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Belgrade Media Report 16 September



Vucic: I hope for understanding with U.S. and Albanians, for achieving lasting peace (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he hoped for understanding in Serbia's talks with the U.S. and Kosovo Albanians, in order to reach a durable peace. When asked by reporters for a comment on the departure of U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton, President Vucic said the Serbs liked Bolton's position on Kosovo, but that the talks with the U.S. administration would continue nonetheless. Vucic visited the central Serbian village of Pranjane, where he attended the 75th anniversary of the Halyard Mission, a 1945 rescue mission for American airmen by the Yugoslav homeland army. Vucic said that now is the first time that Serbia feels

that the U.S. administration is a partner willing to listen to what the country had to say on its most challenging issues, even if no consensus was possible. "I don't want to be the president of a country that makes America an enemy. Serbia has had enough blood and devastation, we want jobs, new roads and a better life. And I'm asking you to understand our cry" Vucic said. The president said that it was not always pleasant for the Serbs to remember the U.S.'s position during the Yugoslav crisis, but that the Serbs, too, should ask themselves how did they make America their enemy, after a great alliance between the two states in both world wars. "Have we done anything wrong or we will always be sinless? And you, Americans, ask yourselves have you, because of your own global conflicts with other great powers, perhaps sacrificed one of your greatest and most loyal allies and shifted to some other side for not quite clear reasons," President Vucic said. Vucic thanked the outgoing U.S. ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott, who also attended the ceremony, for everything he had down to improve the bilateral relationship. Talks with Ambassador Scott, those on Kosovo more than the others, were not always easy and pleasant, but they certainly were open, Vucic said.


Scott: U.S. to urge Kosovo’s new government to lift tariffs, return to dialog (Beta)


U.S. ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott, said that his country would urge Kosovo's new government to lift 100 percent tariffs on Serbian products and return to the negotiating table. Speaking to reporters the diplomat said that by keeping the tariffs, Pristina couldn't possibly assist efforts to reconcile Albanians and Serbs. When asked to comment on a decision by the Kosovo Central Election Commission to allow only the voters with documents issued by the Kosovo authorities to vote in a snap parliamentary vote on Oct. 6, Ambassador Scott said that the same rule applied in a recent election in Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo, and that everyone succeeded in voting. The diplomat added the U.S. was monitoring the situation.


Brnabic: Serb-Albanian agreement only way to peace in the Balkans (Blic)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Blic daily that a historic agreement between Serbs and Albanians is the only way to achieve lasting peace in the Balkans. She said that can only be achieved through a compromise which means that both sides would lose something and win something”. “We should get the most that we can and loose the least that we can. There can be no solution without a compromise and both sides could get a lot – a more stable, happier future, long-term peace and prosperity” Brnabic said. The prime minister said there is no point in talking about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue before the Kosovo government revokes the 100 percent tariffs on Serbian goods. “I can only hope that the decision will be taken in the near future because, as much as the tariffs have affected us here in central Serbia, they are causing the most damage to the people living in Kosovo – both Serbs and Albanians” she said.


Speaking about her coming meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Brnabic said that Serbia has proved to be Germany’s reliable and predictable partner despite differences in views on Kosovo. “Chancellor Merkel’s support was very significant in many situations. She remained committed to the Western Balkans at a time when that was not politically opportune. We will always appreciate that” Brnabic said.


The prime minister said that she is not even thinking about the opposition’s decision to boycott the coming elections, adding that this is their democratic right and their only way out the situation that they caused themselves. “When you have a policy of insults and threats with no constructive criticism and without an ounce of objectivity to say that something good has been done for a long time, you get to a point when you have neither the support nor the ideas to take part in parliamentary elections which you have known are coming for four years” Brnabic said.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Serbia’s accession to NATO would justify alliance’s 1999 atrocities (Politika)


The West "don’t believe at all that Serbia could have the freedom of choice, namely in orienting itself towards Russia", Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said. The North Atlantic Alliance has been pushing for Serbia’s accession since this would justify all NATO’s atrocities in the country, Botsan-Kharchenko said in an interview with Serbian daily Politika.


"Yes, we hear that Serbia has a choice and shortly after this we hear a statement by another official who speaks about a "Euro-Atlantic prospect" for Serbia and they [the West] don’t believe at all that Serbia could have the freedom of choice, namely in orienting itself towards Russia. For a Euro-Atlantic seizure of this region Serbia is a stumbling block and everything what they have done to Serbia, failed to produce the designed effect: Serbia and the Serbian people have not gone down on their knees, the country is seeing renovation and its potential is strengthening. Why do you think they are so insisting that Serbia should join NATO? That’s because Serbia’s accession to NATO would justify all atrocities that NATO had committed here," the Russian diplomat said.


Speaking on Kosovo and Metohija, the Russian diplomat recalled Moscow’s stance that the problem should be solved through dialogue and compromise, relying on the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1244. The ambassador stressed that Russia was not against moving the consideration of the Kosovo and Metohija issue to Brussels, since this was Belgrade’s wish.

Commenting on Russia’s participation in the Kosovo issue, the envoy said Moscow needed Belgrade’s invitation, highlighting that the concept of such talks should be outlined beforehand.


When asked to comment on Germany’s position, which opposes a possible split of Kosovo and Metohija, warning that this would "create a precedent," the diplomat noted that Russia did not back this idea or any other option.


"But we cannot understand the statement that Kosovo’s split would set a precedent in Europe. The former Yugoslavia was divided in all possible ways. And then it turns out that neither the split of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia nor the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was a precedent, but Kosovo’s split would be a precedent. These are very strange statements" he said.


According to the ambassador, Russian-Serbian relations were seeing an unprecedented height at the moment. "The best balance has been reached between a Euro integrational and Russian vector without any damage for both," Botsan-Kharchenko said. Besides, Russian companies are ready to fulfill strategic projects in Serbia, most notably in energy. The diplomat also recalled that the construction of Turkish Stream’s part in Serbia from the Bulgarian to the Hungarian border has been very robust. In total, Russian companies have invested more than $4bln in Serbia. The investment by Russia’s third largest oil producer Gazprom Neft has exceeded $3bln, and by 2025 the company plans to pour another $1.4bln. Lukoil has allocated $345 mln, and investments by Russian Railways have also shown serious dynamics. "We are seeking to become number one in terms of investments in Serbia, and this also concerns trade turnover. Our goal is to bring this number from $3.5 bln to $4 bln per year," the Russian diplomat said. Another important stage in bilateral relations will be the signing of a treaty between the Eurasian Economic Union and Serbia on October 25, the envoy said.


Zakharova:First US apologies and compensation for bombing Yugoslavia, then look to the future (Tanjug)


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said US must apologize for the bombing of Yugoslavia, and then they can ask others to look to the future. "The United States must apologize for bombing the former Yugoslavia back in 1999 and pay compensation to the relatives of those killed and injured in the US-backed NATO air raids, and then they could ask others to look into the future" Zakharova said. She reacted to the statement given by outgoing US Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott, who said that the Serbs should look at NATO’s bombings in 1999 from a "broader perspective", so that Serbia and United States can overcome the crisis in their relations that ensued after the air raids of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Zakharova said that for a start, United States should, apart from apologizing, pay compensation to the families of the killed and wounded, and "to those whose health was damaged because of shells loaded with depleted uranium".  "And only when this is done, when the proper groundwork has been laid, can it call on others to move forward", Zakharova concluded.


“Neither Serbia nor the United States can take back time. But we can consider the year 1999 from a broader perspective" Scott said for daily Kurir.  "Relations between the United States and Serbia in the past were mostly good, except for the 1990s and the events that took place under Milosevic's rule. 20 years have passed since then, it is time to move forward and improve our relations, we have a very good foundation for such progress. Namely, we share a common vision that Serbia belongs to the European Union,” he added, and pointed out that Serbia and the United States are connected by “strong historical and cultural ties”.


Democratic Party united opts for boycott (Beta, Tanjug, Danas)


The Democratic Party United decided to boycott the next parliamentary election in Serbia, which according to the law must take place by spring 2020. The Steering Committee opted for boycott due to "the obvious unwillingness of the regime to provide the basic conditions for a fair election and free expression of the will of the people." The party said in a press release that boycott was "not the goal" of its policy and that the decision did not "mean giving up the fight for a democratic transformation of the state and a free and fair election." "The decision to boycott the election in these circumstances entails and even greater struggle to change electoral conditions, which we will not abandon. We continue that struggle not just domestically, but also through cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Commission and other international institutions and representatives," the Democratic Party United announced. It is made up of the Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party of Boris Tadic and the Together for Serbia party. The Social Democratic Party was created from a splinter faction when Tadic, a former president of Serbia, left the Democratic Party. Together for Serbia was also established by a former Democratic Party official, Dusan Petrovic.


Tadic said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had the support of some in the international community "because Serbia has been reduced to just the Kosovo issue." "They just expect Vucic to do what he promised about Kosovo, and no one is paying attention to the most pressing matter, and that is the rule of law and human freedoms," Tadic told a session of the Steering Committee of the Democratic Party United. The Democratic Party United also includes the Democratic Party and the Together for Serbia party. Tadic, a former Democratic leader, said he had no intention of taking over the Democratic Party United, but that he only wanted to offer his "experience in victory, and even more in defeat." Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac said the Democratic Party United would remain "the pillar of change in Serbia." "We must ensure a democratic electoral process so people can vote without pressure and secretly" Lutovac said. Lutovac commented on the decision of the Democratic Party United and its members to boycott the coming election saying that a boycott "is a legitimate path to rights when they have been usurped."


Democratic Party of Serbia president Milos Jovanovic has stated that the idea of boycotting the coming elections had been imposed, recklessly and prematurely, in the interest of domination within the Serbian opposition. "It's all terribly short-sighted... We err if we replace the single-mindedness imposed by the government with the single-mindedness imposed by the opposition," Jovanovic told Danas daily. The leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia said he was personally against a boycott, but that the party would decide once the election is called. Jovanovic believes that the boycott will bring Vucic absolute authority without any avenue of disputing it, other than the street.


The People's Party had started a campaign to boycott the upcoming parliamentary, local and provincial elections, party leader Vuk Jeremic said. "Since the media are not open and available, and will not be, we have started a campaign on the ground. We will tour all of Serbia in a stronger campaign then if we were to run in the coming fake and rigged election" Jeremic said. Jeremic voiced the hope that soon other antigovernment organizations would opt to boycott the election. "The sooner we all get off the fence and launch a joint campaign to boycott the election, the better the results" Jeremic said. According to Jeremic, the spring 2020 election will not be to determine who enters the parliament, but whether this "corrupt and backward" regime, "has the legitimacy to rule another four or more years or not." "It is the position of the People's Party that it does not, and that the sooner that regime ends, the better for the people of Serbia. The fastest road to the end of the regime of the president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party Aleksandar Vucic is through boycotting the system that the regime created" Jeremic stressed.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


SDA adopts Program Declaration on formation of a state called ‘Republic of B&H’ (BHT1)


The seventh Congress of SDA took place in Sarajevo on Saturday. Over 1,300 delegates attended the Congress and unanimously re-elected Bakir Izetbegovic as the SDA leader for another term in the office. Izetbegovic was the only candidate for the post of the party leader.

SDA adopted a Program Declaration with a primary and long-term goal to build a democratic, regionalized state with the rule of law, under the name of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The Program Declaration advocates that the Republic of B&H should have one president and one government, as well as that the focus should be set on the citizens. According to the latest amendments to the party’s Statute, at least one woman should be elected as the Vice-President of SDA.

Addressing the delegates, Izetbegovic welcomed the unanimous decision of delegates for his re-election as the party leader as a reflection of the support he has in that party. Izetbegovic pointed out that SDA’s Program Declaration aims to preserve and defend the truth about what happened in B&H in the period 1992-1995. “That truth is being threatened”, said Izetbegovic. The SDA leader went on to call for completion of affirmation of the “culture and identity of Bosniaks” and for “making a step forward towards Bosnianhood”. According to the SDA leader, “Bosniakhood and Bosnianhood” cannot be in collision. He specified that the Program Declaration presented a vision of how B&H should function, but that consent of other peoples is required.

Izetbegovic noted that the Program Declaration stipulates integration processes – both the EU and NATO, as well as reforms which are needed on the EU path. The Program Declaration also addresses the Bosniak and Bosnian identity and the relation between the two, as SDA strives to conclude the affirmation of the identity of Bosniak people while working towards a Bosnian identity. Izetbegovic noted that there is to be no collision between the two, explaining that Bosniaks are in essence Muslim Bosnians.


Serb officials’ reactions to SDA Program Declaration (RTRS)


The Program Declaration of SDA, officially presented at the seventh SDA Congress in Sarajevo on Saturday, sparked a series of reactions. Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that Serbs are forced to live in B&H and, since B&H is compulsory to them, Serbs are ready to preserve peace, but are not willing to be tortured by Bosniak political elites. Dodik assessed that SDA has been toying with B&H, which the party would want to organize the way that suits them, for a longer period of time. According to Dodik, SDA’s program declaration is based on the Islamic Declaration of (first B&H President and SDA founder) Alija Izetbegovic. Dodik warned that there can be no B&H without Republika Srpska (RS), which - in his opinion - cannot be abolished. Dodik finds that B&H is maintained by the international factor, while being disunited by SDA’s actions. SNSD leader was quoted as saying: “We will read that (Declaration) very carefully and, if they are permitted to do such a thing, then it is completely normal for us to consider that we are permitted to deal with the issue of self-determination and secession. So, we have no reason to be with others who do not want us and who do not want to accept those realities”.


President of the RS and SNSD Vice-President Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted by saying that people in SDA have established some political goals that have nothing to do with reality. “The story of bringing back the Republic of B&H is simply groundless. They do not want to be tolerant, they do not want us to sit down together and respect one another” said Cvijanovic, and accused SDA of avoiding resolving of concrete issues.


‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic assessed that SDA’s program declaration is unconstitutional and that, as such, it cannot be implemented. Stevandic stated: “They are sending a bad message”. He added that they are supposed to find out whether there is a hidden support of a part of the international public for this. “This is a big surprise because a couple of years ago, members of SDA and their leader announced abolition of the entities at the Fifth Congress. Speaking about the Declaration, Stevandic underlined that it is unconstitutional. “It is not in line with the (B&H) Constitution. The Constitution stipulates competences of the entities, joint bodies and municipal authorities. At this moment and in this case, they are trying to erase the will of the entities and the constituent status of the peoples. This is the biggest attack on the Dayton Agreement which is why it is very important to see how countries of the international community will act, especially the Quint countries”. Stevandic expressed hope that Embassies of the UK and the US to B&H and the OHR will not skip to react to this, like they did in the case of singing “Srbe na vrbe” (‘Hang Serbs on willows’). According to Stevandic, a division of B&H to regions mentioned in the SDA Declaration is also unconstitutional, anti-Dayton, anti-Serb and anti-Croat. “This is unbelievably brave. We should say that there is no peaceful way to abolish the entities, the Cantons, rights and the will of Serbs and Croats. This can only be abolished in case of a conflict and in case of sacrificing peace. We remember very well how the adventure of (late leader of SDA) Mr. Alija Izetbegovic - who publicly said in front of everyone that he is ready to sacrifice peace for B&H - ended. The RS must be loud and warn of these facts in order to oblige international factors, the Quint countries and the OHR that this is actually an attack on peace, an attack on sovereignty and an attack on the constitutional order” said Stevandic.


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated that even in case of adoption, the document cannot be implemented. In his opinion, the document cannot contribute to any progress of B&H. “The stance of SDS is that the Dayton Peace Agreement and this kind of organization arising from the peace agreement is the best for B&H and the most optimal framework and everything else is an incredible adventure” said Sarovic.


President of the Association ‘Creators of the RS’ Momcilo Krajisnik also commented on the Declaration and said that the RSNA should announce its stance on the document and that this standpoint should represent a basis for representatives of the RS, in future negotiations on the status of the Serb people.


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak (PDP) said on Sunday that the Program Declaration adopted by SDA is an activity undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement, adding that it is the document aimed against Serb people and the RS, but also against B&H. He added that the attempt to implement the Declaration would jeopardize peace and stability in B&H, the Balkans and this part of Europe. Crnadak said that this document is in opposition to interests of B&H, because B&H can survive on the ground of an internal agreement between two entities and three constituent peoples. Crnadak hopes that those in the RS who have been supporting the initiative on formation of the third entity in B&H can now see how dangerous is to change anything regarding the DPA. Minister Crnadak emphasized that SDA’s claims that they will not give up on the intention to change the name of the RS represent additional provocation. He expressed hope that the international community will react to SDA’s activities and decisions, adding that it is especially important to hear stances of the EU regarding this issue. Minister Crnadak stressed that people in B&H should be working on improvement of their mutual relations, adding that things like the Declaration have opposite effect.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Sunday that Serbia will give its stance on the SDA’s Declaration. He stressed that any kind of game related to undermining of Dayton principles would mean big problems for everyone, noting that “any solution in B&H must be result of the agreement between the three constituent peoples because anything other than that would lead in a wrong direction.” Vucic assessed that the SDA’s Declaration is much more important document compared to how someone wants to present it, adding that Serbia will have a serious attitude towards this. “We are one of the countries signatories who are guarantors of the Dayton Peace Accords implementation, and peace and stability are the most important for us” Vucic concluded.


Other reactions to SDA Program Declaration (Hayat, N1)


Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic commented on the Program Declaration of SDA, which calls for the formation of the Republic of B&H. Komsic said that only with the rejection of the ethnic and principles of constituency, and with implementation of the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the idea of B&H as a civic country can be taken more seriously.


President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that he will support every solution which is the result of consensus. He added that there have been very interesting proposals about the organization of B&H in the past 25 years and all of them are legitimate. Covic said that if they are able to find a solution which will be adopted by the majority of the three peoples with constituent status and which will be in accordance with the EU standards, HDZ B&H will absolutely support it. Covic pointed out that the model of a civil state, which SDA proposes, is absolutely inapplicable. Covic presented an opinion that B&H is an ethnically divided country that can be managed only through federalism. “They are trying to ensure domination of one people, which is unacceptable as well as risky for B&H” Covic added.


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) issued a statement on Sunday reacting to the SDA’s Program Declaration and which includes an idea of building a state of B&H under the name of Republic of B&H. HNS rejected the goals and direction of activities that was defined in the Declaration. HNS assessed that the Declaration is unacceptable and does not move in the direction of survival and stability of the state. According to HNS, the Declaration is particularly unacceptable for Croats, who are working together with Bosniak partners and who are fighting for equality of peoples and citizens.


Independent Bloc (NB) leader Senad Sepic, who is a former member of SDA, assessed that the Program Declaration is “both ridiculous and sad”. He reflected on the fact that the Program Declaration proposes turning B&H into a Republic of BiH, saying that he is surprised that SDA did not try to propose renaming B&H into “Kingdom of Bosnia”, a name from the medieval era when the state was the most developed it has ever been. “Perhaps the position of the Republic of B&H is not enough to them”, he remarked.


Our Party leader Predrag Kojovic also commented on the SDA Program Declaration, reminding that both SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic are aware that “they can be who they actually are, have what they have now and do what they do without sanctions only in such Dayton-based country”. Kojovic concluded that the worst thing that can happen to the idea of the European and civic state of equal citizens and peoples is to be promoted by SDA.

DF Vice-President Dzenan Djonlagic commented that he supports the declaration as strengthening of the Bosnian identity and civic state.




Pupovac understands messages from President's letter (Hina)


Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) leader Milorad Pupovac said on Saturday he understood the messages President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic sent him recently in an open letter which enclosed an open letter she sent him in 2016. Speaking on national radio, Pupovac said: "I don't intend to reply to this kind of letter. I read it well and memorized it well and understood the messages. I understand what it means when the Armed Forces supreme commander sends you a letter, such messages, to me, a member of the Croatian parliament, a member of a national minority."

Earlier this week, the president sent an open letter to Pupovac, informing him that she is closely following his public statements "in which he is criticizing the Republic of Croatia in an entirely inappropriate, unacceptable and malicious manner."

Asked if he considered that a threat, Pupovac said the letter was "in the function" of the upcoming presidential election and that Grabar-Kitarovic "won't score political points by using me." He went on to say that right wing extremists were becoming so strong that one no longer knew what was allowed. He said that earlier he voiced his fear that the ideology of hate and violence might spread to such an extent that present-day Croatia might start to resemble the Nazi-allied WWII Independent State of Croatia. Pupovac said the battle in the current presidential race was waged on "who is closer to the criminal past, who will spit more on Serb representatives, who will add another voice to the anti-minority and anti-Serb atmosphere."

He also commented on the statement by the HVIDRA association of disabled war veterans that the SDSS is an undesirable party in Croatia. "In democratic societies one knows who can ban political parties... Croatia needs peace, Croatia needs all people so that it can pull itself together and start working on its future."

He also commented on Social Democratic Party president Davor Bernardic's statement that the love between Pupovac, whose SDSS is part of the ruling coalition, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was inexplicable. Pupovac said that if Bernardic "expects me to topple Plenkovic or if someone else expects me to topple (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic," he must disappoint them because he did not have such political power.

He reiterated that SDSS bodies would decide whether the party will stay in the ruling coalition in the next few days. "For us, it's a serious question of democracy... of preserving the pro-European policy," he said, adding that the decision was not easy as fundamental democratic values were under threat in Croatia. He said the ruling policy should be preserved and saved from extreme right-wing policies which were trying to come to power. "What we should all do together... is do our best to act politically so that the ideology of hate and violence does not prevail in this country."




New convocation of the EC to accelerate WB integration (CDM)


New EC composition has a clear message about the credible WB strategy and it will maintain and accelerate enlargement process, said Director-General for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Christian Danielsson during his visit to President of the Parliament, Ivan Brajovic. Brajovic informed the EU delegation about the results achieved so far and pointed out the efforts put in the implementation of reforms in the EU integration process.

“Danielsson stressed that forthcoming months would be a challenge and that all political actors had to show that they are willing to contribute to reform process and application of recommendations made by relevant international institutions”, reads the statement delivered by the Parliament. EC is aware of the results Montenegro achieved and the efforts to maintain political dialogue in the existing political environment. “It was stated that Montenegro will remain leader in the EU integration process, as long as competent institutions devote additional efforts in the area of rule of law and media freedom”.


Republic of North Macedonia


Katica Janeva dismissed from her post as head Special Prosecutor (Nezavisen vesnik)


Katica Janeva, who is now in detention as the third suspect in the “Racket” case, has been dismissed from her post at the helm of the Special Prosecutor’s Office. The remaining special prosecutors’ status will be decided by the Council of Public Prosecutors on Monday.

The council called a special session on Saturday evening to accept the dismissal after Parliament earlier in the day had voted unanimously to dismiss Janeva.

Council chairman Aco Kolevski told the press Janeva was unanimously dismissed for “illegal, unprofessional, and unethical conduct” and her dismissal was effective immediately.

Asked about the fate of her associates, Kolevski said council members were expecting Parliament to draft a proposal in line with the current Law on the SPO.

The procedure for Janeva’s dismissal started when the parliamentary Committee on Election and Appointment Issues at a closed session on Sept. 5 passed a proposal for Parliament to dismiss her based on the Council of Public Prosecutors’ report saying she had acted against the law and the standards of her profession. Next, Parliament, through holding a two-thirds majority vote and a double-majority (Badinter mechanism) vote, on Saturday adopted the proposal with 102 lawmakers voting in favor. The decision was also backed by 27 non-minority MPs. Janeva’s term was expiring on September 15. Janeva had resigned on July 15, immediately after the Racket scandal broke and the case’s main suspects Bojan Jovanovski and Zoran Mileski were arrested.


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev rejected the accusations by VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski stated on Thursday that he said at a leaders’ meeting that special public prosecutor Katica Janeva would be placed under house arrest in 10 days. “I firmly deny such lies because at the leaders’ meeting when the debate was opened about why the cases are being negotiated when they are taken over by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, my comment was that it is logical for Janeva to seek mitigating measures in the investigation for the noninfluence of the witnesses, noninfluence of the cases” Zaev said adding that it is dishonest to abuse public with lies.

Regarding the discussions on the public prosecution law, Zaev said that negotiations are continuing in order to find a solution that will be supported by a two-thirds majority or by consensus. Zaev underlined that a solution must be found, though the cases are secured and will be taken over by the public prosecutor. He also announced that the negotiations on the law on public prosecution will continue with VMRO-DPMNE and other parties in the parliament aimed at finding a solution and for that purpose today Justice Minister Renata Deskoska will present written proposals.


Hahn: North Macedonia and Albania deserve to open EU negotiations (Vijesti)


North Macedonia and Albania deserve to open EU membership negotiations, outgoing EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said in an interview with the Montenegrin daily Vijesti. Hahn said North Macedonia has made significant progress, and the most important is the signing of the Prespa Agreement and the resolution of the dispute with Greece.

“The Prespa Agreement that ended the decades-long name dispute is something that should be included in history books. When I took office, the state was in the midst of a political crisis, which required years and numerous trips to Skopje for its resolution. We started with the statement that there would be no EU enlargement, and now five years later we are leaving a real and vibrant European path to the Western Balkans” Hahn said. The EU will continue to advocate for the European integration of this region, not because of an individual who is in charge of this sector, but because it is a matter of pure EU self-interest, said Hahn.




Rama in Germany to request the German Parliament’s vote on Albania’s negotiations opening (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with the German Bundestag Committee on European Affairs some days ahead of October 18th, the date on which the decision to open Albania’s accession negotiations with the EU will be made. It was Rama himself who posted a photo with the Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj. Rama points out that the Albanian government is seeking a ‘Yes’ from the German parliament for the October 18 decision. “In the Bundestag Committee on European Affairs to request the German Parliament’s vote on Albania An open and positive conversation”, Rama writes. After the meeting, Prime Minister Edi Rama was also received by Chancellor Angela Merkel. After the meeting Prime Minister Rama stated that he was encouraged by Chancellor Merkel’s positive assessments and disposition towards Albania.

The head of the Albanian government has released a video showing that Merkel cordially welcomes Rama and then joins the Federal Chancellery. “At the Federal Chancellery to request a YES for Albania”, Rama writes in the video he posted on ‘Facebook’.

On the other hand, the chairman of the Bundestag Commission for Europe Gunter Krichbaum stated that he is very optimistic that the decision for North Macedonia in October on the issue of negotiations will be positive. Regarding Albania, the German Christian-Democratic parliamentarian said that a decision has not yet been taken in the Bundestag, as they are holding consultations.


Council of Europe President Donald Tusk to visit Tirana on September 17 (Radio Tirana)


Council of Europe President Donald Tusk is visiting Tirana next week on September 17, where he is expected to hold meetings with Albania’s political leaders focusing on the issue of opening negotiations. Meanwhile, the European Union Ambassador to Albania, Luigi Soreca assessed Tusk’s visit as very important. When there is only month left of the EU decision to open Albania’s negotiations with the EU, there have been significant developments in our country. Prime Minister Edi Rama was in Berlin this Friday for a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, because by the end of this month, Germany will say the ‘last word’ on whether or not to approve the start of Albania-EU talks. Whereas Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj from Prague confirmed that Visegrad countries (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia) strongly support Western Balkans’ EU integration. The final decision on Albania as well as North Macedonia will be made on October 18th.