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Belgrade Media Report 15 September


Vucic: Serbs, united and unanimous, can overcome all adversities (Tanjug/RTS/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbs, if united, can overcome all adversities, face all the problems and ensure the future of Serbian children. "There are no higher and more important values than the unity of our people and the freedom for which our ancestors fought, for which we will fight in the future," said President Vučić on the occasion of Serbian Unity Day - a holiday that Serbia and the Republic of Srpska mark together this year on 15 September. We are celebrating, and in the future it will be a state holiday of unity and freedom, said Vucic in a statement for Tanjug and added that today is a great day for Serbia, the Republika Srpska (RS) and the entire Serb people. He reminded that today we celebrate the day of the breakthrough of the Salonica front, when, on September 15, Serbian soldiers, who went through the hell of Albania and lost 50 percent of their comrades during the war, were joined by volunteers from other Serbian regions. "There were 10 percent of them from Herzegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Krajina, Banija, Kordun, all parts where Serbs lived. A Serb could not accept the obligation to fight against Serbs and joined our only red, blue, white flag, which still unites us today," he added.

Vucic emphasized that it is important that even today, when we face numerous challenges and pressures from the world, when we see that, regardless of our economic successes, our people still face difficult days - the answer must be unity, harmony and struggle by using smart political means, for the freedom of our people. "If we are united, and unanimous, we Serbs, and this is not only a national holiday, but an all-Serbian one, we can overcome all adversities, overcome all problems, ensure and guarantee the future of our children," he said. Vucic thanked the Serbs in the RS, but also our people in the region and the world, who, as he says, help and who have always advocated that freedom be the greatest commitment and value of our people and the state of Serbia. "I congratulate the people in the RS and Serbia on the holiday, but also to all Serbs around the world. We are proud of our flag and we will protect it, we know how to protect the country and the common people. Thus, united we will leave a mark in the history of Europe and the world," he pointed out.

Vucic and Patriarch Irinej discuss Kosovo (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Monday with Serbian Patriarch Irinej. In an open and substantial conversation, Vucic informed the Patriarch about the negotiations regarding Kosovo and Metohija, which were held in Washington and Brussels at the beginning of the month, as well as about the talks with foreign statesmen. They also spoke about the position of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, in Montenegro, Croatia, Republika Srpska, but also in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special attention was paid to a number of announced ambitious projects for the future of Serbia, and his holiness the patriarch expressed special interest in the state's investments in improving the healthcare system and especially praised the fact that the state has rapidly started reconstructing 10 general hospitals as well as works on a new Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade.

Vucic to Nabhan: Serbia supports lasting peace and stability in the Middle East (RTV/Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met earlier today with the Palestinian Ambassador Mohammed Nabhan and informed him about the talks the Serbian delegation had in Washington and Brussels. Vucic told Ambassador Nabhan that Serbia respects and preserves friendship with Palestine and the Palestinian people and that it supports the establishment of lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. He pointed out that he hopes the two sides will find a way to reach an agreement in the future that will contribute to a better life for all people in the region. “Serbia is committed to improving relations with both Israel and Palestine and strives towards a sustainable solution based on international public law norms established at the UN, which would bring peace, stability and progress to all,” said Vucic. He thanked the Palestinian leadership for its political support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and its principled position on non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of so-called Kosovo.

Ambassador Nabhan said that Palestine esteems Serbia, with which it has deep friendly relations, and that is why the news of a possible relocation of the embassy was received with concern. Ambassador Nabhan also expressed confidence that the views of the Palestinian people would be respected by the Serbian leadership in the spirit of traditional friendship. They agreed that Serbia and Palestine should continue with the steps to form a Joint Cooperation Committee that would concretize the existing agreements and help make better use of opportunities for extensive cooperation. Ambassador Nabhan briefed President Vucic about the Palestinian view of the situation in the Middle East.

Trump spoke about Serbia (Tanjug/B92

US President Donald Trump estimated that the agreement on economic normalization will make Serbia, Kosovo, the Balkans and the world in general safer. He emphasized that such a step required exceptional courage of the leader, the State Department announced today on its Instagram profile. The post recalls the words of President Trump on the occasion of reaching an agreement in Washington on 4 September: "This is a truly historic day... Serbia and Kosovo have committed themselves to economic cooperation". Trump allegedly emphasized that "it took tremendous bravery" for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti to embark on these talks and to come to Washington to finalize these commitments". "By doing so, they've made their countries, the Balkans and the world safer," Trump concluded.

Djuric: Belgrade most sincere advocate of eliminating economic barriers in the region (Beta

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric talked on Monday with French Ambassador to Serbia Jean-Louis Falconi about the political and security situation and the course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. According to the Office, Djuric said that Serbia had, as the initiator of the Mini-Schengen idea, confirmed in Washington its role as the pillar of regional stability and the bearer of development of the entire Western Balkans. He pointed out that Belgrade was the most sincere advocate of the elimination of economic barriers and establishment of the free flow of people, goods, capital and services in the region, whereby Serbia once again confirmed both its European orientation and devotion to the values on which contemporary Europe rests. Djuric said he expected the EU, following the logic that economic normalization should precede any other normalization, would also contribute to the process.

Djuric with Schieb about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (FoNet)  

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told the German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb that the result of the Belgrade-Pristina meeting at the White House, as part of their dialogue on the normalization of relations, opened room for ordinary people’s reconciliation, economic cooperation between the two capitals and the prosperity of the entire region. Djuric told Schieb Serbia would continue to insist on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities which Pristina avoided to do for over seven years after the agreement on the issue had been reached in Brussels. He added Belgrade would continue working with partners from Germany in searching a compromise solution for the regional issues.



Plenkovic visits Mostar, meets Covic to discuss elections and political situation (Hayat)

Croatian Prime Minister and leader of Croatian HDZ Andrej Plenkovic paid a visit to Mostar on Monday and met leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic. The two officials discussed the political situation in B&H and in Croatia and the upcoming local elections in B&H. Following the meeting, the officials said that they expect stronger engagement and better connection of Croatia and B&H despite of open issues with the aim to achieve equality of Croats in B&H. Addressing media, Plenkovic said: “We will strongly support B&H’s path towards the European Union and we will develop cooperation with all three constituent peoples, with all citizens of B&H, to be a country which supports B&H on its paths towards the EU and the North Atlantic Alliance (the NATO). We do this as we are sure that this is the only true path and our best role at this moment, fully respecting B&H as a friendly, neighborly country”. Plenkovic announced that Croatia will continue to support and finance many projects that are of interest for Croats in B&H.

Asked to comment on the situation in the region, he said that the situation in the Southeast Europe is dynamic especially after the elections in Montenegro and they advocate stability in all neighboring countries. Covic said that he talked about the political situation in B&H with Plenkovic and informed him about the situation in Mostar, adding that HDZ B&H wants to win all mandates in areas where Croats represent the majority along with its partners. Covic said: “I also informed him that on the 16th, in other words in two days, I will sit down with Mr. (leader of SDA Bakir) Izetbegovic and I believe that we will, through our delegations rapidly open talks about changes to the Election Law”.

Our Party’s Baralija slams Plenkovic’s statement about Mostar elections (Dnevni list)

Vice President of Our Party Irma Baralija commented the meeting between Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic held in Mostar on Monday. Baralija said there is no point in repeating that Plenkovic’s intentions are not of a good neighbor because he is visiting the neighboring countries and is ignoring the state officials, instead he is visiting a party leader at the same time taking part in pre-election campaign of that party leader. Baralija went on to say that she, as a Mostarian, could not be indifferent to Plenkovic’s statement, by which he expressed satisfaction that the elections will be held in Mostar and by which he saw Covic as one of people who take the credit for it. In this context Baralija asked PM Plenkovic what he was doing in the last 12 years during which HDZ B&H was one of main obstructionists of the elections in Mostar.

RS and Serbia to mark Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag on Tuesday (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia will mark a joint holiday on Tuesday – the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag. This holiday is being marked on the anniversary of the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki Front, and the central celebration titled ‘Pohvala srpskom narodu’ (Praise to the Serb people) will be held on the plateau in front of the Church of Christ the Savior in Banja Luka. The entire ceremony will be broadcast by RTRS as of 8 p.m. on Tuesday. This is the first time that this joint holiday will be marked in the RS and Serbia. In accordance with the name of the holiday, the streets of Banja Luka will be decorated with flags of the RS and Serbia. The flags will be displayed on the buildings of all RS and local institutions on the day of the celebration. In accordance with the epidemiological situation, the central event will be organized without a mass gathering. Director of the Centre for Research of War, War Crimes and the Search for Missing Persons of the RS, Milorad Kojic said that it is very important that Serbs on both sides of the Drina River celebrate joint dates because they are the same people and cherish the same values. There is a lot of symbolism in the date chosen to mark this holiday. Historians say that the day of the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki Front was well chosen, considering that it is one of the most important dates from the World War I. “The reason why it should be celebrated is the fact that a large number of volunteers from this area and volunteers who left their homes throughout Western Europe or the American continent fought in the units of the Serbian army that fought on the Thessaloniki Front” said Borivoje Milosevic, a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka. The goal of preserving the Serb national identity should be contributed by the Law on the Protection of the Serbian Language and the Cyrillic Alphabet, which should be adopted in the RS and in Serbia. The law, which should preserve the Serbian language and establish another joint holiday of the RS and Serbia, was initiated at joint meetings of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.

Viskovic says relations of RS with Russia are at highest possible level, thanking Russian officials for preventing future negative influence of High Representative (RTRS)

In a statement for Russian daily Russian Gazette, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic assessed that relations between the RS and Russia are at the highest possible level, thanking the Russian officials from preventing further negative influence of the High Representative (HR Valentin Inzko) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Viskovic believes that the RS and Russia can use the truth to confront attempts of the West which aim to present them as the “bad guys”. “We have a duty to oppose this with the truth, which must always be guided by the thesis that crimes must not be forgotten, regardless of any threats or sanctions”, Viskovic underlines.

Parliamentarians from RS dismiss Dzaferovic's statement about B&H's NATO path as unrealistic (Glas Srpske)

Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic stated recently that “B&H will certainly become NATO member” and that “despite strong opposition, the path to NATO has been preserved”. This statement caused numerous reactions of the RS representatives who underlined that Serbs will never give their consent for B&H’s accession to NATO.  The daily comments that even if there was any political will for NATO membership, there is a whole series of technical conditions for NATO membership which B&H cannot fulfill. Namely, B&H’s defense budget is too low, the situation in B&H Armed Forces is catastrophic, there is a high level of corruption in the country as well as political and security instability. Deputy Chair of B&H parliament’s Joint Commission for Defense and Security Dusanka Majkic stated that this is not the first time that “Dzaferovic is seeing things”. She noted that a new action plan for NATO integration would have been already in process of development if there was any truth in Dzaferovic’s statement. She underlined that no decision related to NATO will be passed without the approval of B&H Presidency and B&H parliament, where Serb representatives are going to reject any such decision. Member of B&H House of Representatives Nenad Nesic stated that Serb representatives will only give consent for B&H’s NATO membership if Serbia joins this alliance. “That path is not acceptable for RS at all. We have the resolution of the RS parliament about military neutrality, and we will act in line with that resolution,” said Nesic. He added that even if there was political will for NATO membership, B&H as a protectorate under High Representative could never join the alliance.

Dodik: Every language is named after people and I do not see why Bosniak language would be exception (ATV)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Monday that every language is named after the people and that he does not see why "Bosniak language" would be an exception. Asked to comment on Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic's statement, which he made after his Monday's meeting with the parents of school children in Zvornik, that at the next session of the B&H Presidency he will speak with the Serb member of the B&H Presidency about solving the problem of language in schools and that 'Bosnian language' should be introduced in students' report cards, Dodik replied that apart from not understanding what a member of the Presidency of B&H is doing with parents of school children in Zvornik, it is also not clear to him what Zeljko Komsic is trying to problematize. "Imposing the name of the language 'Bosnian' is continuation of the policy of assimilation of all in B&H, which we do not agree to" Dodik was quoted as saying. As ‘Bosnians’ don’t exist as a national unit, neither does ‘Bosnian language’,” Dodik said. If the parents keep insisting on a Bosnian language, Dodik said someone should explain to them that the word for ‘Bosnian’ is ‘Bosniak’ in the Serbian language.

B&H CEC publishes preliminary lists and names of candidates for upcoming elections (Nezavisne novine)

B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) published the preliminary lists and names of candidates for the upcoming local elections. In total, CEC verified 30,789 candidates, including 425 candidates for posts of mayors and heads of municipalities. Out of them, only 6.82 percent are women. B&H CEC also verified 196 candidates who represent minorities. Out of 30,168 candidates for city and municipal councils, 42.27 percent are women and 57.73 percent are men.


EU has no comment on the announced lifting of sanctions against Russia (RTCG)

The EU does not want to comment on the announcements of certain politicians in Montenegro that the future government will lift sanctions against Russia. The European Commission Foreign Affairs spokesperson Peter Stano told this to journalists in Brussels when asked what will happen with Montenegro's negotiating path if our country decides to lift sanctions against Russia. "This issue contains an 'what if' element, and we are not dealing with speculation. Coherence with EU foreign policies is one of the obligations in the accession process and the acceding countries know that. When it comes to Montenegro, I would not comment on the statements of one politician, especially if they are not accompanied by specific procedures," Stano said.

Reinke: US looking forward to partnership with the new government (CdM)

Following the State Election Commission’s release of the official results from the parliamentary elections which took place on 30 August, the United States applauds Montenegro for showing democratic maturity while holding peaceful and participatory elections during the Covid-19 pandemic. “This is a historic moment for Montenegro’s democracy. The US government looks forward to partnering with the next government, constituted through the democratic process as a reflection of the people’s will. The United States will continue to be a friend, partner, and Ally of the citizens of Montenegro,” US Ambassador Judy Raising Reinke stated. The US government respects the professionalism and dedication of all those who played a role in carrying out the elections, including the election observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and civil society. The United States was pleased to provide support for the process through our assistance to The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations’ observation mission, which was facilitated through a grant to the National Democratic Institute. Additionally, many of the Embassy staff observed the voting process throughout the country on election day. It is the hope of the US government that the calm and the dignity that the Montenegrin citizens demonstrated on election day will prevail during the post-election period. The US government condemns all acts of violence and intimidation and calls for the protection of minorities and human rights, key tenets of democracy. Even as the democratic process continues during the formation of a new government, the US government welcomes the pledges from various political leaders to keep Montenegro on a Euro-Atlantic course, maintain key elements of Montenegro’s foreign policy, and prioritize the reforms needed to speed EU accession. It is their firm belief that a Montenegro fully integrated into Western institutions will lead to greater prosperity and a brighter future for all citizens of Montenegro.


Parliament’s working bodies established (MIA)

Lawmakers adopted Monday the decision on the composition of the parliament’s working bodies (committees), a proposal harmonized by party whips. The parliament’s Committee on Election and Appointment Issues adopted last week the draft-decision on the election of committee chairs, members and their deputies. The session agenda also includes the verification of the seat of an MP replacing Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jagoda Shahpaska.

State Department official: Democracy in North Macedonia is alive (MIA)

The July parliamentary elections proved democracy in North Macedonia is in good shape, former US Ambassador to the country, Philip Reeker has said. Reeker, who now serves as US Undersecretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, warned Monday at an online panel that Russian malign activity remained a threat for everyone, including NATO member countries, MIA’s Brussels correspondent reports. He took part in “Policy dialogue on enhancing resilience and security in Eastern Europe,” organized online by the think tank European Policy Centre. Asked by MIA whether North Macedonia after joining NATO was safe from Russian influence, Reeker warned that no one was safe. He called it a challenge for NATO members and those that were not part of the Alliance. Reeker said Russia was still making attempts to interfere in the coming US elections, saying it was also the case in North Macedonia. The State Department official welcomed the resilience of the Macedonian democracy facing the Russian challenge considering the election outcome. Reeker also said that North Macedonia organized free, fair and well-administered elections. North Macedonia’s membership in NATO, he noted, is of great importance for NATO and the whole Western Balkans region. The former Ambassador said he trusted the North Macedonia government in pursing reforms to improve the country and focusing on international relations, security and stability. Concluding his participating in the online panel, Reeker said that the United States and the European Union needed to ‘remain vigilant and together in combating Russian malign activity.’


Electoral reform talks, no consensus in sight (ADN)

The political representatives on electoral reform returned to the negotiating table on Monday after more than one month, but failed once again to reach agreement on the pending issues.

Reportedly, the extra-parliamentary opposition proposed to seek ODIHR’s opinion on pre-electoral coalitions, a proposal that was not welcomed by the majority representatives in the Political Council. The Socialist Party’s representative Damian Gjiknuri gave the opposition ‘ultimatum’ to present the joint list of candidates by Friday, September 18, while insisting that the constitutional changes are already in force. He urged the DP and SMI to make proposals on the national electoral threshold, deadlines for registration of joint lists by electoral alliances and modalities of preferential voting for candidates in terms of open lists by respecting the gender quota. According to local media, the DP and SMI have requested the ODIHR recommendation regarding pre-electoral coalitions, which the Socialists did not welcome. SP’s Gjiknuri insisted that first the reflection of the constitutional changes in the electoral code should be concluded and then an opinion might be sought from the ODIHR. He found the opposition’s request ‘odd’ at this stage, arguing that it was the opposition that forced an agreement on 5 June, “in contradiction to the ODIHR’s key recommendation to depoliticize the election administration”.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary opposition MP Rudina Hajdari told reporters that she had proposed to the Council the preservation of the 30% gender quota for the next legislature, and reiterated the request for full opening of lists. Shortly before the meeting on Monday, the representatives of extra-parliamentary opposition made it clear that they will not be part of any process that goes against the June 5 agreement or that reopens discussions for matters that have been agreed on between parties. They insisted on not discussing laws about pre-election coalitions and the formula for the distribution of parliamentary seats, which, according to the opposition, were turned into law on 23 July along with the new Electoral Code.

Soreca calls on Albanian politics to finalize appointments to the Constitutional Court (Radio Tirana)

EU Ambassador to Tirana Luigi Soreca calls on Albanian politics to finalize appointments to the Constitutional Court. Through a message published by the EU Delegation on Facebook, Soreca emphasizes that the Albanian authorities must act without delay, with the aim of fully restoring the functioning of the Constitutional Court. Ambassador Soreca had a meeting with President Ilir Meta. “It is essential to finalize the appointments to the Constitutional Court. EU continues to encourage the Albanian authorities to act without delay, with the aim of fully restoring the functioning of the Court. This is a requirement of the EU Council Conclusions of 25.3.20 and must be met before the first Intergovernmental Conference. The opinion of the Venice Commission provides the necessary instructions to all competent Albanian authorities to complete the appointments quickly. The EU continues to stand by Albania on its path to EU accession,” writes Ambassador Soreca.



How Donald Trump Used the Kosovo Conflict to His Advantage (The National Interest, by Ivana Stradner and Allison Schwartz, 14 September 2020) 

A U.S.-brokered agreement between Serbia and Kosovo to normalize economic relations might be Trump’s tactic to boost his electorate before November, but advancing security in the Balkans is a step in the right direction in order to halt the Chinese and Russian influence in Europe. 

President Donald Trump marked another diplomatic victory after announcing that Kosovo and Serbia would normalize economic relations. As part of the agreement, Kosovo will recognize Israel, and Serbia will move its embassy to Jerusalem. Similar to last month’s historic Israel-UAE agreement, Kosovo and Serbia’s deal is just another one of Trump’s tactics to advance his foreign policy agenda and boost his electorate before November. Whether an average American voter cares about the Kosovo-Serbia dispute is questionable. However, one thing is certain: After more than a decade of unsuccessful European mediation, the Trump administration is assisting Belgrade and Pristina to overcome their differences and advance not only their economic interests but also their pivot to the West. Serbia and Kosovo’s economic accord is anything but novel as both countries have already been taking steps toward economic normalization since 2017. This time around, both countries agreed to join the mini-Schengen zone, operationalize the Merdare Common Crossing Point facility, promote freedom of religion, locate and identify the remains of missing persons from the Kosovo conflict, and work to decriminalize homosexuality.

Yet, the most pressing issue in the agreement is Trump’s motive to distance the Balkans from China and Russia, who have filled the power vacuum due to the United States and the European Union ignoring the region for two decades. Serbia’s “strategy of neutrality,” balancing between Russia and China, is unacceptable to America. Hence, this agreement is a litmus test for President Aleksandar Vucic to decide how he wants to lead Serbia, as this is a unique opportunity to return to its democratic and liberalizing path. This deal forces Belgrade and Pristina to forego using China’s 5G network. Given China’s push to install 5G networks via Huawei, turning away from 5G might challenge Serbia’s ties with China. The agreement also asks for energy diversification. Given Serbia’s close ties with Moscow, this may jeopardize relations between Belgrade and Moscow. Both of these further the Trump administration’s foreign policy goals. But the biggest coup for Trump occurs with the agreement’s focus on the Middle East. The agreement requires both parties to designate Lebanon’s Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Kosovo and Serbia agreeing to this designation advances Trump’s ongoing maximum pressure campaign on Iran, which appeared significantly weaker on the global stage after the United Nations Security Council rejected the U.S. proposal to extend the arms embargo on Tehran. This agreement stands in the face of previously strong bilateral relations between Serbia and Iran. In this vein, in June, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called Vucic to expand economic ties between the two countries, stressing the importance of not allowing the US maximum pressure campaign to erode their economic relations. Consequently, the Serbian-Palestinian relationship will falter. Palestinian official Saeb Erakat’s rash response to the agreement underscores how the Palestinians will respond to any nation who eventually becomes a “victim” of Trump’s electoral ambitions. The United States moved its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2018 after recognizing Jerusalem as its capital in December 2017. Trump’s historic decision was met with strong condemnation at a United Nations emergency resolution session, declaring Trump’s Jerusalem status as “null” and “void.” Although Belgrade was one of 128 countries to vote in favor of the UN resolution, President Vucic addressed AIPAC’s Policy Conference in March to announce Serbia’s intentions of opening an “official state office” in Jerusalem. This accord requires Serbia to move its embassy by July 2021. Serbia and Kosovo’s willingness to develop relations with Israel will not go unpunished. As both countries seek EU membership, the decision to move their embassies to Jerusalem would be a direct blow to Brussels. EU policy views any embassy move to Jerusalem as hindering the Israeli-Palestinian peace process’s advancement and unilaterally risks inflaming violence in the region. Despite the EU’s grumbling, the agreement is an opportunity for Belgrade and Pristina to point out European mismanagement of the Kosovo dialogue. Ensuring a peaceful and prosperous Balkan peninsula is indeed in America’s best interests. As the Balkans are destabilized by Russia and China, the EU is again turning a blind eye to their security. Their previous unwillingness to stop the Kosovo conflict only ended when America decided to intervene. Love it or hate it, the Trump administration’s advancing security in the Balkans is a step in the right direction.

Ivana Stradner is a Jeane Kirkpatrick fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Allison Schwartz is the communications assistant for AEI’s Foreign and Defense Policy department.