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Belgrade Media Report 13 October 2020


Brnabic: Serbia continues to work on further improving overall relations with China (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Monday in a conversation with Politburo member and Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chinese Communist Party Yang Jiechi that Serbia will continue to develop a well-founded comprehensive strategic partnership with that country, expanding cooperation on infrastructure, economy and technological innovation projects, which are of great importance for both countries. Brnabic expressed confidence that the new government, for which she was given a mandate, will continue to work on further improving overall relations with China, as one of the main foreign policy priorities, because, as she underlined, all-time steel friendship is not only important politically, it already speaks of a high degree of mutual understanding that will contribute to the economic development of the country and the improvement of the quality of life of all citizens of Serbia. She especially expressed her gratitude to her interlocutor for the support and assistance that China provided during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as for the fact that the works on some of the most important infrastructure projects were not stopped during that period. When it comes to economic cooperation, Brnabic underlined that the development of artificial intelligence, technology and technological progress are essential for Serbia. Our country strongly supports the People's Republic of China both bilaterally and multilaterally, including President Xi Jinping's "Belt and Road" initiative and the "17 + 1" cooperation mechanism, within which Serbia has the most infrastructure and strategic projects, Brnabic added. According to her, it is extremely important to start work on the Fruska Gora corridor and the Belgrade metro as soon as possible. Also, they discussed the potential cooperation with Chinese companies on the construction of the railway Corridor 10 and the Belgrade-Nish railway. Yang Jiechi, who is also Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chinese Communist Party, said that he would inform the President and Prime Minister of China about all the details of the talks, expressing confidence that there will be more new joint projects between Serbia and China. He added that he still expects the support of Serbia and the continuation of cooperation at the multilateral level in the fight against COVID-19. Yang Jiechi congratulated Brnabic on the progress of Serbia and Belgrade in social and economic development and expressed her gratitude for her personal commitment to improving practical cooperation between the two friendly countries. He expressed special satisfaction due to the fact that Brnabic will be the guest of honor at the online "Pujiang Innovation Forum" in Shanghai.

Vucic thanks China for supporting Serbia’s territorial integrity (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Monday with the Politburo member of the CPC Central Committee and the Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission Office Yang Jiechi, to discuss the partnership between Serbia and the People's Republic of China, joint infrastructure projects in our country, and combating the coronavirus pandemic. "We in Serbia are aware and have already encountered different types of pressure. It is not always easy to preserve friendship with China, especially since China's share in global GDP keeps growing from year to year, so other great powers do not look favorably on it. Serbia has succeeded in that so far, and will continue to preserve its freedom to decide independently and will continue to build the friendship with China," said Vucic, adding that Serbia is a small country in terms of size and population, but a country with a glorious history, a big heart and a country that seeks to preserve its independence and autonomy more than anything. He thanked Chinese President Xi Jinping, the People's Republic of China and the Communist Party as the bearer of the development of the great country, for supporting the territorial integrity of Serbia, its independence, which is one of the highest values we cherish today.

Petkovic: Serbs will leave Pristina institutions if ZSO is not formed (RTS/Tanjug

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic held a meeting today with Serb representatives in the province, after which it was announced that Serb representatives from Kosovo and Metohija would leave the provisional institutions of self-government if Pristina unilaterally decides not to fulfill an obligation, signed before the EU, on the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). Petkovic said that this is one of the five conclusions reached after the statements from Pristina that go in that direction, and Brussels' non-engagement regarding the issue of respecting the agreement from the Brussels Agreement, signed in 2013, such as the formation of the ZSO. He assessed that Pristina's refusal to discuss the ZSO is a blow to the vital interests of the Serbs in Kosovo, which endangers their collective political, economic and social rights. According to him, the formation of the ZSO is a strategic interest of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and any ignoring of the obligation to form it, with all the competencies that belong to it in accordance with the Brussels agreements, will be treated as an open attack on the acquired rights of the Serb people.

Djuric: Pristina investing huge efforts to suspend dialogue (RTS

In the week when EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak is coming to Belgrade and Pristina, Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti, with the statement that there will be no negotiations on the ZSO, is showing that Pristina is investing huge efforts to suspend dialogue and essentially doesn’t want any results, the newly appointed Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). “I would like to remind you of the seven-year-old Brussels agreement, where the first item is the formation of the ZSO. The question is what Pristina wants, because if it does not want the ZSO, it does not want normalization of relations with Belgrade,” said Djuric.

Odalovic: Serbia not hiding mass graves (Tanjug/Kosovo Online

Secretary General of the Serbian Foreign Ministry Veljko Odalovic said today that information appearing in some Albanian media that Serbia is hiding information about mass graves is incorrect because, as he said, the Serbian side has done everything it could and was asked to do on that issue. Odalovic told Kosovo Online that Batajnica, Petrovo Selo, Perucac and Rudnica have been processed and that work will be done in Kozarevo these days, while a location near Sjenica will be checked. He added that several locations in Medvedja, which were presumed to be potential mass graves, have also been checked. Odalovic says that they checked all information they received. "I don't know if there is any information that is not available to us as a commission, if there is I would like it to be put into function and I am not running away from doing that, because we are behaving extremely responsibly," said Odalovic He added that the Serbian side never rejected any request, when it comes to mass graves. "So far, any information, which came from any source concerning any location, whether in the central part of Serbia or in Kosovo and Metohija, we either directly checked where we have full jurisdiction, or submitted a request through the Working Group to the Pristina side or to the International Committee of the Red Cross to check the locations. That is the mechanism of our work," Odalovic explained.

Borrell: Reaching an agreement is a matter of months, not years (FoNet


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated on Monday that he believes that reaching an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina is a matter of months, not years, if both sides get involved constructively, FoNet reports. “We support all initiatives and the United States is our important partner, but the European Union is a mediator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue,” Borrell said after the meeting, adding that the dialogue continues, although it is a complex process, emotional for both sides, stating that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti recently held three meetings. Borrell stated that both sides should prepare for the continuation of the dialogue, despite difficult issues, adding that reaching an agreement is a necessary condition on the road to the EU. “Countries that want EU membership must fulfill the obligations related to good neighborly relations and mutual cooperation, and politicians should promote the policy of mutual trust,” Borrell said. According to him, there is a European perspective for all the countries of the Western Balkans.

Russia: We expect a clear reaction from the EU on the intention of “erasing broders” between Albania and so-called Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug

On the occasion of the joint government sessions of Albania and so-called Kosovo held on 2 October, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Tirana and Pristina continue to push the Greater Albanian line, no matter what they mask their plans with. The Russian Ministry expresses concern over the holding of that session and points out that such actions pose real danger for peace and stability in the Balkans, as well as that the documents signed during the meeting, as well as the statements of its participants, raise serious issues. The thesis about the necessity of “erasing borders” between Albania and the so-called Kosovo cannot but cause concern, it is stated in the announcement published on the website of the Russian Ministry.

It is recalled that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia, which is also confirmed by UNSCR 1244, and points that a free interpretation of the principle of territorial integrity when it comes to a sovereign state cannot be considered anything other than gross interference in its internal affairs.

The Russian Ministry underlines that the announcement of such intentions harms the process of resolving the Kosovo issue and nullifies efforts aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. “We expect a clear reaction from the international community, primarily the EU, which was entrusted by the UN General Assembly the mission of the mediator within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue,” reads the statement.



Covic and Dodik meet Vucic in Belgrade; Covic: Meeting represents continuation of regional talks on EU integration and economic recovery of Western Balkans, as well as 25th anniversary of DPA (FTV)

FTV reported that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was scheduled to meet with Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic in Belgrade on Monday evening in order to discuss the situation in the region. Vucic posted a picture on Instagram with caption “Talks between friends”. Statement issued by Vucic’s Cabinet reads that the officials discussed European integration, as well as recently adopted 2020 Enlargement Package and Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, as well as bilateral relations, economic cooperation and mitigating of consequences of Covid-19 pandemic.

Covic posted on his Twitter: “Continuation of regional talks in Belgrade with Serbian President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik about EU integration and economic recovery of the Western Balkans and further developing of bilateral relations. Talks about 25th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement and protection of constitutional-legal organization”.

Izetbegovic on Vucic’s meeting with Dodik and Covic: I would have gone to meet with Vucic if he had invited me, Zagreb and Belgrade should not intervene towards B&H (FTV)

Addressing media following the session of the SDA Collegium in Sarajevo on Monday, deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on the Monday’s meeting that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic hosted in Belgrade with Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. In this regard, Izetbegovic said he does not know the issues that were planned to be discussed at the meeting and noted that he would have gone to Belgrade to meet with Vucic if he had invited him. Izetbegovic underscored the importance of a dialogue. However, Izetbegovic was quoted as alleging there is “Serb-Croat uniting, aided by Zagreb and Belgrade”. Izetbegovic criticized Vucic for inviting representatives of only two constituent peoples in B&H and he finds that this is not by chance. Izetbegovic warned that there are allegations that Bosniaks jeopardize other two constituent peoples, due to which Dodik and Covic are being invited for meetings in both Zagreb and Belgrade. “Zagreb and Belgrade should not be doing that, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) in that manner, which is a manner of intervening and sending messages about Sarajevo and B&H, including Bosniaks and B&H patriots, again,” the SDA leader noted. The SDA leader stressed that all three constituent peoples should always participate in discussions on the situation in B&H. He concluded that everything in B&H always ends up solved through a compromise. “B&H tripod simply cannot stand on two legs and they should not do that. One should always include all three sides in all talks, respect the state of B&H, its structure, hierarchy and so on," Izetbegovic underlined.

FB&H entity Vice President: Dodik, Covic continue denying Bosnian institutions (N1)

Bosnian Croat and Serb leader Dragan Covic and Milorad Dodik's visit to Belgrade is a continuation of the trend of systemic denial of Bosnian institutions by the official Belgrade and Zagreb, Vice President of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Milan Dunovic told N1 on Monday. “The dinner between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the one side and the leader of the HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and Serb member of Bosnia's Presidency Milorad Dodik is the continuation of a trend from Croatia and Serbia of trying to talk to leaders of constituent peoples in Bosnia,” Dunovic noted. “We don't have leaders of peoples, we don't have legitimate (peoples') institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this is a systemic denial of Bosnia's institution. One can ask in what capacity is Dodik travelling – as Presidency member or as the Serb leader, or something else,” he asked. When asked what the two Bosnian officials are looking for in Belgrade, Dunovic said they are seeking ways to annul the European Commission's report. “Obviously, neither Dodik nor Covic like the European Commission's Report on the progress of Bosnia's EU accession talks so now they're visiting neighboring states trying to annul everything the EU said in it. It doesn't mention the legitimate representation of peoples, nor does it talk about Election Law amendments according to Croat Democratic Union's (HDZ B&H) interpretation of the Ljubic verdict. The HDZ B&H's interpretation of the verdict is completely opposite from that it actually says,” Dunovic concluded.

EU FMs express unequivocal support to EU perspective of B&H, call on political subjects in B&H to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric during pre-election period (RTRS)

At Monday's session in Luxembourg, the EU Foreign Affairs Council confirmed B&H's European perspective and called for resolving of 14 priorities from the European Commission's (EC) Opinion on B&H's Application for Membership in the EU. The EU Foreign Ministers expressed commitment to further EU integration of B&H, supported the EUFOR's mandate in preserving security and demanded further disarmament and demining in B&H. Judging by the joint statement of the EU Foreign Ministers adopted at the meeting in Luxembourg, the EU member states advocate united and sovereign B&H in the EU. Namely, the EU Foreign Ministers adopted a conclusion on B&H in which they reiterated their unequivocal commitment to the EU perspective of B&H. The EU Foreign Ministers also welcomed the announcement of the local elections in B&H scheduled for November 15 and especially the local elections in Mostar, which will be held in December, 12 years after the last elections in that city. This is why they called on all political actors in B&H to refrain from provocative rhetoric of divisions during the election period and to focus on addressing the 14 key EU priorities. “With local elections, which will take place on November 15, Council welcomes the fact that for the first time since 2008, local elections will take place in City of Mostar as well. Council calls on all political stakeholders to refrain from provocative, dividing rhetoric during the election period and calls them on to focus on solving of 14 key priorities, established in the EC Opinion” read the conclusions. The joint statement was issued immediately after the report on B&H's progress was presented in Brussels, in which B&H leaders were criticized for the lack of results in almost all fields. However, members of the B&H Presidency, who visited Brussels after that, announced that they will meet this week when they will publish a joint statement in which they will call on all B&H institutions to work without delay on fulfilling the 14 priorities from the European Commission's (EC) Opinion.  Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Goran Grlic Radman announced that he will demand a comprehensive discussion on the Western Balkans at one of the upcoming meetings. Grlic Radman said that 25 years after the Dayton agreement, B&H still needs additional help in order to make progress on the European path. On top of that the Croatian Foreign Minister confirmed he will request from EU Foreign Ministers to organize a comprehensive discussion about the Western Balkans at one of future meetings.


Grlic Radman to request EU foreign ministers' discussion on Western Balkans (Hina)

Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Monday in Luxembourg that he would request that EU foreign ministers hold a comprehensive discussion on Western Balkans at one of their future meetings. Grlic Radman is in Luxembourg for a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

He said that relations between Serbia and Kosovo were not the only challenge the region was facing. "I would mention Bosnia and Herzegovina, which even 25 years after the Dayton Agreement was signed needs help to solve challenges on its European path," Grlic Radman said.

Miroslav Lajcak, who will visit both countries in the next few days, will inform ministers about the latest developments related to the dialogue. "Lajcak has our full support for his efforts. I hope that Serbia and Kosovo will reach an agreement because status quo is not an option," Grlic Radman said.


Krivokapic soon to set up the Christian Democratic Party? (Dnevne novine)

Closest associates of Zdravko Krivokapic and circles close to the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral are making pressure on the new prime minister-designate to establish his own party as soon as possible. It’s just a matter of time when he’s going to do it, several sources close to managerial structures of the new ruling majority have confirmed for Dnevne Novine daily. According to them, it’d be the Christian Democratic Party, and would cherish close ties with the Metropolitanate, just as many other European parties who have strong connections with churches in their countries. The basic political reason behind Krivokapic’s intention is to leave the Democratic Front, DF, as they do not share the same opinion on many matters. However, Krivokapic first needs to form a new government. “Krivokapic’s top priority is to form a new, functional government. It won’t be easy having in mind the number of constituents and different program principles,” a source close to the new prime minister-designate told Dnevne Novine daily. In case he decides not to establish his own party, which is unlikely to happen, Krivokapic would be one of the few European prime ministers not running his own party.

Prime minister-designate without MPs 

The coalition ‘For the Future of Montenegro’ does not exist as the united bloc in the parliament. The Movement for Changes has suddenly opted for the pro-Montenegrin and pro-Western policy and left the Democratic Front. Now they [Movement for Changes] have their own caucus comprising five MPs. The Socialist People’s Party, SNP, has also established its own caucus. On the other hand, the DF caucus has been set up, including NSD, DNP, PCG, RP and UCG which will be the strongest in the parliament after the Democratic Party of Socialists. It’s obvious that Krivokapic, who cherishes the ties with the businessman Miodrag Daka Davidovic, doesn’t have a single, “his own” MP.

Vujovic: Krivokapic may consolidate SDP if he wants to (Pobjeda)

The Social Democratic Party, SDP, has only one leader –Ranko Krivokapic. He’s able to consolidate the party and try to expand the voting base. However, the question is – does he have enough enthusiasm and energy to bring in reforms into the party facing the crisis due to him as well, Zlatko Vujovic, executive director of the Centre for Monitoring and Research assesses in an interview with Pobjeda daily. He also says it’d the best for the SDP to be part of the new, united social democratic party comprising they themselves, the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, and the Social Democrats, SD.  Commenting on the current situation in the SDP, Vujovic says the party “has been struggling with the crisis for a while despite good results in the 2016 parliamentary elections and even better result of their current presidential candidate in the 2018 elections.”  “After leaving the government, the SDP has been trying to find itself, to develop a clear identity, but it’s failing to manage it. Neither the parties of the former government believe in them nor the parties from a new coalition,” says Vujovic. According to him, the SDP didn’t manage to expand voters’ support. “It was more than obvious in this election that the SDP and the civic URA movement were covering the same constituency. The leaders of the SDP were looking like the DPS so such an outcome in the elections was inevitable.” The election campaign of the SDP, he adds, was quite bad – messages were confusing, but what it lacked the most was a strong leader. The question is whether the SDP now has strength to stay in the opposition having in mind the expectations of their activists and managers who are used to be in power. Not only did the SDP and the DPS need a large comprehensive reform, but also the SD needed it. Social Democrats might face the same destiny as the SDP, said Zlatko Vujovic. “Instead of fighting each other over the census, they can become an alternative to the existing government along with the DPS, and united win in the forthcoming elections.”


Meta calls PM to resign (ADN)

Albanian President Ilir Meta required on Monday publicly the immediate resignation of the Prime Minister Edi Rama as he said that this is the only thing he can do after destroying country. The Head of State said that Prime Minister made a criminal act by violating the political agreement of 5 June. "Even if he will respect now this agreement there are further conditions by the EU countries for Albania and elections of 25 April will be the most monitored ever. There will not be the opening of accession talks without the total respect of June 5 agreement. Rama can’t do nothing else despite giving his resignation," said Meta. According to him, PM forced Albanians to leave country because he destroyed everything according to the President.

Rama calls on President to decree changes of Electoral Code (Radio Tirana)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama called on Albanian President Ilir Meta to decree without wasting time, the changes in the Electoral Code. After the weekly meeting with the electoral headquarters at the premises of the Socialist Party, Prime Minister Edi Rama responded to the media interest regarding the President’s statement to respect the 5 June agreement. Rama said that “5 June was respected and 30 June was respected”. “It has been respected and there is nothing more to say and no more time to lose. The President better be signing the decree and return it as soon as possible, in order for the implementation to continue, because the time for implementation is tight and we will vote for it as we have voted,” said Rama, speaking about the latest on the Electoral Code.

Rama-Merkel discuss Albania’s progress on EU Integration (ADN)

Prime Minister Edi Rama has talked Monday to German Chancellor Angela Merkel about Albania’s advancement after EU’s decision to open the negotiations and about Albania’s efforts towards the First Intergovernmental Conference. Another topic of discussion between the two officials was related to European Union investments in the Western Balkans and the further encouragement of the regional Schengen, as the Premier unveiled. “With Chancellor Merkel, we talked a little earlier about 60 minutes on the European Union Grand Investment Plan for the Western Balkans and further pushing towards the Regional Schengen; Albania's progress after decision on the opening of negotiations and the efforts in continuation, towards the First Intergovernmental Conference with the EU, as well as the successful chairmanship of the OSCE by Albania and the challenges until the closing of our mandate in December,” informed Rama. In conclusion, he stressed that conversation with Chancellor Merkel is a special pleasure, who he considered “an excellent friend that knows, understands and follows our region and Albania”.

Meta: No EU talks’ opening without respecting 5 June agreement (ADN)

Albanian President Ilir Meta emphasized Monday that “that Head-Deceiver of ‘Renaissance’ Sect” must quit deceptions and understand for good that there is no opening of Albania membership negotiations with EU if June 5 Agreement is not respected. The Head of State also revealed the reason why he got into a coalition with the Socialist Party (SP) in April of 2013. Meta shared a video of his speech on Martyrs' Day, 5 May, where he had called for the urgent voting before the parliamentary elections of the Law on High Court, Law on Civil Servant and Parliamentary Reform. “For all those that ask me why I made coalition with the Socialist Party in April 2013, I have a memory from my speech held on 5 May 2013, on the Holy Day of Martyrs, in front of their family members and the veterans, where I have made public call for voting urgently before the parliamentary elections, the Law on the High Court, the Law on Civil Servant and the Parliamentary Reform, three conditions of the EU, which were held hostage by the Head Deceiver of "Renaissance" Sect”. “On May 30, 2013, I was also the one that forced the Head Deceiver of the "Renaissance" Sect to vote in the Parliament: Law on the High Court with 108 votes pro, Law on the Civil Servant with 107 votes pro, Parliamentary Reform with 108 votes pro. Now is time for him to leave the ordinary deceptions and understand once and for all that without respecting of the consensual Agreement of 5 June, there is no opening of negotiations.