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Belgrade Media Report 01 October


Serbian state leadership attends marking of Chinese National Day (RTV/Tanjug)

The Chinese Embassy in Belgrade marked the National Day of the People’s Republic of China, while the reception was attended by the Serbian state leadership led by President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. Congratulating National Day of the People's Republic of China, Vucic expressed gratitude for the attitude and respect that country shows towards Serbia. Ambassador Chen Bo thanked them for coming to celebrate the Chinese national holiday together. Vucic said he was proud of the friendship between the two countries and that they would manage to preserve the brotherly and friendly relationship. He added Serbia will not allow its friendship with China to be put in question, regardless of pressures it will be exposed to. “The time behind us has not been easy, the one ahead of us is probably even more difficult, but we must prove our friendship,” Vucic said. In Washington, he added, probably the most inconvenient place to say something positive about China, I said we have excellent relations with China. That speaks about the strength of our friendship. During the reception Vucic asked the Chinese Ambassador to give Chinese President Xi Jinping his letter in which he is expressing his gratitude for the respect he has shown Serbia. The celebration was attended by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and Minister of Trade and Tourism Rasim Ljajic, as well as Ministers Sinisa Mali, Branislav Nedimovic, Aleksandar Antic, Aleksandar Vulin, Zoran Djordjevic. The reception was also attended by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, Secretary General of the President Nikola Selakovic, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilovic, and Director of the BIA agency Bratislav Gasic.

Dacic: Apostolova informs EU about serious problems faced by Kosovo war crimes court (TV Pink/Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told TV Pink that the EU office head in Pristina Nataliya Apostolova had informed EU member states that the Specialist Chambers were facing serious problems. Dacic said that Apostolova asked the EU member states for help to prevent obstructions of war crimes investigations and court proceedings. Dacic said that the authorities in Pristina demanded the transfer of the court from The Hague to Pristina. “Now they adopted amendments to leave the court out of the constitution which means outside the law and abolish it,” he said. According to Dacic, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is about to be arrested under a warrant from that court. He said that the indictment was not released by Europeans and added that the court is headed by an American, which he believes means that the US administration could not allow someone who is about the be arrested to sign the agreement to normalize economic relations between Serbia and Kosovo. He says that he is worried about the fact that the EU is not building its authority on implementation of what was signed with the Brussels Agreement. He says that Pristina is now setting new conditions for the realization of what was signed in Brussels, where the EU is the guarantor - namely, that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) will be formed when Serbia recognizes Kosovo. “Imagine Richard Grenell warning somebody for seven years that they should implement what was agreed in Washington. The US administration would never allow that, the EU allowed itself an own goal like that. Pristina slapped the guarantors of the Brussels Agreement in the face,” said Dacic. He added that Pristina invested great efforts in finding protectors in the EU, but also in the US administration, they were not satisfied that 18 countries withdrew recognition. He said that in Washington, the Belgrade delegation made a gentleman’s agreement to put a one-year moratorium on lobbying for withdrawals of recognition, but also for Pristina not to work on new recognitions, and not to apply for membership in international organizations. “Only four days after the signing of the agreement, the minister of foreign affairs of so-called Kosovo sent a letter to the minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, inviting them to recognize Kosovo, because that is the result of the Washington Agreement. We gave that letter to Grenell and President Vucic told me that Grenell called Hoti and told him all kinds of things, that this was a violation of the agreement,” said Dacic. He said that many are wondering if it's true that the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina has been canceled due to quarantine and coronavirus, and if that was the true reason for canceling the meeting. “One person or several people can be infected. It’s like if I told you that the entire Foreign Ministry is going to quarantine. Many are wondering if this is true,” he said.

Further development of comprehensive cooperation between Serbia, Israel (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the Ambassador of the State of Israel to Serbia Jahel Vilan assessed today that bilateral relations and the achieved level of cooperation between the two countries are excellent. The readiness to continue strengthening and deepening our relations, based on mutual respect and appreciation, was expressed in the conversation. The officials agreed that the exchange of visits and the promotion of political dialogue will give an additional contribution to the further development of comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. It was jointly stated that there is a large space for improving cooperation, especially in the fields of economy, science, culture and education.

Joksimovic, Schieb: Rule of law, dialogue crucial criteria for progress on EU path (Tanjug

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic met on Wednesday with German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb, with whom she discussed the process of Serbia’s accession to the European Union in the context of the current German EU Presidency and the further improving of bilateral relations. Joksimovic pointed out that Serbia, in addition to the five chapters ready for opening, has fulfilled a number of activities in the previous period, such as revising action plans for key Chapters 23 and 24, adopting a Media Strategy in January and drafting an Action Plan for its implementation in May, and the coming into force of the Law on Prevention of Corruption on 1 September. She highlighted the importance of the European Commission Progress Report, which is announced for the beginning of October, for which she expressed confidence that it will be realistically conceived and that it will take into account everything that has been achieved in the reform process in the previous year. She said that we will also carefully consider and adopt additional recommendations, according to which the future government will conceptualize its activities in the negotiations on EU membership, especially in key areas of the rule of law, judicial reform and the fight against corruption, because our citizens expect it. Ambassador Schieb confirmed Germany’s commitment during its presidency of the Council of the EU for the process of European integration of the region, and said that Germany remains a strong advocate of cooperation and reconciliation policy in the Western Balkans and supports Serbia on its path to EU membership. As he said, Germany, as the presiding country of the Union, monitors the implementation of all reforms in the areas important for Serbia's European path, and, as before, based on the assessments from the Progress Report on reforms in the field of rule of law, a decision will be made on opening new chapters. He voiced hope that the formation of a new government will contribute to accelerating the dynamics in the implementation of reforms within the European integration process. The two officials also discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the two-decade-long development cooperation between Germany and Serbia, as well as the results of projects financed from German development aid to Serbia.



B&H Presidency members visit Brussels (N1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency members, Sefik Dzaferovic, Milorad Dodik and Zeljko Komsic, met with European Parliament President David Sassoli, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in Brussels on Wednesday. B&H Presidency Chairman Dzaferovic stated that the B&H Presidency members have good news, stressing that it was stated at all meetings in Brussels that B&H has made significant progress in the implementation of 14 priorities of the EU and that it needs to continue to work in a dedicated way to fulfill all obligations from the 14 priorities. According to Dzaferovic, if this happens, B&H can expect to obtain a candidate status in 2021. "When it comes to the enlargement of the EU, today (Wednesday) it was stated at all meetings that B&H has made significant steps forward in the implementation of 14 priorities of the EU and that B&H should continue to be committed to fulfilling all obligations from those 14 priorities. If that is so, then we can expect candidate status during the next 2021 year," Dzaferovic said. Komsic said that meetings in Brussels were very good, especially the one with Commissioner Varhelyi "where we went more into details, into more concrete things." In addition to financial assistance, B&H will also receive a European plan to resolve the migrant crisis. “It implies keeping migrants at the border and expelling those who are inside, all those who should not be there. This is something we have seen in the realization of some countries, it is obvious that it is the only way we can send a clear message that we do not want to tolerate the entry of migrants in the way we have seen it in the past. So, I think that a harmonized EU policy will be applicable in the Western Balkans as they told us, with the same principles and relations, and that some financial support will be for all that,” Dodik explains. The B&H Presidency members also reminded that the EU officials assessed that it is important for B&H to be part of the so-called Mini-Schengen initiative and that they themselves have the same stance. Dodik said that Mini-Schengen represents preparation of the region as a whole for activities on implementation of the EU and Schengen values in the Western Balkans. Borrell welcomed the agreement on Mostar, adoption of the Revised War Crimes Processing Strategy and positive steps on the formation of the Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee.

Dodik says revision of Dayton Peace Agreement was not discussed at meetings in Brussels as focus was on economic issues (RTRS)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik asked whether he believes that it is realistic to believe that B&H will obtain the candidate status next year and what conditions B&H has to meet for that, stressed that it was clearly stated that there were certain solutions. "There are issues that are very difficult, but there is conviction here that no one expects those issues to be solved, but one believes that they should be treated in a dynamic story. But, there are some that can be solved and it depends on that, it always depends on the impression of the European Commission (EC) itself and the EU member states. There are some things there such as elimination of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court (CC) and departure of the OHR. All of that is on the agenda. But there are also difficult issues where one is asking for transfer of competence to the B&H level for issues towards the EU which are persistently being treated there for 20 years. But we will see, we will discuss that, it all depends on us. I believe that in Europe, they understand that this is a difficult issue and that one is moving towards easier ones such as public procurement, conflict of interest, to make a clear plan of reforms in the area of judiciary and so on," Dodik underlined. Dodik added that people in the EU understand the situation in B&H. "And they said that they will choose some issues that can be solved, to accept the obligation, and to treat other issues, but no one expects for all fourteen recommendations to be solved. Some are even related to changing the Constitution. That will be very difficult to do, that is something that perhaps will not happen. But, in any case, we will see what that means," Dodik stated. Dodik noted that another thing is far more interesting. "Having in mind our requests for the EU to clearly determine in regard to assistance after corona, we could hear today (Wednesday) that a plan, worth several billion Euros, for the Western Balkans has been designed and it will be directed to construction of highways," Dodik said, adding that B&H nominated ten projects, including four from Republika Srpska (RS), five from the Federation of B&H and one joint project related to railway Doboj-Tuzla-Zvornik. "In any case, this includes highways, railways, digital corridors, ecology," Dodik underlined. Asked whether the position on the Mini Schengen initiative has been harmonized, Dodik said that the Mini Schengen initiative should have been supported from the very beginning. "But this is practice in Sarajevo. There are always those who are suspicious whom you have to say - Hello, the EU is behind that," Dodik said.

Asked whether revision of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was discussed at meetings in Brussels, Dodik said that this was not discussed. "We focused on economic issues. There was neither enough time nor perhaps the need to open that issue in an optimistic atmosphere in which we can solve certain investments that are important to us. Everyone knows that B&H is complex, difficult, trapped by some of its systems. If it does not solve its political problems on its own, no one from the outside will solve them," Dodik stressed.

Avaz analyzes change in stance of Dzaferovic and Komsic regarding ‘Mini Schengen’ (Dnevni avaz)

Daily comments that following Wednesday’s meetings in Brussels, Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic stated that Presidency will accept the initiative of ‘Mini Schengen’ and daily reminds that only couple of days ago, Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic rejected this initiative at the session of the Presidency and tasked B&H Council of Ministers to carry out detailed analysis of existing bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements. Author stressed that Dzaferovic failed to explain what happened for him to change his stance and while reminding of his recent statements regarding ‘Mini Schengen’, author underlined that Dzaferovic’s earlier statements were followed by the reports of “radical media satellites” who for the past year, have been criticizing this regional initiative, saying it leads to ‘Greater Serbia’ and who tried their best to turn the public against the initiative that was supported by White House as well. Author noted that Dzaferovic changed his stance after meetings in Brussels and after his boss, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and author stressed that the problem is not in the fact that he changed his mind, being that B&H and its citizens will benefit from ‘Mini Schengen’, but neither B&H nor B&H citizens will benefit from “incompetent, political outsiders and non-statehood members of B&H Presidency such as Dzaferovic and Komsic”. The author noted that there is no shame in admitting one’s mistake and in not being informed and educated about something, arguing that perhaps it was expected from a second-grade politician, who is probably only warming up the seat in B&H Presidency for some future member, such as Dzaferovic not to be informed about regional and economic initiative. “The same goes for Komsic”, comment author. However, author comments, it is shameful to use B&H institutions to score daily political points and insult intelligence of B&H citizens by making populistic statements, which are not based on facts, “only to have space to label as traitors or some kind of collaborators ‘with dark Belgrade’ their political opponents, who are well aware what ‘Mini Schengen’ is”. Author concludes that the fact that Dzaferovic and Komsic came to their senses is not encouraging, but only shows that either unserious and incompetent or malicious and sly political players are sitting in B&H institutions. “At the moment, it is difficult to say which is worse,” ends the author.

Milanovic: Attitude towards Croats in B&H could become serious problem, Croats will not be minority (FTV)

FTV reminds that disputes between Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic continue, but their disagreements as an internal problem of Croatia become a foreign-political problem when they mention B&H in their verbal conflicts. Milanovic stated on Wednesday that the attitude towards Croats in B&H could become a serious problem, stressing that the Croatian government has demonstrated laziness and inactivity when it comes to this issue. “What is happening in B&H is not good at all. Those are important things and if they go too far, we will have a serious problem in that country. We are the country that advocates a solution to be reached within B&H and not for dissolution of the country or the damage to be done to Croats who are the least numerous there. However, I swear to God, they will not be a minority” Milanovic said. The statement comes two days after SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic paid a visit to official Zagreb on Monday. Izetbegovic stated that he received an invitation from Croatian President Milanovic to meet with him, stressing that he will not accept that invitation until Milanovic respects the hierarchy of B&H. Izetbegovic explained that “the Presidency of B&H, or the Chair of the Presidency of B&H, should first go or Milanovic should first come here and only then I will gladly meet him”.


Milanovic did not meet with Izetbegovic because Izetbegovic insisted that Dzaferovic meets with him first, which Milanovic refused (Novi list)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic did not meet with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic because Izetbegovic insisted that Milanovic should first meet with Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, that the Croatian President rejected, stated Croatian daily Novi list on Wednesday. It further elaborates that Izetbegovic conditioned Milanovic, saying he first must hold talks with Dzaferovic, calling this “respect for the institutions of B&H”. Milanovic is not a politician that likes to be conditioned by anyone, which is why he cancelled the previously agreed telephone conversation with Dzaferovic, ‘Novi list’ reports. The Croatian President believes that he can only hold talks with those officials that assume posts from which they are able to loudly articulate the stances of the three constituent peoples in B&H. The daily continues to write that Milanovic believes, when it comes to Bosniaks and Croats, such stances cannot be articulated neither by Dzaferovic or by Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. ‘Novi list’ emphasizes that there are almost no differences between Milanovic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic when it comes to their relation towards B&H and the status of Croats in that country. Both Croatian officials believe that Komsic is not the true representative of Croat interests.

Milanovic: Trump is a rabble-rouser who ruined USA's international reputation (Hina)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Wednesday took as an insult a comparison of his rhetoric with that of US President Donald Trump, saying that Trump was a rabble-rouser and that he had ruined the international reputation of the United States. "Without the United States the world is not the same and I mean it in the negative sense. Donald Trump has ruined it all. He incites hate, he is a rabble-rouser and that's it. This is something you won't hear from the Croatian prime minister or the foreign minister, but it has to be said," Milanovic said while attending a grape harvest organized for foreign diplomats, including US Ambassador Robert Kohorst, who was appointed by Trump. As for a reporter's remark that his rhetoric resembled Trump's, Milanovic said that he considered it an insult. "I do not insult minorities nor do I support white supremacists. What's similar there?" he asked. "I know what I stand for and which values I advocate, and my style is much more similar to that of Joe Biden, whom I have met and talked to," said Milanovic, who on Wednesday watched the first presidential debate between Trump and Biden. Milanovic believes that Biden, as "the poorest of senators", has "the attitude of a working-class man and Catholic willing to confront thugs of any kind." The Croatian head of state said that the coming US presidential election was the most important event in the world in the last 20 years, since the terrorist attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001. He went on to say that Biden is "a level" above US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who will arrive in Dubrovnik on Friday. "The US Secretary of State does not have time to come to Zagreb. I have not been invited there by anyone and speaking frankly, it's better that way," Milanovic said in a comment on Pompeo's visit to Croatia. Pompeo will stop in Dubrovnik as part of his tour of Europe. He noted that the USA was showing interest in Croatia "two days before the elections". "Some will say that I should be careful about what I say, because they will hold it against us. But that's the only way to go," Milanovic said. Speaking of Croatia's plan to buy military aircraft in the context of four offers, submitted by the USA, France, Sweden and Israel, Milanovic reiterated that the US offer should have priority, but added "on the condition people in the USA stay true to the fundamental values of that country" which is not perfect because it grew on slave labor and had "racist and segregationist" monuments erected in the late 19th century to remind Afro-Americans that they were slaves. "Those things in America are sick and I maintain that such an America is ten times worse place to live in than Europe," Milanovic said, adding that the USA is a country for the rich while those who are not barely make ends meet.


Djukanovic: Nationalist opposition and SPC want to turn Montenegro into Serbian state (CdM)


President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic said that nationalist opposition and Serbian Orthodox Church (SpC) strive to turn Montenegro into Serbian state. Djukanovic said that he would oppose anyone “who attempts to jeopardize Montenegro and our freedom”. He said he would not resign. “I’ve already answered to that question. Of course, I won’t resign. These elections were parliamentary elections and DPS, the party I lead, remained the strongest parliamentary party in Montenegro, with over 35% of voters’ support. These elections were not about the president of Montenegro,” Djukanovic said. On 15 April 2018, Djukanovic had 54% of voters’ support. He has very firm intention to be in office until the end of his term. He pointed out that there was no mention of any failure. What happened was not a failure. “It was not a failure. After 30 years in power, DPS won one seat less. We can really state that it was not an unworthy outcome for the pro-European policy in Montenegro. It was just something that usually happens in democratic societies,” Djukanovic said. Montenegro aspires to be a democratic society, president says. “As you have probably noticed, the majority of those who are parliamentary majority now were advocating policy which is essentially in contravention of the achievements of modern Montenegro. They were saying that the problem arose when Montenegro restored its independence and that it rendered some decisions which were, as they say, in contravention of the Russian interests in the Balkans and that their victory in the elections would change strategic course of Montenegro,” Djukanovic pointed out. Speaking of Dusko Knezevic, president said that we were talking about the man who he had several indictments in the Special Prosecutors’ Office in Montenegro, was subject of Interpol notice until 10 or 15 days ago and was under strict supervision in London. “As you know, authorities in London prohibited him to approach airports and railway stations”, he said. Procedure for his extradition to Montenegro is underway but still he gives himself right to express views and say that either he or official head of the state of Montenegro will be arrested when he comes back to Montenegro. “My answer is: I can’t wait for him to do everything he intends, because, I will repeat it, we are talking about a fugitive, a criminal. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say to judicial authorities in Montenegro. And then it won’t be hard to guess who will be in jail and who will continue to perform public functions in Montenegro,” Djukanovic pointed out. Djukanovic said loud and clear that he was not afraid of criminal charges. “I have been performing public functions in Montenegro for more than 30 years. I have always had very strong competition, and I’d say I have been target of very inappropriate critics by the competition. I have been often accused by regional addresses, usually Belgrade and also by pro-Belgrade opposition in Montenegro. I am not afraid because I know how I did my job and I know that I have always tried to respect constitutional and legal system of Montenegro”, he said. His status, president said, depends on what he has done for Montenegro so far and, therefore, there’s no place for fear. “I firmly believe this is just harsh, ungrounded political rhetoric aimed at making electorate reserved towards political structure I represented,” Djukanovic pointed out. Krivokapic belongs to the structure that is trying to relativize Montenegro’s anti-fascist values. Asked if he thinks that 13 July Uprising in 1941 was a parliamentary response to those who tried to jeopardize country’s freedom from the position of fascism, Djukanovic replied ‘no’. “No, of course not. I don’t believe that will ever happen. I believe that we will get the chance to hold talks over the direction and dynamics of Montenegro’s goals, but since you asked me, if change of government led to endangerment of Montenegro’s status, then my answer is as you have interpreted it. We will fight against that by any means necessary,” Djukanovic said. Commenting on statement made by Zdravko Krivokapic that 9 May shouldn’t be celebrated anymore, Djukanovic says that he was not very surprised because he knows that Krivokapic essentially represents a structure that has been trying to relativize Montenegro’s anti-fascist values for 30 years. “By his own admission, Krivokapic is representative of SPC, which came to Montenegro with the intention of reconciling Montenegro. In their interpretation, reconciling means eliminating differences between what anti-fascist did for Montenegro and what collaborators of fascist occupier did,” he said. Djukanovic says that Montenegro is very proud of its anti-fascist achievements. Djukanovic says that fundamental idea of the policy of nationalist opposition and SPC is turning Montenegro into Serbian state. “SPC wanted to divert Montenegro from these values. That policy insists that Montenegro is Serbian state, that it had to be within the frames of strategic security and foreign policy interests of Russia. The rhetoric of that policy insisted that NATO alliance is actually the Fourth Reich and that European civilization is the civilization of rotten values,” Djukanovic said. Therefore, it is clear that SPC was the main fist of such policy in the pre-election campaign. Montenegro president said tonight that we were witnessing attempts of rehabilitation of Great Serbian projects in the Western Balkans.


Speaker Ruci addressed parliaments of EU member states, vows for implementing the reforms (Radio Tirana)

Albanian parliament speaker Gramoz Ruci has launched a new parliamentary diplomatic action. He sent a letter to all the speakers of the parliaments and senates of the EU member states, thanking them for the support they have given Albania in its journey towards the EU and informing them about the further steps of the Assembly. “The decision taken by the Council of the EU on 25 March 2020 for the opening of negotiations for Albania’s membership, based on the progress achieved in the reforms and the fulfillment of the conditions set by the Council, is an inspiration and obligation to continue with commitment. in fulfilling our obligations to the integration process. The support of the parliaments of the member states has been a great encouragement for the advancement of the process of European integration of Albania, which the Albanian people will never forget. I have found this support during all bilateral meetings during 2019. The Albanian parliament is making a key contribution to the European path of our country, guaranteeing the democratic legitimacy and legal and political control of the process and the compliance of laws with EU standards, guaranteeing a better quality of national legislation. The Albanian parliament is also committed to supporting important reforms in the framework of Albania’s European integration, such as electoral reform, justice reform and fulfilling the recommendations of the European Council, for the preparation of the negotiating framework.

Attached to the letter, I am sending you a copy of the Resolution of the Assembly of Albania “On the opening of negotiations for Albania’s membership in the European Union and the approval of the plan of measures to meet the priorities set by the Council of the European Union”, as well as the “Plan of measures to meet the priorities set by the Council of the European Union ”, recently approved by the Albanian parliament. “We are confident that we will also have the support of the parliaments and senates of the member states so that the negotiations open as soon as possible and the discussion of their chapters begins as soon as possible,” Ruci wrote in his letter.