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Belgrade Media Report 27 January 2021


Stefanovic: According to UNSCR 1244, KFOR represents only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic stated on Tuesday during a meeting with KFOR Commander Major General Franco Federici that the issue of security in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija cannot be transferred from this mission to other subjects. Stefanovic recalled that according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, KFOR represents the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija and that it is expected to provide a safe environment for all ethnic groups in the southern Serbian province. He added that the responsibility for the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija cannot be transferred to other subjects and underlined that the transformation of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces is absolutely unacceptable for Serbia, given that that represents a violation of UNSCR 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement. Stefanovic requested that KFOR keep the necessary level of operational capability and added that a possible decision on the reduction of troops should depend on a constant assessment of developments on the political and military level and security indicators, and not on the dates set beforehand.

Petkovic: Who encouraged Haradinaj to threaten with Greater Albania (RTS

Ramush Haradinaj’s latest threats to create a Greater Albania if so-called Kosovo is not admitted to NATO in three years are a flagrant example of the blackmailing policy of Pristina politicians, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. The statement, signed by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, points out that what is even more worrying is the obvious absence of a clear and unambiguous reaction of the international community and the European Union to such dangerous ideas about changing borders and ethnic structure in the Balkans. “That is why the obvious question arises on whose behalf Haradinaj is so openly and publicly threatening with the creation of a Greater Albania? Who encouraged him and whose silence is actually a sign of approval?” says Petkovic. “Is there a dangerous scenario according to which some people want to intimidate Serbia with the creation of a Greater Albania, only to be offered the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija as an alleged compromise?... Let me e quite clear - you cannot force Serbia to recognize the so-called Kosovo by any pressure. We want to build together peace and the future in this region through dialogue and a compromise solution, but we do not agree to blackmail,” Petkovic said.


Dacic accuses Fajon of siding with Serbian opposition (TV Happy/Beta

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic accused Tanja Fajon MEP of siding with the opposition and losing her objectivity. Dacic told TV Happy that Fajon, chair of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee, discredited herself and could not take part in the inter-party dialogue between the authorities and opposition. Fajon was part of a European Parliament delegation which mediated the first stage of that dialogue. According to Dacic, Fajon has taken the side of the part of the opposition which includes Dragan Djilas’ Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP). “They should be helping with that dialogue not taking anyone’s side. They have lost some kind of objectivity,” Dacic said. “How can anyone think that Fajon is objective,” he said. Dacic said that he would speak to McAllister by phone again next week.

Serbian opposition parties meet to discuss fight against regime (Beta

Officials of some Serbian opposition parties and movements met on Tuesday to discuss ways to fight against the Aleksandar Vucic’s regime. A press release from the Nova Stranka said that opposition officials met in its offices and concluded that their goals are identical but that there are differences in reaching them. “They proposed a new more rational way to fight and agreed to work on its promotion at their next meeting on 2 February,” the press release said. The meeting was attended by officials of Nova Stranka, the Social Democrat Party, Democratic Party of Serbia, 1 in 5 Million Movement, Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own Initiative, Green Party, Civic Democratic Forum, Movement of Hungarians, New Serbia and Branislav Lecic (disputed leader of the Democratic Party) and Marko Bastac (a central Belgrade municipality chief and member of Dragan Djilas’ Party of Freedom and Justice). “The opposition party and movement representatives agreed that the only opponent is Aleksandar Vucic’s regime” because it has brought Serbia to the point discussing basic democratic principles which are been in place for a long time in modern European states, it said and added that they agreed to “focus on fighting the regime machine together to take Serbia back to the Europe of the 21st century”, the press release said.

Djordjevic: Vucic reducing importance of Resolution 1244 (Danas

Editor-in-chief of the federal news agency Regnum Modest Kolerov has stated that Aleksandar Vucic and his sponsors are coming up with the idea of the necessity of signing an agreement with Kosovo, adding it seems to him that “in such a situation the danger of forming a Greater Albania is becoming more certain”. “Resolution 1244 is the formal dam to these harmful processes. Unfortunately, we know that international law has functioned only when a strong and resolute state stands behind it, while Vucic’s Serbia is not,” says Kolerov, adding that the regime in Belgrade, by all odds, “is ready for capitulation”. “Resolution 1244 bothers this regime and it is actively working on reducing its importance and on removing it, so it could realize its conception,” he said. Kolerov’s statement is quoted in the statement of the Liberation Movement, which quotes excerpts from the conference held in Moscow on the topic “Can Serbian Kosovo be Saved?” whose organizer is Regnum. Liberation leader Mladjan Djordjevic has told the conference that the basis of the Serbian position on Kosovo must be Resolution 1244 and non-permission of it being amended, and that this, according to him, “is not the stance of the authorities in Belgrade”. “The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) won at the elections in 2012 with the slogan that it will return Kosovo within Serbia. That year, the Serbian state was completely present in the north of Kosovo. Today, nine years later, we do not have a single attribute of Serbian statehood in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Djordjevic, adding that the last surrender of sovereignty was carried out at the end of the year, when the energy system was given to the Albanians to manage. “Three key things are preventing Vucic from recognizing Kosovo. Resolution 1244 whose guarantor is Russia, the Serbian Orthodox Church that has underlined at the three last synods the position against recognition or partition of Kosovo and the Serb people, who are in the vast majority against the agreement,” said Djordjevic. “Vucic is reducing the importance of Resolution 1244 and is trying to topple it by us quarreling with Russia, then he is trying to influence the election of the Patriarch, and in the end, he is spreading defeatism among the Serb people by permanently saying that Kosovo is lost,” explains Djordjevic. According to him, the final goal of such a policy is to deliver to “Western sponsors from Berlin and Washington” the legally-binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina that would also include membership of so-called Kosovo in the United Nations. “That is a policy of betrayal, the majority of the Serb people is against that and we are fighting against that,” concluded Djordjevic, adding that Russia, with its firm stand regarding Resolution 1244, can help the Serb people in this affair. “Russia is thus defending not only international order, but also historical friendship of the Russia and the Serb people,” the statement quoted him as having said.

Dodik: They lie when they say I am overthrowing Vucic, I did not meet Daka (Novosti

In a statement to the daily, SNSD leader and Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that he is not participating in any kind of overthrowing of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic nor that he recently met Montenegrin businessman Miodrag Davidovic Daka in ‘Integra’ restaurant in Banja Luka. “I have no intention to justify myself and it is disgusting even to comment any kind of constructions of such type. It is obvious someone is trying to bring quarrel between the leaderships of the RS and Serbia”, Dodik added. Dodik noted that he can only confirm media claims that he recently met Bishop Joanikije, who recently paid a visit to Bishop Jefrem in Banja Luka. “Only converts who frequently change their political stances can have suspicions about such meetings and create some kind of constructions”, Dodik said. Dodik reminded that he has had an excellent cooperation with Vucic and argued that there are absolutely no changes in relations between Serbia and RS or personal relations between him and Vucic. “He enjoys my great support. This is my stance. I have always demonstrated it and will always demonstrate it. We are very thankful for everything he has done for the RS. Now, suddenly, someone appeared to launch a story about alleged overthrowing. There is no overthrowing! Vucic’s merits for present day Serbia are huge. It is politically and economically stable and it is a strong regional factor,” Dodik added. He also claimed that both the RS and Serbia are exposed to various negative tendencies coming from the West and assessed that it will take lots of unity to defend from it. Dodik claimed that someone tried to “put him in the same story with Djukanovic but I, as the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H, voted against the decision on his visit to B&H at the moment when he fiercely attacked the Serb Orthodox Church and its property, and I think I do not need to explain anything to anyone after that”. Dodik claimed that Montenegro and Djukanovic, through intelligence activities, are meddling in the RS and especially in Herzegovina “where they are creating points and are still trying to break apart the stability of Herzegovina and its unity with the RS. They are also trying to preserve the story that there is some kind of a Russian influence here and Djukanovic expands this to the story on some kind of Serbian influence. It is quite normal that there will be Serbian influence for as long as Serbia and RS exist”. Commenting on claims that he also met with Bishop Grigorije, Dodik said that he does not share same political views as Grigorije and added that “those who want to deal with politics cannot deal with the most responsible jobs in the Church simultaneously. The Church must stay separated from the state”. Dodik reminded that he had a good cooperation with Bishop Grigorije while he was assigned to Herzegovina but he noted that Grigorije’s activities in politics were not visible at that point of time. “His approach to meddling in political life is not good. This is of no benefit for the Church and it does not assist the state either. Unity of the Church and the state is the most visible through preservation of our national interests”, Dodik concluded.



RS opposition reacts to speculations that Dodik is trying to ruin Vucic and get involved 

in process of election of new Serbian Patriarch (BNTV

BNTV reported about reactions of the opposition in the RS to speculations of media in Belgrade that Milorad Dodik – along with Montenegro businessman Miodrag Davidovic and Orthodox Bishops Joanikije and Grigorije wants to “ruin” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The allegations come following Dodik’s recent meetings with the aforementioned officials. According to sources of BNTV, Davidovic lobbied to elect someone who is close to criminal circles that have influence in the Serbian Orthodox Church, in order to easily “ruin” Vucic and strengthen Dodik as a leader of Serbs in the region. Allegedly, this topic was also discussed during the recent meeting in Trebinje between Dodik and Gligorije, who is known for open attacks on Vucic and the ruling authorities. BNTV carried reactions among the opposition in the RS arguing that they are strongly bothered with the fact that Dodik is trying to get involved in the process of election of a new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, trying to get involved this institution in the front against Vucic. Asked to comment on this issue, leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic told BNTV that no leader of Serbs from B&H should allow himself to have bad relations with Serbian President Vucic. He reminded that Vucic helped the RS a lot and in his opinion, he did not deserve it, while Dodik tricked key people in Serbia many times before. Borenovic argued that what Dodik is doing is perfidious, bad and sneaky and very harmful for the people of the RS. Borenovic underlined that this is why it is important to finally find out the truth about this type of perfidious behavior of Dodik. Commenting on this issue, leader of DNS Nenad Nesic stated that Serbia and Vucic did nothing but good for the RS and reminded of Serbian investments. He added that the authorities that have no good and honest relations with Belgrade do not deserve to be in power in the RS and thus, the authorities should resign. Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that if the claims come true, this would be the first time that a high-ranked official from the RS is working against the Serbian President Vucic. In his opinion, this is unacceptable. Sources of BNTV allege that Dodik is surprised that details from the meetings were revealed and he is trying to meet Vucic before Wednesday’s ceremony in Belgrade when a memorial to Stefan Nemanja is supposed to be unveiled. Dodik is expected to attend the event.

TC Assembly appoints new TC government (BHT1

The new Tuzla Canton (TC) government led by SDP B&H’s Kadrija Hodzic as the Prime Minister was appointed at the session of the TC Assembly on Tuesday. This is the second convocation of the TC government in the last 1.5 year and it includes the PM and 12 ministers. In distribution of posts, SDP B&H obtained the PM post along with four ministerial post. In addition, PDA obtained four, Our Party (NS) two, and SBB B&H two ministerial posts. Presenting the exposé, Hodzic emphasized the importance of the fight against the Coronavirus through strengthening the healthcare institutions and enabling an equal treatment of all citizens at those institutions. Hodzic said that the TC government aims to preserve jobs and provide assistance to the sectors that have been directly affected by the pandemic. According to Hodzic, other priorities for the TC government include the fight against corruption, the environmental protection and the education reform. “From the political standpoint, this might seem like an idealistic approach. However, without good wishes and good ideas, nothing can be achieved”, the newly-appointed cantonal PM stressed. The TC Assembly representatives applauded the PM on the exposé and confirmed that they highly value his professional authority. The opposition in TC announced that they will be constructive and support the work of the TC government during its first 100 days, in order to support it in realization of priority plans during the critical period, for the sake of the TC citizens. However, the opposition criticized SDP B&H and NS for appointing Bozo Juric, whom they see as a member of HDZ B&H rather than of PDA, as the Minister of Healthcare. SDA’s representative in the TC Assembly Fahrudin Skopljak assessed that the ruling majority in TC agreed to respect the principle of the so-called legitimate representation of peoples, advocated by HDZ B&H. However, PDA’s representative in the TC Assembly Senad Alic clarified that Juric was nominated by PDA and that he left HDZ B&H in 2020.

B&H Court receives ten appeals against decision of B&H CEC on Doboj and Srebrenica (Nezavisne

The daily reports that the B&H Court received a total of ten appeals against the decision of B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) to annul election results from Court could announce its decision already on Thursday some polling stations in Srebrenica and Doboj. The Court could decide on the appeals already on Thursday. If the Court upholds the decision of B&H CEC, a date for new elections needs to be set within 14 days. According to the daily’s unnamed source close to B&H CEC, this could lead to certain problems, because it will probably be necessary to appoint new members of Municipal Election Commissions and polling station committees, which means that the repeated elections cannot take place before April. The Head of the Srebrenica Municipality Mladen Grujicic stated that the B&H Court should annul B&H CEC’s decision or at least reduce the number of polling stations where the election needs to be repeated. According to him, it is unclear what grounds B&H CEC had to make such decision. Grujicic also noted that appointment of new Municipal Election Commission and polling station members could be problematic too, because all new members need to be trained.

Inadmissible pressure of embassies against B&H Court (Glas Srpske

OSCE, OHR, US Embassy, UK Embassy and Swedish Embassy issued a joint statement welcoming the decision of B&H CEC to annul the election in Doboj and Srebrenica. The statement reads that this decision will help ensure the integrity of the election process restore citizens’ confidence in election administration. The statement also urges relevant authorities to investigate the reported allegations of electoral fraud promptly. “Our organizations/embassies will continue working with the CEC and other relevant authorities on improving the electoral processes in B&H, to ensure that future elections are in line with relevant international standards. To this end, it is important that B&H authorities start working on the necessary amendments to the B&H Election Law, through an open and inclusive process”, reads the statement.

Legally prescribed deadline for inaugural session of Mostar City Council to expire at end 

of next week, city majority still unclear (O Kanal/BHT1/FTV

The first session of the Mostar City Council will have to take place by 5 February and it has to be convened by the oldest councilor, which in this case is Councilor of HDZ B&H Tomislav Primorac. HDZ B&H called on the other councilors to be correct and to give the post of the Mayor of Mostar to their candidate. It is still unclear who will form the majority at the City Council and who will nominate the future Mayor of Mostar. Chairman of the SDA City Board in Mostar Salem Maric called on BH Bloc to approach talks on formation of the majority at the City Council. However, NS’ future councilor at the City Council Boska Cavar already ruled out a possibility of endorsing SDA’s candidate for the Mayor. Cavar stressed that she is not a supporter of forming a coalition with SDA and she pointed out that NS’ Irma Baralija is the only option she would support for the Mayor. Meanwhile, HDZ B&H is convinced that its candidate, doctor Mario Kordic, will be the future Mayor. Chairman of the HDZ B&H City Board in Mostar Slaven Zeljko announced that HDZ B&H will also insist on completion of the investigation into possible irregularities, election theft, and registration of fictitious addresses for the purpose of voting in the elections. SDA said on Tuesday that their invitation to the BH Bloc for cooperation remains. Zeljko said that it is necessary to know that HDZ B&H won the elections in Mostar by winning 13 posts in the City Council.

Sannino: Countries of region need to give their contribution in EU accession process and 

developments in B&H do not go in favor of this (N1

Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs Augusto Santos Silva said that the EU enlargement will remain in Brussels’ focus during the Portuguese presidency of the EU. Secretary General of European External Action Service (EEAS) Stefano Sannino stated on Tuesday that countries of the region need to give their contribution in the EU accession process and developments in B&H do not go in favor of this. He explained that countries of the region should be engaged much more if they want the EU accession, as the issue of integration is a two-way road and each side needs to give its contribution. Sannino stressed that B&H represents a special challenge for the EU, adding that changes are necessary in this country. “Unfortunately, the events in B&H have not made B&H’s perspective in the EU visible. I agree that we have to be vigilant about foreign influences and about what happens in B&H and that we need to continue working with B&H authorities”, Sannino stated. He noted that there is no need to mention that the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was useful to end the war but not to ensure efficient functioning of the state, which is why “we will work in this direction”. He also confirmed that the continuation of the EU enlargement is still in Brussels’ focus, although this process is “complicated and very difficult”. Sannino added that the Western Balkans will continue to be one of the priorities and there is no doubt about it and although there is still unfinished job in this region there is also a special obligation for this region as “we cannot afford not to complete the job we started there”. According to Sannino, the cooperation with the new US administration on issues concerning the Western Balkans is possible, especially when it comes to security, but the EU must have a leading role in that process.

Is American-German plan for B&H a combination of the ‘April Package’ and the ‘Butmir Process’? (Dnevni list

The daily notes that with the arrival of new US President Joe Biden, it would appear that the Americans want to finish the job in the Western Balkans. According to the daily, Biden announced stronger US involvement in the Western Balkans in late 2020 during his conversation with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and yesterday (Tuesday) during his telephone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The daily notes that although one could only speculate what it means, it is clear there are two problematic issues in the Western Balkans, namely Serbia-Kosovo relations and B&H. Regarding the latter, the daily notes the situation is very complex, with “three different concepts, three different stories, three truths”. The daily claims it has unofficially learned from diplomatic circles that creation of a functional state, which would respect the principle of constituent peoples and the fact that there are civic parties, should be some sort of combination of the ‘April Package’ from 2006 and the ‘Butmir Process’ from 2009. According to the daily, both these processes stipulate indirect election of the President (of B&H) and two Vice Presidents, which should prevent repeat of the ‘Komsic’ case, strengthening of the state parliament by means of election of more representatives and delegates, and strengthening of role of the B&H Council of Ministers, which would become a proper state government. According to the daily, there are several issues that political parties would have to work on, which would have to result in the parties making concessions and eventually creating a more functional state.

British confirm that world powers are talking about new boss of OHR in B&H (Dnevni list

The daily reports that the UK government confirmed in an answer to question posed by Baroness Arminka Helic (member of House of Lords) that the UK government is talking to world powers about replacement for High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko. In its response, the UK government said, among other issues, that the UK government is of opinion that the OHR still plays an important role in securing stable future for B&H and that it has full support of the UK.

The UK government further noted it is in contact with France, Germany, Italy and the US and that “our common priority is the success of B&H and all its citizens”. It is added that any change of the HR is a subject to formal appointment, which is eventually decided by the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), and since Russia is a PIC member it would have to be a part of the process.


Agreement reached to overcome the problem of recalling ambassadors (CdM

Following the meeting of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, Foreign Minister Djordje Radulovic, and Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, an agreement was reached to overcome the problem of recalling a number of ambassadors, which was primarily related to public explanations of government’s proposal. According to a joint press release, it was agreed that in further process, earlier positive practice of foreign policy consultations would be continued at the level of three presidents and the Foreign Minister, as it would guarantee effective dialogue and selection of human resources, thus ensuring a continuation of the stable foreign policy course of Montenegro. “It was noted that continuous and open communication represented a precondition for successful cohabitation that aims to preserve the functionality of the system of the state of Montenegro, its reputation and prestigious position in international relations, as well as good results that Montenegro has achieved in the area of foreign policy and its European and Euro-Atlantic foreign policy path. The priority on that path is to defend the dignity of policies, institutions and citizens of Montenegro,” the statement says.


Pendarovski promises Bulgaria that Macedonia will not try to install “some kind of a Macedonian minority” (Republika

President Stevo Pendarovski vowed not to interfere in Bulgarian internal affairs over the issue of minority rights, referring to Macedonians in Bulgaria as “some kind of minority”. In an interview, he did insist that there are Macedonians living in Greece, though. Bulgaria is adamant that Macedonia is not allowed to raise the minority issue in the region of Pirin Macedonia, which Bulgaria conquered in the Balkan wars a little over 100 years ago. According to the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty, both countries pledged not to raise minority issues, but they reserve the right to protect their citizens living in the other country – a recipe that favors Bulgaria which was systematically issuing passports to Macedonian citizens.  Pendarovski promised that Macedonia is not officially helping minority organizations in Pirin Macedonia. Their point is that we must give up on attempts to install some kind of a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Principle number 1 in international relations, especially since 1945, is non-interference in internal affairs of other countries. With that, we can’t and don’t want to interfere in the internal order of Bulgaria. But if somebody individually declares to be a Macedonian, and turns to the Council of Europe or other organizations to seek his rights, that doesn’t automatically mean that someone in Skopje instructed and paid for it. There are people who declare to be Macedonians in Greece too. With the Prespa treaty we did not renounce them, Pendarovski said. Under the Prepsa treaty, Macedonia is obliged not to press for the protection of the rights of any persons that are not its citizens”. The Zaev – Borisov treaty has a specific article obligating only Macedonia to declare that its Constitution does not “constitute the basis for interference in the internal affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, with the purpose of protecting the status and rights of persons, who are not nationals of the Republic of Macedonia”. Meanwhile, both countries “have the right to protect the rights and interests of its respective nationals, on the territory of the other Contracting Party in accordance with international law” – a clause that in reality only favors Bulgaria, which has issued over 100,000 citizenships to Macedonian citizens, eager to travel and work more freely in Western Europe using the Bulgarian EU passport. Organizations of Macedonians in Bulgaria have turned to the European Court of Human Rights after Bulgaria refused to register them, and recently, left leaning members of the European Parliament have raised this issue against the Borisov government. Bulgaria considers these suits and the actions of the European Parliament as inspired by the Zaev government.

VMRO-DPMNE begins collecting signatures for a new census law (Republika

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that the party will begin gathering signatures from its supporters in order to propose a new census law. The Constitution allows 10,000 citizens to propose a new law, and while VMRO-DPMNE can make the proposal through a member of parliament, this option is meant to show that a huge portion of the public is opposed to the census law, as it is now being enforced. The ruling SDSM and DUI parties, supported by the ethnic Albanian opposition, want to hold a census in April and to allow emigrants to be counted along with the full time residents. This is a key demand from the ethnic Albanian parties who fear that otherwise their share of the population may drop significantly. The majority rejected four dozen proposals from VMRO meant to ensure the accuracy of the census, such as the request to have fingerprint devices used to make sure there is no double counting of citizens. President Pendarovski declared that he will consult experts on the law, but as soon as Prime Minister Zaev and US Ambassador Byrnes declared their support for the proposal, he quickly signed it into law. VMRO alleges that SDSM and DUI will allow census irregularities meant to ensure that the Albanian share of the population is at or above the 25 percent level that was registered in the also controversial 2002 census.


OSCE Head Vincenzo del Monaco: OSCE Presence in Albania will continue to be a strategic partner of the State Police (Radio Tirana

As we are a few months away from the 25 April elections, the State Police has started training on its duties and role in this process. Present at this opening of the training was the Head of the OSCE Presence Vincenzo Del Monaco, who gave clear messages about this process, while emphasizing that elections are important for democracy. "As the new head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, I am pleased to encourage the continued support that the OSCE Presence in Albania provides to Albanian institutions to organize and administer elections in accordance with internationally recognized practices, while reflecting on OSCE / ODIHR recommendations. As my colleagues informed me, this training on election administration year after year has been successful. I encourage you to use it and put it into practice. I am pleased to see that our Department of Security Cooperation is coordinating with the State Police to prepare dossiers with training materials for each participant, as well as the support provided by the OSCE Presence in Albania for the publication of the pocket book on the role and duties of the police during the election process. The OSCE Presence in Albania will continue to be a strategic partner of the State Police, in the framework of a fruitful and long-term cooperation with the Ministry of Interior. Partner for this election training and partner in providing technical assistance and support, especially in the fight against cross-border crime and transnational threats," he said.