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Belgrade Media Report 12 January 2020


Vucic: If Pristina doesn’t adhere to the agreement it will face surprises (TV Happy/Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the interim authorities in Pristina to respect the signed agreements, adding that if they apply for membership in international organizations, big surprises will await them. To the announcement of the politicians from Pristina that they will submit a request for membership in international organizations, he said: “They have no idea what they are talking about, they do not read the agreements they sign. They are not allowed to apply to international organizations. If they apply, big surprises will await them,” he underlined. Vucic said that he was not addressing the message to the politicians in Pristina, but to their mentors, those who created the so-called state for them. “If you do not adhere to the agreement, I will inform you - you will face numerous surprises, positive for the Serbian people, but not for you,” he emphasized, without going into details.

Strengthening relations between Serbia, People’s Republic of China (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met today with Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Serbia Chen Bo. Selakovic stated that the relations between Serbia and China continue to strengthen and expressed satisfaction with dialogue and intensification of cooperation between Serbia and China during the coronavirus pandemic. Selakovic pointed out that Serbia attaches great importance to further enriching the strategic partnership and strengthening high-level and top-level dialogue with the People’s Republic of China, and that the new Serbian government continues to follow the guidelines set by Serbian and Chinese Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Xi Jinping respectively. In that sense, we are very happy to expect the visit of President Xi Jinping to Serbia as soon as possible, at a time when epidemiological conditions in the world allow it, said Selakovic. He also expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between the two ministries of foreign affairs, and wished that additional efforts be made in the coming period to intensify it. Serbia immensely appreciates China’s principled position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, especially within the UN and other international organizations and institutions, and we expect that support to continue in the same spirit, he said. Selakovic said that Serbia is fully committed to intensifying cooperation with China through bilateral channels, but also through the Belt and Road initiative and China’s cooperation mechanism with Central and Eastern European countries. When it comes to economic cooperation, Selakovic expressed the expectation that the trend of Chinese direct investments in Serbia will continue, as well as that there will be an increase in Serbian exports to China. Speaking about the overall cooperation between the two countries, Selakovic pointed to the cooperation in the field of culture, where the opening of the Cultural Centre of Serbia in Beijing in November 2018 is of special importance, which will contribute to better knowledge of Serbia and its culture in China. At the same time, according to Selakovic, the planned opening of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Belgrade, whose cornerstone was laid by President Xi Jinping, is also a reason to rejoice. Selakovic extended New Year wishes to the Ambassador and wished her personal and professional success in the new year of 2021 and thanked her for the New Year’s greetings sent to him by State Counselor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi, according to a statement from the Serbian Foreign Ministry.

Djuric: Goal to increase Serbian caucus in the Congress (TV Kurir/Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric has stated that our embassy in Washington is trying to make as many contacts as possible with the newly elected US administration, as well as to work intensively in the coming period to increase the Serbian caucus in the Congress.

In an interview with TV Kurir, Djuric said that Serbia’s relations with the US, as well as the events in that country, are imbued with key priorities of our state and national policy, such as preserving stability in the country and economic development. “Although I have only been here for three weeks, I had talks with representatives of the State Department, the Ministry of Defense, the Congress ... In the coming weeks, we will work intensively to enroll as many congressmen and senators as possible in the Serbian Caucus, because we need those who will support us as Eliot Engel supports the Albanians,” stated Djuric. Asked about the Washington agreement and doubts that the agreement could be called into question after the arrival of the new administration, Djuric said that the appointment of new officials, including those who will deal with our region, will take months, but that our embassy is already in contact with candidates for certain positions important for our region. “Whoever is in those positions, I am convinced that they will stick to what was agreed in the previous period. We in Serbia have something to refer to and something to fight for when it comes to the Washington agreement,” said Djuric.

He reminded that the agreement envisages that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) and Serbian monasteries and churches in Kosovo and Metohija be legally protected and that all court decisions related to the SPC’s property be fully implemented. Also, the agreement, he pointed out, envisages a moratorium on Pristina’s attempts to join international organizations until September this year. “We will discuss with the representatives of the new US administration how to deal with this issue after that period,” said Djuric.

Petkovic: Nobody speaks the language of blackmail with Serbia (RTS

Nobody speaks the language of blackmail with Serbia and everyone who thinks that such an attitude can contribute to resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is deceived, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said regarding the statements of the current prime minister of the interim Pristina institutions. Before each election, politicians in Pristina are trying to raise their political rating by attacking Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and official Belgrade, and when they have nothing to offer the citizens, then Serbia and Serbs are on-duty culprits for everything, a statement from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija reads. “However, I will be completely clear. Nobody talks to us in the language of blackmail and anyone who thinks that such an attitude can contribute to resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is deceived,” he says. According to him, Belgrade is ready to talks about normalization of relations.

“Pristina needs to relaize that Serbia is an internationally recognized state, a member of international institutions, and that Belgrade does not need any recognition from Pristina. What we all need is a compromise and to understand that in that process, one side cannot get everything, and the other to lose everything, because that is simply not a compromise,” assessed Petkovic. He confirmed that Belgrade is fulfilling its internationally recognized obligations, but that he expects a responsible and fair attitude from all parties involved in this process.

“We are committed to finding a compromise that would ensure lasting peace and a sustainable future for all peoples in this region. But we will never allow anyone to humiliate Serbia, nor will we be the target of anyone’s daily political skirmishes and political games,” he said. He expects the international community to clearly and unequivocally take a stand on such statements by Pristina and the current prime minister of the interim provincial institutions.



Cvijanovic: Dzaferovic’s reaction to Vucic’s congratulatory message is empty (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic commented the recent statement of member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic concerning Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s congratulatory messages sent on the occasion of the RS Day. Namely, Dzaferovic stated that Vucic’s congratulatory message represents disrespect towards the state of B&H and attack on sovereignty of B&H. Cvijanovic stated that Dzaferovic’s reaction is expected, pathetic and empty, adding that she thinks the same of other reactions from Sarajevo. Cvijanovic stressed that the RS wants good relations with all countries in the region, adding that cooperation with Serbia has been of key importance. Cvijanovic reiterated she is grateful to Vucic, not only for his message but also because relations between the RS and Serbia got new dimension in the period after he came into power. Cvijanovic added that she is publicly saying what people in the RS think. Commenting her telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic, the RS President said it was pleasant and optimistic. She added that Krivokapic congratulated “all our holidays”, underlining that both also expressed preparedness to improve cooperation in all areas. “It is not important for me whether someone will criticize it or qualify as private or official conversation. It is important to build better understanding with all countries in the region”, explained the RS President. Cvijanovic emphasized that “political Sarajevo” entered quarrel with every country in the region, adding that political Sarajevo attempted to involve many international actors in their frustrations. She reminded that political Sarajevo has been criticizing Serbia, Croatia, Hungary and Russia for their relations with the RS and its officials. Cvijanovic added that instead of this they should have processed those who attempted to commit assassination of the Serbian President several years ago in Potocari in Srebrenica. She reminded that politicians from Sarajevo have been criticizing projects in the region, including Peljesac Bridge, as well as projects the RS and Serbia are planning to implement jointly. The RS President added that all of this negatively affects internal relations in B&H as well as regional cooperation.

Komsic’s office: Abazovic communicating with a fake profile (

Montenegro’s Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has covertly congratulated the unconstitutional Day of the RS, which provoked numerous reactions from the B&H. Montenegrin Vice President Dritan Abazovic posted on Twitter on that occasion and tagged a fake profile of the B&H Presidency member, Zeljko Komsic, writes Komsic has called on Abazovic to distance himself from the attitude with regard to the unconstitutional Day of the RS, with Abazovic responding on Twitter that the government attitudes are expressed through official channels only.  Apart from that, Abazovic has tagged the Twitter profile of Komsic, however, Zeljko Komsic’s office says that he does not have a profile on this social network. “The B&H Presidency member, Zeljko Komsic, does not have a profile on the Twitter social network, and Abazovic is communicating with a fake profile,” they told


No majority for removal of B&H CoM (O Kanal

The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) held a session in Sarajevo on Monday, focusing on the work of the current convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and its removal. The vote of no confidence in the B&H CoM, which was launched by the opposition, was rejected with 13 votes in favor, 24 against, while three MPs abstained from voting. DNS’ Nenad Nesic assessed that the current convocation of the B&H CoM has been the most ineffective so far. SDP B&H’s Sasa Magazinovic stated that B&H CoM led by Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) acts as some nongovernmental organization that has an observing role only, reminding that citizens should know that the B&H CoM is the only body competent for the migrant crisis management in B&H. SDA’s Adil Osmanovic said that he is familiar with B&H CoM Chairman Zoran Tegeltija’s capacities and his devoted work in the capacity of the Republika Srpska (RS) Minister of Finance, stressing that part of his energy invested in the work of the B&H CoM would yield its far better results. However, SDA representatives said that the opposition’s initiative on the removal of B&H CoM represents an attempt to create a political chaos and block the state. SNSD’s Sanja Vulic stated that B&H CoM’s removal is a goal of election losers who only care for posts and the opposition actually has a problem because they have nothing to criticize when it comes to good work of the B&H CoM on coordination between the Federation of B&H, the RS and Brcko District governments.

OHR: There was no reason for TC government to declare emergency situation and take over competences from TC Assembly (BHT1/O Kanal)


Representatives of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) met with officials of the Tuzla Canton (TC), namely TC Prime Minister Denijal Tulumovic and speaker of the TC Assembly Zarko Vujovic regarding the functioning of the TC. The stance of the OHR from January 8 was repeated in which High Representative Valentin Inzko asked all elected and appointed officials to return the TC to a state of full functionality and to respect the existing legislative framework. The announcement that the TC Cantonal Assembly will convene on 15 January was welcomed.

O Kanal reminded that two sessions of the Tuzla Canton (TC) Assembly were held on 31 December 2020 at the same time. Vujovic convened the session, but representatives forming new parliamentary majority boycotted the session. The new parliamentary majority formed by SDP B&H, PDA, NS and SBB B&H tried to remove the TC Government composed of SDA, DF, SB&H and SDB&H, but Vujovic launched a motion with the Constitutional Court of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) to assess if there ground to launch the mechanism of protection of the vital national interest on this matter. The new parliamentary majority convened a separate session, appointed new leadership and passed a decision on the removal of the TC government and TC Prime Minister Denijal Tulumovic (SDA). Tulumovic then declared an emergency situation and took over the competences of the TC Assembly. Representatives in the TC Assembly have requested from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to assesses constitutionality of decisions adopted on 31 December 2020. In a statement issued on this occasion, the OHR stated that there was no reason for the TC government to declare emergency situation and take over competences from the TC Assembly and new parliamentary majority should not be a reason to launch mechanism of protection of the vital national interest. The OHR concluded that new parliamentary majority and the TC Government have neglected the current constitutional-legal framework through their actions on 31 December 2020. NS representative in the TC Assembly Selim Beslagic commented that the OHR’s statement represents a warning that it is actually about tendency to retain authority in the TC and everyone should be aware of that. However, Vujovic argues that the Constitutional Court of the FB&H as supreme authority is the one that rules on such matters and the current authorities in the TC should not depend on someone’s decision to obstruct vacating the posts at the FB&H CC, concluding that “we should respect our institutions should be respected.” The daily reminded that in his letter Inzko stressed that loss of the authority must not the cause for invoking the protection of VNI and that the manner in which it was done does not succumb under authority of FB&H CC and he stated that TC government without any grounds declared emergency situation and took over competencies of TC Assembly. The daily reads that TC Assembly will discuss the budget on Friday and this will make it clear whether parties are ready to ignore OHR’s suggestions, “as they do with the regulations and constitutional-legal framework”.

EU High Representative Borrell discusses migrant crisis with Dodik (BHT1)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell called on B&H authorities to work on sustainable solutions for migrants. He said that the opening of new migrant reception centers needs to be more evenly distributed throughout B&H. The European External Action service (EEAS) stated on Monday that Borrell talked with Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik via telephone. Borrell reminded Dodik of the full dedication of the EU to support B&H for the accommodation of migrants given that more than EUR 88 million have been allocated to B&H for the management of the migrant crisis. He stressed that the failure to find sustainable solutions for the needs of migrants could have serious repercussions for the international reputation of B&H.

Sattler: Distribute the burden of migrant crisis equally in whole B&H (N1)

The burden of the migrant crisis must be equally distributed on the whole territory of B&H, European Union Ambassador Johann Sattler told N1, adding that the humanitarian crisis in the country was unnecessary. According to him, some positive steps forward have been made regarding the migrant crisis in B&H, recalling that tents for migrants have been set up at the Lipa village, Bosnia's northwest. “B&H is a signatory of international conventions, it signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU,” stressed Sattler, the Head of the EU Delegation in B&H, adding that this is not about whether the country wants or not but that it has to take over the responsibility. Sattler said the responsibility cannot rest only with the institutions of B&H but also with political leaders. “We cannot have this situation repeating every year. Last year it was (the infamous camp that closed down) Vucjak, this year it was Lipa. We want to avoid such reputation risk for B&H,” Sattler was quoted as saying. He mentioned Serbia as a country that established a migration management system in two to three years which is, as he said, not perfect, but is well organized. Sattler also said he did not want to ignore the security concerns of the local population in the northwestern Una-Sana Canton, adding that he could understand the locals but that closing down the Bira camp did not help as hundreds of migrants were left in the open. “We are trying to exert pressure on everyone. We repeat that all parts of the country should bear a part of the burden, including Republika Srpska and Herzegovina” he underlined.


Krivokapic explained that it was only chatting (CdM)

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapc did not officially congratulate the President of the RS Zeljka Cvijanovic on the holiday, his office unofficially said. As they stated, it was a private conversation. Cvijanovic said earlier that she was grateful to Krivokapić who had called and congratulated her on ‘all their holidays’ as she said. Krivokapic’s congratulations provoked numerous reactions in the region. The government of Montenegro is leading official politics only through official communication channels, said Montenegro’s Vice President Dritan Abazovic to the B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic, who had called on the Montenegrin government and Abazovic to distance themselves from “glorifying the day of the beginning of genocide”. “We wish for the best relations with the countries in the region. The hand of friendship has been extended to everyone, including B&H,” said Abazovic.


Pendarovski: I have not received an Annex or a Protocol – no need for an additional Annex with Bulgaria (Republika)

The Office of President Stevo Pendarovski has not received any documents in the form of annexes or protocols regarding the requests from the Bulgarian side. This is the answer that “Pressing TV” received after the statement of the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Krasimir Karakachanov, that Macedonia can start EU membership negotiations in February if it signs the 12-point Annex to the Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Agreement with Bulgaria. In the New Year’s interview for the public broadcaster, the President said, among other things, that he does not see the need for an annex to the Agreement, and this was confirmed by his Office. The position of the President remains the same, which he has previously expressed publicly, that there is no need to sign an additional annex with Bulgaria, say Pendarovski’s Office. The annex, mentioned by Karakachanov, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an action plan. So far, there is no exact formulation for the document or what exactly it contains, no matter how it will be named – whether as an Annex, whether as a guideline, or as a non-paper. Karakachanov reminded that the content of, as he calls it, the Annex, was known to the Macedonian side since November, but he did not disclose anything from the document.

Bulgaria has proposed an action plan on cooperation (Republika/BGNES)

Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva met with the special envoy of the government of the Republic of Macedonia Vlado Buckovski, who is paying a working visit to Bulgaria, the press center of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BGNES.  During the meeting, ideas were exchanged for continuing the process of restoring trust between the two countries. The Republic of Bulgaria has proposed an action plan for cooperation with the Republic of Macedonia in the implementation of the Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation Agreement. This document, which applies to all sector ministries, is expected to be signed at the forthcoming meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission (pursuant to Article 12 of the Agreement).