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Belgrade Media Report 22 September 2020


Vucic: Serbia is in favor of a compromise solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija; by defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, respecting Resolution 1244, Serbia is defending international law, the UN Charter (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on Monday at the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly, on the occasion of marking the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. As he said, by defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia is defending both international law and the fundamental principles on which the United Nations is based. "I have the great honor to address you on behalf of the Republic of Serbia today, when we are marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations," Vucic started his speech. "This important anniversary is an opportunity to reaffirm our collective commitment to multilateralism and the principles we all accepted when we signed the UN Charter 75 years ago. We are proud of the fact that Yugoslavia - whose successor is the Republic of Serbia - was among the first fifty signatories and one of the members. the founder of this international organization, which has been operating for more than seven decades, serving as a universal platform for dialogue on an equal basis and playing a key role in maintaining peace and stability, protecting human rights and creating conditions for economic development around the world," he said. As he says, it is not surprising that the Serbian people and their diplomatic representatives actively participated in all international efforts that led to the creation of the United Nations, having in mind their aspiration for peace among nations. He adds that we are marking this anniversary of the UN at a time when the whole world is struggling with COVID-19 pandemic, a challenge that has hit the entire planet and which tests our readiness to act together, but at the same time reaffirms that the United Nations is needed today the same as when they were founded, and that its significance cannot be questioned. According to him, the Charter of the United Nations should represent the constitution of the modern international community and a set of basic principles and principles that regulate international relations and processes in the international community. "Unfortunately, at the end of the 20th century, we in Serbia experienced unilateral measures and actions, which undermined and called into question the effectiveness of multilateralism and mechanisms of international cooperation, as well as international law itself. Interim institutions in Pristina declared independence through a unilateral act and violated UN Resolution 1244, thus seriously undermining the security of Serbia and the region as a whole," Vucic said. He said that Serbia is fully committed to finding a compromise solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as to pursue a responsible policy and make efforts to preserve the interests of its citizens and regional peace and stability. "By defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, respecting Resolution 1244, Serbia is defending international law, the UN Charter, but also finally the authority of the Security Council," he said.

Djuric: A chance to build permanently good and close relations with US (TV Happy/Tanjug/RTV

It is very important for Serbia that US Special Envoy Richard Grenell came to Belgrade and Pristina very soon after the signing of the agreement in Washington, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said today, and added that US President Donald Trump is moving, through Grenell, to implement the agreement from the White House at lightning speed.

Djuric assessed that building relations with the US through strengthening economic cooperation is extremely important for Serbia, and that this creates chances for us to, in the future, build permanently good and close relations with the US. “That is something that would be left as a legacy for future generations, if Serbia finally, along with our traditional friends from the East and the region, has another pillar on which our stability and statehood rest,” Djuric told TV Happy. He stressed that Serbia has achieved several important things in Washington, above all, that President Aleksandar Vucic managed to remove the story about mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia from the agenda. He also considers it important that Pristina, with pressure from President Trump, has been included in the "mini-Schengen initiative, which, as he says, guarantees that they will no longer be able to introduce 100 percent taxes. He added that one of the results of the agreement is a one-year ban on Pristina joining international organizations such as Interpol and UNESCO, as well as mentioning Serbian Orthodox monasteries and churches, and Pristina’s obligation to implement laws and court rulings that protect our shrines. “President Vucic managed to get Pristina to sign an obligation before Trump to respect laws and court rulings that mostly refer to the monastery of Visoki Decani,” said Djuric. An important result achieved in Washington is the opening of the office of the US corporation DFC, worth about 60 million dollars, which, Djuric points out, opens the door to American investors. “So far, we’ve had investments from Germany, Italy, Russia, China... we will additionally strengthen economically as a country if we have large US investments, not to mention that Americans protect the stability of a space where they invest,” said Djuric. He also recalled the bilateral meeting between presidents Vucic and Trump and pointed out that it was an exceptional opportunity for Serbia, especially when the Pristina delegation did not have such a meeting.

“We are now much closer than before to the visit of the US president to Serbia, it would be extremely important for our mutual relations to continue working on that. Finally, the Serbian lobby can be seen in action, there is no longer only the Albanian lobby while Serbia is silent, now our country is also active,” Djuric pointed out. He added that President Vucic had numerous meetings with world leaders such as Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and that he managed to build international credibility of the representative of a state, which, as he says, implements what has been agreed and is a reliable and stable partner. He added that Vucic is at the helm of a state which has managed to achieve extraordinary economic results in the previous eight years. “President Trump also recognized the results we’ve had in the time of coronavirus, especially when it comes to unemployment. I will remind you that no one gave Serbia more than six months before going bankrupt in 2012, we had to borrow money to pay salaries and pensions after Djilas, Jeremic, and others, who diminish the importance of the agreements reached,” concluded Djuric.

Grenell: Words are not enough, new jobs must open (N1

The Washington agreement marks a milestone by turning the focus from politics toward the economic development and opening new jobs which contribute to the regional stability, the US President's special envoy for the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue Richard Grenell, the US ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey, the US International Finance Corporation (DFC) executive director Adam Boehler and the heads of Serbia and Kosovo chambers of commerce Marko Cadez and Berat Rukiqi agree in Belgrade on Tuesday. Grenell told reporters that what we did in Washington loos great, and it is great, but the job is not finished. Let Serbia's people hold us responsible since the words on the paper are not enough as long as new jobs are created, and the families in the region stay here and open a road to new families. He added that we are here only because Donald Trump believed in the private sector and put the economy and new jobs as priorities. "Serbia's people have got many promises, and we want them to see us responsible for this… We believe in the power of the private sector; we have people like Adam Boehler, who came from the private sector and brought innovations. A government should realize how an economy could flourish. A government doesn't create new jobs; the private sector does it," Grenell said. Godfrey added that today's meeting was a signal of the strength of Washington's agreement signed at the White House, adding Belgrade and Pristina delegations came here to improve trade, communications and living standard of the people in the region. Cadez added an action team has been formed, not Pristina and Belgrade separately, but a joint team, which will deal with the implementation of the topics signed in Washington. Rukiqi said that after a long time, we can talk about business in Pristina and Belgrade, after political issues flooded us and did not bring any benefit to the region, did not open new jobs. Boehler said that if we empower the economic sector, as we have done today, this region will trigger the private sector.



Dacic claims Minister Turkovic got letter from Foreign Minister of Kosovo calling on B&H to recognize Kosovo; Cubrilovic: For as long as Serbia does not recognize Kosovo, the RS will not recognize Kosovo (ATV)

In an interview for Belgrade-based Pink TV broadcast on Sunday, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said that Kosovo Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj sent a letter to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic in which she called on B&H to recognize Kosovo as independent country. This letter arrived to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H on September 8 – the same day when member of B&H Presidency from rank of Croats Zeljko Komsic requested a special session of the Presidency dedicated to discussion on recognition of Kosovo. Reporter commented that Komsic is well-known in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) as a politician who receives and executes all orders of SDA. Dacic commented the letter to Turkovic in regards to the agreement on normalization of economic relations signed in Washington by Belgrade and Pristina. Dacic stressed that considering the fact this letter was sent after Washington agreement, it seems that this agreement stipulates that other countries should recognize Kosovo. “Undoubtedly, Kosovo will be misusing this agreement and evidence for this is the letter to B&H,” emphasized Dacic. Reporter commented that it is yet to be seen what is behind communication between foreign ministers of B&H and Kosovo. Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic stated that for as long as Serbia does not recognize Kosovo, the RS will not enter the procedure to recognize Kosovo. Reporter commented that the Kosovo Foreign Minister avoided to communicate with the Presidency of B&H despite of the fact foreign policy is its competence. Political analyst Radomir Andjelkovic stressed that the fact that Pristina has been addressing B&H in a way that implies it can recognize independence of Kosovo without consent of Serbs in B&H, might mean that someone has been working to create such B&H. “This is provocation for Serbia and message to Serb people that it has to preserve and protect the RS, because it is only guarantor of its survival,” underlined Andjelkovic. Reporter commented that considering her arbitrarily passed decisions, it seems Minister Turkovic is also avoiding the Presidency. Member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has been warning several times of arbitrary behavior of Minister Turkovic. ATV unofficially learns that at one recent session of the Presidency when Dodik requested discussion on Turkovic’s arbitrary decision that B&H will join the EU High Representative’s declaration on Belarus, both other members of the Presidency opposed the method in which Turkovic supported the stance of the EU on behalf of B&H. Dodik also recently warned that Turkovic passed a decision that B&H will join the organization for fight against cyber-crime without consent of the Presidency. Dodik underlined that in this way Turkovic violated the Constitution.

Radoncic: US influence over Belgrade’s politics is leaving B&H and Bosniaks much calmer (Dnevni avaz)

SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said that the visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to the USA is completely wrongly interpreted in B&H, adding that this visit is a good thing and B&H should express pleasure that US politics is becoming dominant in Serbia. He stressed that US influence over Belgrade’s politics is leaving B&H and Bosniaks much calmer, adding that B&H should support Serbia’s development with use of US funds and not funds of Russia or China. Commenting the issue of ‘Mini Schengen’, Radoncic said that this is a chance for B&H, adding that “some” in B&H Presidency overreacted and this is not needed. He also stressed that he saw bulletins of certain parties where ‘Mini Schengen’ is equalized with ‘Greater Serbia’, but Radoncic underlined that ‘Mini Schengen’ would create the market of around 18 million people and underlined that Serbs would not constitute majority in this market if “you would agree to this stupid nationalistic story”. He also elaborated that this initiative does not abolishes borders, but alleviates crossing of borders both for people and goods.

Izetbegovic: Mini Schengen initiative is positive, this issue has been politicized (N1)

Last week, B&H Presidency discussed the initiative of Serb Presidency member Milorad Dodik to allow B&H to join the Mini Schengen initiative. However, Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic were reluctant. According to the daily, there is fear in Sarajevo that Mini Schengen would mean “small Yugoslavia”. In the meantime, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that the Mini Schengen initiative is positive because its goal is to allow swift and easy movement of people, goods and capital. He underlined that this is not a new political association. “This issue has been politicized. B&H Presidency accepted the initiative to examine positive and possibly negative sides of this agreement,” said Izetbegovic. Former SDP leader and professor at Sarajevo University School of Economy Zlatko Lagumdzja stated that for B&H, there is no alternative to the Mini Schengen process.


Dodik sends letter to Trump that he launched initiative to relocate B&H Embassy to Jerusalem (ATV)

Member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik sent a letter to the US President Donald Trump on 9 September. ATV is in possession of Dodik’s letter in which he informed the US President about his initiative to relocate B&H Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The letter reads that the decision on whether B&H Embassy will be relocated to Jerusalem depends on two other members of the Presidency.  “As a Serb member of the B&H Presidency, my intention was to give contribution and support to your peace initiative concerning Israel. That is why I launched an initiative in the Presidency of B&H to relocate B&H Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Since the procedure concerning adoption of decisions in the Presidency of B&H requires consent of all three members of the Presidency, my proposal would have to get support of other two members. I hope that Bosniak and Croat members of the Presidency will understand that such decision would represent important contribution to final and just peace solution for Israel and that B&H will follow the example of the US,” reads the letter. Dodik confirmed that he had been sending letters to Trump earlier in which he informed the US President about the current situation in B&H and in which Dodik emphasized he supports Trump’s policy not to interfere in internal issues of other countries. Dodik underlined that he will resume to write to Trump, adding that although it is Trump’s policy not to interfere in internal issues of other countries, the US President still has not managed to defeat so called deep state in the US that is remnant of previous US Administrations. “We want to avoid being collateral of untruths of these remnants. We believe it is important that Trump and his closest associates are informed about the situation in B&H,” he explained. Dodik added that every of his letters reached important people in the US, adding that he hopes the same will happen with his last letter. Dodik concluded that a response to his letters is less interfering of foreigners into internal issues in B&H.

EU: We call on B&H to harmonize foreign policy with EU’s (N1)

In a statement to N1, representatives of the European Union reacted to the initiative of member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik regarding the transfer of B&H Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. They stated that they encourage B&H to harmonize its foreign policy with the EU’s. Underlining that the EU stance on this issue is clear they stated: “In line with Resolution 478 of the UN Security Council from 1980, which calls on all UN members to transfer their embassies to Tel Aviv, all embassies of the EU member states, as well as the EU Delegation, are located in Tel Aviv”. They added that it is necessary to find a way to solve future status of Jerusalem.

Covic: New FB&H government will not be formed until agreement on changes to Election Law is reached (Nova BH)

The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) B&H Presidency convened in Mostar on Monday. The HNS B&H Presidency discussed local elections in November and current political affairs. President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that joint lists for elections in Mostar were submitted. It is expected that parties gathered in HNS B&H will win several posts of mayor and head of municipality in the FB&H.  Commenting on the negotiations regarding the changes to B&H Election Law and the formation of a new FB&H government, Covic said that the new government can be formed within 24 hours after they form a true partnership based on what they want for B&H. He added that he is not very optimistic that the new government will be formed soon and highlighted the issues that authorities in certain cantons are facing. Covic added that one of the strategic issues necessary for the formation of the FB&H government is the Election Law and they are far away from an agreement. Addressing a press conference following the session, Covic said that the new Government of FB&H will not be formed until reaching of the agreement on changes to the Election Law. Covic claims that leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic does not stick to his previously-given word about the B&H Election Law. Covic noted that Izetbegovic has taken a position contrary to what was agreed upon. He added: “Denial of the constituency of a constituent people as a constitutional principle is something that is unacceptable in B&H, and as long as we have such a Constitution, that way we need to show our patriotism, ensure that B&H functions,” said Covic.

Deadline to submit lists of candidates for elections in Mostar expired (FTV)

The deadline to submit lists of candidates for the local elections in Mostar expired on Monday at 16,00hrs. FTV reported that some parties were transparent and they published names of people who struggle for seats in the Mostar City Council and for the seat of a new Mayor of Mostar, while some parties did not reveal their candidates. Namely, 38 political parties nine independent candidates applied to take part in the elections in Mostar. According to FTV, the situation at the local elections in Mostar scheduled for December 20 will be interesting as some new politicians as well as well-known politicians will take part in the race, while citizens of Mostar will remember what it looks like to elect authorities after 12 years. The BH Bloc in Mostar, i.e. SDP B&H and Our Party (NS) said that they want to put an end to the rule of SDA and HDZ B&H that lasted for years and President of the SDP B&H Main Board in Mostar Arman Zalihic will be the leader of this list and a candidate for a new Mayor of Mostar. Zalihic said that in his opinion, the BH Bloc will show that they are the only ones who are capable to jeopardize the two ethnic blocs, SDA and HDZ B&H. The reporter noted that the pro-Bosnian bloc formed of SDA, SBB B&H, DF, BPS and SBiH wants to see some new names assume posts, and leader of this list is well-known doctor in Mostar Zlatko Guzin. President of the Cantonal Board of DF in the Herzegovina Neretva Canton Ahmed Dzubur said that one of their criteria was that this should be a candidate who had nothing to do with work of the city administration especially in the past 12 years that in their opinion, represents a period of non-democratic process. Leader of the HRS Slaven Raguz said that Slaven Bevanda will be their candidate for the post of a new Mayor of Mostar, reminding that they ended every contact with HDZ B&H and the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) and they will independently take part in the elections. Raguz said that if they supported them, it would mean that they are accomplices in 12 years of non-transparent spending of the public money.  The reporter noted that in the meantime, the HNS remains silent but they were discussing names of two candidates: Sladjan Bevanda and Mario Kordic for the seat of a new Mayor of Mostar. HDZ B&H announced that they will present all of their candidates in the mid of this week, but it seems that Kordic will be their candidate for this post.

Dzaferovic addresses UN General Assembly (Dnevni avaz)

B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic addressed the UN General Assembly special session dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UN. His address was broadcast to the UN General Assembly hall via video link. The session was attended in person by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, UN General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir and permanent representatives of UN member countries. In his speech, Dzaferovic said that now more than ever, the humanity has the need and strength to achieve universal security and prosperity for all. He added that in the past 75 years, there have been many armed conflicts, and in many cases the UN failed to use all available mechanisms to stop the devastating wars. He underlined that B&H also experienced this, because the UN failed to prevent genocide in UN protected enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa. He reminded that this mistake was admitted by former UN Secretary General Kofi Anan. Dzaferovic underlined that B&H fully supports all efforts to reform the UN system, and that the initial mission of the UN remains equally important and worthy of support.


Markovic: DPS will undergo some staff reshuffles (CdM)

Holder of the DPS list and present Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, said in the Public service tonight that adoption of the Law on Freedom of Religion had an impact on the decline in DPS support. He called the agreement signed by the leaders of three coalitions a political farce, while Metropolitan’s announcements of the construction of a monastery in Cetinje “are his empty desire”. “Law on Freedom of Religion is “unfair” because, hypothetically speaking, it ended the monopoly of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC). It was followed by general Serbian attack on Montenegro, un unprecedented and smearing campaign, meddling into Montenegro’s internal affairs… SOC has positioned itself as key political actor, got involved into the election process, creation of the coalition, it has cursed the future generations. Incredible,” Markovic said. Markovic says this was an attack on citizens’ free will. By various addresses, Montenegro has been declared a country which persecutes believers of the SOC. Markovic said that Montenegro had been overwhelmed with media mud and unprecedented propaganda. “Unfortunately, majority of citizens believed their argumentation and as a result we have this,” he said. He said that there had been some mistakes in the staff policy but, nonetheless, “there are professionals who have contributed to modern and European Montenegro,” Markovic was quoted. Markovic announced some reshuffles in DPS staff. “This result was below our expectations. There must be changes. As opposition party now, we will have to define the approach of the opposition fight. We will not be responsible for tough decisions now. We will have the opportunity to be closer to our citizens and morality in political actions will be our fundamental criterion,” Markovic said. Markovic said that he hoped the new government would be formed soon, as the country and the entire world are reeling from the crisis. “The new government and president of the country must cooperate. Djukanovic has no intention to obstruct the new government, but he would rather contribute to its efficiency,” Markovic said. Unacceptable attacks on minorities Attacks on the minority nations came as no surprise. “It was logical after the victory. Montenegro was a treasury of negative examples during these days. I believe perpetrators will be prosecuted,” Markovic said. He has no dilemma that minority nations will continue to cooperate with them in fighting for European Montenegro.

He points out that they are free to decide if they will be part of the new government or not.

Commenting on the Agreement between leaders of the coalition, Markovic says it’s a political farce aimed at gathering those who have different ideologies. Markovic reminded that Dritan Abazovic “did not vote for Montenegro’s NATO membership”. “Do you really believe that MandicKnezevic and Milacic will give up on Russia and turn to NATO? The only positive thing about this agreement is that everything DPS did has been confirmed,” Markovic pointed out.

DF wants to know first who will preside over the parliament (Dnevne novine)

Democratic Front (DF), which is part of the coalition ‘For the future of Montenegro’, requests deal on the formation of the Parliament first and then formal talks. Constitutive session of the Parliament of Montenegro will take place on Wednesday, 23 September. DF representatives insist that formation of the Parliament should be based on the fact that they need to be part of the government, either in the parliament or in the government. So far, they haven’t been taken into serious consideration, although they are the strongest political group within the coalition.

Negotiations did not resume yesterday because presidents of the constituents of the coalition want Dritan Abazovic to answer two key questions: will URA vote for the withdrawal of the Law on Freedom of Religion and is it true that he does not want Serbs and their political representatives in the new government? “If that is true, why? Until we get the answers to these questions, talks can’t resume”, coalition representatives have told Pobjeda. Two days ago, Pobjeda wrote that the main reason why the deal hasn’t been reached is the conclusion of the URA Main Committee which stated that specific people from other parties “can’t take over government departments”.

Kovacevic: We will accept all the people delegated by URA (CdM)

Candidate for the MP of the coalition ‘For the future of Montenegro’ Marko Kovacevic said that the new coalition would have only one principle – respect citizens’ election will. “I will accept people URA delegates, regardless of my emotions. Other colleagues will do the same. We are not here to love one another, we are here to work and unite societies” Kovacevic wrote on Facebook. He added that this was too complex process to be guided by emotions. According to Kovacevic, president of URA, Dritan Abazovic, got the chance to improve the impression he left on the coalition. Negative propaganda that has been led against specific people for decades will be shattered when citizens see that these same people are willing to work in their interest. “Good will is what we need and there’s no need to be afraid. This country is finally free” Kovacevic concluded.

Becic: We don’t want to abuse relevant topics only for the sake of the term of office (CdM)

We are not ready to abuse current affairs regardless of the emotions they might spark. We have got healthy foundations, healthy politics and clean staff, said president of Democrats, Aleksa Becic, during the meeting with the Ambassador of Croatia to Montenegro, Veselko Grubisic. Becic acquainted Grubisic with the Agreement and pointed out that Democratic Montenegro has remained the same. “Purity and stability in politics is the principle that we adhere to. The slogan Peace is our nation has become the slogan of all political subjects in Montenegro,” Becic said. He added that ‘Peace is our nation’ coalition was moderate and efficient in negotiations and that everything was going according to plan. Becic said that the foreign policy key was to open as many European doors as possible. Grubisic congratulated Becic on excellent election result and messages he conveyed on election night. “I want to continue the same high-quality cooperation we had and to further improve in in future,” Grubisic said.


Dacic expects Ecumenical Patriarch to reject request for recognition of Macedonian Orthodox Church (MIA)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic referred Monday to the request by North Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for recognition of the Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric, saying there are ways to discuss the issue but “shortcuts” do not contribute to bilateral relations, MIA reports from Belgrade. Dacic said it is not possible to discuss, on a state level, over the areas of religion and church communities, which have their own rules. “We want to see an agreement reached but we must observe the rules of the Orthodox church and we also expect the Ecumenical Patriarch to take that side, similar to his rejection of the establishment of the so-called Montenegro Orthodox Church,” Dacic told reporters. President Pendarovski has sent a letter to Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch, on the start of the Church New Year. “I turn to you on behalf of a large portion of my fellow citizens, who identify themselves as Orthodox Christians and whose only wish and need is to reconcile with their close ones and focus on a common future, coexistence and true freedom. In this regard, let me ask Your Holiness to esteem the call of our people and our Church to use Your prerogative and finally give our citizens of the Orthodox Christian faith the opportunity to be equal with the other Orthodox Christians across the globe,” said Pendarovski in the letter.



MFA: ForMin Aurescu meets EU Special Representative Mirsolav Lajcak - Romania supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (AGERPRES, 21 September 2020) 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, gave assurances, during his meeting with Miroslav Lajcak, the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other regional issues in the Western Balkans, that Romania supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

According to a press release of the MAE sent to AGERPRES, the meeting took place on Monday, on the sidelines of the Foreign Affairs Council, held in Brussels. "On this occasion, the head of Romanian diplomacy expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the Special Representative in resuming negotiations on this complex issue, after a period in which discussions stagnated. Minister Bogdan Aurescu reiterated that Romania supports a comprehensive agreement between the two. sides, mediated by the EU and in full agreement with international law, "informs the said press release. The MAE also noted that the two officials had an exchange of views and assessments on the future of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, both in terms of its difficult aspects and in terms of the incentives that could be given to the two sides to encourage progress towards a sustainable solution. In addition, the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs gave assurances regarding Romania’s willingness to support developments in this case, taking into account Romania’s regional expertise at this level. The two officials agreed to stay in touch in the next period on all the topics discussed, the MAE informs.