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Belgrade Media Report 16 December


Lavrov: We advocate a compromise based on UNSCR 1244 (Beta/Novosti/Politika

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said after Tuesday’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that Belgrade would not be imposing sanctions on Moscow. “We won’t be imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation,” Vucic told a news conference after the meeting, adding that Serbia takes decisions on its own and has the strength to implement them. He said that they discussed fundamental issues in relations between the two countries. “We determined the strategic determination of the two countries to continue to develop and improve our relations if possible on friendly and respectful basis,” he said. According to Vucic, Serbia will continue buying Russian gas because it comes at the best price. “Is someone asking Serbia to buy more expensive gas for the sake of someone’s political interests,” he said. Vucic said that he expressed personal concern as the President of Serbia for the situation in the region as well as the hope that everyone will have the reason and strength to resolve disputes peacefully which, he said, is Serbia’s commitment. He said that Serbia will maintain its military neutrality and thanked Russia for helping reinforce Serbia’s defense capabilities. Lavrov told the news conference that Moscow supports the balanced position of the Serbian leadership directed at building mutually beneficial links with all interested states, a principle which he said is the basis of Russian foreign policy. “We welcomed Belgrade’s commitment to military neutrality and the policy of not imposing sanctions on Russia. Serbia’s policy of military neutrality helps promote peace and stability in the Balkans and opposition to confrontation in the region,” he said. Lavrov said they discussed “the unresolved Kosovo problem”. “Our stand is unchanged. We advocate a compromise based on UN Security Council resolution 1244 and we will support only that decision which suits the Serbs,” he said. According to Lavrov, the EU should implement its role of mediator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue without bias and “overcome Pristina’s open sabotage”. He said that the Pristina authorities are “sabotaging all agreements reached over the past few years, including the obligation to form the Community of Serb Municipalities”.

Important information on Kosovo and RS (Novosti/Politika

Asked whether his guest from Russia had conveyed to him how Moscow sees the international, geostrategic situation in regard to Kosovo and the status of Republika Srpska (RS), Vucic said that he had received important information from Lavrov: “This will enable us to view the situation in which our country is from a different, more objective, angle.”

Selakovic: Russia’s great role in protecting our national interests (Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov signed on Tuesday a Consultation Plan between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia for 2021-2022.

On that occasion, Selakovic expressed his gratitude to Russia for its principled position on the issue of Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as for the fact that it always raises its voice in the international political arena in order to preserve the interests of our country.

He also conveyed his gratitude to Russia for the fact that the report on Kosovo and Metohija is regularly submitted to the United Nations Security Council, that Resolution 1244 is respected and that the UNMIK report is heard. Also, as he added, Russia defends our interests in other international and European organizations in which Serbia is a member. Selakovic pointed out that Russian support is of great importance for the protection of the rights of the Serbian people in Kosovo, the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, but also the use of the Serbian language and the Cyrillic alphabet. He underlined that bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Russia is at a high level and that there are numerous areas in which these relations are developing, adding that relations were especially strengthened by the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin last January. Relations between Serbia and Russia are friendly, and if the Memorial Cemetery for the Liberators of Belgrade and all cemeteries of Red Army soldiers and fighters are a symbol of joint struggle against the greatest evil – Nazism and fascism, then the Temple of St. Sava is a symbol of today’s friendship and brotherhood, said Selakovic.

Lavrov: EU powerless to implement Belgrade-Pristina agreements (FoNet/Beta/Politika/Novosti

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday called the EU to take responsibility for the implementation of what Belgrade and Pristina agreed on during the Kosovo dialogue. Speaking to reporters following a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Nikola Selakovic, Lavrov said that he regrets the fact that the EU can’t secure the implementation of agreements reached while it mediated the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, primarily the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities. According to Lavrov, official Moscow feels that the EU is powerless to implement the agreements. Russia and Serbia share the view that international law has to be respected as well as the UN charter principles on sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

Lavrov to Dacic: Serbia can always count on Russia’s support in the international arena, especially in connection to Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic met on Tuesday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as part of his official visit to Serbia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov congratulated his former colleague on taking office and wished him success in his further work, hoping that he would continue to contribute to the development of brotherly and friendly ties between the two countries in his new position. Lavrov conveyed the greetings of the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, and the Chairperson of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko, and their invitations to Dacic to visit Moscow soon. Dacic thanked the Minister for the heartfelt congratulations and said that it was a great honor for him to welcome his long-term colleague and friend in the home of Serbia’s highest representative body. He pointed out that this, Lavrov’s second visit since the beginning of the pandemic, is a clear testament of the excellent relations between Serbia and Russia. Dacic took the opportunity to once again thank the Russian Federation for its strong support of Serbia at the international level, especially in connection with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. He also thanked him for the help the Russian Federation provided and continues to provide to Serbia in the fight against the corona virus. Dacic expressed his belief that the existing strategic relations will continue to improve at all levels, emphasizing the readiness to further strengthen the segment of parliamentary cooperation between the two countries with his personal contribution to the matter in his new position. He informed his guest that the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Russia has already been formed in the parliament and has 145 members ready to continue cooperating with their colleagues both in the State Duma and the Federation Council. Lavrov said that his visit during the pandemic was proof of strong friendly relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia. He underlined that Serbia can always count on the support of brotherly Russia in the international arena, especially in connection with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. The meeting was also attended by the Chair of the SNS parliamentary group Aleksandar Martinovic and the Chair of the parliamentary Friendship Group with the Russian Federation Milovan Drecun.

Brnabic expresses gratitude to Italian soldiers within KFOR who protect Visoki Decani (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Tuesday with Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini about bilateral relations and strengthening cooperation in all areas on the basis of a strategic partnership. Brnabic assessed that the relations between Serbia and Italy are at the best possible level, emphasizing that economic and investment cooperation is of priority importance, because Italy has been one of the most important economic partners of Serbia for several years.

Brnabic expressed gratitude to the Italian soldiers within KFOR, who with their professional behavior and actions protected the monastery of Visoki Decani and did a lot for the safety of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija. Guerini said that Serbia is key to maintaining peace and stability in the Western Balkans, emphasizing that Italy greatly appreciates Serbia’s efforts to strengthen regional cooperation. The Minister pointed out that Italy appreciates the constructive approach of our country within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and added that Italy provides full support to Serbia on its European path. They assessed that the cooperation between the armed forces of the two countries is excellent, and Guerini noted that he highly appreciates the participation of Serbian soldiers in international peacekeeping missions, emphasizing the special contribution they make in the United Nations Mission in Lebanon. Guerini expressed gratitude for the medical assistance that Serbia sent to Italy at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, and assessed that this showed the friendship between the two countries even in difficult times.

Vucic with Kosovo Serb representatives: On conclusions within 72 hours (Tanjug/RTV

At today’s meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with the political and institutional representatives of Kosovo Serbs conclusions were passed on joint performance towards preserving all vital national interests in Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia’s most important interests, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. The public will be informed about all concrete conclusions within 72 hours, following additional consultations with all representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as all relevant international representatives. The meeting was attended by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, Serbian Minister for Energy and Mining Zorana Mihajlovic, the Director of “Elektroprivreda Srbije” Milorad Grcic, as well as the Director of “Elektromreza Srbije” Jelena Matejic.



Dodik sees Komsic and Dzaferovic’s move as damaging to B&H (Nova BH

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has ended his two-day visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic ignored and refused to meet with Lavrov. B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik met with Lavrov in the B&H Presidency's building in Sarajevo on Tuesday alone. Dodik had an opportunity to exchange views with Lavrov, criticizing Komsic and Dzaferovic for their decision. "Everything they had to criticize the Russian Foreign minister for, Komsic and Dzaferovic could have done in person, on their own grounds, but they had no courage and they chose to use alleged arguments in addressing their intolerance towards Russia, which is another name for a diplomatic scandal," Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik also said that he hopes that they will be able to explain to Bosniaks why B&H is suffering a financial damage in case the Russian Federation decides to respond to the scandal by reducing the level of economic cooperation. Lavrov did not comment Dzaferovic and Komsic's decision not to meet with him. Lavrov addressed the media in the building of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Peoples in B&H are capable of deciding in B&H on their own. The OHR should have been closed a long time ago," Lavrov reiterated.

Dzaferovic on refusal to meet Lavrov (FTV

Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, commented on the visit of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov to B&H. Speaking about his and member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic’s decision not to attend a meeting with Lavrov in the B&H Presidency’s building in Sarajevo on Tuesday, he said that he thought about this decision during the entire evening after the meeting in Istocno Sarajevo and during Tuesday morning. Dzaferovic stated: “These are difficult decisions. Not simple decisions. I concluded, just as Komsic did, that this is about the honor and dignity of B&H and that these values are insulted and that we must react. I am not glad that I was brought into this position but I had to react and I have no regrets. I believe that I made the right move just as Mr. Komsic. No one can play with the honor of this country”. In his opinion, inappropriate relation of the Russian Federation towards B&H and the situation within B&H is present for a longer period of time; they say that Russia respects the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of B&H, but they do otherwise in concrete cases. In this regard, he mentioned the Russian veto to the resolution in the UN Security Council that condemns the genocide in Srebrenica and Russian claims that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) should be closed but all of the things arise from the Dayton Agreement. Dzaferovic also reminded of opposing statements coming from Russia that the country respects the Dayton – and B&H institutions reached decisions on the NATO path – and yet, Russians also say that they respect the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament’s resolution on military neutrality of the RS. Dzaferovic reminded that during Lavrov’s meeting with Dodik in Istocno Sarajevo, a flag of the state of B&H was not displayed. Dzaferovic stated: ”I knew that he (Lavrov) will meet Mr. Dodik, but yesterday, I saw a meeting that I was not informed about at all: all representatives from the rank of the Serb people - political representatives from the RS - were invited there and institutions of B&H that come from the RS. Therefore, a meeting with representatives of the Serb people only. This is not a way to do things. After that, there was a meeting with leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and a deputy of minister from the rank of the Croat people. Therefore, a meeting with representatives of the Croat people. This country has institutions; the Presidency, the Council of Ministers, the parliament (of B&H) and when it comes to B&H, these are the places and representatives of these institutions should be met. There are no tribes here in B&H. This is something that has crossed every line and we had to react. This has become a practice, some kind of a form; we had it coming from Zagreb, from Belgrade, this is how they relate to us. Now, we saw it along with statements that are anti-Dayton statements. We had to react”. Asked to comment on Lavrov’s reaction that they acted upon someone’s order and the future Russian policy towards B&H after this, Dzaferovic stated: “We want good relations with Russia and there is no dilemma about it, B&H wants respect, respect from Russia for its foreign-policy commitment and not crossing the line through B&H; the NATO and the line of the Russian influence. They should respect institutions of B&H and our decisions and we will have good relations. It is in the interest of both the Russian Federation and B&H. We want to have this kind of relations but this is impossible if it goes to detriment of B&H, to detriment of its dignity, honor and its hardly-defined foreign-policy commitments. I am no one’s player, Mr. Komsic either, but a player of this country, its citizens, its institutions and its decisions. I have big respect for all those from Europe, the US who respect the foreign-policy and internal-policy commitments of B&H. I did not receive an answer from Mr. Lavrov, why he sat in a hall where a flag of B&H was not displayed. He is a very experienced, one of the most experienced world diplomats”. Dzaferovic also reminded that the outgoing Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov supports every stance coming from the RS. Dzaferovic asserted that this is about something else and that is an attempt to overlap global interests over B&H, reminding that B&H already took a stance and said that its goal is the path to the EU and the NATO. He underlined: “What is the problem? This is the area of the EU and B&H will be an EU member state. This is the area of the NATO and B&H will be a NATO member state. You know why? It is not that we threaten anyone, we have experience that we are the safest with the NATO. The NATO stopped the aggression to this country. The NATO helped reform of defense of B&H. The NATO is a friend of all peoples and all citizens in this country. This is why we want to the NATO. And then, someone comes – even if it is an experienced diplomat from such a big and influential state – and says that this is a problem, well, it is not a problem. We gave such response. This was our decision. It was hard to make this decision. We thought of going to the meeting and saying all this or to protest in this way. We assessed that this is way important what the Russian Federation is doing towards B&H and that members of the collective head of a state should protest in this way and we did it. We sent a message to the Russian Federation, to the B&H public and to our friends in Europe and to our Euro-Atlantic allies; the US and all NATO member states”. Asked is it time to change and upgrade the Dayton, Dzaferovic argued that it is final time to go along the reform path in this country, to respect the previously-reached decisions in the country, to move on the EU path. He added: “This time is coming. I think that Mr. Dodik and all those who follow his policy understood it. The wave that is coming is visible for those who know to read international relations and international policy because B&H and its stability are very important not just for B&H, but also for the Western Balkan region, for entire Europe and for the entire world. We are not a big state, but we are an important world state due to our paradigm, our multi-ethnic character and the cataclysm that we survived during the aggression against B&H, mass crimes, mass violence over the ethnic structure and in the end, the genocide. This cannot happen again. Those who advocate opposing policies to what I am saying are leading us to the past and here, the past – the way it was – simply cannot happen again. We must talk about the future. Everyone is telling us to think how to project Bosnia, B&H in the next 25 years and this is our job”. Commenting on the fact that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met Lavrov, Dzaferovic said that he knew that Turkovic will receive Lavrov and argued that this was a wise move. He reminded that Turkovic is a host of Lavrov as both of them are ministers of foreign affairs and added that Turkovic told Lavrov everything that he and Komsic said during the press conference.

Komsic: Russia cannot create obstacles on EU or NATO path as main documents were adopted by B&H (Hayat

Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, asked about the boycott of the meeting with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and the events that preceded the decision to boycott, said that the boycott had to happen and their intention is not to create or have problematic or bad relations with Russia. He stressed that in comparison to previous visits, Lavrov’s visit this time was different as it is necessary for top officials of any country visiting another to respect the highest institutions of the country they visit first. Komsic said that during this visit this was not done and Lavrov came to B&H previously, and then the highest institutions of B&H were respected. He said that Lavrov is very well informed on the situation in B&H and everything he did during his visit are messages and not gaffs or mistakes. Komsic noted that during previous meetings with Lavrov, he himself explained to Komsic that Russia does not support the expansion of NATO but they will respect any decision B&H makes in terms of NATO integration. He believes that Russia sees B&H as a small toy in their conflict with the EU and the USA. Asked about the message the boycott of Lavrov is sending to the world, Komsic said that they are aware how small B&H is, but it not possible to allow the disrespect of the country. He said that his conscience asked of him to do this and the people in B&H expected their leaders to act like this. Asked about the mixed reactions to the boycott in B&H, Komsic said that B&H is such a country where there is no major consensus about many things and it is the right of people to disagree about some things. He said that there is such a thing as official responsibility and it was necessary to say no. Komsic believes that this will help B&H grow in the perception of countries that are friendly towards it. Asked whether B&H can join the EU and NATO despite obstructions of Russia, Komsic said that this is possible since Russia is neither a member of the EU or NATO. He reminded that B&H adopted all important decisions regarding the EU and NATO before. Komsic reminded that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik signed the most recent decision regarding NATO himself. He stressed that B&H is not as important for Russia as Ukraine, Georgia or Belarus are, but it is a great practice range due to the specific relations in B&H and in the Balkans. Asked about the reports made by agencies of the US Congress which claim that the B&H intelligence system is being undermine by Dodik, President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and President of High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) Milan Tegeltija, Komsic said that the information is nothing new and this discussion has been ongoing in B&H for a while now. He added that people working for such institutions are serious and he believes their claims are backed by facts. Asked about the necessity of unity among pro-B&H parties, Komsic said that one can never see a lack of unity within the RS when it comes to major national interests and the same can be said for parties gathered in the Croat people’s Assembly (HNS B&H). He added that more discord and criticism can be seen among pro-B&H parties which can be a good thing since it shows there is no one-minded policy. Komsic stressed that many conflicts on the political scene of pro-B&H parties are based on personal conflicts and he believes it is necessary to overcome these in order to present unity when it comes to important issues regarding B&H. He said that some party leaders of pro-B&H parties show willingness to concede to requests of Dodik and Covic, but this cannot be allowed to happen and it requires the pro-B&H parties to have stronger stances. Asked about the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the future of B&H, Komsic said that the 14 priorities given by the European Commission to B&H is a document that is rarely mentioned one but he believes it is a historical one. He stressed that if B&H were to realize those 14 priorities, it would be a completely different country. Komsic reminds that the key requests of the document are the strengthening of the Rule of Law, the socio-economic position of the country and the equality of people.

Turkovic meets Lavrov in Sarajevo (Hayat

B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday in Sarajevo. The two ministers discussed the cooperation between the two countries and signed a plan on the consultations between state ministries. Turkovic said that if it is not possible to reach an agreement regarding the Commission for NATO Integration it is possible to reach an agreement on a commission which will cooperate with NATO. She commented on the opposing opinions regarding the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and said that it is necessary to find a middle path that will be acceptable for all peoples in B&H. Turkovic admitted that the stances on this issue are very firm but there is always a way to reach a compromise. Lavrov reminded that Russia believes the OHR should be closed down since it is not in accordance with reality. He believes that there is no additional value to maintaining the protectorate over B&H. Lavrov said that the members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) do not share this opinion and are proposing the new candidacy of a new High Representative. He stressed that B&H is a multiethnic state and there are no alternatives to dialogue and respect of all competences and authorities of entities and people in B&H.

Lavrov and Turkovic praised good relations and even better economic cooperation between the two countries, they signed a plan of consultations between B&H and Russia for the next two years, discussed plans, decisive support, mutual respect and everything but the diplomatic scandal. Addressing a press conference, Turkovic said: “We welcome the commitment and dedication of the Russian Federation to respect the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H defined in the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H”. Addressing a press conference, Lavrov stated: “During our negotiations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H and during the negotiations with the Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, we defined our strong standpoint, i.e. our support to respect the Dayton Agreement and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, as well as principles that stipulate the two entities and the three constituent peoples”.

Lavrov, Vucic: Incident in Sarajevo was influenced by outside forces (BHT1

After visiting B&H, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Lavrov stated at his meeting with Vucic that Bosniak member Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member Zeljko Komsic of B&H Presidency boycotted the meeting with him earlier on Tuesday “at someone’s order” and by doing that they expressed interests of foreign forces. Lavrov stated that, a few years ago when the Russian delegation visited the Balkans including B&H, former EU high representative Federica Mogherini said that the Balkans are a zone of interest of the EU and that others, including Russia, have no business there. Lavrov pointed out that this is a philosophy deeply rooted in several European countries since the colonial era. Lavrov emphasized Russia’s support to Dayton Peace Agreement principles, most of all equality of three (constituent) peoples and two entities. Lavrov stated that the fact Dzaferovic and Komsic refused to meet with him, is not an essential incident that would affect the development of the relationship between Russia and B&H peoples. “I think the politicians who made that decision are not independent. They are obviously acting by someone's order and probably express interest, not of their voters, but the interests of outside forces. The outside forces do not care about Russian-B&H or Russia-Serb relations and they are generally not interested in seeing countries of the Western-Balkans practicing their right to build mutually-beneficial cooperation with all foreign partners,” stated Lavrov. Vucic added that he thinks any conversation is better than running away from a meeting. “If you want to say something to someone you say it to their face.” said Vucic. Vucic stated: “Wait people, you (B&H officials) say every day that you are on the Euro-Atlantic path and this is not even a conclusion of your country. It is not Sergey Lavrov who does not respect your country but you when many of your representatives say that Kosovo is independent and this is not a conclusion of B&H, any of bodies in B&H and yet, we (Serbia) did not interrupt our relations (with you) because of that”. Lavrov stressed that Komsic and Dzaferovic probably do not voice interests of most of their voters, but they voice interests of foreign powers that are not interested in the development of relations between Russia and B&H and between Russia and the RS, or for the realization of rights of Western Balkan countries to develop cooperation with all foreign partners. Lavrov also reminded that Russia is against any kind of amending of the DPA and that any kind of change of the Constitution of B&H or relations between entities in B&H would require a new peace conference.

Cvijanovic: Absence of B&H Presidency members from official meeting with Lavrov is diplomatic scandal; Cubrilovic: Komsic and Dzaferovic’s move harmed citizens of B&H, especially of FB&H (RTRS

The decision of B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic (DF) and Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) to refuse to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at an official meeting in Sarajevo on Tuesday causes condemnation by Republika Srpska (RS) politicians. They said that this diplomatic scandal shows real situation in B&H and constant wish of Sarajevo to undermine the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that absence of B&H Presidency members from the official meeting with Lavrov is a diplomatic scandal, showing B&H deficit. According to her, Dzaferovic and Komsic harmed only B&H, not the Russian Federation. Cvijanovic assessed that it is very important that Lavrov visited B&H and expressed satisfaction that she met Lavrov on the territory of the RS. “As for the RS, we would like to keep good relations. We have a good partnership. We like the fact that Russia wants to read the RS’ report in the UN Security Council, we love it because they want to do it and advocate the Dayton concept that means equality, constitutionality and coexistence which is based on some fair grounds, for all who live in B&H,” Cvijanovic emphasized. RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that the move of B&H Presidency members Komsic and Dzaferovic was not only a diplomatic scandal, but it harmed the citizens of B&H, especially citizens of the Federation of B&H (FB&H). “Such undiplomatic behavior towards an official of one of the world's greatest powers is not and cannot be the interest of anyone in B&H,” Cubrilovic stressed. Leader of the ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic stated that members of B&H Presidency not only violated diplomatic rules and civilized behavior, but they announced a new crisis and tensions in B&H as they failed to attend the official meeting with Lavrov. President of SDS Mirko Sarovic described the refusal of Dzaferovic and Komsic to meet Lavrov as a diplomatic scandal. Sarovic said that this is a constant in B&H, while the diplomatic image of B&H is being constantly undermined. President of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that the move of two B&H Presidency members sent a bad message in the public and it is an expression of lack of respect towards another country, he stressed that B&H will carry the damage of the scandal caused by Dzaferovic and Komsic. President of DNS Nenad Nesic said that the decision of Bosniak and Croat members of the B&H Presidency shows they are not up to the task of being at the senior posts in B&H institutions. He reminded that Russia was part of the Dayton Peace conference, as well as any other initiative that led to the end of the war in B&H. Nesic said that he cannot imagine the situation in which someone allows themselves not to meet the foreign minister of a country.

SDA expresses full support to Komsic and Dzaferovic; Other reactions of FB&H politicians and political parties (N1)

Decision of B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic (DF) and Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) to refuse to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at an official meeting in Sarajevo on Tuesday causes reactions in B&H. Representatives of political parties in the Federation of B&H mostly express support to this move. DF stated that this was a statesmanlike move by Komsic and that it was high time that someone finally stops underestimating the state-level institutions of B&H. SDA also expressed full support to Komsic and Dzaferovic. “B&H has the right and their representatives have an obligation to protect the country’s reputation and dignity, which were deliberately endangered by a series of steps of the Russian Foreign Minister in cooperation with (B&H Presidency Chairman) Milorad Dodik (SNSD) and (HDZ B&H leader) Dragan Covic on Monday. These actions of Lavrov only represent continuation of the policy of disrespect of B&H institutions,” SDA said in a statement. NS MP Damir Arnaut stated that protocols for visits are usually prepared weeks earlier and there is no excuse for the fact that Lavrov did not meet the representatives of B&H institutions first, approving the move of Komsic and Dzaferovic. SDP B&H officials said that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, who met with Lavrov on Tuesday, should have acted the same as Komsic and Dzaferovic and not meet with Lavrov because, according to SDP B&H, Russia humiliated B&H and the meeting between Lavrov and Turkovic had no essence. This is why SDP B&H called for Turkovic's resignation. SDP B&H Vice-President Vojin Mijatovic said that the least Turkovic can do is resign for moral reasons because "she took part in a coup against B&H and supported Dodik's policy." "That shows SDA's hypocritical policy. While Dzaferovic today (Tuesday) defends the state and swears by the state, his party colleague receives that same minister for a visit. But, this, unfortunately, is not the first nor the last hypocritical move by SDA," Mijatovic underlined. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said that it was not Russian influence that made B&H a champion of the corruption.


German Ministry of Foreign Affairs surprised by Tuesday’s undiplomatic behavior of two B&H Presidency members, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic (Srna/RTRS

The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs is surprised by Tuesday’s undiplomatic behavior of two B&H Presidency members, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic, who refused to attend the official meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Sarajevo, Srna learns from diplomatic sources in Berlin close to the German ministry. “These people can no longer object Serb member and Chairman of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, or comment on his behavior, because something like this has not been seen in international diplomacy,” Srna’s sources pointed out. According to the same sources, the possibility of expressing the same position at the official level due to the shameful behavior of Komsic and Dzaferovic, is not excluded.


Plenkovic: It's a mistake to ignore part of Dayton Accords on Equality of Peoples (Hina

Ignoring the legitimate representation of the three constituent peoples in B&H as defined by the Dayton Peace Accords "would be a serious mistake," Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday at a conference on the occasion of the accords' 25th anniversary. Speaking at the "25 Years of the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement" conference, he said its Annex 4 stipulates legitimate representation for the three peoples in B&H institutions, which "was decisive for the successful conclusion" of the Agreement. "Overlooking this crucial part of the Agreement or, worse, deliberately ignoring it, would be a serious mistake," Plenkovic said at the start of the conference in which the participants in the negotiations on the Agreement, signed on 14 December 1995, will also take part. Plenkovic said a "false dilemma" was being imposed today between a Dayton-based B&H and a B&H "of all its citizens, going beyond ethnic boundaries. The principle of equality of the three constituent peoples, and the principle of equality of all citizens, do not exclude each other," he said, adding that insisting on equality "is not backward nationalism" but "sound constitutionalism."

Plenkovic said nothing could justify the practice seen three times already, in the 2006, 2010 and 2018 elections, to eliminate through outvoting the political representation of Croats in B&H, which "does not contribute to the cohesiveness of the country and the normal functioning of its institutions." He said the equality of the three peoples existed from the very start of B&H's statehood, recalling that the 1992 referendum on its independence saw a 63.7% turnout and 99.7% of the voters in favour, and that it described the country as "a state of equal citizens, the peoples of B&H - Muslims, Serbs, Croats and members of peoples living there."

Revising Dayton? 

Plenkovic went on to say that there was universal consensus that the Dayton-Paris Agreement ended the war in B&H but that there was a difference of opinion on its success in achieving a functioning B&H. In this context, he welcomed yesterday's international conference. He said a revision of the Agreement was "open for debate" but that "any change...must come from within," from citizens, political parties and institutions. He once again called for changing the Electoral Law without further delay, calling it "an investment in the political stability of the country" that was also important for Europe. Plenkovic said B&H's stability was of "strategic importance" for Croatia, which he said was the "staunchest supporter and best advocate" of B&H's EU path, knowing what that "would bring to a country which has already suffered too much."

Unification on EU path 

EU High Representative Josep Borrell said in a video message that the path to EU integration had helped his country, Spain, to overcome divisions in society after a civil war and 40 years of dictatorship. The EU helped on that path, it can help B&H too as well as all of Europe, he said. Difficult but necessary reforms await B&H, he said, adding that its politicians must create an environment which advocated cooperation and reconciliation instead of undermining them. He urged politicians in B&H to avoid the temptation of identity politics.

Three panels 

The international conference, organized by the Croatian Foreign Ministry and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, will have three panels attended by participants in the Dayton negotiations, EU and B&H political representatives, and legal and scientific experts. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are expected to address via video. Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said ahead of the conference that its goal was to "mark the historic achievement and offer views on what the peace agreement meant a quarter of a century ago and what it means for B&H's present and future." He said the agreement "recalls the importance of responsible leadership in difficult times" and that it was one of the biggest achievements of international peace-building.

Milanovic and Plenkovic to meet with Sergey Lavrov (HRT

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Croatia on Tuesday evening. Earlier in the day Lavrov visited neighboring Serbia and B&H. In B&H he met with met with the leader of the Serb entity Milorad Dodik, and Croat political leader Dragan Covic. However, Bosnian Muslim political leaders refused to meet with him. When asked about the position of the Croat people in B&H, the Russian Foreign Minister called on the fundamental tenets of the Dayton Agreement to be respected: "I believe that the Croat people in B&H has the full right to secure its rights in line with the Dayton Agreement. If that agreement guarantees equal rights for all three peoples, then the people who respect those three peoples in B&H's presidency must respect the agreement. The sooner international actors come to understand this, the better for the future of B&H. It is also entirely logical that B&H's election law must be reformed urgently." Through election engineering Bosnian Muslims are able to outvote Croats in their own ridings, and can thereby elect who will represent Croats in political institutions in B&H. Croats are one of three constituent peoples in B&H, along with Serbs and Bosnian Muslims.


Krivokapic: Montenegro will be EU’s best ally (RTCG

Montenegro will be the EU’s best ally, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic noted during yesterday’s official visit to Brussels. “This is the first visit taking place during the second working week of the new democratic government and represents a sign of the greatest support. Because, at this moment while Brussels, like the whole world, is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, when many spaces are unavailable, it’s our honor and pleasure to visit it,” Krivokapic pointed out. He has also said he’s satisfied with the support of the EU, noting that Montenegro will be its best partner. Krivokapic told the RTCG reporter in Brussels that he himself and the citizens of Montenegro have been honored “to be able to visit Brussels and the European Council, headed by Charles Michel, in the second week of the new govt mandate”. Michel, according to the Prime Minister, wanted to hear all the information firsthand and provide his support to the activities that the new government is aspiring to – better standard of living for the citizens. “We are committed to the better quality of life of our citizens and investments that we’ll certainly attract, and one more thing that we’ve neglected – the rule of law,” the PM noted.

Krivokapic: Montenegro has chances to complete technical part of the EU accession process with the govt now in power (CdM

Montenegro, as a leader in the EU integration, has a real chance to complete the technical part of the EU accession process with its commitment to reforms and the rule of law, said Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic during the encounter with EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. Lajcak has once again, according to the PM, proved that he’s a great friend of Montenegro. “In this honest and friendly conversation, he gave us a range of useful suggestions that would benefit any government, not just the new Montenegrin one, which has just started with its mandate. I hope that through intensive cooperation we will achieve this main goal, i.e. Montenegro to become the 28th member of the EU,” said Krivokapic. Lajcak underlined that they were discussing the importance of close cooperation with the EU, and noted that it [EU] was ready to help. He also said that Montenegro was a lead candidate for EU accession in the region and had all conditions to preserve that position until the very end.

Krivokapic–Stoltenberg: I regret for NATO flag burning (Pobjeda

At the joint press conference with Montenegro’s Prime Minister, Zdravko Krivokapic, NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, told that Montenegro has been promoting stability in the Western Balkans, thanking Montenegro for its strong commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration.

“I welcome that Montenegro is increasing defense spending. I commend Montenegro for promoting stability in the region,” Stoltenberg told the press. He met with PM Krivokapic in NATO headquarters in Brussels and told he was looking forward to working with him, noting that he expected the Prime Minister to attend the NATO Summit next year. Krivokapic thanked NATO Alliance for solidarity in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. He also added that Montenegro was going to undertake all obligations arising from NATO membership, both in terms of finances and missions. “In my inaugural speech, which I presented in the Parliament of Montenegro I let everybody know that we will be strengthening good relations with everybody, including Russia. That part referred only to necessary economic activities and tourism, because the largest influx of tourists to Montenegro comes from Russia. When it comes to getting into conflict with any policy of the Alliance, of course, we will comply with the policy of the Alliance,” Krivokapic was adamant. Asked whether he [Stoltenberg] received a confirmation from the prime minister that Montenegro will remain committed to obligations stemming from membership, especially having in mind that his close coworkers and also members of his cabinet were a big opponents of NATO membership, which was demonstrated by burning the NATO flag, Stoltenberg said Montenegro’s PM had assured him of his commitment to NATO. Krivokapic responded: “I regret for any burning of the flag that took place in Montenegro. NATO’s as well. I was a professor at the time and wasn’t following the news.”

Markovic: Krivokapic publicly confirmed correctness of DPS policy concerning NATO membership (CdM

Former Montenegrin prime minister Dusko Markovic welcomed the position of his successor, Zdravko Krivokapic, who had stated that NATO was the best option for Montenegro and other countries in the region, particularly the statement that he “recommends everyone to follow that path”. “Krivokapic publicly and officially confirmed today the correctness of the policy of the Democratic Party of Socialists regarding Montenegro’s NATO membership,” Markovic said in a tweet.


A mine, a bank, a TV station: Zaev promised Borisov free reign to take over Macedonian companies (Republika/TV Alsat

In an interview, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski alleged that Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev promised his Bulgarian counterpart the right to take over five major businesses in Macedonia. Nikoloski named only one of the businesses in question – the huge Ilovica copper and gold mine near Zaev’s home town of Strumica that was being developed by a Canadian company before its permit was withdrawn. “It is obvious that Zaev has been promising business opportunities to Borisov. That is evident from their relationship. Zaev promised that he will allow Bulgarian capital to enter into the Ilovica mine, which recently, as if by magic, changed its ownership. He also promised a national TV station, shares in a mobile operator, a bank and the right to use the fiber-optic cable owned by a company. This is what Zaev personally promised to Borisov,” Nikoloski said. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with TV Alsat’s show “200” that the next government led by VMRO-DPMNE would not uphold the agreement with Bulgaria in case the Bulgarian side does not abandon its positions to, as he said, “assimilate this people.” “If after a certain period of time the assimilation of this people is persistently continued, the bilateral agreement signed with Bulgaria will not be upheld. The government, which I will lead, will annul that agreement. Because that agreement did not give prosperity or a chance for prosperity to this people, regardless of the different ethnic groups that are part of this country… to the Macedonian people and we will seek a new agreement with Bulgaria,” Mickoski said. Commenting on the crisis situation and why there should be no leader’s meeting hosted by President Stevo Pendarovski during Tuesday’s interview with TV Alsat, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski said that there was no difference between the views of Zaev and Pendarovski. “We asked for a crisis situation, then he was convincing all of us that there was no need for a crisis situation and that we did not have the capacity, now we see that was not true,” Mickoski emphasized. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE reminded that even before the state of emergency, it was not done to deal with the crisis in the country, but to make it easier to pass laws so that Zaev could gain an advantage before the elections. “I do not see a difference between Zaev’s views and Pendarovski’s views. Even more what Zaev himself says about Pendarovski, that he was an inexperienced politician,” Mickoski said.


Kim and Soreca welcome progress made for establishment of Constitutional Court (Radio Tirana

US Ambassador Yuri Kim and EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca welcome the progress made for the establishment of the Constitutional Court. Kim welcomed the Justice Appointment Council decision to send the candidate, to elect the member of the Constitutional Court. In a twitter, the American ambassador said that “This means that Albania will have this week one of the two judges needed for the functioning of the Constitutional Court. Once the Presidency appoints its own judge, the Constitutional Court will be operational. Thank you all for taking urgent measures!” After Kim, Soreca also welcomed the progress made for the establishment of the Constitutional Court. Through a Twitter post, he writes that it is now important to continue in the same spirit to complete the lists of other members to be appointed by the President. "We welcome the decision by KED to send the candidate name to the Constitutional Court for approval by Parliament. It is now important to continue in the same spirit and complete the lists for the other members to be appointed by the President," Soreca writes.

US Ambassador hails operation of Kosovo-Albania power transmission line (ADN

US Ambassador Yuri Kim welcomed the agreement reached between Albania and Kosovo, over the power transmission line. On Monday, the 400KV line between Albania and Kosovo started operation. Kim considered it an important milestone. “We welcome news that the 400KV power transmission line between Albania and Kosovo is operational as of 12/14 - an important milestone. USA will continue to support energy security and cooperation in the Western Balkans,” Kim wrote on Twitter.