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Belgrade Media Report 08 October



Jevtic: Without talks with Serb List impossible formation of Kosovo government (RTS)


The deputy head of the Serb List Dalibor Jevtic has told the morning broadcast of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija had very clearly stated that they remain firm and united with their state Serbia. The leader of the Self-Determination Movement Albin Kurti says that there will be Serb representatives in the government, but not those from the Serb List because this is not, as he says, a party, but it represents a state. “This speaks of the fact of what he would want, but it is one thing what the Albanians want and another what is written in the laws. Thus, it states in the Constitution in Article 96 that a Serb representative in the Kosovo government will be elected with the majority of representatives of this community in the Kosovo assembly. There is no discussion on this. What Kurti is saying - that he will take I don’t know what Serb is as if we were to say that we will not have Kurti the prime minister but that we will take someone else – that is impossible,” said Jevtic.


Borrell: If China, India and Russia do not recognize Kosovo, it will not achieve statehood (Tanjug/B92)


Newly appointed EU Foreign Minister Joseph Borrell says Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is taking too long. He added that the current situation cannot be continued and that an agreement must be reached, on which he will strongly engage, and will first visit Pristina, because, he says, he already knows Serbia well. “One thing is clear: Kosovo and Serbia must reach an agreement. That is important. I will do everything I can to meet this priority,” Borrell said. Joseph Borrell told the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina must be resumed. “Kosovo has to abolish tariffs and Serbia has to engage fully in deep and honest dialogue,” Borrell said. Asked if the credibility and integrity of his policies in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue will be called into question by Spain's position that does not recognize Kosovo's independence, Borrell says that although member states differ in recognition, they are united in their commitment to solving the problem. “If China, India and Russia do not recognize Kosovo, Kosovo will not achieve its statehood. That's why we have to work to keep the talks going,” Borrell said. The former Spanish Foreign Minister added that he knew Serbia well and had never been to Kosovo for obvious reasons. “That’s why my first visit will be to Pristina,” Borrell announced. He concluded that the EU cannot assume the role of a geostrategic power unless it first resolves the problem in its immediate surrounding.


SzS refuses dialogue with government, wants direct talks with EP (Beta)


In an official statement, the Alliance for Serbia (SzS) welcomed the engagement of the European Parliament representatives in Serbia but also announced that it is not ready for the dialogue facilitated by former MEPs Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein, set to take place this week. “We welcome EP’s engagement and are ready to talk with its representatives about the situation in Serbia, as well as the implementation of the demands of the Team of Experts for establishment of democratic elections, which must be implemented at least nine months before the election,” the statement of the Alliance reads. However, it is emphasized that the Alliance is not ready for any negotiations with the government on election scheduled for spring 2020, because it is too late for such talks.


DS not to take part in dialogue with parliament opposition and authorities (N1)


The Democratic Party (DS) will not take part in talks between the Serbian authorities and opposition in parliament on 9, 10 October, a party press release said on Monday. The decision not to take part in the talks which will be mediated by former MEPs Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein was taken by the DS Presidency, it said.  The DS will continue its active fight for free and fair elections along with talks with international community officials and relevant local organizations on achieving those conditions for elections, it added. The Presidency of the United Democratic Party decided a day earlier that the opposition has to organize talks with European Union officials first to lay the groundwork for possible talks with the authorities later.


McAllister: Boycott is not a sustainable solution (Blic)


In an interview for Blic, AFET Chair David McAllister stated that political actors must urgently find a solution for the current situation and that a boycott can hardly be qualified as a sustainable democratic solution. “Our proposal was to facilitate the cross-party dialogue, the sides will have to reach a consensus on the steps they want to take in order to improve the conditions for the work of parliament and for the parliamentary election to take place,” he said. According to him, the only resolution of the current deadlock can be a new parliament, the legitimacy and the strength of which will depend on efforts of all political actors to establish the conditions for democratic elections.


Falconi: EU to undergo reforms in next few years (Beta)


French Ambassador to Serbia Jean-Louis Falconi said that enlargement was still on the EU agenda, but that the reforms French President Emmanuel Macron was calling for were necessary for European citizens’ sake and that they would be carried out in the next few years. Before saying whether the French support enlargement in the Western Balkans, the question of whether they support the EU itself should be answered first, and that is why reforming the EU is so important for Macron, said Falconi at a panel within the Serbian Economic Summit. He added that in 20 years it would be too late, that a sense of the EU as hope must be restored among citizens, that a political Europe must be developed. Nonetheless, said Falconi, there is great commitment to enlargement. “No changes have been made to the enlargement process, there have always been requisites and prerequisites,” said the French Ambassador, adding that regional integration could be a very useful tool in the Western Balkan countries’ accession to the EU.




Trilateral meeting between members of the B&H Presidency, Erdogan and Vucic (N1)


A trilateral meeting between members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, Zeljko Komsic, Milorad Dodik and Sefik Dzaferovic, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be held in Belgrade on Tuesday. Topics of the trilateral meeting will include Sarajevo-Belgrade highway, many open issues between B&H and Serbia, including the migrant crisis and the issue of Kosovo and tariffs, Turkey's relations with Serbia and B&H, investments and trade exchange. Speaking about what he wants in relations with Belgrade, Komsic said: "If tomorrow's (Tuesday's) foundation stone will be a sign that an era of new relations between our two countries is starting, then that is a big thing, great progress. That is why I hope that, if nothing else, this B&H Presidency, in this convocation, whatever the three of us are, will achieve a kind of enviable communication and cooperation with the authorities here in Belgrade." Dzaferovic said that there are serious open issues between B&H and Serbia, including the border issue. "I am one of those who believe that if we cannot achieve a bilateral agreement, we should apply international law and there will be no problems" Dzaferovic underlined. “The Republic of Turkey respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, our European path, our NATO path and helps B&H. Turkey is a friend with all these countries. So, why should not we use this if there is a chance to help for having the best possible relations in the entire region? Because the future of the region lies in peace, the future of the region lies in stabilization, the future of the region is in the EU, and in my opinion, in the NATO alliance – despite of different standpoints on this issue. We should simply use this opportunity” said Dzaferovic. Dzaferovic's party colleague, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic believes that both Erdogan and Vucic can help in solving the current political crisis in B&H. "The two of them could together help to relax the atmosphere because, word by word, a tense atmosphere was created between the members of the Presidency and therefore, friends could be helpful there" Izetbegovic said.


Komsic attends panel in Belgrade, speaks of importance of NATO integration of B&H (Oslobodjenje)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic attended a panel organized by the Forum for Ethnic Relations in the Media Center in Belgrade on Monday evening. Komsic addressed the audience and answered questions related to open issues between B&H and Serbia, underlining that the two countries do not need an intermediary to deal with the bilateral issues. Asked about the process of authority formation in B&H, Komsic said that the main culprit for failure to form the state-level authorities is Serb member of the Presidency of B&H and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. He explained that the problems arose when Dodik decided B&H should deteriorate its relationship with NATO and his refusal to adopt the Annual National Program (ANP). “I believe that with the accession to NATO the country can get more than with the accession to the EU, because NATO is more than a military alliance. They demand serious reforms, fight against corruption, and the rule of law from their members, while the membership means that an armed conflict is not an option. NATO means stability and security,” said Komsic and noted that the Western Balkan countries should consider whether they are planning reforms to please the EU, or to help their citizens. He went on to say that he believes that the countries in the region have capability of modernization and launch a new era of regional relations. Komsic added that some of the issues that need to be resolved are import taxes and border control. Asked if B&H and Serbia are planning to sign a framework agreement on border issue anytime soon, Komsic said no, but added that he expects the current convocation of the Presidency of B&H to work on improving the relations with Serbia.


Albanian Foreign Minister visits Croatia (Hina)


The Albanian government cannot wait to cooperate with Kosovo's new government, acting Albanian Foreign Minister Gent Cakaj said in Zagreb on Monday given that Albin Kurti's Vetevendosje movement looks like the winner of Kosovo's Sunday election. Cakaj was on an official visit to Croatia and met Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman. After the talks with Grlic Radman, he said the Kosovo polls were an example of how to behave in an election. Asked to comment on the results, which show that the likeliest election winner is Kurti, who used to be an ardent advocate of Kosovo-Albania integration, Cakaj said Albania's government could not wait to cooperate with Kosovo's new government. The cooperation between the two states will only deepen, he added. Albania immensely appreciates Croatia's support for opening Albania's EU accession negotiations this month, Cakaj said, adding that the support was both technical and political. Croatia's advice was very helpful to our groups which worked on projects for opening the negotiations, and politically, Croatia not only advocates EU enlargement to Western Balkan countries but is also one of the biggest supporters of Albania's EU membership, Cakaj said. He was hopeful that Albania would formally begin negotiations during Croatia's EU presidency in the first half of 2020, and welcomed an enlargement summit due in Zagreb in May. Grlic Radman said that Croatia would insist during its presidency that the enlargement policy remain high on the EU's agenda. He said a delegation of three Albanian ministries would visit Croatia next week to work with Croatian colleagues on two EU accession chapters: Energy; Justice, Freedom and Security; and Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. Earlier in the day, Cakaj met with Prime Minister Plenkovic whom he informed about Albania's compliance with the criteria for opening EU entry talks, the government said in a press release. They talked about the situation in the region and Sunday's Kosovo election.


Kurti won’t insist on border demarcation with Montenegro (CDM)


After the opposition party Self-determination (Vetevendosje) triumphed in Kosovo election on Sunday, its founder Albin Kurti, is likely to be the party’s candidate for the post of prime minister. Now, the question is how the new prime minister plans to develop relations with the neighboring countries – will Pristina eliminate taxes to Belgrade, what will be the relations with MNE having in mind that Kurti used to be strongly against border demarcation with Montenegro… A political analyst from Pristina, Beljulj Becaj, told CDM he believed the relations between Montenegro and Kosovo will be even better after forming a new government in Kosovo. In his opinion, border demarcation won’t be an issue anymore, as the new government will focus on the economic policy and better quality of life of Kosovo citizens. “I hope the new government will be smart enough to leave the issue of border demarcation to the former PM Ramush Haradinaj,” Becaj said. When it comes to relations between Pristina and Belgrade, he considers Belgrade is still not ready to normalize relations. “Belgrade is now trying to convince countries to withdraw the decisions on recognition of Kosovo. It’s a complete nonsense. As for the taxes, they might not be eliminated, but rather suspended,” Becaj was adamant. Leader of the Albanian Alternative in Montenegro Nik Djeljosaj also believes that Kurti will strive to develop good relations with Montenegro. “As Kosovo’s new Prime Minister, Albin Kurti will definitely have good relations with Montenegro for the sake of the citizens of Montenegro and Kosovo as well.” According to him, it is expected that Kurti will reinforce relations with Montenegro as well as with Serbia and other countries of the region. An official of the Democratic Party of Socialists in Montenegro Nikola Gegaj shares the same opinion and thinks that the two countries will continue to have friendly relations. “Even after the parliamentary elections, Montenegro will continue to develop close relations with Kosovo.” As for border demarcation with Montenegro, Gegaj claims it’s very important that both countries have already ratified the border demarcation agreement.


Meta on elections in Kosovo: An excellent example of the functioning democracy (Radio Tirana)


“An excellent example of the functioning democracy.” This is how President Ilir Meta describes snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo. The head of state, through a message on his official website, congratulates the citizens of Kosovo and the political class, who, according to him, showed the entire world that Kosovo is a functioning state, but also an example of growing democracy. “The elections in Kosovo, a great example of the functioning of democracy and confidence in democracy and free voting. Congratulations to the citizens of Kosovo and the political class, who have shown the world that the state of Kosovo is not only fully operational, but also an example of growing democracy, in a region still suffering from authoritarianism and the inability to conduct fully free elections, such as those that the entire world saw in Kosovo!”


Rama congratulates Kosovo on the successful snap parliamentary elections (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama congratulated Kosovo on the successful snap parliamentary elections this Sunday. Premier Rama congratulates the LDK for the second best result and the PDK for the exemplary acceptance of the result. “Congratulations to Kosovo on the successful parliamentary elections. Congratulations to Albin Kurti for the best result. Congratulations to LDK and Vjosa Osmani for the second best result. Congratulations to PDK and Kadri Veseli for the exemplary acceptance of the result. I wish a happier new day for Kosovo”.




Appointment of Richard Grenell: A signal of support for border change? (European Western Balkans, 7 October 2019)


WASHINGTON / BELGRADE – According to some interpretations, the appointment of Richard Grenell as United States Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is a good news for the supporters of the idea of border change. Matthew Palmer will continue to be responsible for “bringing the region closer to the West”, announced the State Department. In a statement for N1, foreign affairs commentator of the Politika daily Boško Jakšić pointed at the closeness between Grenell and, until recently, Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton. “Ambassador Grenell is known for close ties to John Bolton, who was one of the first to support to the idea of demarcation, land swap, border change, however you want to define it, and this is an idea that is close to President Vučić’s heart, so, at this moment, both Vučić and Thaçi can be satisfied with the appointment of Grenell”, assessed Jakšić. US media reported last week that Richard Grenell was appointed to the position of US President’s Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, receiving a mandate for peace negotiations. According to the Washington Times, Grenell, US Ambassador to Berlin, will keep that position and simultaneously help in decreasing tensions between Serbia and Kosovo. In August, State Department named Matthew Palmer as United States Special Representative for the Western Balkans. He singled out a re-launch of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as one of his priorities. State Department announced for Radio Free Europe that the United States recognizes the historical possibility for Kosovo and Serbia to achieve an agreement on normalisation of their relations. “The decision of the President to appoint the Envoy for peace negotiations underlines the commitment of the United States to peace, stability and prosperity for the people of Serbia and Kosovo”, the announcement reads.

It also stressed that Matthew Palmer will continue to work on getting the region closer to the West, cooperating with the governments on the improvement of reforms, helping them to overcome the problems preventing their European and Euro-Atlantic integrations. Deutsche Welle reports that Grenell, US Ambassador to Berlin, is seen as Trump’s confidant, a blunt diplomat without reservations when it comes to interfering in German politics. Journalist of DW Nemanja Rujević assessed for N1 that this political profile is what qualified Grenell for the position of Special Envoy. “He is probably a man that will put his foot down, where Matthew Palmer perhaps will not. However, it is completely unclear why there was a need for appointing Grenell, when Palmer was already appointed by the State Department. My guess was that those were two competing steps and not, as Washington claims, that they will be working together”, thinks Rujević. Voice of America also reported that Grenell’s mandate in Berlin was controversial from day one. He caused criticism of the German government by demanding that German companies should cease doing business with Iran, and that Germany should by American instead of Russian gas. His appointment also caused significant attention in the Western Balkans. President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi tweeted that he is looking forward to cooperating with Grenell so that the lasting peace in the Balkans can be achieved. He assessed that this move implies that the United States are strongly supporting Kosovo. On the other hand, President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić announced a meeting with Grenell, while some media report that the discussion already took place. The details remain unknown to the public. Finally, European Union sees Grenell’s appointement as a welcome assistance but emphasises that it is not unfamiliar who is facilitating the dialogue. “United States and the European Union share the common interest when it comes to stability and progress of the Western Balkans. This is why we hope that the close cooperation with the United States will continue”, said EU Spokesperson Maja Kocijančič for Tanjug.