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Belgrade Media Report 20 February



Dacic: Hypocritical lack of reaction to Tirana’s and Pristina’s announcement on joint lobbying (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has assessed that lack of a reaction by the international community to Tirana’s announcement that it will adopt an agreement with Pristina on joint expenses for lobbying on recognition of Kosovo’s independence, shows the peak of hypocrisy. Dacic told Tanjug that this is an indicator that they are actually bothered by the fact that the number of countries that recognize Kosovo dropped to less than half of UN member states.

Dacic warned of the fact that the announcement of Albanian Foreign Minister Gent Cakaj - that he will sign an agreement at the joint Albanian and Kosovo government session – remained without a single commentary by officials of the EU, US, France, German, Great Britain and Italy, the so-called Quint. Dacic wondered whether they will have a tinge of morality to continue to request Belgrade to stop doing what they are allowing and helping Pristina and Tirana to do. “While they are on a daily basis exerting pressure for Serbia to give up the campaign for withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo, they are not saying one word about the joint lobbying of Kosovo and Albania for recognition of Kosovo,” noted Dacic. He wondered whether this means they support the campaign for recognition of Kosovo, while oppose our campaign for withdrawal of recognition.


Falconi: Paris supports Serbia in EU integration (Beta)


Jean-Louis Falconi, the French Ambassador to Serbia reiterated on Wednesday Paris’s support of Belgrade on its road to the European Union, and added the new methodology was beneficial to the integration, Beta reported. “You can count on France and our embassy to stand by you in that European choice,” Falconi said during the celebration of 180 years of the diplomatic relations between Serbia and France. He added that “our relations were established long before 1839, in the Middle Age, during a happy event of the wedding of Helen of Anjou and Serbian King Uros I in 1245,” Falconi said, speaking in Serbian. "Encouraged by the common past, we can look at the future with tranquility,” Falconi said.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Balkans should take cue from Sandzak (Beta)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said that Sandzak had become a factor of stability in Serbia and that others in the Balkans should take a cue from this region. On his first visit to Novi Pazar, he said Sandzak, a multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-confessional region, contributed greatly to overall culture in Serbia. "We are happy with the assessment of the state of the region and one can tell that inter-ethnic peace, stability and harmony have taken root in Sandzak, while the political and social situation generate the best opportunities for additional investments and economic development. Russia will strive to seize those opportunities," Botsan-Kharchenko said. He added that he had discussed advancing economic ties with representatives of the local government in Novi Pazar. Botsan-Kharchenko stressed that good offers had been made to Russia, which were sure to be considered at a session of the Serbia-Russia Mixed Commission to be held early in March.


Defense, Internal and Foreign Affairs Committee members meet with German Bundestag member (Tanjug)


The members of the Defense and Internal Affairs Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee met at the Serbian parliament with German Bundestag member Alexander Neu. Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chairperson Dubravka Filipovski spoke about the good relationship between Serbia and Germany, stressing the importance of the open dialogue between the two countries. She added that the excellent economic cooperation is amply reflected in the presence of 400 German companies operating on the territory of Serbia and employing 63 thousand Serbian workers. “Our country’s number one foreign policy goal and biggest priority is EU accession. Serbia also considers regional cooperation and stability, continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, military neutrality and cooperation with the great powers, as well as all the countries in the world, extremely important,” Filipovski explained. Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and talks with Pristina she stressed that Serbia is striving to find a sustainable solution, but doing so requires good will from the other side too. MP Gordana Comic said that defense reforms have been very slow through all the coalition governments to date, but the joint efforts of all the people in the system has yielded some progress. According to her, though she is a very strong opposition and critic of the government’s actions, she will support the proposals that are in the interest of Serbia and its citizens. As an example of good practice, Comic mentioned that the government’s migrant policy which has treated the migrant problem from the aspect of human rights. Neu thanked the committee members for following his activities, including his support for Serbia in the German parliament. Speaking of his years in Kosovo and Metohija, he said that he had witnessed many events that conflict with Resolution 1244. “I understand that that European integration is Serbia’s primary interest, but I consider Serbia’s efforts to keep its military neutrality equally important. I believe that military neutrality is a very exacting policy, but I am sure that it is a better option in the long term,” Neu concluded.


Jeremic: Real opposition is boycotting (Beta)


The lead of the People's Party Vuk Jeremic said there could be no compromise in the fight to change the system and that the boycott of the "fake elections" must be complete and without exception, as "the regime can't be fought with deals" and creating "phantom civic groups" whose sole purpose in his opinion is to gain privilege and more councilor seats. "You can't acquiesce to leech off the system and at the same time aspire to change it. I'm glad that all of the real Serbian opposition is boycotting. Those who are on the fence -- we don't need them, and whoever runs in the fake election with Vucic on 26 April - good luck to them," Jeremic said in Kragujevac at the People's Party booth. Jeremic urged citizens to "boycott the system" and the "electoral farce" of the 26 April election. "Boycott: That is our message. Boycott of understanding politics and pursuing public office for personal gain. As long as that's how things stand, there won't be any healing. Boycott means sacrifice, because pursuing public office in a normal state means sacrifice for the higher good and the good of the people," Jeremic said.


Serbia’s opposition: No alternative to election boycott (N1)


The leaders of Serbia’s opposition, associations and people who favor the boycott of the April vote, gathered in Kragujevac, to say that decision had no alternative since the regime failed to secure fair election conditions in the four years after the previous ballot, N1 reported. Bosko Obradovic, the leader of the Dveri Movement, said the situation in Serbia was not normal.

“There is no normal parliamentary debate, normal media, no free elections. The regime is dug deep into crime and corruption, and we are watching our children and youths who are going abroad,” he said, adding it was time to “draw a line.” The deputy leader of the People’s Party Miroslav Aleksic described the boycott as the start of the campaign for free elections. “I don’t want Aleksandar Vucic to take care of our children’s future. They will take care of their children, and that means that our kids leave Serbia and are cured by text messages. We must not accept that. Only the boycott saves Serbia,” he said. Other officials from opposition parties also addressed the rally, saying they would gather regularly and then went for a walk through the city's central streets.


Gojkovic, Pasztor: Local, provincial elections to be called the same day (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic and the speaker of Vojvodina parliament Istvan Pasztor agreed on Wednesday that provincial and local elections would be called the same day.

The date when the elections will be called will be subsequently agreed, the Vojvodina parliament announced. Pasztor and Gojkovic had their first consultations regarding the upcoming regular elections. By law, provincial (Vojvodina) elections are called by the speaker of the Vojvodina parliament, whereas the local elections are called by the Serbian parliament speaker.


EU envoy for Kosovo, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to cover Bosnia, too (Beta)


The EU special envoy for Kosovo and the Belgrade-Pristina dialog is also to deal with spurring Bosnia and Herzegovina's progress on the path to the EU, sources at the EU Council of Ministers in Brussels told Beta. Officials in the European Commission and EU member states are exchanging opinions on the topic, as mentioned at a session of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, after EU High Representative Josep Borrell briefed them on his visit to the West Balkans and preparation of mandates and documents for the envoy in charge of the dialog and Kosovo. This special envoy's authority would include building bridges in internal Bosnian politics with a view to resolving the problems hobbling the Balkan state's advancement toward the union. While Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak is the most frequently mentioned candidate for special envoy, a German name could also be heard, sources in Brussels said.


German MP: Serbia could join EU before 2025, but not without media freedom (N1)


A member of the German Bundestag and its Foreign and the European Union Committee member, Josip Juratovic told N1 on Wednesday Serbia could join the EU even before 2025, but that it was not realistic bearing in mind the situation with media freedom, the independence of judiciary and institutions. He said that everything depended on the social-economic development in a country. "Still, regardless of the economic successes that were talked about, but I don't see what are they based on since it has to be said that eight percent of the population left the country, the decisive factor would be the functioning of institutions. I've been an MP in charge of foreign policy and this region for a long time, and I can say that the Western Balkans' perspective is there by all means. Everything depends on players and further outcome of the political development in the region; on the inter-state relations which will be essential in the future; on the way how the societies and state institutions will develop in those countries," Jurakovic said. According to him, one of the most significant issues in Serbia was media freedom. "I can't precisely tell you where the main problem is, but as far as the reports we in Europe are receiving are concerned, the fact is that the media are under tough control and pressure, what is inadmissible in a democratic system," Jurakovic warned. Commenting on the announced election boycott by a majority of Serbia's opposition parties, Jurakovic said it was a legitimate right, but that he did not understand what would be achieved. "A key issue is what is a goal, what will that bring? I don't understand that. Somebody from outside will notice that society has problems with media, election laws, but that is more or less known. The question is how can I influence that? I can stop the accession negotiations, but the problem is again what that means for Serbia? Or the authorities will say 'we don't want to join the EU.' I don't have a clear answer about the goal (of the boycott)," he added. Regarding the lowering of the election threshold from five to three percent several months ahead of the vote, Jurakovic said that reminds of the Weimar Republic. "The lowering of the threshold affects the election process. I personally like to see someone entering a parliament. However, the reduced threshold reminds of the Weimar Republic, of Germany between the two world wars. A numerous number of parties which create chaos, and then a strong fist is needed, and we know who that was… The problem is that the rulers are what is looked for and that's Vucic's greatest success. He managed to present himself as a ruler to a part of the population," Jurakovic said, adding that now a ruler is necessary on the other side as well.




Session of B&H Presidency: Dodik votes against conclusion on visit of Montenegro’s Djukanovic to B&H and decision on agreement on status between B&H and EU on activities of FRONTEX in B&H (BNTV)


The B&H Presidency held a session in Sarajevo on Wednesday. During the session, members of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic voted for adoption of a conclusion according to which 2 and 3 March 2020 is defined as the date for the official visit of Montenegro’s President Milo Djukanovic to B&H. Member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik voted against the visit and according to a press release issued by the B&H Presidency, Dodik declared the conclusion destructive for the vital entity interest. In the same way, the B&H Presidency adopted a decision which accepts an agreement on the status between B&H and the EU on activities that the FRONTEX is implementing on the territory of B&H. Dodik declared the conclusion destructive for the vital entity interest. According to the press release of the B&H Presidency, Dodik will deliver statements on the aforementioned conclusion and the decision to members of the Presidency and to the RS parliament  in a written form. BN TV concluded by saying that if the RS parliament confirms the statements within ten days, the conclusion and the decision of the B&H Presidency will not come into force.


Dodik demands resignation of Komsic saying he remains silent about letter that he received earlier from ECHR on appointment of judge from Germany in B&H CC (BNTV)


Following a session of the B&H Presidency held in Sarajevo on Wednesday, Dodik addressed a press conference. Dodik said that during the session, he called for resignation of Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic claiming that he remained silent about a letter that he previously received from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). According to the letter, the ECHR demanded from the B&H Presidency to deliver its opinion regarding the appointment of a new, foreign judge in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, German Angelika Nussberger. Dodik said: ”I tried to propose changes to the agenda by requesting to include the item that demands to establish responsibility of Chairman of the Presidency, Mr. Komsic because he manipulated President of the ECHR (Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos) and the public of B&H. He violated the Constitution (of B&H) regarding the appointment of new judges in the B&H CC. My proposal (…) implies the fact that Mr. Komsic as the Chairman of the Presidency, violated the Article 5.3. and 6.1.a. of the Constitution of B&H and the Rules of Procedure of the Presidency and willingly, by doing nothing, violated the provisions of the Constitution related to competences of the Presidency and the obligation for consultations of the President of the ECHR with the Presidency of B&H. He willingly concealed that he received the letter from the President of the ECHR; he delivered a response and took the obligation to consult the other two members of the Presidency – and bearing in mind that after that, he failed to do this – he willingly deceived the President of the ECHR who made the appointment after that”.


Komsic: President of ECHR decides about appointment of foreign judges and not B&H Presidency (BNTV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic addressed media following a session of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo on Wednesday. On this occasion, Komsic said that President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos decides about the appointment of foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and not the B&H Presidency. BN TV reported that Komsic also dismissed a request of member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik for his resignation. Komsic said: ”The appointment of judges in the B&H CC is not under competences of the BiH Presidency, but the President of the ECHR in Strasbourg. The Presidency is not giving consent for this, because in that case, a session and a conversation would be mandatory for this consent. Consultations that Mr. Dodik is speaking about are not a mandatory legal category. Opinions and consents are also different categories; consent is mandatory, opinion and consultations are not mandatory. In the end, I would not even take part in these type of consultations because this is the right of the President of the ECHR to appoint judges of the B&H CC. In this case, Mr. Dodik tried to - through procedure that he will interpret, i.e. through his interpretation and making some ad hoc procedures - totally disable appointment of judges, foreigners in the B&H CC by the President of the ECHR in Strasbourg. Let me be clear, this is something that he will not be allowed to do. He (Dodik) should get used to come to work. I cannot be responsible because of the fact that his advisers missed this. In the end, he could have demanded whatever he want, he could have written to the President of the B&H CC, but obviously, they somehow missed this. Therefore, if he thinks that he suffered damaged and that something unconstitutional was done, he should address the B&H CC. Only the B&H CC is competent to establish this”.


Dzaferovic: Komsic has not deceived anyone, ECHR President decides on appointment of foreign judges in B&H CC (BHT1)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) addressed media following a session of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Dzaferovic said that Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic has not deceived anyone, reminding that all three members of B&H Presidency were informed in October 2019 on launching the procedure to replace one judge at the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). He explained that the B&H Presidency is not competent to decide on the appointment of foreign judges at the B&H CC but the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decides on that, adding that the B&H Presidency only holds consultations that represent an optional category. Dzaferovic said that foreign judges cannot be removed from the B&H CC without unpacking the Constitution of B&H as a whole and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA).


US Ambassador Nelson meets Dodik: US expects full respect for DPA and territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H (RTRS)


After the session of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo on Wednesday, US Ambassador Eric Nelson held a meeting with member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. The US Embassy to B&H stated that the US expects nothing less than full respect for the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H. “For 25 years, the US has been a strong partner of B&H, fully supporting the prosperity, stability and peace of this country. Actions that undermine those goals bear real-life consequences,” reads a statement issued by the US Embassy to B&H. Commenting on this meeting Dodik said that he informed Nelson that their policy is humble but proud and that they will not give up on basic principles, regardless of how big America is and regardless of threats. “I am sorry he did it. I see this as a threat. If he said that imposing of sanctions is possible after meeting with me, it means this is a threat conveyed to us. They have already imposed some sanctions. They will not be able to stop defending of vital interests of the RS, regardless of their love towards B&H. I can only say I am sorry. We had a quality and constructive meeting,” said Dodik.


Politicians from FB&H violate DPA by refusing to participate in establishing of IEBL (RTRS)


The RS parliament has adopted on Monday eight conclusions, including one reminding the FB&H on obligation to form commission to define the inter-entity boundary line (IEBL). Reporter commented that adopted abovementioned conclusions sparked reactions among Bosniak politicians from Sarajevo and most of them have been calling for respect of the DPA. Member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik underlined that according to Annex 2 of the DPA, the IEBL should had been established long time ago. Dodik commented statement of FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic that the FBiH will never participate in such activities. “Why would we accept something they think should be accepted? Either we will reach agreement so that Bosnia can exist, or we will not reach agreement on anything and there will be no Bosnia,” emphasized Dodik. Reporter commented that every time border between two entities is mentioned, it sparks harsh reactions in Sarajevo. Besides Novalic, the FB&H Parliament reacted to request to establish the IEBL. They refused invitation of the RS to define internal borders. Both members of the Presidency of B&H from Sarajevo presented similar stances. Member of the Presidency from rank of Bosniaks Sefik Dzaferovic underlined that this is absolutely unnecessary thing, “because we do not need any lines within B&H.” He added that the IEBL can only exist on maps, adding that it is direct provision of the DPA that such boundary line cannot exist in practice. Reporter commented that it seems some have not understood Annex 2. Namely, it was stated from NATO HQs in Sarajevo that it is obligation of B&H, the FB&H and the RS to establish a joint commission which would regulate inter-entity boundary line.


FB&H HoR Collegium proposes six conclusions for vote in response to conclusions passed at RS parliament’s recent special session on B&H CC (Hayat)


The Collegium of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) discussed the recent conclusion of the RS parliament which mention drawing of a border line between the entities and withdrawal of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. The Collegium of the FB&H HoR explained that devastating decisions that the RS parliament reaches will harm all citizens in the country, primarily the ones in the RS. The Collegium of the FB&H HoR reached six conclusions that will be sent to members of the FB&H parliament for voting. The first conclusion reads that the FB&H HoR calls on all political representatives in B&H to be committed to preservation of the constitutional order, as well as peace and stability in B&H. Furthermore, the FB&H HoR calls on representatives of the international community to react in line with their competences, in relation to political representatives who reach decisions that are contrary to the Constitution of BiH and European standards. According to the third conclusion, the FB&H HoR tasked the FB&H government to analyze laws and regulations in the FB&H related to state land in line with decisions of the B&H CC. The FB&H HoR also called on the B&H parliament to adopt laws that will regulate use of state land from lower administrative units to units of local self-governance. The FB&H HoR called on responsible holders of legislative, executive and judicial powers in B&H, as well as all political representatives – to get involved in implementation of decisions of the B&H CC, as well as implementation of decisions of international and domestic courts – based on constitutional obligations, i.e. based on application of the principles of constitutionality and legality. Finally, the FB&H HoR does not accept a call of the RS parliament on defining of the “border line” because in line with the Annex II of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H, there is no border between the entities, but the inter-entity line that has only administrative significance.

Djukanovic: We will not withdraw the law (CdM)


At the meeting of the Main Committee of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), analyzing the current political situation, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said that Montenegro was defending its civil concept. “I haven’t heard any legal argument against the Law, apart from that Serbian Orthodox Church reiterates. That won’t stop the country from doing its job and implementing laws which are completely harmonized with the Constitution and international norms”, Djukanovic said. He pointed out that opposition to the law was the last political battle Montenegro’s enemies were fighting with the aim of bringing Montenegro back to the dark middle ages.


Dakic: Soldiers shall not take part in protests (CdM)


Every soldier is obliged to be loyal to Montenegro and protect its integrity and sovereignty. Nobody forbids soldiers to believe in something, but taking part in protests which are obviously political and which feature flags of some other country is not acceptable, said Brigadier General, Dragutin Dakic, Chief-of-General Staff of the Armed Forces of Montenegro when asked if members of the Army were forbidden to take part in religious processions. “I informed soldiers about the current situation. With the aim of countering spreading misinformation I would like to point at several principles the Code of Military Ethics stipulates. All members of the Armed Forces of Montenegro are obliged to act in accordance with the Code,” Dakic says. He stresses that whoever is part of the Army is obliged to abide by ethical principles. According to him, the Code stipulates that a person in military service shall not attend the event promoting animosity towards other persons or discrimination. Dakic clearly expressed his view regarding current protests caused by the Law on Freedom of Religion. “What Novosti portal reports is just the continuation of the aggressive misinformation campaign against Montenegro, which is supported by radical elements of political and religious stage of Montenegro. Every soldier, starting from myself, is obliged to be unconditionally loyal to Montenegro and protect its integrity and sovereignty. Whoever thinks to defend church from the law, does not belong to the Armed Forces,” Dakic said. He points out that soldiers are not forbidden to believe. Montenegro is a country that has left political rhetoric of the 1990s far behind.


Montenegro is our holy place (CdM)


Montenegro is our holy place, keep your hands off it, it was said last night from the tribune of the Liberal Party (LP). “Our religion is Montenegro. We are fighting for the renewal of our homeland, for its protection and the promotion of its rights”, LP leader Andrija Popovic said.

Popovic says that Montenegro the past fifty days have been a temptation in Montenegro. “I firmly believe we are all going to contribute to help Montenegro go through this and that we won’t allow it the history of 1918 and 1989 to repeat itself,” Popovic said. He says that the Serbian Orthodox Church and its political satellites has two major goals. “The first goal is taking over power at parliamentary elections because they believe they can achieve what they have been advocating for – annulment of Kosovo, NATO membership and withdrawal of the Law on Freedom of Religion,” Popovic said. The other major goal is increasing the number of Serbs in Montenegro on census next year. LP Board chair Vido Draskovic says that Montenegro has had a long way. “Interests of the powerful ones have been in conflict in this region. Montenegro was always the target of those who wanted to succumb it to their own interests. But it has been resisting successfully while preserving freedom and will, making history with the blood of its sons,” Draskovic points out. According to Slobodan Cukic, a journalist, the Law on Freedom of Religion is the trigger for the beginning of the ideological “Serbianization” of Montenegro. “That assimilation is carried out through continuous and aggressive campaign, by open political pressure from the top or in disguise, through church infrastructure,” Cukic says. LP vice-president Dubravka Vujicic said that Liberals had been stating from the very beginning that the Law was a reform law and that it would regulate legal status of religious communities in Montenegro. “Most fervent opponents are those who haven’t even read the text of the law. The law stipulates that the Serbian Orthodox Church shall be registered in Podgorica just like it is registered in Belgrade and that it should perform its tasks in accordance with the law,” Vujicic says. Longtime social and political worker, representative of anti-fascists from Cetinje, Stefan Radunovic, points out that great Serbian nationalism is a great danger for Montenegro.


Vucinic: Montenegro is not on the brink of civil war (Pobjeda)


Montenegro is not on the brink of war and there’s no fear that institution s won’t be able to maintain internal peace and stability, said Montenegro’s Ambassador to Croatia, Boro Vucinic, commenting on the current situation in our country. He reiterated that the government’s intention was to regulate another area that has been in disorder for a long time. “The previous law regulating this area was more than four decades old and thus became anachronistic. We needed the new one which would also regulate the status of religious facilities in Montenegro,” Vucinic explained. He adds that only the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral opposed the law and “doesn’t want this law to be implemented”.


Participants in religious processions are deceived

Commenting on the series of religious processions in Montenegro, as a way of protesting against the Law, Vucinic said there were people whose religion is true but there were also those who had intentions that didn’t correspond to Montenegro’s sovereignty. Vucinic says that Metropolitan’s statement that “Montenegro shall not register the church, but it should be vice versa” is pretty strange. “Strange and a little funny. We can’t play with the state, its independence must be respected,” Vucinic stressed. However, he believes that finally the Metropolitanate will let everything go.


No conditions

Commenting on the statements made by Serbian officials that Montenegrins in Serbia should divorce from the Law if they want to enjoy rights as real Serbian citizens, Vucinic said that such divisions and conditions do not exist in Montenegro.


Vulin’s provocation

Commenting on Alksandar Vulin’s visit to Montenegro, Vucinic said that authorities acted well when they forbade his delegation to enter the country in uniforms. According to him, Serbia can’t come to terms with the fact that Montenegro is an independent country.


Cakaj - Konjufca, regional cooperation discussed (ADN)


Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Gent Cakaj met on Wednesday Kosovo's Foreign Affairs Minister, Glauk Konjufca, with who tackled deepening of regional and multilateral cooperation. During this meeting, the counterparts expressed their full readiness to promote strategic cooperation, so as to make full use of the opportunities and harmonize national strategic and diplomatic objectives. Also, Cakaj assured Konjufca that Albania will continue the commitment to support Kosovo in the progression of acquaintance and membership in regional initiatives and international organizations. Afterwards, Cakaj conducted a meeting with President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, where were praised the Albania-Kosovo brotherly relations, stressing the importance of concretizing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Albania and Kosovo as a model for encouraging regional cooperation. In addition, the Acting Minister met Kosovo's Speaker of Parliament, Vjosa Osmani, with both of them praising the cooperation between Parliaments and parliamentary committees over the years, and expressing the commitment of governments to further deepen inter-parliamentary cooperation.

Finally, Cakaj had a meeting with Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, during they agreed on the importance of carefully assessing and implementing the G2G agreements, as well as increasing coordination between the institutions and governments of their countries.


Political crisis escalation, US Ambassador meets Albanian leaders (ADN)


US Ambassador to Albania Yuri Kim had intensive meetings on Wednesday after Albanian President Ilir Meta spoke for coup d'etat and a protest to be held on 2 March in Boulevard.

Kim had meetings with President Ilir Meta, Prime Minister Edi Rama, and DP Chair Lulzim Basha to discuss recent developments and US expectations. "With specific reference to the donors' conference in Brussels, we believe it reflects the solidarity, support, and desire of the international community to help the Albanian people with reconstruction efforts after the earthquake. We also discussed our expectation that there will be transparency and accountability throughout this process. Beyond the donors' conference, I discussed also the important steps that Albania needs to undertake in the coming weeks and months, by demonstrating maturity, respect for institutions, and faith in democratic processes. We expect Albania's leaders to conduct themselves in a manner that is responsible and has the aim of benefiting the Albanian people. We assure the Albanian people that we will be there to watch and contribute," said Kim.




Trump Names Ambassador To Germany To Key Intelligence Post (RFE/RL, 20 February 2020)


U.S. President Donald Trump has named Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany and special envoy to Serbia and Kosovo, to become the acting director of national intelligence, a move immediately blasted by critics. "Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him," Trump wrote on Twitter on February 19 about one of his strongest supporters. The post of director of national intelligence (DNI) was created after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks on the United States. It oversees the 17 U.S. civilian and military intelligence agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Critics assailed the appointment of Grenell as an acting director -- meaning he will not require Senate approval -- and for his perceived lack of experience in intelligence matters. Senator Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the move was apparently "an effort to sidestep the Senate’s constitutional authority to advise and consent on such critical national security positions." Warner also said that "the president has selected an individual without any intelligence experience to serve as the leader of the nation's intelligence community in an acting capacity." Grenell, a vocal supporter of Trump’s policies, replaces Joseph Maguire, who had served as acting DNI since August. Maguire was named to the post following Dan Coats' resignation as director. Trump had a strained relationship with Coats, who had supported the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of promoting Trump over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Grenell, who served as the U.S. spokesman at the United Nations during the administration of President George W. Bush, has been known as a controversial figure. In 2018, Germany asked Washington to clarify remarks Grenell made to a right-wing website saying he wanted to empower “other conservatives” in Europe. He has also vocally criticized Berlin for what he has seen as a lack of support for Washington’s tough stand against Iran, made controversial statements about Germany's domestic policies, and made other critical comments that were seen as unusual for an ambassador to a long-standing U.S. ally. In October 2019, Trump named Grenell to become Washington's special envoy for negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, acting in the role concurrently with his post as ambassador to Berlin. Trump has hailed his role in helping the two Western Balkan rivals to restore air and rail links in recent months. During a signing ceremony marking the restored ties on February 14 on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic praised Trump and Grenell for helping to reach an agreement that he said will "ensure peace for future decades."


Defense ministers of Belarus, Serbia discuss prospects for cooperation (BelTA, 20 February 2020)


MINSK - A delegation of the Serbian Armed Forces headed by Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin is on an official visit to Belarus on 19-21 February, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Defense Ministry. “Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin held talks with the head of the Serbian Defense Ministry. The parties exchanged views on current international security issues, and reviewed the current state of bilateral military cooperation and prospects for its development,” the ministry said. The Serbian delegation is set to meet with the state secretary of the Security Council of Belarus and the leadership of the State Authority for Military Industry and to take part in the ceremonial events dedicated to the Fatherland Defenders and Armed Forces Day of the Republic of Belarus.