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Belgrade Media Report 11 January


Brnabic: Serbia will continue to build even better relations with the US (RTS/Tanjug

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Sunday that Serbia’s desire is to build better relations with the United States and that she will try to do so. Responding the question of the journalists, during the visit to the University Children’s Clinic Tirsova, how the arrival of Joseph Biden to the position of the US President will affect relations with Serbia, Brnabic reminded that the US is one of the most important partners of our country. “I am glad that Serbia managed to do a lot to improve relations during the mandate of Donald Trump. I would also like to thank US Ambassador Anthony Godfrey. We want to continue to build even better relations between the United States and Serbia,” she emphasized.

Vucic: Serbia will remain reliable support to RS (Politika/RTS)  

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic wished the Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic a happy Day of the RS, stressing that Serbia will remain a reliable support to the RS in its efforts directed at peace, general welfare and better living conditions for all. “On behalf of Serbian citizens and on my personal behalf, I wish you a happy Day of the RS, wishing you good health, happiness and every progress,” Vucic said in a greeting. “It is precisely that preservation of peace and stability in the RS, as part of B&H, is the biggest encouragement for continuation of our firm and fruitful cooperation and relations in the economic, cultural and any other way,” said Vucic.


Selakovic: It is Serbia’s duty to take care of RS (Tanjug/RTS

Serbia loves, respects and supports the RS, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Saturday. Selakovic said that Serbia is obliged to do so not only by a convincing majority of citizens’ opinions, but also by international law and the Dayton Peace Agreement, and from that follows the duty of Serbia to take care of the RS. “The Serb people in the RS should be proud of what they have created. The RS can only be dismantled and diluted by the one who created it, because it is a historical and political factor and an unchangeable fact,” Selakovic said in a video address at the ceremony in Banja Luka on the occasion of the Day of the RS. He pointed out that Serbia still respects the territorial integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina (B&H), as it did in the past, jealously guarding its special and parallel ties with the RS and its Serbian people and stressed that together with that, Serbia strives to build good and quality relations with the Federation of B&H, and with the other two constituent peoples. “Serbia wants to help our entire region, to become the flywheel of economic development, which will replace the label of conflict and difficult past with the attributes of joint and successful progress and a future worth working diligently and dedicatedly for,” Selakovic said. He stated that the common goal should be to keep pace with the developed part of humanity, with those who have progressed in all fields, while the peoples of this region have dealt with difficult and bloody conflicts, faced with the horrors of war and all the temptations that resulted. The aspiration towards a society of European values, among other things, says Selakovic, is the desire to compensate for all that those difficult times left as consequences and that development ideas and opportunities are needed, which we will not wait for, but which we will create ourselves, and energetic and enterprising, capable business people, investments - a technological connection with the rest of the world is needed.

According to him, Serbia shows that it is possible and that it is sure that the RS wants it and that it is fighting for it, but that it is also sure that in that fight in the future, it will be significantly easier for everyone if they are aware that they are fighting together. “At no point in its development path has Serbia given up on its values ​​and its peculiarities. And the RS should not do that either. Therefore, economic development is not an end in itself and a supreme good. It is a clear way to make the societies we live in better and more advanced, so that our children would not go out into the world in search of happiness, but remain among their own, in an environment that encourages values, such as talent, innovation and intelligence,” Selakovic said. The supreme interest of the Serbian people in the time ahead, emphasizes the head of Serbian diplomacy, is fighting to preserve peace and stability, and that, as he notes, it must be our national project and our national structure, and Serbia and the RS must be unique, even when confronted in that struggle with those for whom those goals are not a priority. “Serbian people are one and indivisible in terms of values, we are bound by our language, culture, history and tradition, worldview, heroic past, common ethics, love for freedom and our red-blue-white flag, and it is in the field of values ​​that we need to see what is the interest of the Serbian people in the years ahead,” Selakovic said. He asked if we should unite in a quarrel with others as some others have often done, or show that it is possible to do good when you do it not only to yourself but to everyone around you. Precisely the latter, Selakovic points out, was the guiding idea of ​​generations of our ancestors who always saw the fight for good in the fight for the good of all around them, not just themselves, and that we as a nation testified to how important it is for us to protect the dignity of ancestors, as we are fighting for the future in which our descendants will live. “We are not a great nation in terms of numbers in the world, but just as Nikola Pasic once remarked - On the way from Vienna to Constantinople there is no or hardly any greater and more significant. And precisely for the fact that we are a significant factor in the regional sense, our responsibility for the future is very important and significant,” Selakovic pointed out. Referring to the year of great temptations and problems that is behind us, Selakovic emphasized that it showed that we could only fight the pandemic by supporting each other, without hurting anyone, without humiliating or doing harm to anyone. Selakovic wished the citizens of RS that the years ahead will be years of progress and success, years of victories, whose significance will be measured by kilometers of highways, new schools, hospitals, factories. He pointed out that Serbia and the RS should continue to live in harmony and love, and that no one between us should dare to set up barriers and obstacles, where bridges and outstretched brotherly hands should stand. “Dear brothers and sisters, dear citizens of the RS, by congratulating you on the Day of the Republic, I want this day, 9 January, to be a day in which we will draw conclusions about how much we have helped the RS, all its citizens and our entire nation, and that every year that conclusion is better and to the pride of all of us. Wish you a happy Republic Day! Long live Serbia! Long live Srpska,” Selakovic concluded.

Gratitude to Argentina for support for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (Politika

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Friday with the Argentina Ambassador Estanislao Savels, who is ending his mandate in our country. Selakovic said that Argentina is one of the most important partners of Serbia in the Latin American region, that the two countries have long-term friendship, excellent relations and a joint commitment to respect international law. Selakovic emphasized Serbia’s interest in intensifying the political dialogue with Argentina, as well as in the realization of visits at a high and highest level. Also, the officials agreed on the need to improve cooperation between the two countries in all areas of common interest, especially economic cooperation. Our goal is to intensify economic cooperation with Argentina, which would lead to an increase in trade and the initiation of mutual investments, said Selakovic.

Selakovic especially thanked Argentina for its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and the principled position on non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. They also discussed cooperation in international organizations on issues of common interest, it is stated in the announcement of the Serbian Foreign Ministry.

Selakovic: Request to Qatar to refrain from lobbying for Pristina (Politika/Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic requested on Friday, in talks with the Ambassador of Qatar to Serbia Sheikh Mubarak Fahad Al Thani, that the government of Qatar, in the spirit of friendly relations between our countries, refrains from active international lobbying in favor of Pristina, and to give chance for dialogue and reaching an agreement. The Serbian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Serbia and Qatar, apart from disagreements over Kosovo and Metohija, have no outstanding issues in bilateral relations. Selakovic stated that there is mutual interest in deepening trade cooperation, which, as he assessed, can be far above the current level. Serbia and Qatar are both interested in intensifying political contacts at the highest level, and the head of Serbian diplomacy said that the visit of the Emir of Qatar would give a special and necessary impetus to further improve our overall bilateral relations. Selakovic expressed special gratitude for Qatar’s help during the coronavirus pandemic. Selakovic stated that the Balkans, just like the Middle East, bears the label of a region in which periods of conflict are more frequent than peace and cooperation, and that is why Serbia wants a stable Balkans and a stable Middle East.

Kesic: Balkans will not be amongst US top priorities (Novosti

The Head of the RS Office for Cooperation, Trade and Investment in Washington Obrad Kesic told Novosti that the Balkans will not be amongst US top priorities in the coming period and will remain on the periphery of vital national interest of Washington. He said that the development of the situation will become known when the new foreign policy team of the new Administration is established. Kesic said that the US is not the same country as it was 10 or 20 years ago and that China has surpassed the US as an economic power.



RS marks 9 January - Day of RS, Dodik says historical goal is independent and free RS (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic said at a special event on the occasion of 9 January - the Day of the RS, that this entity, 29 years after its founding, can proudly say it is a modern, democratic, politically and institutionally stable community where everyone lives freely. “Today we celebrate the 29th birthday of our republic. And although we are proud of what we have every day, 9 January is always a special holiday because it is a day that brings us together and unites us in a special way. This is still the case today, although this year we are celebrating the RS Day in a pandemic, with epidemiological measures and in a slightly different way,” said Cvijanovic in her message that was recorded on the occasion of marking this holiday. She added that, however, that does not diminish the significance of this day, and the joy with which this holiday is celebrated throughout the RS speaks best of how much it is rooted in the people and how futile the work of those who dispute it is. She pointed out that no one gave that freedom and right to the RS and that "we know very well that we do not owe gratitude for the freedom we enjoy to some foreign armies or states, but to our fathers, sons, brothers, compatriots and fellow citizens”.  Cvijanovic added that “we are all obliged to appreciate that sacrifice, to respect the victims, to take care of their families and to remember all those who were up to the task when it was most difficult”. “Because of them, but also because of those who are yet to come, our obligation is to protect the RS, to build it and to pass it on to future generations even more developed and stable than it is today,” Cvijanovic emphasized. We are looking to a future in which we will be partners, not opponents, of each other in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and in our region, and in which cooperation and mutual understanding will replace quarrels and conflicts, the RS President said. The RS President pointed out that she is proud of the cooperation with Serbia, which is getting stronger, more concrete and more meaningful every day. Cvijanovic also stated that the RS is open for cooperation with all other countries in the region and beyond. She reminded that the RS, as well as the whole world, has been fighting a dangerous enemy for the past ten months and solving the challenges and problems caused by the pandemic. Cvijanovic expressed special gratitude to the healthcare workers, who are making superhuman efforts to save every human life and who have been on the front line since the beginning of this pandemic. Chairman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the RS was not gifted, but “the best among us fought for it,” and that it is the obligation of everyone to keep it and build it for future generations. Love for the fatherland is measured by the deeds done, and in the extremely challenging year of the pandemic, special patriotism was shown by healthcare and education workers, businessmen who preserved jobs and all citizens who respected their own and the health of their loved ones by respecting preventive measures, Dodik said. “Our historical goal is an independent and free RS, and we must learn the lesson that our ancestors taught my generation. Not having a state is something that Serbs learned in the worst possible way in various riots and, unfortunately, in the last civil war,” Dodik stressed. In her address, the RS President also touched on the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords, which was marked last year, stating that the agreement stopped tragic war conflicts, but also defined the constitutional order and internal organization of B&H. She said that this anniversary once again showed that even 25 years after establishment of peace, many inside and outside B&H have not given up on intolerance or unitarization. “Instead of messages of peace and coexistence, we received messages of hatred towards the RS, which further poisoned the already contaminated situation in B&H, but also strengthened our desire to protect the RS,” Cvijanovic underlined.

Cvijanovic: RS is living in freedom, it is developing but is also facing with different challenges (RTRS)

On the eve of 9 January - the Day of the RS - delegations of the highest institutions of the RS laid wreaths on Friday at the monuments to fallen soldiers of the Defense-Patriotic and the National Liberation War, as well as at the monument to twelve Banja Luka babies (who died in 1992 due to lack of oxygen at Banja Luka hospital). On this occasion, delegations of the RS institutions also paid tribute to missing soldiers and civilians of the RS. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic laid a wreath at the monument to fallen soldiers of the RS Army at the Banja Luka’s St. Pantelija cemetery, the Fallen Fighters Square and the memorial ossuary at the Banja Luka cemetery. “That freedom was painstakingly created with many casualties, many lives lost, many people who remained without parts of their bodies, but also with major material destruction. Today, while we are celebrating all of that in freedom, we must appreciate all those victims and not stop showing respect precisely towards everything they gave and built into the foundations of the RS,” Cvijanovic underlined. She stressed that the RS demonstrated the capacity of its institutions precisely by fighting against various problems, including political pressures, economic troubles, financial problems, but also health problem caused by the novel coronavirus. “(We demonstrated) that we are overcoming those obstacles and that we are establishing a more and more firmer bond between our institutions and citizens,” Cvijanovic underlined. Cvijanovic said that nowadays, the RS is living in the freedom, the RS is developing but it is also facing with different challenges, but its institutions are managing to overcome the obstacles.

Cvijanovic says 9 January exists as historical fact (RTRS)

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that difficult political decisions were made at the time of establishment of the RS and development of the RS has never been simple, knowing that there have always been political pressures or economic difficulties or the coronavirus pandemic. However, Cvijanovic claimed that the RS emerged stronger from each of those situations. Asked to state what needs to happen in order for everyone in B&H to realize that the RS is unavoidable factor, Cvijanovic replied by saying that “it would obviously take a miracle” and added that the existing ambient is discouraging as the RS constantly needs to protect something instead of investing that energy in progress and development. At the same time, Cvijanovic added, there was a parallel process in which the RS tried to achieve development on its own knowing that it has no partner in B&H and knowing that it is very difficult to find a common language with other political structures in B&H. “It would be much easier if we understood each other better”, Cvijanovic said. Instead, according to Cvijanovic, the RS had to deal with artificially imposed political topics, the only goal of which was to make things more difficult for the RS. “I do not believe in the phrase often used both by the international and some domestic factors that they are ‘striving towards a functional B&H’. One cannot strive towards functionality if one is trying to suffocate someone else” Cvijanovic claimed. “A state in which someone wants to dispute someone else’s rights, including even marking of the Day of the Republic, creation of various other things that were imposed to us, adoption of constitutions by force, changes to laws, punishing of people by the High Representative as we had a chance to see, constant accusations coming from Sarajevo and hatred that one can simply feel,” Cvijanovic noted. Cvijanovic reminded that the RS was verified by an international agreement “and all we are asking for is this agreement to be respected”. Djurdjevic reminded that there were calls from the level of B&H for punishment of those who celebrate the Day of the RS and asked Cvijanovic to explain why the Day of the RS is so problematic at the level of B&H and whether such intimidation can produce any results. Cvijanovic replied by saying that she thinks that there are attempts to erase everything that existed before the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was signed. “Ninth of January exists as the date when the RS was formed and this is simply the fact which nobody can neglect or ignore”, Cvijanovic added and said that there are certain political ambitions which are trying to say that everything was created by the DPA and that everything can disappear in a similar way, “to create some kind of a unitary state, centralized or something similar”. Cvijanovic also assessed that many are frustrated with the fact so many people identify themselves with the RS and its institutions and she said that intimidation will not work as nobody can be forced into liking or respecting anything. Cvijanovic argued that the RS was created in peace and the war broke out only after that while, on the other hand, the Federation of B&H was created during the war and “is definitely a product of war”.

Dodik: Circumstances have changed, but message remains same – 9 January is day when Serb people celebrate their statehood (RTRS)

Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that circumstances have changed, but the message remains the same – 9 January is the day when the Serb people celebrate their statehood. In a statement for RTRS, Dodik stressed that existence of 9 January is not disputable and that the new circumstances, which refer to the coronavirus pandemic, will not change anything. He noted that emotions of the Serb people regarding the Day of the RS have not changed, adding that we will adjust to the conditions. “Our basic relationship remains the same. The Day of the RS for us is 9 January and it cannot be changed by the inquisitorial, international decisions of international judges or some self-proclaimed High Representative or anyone else. This will definitely remain the day of the Serb people, as the day of our freedom, as the day of our statehood. We fought for freedom so that we could have a state,” Dodik emphasized. He pointed out that the RS is protected by marking its day, but also by investing and developing the economy and the healthcare sector. Dodik stressed that it is necessary to invest even more in healthcare in the coming period. As one of the first goals, Dodik cited the construction of all facilities that are necessary for the normal functioning of the University Clinical Center of the RS. According to Dodik, the RS has the energy, together with Serbia, to provide in the next two years around BAM two billion of new investments planned for the construction of hydroelectric power plants, roads and hospitals, and in that way, the RS will be completely stabilized. Dodik said on Friday that the RS is a centuries-old idea and striving of the Serb people to live freely in their own state, while this generation had a historic role to materialize this idea and makes this dream come true. Dodik said that the RS “is our response to all sufferings, humiliations and belittling we as the people were exposed to for hundreds of years while attempts were made to destroy our national and religious consciousness, which they tried in the 1990s as well. That is why the RS is the shiniest pearl of the Serb history, because nothing has been for so long, so painstakingly and with that many victims created”. “The decision of the B&H Constitutional Court cannot change history, nor can it affect the feelings of the people in the RS. The B&H Constitutional Court is certainly not an institution where we should seek permission for what and when to celebrate,” Dodik said.

RS officials congratulate Day of the RS (BN TV)

Number of RS officials congratulated the Day of the RS. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that the RS was born on 9 January and that this day represents a day of peace and freedom for the Serb people in B&H. Viskovic stressed that on this day, one remembers all those who gave their lives for the RS. Viskovic called challenging and attempts from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) to ban the celebration of 9 January as wrong moves. “We are never directed towards someone, or towards some other people with evil intentions, but simply by celebrating 9 January as the Day of the RS, we send a message of peace, a message of coexistence in B&H and a message that everything we want for us, we want for other peoples as well, but we also want to be respected,” Viskovic underlined.

Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated that it is shame the RS is not making progress, adding that current the RS authorities are not capable of enabling it. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic underlined that the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) created framework for the RS within B&H, and that the RS is permanent. Borenovic went on to say that some individuals who have been part of ruling authorities for long period of time have lost empathy for citizens. DNS leader Nenad Nesic emphasized that 9 January is date when Serb people created state framework due to fear for its survival. SP RS leader Petar Djokic stressed that over last 25 years the RS enabled its population to stabilize their lives, to feel free, equal and protected. Speaker of the RS parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that the RS is the guarantor of the freedom and existence of the Serb people in B&H, and that is why its development and strengthening must be continued in a united manner and decisively. He pointed out that 9 January 1992 was a historical fact that could not be changed. He reiterated that B&H must function in accordance with the Dayton Peace Accords, which has been repeatedly desecrated by the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the High Representatives.

Dacic: Serbia’s goal – regional stability (N1)

Speaker of the Serbian parliament Ivica Dacic said, among other issues, that there is a tendency of unitarization of B&H, which is why defense of Dayton agreement is in fact defense of peace in B&H. Dacic noted that we will do everything to help the RS to defend it if something is threatening it and, at the end of the day, avert anyone who tries to resolve the issue “in some violent way”. Dacic also said that Serbia wants best relations with the RS and B&H, as well as with Montenegro and Croatia, and that Serbia’s goal is stability in the region.

Izetbegovic to Vucic: War criminals from Srebrenica are still hiding in Serbia (BHT1)

Unlike previous years, this year, reactions from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) to marking of 9 January - the Day of the RS - were significantly milder. According to BHT1, there were no reactions of the B&H authorities, but also party leaders who have been warning of mandatory compliance with the decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H for years. However, on the eve of marking of the Day of the RS, SDA issued a statement, calling on the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to react and prosecute organizers of marking of 9 January in the RS. SDA also called on the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the OHR to react because of, as SDA said, undermining of the Dayton constitutional-legal order. SDA further stated that organizing of celebration of January 9 represents a criminal offense due to the fact that decisions of the B&H CC are not being respected. At the same time, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic directly called out Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Izetbegovic asked Vucic how it is possible that he is sending a congratulatory message on the occasion of 9 January, when criminals who took part and committed genocide in Srebrenica are still hiding on the territory of Republic of Serbia.

Vulin: SDA condemns Vucic for sending well wishes to entity guaranteed by Constitution (RTRS)

Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin reacted to SDA’s condemnation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his well wishes to the RS on the occasion of the Day of the RS by saying that Vucic honors B&H more than its own officials from the Federation of B&H. According to Vulin, this party cannot explain where the problem lies in Vucic’s honoring of the Dayton Peace Accords. He said that Vucic sent well wishes to an entity guaranteed by the Constitution, which is recognized in the DPA and was created by the will of the Serb people – a constituent people in B&H.

Salkic: Marking of 9 January as Day of RS is discriminatory, illegal and immoral (O kanal)

RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic stated on Saturday that marking of 9 January as the Day of the RS is discriminatory, illegal and immoral. In his opinion, it is final time – after 25 years – to remove the discriminatory name of this entity which serves to derive the exclusivity of the Bosnian Serbs over the territory which leads to discrimination of all non-Serbs in all segments of the society of the entity. Salkic called on competent institutions for a reaction. He underlined: “Anyone who takes steps on marking of the 9 January as the Day of the RS is violating decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) and this is a direct call to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and other competent agencies to deal with those who disrespect decisions of the B&H CC. Therefore, the Venice Commission gave its opinion about the 9 January. Today, we have those in power who disrespect decisions of the B&H CC and who try to violate the decisions of the B&H CC”.

Krivokapic’s congratulatory message provokes number of reactions (Nova BH)

Congratulatory message of Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic on the occasion of the Day of the RS has provoked a number of reactions. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic deemed Krivokapic's congratulatory message as an expression of deep disrespect for B&H and decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. SDP B&H has asked for an apology from Krivokapic, stating that by congratulating the unconstitutional Day of the RS, the Montenegrin government showed that it will not have a friendly attitude towards B&H. SDA stated that Krivokapic's secret congratulatory message points to his hidden intentions towards B&H. SDA reminded that January 9 is a holiday that was disputed by the B&H CC and that the move of Krivokapic proves that the Montenegro authorities are changing their stance towards B&H, despite the announcements of the Montenegro government that they will not be a satellite of Belgrade. Komsic said that he expects the Montenegro Government to distance themselves from the moves of Krivokapic and for them to apologize to B&H citizens. SDA stated that this speaks about Krivokapic’s hidden agenda towards B&H, while Komsic stressed that Montenegrin Government has to distance from disrespecting of state of B&H and glorification of the day when genocide begun. SBB B&H said that they are surprised with the impulsive and bad move of the new Prime Minister. SBB asks Krivokapic to explain if this is denial of Constitutional Court of B&H and B&H Constitution or matter of reckless action, which deserves an official apology. Member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic also reacted. Dzaferovic stated that congratulation of Krivokapic and one sent by the Serbian President represent an attack on sovereignty of B&H. He expects President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic to react. Montenegrin social-democrats called on Krivokapic to apologize to B&H and Montenegrin citizens, while Montenegrin Bosniak Party asked Krivokapic if he is aware of B&H CC rulings. DPS’ Mehmed Husovic said that this presents an insult for all Bosniaks.

Inzko says TC Assembly session of new majority is illegal, orders to abolish state of emergency (BHT1)

High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko addressed authorities in the Tuzla Canton (TC) on Friday with a letter that reads that a session of the TC Assembly convened by the new majority is illegal and he ordered abolition of the state of emergency declared by the TC government. The letter also reads that the recent events in the TC have seriously jeopardized the rule of the law and that the events represent a threat to stability and undisturbed functioning of institutions in this canton. He called for scheduling of an urgent session of the TC Assembly at which legislative acts – that are of key importance for citizens of the TC including the budget for 2021 - will be adopted. “The series of actions undertaken on 31 December 2020, including in particular the attempts by one deputy speaker of the Assembly to convene and hold an ‘Assembly session’ with representatives of the political parties constituting the new majority in the Assembly as well as the decision of the Cantonal government concerning the emergence of Extraordinary Circumstances and the subsequent adoption of a number of legal acts by the government under such Extraordinary Circumstances, disregard the constitutional and legal framework in force and could have implications well beyond the political dispute that triggered those measures” reads part of the letter that Inzko has sent to the TC Assembly and the TC government. Inzko reminded in this letter that on 16 December 2020, the new majority in the TC Assembly attempted to dismiss the Government and part of the Cantonal Assembly leadership but that the initiative failed after TC Assembly Speaker Zarko Vujovic later supported by Deputy Speaker Boris Kresic, invoked the mechanism for protection of the vital national interest. “It is however important that such procedure be used sparingly and only to protect the legitimate interest of one or more constituent people(s). A change of majority in the Cantonal Assembly resulting in a vote of non-confidence does not necessarily raise such issues,” Inzko points. Hayat reminds that PDA, ‘Our Party’ (NS), SDP and SBB B&H organized a session (of TC Assembly) on 31 December during which they tried to remove the current leadership of the TC Assembly and the TC government. Another regular session was convened the same day and representatives of these four parties refused to attend this session. The OHR stated on Friday that the session organized by the four parties was not a session but an event and what was discussed during an event cannot be valid. Speaker of the TC Assembly Zarko Vujovic said that he testified at the competent prosecutor’s office where a report was filed regarding the events on 31 December. He believes that the legal process in this case will run independently from the political process. Vujovic stressed that the parallel session was an event and it did not produce any legal consequences. Inzko also ordered the abolition of the state of emergency declared by the SDA-led TC government. Inzko called on speaker Vujovic to urgently convene a session in order to adopt the budget that is important for the citizens. Experts believe that this reaction of the High Representative indicated the obligation to respect the principles of the rule of law and pointed to the abuse of vital national interest mechanism.

Krivokapic congratulated Cvijanovic on Day of RS in phone call (CdM

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic congratulated RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic on the Day of the RS. Krivokapic called the President, but afterwards failed to inform the public that he congratulated her on the Day of RS. Cvijanovic was the one who announced it, as it seems that Krivokapic wanted to conceal it from the Montenegrin public. It may be that the Prime Minister wanted to hide it because two decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H declared the Day of RS unconstitutional, and the Venice Commission in its opinion assessed it as “discriminatory because it fails to comply with the universal values of dialogue, tolerance and understanding”. However, even though the PM maybe wished to keep it secret, Cvijanovic publicly thanked Krivokapic, hoping that the RS and Montenegro would closely cooperate in all areas. By contrast, the leaders of the New Serbian Democracy and Real Montenegro, Andrija Mandic and Marko Milacic, sent congratulatory messages on social media. The leader of the Democratic People’s Party Milan Knezevic congratulated the Day of RS on Twitter.


Karakachanov says Macedonia will get a date for negotiations if it accepts that the common history is Bulgarian (NOVA-News)

The Republic of Macedonia has a chance to get a date for negotiations in January or February, if they sign the 12-point Annex, which we have prepared, Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov told NOVA-News. According to him, Macedonia had a chance to set a date for talks in November last year, but, as he says, did not want to use the chance. Bulgaria did not veto, but simply said that Skopje was not ready for a date for negotiations, Karakachanov said. The Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister stressed that Bulgaria is “in favor” of EU enlargement with the Western Balkan countries, but hate speech against everything Bulgarian was what worries them. Hate is based on gross and heinous falsification of history, said Karakachanov. In the annex Krasimir Karakachanov is asking for specific guarantees and a written document. He says that PM Zoran Zaev has gathered the courage and because of that some of his opponents criticize him. If we move forward with such fast pace, I think next year we can talk about starting the negotiation process. But I do not believe in declarations and interviews, I want to see what will be done in action. Until two months ago, some of the things he said now – about common history, about some common heroes – were unthinkable to hear. This is a step forward. History is common, but we need to clarify what. It is common, but still it is Bulgarian history, he said.


Zaev and Osmani hide the Annex: If it were not for Karakachanov, the public would not know that Bulgaria has set new conditions (Republika)

Silence from the government after Krasimir Karakachanov announced that he submitted a 12-point Annex to Skopje that Macedonia will have to accept if it wants to get a date for the start of EU accession negotiations. Bulgaria has been announcing such an Annex for a long time and has delivered it. Until now, three points of the Annex were known, and that is for Macedonia to give up its minority in Bulgaria, to use the full name “Republic of Macedonia” and to prove that it has no territorial claims to Bulgaria. But what are the other nine points and what do they contain? Given that PM Zoran ZaevOsmani and Pendarovski are hiding the Annex, it is logical that it is not favorable for Macedonia and now a way is being sought to sell it to the public. Pendarovski said a few weeks ago that he saw no need for an Annex to the Agreement with Bulgaria, and Zaev assured that there would be no Annex. The only ones who claimed that there was an Annex were VMRO-DPMNE, but they were accused by the government media machinery of spreading fake news. But if the government is hiding it, the husband of the former justice minister Renata Deskoska has already announced that there will be an annex and urged to be made public. According to Toni Deskoski, the Annex will be referred to as “Protocol” and will be voted in parliament. In the whole situation with Bulgaria, it is clear that Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov is put aside after Karakachanov called him “more dangerous than the coronavirus”. Just one day after Dimitrov asked to “take a break” from the dispute with Bulgaria until their elections are over, Zaev and Osmani sent Vlado Buckovski to Sofia. As things stand at the moment, Macedonia will experience another diplomatic defeat and humiliation in which the prize will be just the beginning of negotiations with the EU that means nothing and Bulgaria will be able to set a new blockade at any moment.

It’s shameful to learn from Bulgaria that the government is still negotiating about the Macedonian identity in the midst of the holidays (Republika)

The government of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is negotiating about the Macedonian language and identity away from the public eye. The conditions and demands set before the Macedonian government are hidden from the citizens. Zaev, Dimitrov and Osmani know, but they are hiding from the public. “It’s shameful to learn from Bulgaria that the Government is still negotiating with Bulgaria about new open issues in the midst of the holidays,” says Stefan Andonovski from VMRO-DPMNE. He reminded that a minister from the Bulgarian government confirmed that there is a 12-point Annex submitted to the Macedonian government, with extremely bad positions on the Macedonian identity. We warned about this Annex three months ago. As can be seen in the video, some of the demands for the Macedonian government are education reforms, rewriting history, the attitude towards minorities, Macedonian history. It is shameful that the Macedonian identity, language and history are being discussed on TV shows in Sofia, without anyone in Macedonia knowing what is on the table. It is shameful that at the same time Dimitrov convinces the Macedonians that they should take a break from the dispute with Bulgaria, while Buckovski is preparing for a new meeting and discussions. It is shameful to hide the reality from the citizens and to create a false illusion that all issues are closed, he said. Andonovski believes that the public deserves to know who saw the non-paper from Bulgaria and what does the 12-point Annex that the Government is hiding from the public eye contain?

Foreign Ministry again fails give a specific answer regarding the 12-point annex agreement (Republika)

After the statement of Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Karakachanov, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in which it does not confirm the claims of the existence of a 12-point annex agreement that Bulgaria, according to Karakachanov, proposes to Macedonia as a condition for unblocking the European integration process. The statement notes that Macedonia and Bulgaria often share their proposals and views in which they point out and explain their positions, and the last they say was the communication of Macedonian Foreign Minister Osmani with Bulgarian Minister Zaharieva, where it was agreed that the two sides in the coming days exchange proposals on the Action Plan. Osmani has communicated with Zaharieva, and agreed that the two sides in the coming days should exchange proposals involving the Action Plan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.