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Belgrade Media Report 3 June 2020



Vucic to Chinese President: We support China’s sovereignty, integrity and security (Politika/Beta)


In a letter sent to his Chinese counterpart on the occasion of China’s passing of a law on Hong Kong, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic wrote that Serbia supports that country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security. Politika reported that Vucic had sent the letter in connection with the national security law pertaining to the special administrative region of Hong Kong, which the National People’s Congress, China’s Parliament, adopted last week. “As an independent country, Serbia is against any interference with internal affairs of a sovereign country,” Vucic wrote. He pointed out that “Serbia and China are committed to respecting international law globally” and that Serbia “condemns any attempts at undermining the reunification” of that country. Vucic also expressed his wish for China and the Chinese people’s “further progress” under the leadership of President Xi Jinping.


Vucic: Nice they decided on everything, but Serbia will still have a say as well (RTV/Tanjug/B92/RTS)


Serbia will still have a say when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on the occasion of the efforts by the EU member states to accelerate the resolution of the Kosovo issue and the fact that they are suggesting Serbia what it should do regarding this.

“Every freedom-loving person would like to decide about their own country. They say‘you will do this or that’, but then you can only smile and bite your tongue. It is nice that they decided on everything, but Serbia will still have a say in some things,” said Vucic. “Great powers have always meddled in our affairs,” he said. “The citizens and the leadership of Serbia will make decisions. Do we have to talk to everyone? Yes, we have to. But we will have a say. It is realistic to sit at the table, they know what conditions they have to fulfill. As soon as that happens, I am ready,” Vucic said. He also commented on the new measures of Pristina and said that those who needed to, have spoken about it. “I think it’s crazy what they’re doing, but fortunately both Americans and Europeans have condemned it. These are the values ​​of civilization,” Vucic pointed out, saying that Serbia has huge losses due to Pristina’s decision.

When asked to comment on the statements coming from Montenegro that Serbia is raising tensions, he states that he will not respond. “In order to avoid raising tensions further, I wouldn’t even answer them.”


Brnabic: Pristina to abolish taxes, and then dialogue to resume (RTV/Tanjug)


Asked about the formation of the new government in Pristina, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says she expects normal communication, economic-trade cooperation and resumption of dialogue. “First of all, I expect the respect of all agreements signed by Pristina over the past years, starting from the CEFTA agreement and the Stabilization and Accession Agreements with the EU and the withdrawal of all decisions that damage our cooperation and that are contrary to free flow of goods, people, services and capital,” Brnabic told journalists at the Science-Technological Park.

Odalovic: It seems to me Hoti is readier for compromise (RTS)


General Secretary with the Serbian Foreign Ministry Veljko Odalovic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that it seems to him that the candidate for the new prime minister of Kosovo Avdulah Hoti will be readier for compromise and dialogue with Belgrade. “This should be confirmed today. One should listen very carefully to his expose, in which, I suppose, he will give the main guidelines and answers to some questions that bother us all – whether he is ready to put out of force measures introduced by Haradinaj about one year ago, as well as measures introduced by Kurti,” says Odalovic. It is a good message that he had announced express abolishment of these measures, recalls Odalovic, who hopes Hoti will receive support for this. Asked whether Pristina was waiting for change of power in the US, Odalovic says it is obvious they would certainly prefer changes to occur and for the administration that used to be Clinton’s to be positioned again.  Commenting the fact that Ramush Haradinaj and Bexhet Pacoli will be sitting in the new Pristina government, he underlines that this government has a serious internal challenge and that the political scene among the Kosovo Albanians has become so complicated that nobody knows anything anymore. He also thinks that the political relations of Kosovo Albanians will become more complicated by the indictments that should be activated by the Special prosecution.


Lajcak intends to renew the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in June (Beta/B92)


Miroslav Lajcak, EU Special Representative for the dialogue of Serbia and the so-called Kosovo, intends to hold the first round of negotiations in Brussels soon. That could happen as early as June. Lajcak presented this intention to the diplomatic representatives of the EU member states at the meeting of the EU Political and Security Committee, where he once again received strong formal support to resume the dialogue on the normalization of relations between the so-called Kosovo and Serbia. According to sources from the meeting, Lajcak intends to get in touch with official Pristina "on the same day" when the Kosovo government is formed - which has been announced for tomorrow, Wednesday, in order to make the final preparations for the new round. This would mark the resumption of dialogue. In order for Lajcak's plan for a new round of dialogue to succeed, it is necessary to open the borders, which is expected on 15 June, so that the negotiators can come to Brussels. As it was said, Special Representative Lajcak "explicitly emphasized" that he would speed up the organization of the first meeting, and therefore will not wait for the end of the elections in Serbia, announced for June 21, but will organize a round of negotiations immediately after the borders open. Lajcak, as it is stated, said that it would no longer be a dialogue on technical issues, but a "highly political process". Allegedly, the "convincing majority" of the diplomatic representatives of the EU countries voted against the possibility of exchanging the territories of Serbia and Kosovo, and that Germany and France in particular are "sharply and clearly against that idea."


According to an Albanian film, Serbs stole Albanian history (RTS)


A documentary entitled, “The Great Serbian Historical Deception - How Serbs Stole Albanian History” was on 30 May broadcast on Albanian television Top Channel, which can be watched in both Kosovo and Metohija and in North Macedonia, where historical facts are falsified in order to promote a Greater Albania policy, the Serbian Ministry for Culture and Information announced. The Ministry says that the film “brazenly falsifies historical facts” and declares Serb churches, monasteries and monumental and spiritual traditions in Kosovo and Metohija as Albanian - with the clear goal of promoting a Greater Albania pogrom policy, to the detriment of Serbia and the Serb people. According to a statement, this expensive production with participation of a large team that realized it, is “a disgraceful and grotesque historical falsification that would be just a sad provocation if it did not contain dangerous intentions in a politically challenging and tense era”. “The Ministry for Culture and Information must once again point out to the domestic and international public these obviously orchestrated activities from the chauvinist circles of some neighboring countries in the region that are aimed at annulling, erasing from history or taking over Serb cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. Such attempts have all the hallmarks of cultural genocide, and that is, as history teaches us, often an introduction into physical genocide,” the statement reads. The Ministry for Culture and Information calls on all pillars of such attempts, individuals, groups and institutions to exercise restraint, and on the Serbian public, educational and cultural system, diplomacy and media, state institutions, the SANU, Matica Srpska, universities and all other social entities to be aware and active in these worrying circumstances, and to pay full attention to affirmation, protection and promotion of Serbian culture, tradition, language and script in the country and especially in the international context. “When someone today threatens the cultural-historical identity and tradition of a nation, tomorrow they will inevitably endanger its physical survival. The Serb people, wherever the Serb society and the state live, have the right and an obligation to oppose these sinister intentions strongly and in a dignified, peaceful, but decisive manner,” the Ministry said.


Another 69 cases, 6,852 recovered (RTS)


Until 3pm there have been another 69 cases, in total 11,523 infected. There have been no deaths, in total 245 deaths. There are 466 people in hospitals, and 12 on respirators. The number of recovered is 6,852.




SBB B&H leaves ruling coalition at B&H level, to remain part of cantonal authorities (O kanal)


Leader of SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Fahrudin Radoncic submitted on Tuesday resignation to the post of B&H Minister of Security. At the press conference where this resignation was announced, Radoncic explained that there are three reasons for such decision. He underlined that the first reason was the fact that member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic distanced from his stances when they took the side of a Pakistani Ambassador in B&H in regards to the request to the Ambassador to cooperate in activities aimed to suppress the migrant crisis. Radoncic added that other reasons for his resignation are disagreements concerning ‘Respirators’ affair and relations within the coalition at B&H level. He also stressed that his resignation also marks the end to participation of SBB B&H in authorities at the B&H level. Reporter commented that it became clear on Monday that the coalition between SBB B&H and SDA will become unstable because SBB B&H’s representatives in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) parliament voted in favor of the request to cast a vote of no confidence in the FB&H government.


Dodik: Radoncic resigned because of SDA (Oslobodjenje)


Member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, asked to comment on the resignation of Fahrudin Radoncic from the post of the Security Minister and his statement that it is clear to him that SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD leaders will never manage to reach an agreement, Dodik noted that the resignation of every minister carries significant political weight, reminding that Council of Ministers was composed with difficulties. He argues that now there is a new crisis, but he does not think that the reason for the resignation lays in the relation between Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and him, but between Izetbegovic and Radoncic. He noted that he attended the session of B&H Presidency when Radoncic blamed SDA for the migrant crisis and claimed that their Ambassadors in Pakistan and Iraq abused the positions to issue tourist visas, which were used for entering B&H and then moving towards the EU. Dodik stressed that Radoncic also warned that the EU is not accepting refugees, but wants to carry out a triage and accept only those who suit the EU needs. At this occasion Radoncic said that he finds SDA’s policy regarding the migrant crisis unacceptable and he stressed that it is not polite for Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic and Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic to support foreign Ambassadors over him. “I think that essence of the problem needs to be searched for there,” said Dodik. Asked about possible changes within the coalition and expelling of SDA, Dodik said that their politics comprehends participation of election winners in the authority, but if relations within FB&H change then the new possibilities emerge. He underlined that concept of SNSD and SDA are very different, starting from SDA’s Declaration which demands a new organization of B&H. He stressed that SNSD’s politics is based on configuration of B&H, where Republika Srpska (RS) is visible, which has functional institutions and has no interference of foreigners. “We clearly said that we are against B&H created by foreigners. However, we are not against B&H. If there is sense among everyone, we will reach an agreement. This period is simply pushing us towards the agreement. I am ready,” said Dodik. He noted that this agreement would mean that there are no imposing and includes removing of foreigners from Constitutional Court of B&H, while SDA deems that “this interventionism” should remain and stressed that he is ready to talk about Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, but not as they are now.


Bozinovic: Radoncic and I did more in couple of months than all others in years (Dnevni avaz)


Commenting the resignation of Fahrudin Radoncic from the post of B&H Security Minister, Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic told the daily that their cooperation was brief, but was good and efficient. “In couple of months, we did more than others in all earlier years,” said Bozinovic. He stressed that excellent cooperation was the most visible during the Covid-19 pandemic, when they secured transport routes and they managed to do this in time when EU members were closing down the borders between themselves. Bozinovic underlined that neither transport of goods nor of passengers ever stopped and all this is result of good cooperation and gained trust. As for the migrant crisis, Bozinovic said that they made plans and B&H and Croatian police already met on couple of occasions. “I believe that Radoncic established foundations that his successor will continue to follow. Two of us paved the way for cooperation of the two countries in the future. We have the same interests and challenges,” said Bozinovic.


COMEUFOR Trischak sends letter to thank Radoncic for close and friendly cooperation (Dnevni avaz)


EUFOR Commander Major General Reinhard Trischak wrote a letter to thank the former B&H Minister of Security Fahrudin Radoncic for his “close and friendly cooperation” during his period of service. In his letter, Major General Trischak reflected on the main issues that have been faced by the Ministry of Security and EUFOR during Mr Radoncic’s time in office. These have included: “The sweeping effect of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting every aspect of daily life; information sharing on important security matters such as the return of ‘foreign fighters’ to the country; and the persistent issue of migrants seeking to turn B&H into a safe route for illegal entry into the EU.”


Radoncic’s resignation makes complex political situation in B&H even more complex (Dnevni list)


Already complex political situation in B&H has become even more complex after SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic has resigned from the position of the Minister of Security of B&H on Tuesday, leaving the state-level coalition, whilst it remains to be seen what will happen at the FB&H and cantonal level. According to Bradvica, after the last session of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR), it was evident that one does not know who is in power and who is in opposition, adding this situation was evident even during previous session of the FB&H HoR when majority was created “from one item on the agenda to the next item”. Daily also reminds that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has made it clear that coalition and partnership between HDZ B&H and SDA do not exist, which led the daily to wonder if the minority FB&H Government will continue to linger until the year 2022 or HDZ B&H and SNSD will look for new partners and push SDA out of the authorities. As for the state level authorities, daily notes it is almost impossible to carry out any reshuffle because SDA has a member of the Presidency of B&H (Sefik Dzaferovic). As for the FB&H level, daily notes SDA is the strongest Bosniak party, but at the same time HDZ B&H could secure new majority together with SDP, Our Party, People and Justice, PDA, A-SDA, DF and SBB B&H, however daily notes things would not go smoothly because it is a big question if the aforementioned parties are prepared to join the authorities on the eve of the local elections. As for the cantonal level, daily notes the situation is different i.e. anything can happen and new coalitions could happen everywhere.


RS parliament rejects Resolution on Respecting Victims of Fascist Regime and Movement in WWII (ATV)


The RS parliament rejected the Resolution on Respecting the Victims of the Fascist Regime and Movement in the WWII, at the session in Banja Luka on Monday. RS parliament deputy speaker Denis Sulic stated on Tuesday that there are many disputable things in the Resolution that was passed by the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H and that representatives of the RS were especially bothered by the fact that the Resolution does not mention the victims of Ustasha genocide – Serbs, Jews and Roma people. The RS parliament passes 20 conclusions, stressing that the Resolution retailors historical facts and supports revisionist forces whose goal is to generalize and sideline the suffering of Serbs in the WWII. One of the conclusions says that the Resolution is unacceptable as it qualifies fascistic regimes and movements as aggressors instead of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). Concussions also stipulate putting an end to fabrications on documentation from Jasenovac, which was a basis for accusations presented by the RS opposition during the session. The conclusions confirm that Jasenovac archives are located at the RS Archives and are available to the public. Speaking about the conclusions, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic stated that the part in which the RS government is asked to propose a draft law on the events that were spoken is very significant and to put an end to it. “The essence is that the Resolution is an example of revisionism that cannot be accepted by us. There is an obvious presence of fake symmetry, which is evident for everyone who deals with public affairs and participates in political life”, Cubrilovic explained. Representatives of the RS opposition did not vote on the conclusions. They said on Tuesday that the conclusions are nothing but a theatre play and that they have no meaning. Head of the SNSD Caucus Igor Zunic said that they invite the B&H HoR to respect historic facts and to not engage into historic revisionism. He explained that listing Bosniaks as people who suffered during World War II is revisionism because they did not exist as people then. The RS parliament assessed that the title of the Resolution was unacceptable, as well as the statement that a significant amount of people suffered in B&H during World War II since B&H did not exist as a state then. The RS parliament rejected the Resolution and it cannot be used on the RS territory.


B&H CoM reaches agreement on distribution of IMF funds (ATV)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) reached an agreement on distribution of credit funds worth 330 million Euros from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), at the session held in Sarajevo on Tuesday. This item was additionally included in the agenda at the proposal of B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury. Funds from IMF’s loan are intended for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and recovery from its economic consequences. Funds will be distributed so that the FB&H with its 10 cantons gets 61.5 percent, the RS gets 37.5 percent and one percent goes to the Brcko District. Governor of the Central Bank of B&H Senad Softic stated after the session that as soon as the Central Bank of B&H receives the B&H CoM’s decision on the distribution of funds, money will be allocated to the entities and the Brcko District. Commenting on the agreement, B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda (HDZ B&H) stated that he is satisfied that the agreement on distribution of IMF’s funds was finally reached, because due to various manipulations money was useless on the account of the Central Bank of B&H for more than one month. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) said that funds will be on bank accounts of the RS in two or three days and the RS will be able to continue with realization of its projects. He added that all funds will be used to cover costs that emerged due to the coronavirus pandemic. HDZ B&H commented that B&H CoM’s decision will help recovery of society from new socio-economic challenges and ensure stability for B&H.


HDZ B&H says it rejects SDA’s attacks on HDZ B&H, argues pressure on judiciary is unacceptable (Dnevni list)


It was stated from HDZ B&H that the biggest Bosniak party SDA has been inciting inter-ethnic intolerance by claiming that the investigation in ‘Respirators’ affair represents an attack of Croat’s policy on Bosniaks. HDZ B&H condemned pressure exerted on B&H judiciary in regards to the abovementioned case. Delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) stressed that huge pressure has been exerted on B&H judiciary instead of letting it do its job. "HDZ B$H fully rejects and condemns untruthful attacks of SDA on HDZ B&H in light of judicial processes that have been in the focus of the public in the last few days. Creating systematic pressure on the work of judicial institutions is an unprecedented practice," HDZ B&H stated in its press release. According to HDZ B&H, Bosniak politicians are creating the false illusion of a coup being committed by Croats, thus deliberately deceiving the public and trying to justify themselves in the eyes of Bosniak citizens. HDZ B&H emphasized that political pressure on judiciary is politically irresponsible and malicious.


EUD to B&H: Independence of prosecutors and judges must be ensured (FTV)


The EU Delegation to B&H and EU Heads of Mission in B&H issued a joint statement according to which they expect authorities throughout B&H to duly investigate and bring before the competent courts charges for any suspected misuse of funds in relation to public procurement, including during the response to Covid-19 pandemic. “We expect all authorities to conduct effective investigations, fully in line with fair trial guarantees, based on the principles of rule of law as a key EU value and free from any political pressure or influence. The independence of prosecutors and judges remains essential and must be ensured. Threats and pressures against police and prosecutors are unacceptable,” reads the statement.


US Embassy in B&H: Threats and pressures against police and prosecutors are unacceptable (Vecernji list)


The daily notes that constant attacks on the judiciary, in light of investigation conducted by the B&H Prosecutor’s Office into procurement of respirators from China, shows how ‘part of political Sarajevo’ wants to have a showdown with the judicial institutions of the state. According to the daily, the EU Delegation to B&H and the US Embassy in B&H have stood in defense of the judiciary. The latter stated that threats and pressures against police and prosecutors are unacceptable, and that police and prosecutors have a responsibility to act professionally, without political influence, and in accordance with the law to investigate corruption allegations.


Another 18 coronavirus cases reported in B&H (N1)


Another 18 coronavirus cases were confirmed across B&H in the past 24 hours, health authorities reported on Wednesday, and according to the latest data by the Civil Affairs Ministry, the country has seen 2,551 confirmed cases so far. According to the head of the Sarajevo University Clinical Centre, which tests samples from across the FB&H, 10 of the 279 samples tested since Tuesday came back positive. Seven of them are from the northern town of Tesanj, which has become a hotspot for the coronavirus since recently. In the RS, the number of newly confirmed coronavirus cases is eight. A total of 67,952 coronavirus tests have been conducted in B&H so far. The number of those who passed away due to Covid-19 in B&H so far remains unchanged - 157. A total of 1,939 people have recovered from the disease so far in the country.


No new cases of Covid-19 infection in Croatia (N1)


The national Covid-19 crisis management team said on Wednesday that there had been no new cases of infection with the novel coronavirus in Croatia in the last 24 hours, for the fourth day in a row. Since the outbreak of the infection on 25 February, 2,246 persons have tested positive, and of them 2,088 have to date recovered, while 103 have died, which means that currently there are 48 active cases. Of those active cases, 17 are being treated in hospitals, four of whom are placed on ventilators. With only two new cases confirmed in the last 10 days, Health Minister Vili Beros said earlier in the day, that the epidemiological situation was more than satisfactory.


Darmanovic: Serbia’s top state officials seize on every opportunity to fuel tensions in Montenegro (CDM)


Montenegrin Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic reiterated today that Serbian state authority had been taking every opportunity to fuel tensions in Montenegro. “It is true I said Serbia meddled into Montenegro’s internal affairs and I am saying that again now,” Darmanovic said.

He pointed out that regime media “play main role in that process”. “I think in times of Milosevic there wasn’t as much hatred and vulgarity in media campaigns as we see now” Darmanovic said. He reminded that only one day after presentation of results of two-year work of Montenegro’s President, Aleksandar Vucic and Patriarch Irinej held a meeting and spoke about Montenegro. “And that’s definitely meddling into our internal affairs. On that occasion, patriarch says that a new Montenegrin nation is being created in Montenegro. The first man of the church, everyone considered their spiritual and lately political guide – says that Montenegrin nation is being created now,” Darmanovic stressed.


Pazin: If there’s honesty and goodwill, we are very close to solution in dialogue between govt and SPC (CDM)


Dialogue between the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), and the government of Montenegro will continue once the requirements are met, while the final success will depend on whether both sides are going to start it sincerely, in good faith, by respecting each other’s arguments and without political ultimatums, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pazin said answering questions of MPs in the parliament. In response to the question of MP Andrija Mandic, Pazin assessed that the govt won’t accept ultimatums imposed by the representatives of the SPC, and it won’t demand any from them either. Speaking about litanies, he said that it’s completely legitimate to organize rallies in a democratic society regarding any social matter, “but you can get only a political answer to that kind of political pressure, and we need a legal dialogue with mutual respect,” Pazin added. On the question of MP Predrag Bulatovic, the Deputy PM said that the vagueness of personnel decisions in the judiciary has affected the European integration of Montenegro, adding that the government is not the address that should be responsible for that since the issue is not within its competence. In the dialogue with MP Slaven Radunovic, Pazin welcomed the actions of the Islamic religious community as a positive example of social responsibility in respecting healthcare guidelines during the coronavirus pandemic. “In celebrating its biggest religious holiday, Eid, the Islamic religious community showed the highest degree of responsibility for respecting the measures of the Ministry of Health, and there were no incidents.” As for the question of MP Nebojsa Medojevic, Pazin voiced disagreement with the statement concerning the existence of endemic corruption in Montenegro. “We don’t accept that kind of generalization. We are ready to provide arguments in communication with anyone, respecting our partners as well, he stated. This doesn’t mean we are denying the existence of corruption, added Pazin, stating that its suppression must be the top priority of every state body in Montenegro.


According to Medojevic, Amfilohije used to be a sovereigntist (Dnevne novine)


Member of Democratic Front (DF) Nebojsa Medojevic called on the Episcopal council to render decision on excommunicating from the orthodox church members of organized crime.

Leader of Movement for Changes didn’t always have such opinion about Serbian Orthodox Church, especially not about Metropolitan Amfilohije. Before the establishment of the Movement for Changes, while he was director of the Center for Transition, Medojevic thought that Metropolitan was working on restoring Montenegrin independence. “With every Metropolitan’s public performance, percentage of those who are for the independent state goes up,” Medojevic wrote then in a text for Dnevnik. He said then that “no one like Amfilohije works so devotedly and efficiently on restoring Montenegrin independence”.


Montenegro declares the coronavirus pandemic over (CDM)


As no new coronavirus cases have been detected in Montenegro for 28 consecutive days, all requirements to declare an end to the pandemic are now met. “Labs of the Institute for Public Health have analyzed 133 samples as of yesterday and found no new cases of the disease,” they reported. The first coronavirus case in Montenegro was recorded on 17 March. The number of confirmed cases hit 324, out of which 9 unfortunately passed away but 315 recovered. There are 1.064 people under surveillance right now. The National Coordination Body, upon the proposal of the Institute for Public Health, makes the official decision on an end to the coronavirus pandemic. The decision is signed by the Ministry of Health.


Spasovski: No need for another state of emergency, elections on 5 July (MIA)


Elections must be held in accordance with regulations and the government decision that interrupted the election-related activities. Therefore, the election deadlines will resume once the state of emergency ends, namely the 22 days until Election Day, which puts 5 July as a possible date. We need a functional state and elections will ensure this, says Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski. “There are alternative ways to approach voters and promote the party program. These pre-election activities and Election Day can be organized in accordance with the protocols issued by the Ministry of Health and the Commission for Infectious Diseases,” Spasovski said. He says it is important for the country to have functional institutions. “We cannot go on like this, there is no parliament and the state of emergency is enforced so that the country can function through the government. Putting an end to the government’s decision to stop the election-related activities signals the start of the 22 days remaining to finish the election process. I am aware of the importance to have consensus over the date, this is why we had leaders’ meetings says Spasovski. He said this situation will continue for a while and that the polls must take place as soon as possible. “I expect all political parties to do their own analyses and take part in the elections,” adds Spasovski. According to him, there is no need for another state of emergency. “Elections are conditioned by the state of emergency, it must end so that the election deadlines continue. It all depends on the health situation, but 5 July elections require an end of the state of emergency on 14 June,” notes Spasovski. He adds that the state cannot function in this way, elections are a solution so that institutions can do their tasks with full capacity. “What will happen in a month, two months or three months? This situation will not end overnight. We will do everything to have safe elections. If we are wearing a mask in the market, in the restaurant, why can’t we wear one in polling stations,” says Spasovski. He says people must be aware that the virus will stay, they cannot be fully isolated and life must go on. “Therefore, it is important to observe the recommendations by health authorities, wear protective equipment, maintain physical distance, avoid gatherings, namely maximum observance of all protocols,” concludes Spasovski.


Osmani: No alternative to 5 July elections (MIA)


Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani has said there is no other alternative to elections on 5 July, considering both the legal and logical deadlines. “We have said there is no alternative to 5 July elections, considering the deadlines that are both legal and logical. I expect we will reach an agreement so that institutions are back on track. However, we should see if this is worth even one new case. We will monitor the trends in the coming two weeks,” Osmani said. He says the latest 14-day state of emergency has eased the pressure on the government regarding deadlines, giving it room to focus more on the health situation, while discussions with political parties to continue in the meantime. “I do not expect citizens to understand, but we as ministers need a functional parliament and a political government as soon as possible. We are in a difficult situation imposed by the absence of a parliament, which dissolved on 12 February, when no one even knew there would be an outbreak in the country,” says Osmani.


Nikoloski: elections only after the epidemic has been put under control (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE is eager that we hold elections, but that can only happen after the coronavirus epidemic has been put under control, said the opposition party’s Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski. He blamed the ruling SDSM party of reckless conduct as it insisted to hold a pre-election campaign, and now 80 SDSM officials are in quarantine. “We absolutely ant to have elections and we want to see the citizens have their say, but those elections require two prior steps. One is to conduct a serious fight against the virus and to reduce the numbers we are currently seeing. The other, is to reach consensus between all political parties through an open dialogue,” Nikoloski said. SDSM insists that the elections take place on 5 July, the earliest possible date, which is rejected by the majority of the public as extremely unsafe. VMRO-DPMNE proposes dates in August or September, depending on when the epidemic is put under control. “We would be happiest if the numbers of newly infected patients begin to decline tomorrow. But we are seeing that it is not happening, we are happy to see below 50 new patients in a day. And now, because they conducted a pre-election campaign, there are 80 top SDSM party officials in isolation, as well as, we now hear, 200 employees of the UJP tax authority. This includes people who should have been withdrawn from the political campaign as they run independent institutions – the Financial Police director, the head of the Intelligence Agency, these are decidedly not partisan appointees, but we see that they were attending party meetings,” Nikoloski said. SDSM Vice President Muhamed Zekiri is positive to the virus, apparently after attending an iftar dinner during the month of Ramadan, as is UJP director Sanja Lukarevska. Both took part in numerous meetings in the SDSM party which led to dozens of top officials of the party and the Government to be forced into quarantine. These include two government members – Mila Carovska and Damjan Mancevski. “Sadly, Macedonia is failing in its task, not only when compared to European countries – just look at the region and see the numbers, we are failing badly. The reason for this is the mad rush toward elections as Zaev hoped he would lose by a lower margin if the elections take place sooner,” Nikoloski said.


Miloshoski: Now’s not the time to bid with election dates (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE is always prepared to take part in elections, but at this moment, in terms of a date for election day, it is truly inappropriate and distressing to be bidding with dates in times when we're recording a spike in new cases, the party's top official Antonijo Miloshoski said. “At this point, the country in the next two-three weeks should put at a disposal all its resources in order to curb the pandemic and to reduce the number of confirmed cases and fatalities,” he told a news conference Wednesday. According to Miloshoski, the opposition party would like to continue the dialogue with all other political parties based on health parameters once the situation is put under control. It’s alarming, he said, that Macedonia almost every day is recording a surge in cases, more than in all Balkan countries put together. Miloshoski criticized Health Minister Venko Filipche and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev for mishandling the epidemic. “The number of people infected is a mere reflection of the poor organization against the fight against the pandemic,” the party official noted.


Covid-19: 101 new cases in North Macedonia, 10 patients recover, 4 die (MIA)


101 new coronavirus patients have been recorded in North Macedonia in the past 24 hours, the majority of which (59) in Skopje, the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday. COVID-19 cases were also registered in Kumanovo – 12, Shtip – 7, Prilep – 1, Tetovo – 5, Struga – 6, Veles – 1, Ohrid – 1, Kavadarci – 1, Gostivar – 3, Kochani – 3 and Probishtip – 2. 974 coronavirus tests were conducted in North Macedonia in the past 24 hours. According to the Institute for Public Health, 10 coronavirus patients have recovered in the past 24 hours, of which in Tetovo – 8 and Veles – 2. An 84-year-old patient from Prilep died at the Skopje-based Infectious Diseases Clinic. Three patients, of which one from Tetovo aged 75, one from Kumanovo aged 71 and one from Skopje aged 58, passed away at the “8 September” hospital in Skopje. The total number of coronavirus patients since the onset of the epidemic is 2,492. Of these 1,605 people have recovered, 145 passed away, while the number of active cases in the country is now 742.

Over the past 24 hours, 974 coronavirus tests have been carried out, of which 132 within the screening process of kindergartens in Shtip, Prilep, Bitola and Skopje. Two tests from kindergartens in Shtip came back positive. A total of 32,161 Covid-19 tests have been carried out in North Macedonia to date.


US Ambassador Kim: If consensus is not reached, the parties should not continue with the requests (Radio Tirana)


The US Ambassador Yuri Kim stated after the meeting with the members of the Political Council for the Electoral Reform that “we have spent about 9 hours with all the members of the Political Council. It has been a long and difficult day, but progress has been made, it has been difficult for all parties involved”. In a statement to the media, Kim stressed that “everyone has been asked to give, so that Albania can win. Albania, our friend and ally is at a critical stage in its history. March 25 was a turning point. It is a vote for Albania’s future in Europe”. “As you are aware, the European Union has set a number of conditions for Albania to start negotiations for EU membership, among them is the Electoral Reform that is in line with the ODIHR recommendations,” Kim said. Ambassador Kim said that “we will meet again tomorrow so that Albania can meet the recommendations of the ODIHR, so that Albania is a full member of the EU.” “If the parties reach a consensus on measures beyond ODIHR’s recommendations, we will agree with them.” However, it continued that if consensus on these points, which the ODIHR has sought, is not reached, then the parties should no longer pursue these demands. “As I said, we want Albania to be in Europe, this is the desire of the United States and the Albanian people,” Kim said, adding that the United States will do everything in its power to continue and support the Albanian people.

Albania faces high number of new Covid-19 cases (ADN)


Albanian Virologists confirmed 20 citizens positive with coronavirus in the last 24 hours while 297 tests were performed, Director of the Health Service Operator, Mirela Cami said on Wednesday. Out of all the infected 15 are in Tirana, 2 in Kruja, 2 in Durres and 1 in Kamza. Also, four infected medical staffs were discovered as 65 were tested. Albania has had 1184 virus cases up to date and 253 active cases with the disease mainly in the capital, Durres and Kruja, Cami added. The Infectious Diseases Hospital is treating 21 people, 5 of whom are in intensive care and one is intubated. Eight percent of the infected are in hospitals and family doctors are looking after the rest. However, 7 nationals have recovered in the last 24 hours amounting to 898 of recovered.



Trump’s Ex-Intelligence Adviser to Stay as Kosovo-Serbia Envoy (Bloomberg, by Jennifer Jacobs, 2 June 2020)


Richard Grenell has resigned as President Donald Trump’s ambassador to Germany, but will continue to serve as U.S. envoy for talks between Kosovo and Serbia. In a statement Tuesday, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien thanked Grenell for his work as ambassador and as Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence, a role now held by John Ratcliffe. O’Brien said Grenell would still retain his pre-existing role, part-time, as the “president’s Special Envoy for Kosovo and Serbia negotiations,” and that Grenell would work out of the White House. Grenell moved into an office on the White House compound on Monday, two people familiar with the matter said.


Rouhani: US cruel sanctions not to disturb Iran-Serbia economic ties (IRNA, 2 June 2020)


Tehran – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a phone call with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vučić on Tuesday underlined Iran’s readiness for transferring anti-COVID experiences to Serbia, saying the US cruel sanctions will not disturb economic ties between the two countries. Referring to Iran’s success and planning in fighting coronavirus such as producing diagnostics test kits by Iranian knowledge-based companies, President Rouhani said Iran is ready to share experiences and to maintain scientific and technology cooperation with Serbia. The Iranian president welcomed suggestion for developing trade ties between two countries, saying Iranian and Serbian officials should take advantage of all capacities and opportunities for promoting cooperation and joint economic activities. President Rouhani pointed to joint common stances with regard to fighting unilateralism and the importance of establishing more cooperation between Iran and Serbia in international community. "Iranian and Serbian nations have always resisted against foreign interventions to preserve their independence," he added.   Meanwhile, Vučić referred to the outbreak of coronavirus in the world, saying all countries and governments should help each other to stand against this disease. Serbia is against imposing sanctions and pressure on Iran, he said, adding that "we should take advantage of opportunities for developing cooperation in trade, scientific, cultural, technology, tourism and academic fields". He also praised Iran's independent stance with regard to international issues like respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of nations and governments.


Serbian servicemen to take part in Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24 (TASS, 2 June 2020)


BELGRADE. Serbian servicemen will take part in the Victory Parade to mark the 75th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory in the Great Patriotic War (the Eastern Front during WWII where Russia fought against Nazi Germany) that is to be held in Moscow on June 24, Serbia’s Defense Ministry told TASS on Tuesday. "Under an agreement between the Serbian and Russian Presidents and Supreme Commanders-in-Chief, Aleksandar Vucic and Vladimir Putin and an invitation from the Russian Defense Ministry, servicemen of the Serbian army will take part in the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, 2020," the ministry said in a statement in response to TASS’ official inquiry. This year, the traditional May 9 parade on Moscow’s Red Square had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. On May 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the parade would be held on June 24, the day when the first Victory Parade took place in Moscow 75 years ago. Putin ordered Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to launch preparations for the parade and spare no effort to exclude any possible health risks for those who would take part in it. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, army units from 19 nations have been invited to take part. According to him, about 14,000 people, including more than 800 students of the Defense Ministry’s pre-university educational establishments, will be involved.