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Belgrade Media Report 15 December 2020


Lavrov reads Putin’s letter, eternal flame lit (B92/Tanjug/RTS/RTV

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited the Temple of St. Sava where they laid flowers on the grave of the recently deceased Patriarch Irinej. Earlier today, the eternal flame was lit at the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade near the monument of the same name, in the presence of President Vucic and Minister Lavrov, who is visiting Belgrade. Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed and congratulated on the completion of works on the Temple in Belgrade, Lavrov read from the Russian President’s letter.

“The very building of the church inspired and united several generations of Serbs who wanted to keep alive the memory of St. Sava, the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church, its first bishop, patriot and educator. The mosaic that adorns the Temple was created by Serbian and Russian masters, and this cooperation is very important and symbolic, especially in the context of the brotherly friendship and spiritual closeness that have been uniting the two nations since ancient times,” said the letter. As it is known, Serbian Patriarch Irinej paid great attention to the works on the Temple. He was buried in the crypt of the Temple after his death, which is why Putin once again expressed his condolences on the occasion of the Patriarch’s death. “Please convey the most sincere gratitude to all those who contributed and continue to contribute to the construction of the Temple, as well as the wishes of happiness and prosperity to the citizens of Belgrade and all citizens of Serbia,” it is stated in the letter of the Russian President read by Lavrov. After reading the letter, he added that all Russians want him to convey the most sincere message of condolences on the occasion of the passing of Patriarch Irinej. “Also, they greet and send congratulations to Serbs on the occasion of this magnificent event,” Lavrov said, referring to the completion of works.

Vucic: Many thanks to Russia, this temple is as much yours as it is ours (Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed his gratitude for the words of support and said that the idea of ​​building the Temple has existed for more than 100 years, but thanks to the Russian friends, a great job has been done in the last decade. “For more than 100 years, there has been an idea to build the Temple of St. Sava. We have been struggling for decades, but with the great support and help of our Russian friends, we managed to build and do most of the work in the last decade,” Vucic recalled. He added that he was sure, knowing the late Patriarch Irinej, that he would be proud to be with Lavrov today in the Temple. “He would look at the domes, admire them, as well as the mastery of Russian artists. It is our job today to say a big thank you to President Putin and say – don’t mind if we are proud to use your words, it’s ‘magnificent’ that we have the most beautiful temple in the world,” said Vucic and once again asked the Russian minister to convey expressions of gratitude to the President of Russia.

Selakovic: With Lavrov about all points of contact of cooperation (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that as of today, the eternal flame will burn at the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade, but that is not the only reason for the visit of Russian Minister Sergey Lavrov to Serbia. Selakovic said that the first symbolism of the act is that Lavrov, the doyen in international diplomacy, is bringing that eternal flame. According to him, the eternal flame that comes from the Tomb of the Unknown Hero in Moscow to the Cemetery of the Liberators, which is a symbol of brotherhood in arms and the joint struggle of Serbian and Russian soldiers during World War II, in the common struggle against a common enemy – and these are Fascism and Nazism, who also won. “All these events, as well as meetings with the President of the Republic, parliament speaker, foreign minister, and this is also the eternal flame and the visit to the Temple of St. Sava, which is a modern symbol of cooperation, brotherhood and friendship of the Russian and Serbian people,” said Selakovic. They supported us to complete the work around the Temple. Lavrov will read a letter from President Putin and light a candle on the grave of Patriarch Irinej, during whose time the Temple received its crown. “I can say that in the World War II, the common struggle for liberation brought the two nations closer, at the beginning of the XXI century, the joint work on the completion of the Temple brought us even closer,” said Selakovic.

Relations between Belgrade and Moscow 

It has been speculated in the public whether the relations between the two countries have cooled down after the signing of the Washington Agreement. “In one month, they attack us for very close relations, they are bothered by the fact that Vucic is decorated with the Order of St. Aleksandr Nevsky. There is inconsistency between those who deliver such messages,” says Selakovic. In the second month they are talking about cooling down of relations, says Selakovic.

“Each of our encounters shows how important the relationships are. Relations are of mutual significance. Russia is our strong political and economic partner, today we will talk about energy, railways, military-technical cooperation and everything that is are common points of our two countries. Selakovic says that the visit of President Vladimir Putin was planned for October, but Covid made the realization of the visit very difficult. He points out that Russian friends and the Russian side said that such foreign policy activities are limited in such conditions. “I hope that this visit will take place and that President Putin will attend the great consecration of the Temple, but when this will be, none of us can predict,” said Selakovic. Vaccines will be discussed with Lavrov, and everything that are common topics and common points where we can do more together through cooperation, concluded Selakovic.

Can Lavrov alleviate pressures of West on Belgrade (Politika)

On eve of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to Serbia, several analysts wondered whether he can help alleviate pressures of the West on Serbia. The daily reminded that Lavrov will arrive to Serbia following his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), where Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik rejected accusations on malignant influence of Russia. Former foreign minister of Yugoslavia Vladislav Jovanovic argued that the goal of western centers of power is to eliminate “malignant influence of Russia” in the Balkans and he assessed that western countries will act in several directions in future while making sure that they do not exert too strong pressure on Serbia as this might be counter-productive. Analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said that Serbia should stop paying attention to threats and pressures coming from the West and should turn towards Russia instead, i.e. Serbia should establish even stronger cooperation with Russia as it is Serbia’s ally in fight for Kosovo. Jovanovic agreed that pressures on Serbia will only grow stronger but those pressures will be carefully prepared “and combined with some gestures of good will and promises coming from Brussels”.  Dusan Prorokovic from the Institute for International Policy and Economy assessed that too much attention is being paid in Serbia to the story on western centers of power. Prorokovic said that the reason for Lavrov’s visit to Serbia is to express support to implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and try to alleviate pressures “coming from all sides to transform the DPA”.

Biserko attacks Belgrade, yet praises Albright; Dodik: Political attacks encouraged by Biden’s victory (Novosti/DW)

Founder of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia Sonja Biserko stated in a text published in Deutsche Welle that Republika Srpska (RS) is “war prey” of Serbia and accused Belgrade of acting as “a destabilizing factor which prevents integration and consolidation of all neighboring countries through Serb communities in those”. Biserko argued that the foreign policy of Serbia has not changed since the time of Slobodan Milosevic and claimed that the idea on “reorganization of the Balkans in line with ethnic borders” is still alive. Biserko called for prevention of influence of both Serbia and Croatia in B&H. Finally, Biserko assessed as encouraging the latest “hearing” before the US Congress, on which occasion outgoing Congressman Eliot Engel and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright “presented a number of assessments on Serbia based on stereotypes from 1990s”. Reacting to Biserko’s claims, Milorad Dodik said that he would have “many things to say about this disgraceful woman who enjoys full democratic and personal freedom here, yet she sends out such poisonous things”. Dodik argued that not a single country would tolerate something like that and concluded: “They say Vucic is shutting down Serbia, there is no media freedom, no freedom of speech, all of that is a lie, everything was fabricated. This has nothing to do with anything, this only intensifies and grows stronger whenever an important date is approaching, but it lasts in continuity”.

German, EU Ambassadors want more done on rule of law (FoNet

German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb told Monday’s debate that it’s clear that Serbia won’t open a single chapter in its pre-accession negotiations with the European Union this year.

The Ambassador said the hope was that Serbia would make more progress than it did, adding that the latest European Commission report showed that its progress on rule of law was especially limited. He expressed optimism that the new government wants to invest effort on rule of law reforms and expects Serbia to open more chapters. EU Delegation Head Sem Fabrizi expressed the conviction that the reform processes will be started early in 2021, recalling that the European Commission said that Serbia’s rule of law reforms are slow and that more has to be done.



Lavrov arrives in B&H for official two-day visit (O kanal/N1)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov began his two-day visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Monday. His first meeting took place on Monday afternoon in Istocno Sarajevo, where Minister Lavrov met with Republika Srpska (RS) officials at the RS Government administrative center. The visit comes on the day when 25th anniversary of signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is marked. On Monday, Lavrov met with Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in Istocno Sarajevo. Aside from B&H, Lavrov is expected to visit Belgrade and Zagreb during his Balkan tour. Lavrov met with Dodik and the RS officials in the Administrative Center of the RS government in Istocno Sarajevo. The meeting in the RS government's Administrative Center was attended by RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, Speaker of the RS parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and many other representatives of political and public life of the RS. Addressing a press conference following the meeting, Dodik stressed that the meeting with Lavrov was an opportunity to discuss the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) which, according to him, was not made to be changed and abolished without the consent of all sides in B&H, two entities and three constituent peoples. Another topic of the meeting was the OHR. Dodik informed Lavrov about the current situation in B&H and stated that the OHR should have been closed a long time ago and Lavrov agreed with Dodik in a way. "The Dayton Agreement was not made to be changed or abolished without the sides in B&H which are the two entities and the three sovereign peoples. We have expressed our opposition to international interventionism that came through the figure of the High Representative for many years. That is why we today ask for the abolishment of the OHR and the High Representative himself and not to extend their mandate and agony that they produced here in B&H," Dodik underlined. Dodik further stressed that no secession was discussed at the meeting and that those are speculations coming from Sarajevo. Participants of the meeting in the Administrative Center of the RS Government also discussed the NATO Alliance and Lavrov welcomed the decision of the RS on military neutrality. Lavrov stressed that the RS is a good partner of Russia. "We have close ties with it... We are for cooperation in the interest of the people of Russia and B&H, in the interest of reconciliation and stability in this country. We were of the opinion today, we have a common position that the Dayton Agreement is foundation of the functioning of B&H. It is necessary to respect its basic principles of equality of the three constituent peoples and the two entities," Lavrov underlined. N1 carried a live broadcast of part of Lavrov’s press conference in Istocno Sarajevo where he said that any attempt to bring down the DPA could cause the most serious risks and consequences. When it comes to signing the DPA, Lavrov stated he knows very well how difficult it was to build and preserve “that fragile balance”, emphasizing the importance of “every element” in the system. According to Lavrov, the whole system could collapse without just one component and it could threaten the whole stability. Reflecting on what the DPA has defined, Lavrov clarified that the DPA does not pose any obstacle to building relations with foreign partners, which also includes the EU. The Russian FM pointed out that the decision-making on the speed at which B&H should move towards the EU needs to be determined only according to the principles of the DPA. “We do not want to interfere in that process” the FM added. “We took note of the RS’ decision on military neutrality with respect. This is a responsible solution,” the Russian FM added. The FM warned that no new line of division on the European continent should be created, and concluded that no new confrontation is needed. Specifying ways in which Russian cooperation with the RS is implemented, Lavrov noted that Russia’s “large economic operators” successfully function in the RS, and these operators include ‘Gazprom’, ‘Zarubezhneft’, and ‘Sberbank’. In his opinion, joint projects expand the economic relations and improve the overall living conditions. Lavrov reminded that Russia offered help with the COVID-19 pandemic to the RS, as well as other structures in B&H, and announced readiness to continue cooperation in tackling the COVID-19 infection issue, primarily when it comes to vaccination. Lavrov welcomed the RS’ support for studying Russian language in schools and singled out some of the projects that Russia is supporting in the RS – the Russian-Serb Temple and the Center for Spiritual Education in Banja Luka. Lavrov reaffirmed Russia’s stance that there is no alternative to peace and security, emphasizing the importance of respecting the principle of supporting the countries in the region in solving their issues through institutional dialogue. He also expressed the willingness to further improve cooperation between B&H, including the RS, and Russia. Asked by journalists to comment on the OHR, Lavrov replied that the OHR “is an institute that shows disrespect towards sovereignty of B&H”, while he assessed that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) has a positive role in B&H only if it encourages the political actors in B&H to come to agreement on their own, efficiently and with no foreign interference. He concluded that, as far as the amending of the Election Law of B&H goes, he is sure that the B&H authorities can agree on it. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, Dodik stated that he and Lavrov agreed on the need to respect the DPA. Dodik said that one of the conclusions of their meeting was that it is necessary to realize there are really “those who are willing to respect the DPA”, rather than to deal with different kinds of amendments to it. Dodik assessed that it is necessary to primarily support implementation of the DPA. The B&H Presidency Chairman confirmed that the Russian FM reiterated that Russia does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of B&H, but it is willing to be a partner to B&H when it comes to coming to agreements. Dodik also said that welcoming Lavrov to the RS is a great honor. He assessed that the meeting took place at a symbolic date, namely the 25th anniversary of the signing the DPA. Dodik thanked Russia for the support in the creation and the implementation of the DPA. Dodik reminded that they have been opposing the international interventionism expressed through the post of the High Representative and because of this they request the OHR to be abolished. He added that the PIC was formed against the DPA and it could not give the Bonn Powers to the High Representative. “Because of this, all laws imposed by the High Representative need to be abolished,” said Dodik. He reminded that the RS does not accept the NATO integration of B&H and they do not accept B&H having a Commission for NATO Integration. Dodik reminded that the RS followed the position of Serbia and declared political neutrality. “We express readiness to cooperate and not to integrate. This is our stance, because the RS does not see benefits of NATO integration,” explained Dodik. Dodik also stated that he did not request support for secession of the RS. He also stated that there is consensus within B&H for the EU integration, adding that the European Commission with its 14 priorities has been slowing down this process. When commenting international sanctions against Russia, Dodik said the RS will not support this, adding that this is in line with the policies that were led in the past. He thanked Russia for its support and emphasized that the RS officials never asked Russia, or anyone else, for support on secession or anything similar to that, as this was not the RS intention. “Mister Lavrov, our position is as followed. As the other part of B&H (the Federation of B&H) wants to abolish the RS, we just say that in such B&H we do not plan to stay. I believe that is legitimate,” Dodik points. In conclusion of his address, Dodik said they talked about opening of the Russian Representative Office in Banja Luka. He said the RS will do everything to make this happen. Dodik told the reporters that his personal stance is that Lavrov was visiting the RS on Monday, and he will visit B&H on Tuesday. He sent his regards to Russian President Vladimir Putin and thanked him for continuous support.

Covic meets Lavrov, Covic underlines importance of changes to Election Law (Dnevni avaz)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met on Monday night with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. The officials discussed the current political situation in B&H, the EU and NATO path, as well as the 25th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement. They also discussed the economic and bilateral cooperation, as well as the situation caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Covic’s Cabinet issued a press statement, which reads that Covic informed Lavrov about political developments, underlining the importance of changes to B&H Election Law as an imperative and guarantee for “equal future”. Covic underlined that political dialogue cannot function without legitimate representatives and consensus. During the meeting the officials especially underlined the fact that three constituent peoples have to be absolutely equal and that their rights cannot be denied.

Dzaferovic: We want to preserve the dignity and pride of our homeland (N1)

Members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic refused a meeting with the Minister Lavrov, who is visiting B&H. "We want to preserve the dignity and pride of our homeland, B&H in this way. The Russian Federation is a great state, a world power, B&H is not a world power, but it is a very important country in the world. We have our pride and we want to say what we think at the moment. Russia respects the Dayton Peace Agreement, but the statements given yesterday at a press conference by Minister Lavrov tell us something different," said Dzaferovic. He said that respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement means respecting all its annexes. "The first thing stated in the agreement is that the state of B&H, its continuity, institutions, its flag and coat of arms, must be respected, and they were not respected yesterday. Respecting the Dayton Agreement means respecting all 11 annexes. OHR departure from B&H is advocated by forces that constantly talk about secession. The idea was to go to a meeting and say all this or not to go to a meeting. We decided in the end that this action sends a stronger message. This is a message to our friends from Europe, to our partners, that we are proud and determined people. "Once we make a decision in this country, we must abide by it," said Dzaferovic.

Komsic: Two examples by which Lavrov showed disrespect for institutions and the state (N1

B&H Presidency Member Zeljko Komsic refused to attend a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. He pointed out that this decision was difficult to make and stated with regret that Lavrov, who represents Russia, does not respect the state of B&H and its institutions.

"It is clear to everyone that Mr. Lavrov as Foreign Minister, if not the first, is among the world's top three diplomats. A man with so much experience, so much power behind him is someone whose moves and actions are always fully planned, especially in public, every move sends messages. What we have had the opportunity to see since he came to B&H are not personal messages but the ones of the country he represents. The lack of a state flag at the meeting with Dodik is not a protocol error. We perceive this as a kind of humiliation and denial of the institutions of the countries he has paid an official visit to. The statement welcoming the RS parliament resolution on military neutrality in the event of joining one or another association also says that a perfectly informed and experienced Russian minister avoids the fact that such a decision can only be made by B&H state authorities, i.e. that B&H has made decisions regarding its future in Euro-Atlantic integration. Dodik, with whom he met, also took part in that decisions," Komsic said. He pointed out that on these two examples, unfortunately Lavrov showed his disrespect for the institutions and the constitutional system and the state of B&H. “I am not happy that this has happened. Our commitment is to have the best relations with the Russian Federation, but we also expect all those who represent Russia to respect B&H. To make matters worse, last night the position of Mr. Lavrov's spokeswoman was published on social networks, which on the one hand is a kind of threat. This is something we cannot build our relations with the Russian Federation on, because we cannot compare Russia and B&H in terms of power and strength, but we can show people who claim to be our friends that we expect them to respect the institutions of this state and the decisions that were made in accordance with the constitution, and not to treat the RS as an independent state,” he said.

Biden says work to promote justice, reconciliation, and functional, multi-ethnic B&H remains incomplete (FTV)

Newly elected US President Joseph Biden issued a statement on the occasion of marking the 25th anniversary of signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “Today, I join the international community and the people of B&H in marking the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Accords, which brought an end to the worst conflict on the European continent since World War II. On this day, we celebrate the efforts of the peacemakers, even as we mourn the loss of approximately 100,000 lives and the displacement of millions more”, the statement reads. The Dayton Accords brought peace to B&H and reaffirmed its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence. Yet, a quarter century later, it is clear that the work to promote justice, reconciliation, and a functional, multi-ethnic B&H remains incomplete, Biden wrote. “Too often, we have seen nationalism win out over national interest and the enrichment of a few coming before reforms to benefit the many. This anniversary is an occasion for all the parties to reflect on the possibility of a brighter future and to recommit to the difficult but necessary steps to build a fully-functioning B&H for all its citizens. As the president, I look forward to working with the international community and the people of B&H to finally achieve the promise contained in the Dayton Accords — a prosperous, just, and democratic B&H in the heart of a Europe whole, free, and at peace,” reads part of Biden’s statement.

Nelson: Now is time for action and citizens need to say what needs to be done (Oslobodjenje)

US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson stated that after 25 years it is clear that Dayton Peace Agreement has established firm foundations for B&H, for peace that has been maintained, as well as the foundations that enabled the country to prepare for the transition towards democratic state. He noted that even though the clear progress has been made in these 25 years, there are reasons for disappointment among many B&H citizens: “Now, it is up to citizens to get involved in answering the question what is missing and why Dayton is not sufficient”. Nelson reminded that there is a long list of priorities and necessary reforms, issues and flaws: “The European Union, in its Opinion presented clear priorities and steps that the country has to undertake. The presented 14 priorities and I do not think that it is impossible to achieve any of them”. He concluded that it is now time for citizens to act and to establish what needs to be done in order to strengthen political will, which is unfortunately still weak.

EUFOR Commander Trischak says EUFOR is last tool that should be applied in case safe and stable environment in B&H is jeopardized (Oslobodjenje)

On the occasion of 25th anniversary of signing the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), EUFOR Commander Major General Reinhard Trischak stated in an article he wrote that the current composition of EUFOR more than capable of fulfilling current and future challenges and continues to monitor anything that might jeopardize safe and stable environment. “Bosnia and Herzegovina is a sovereign state with law enforcement sector which is getting better and better. EUFOR, as an international player, must be the last tool to be applied in case safe and stable environment is seriously jeopardized and existing security structures face danger of falling apart,” Trischak noted.

Dzaferovic: Denial of Srebrenica genocide must be stopped and peace must be built on truth and justice (Nova BH)

The Memorial Center Potocari marked the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) on Monday with an online conference. The conference titled 'Preserving the peace, keeping the victims in our memories' was attended by Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. It was stated that the DPA was signed but the aggression continues, while victims and those who survived are fighting to lead all perpetrators to justice. Dzaferovic said that the narrative founded on the verdicts issued by international courts will always be above all attempts to establish anti-civilizational narratives. He added that facts from the verdicts if international courts need to be studied and repeated constantly. Dzaferovic highlighted that the Memorial Center has the highest role in this as a B&H institution. Dzaferovic recalled of the messages that the world leaders conveyed this year on 11 July, the Srebrenica genocide anniversary, noting that they speak volumes about “the biggest crime on Europe's soil since the World War II.” He said denial of Srebrenica genocide must be stopped and peace must be built on truth and justice. If someone is deserving that we live in peace today, then those are the genocide victims' families, who were calling for peace while seeking for justice and truth, said Komsic. Husein Kavazovic, Grand Mufti of the Islamic Community in B&H, warned that the “political and economic aggression on our country” lasts even today, although the Dayton Agreement ended the sufferings 25 years ago. Kavazovic also said that in the period when the DPA was signed, B&H did not have proper information about proportions of tragedy it went through. Kavazovic added that Srebrenica became a symbol of suffering and genocide throughout the world. Dzaferovic explained that the fact more than 40 world officials took part in the commemoration organized on the occasion of 25 years since genocide showed that the world is still interested in Srebrenica. Dzaferovic went on to saying that messages that leaders sent on 11 July 2020 from Srebrenica – primarily those condemning glorification of war crimes and denial of genocide – will deeply impact future of B&H. Komsic emphasized that following genocide in Srebrenica, it was hard to expect any justice. He also stated that through the history people in B&H have been facing numerous injustices, adding that they were always on side of the truth. Komsic stressed that the DPA was not just but was necessary to end suffering of people. Representative of association ‘Movement of Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves’ Munira Subasic called on world officials to provide assistance in processing of war criminals who have been protected in B&H, Serbia and Croatia. Komsic said that families of victims who were calling for peace seeking for truth and justice have the biggest credits for the fact that peace was achieved and the state of B&H exists 25 years after the DPA was signed. Dzaferovic stated that the Srebrenica genocide is one of the most documented crimes in the history owing to work of the ICTY, stressing that the narrative established based on facts from the verdicts of international courts will always be above all attempts to establish anti-civilizational narratives. Dzaferovic said that denial of Srebrenica genocide must be stopped and peace must be built on truth and justice. “The narrative that was grounded on facts from the international courts' judgments will always stand above all attempts to establish anti-civilizational narratives,” he added.

RS politicians do not think there are collocutors in RS who would accept changes to Constitution of B&H, especially if those would be detrimental for RS (EuroBlic)

The daily noted that speculations on possible constitutional changes in B&H are growing stronger and coincided with the announcement of High Representative Valentin Inzko on “the third phase” of B&H in which the international community would again take over control instead of domestic politicians. Apart from this, media in Sarajevo reported that experts from several countries are already working on comprehensive reforms which will be a part of a new international initiative “unseen in the past ten years” and ‘Dnevni avaz’ even reported that a return of so called ‘Butmir package’ of constitutional changes is possible. This package, the daily reminded, stipulated the election of the president and vice president of B&H in the parliament of B&H, reduction of possibilities for blockades in the House of Peoples and it also included the ‘European clause’ that would prevent lower levels of authorities from blocking European issues in B&H. Asked whether the West currently has collocutors in the RS for any major constitutional changes, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that an initiative for constitutional changes should come from domestic politicians because consensus must be the basis for any change. “I do not think that there is any political party in the RS that could be seen as an ally for changes to the Constitution of B&H,” Sarovic added. Member of the Main Board of SNSD and delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Dusanka Majkic stated that she hopes that there is no collocutor for changes to the Constitution of B&H in the RS, especially if those changes would be detrimental to the RS’ competencies and she reminded that a support of 2/3 of the Parliament of B&H is needed for constitutional changes. Majkic also reminded that those who would accept even the least of concessions would be “politically dead”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that stories on constitutional changes represent artificial raising of tensions and added: “When B&H was created by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and when the international verification of the RS was given, then the point was placed on any kind of big stories on constitutional changes”. Borenovic reminded that there were several attempts within B&H to change the Constitution of B&H, such as the ‘Prud Agreement’, ‘April package’ and several other attempts, “but those are distant past now”. “Of course, should preconditions be created, the part of constitutional changes related to the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling are possible, but this issue is mostly for the Federation of B&H”, Borenovic said. Leader of ‘United Srpska’ and MP Nenad Stevandic said that there are some politicians in the RS who would gladly accept foreign interventions: “Those are Serb politicians who are looking for someone to clear path for them so that they can rule and rely on foreign centers of power”. Stevandic argued that those are the politicians who are unable to win elections so they expect “representatives of the West to clear path for them or use the old methods of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to remove people of authority, men of word”.

HNS calls on IC to protect DPA as foundation of peace in B&H amid frequent attempts to undermine it, they argue that critics against Milanovic are unfounded and inappropriate (N1)

The Presidency of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) held a session in Mostar on Monday and concluded that the local elections in Mostar, which are set to take place on Sunday for the first time in 12 years, are an important step forward for the citizens of Mostar and represent progress on the path towards a European Mostar and a European B&H. The HNS Presidency called on the international community (IC) to protect the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) as the foundation of peace in B&H, reiterating that political dialogue at all authority levels must fully include legitimate representatives of B&H's constituent peoples. The statement issued by the HNS Presidency after the session reads: “Without compromise, HNS supports B&H as a modern, democratic, multiethnic state of equal constituent peoples and citizens organized based on principles of federalism, subsidiarity, and legitimate representation of constituent peoples.”

The HNS Presidency also called for taking significant and visible steps in the integration process and called for the urgent appointment of the commission for NATO, which should enable improved and intensified work with “one of the most important international organizations”. "At the session, the HNS B&H Presidency condemned unfounded, heinous and personal attacks on President of the Republic of Croatia Zoran Milanovic by Bosniak leaders and parties, and characterized them as unsuitable for political dialogue and relations with neighboring countries that help B&H's stability and development. The Presidency welcomed the speeches of President Milanovic and stressed the importance of further cooperation with officials of the Republic of Croatia, which is the largest advocate and partner of European and Euro-Atlantic B&H," reads the press release of the HNS B&H Information Office.

Turkovic: My statements were twisted and abused in order to raise tensions (Nezavisne)

B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic commenting the criticism against her statements from the interview for Face TV which was broadcast on Friday evening. Turkovic said that her words were twisted. “Twisting and abuse of my statements with the goal to draw attention away from important processes which are taking place and which are underway or which are to follow, will bring nothing good to anyone in this area. The party I belong to (SDA) and I personally believe that B&H would be the most functional with three authority levels - state, regional and local. Considering the fact that these political stances have always been known and publicly available, I do not see any reason for the heated reactions which are unnecessarily raising tensions,” said Turkovic. Turkovic stressed that people must respect each other in B&H and that genocide against Bosniaks should be respected, as well as that glorifying war criminals must stop.

Field says inflammatory rhetoric and calls to one-sided changes are regressive and undermine trust (EuroBlic)

Following the statement of Minister Turkovic who compared Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik with Adolf Hitler and who said that she advocates the abolition of the RS, UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field stated that inflammatory rhetoric and calls to one-sided changes in B&H are regressive and undermine trust. “The United Kingdom supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, as well as the constitutional order which was set up by the Dayton Peace Agreement. Any changes to this structure must be approached to in spirit of compromise and consensus, in line with international standards and long-term interests of citizens of this country,” Field said.

Prosecutor’s Office of B&H issues indictment against Mehmedagic and Cikotic (RTRS)

The B&H Prosecutor’s Office issued on Monday a new indictment against Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) Osman Mehmedagic, on charges of committing abuse of office. The Court of B&H is expected to take a stance on the indictment within eight days. The indictment refers to suspicion that Mehmedagic abused his office as the OSA Director in illegal appointment and work of the second-instance Commission for Security Clearance. Other indictees, who have been covered by the same indictment, are B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic and Mehmedagic’s retired associate and current Advisor to OSA Muriz Druskic.

The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H issued an indictment specifying that the indictees are charged with committing abuse of office or authority under the Article 220 of the Criminal Code of B&H. Namely, the criminal offense they are charged with could entail a sentence of six months to five years in prison. Specifically, Mehmedagic and Cikotic are suspected of carrying out illegal appointment of the commission members with the intent to establish control over the commission in cases of seizure of security clearance licenses to employees in the public and security sector. The indictment alleges that Mehmedagic nominated Druskic as a member of the commission from OSA, even though Druskic’s permission to access secret data expired in late March when he retired, and this permission is a condition to be appointed the commission member. Other Bosniak member of the commission Ismail Saric, close to Cikotic, appears to have been illegally appointed despite not meeting the required conditions for the appointment. In September, Cikotic had claimed that all commission members have the permission to access secret data. In a phone statement to RTRS, security expert Dzevad Galijasevic assessed that this latest indictment is a sign that an atmosphere of free decision-making on the criminal responsibility of officials has been created in the Prosecutor’s Office and that it is yet to see if the international community will exert pressure.


President and Prime Minister agree on status of Croats in B&H (HRT)

President Zoran Milanovic released a statement on Monday saying he and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic agree about the status of Croats in B&H and the implementation of the Dayton Agreement, which was signed 25 years ago in Paris. The office of the President released the following statement: It is the joint position of Milanovic and Plenkovic that it is necessary to take into account the fact that Croats are one of the three constituent peoples in B&H and that it is Croatia’s obligation to insist on the protection of the status and rights of Croats in B&H. Milanovic and Plenkovic agreed that the positions of the Republic of Croatia will be presented by Plenkovic at an international conference on Tuesday, which is being organized by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement.


Palmer to Djukanovic: Identity issues are always dangerous in the Balkans (CdM)

Partnership between the US and Montenegro is older than any government, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic pointed out during the meeting with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Representative for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer. President’s Cabinet stated that interlocutors discussed the current situation in Montenegro, expectations of the future cohabitation, further role of the church in Montenegro and continuation of the cooperation between the two countries. “Djukanovic thanked American official for the initiative for visiting Montenegro in such a format, as a confirmation of continuous dialogue between the two friendly states and partner-states. He reiterated that he hoped the new governing majority would put into action the commitment to European integration, NATO membership,” the statement said. Palmer welcomed the intention of the American administration to continue communication with all structures of the government and relevant structures of the society on the grounds of the achievements made to date. “Further US support in overcoming key deficit in the region countries and Montenegro. That support has been very important so far”, President’s Cabinet said. President pointed out that cooperation between high-education institutions in the US and Montenegro should be further improved, with the aim of modernizing knowledge and increasing competitiveness of our people in the world. “He welcomed initiation of partner economic dialogue by State Department, having in mind the importance of the valorization of tourism, energy and agricultural potentials of Montenegro”. Palmer thanked Djukanovic for useful recommendations and expressed hopes that they would soon be able to meet in person and continue the dialogue. “He said that identity issues are always dangerous in the WB, but that Montenegro’s success was in a successful multi-ethnic democracy,” the statement said.

Abazovic: New government has a pro-Western character (CdM)

The newly elected government has unequivocally pro-Western character and will be a reliable partner in the fulfillment of their tasks from the Euro-Atlantic agenda, Vice-President of the government Dritan Abazovic reiterated during talks with Matthew Palmer. Abazovic pointed at the importance of the support the US is continuously providing for Montenegro on its way to democratization and strengthening institutions. “The primary goal of the new government is strengthening rule of law and establishment of strong institutions. Montenegro remains committed to the cooperation with Western partners and strengthening regional cooperation, with the aim of creating safe and brighter future,” Abazovic said. He informed Palmer about the competences of the vice-president of the government in charge of combating corruption and organized crime. Abazovic said once again that the government of Montenegro is strongly committed to fulfilling all tasks from the Euro-Atlantic agenda.


Mickoski announces vote of no confidence in Dimitrov as first step toward bringing down the Zaev government (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that the first step toward bringing down the PM Zoran Zaev government will be a vote of no confidence in Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov, for his total failure to advance the EU accession process. “These are the worst 100 days any government has had so far. In 100 days we had the EU veto, we entered into a recession, we have a failed bank in a scandal worth 200 million Euros, electricity price hikes, and worst of all, 1,400 of our fellow citizens lost their lives due to the pandemic and the acute incompetence of the healthcare system. The government demands to be given a respite for 100 days. But this is not a new government. It’s the same government that took four years of our lives. Zaev’s lies that he will secure a safe, European future for us have failed. He is gambling “all in” with our lives and losing. This government has no legitimacy. The first step toward bringing it down will be a vote of no confidence in Nikola Dimitrov in the parliament. We will have them answer all the questions that the public is asking,” Mickoski said. Mickoski especially blamed Zaev for his policy on Bulgaria. “He is willing to put our identity on the line. We learn from the press what he is offering to the Bulgarian side, a new memorandum with humiliating conditions. Zaev allowed open interference in our internal affairs as he acknowledges that the Bulgarian Prime Minister was speaking for us, as for his own country. We don’t know what exactly Zaev is promising as the opposition is shut out from the entire process,” Mickoski said.

Zaev hopes to placate Bulgaria with a declaration (Republika)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he is willing to give a declaration, memorandum or some other type of document that Macedonia has no minority or territorial claims toward Bulgaria. He said that he hopes this will be enough to placate Bulgaria, which is blocking Macedonia’s EU accession. “We declare this all the time, that we will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, including in minority issues. I state publicly that we did not interfere and will not interfere, no prior government has ever tried to flex its muscles on this issue. It is an international standard. If they will, I can confirm this in a note, a memorandum, a declaration, a protocol, whatever. It can be adopted by the government,” Zaev said, confirming that this was discussed by his envoy to Bulgaria Vlado Buckovski who met Bulgarian leaders earlier this week. It is widely assumed that Bulgaria will want more legally binding documents, that will not cover only the supposed Macedoanin territorial claims and the minority issue, but also will impose a Bulgarian view of history and ethnicity on Macedonians in Macedonia. Greece pressured Macedonia to conduct substantial amendments to the Constitution and it remains to be seen whether Bulgaria will be satisfied with anything less.

Borisov calls on Macedonia to be reasonable (Republika)

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov called on Macedonia to be reasonable in the historic dispute Bulgaria initiated and insisted that his side has already shown reason and moderation.

“This is the way forward. If we remain stubborn the problems will remain. The solution is in dialogue, solidarity and understanding. For a better tomorrow! We are willing to help. We want to see the same in our neighbors and friends.” Borisov said in a Facebook message. Bulgaria is currently blocking Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. Bulgaria wants Macedonia to rewrite its history and blur the distinction between the Bulgarian and the Macedonian nation as a condition of opening the accession talks.


Kosovo-Albania electricity markets merged (ADN)

Prime Minister Edi Rama announced Monday the merger of the two electricity markets Albania-Kosovo has become a reality, a project launched 10 years ago. Rama said that this is one of the biggest projects between the two countries. Rama also announced that the transmission of the 400 kV line between the two countries has started, a strategic act with an impact on increasing the security and electricity capacity of the two countries. To make this a reality, Rama said that we have waited 6 years and that this line remained hostage to Serbia's veto. While informing about the benefits that this line will have, Rama also conveyed messages regarding Balkan Schengen, emphasizing that according to him, Regional Schengen is essentially the strengthening of independence and sovereignty. "It took a long time, it was February 2010 when the government approved a loan for the construction of the Albania-Kosovo transmission line and according to the commitment of the previous Prime Minister, the line that will be completed within 2 years was one of the biggest projects with regulation between the two states. I must remember that the work never started and the system continued to degrade to the point that it became an oppressive burden of the Albanian state threatening to lead Albania towards bankruptcy. It took 2014 for our government to start implementing this major project and we closed the project in two years. Kosovo could not get a network because the Serbian side was conditional on remaining dependent on Serbia. This is an extraordinary opportunity as a clear example, to understand what our approach to the future means and what regional Schengen means essentially strengthening empowerment of independence and sovereignty. The end is the extension and full integration of the European market that passes through the regional market" Rama said, among other things.