress towards the European future of Serbia. “We wish a European perspective for Serbia. Serbia has US’ support, which is also the case with Kosovo. We want to help the sides to meet, identify the points of common interest, but also their differences and to reach an agreement which would be best for their future,” he explained. Asked what would happen if there is no agreement, Palmer answers that both sides would be at loss. “We hope that it is possible to reach an agreement, and the friendship, support and active engagement of the US can be expected in the process,” states Palmer. Asked whether the interpretation of the part of the public about the connection between the urging of the West for an agreement to be reached by next June and Donald Trump’s wish that the solution comes within his mandate, Palmer says that the wish to achieve an agreement is not in accordance with American political calendar, but the fact that the longer the dispute lasts, the harder will it be to achieve an agreement. “I hope that the sides will understand the need for urgency and return to the dialogue as soon as the elections in Kosovo are concluded and the new government is formed,” concluded Palmer.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Revision of history dangerous (Tanjug/Beta)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko say that historical revisionism is not only sacrilegious but also dangerous. He was reacting to the failure to invite Russia and Serbia to the marking of the 80th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, held in Poland. “Today, in a number of countries, the propaganda of Nazi values ​​is done openly without any hesitation, there are attempts to justify Nazi criminals and their accomplices,” Botsan-Kharchenko wrote on Twitter. He emphasized that it was unacceptable to ignore these tendencies and added that the tragedy of the Second World War should never be repeated. The Russian Ambassador also wrote that it occurred to him today, on the first day of school,  those who did not invite Russia and Serbia, along with all the politicization, are simply bad students who did not study history hard enough.




Russian Ambassador to B&H Ivantsov meets with Dodik and Cubrilovic (ATV)


Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Petr Ivantsov held separate meetings with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska (RS) parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic, which took place in Banja Luka on Monday. One of the topics discussed on this occasion was the process of formation of new authorities in B&H, as well as the moves that the RS will make if the agreement signed by SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H is not implemented until 5 September. Participants of the meetings agreed that it is necessary to form new authorities as soon as possible, but they expressed no optimism that anything could change until the abovementioned deadline. Dodik was quoted as saying that the RS will therefore take all necessary measures to protect itself, explaining that the Annual National Program (ANP) is a “made-up story” intended to undermine the status of the RS and prevent its representation in an adequate manner. Dodik stressed that the RSNA will take a clear stance to protect the position of the RS. He also noted that the RS will not get into any kind of adventure, explaining that the session will be well-prepared and it will result in decisions on important issues. “Nobody will rush to the RS parliament to make some kind of revolution on September 6 already, but we will have to prepare comprehensive materials regarding the position of the RS in B&H and what we lost, including political rights and transfer of competences, mostly by unlawful or criminal activities of the High Representative,” Dodik explained. He stressed that it does not matter if the opposition will support the decisions of the RS parliament, adding that they might as well be absent from that session. “It is clear that they would do anything to spend a few more years at the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) instead of accepting the position that SNSD offered to them – to form the ruling authority together,” Dodik said, adding that he will not ask for consent of the opposition when it comes to the upcoming steps of the RS parliament. Ivantsov supported Dodik and said that Russia thinks that everything needs to be done in line with the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), which stipulates agreement among all three constituent peoples in B&H. He stressed that new authorities should be formed by those who were elected by people in B&H. Ivantsov said that Russia is aware of the complicated situation with regard to the ANP, so he deems that the issues that imply opposing views should be put aside, while dialogue should be dedicated to the issues on which compromise is possible. “I think there is a solution to the current situation. The basis for this solution is the agreement among the political leaders, which was signed on August 5. What was signed can and must be implemented. It is currently the simplest and the most rational possible solution to the current problem,” Ivantsov was quoted as saying. He also stressed that Russia supports economic cooperation with the RS unconditionally, adding that it wants Russian investors to work in the RS successfully.


SDA: If Dodik says he respects B&H laws, Dzaferovic will vote for Tegeltija; Dzaferovic: Dodik is trying to implement dictatorship in B&H (N1)


Three days before the deadline for the formation of B&H authorities set by leaders of SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H expires, it is very likely an agreement will not be reached and the authorities will not be formed. Representatives of SDA repeated on Monday that if President of SNSD Milorad Dodik says that he respects the B&H laws and agrees to the submitting of the Annual National Program (ANP) to Brussels, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic will support the appointment of Zoran Tegeltija as a new Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Dzaferovic said that otherwise there will be no dialogue whatsoever. Commenting on Dodik’s threats that RS will take back the competences that were transferred to the B&H level, Dzaferovic said that this is adventurism and Dodik will not succeed in this. He reminded that the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (SB PIC) held a session last week and stated that the institutions and Constitution of B&H need to be respected and no one can work on the undermining of them. Russia did not support this statement. Dzaferovic said that Dodik is trying to implement dictatorship in B&H. Commenting on the meeting between Dodik and Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov, Dzaferovic said that they do not need any ambassador to tell them what they will do in B&H. “Ambassadors have to respect the laws of this country, just as I do. Ivantsov’s statement is contradictory. In the first part he calls for the respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and sovereignty of B&H, and in the second he says that the ANP needs to be left aside,” said Dzaferovic.


Palmer: I am committed to working in partnership with authorities of all levels in B&H (BHT1)


The newly appointed US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer commented for media the future of B&H at the Bled Strategic Forum. He noted that the best diplomatic achievement in the region was the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) which stopped the war in B&H. Palmer underlined that the needed reforms for NATO integration are the same reforms needed for the EU path. He emphasized that the submission of the Annual National Program (ANP) does not mean NATO membership, rather a quality cooperation with NATO. He said that his appointment to the post of the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans shows the US’ dedication to this region. Palmer expressed hope that the B&H leadership will reach a compromise soon. “We are hoping that the leaders in B&H can find a path forward through compromise that allows everyone to come out from this feeling they won something, that their position is better, stronger. But fundamentally, what we need in B&H is the kind of political reforms that will support strong, functional institutions at the state-level as well as at the level of Federation of B&H. I am committed in working in partnership with the authorities in B&H at all levels – the state level, Federation of B&H levels, Cantonal levels in support of a European future for the people of B&H.”


Reactions to the appointment of Matthew Palmer to the post of the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans (BN/EuroBlic/ATV)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has expressed belief that the appointment of Matthew Palmer to the post of the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans will contribute to the agreement within B&H for the EU and NATO integration. “It is very important for B&H to reach a compromise through a new step forward in the form of political agreement between constituent peoples as soon as possible, in order to become part of a big EU and NATO family,” Covic stressed. Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak said that re-introduction of the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans indicates that Washington wants to accelerate solving of the most important outstanding issues in the region. Commenting on the appointment of Palmer, Crnadak said that this appointment confirms the intention of the US to help find certain solutions in the region. Crnadak noted that Palmer’s main task will be to help solve Kosovo issue, but this does not mean that he will not be active in other countries too, including B&H. “Palmer is fluent in Serbian language, he is very well familiar with relations in the region, he is a firm collocutor and strong in implementing of his policy. On the other hand, it is very important to know Palmer respects the Dayton structure of B&H and, by this, the position of the RS. All this makes me believe that he is someone we can communicate with in a normal way,” Crnadak said and concluded by saying that he is convinced that Palmer and politicians in B&H and region will produce good solutions for the future of the Western Balkans. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that the announced engagement of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer to be in charge of the Western Balkans does not mean anything to the RS. “It does not mean anything to us, whoever is in charge. Nothing. We are aware of the US’ attitude towards this region and I think we should not waste too much time or energy on this. We should do our job and let them do theirs,” Viskovic was quoted as saying.


Dodik: Grabar-Kitarovic’s statement that Croats mostly contributed to antifascist struggle is worst revision of history (ATV)


Commenting on the statement of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic that the Croatian people contributed the most to the antifascist struggle in Europe and that more than 500,000 Croatians took part in it, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Monday that this statement is the worst revision of history in which the past is being adjusted to the current geopolitical moment. “All heads of states who gathered in Poland yesterday are aware of the fact that the Independent State of Croatia was a satellite of fascist Germany and that the most brutal crimes against Serbs, Jews, Roma and other antifascists were committed in WWII within such country,” Dodik was quoted as saying. He said that Croatians did participate in the antifascist struggle of the people of the former Yugoslavia, but not to the extent that Grabar-Kitarovic refers to.


Canak: Russia won’t withdraw from its strongholds in Montenegro (Pobjeda)


The Balkans has always been place where conflicting interests meet. Great EU influence in the Balkans has narrowed the space and led to Russia finding its stronghold here. Russia won’t give up on those strongholds so easily, says president of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina Nenad Canak. “In that context, East-West combination, together with conflicting administrations in the Western Balkans and international dilettantism trend, leads to dangerous crime coordinates and anti-democratization of the entire region,” says Canak. As he points out, undermining democracy becomes visible through the marginalization of state institutions.

“Young and educated people are leaving the region. The future of the regions will be the future of abandoned countries, if something isn’t done urgently,” warns Canak. Asked if Serbia will recognize Kosovo reality, Canak says that it still remains an issue. “When there’s no solution to a problem, then it’s not a problem anymore, it’s a circumstance. In that context, independence of Kosovo is a circumstance. But how could we explain that to those who haven’t gone through detoxification process and cleaned themselves from the 90s poison,” says Canak. As far as the church issue is concerned, Canak thinks that Serbia is the country where it is almost impossible to understand anything. “The Constitution of Serbia stipulates that church should be separated from the state. On the other side, we saw a Yule log being taken into the building of Serbian Presidency, Ministry of Interior celebrating “slava” and priests being part of the Armed Forces of Serbia. Serbian Orthodox Church in Serbia lacks the power catholic church has in Croatia,” concludes Canak.


Government elects new ministers, opposition insists on early elections (Nezavisen vesnik)


Nina Angelovska is the new finance minister, while Hisen Xhemaili is elected minister without portfolio. Deputy Ministers were also appointed after a two-day debate in the Assembly, which included discussions on the economy, foreign investment, the rule of law and early elections.

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said the current government would extend its mandate by the end, and that no early elections were needed. According to him, with the date gained for the start of EU talks, with NATO membership and good economic parameters, the opposition’s chances of winning the election will be eliminated. “I think the people will hold this power for longer. According to my estimations, you from VMRO-DPMNE will be able to nominate ministers and deputy ministers after 9 years,” Zaev said during the debate in parliament. VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Zaev must not run in the election because he will lose power. “Let’s form a technical government go to the elections, then the one who loses will wish the opponent victory. But the reality is VMRO-DPMNE will achieve a convincing victory with 100 thousand votes difference,” Mickoski said, seeking again early parliamentary elections. The debate on the snap elections, power and opposition, comes a month before a new summit of European leaders in October, when it is expected to see whether or not North Macedonia will get a date for the start of accession talks.


Albanian Assembly kicks off the new parliamentary session (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Assembly kicks off the new parliamentary session. This is the first session in three decades that the Democratic Party is not part of the parliament. It was in February this year that the parliamentary opposition renounced their seats demanding the resignation of PM Rama. The seats of the Democratic MP-s and their allies were replaced by other candidates in the waiting list who created 3 new parliamentary groups, the “Democratic” group led by Rudina Hajdar, the “Independent” group chaired by Ralf Gjoni, and the group of “Right-wing parties”. These parliamentary groups will decide this session on whether or not to discharge Albanian President Ilir Meta, which requires 94 votes. The deadline for setting up an inquiry commission to investigate the 30 June election cancellation deadline expires in October. This committee will read the report, after the Venice Commission gives its opinion on the matter, and then the Assembly will decide the fate of President Meta. But this is not the only issue that parliament has to resolve. There are 9 laws that during the summer months the head of state has refused to decree. The majority will decide whether to accept his remarks or simply adopt them without changes. At the end of November, the term of the Electoral Reform Commission expires. It remains to be seen whether the electoral law will be changed with the new opposition, without the input of the Democratic Party, SMI, PDIU, or other opposition parties outside the Assembly. Meanwhile, the Justice Appointments Council has verified the candidacies and has submitted the list to the parliament for approval. In this session, parliament will also approve two more members of the Constitutional Court.




Situation in western Balkans still fraught with risks: Bulgaria's deputy PM (Xinhua, 2 September 2019)


SOFIA, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) -- The situation in the western Balkans still fraught with risks, and the Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries in the region will not be easy, Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov said here on Monday. While several analysts say that the Euro-Atlantic integration of the western Balkans region is deepening, "we are obliged to point out the real facts," Karakachanov said when opening the new academic year at the National Defense Academy. "The situation in the western Balkans continues to generate risks," he said. The long-standing problems of political confrontation in North Macedonia, combined with inter-ethnic confrontation and enormous corruption, create the preconditions for instability in this country, Karakachanov said. In countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also in certain regions of Serbia, the process of Euro-Atlantic integration requires increased attention and thorough analyses, he said. This "will not be an easy process, and unfortunately it will not be quick," Karakachanov added. He also said that terrorist threats, migration waves, organized crime, as well as cybercrime remained the main risks and threats to the national security of Bulgaria and to Europe as a whole.