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Belgrade Media Report 16 September 2020


Vucic and Macleod on dialogue and cooperation (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met earlier today with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom Sian Macleod and informed her about the talks in Washington and the course of the dialogue in Brussels, as well as about the next steps towards further development of the country and the region. They also discussed ways to additionally improve the constructive cooperation between Serbia and Great Britain, as well as other vital issues in the field of regional and international policy, with particular emphasis on the further development of bilateral and trade ties between the two countries. Vucic reiterated Serbia's commitment to strengthening political dialogue at the highest level, and especially economic cooperation between Serbia and Great Britain. He also expressed confidence that trade exchange between the two countries will increase, since according to all reports and assessments of relevant international financial institutions, Serbia ranks among the leading countries that have managed to provide an exceptional investment climate and legal security for foreign investors. "Serbia has proved to be a country with a stable financial system, strong economy and serious projects that connect all countries in the region in the best fashion, with a firm focus on improving the quality of life of citizens," said Vucic, adding that cooperation with Great Britain, especially in the context of increasing the number of investments, is of exceptional importance for Serbia and the entire region of the Western Balkans. Ambassador Macleod expressed interest in the results of the Washington and Brussels meetings, and for Serbia's initiatives aimed at preserving peace and stability in the region. She added she was convinced that there is room for increasing British investments in Serbia and bilateral trade cooperation, especially considering that the British government's program (UK Export Finance) - intended to support infrastructure projects in Serbia - doubled and amounts to 4 billion pounds. Vucic iterated his commitment to the peace and cooperation policy and expressed his gratitude to the United Kingdom for its support to the development of the Western Balkans through its participation in the Berlin process. He also acknowledged Great Britain for its support to the accession of Serbia to the EU irrespective of its decision to leave the EU, and for the support in the continuation of the necessary reforms on our European path.

Letters of Interest signed between DFC, EXIM, Belgrade and Pristina (RTS

The US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Chief Executive Officer Adam Boehler and Export-Import Bank (EXIM) Chairman Kimberly Reed signed Letters of Interest (LOI) Tuesday with Serbia and Kosovo to help finance construction of The Peace Highway.

According to a press release of the DFC this project would connect Nis and Pristina and has long been a key piece of normalization talks between Serbia and Kosovo. “The Peace Highway will drive economic development and regional integration by connecting Nis and Pristina. It will also serve as a powerful symbol of the new, transformative relationship between these neighboring countries,” said Boehler. “DFC, in partnership with EXIM, is committed to advancing this peace process by investing in projects that create jobs and bring sustained economic benefit to both countries.” “The Peace Highway is an important step toward economic cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina, and I commend the work of President Trump and the entire administration on this historic agreement,” said EXIM Chairman Kimberly A. Reed. “The Export-Import Bank of the United States is committed to supporting projects that both advance economic development and employment in the region, and support American exports and workers. I look forward to working with the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, and the rest of my U.S. interagency colleagues, toward this goal.” DFC and EXIM plan to send delegations to Belgrade and Pristina later this month to advance work on The Peace Highway and other projects. DFC will also lay the groundwork for opening its first office in the region. A permanent DFC presence in Belgrade will facilitate implementation of priority projects like the Peace Highway that will support job creation and economic growth in the region. The LOIs signed today are non-binding and will be followed by standard due diligence conducted by both agencies before financing is formally committed.

Grenell: Talks were difficult, Vucic is a tough negotiator (Beta/Serbian Radio Chicago

US special envoy for Serbia-Kosovo dialogue Richard Grenell has said that the last week’s talks at the White House were difficult and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was “a very tough negotiator.” “I would like to stress one thing – President Vucic was a tough negotiator, he really fights for his Serbian people, and that is exactly what we expect. We expect people to come and fight for their citizens,” Grenell told Serbian Radio Chicago.  Asked whether the US would guarantee the implementation of the agreement, including the protection of all religious sites in Kosovo, and whether plans were in place for the reconstruction of some of the destroyed sanctuaries, Grenell replied that “such a level of details” had not been reached yet.  “The US, of course, will be there to help, but our philosophy is that the process has to be carried out by people, the nation in the region, the Serbian people…people there, those how live and work there... We do not want to impose our rules or opinions,” Grenell said. He added that if Washington was requested to assist in financing programs or projects, then the people would have to take part in how the funds would be spent.



B&H HoR holds session (N1)

A session of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) was held on Tuesday. The lack of the ruling majority in the B&H HoR and inadequate results of work of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) were in focus of discussions of Tuesday’s session. Some MPs criticized the B&H CoM for inactivity in regards to creation of proposals of laws. Chair of the B&H CoM Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) addressed MPs and stated that it is pointless to propose laws that will not get support in the Parliament. Representatives of opposition parties harshly reacted to abovementioned statement. MP Mirko Sarovic (SDS) stated that Tegeltija admitted that not only the B&H CoM is unproductive, but also that ruling majority in the B&H HoR is not functional. Leader of PDP and MP Branislav Borenovic stressed that Tegeltija’s statement is evidence that the current convocation of the B&H CoM does not have support of the B&H parliament. He added that these are grounded arguments to request the resignation of the B&H CoM.  On the other hand, representatives of HDZ B&H and SNSD underlined that the process of formation of the current convocation of the B&H CoM faced numerous obstacles and blockades. MP Nikola Lovrinovic (HDZ B&H) said that one cannot just simply say the B&H CoM is not functional, because no one should forget how long it took to form the new convocation of the B&H CoM or other obstacles the B&H CoM has been facing. Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac stated that there have been many obstructions related to implementation of election results and appointments in the B&H CoM. Commenting Tegeltija’s statement, Bursac emphasized that Tegeltija did not say there was not majority in the Parliament of B&H, but that there is no adequate support for some legislation.

RS and Serbia mark Day of Serb Unity (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia marked on Tuesday joint holiday – the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag. As of this year, the Day of Serb Unity will be marked on the date of breakthrough of Thessaloniki Front in the Great War. Official marking of abovementioned holiday commenced in the Palace of the RS where RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic met with representative of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, namely Serbian Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin. This meeting was attended by member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. Following the meeting, Minister Vulin handed over replicas of wartime flags of the RS Army units’ to Cvijanovic.

RS President Cvijanovic emphasized that this holiday is one of most important dates, adding that it will definitely be celebrated jointly by the RS and Serbia in the future, as well as other important dates. She underlined that it is important to respect the history and tradition of Serb people in order to preserve identity of this people. Vulin stressed that Serbs do not live in a joint country, exclusively because of the will of great world powers. He added that no one can prevent joint celebration of holidays and dispute the fact all Serbs belong to the same people. Vulin went on to saying that the obligation of Serbia to defend and protect the RS and Serb people was included in the most important Serbian strategic documents related to national defense. Dodik emphasized that place where Serbian Army units were lined up after they liberated Banja Luka in 1918 will be adequately marked. He reminded that Serbs in the RS expressed great joy when they were liberated by Serbian Army in the Great War. Dodik underlined that 17 municipalities around Banja Luka and 11 municipalities located in Drina River basin requested to join Serbia. He added that due to circumstances in abovementioned historic moment this was not done, adding that all abovementioned municipalities make modern day the RS.

Dzaferovic will reject initiative on ‘Mini Schengen’, under explanation this could lead to losing of B&H’s sovereignty (Dnevni avaz)

Dnevni avaz daily learns that the B&H Presidency will hold a session on Thursday and discuss the initiative, submitted by member Milorad Dodik, about establishing of ‘Mini Schengen’. Daily learns that Dodik wanted this issue to be discussed at special session, but the initiative was included into the agenda of the regular session. Article reminded that the initiative on forming of ‘Mini Schengen’ was launched after the recent talks between Belgrade and Pristina in Washington and was supported by the US President Donald Trump. This issue, daily reads, was also discussed during the last week’s visit of the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer. However, daily learns that even though some of the officials already expressed support to this initiative, the Chairman of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic was submitted with an opinion that “our state cannot agree to current regional initiative, due to certain danger from losing of sovereignty”. According to daily’s unofficial information, such stance was proposed by current Deputy B&H Minister of Justice Nezir Pivic, who submitted Dzaferovic with “form of a party’s stance, with observation that European integration are a priority”. The opinion reads that due to its internal organization, B&H could not leave these initiatives independently and that the current behavior of neighboring countries would bring B&H into unequal position, “also because of insufficiently developed economic capacities and dysfunctional internal market”. Opinion also underlines the danger of imposing of legal and administrative sovereignty of Serbia, most notably on the territory of Republika Srpska (RS), “and their mutual connecting to the extent that it will be no longer possible to speak about internal sovereignty of B&H within its internationally recognized borders”. Daily noted that this opinion could be used as grounds for Dzaferovic to reject this initiative, explaining that B&H is already part of numerous regional processes.

Dodik to pay visit to Zagreb; Dzaferovic: This is private visit (Oslobodjenje)

Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik will pay an official visit to Zagreb on Wednesday, where he will meet President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic, the Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and before this meeting Dodik is scheduled to meet Metropolitan of Zagreb and Lubljana Porfirije. Article reads that Dodik announced that the document he submitted to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be submitted to the Croatian President as well, because as he argues, two-thirds of B&H population deem that the High Representative should leave. Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that this is a private visit, accepted by official Zagreb, totally ignoring B&H institutions.

Momcilo Krajisnik dies due to Covid-19 (RTRS)

Momcilo Krajisnik died at the RS University Clinical Center in Banja Luka on Tuesday morning due to Covid-19. Krajisnik was admitted to the hospital on August 29 after developing double pneumonia and a day later he was connected to a respirator due to deteriorating health. B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik penned an op-ed piece on the occasion of death of first RS National Assembly Speaker Momcilo Krajisnik. Dodik reminded that Krajisnik was not only the first RS National Assembly Speaker, but also the first Serb member of B&H Presidency after the war. “The RS owes him gratitude for being one of the key creators of our state. Together with numerous members of the Assembly of Serb People in B&H, he created the foundations of Srpska and he persistently worked on it getting international verification and competencies which resulted in the original Dayton Agreement”, Dodik underlined. He noted that Krajisnik introduced instruments which allow him today, as member of B&H Presidency, to fight for preservation of “independent and equal RS within the Dayton B&H”. Dodik underlined that Krajisnik was a wise negotiation who managed to convince civic-oriented Serbs to unite with the majority of Serb people and stand together in fight for freedom of the Serb people. He noted that even when he was unfairly imprisoned by the ICTY, he never showed hatred towards Bosniaks and Croats. Dodik concluded that Krajisnik will be remembered in Serb history as a distinguished personality. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic sent a telegram to Krajisnik’s family and the Association ‘Creators of RS’ of which Krajisnik was a member. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that this is a great loss for the RS, as Krajisnik was a great patriot. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic commented Krajisnik’s death by expressing his condolences and saying that Krajisnik was one of the first Speakers of the RSNA and members of the B&H Presidency. PDP’s Branislav Borenovic said: “Every person who ends up in this way deserves certain piety and they should be allowed to find peace as a man and a human being”.

Komsic: Krajisnik is one of biggest criminals in history of Europe (O kanal/Nova BH)

Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated on Tuesday that Momcilo Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminals in the history of Europe and that he will be remembered as a signatory to the six strategic goals of one genocidal policy. Komsic added that Krajisnik's role in the genocide is explained in details in the verdicts of The Hague Tribunal and that one cannot speak of Krajisnik outside the context of those verdicts.


Talks over the formation of the new government should start today (Dan)

Official talks over the formation of the new executive and legislative government could start today, Dan finds out. Representatives of the new parliamentary majority point out that all requirements for official negotiations have been met. Leader of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro”, Zdravko Krivokapic, said that all three coalitions were doing their best to from the Government by the end of October. “We already have informal parties. I can’t tell you if more official meeting will take place today,” Krivokapic said. Representatives of the coalition Peace is our nation state that all requirements for the formation of the new government have been met. “State Election Commission has released final results of the election. I am quite sure that negotiations over the formation of the new government won’t take as much time as previous negotiations processes,” said Boris Bogdanovic, Secretary General of Democrats. He doesn’t expect any problems in the process. “I will remind you that fundamental principles of the new democratic government have already been presented. We must be patient. Nobody in the world has ever managed to from government in several days. That’s not possible. There are even examples of countries where government couldn’t be formed in months. What I am saying is that selection of candidates for such responsible functions is not simple and can’t happen overnight. I don’t expect any problems during the process, only an efficient agreement,” Bogdanovic said. Secretary General of URA Civil Movement, Mileta Radovanic, said for Dan that official negotiations could start every day. “Holders of all lists will have a meeting with Ivan Brajovic today. They will agree on the date of the constitutive session to verify terms of office. In parallel with that, we are negotiating over the formation of the new government and negotiations are to start soon,” Radovanic said. They hope it will be soon. “Three lists are willing to accept minority parties in the government. Consultations about that will take place,” Radovanic said.

DF wants posts of heads of security services (Dnevne novine)

The Democratic Front, DF, will require members of the future coalition to be given posts of heads of the security services – the National Security Council, the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dnevne Novine daily found out from several sources.

“The Democratic Front is primarily interested in the security sector, except for the Ministry of Defense and military services. Having in mind that Montenegro is a NATO member state, the defense sector should be run by an expert from civic parties that advocate for the Atlantic alliance” the DF interlocutor told. According to him, the concept of an ‘expert government’ doesn’t mean that people close to the DF cannot be appointed as heads of the aforementioned sectors. “We believe that our people would make the necessary reforms in the security sector quickly and efficiently, i.e. current leaders should be dismissed. We are the strongest constituent of the ruling coalition and we believe that these places belong to us, whether someone agrees with it or not,” the DN source was adamant.

The Church does not plan to form the government of Montenegro (N1/RTCG)

Gojko Perovic, rector of the Cetinje Seminary, said that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Montenegro has no interest or plan to participate in the formation of the future Government of Montenegro. He told the N1 that "the church will part with politics after these elections". "The opinion of believers and priests is that the church happened to be at a political crossroads, that is, it reluctantly entered the election campaign in Montenegro. You all know that it happened in a way that the government entered into an adventure with the Law on Freedom of Religion which caused a great protest of believers, priests and other citizens who do not belong to the church, but who recognized the violation of the Constitution in such a bad law," Perovic stated. He assessed that the proposed controversial law caused social instability in Montenegro. Regarding the call of church dignitaries not to vote for the current government in this country, Gojkovic notes that "the church has never done that before" and believes that "it will never do that again". "It was right, we have examples in other countries of Western democracy that the church, Orthodox in Greece, as well as Catholic in Italy, gets involved in campaigns when there is an intertwining of social and civic topics that are important for the life of the church. The stalling of the previous government to resolve this law according to the recommendations of European institutions put the church in a situation not to call on people not to vote for some party but not to vote for those parties that led to such a bad law," Perovic said.


North Macedonia parliament gets parliamentary caucuses (MIA)

Parliamentary parties have forwarded letters on the establishment of parliamentary caucuses to the speaker. Four parliamentary caucuses have been set up. The ruling majority and the opposition have two groups each, including the MPs representing Levica and DPA, who haven’t joined any parliamentary group. Igor Durlovski, who is part of the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE, but isn’t a member, is listed as independent deputy on the parliament’s website. MP Jovan Mitreski will act as coordinator of the SDSM-led coalition. The motion was signed by 46 MPs. DUI’s parliamentary caucus will be coordinated by Izet Mexhiti. 14 MPs were in favor of this caucus. Nikola Micevski remains as coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group after securing the support of 44 MPs. The parliamentary group of the Alliance for Albanian-Alternativa is made up of 12 MPs with Skender Rexhepi as its coordinator. Under the parliament’s Rules of Procedures, a parliamentary caucus is made up of at least five MPs belonging to one or more political parties. North Macedonia’s 120-seat parliament currently has 62 MPs that make up the ruling majority – namely lawmakers representing the SDSM-led coalition, DUI and DPA. The VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition, Alliance for the Albanians and Alternativa, and Levica are part of the opposition in the assembly.

New gov’t committed to comprehensive fight against crime, says Nikolovski (MIA)

The new government starts waging comprehensive and unselective fight against crime and corruption. Taxpayers have the right to know where and how their money is spent and how institutions with funding from the national budget work, Ljupcho Nikolovski said Tuesday.

At a news conference, the new deputy PM in charge of fight against corruption and crime, sustainable development and human resources said that all stakeholders must be involved in providing order and implementing laws where everyone is equal. “Transparency and openness are our top priority, they will be a must from top to bottom,” Niklolovski said, noting his post came as a result of the government’s commitment to guarantee rule of law. The new government, he announced, will work on redefining the code of ethics and professional conduct for government members and government-appointed officials. “Order must be established once and for all in the institutions. We must restore the trust of young people and the citizens in the system to prove to them that they can plan their future here, in the country,” Nikolovski told the news conference. Being appointed chief of the commission for human resources and sustainable development, he said he will review all quarterly and annual reports of the institutions ‘thoroughly.’ “We have to have honest and responsible civil servants that are dedicated to working in the interest of the citizens,” the Deputy PM said, noting that efficient administration and professionals were key in the process of preventing and discovering corruption.

Open lists in local elections a test for parliamentary polls: minister (MIA)

Open lists in next year’s local elections will be a test for the coming parliamentary polls, Justice Minister Bojan Marichikj told a press briefing. Until April 2021, six months ahead of the local elections, changes to the Election Code regarding open lists are planned to be adopted, he said. According to Marichikj, the European Union has been advising against changing the rules of the game right before local elections are held. He noted that the Electoral Code is still an open issue because of lack of political willingness for the introduction of a single electoral district. Speaking at a news conference, Minister Marichikj pledged to focus on amendments to the Electoral Code regulating the principle of open lists of candidates in time for the 2021 local elections in the country.

VMRO-DPMNE stages protest ‘For EU, for Macedonia, for Goce Delchev (MIA)

VMRO-DPMNE staged late Tuesday a protest titled “For EU, for Macedonia, for Goce Delchev”. Party leader Hristijan Mickoski said revolutionary Delchev is the red line of Macedonian dignity and identity, the pillar of the people’s existence, part of the country’s anthem. “We are protesting because Delchev is a European value, because his idea for freedom and cultural uplifting of a nation is an idea upon which the European Union rests, and our future lies in the EU,” said Mickoski. He added that the people have gathered to respect diversity, solidarity and mutual understanding. Mickoski also voiced support for the historians, who are part of the North Macedonia-Bulgaria commission on historical issues, regarding the Goce Delchev discussions. “The historians have our support, the people’s support, but not the support from the authorities,” said Mickoski.


Issues discussed in Rama-Mitsotakis meeting disclosed (Radio Tirana)

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis last night had a dinner in honor of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama during his arrival in Athens to attend The Economist conference. This is what the office of the Prime Minister of Greece announces in an official statement for the meeting with the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama while clarifying the topics of discussion between the two counterparts. It is further stated that the two prime ministers had the opportunity to discuss the course of bilateral relations, as well as the European perspective of Albania, which Greece has supported over time, always respecting the relative conditionality set by the European Council. They expressed their satisfaction with their cooperation within NATO. “A special discussion was held on the Greek National Minority in Albania, which should be a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two peoples, while emphasis was placed on strengthening bilateral economic and trade relations. Rama and Mitsotakis expressed their satisfaction for the perfectly smooth integration of Albanian citizens living in Greece. In the end, they agreed to work together so that the two countries can quickly work out unresolved issues in the past in a bilateral context and unleash the great potential that the strategic relationship between the two countries can create,” says the official statement issued by the office of Prime Minister Mitsotakis.

President pushes for swift implementation of Electoral Code Changes (ADN)

President Ilir Meta said that it is necessary for the Political Council to implement the changes in the Electoral Code as soon as possible. In the meeting of the Political Council, the parties again came out without consensus, as the united opposition demands the permission of pre-election coalitions and the opening of 100% of the lists, which are not accepted by the majority. "Now that the date of the elections has been decreed after consultation with the political forces, it is imperative that the Political Council implement the changes in the Electoral Code as soon as possible, by consensus and to respect point by point the Consensual Agreement of 5 June. The legitimate and principled request of the opposition to seek the expertise of the ODIHR should not be rejected. Free and fair elections are an absolute necessity for the opening of negotiations," wrote President Meta.