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Belgrade Media Report 10 February


US Embassy: US goal is Serbia’s EU membership and mutual recognition of Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug/RTS

“The US, both during the administrations of former president Donald Trump and current President Joseph Biden, continue to share the main foreign policy goal of Serbia on EU membership, while normalization of relations with Kosovo, along with mutual recognition as the basis, has been recognized a long time ago as the key of reaching this goal,” reads the statement sent to Tanjug by the US Embassy spokesman James Hagengruber. He notes that former president Trump also very clearly voiced this policy. “For example, in 2019 he wrote to President Aleksandar Vucic about the ‘unwavering support’ of the US for deepening regional cooperation, and especially his commitment to the normalization of relations with Kosovo,” reads Hagengruber’s statement regarding the letter sent by the current US President Biden to Vucic on the occasion of Statehood Day, which also emphasizes mutual recognition of Belgrade and Pristina. Hagengruber emphasizes that “it is up to the two sides to reach an agreement that both can support” and expresses the belief that mutual recognition should be a central element of the lasting normalization of relations. “Such an historic agreement, with mutual recognition in its essence, would build the path to the goals of EU integration and economic growth of Serbia,” said the US Embassy spokesman. Hagengruber adds that the US wants nothing more than for Serbia to succeed in its EU aspirations, and that the return to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the help of the EU, is crucial for that success. He recalls Biden’s words that “a comprehensive solution that will lead to mutual recognition, preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries and strengthening of their democratic institutions is essential for the progress of Kosovo and Serbia”. He adds that, as he says, “it would improve the security and prosperity of both countries, affect their aspirations for membership in the EU and other multilateral institutions, and support the lasting goal for the whole of Europe to live in peace and freedom”. The statement submitted to Tanjug also states that the US Embassy expresses its most sincere and warmest congratulations on the occasion of the Statehood Day of Serbia. “Serbia is now at an exciting and challenging point of growing into a dynamic, modern state in the company of its neighbors, in a united and free Europe,” he said, stressing that the US continues to support Serbia on that path for reaching lasting prosperity, peace and stability.

Selakovic: Trump, Biden messages different (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Tuesday that the US Embassy had made an unusual mistake by putting an equal sign between the congratulation letters sent by Presidents Biden and Trump on the occasion of the Statehood Day. “The normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, as viewed by President Trump in last year’s message and the issue of mutual recognition mentioned by President Biden do not hold the same meaning either formally and legally or in material terms, not even close to the same,” Selakovic said in a press release.

He recalled that Trump did not insist on mutual recognition but tended to search for an innovative solution with Serbia to truly stabilize the region, adding that this sentiment is not evident in Biden’s message “which does not mean that the new US president will not be in favor of a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina”. “In the congratulation letter we received from President Biden, that kind of mood is not recognized, which does not mean that the new US President, as a man who knows the situation in the Western Balkans extremely well, will not be in favor of a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina, i.e. that he will be implementing a policy of imposing a solution that quite obviously cannot stabilize the region in a lasting way,” said Selakovic.

Situation around Kosovo and Metohija and B&H worrying, Russia pushing stand that suits Belgrade (Tanjug/RTS/RTV

The situation around Kosovo and Metohija and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is very worrying, warns Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Botsan-Kharchenko. He points out that Belgrade’s approach in the dialogue with Pristina is fair and that it is necessary to reach a solution, which can be confirmed by the UN Security Council, and which will primarily satisfy Belgrade’s national interest in the first place. Botsan-Kharchenko says that messages from the West which insist on the recognition of the so-called Kosovo’s independence, but also an attempt to deprive the Republika Srpska (RS) of the powers guaranteed by the Dayton Agreement, do not encourage, and points out that Russia, in contacts with international partners, is “pushing” a stand that suits Belgrade. “Russia is not a participant in the dialogue, but it is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and monitors the situation around Kosovo and Metohija with a constant and very good exchange of information and opinions with Belgrade, which was the case in a telephone conversation between Russian and Serbian Presidents Vladimir Putin and Aleksandar Vucic a few days ago,” states the Ambassador in an interview with Tanjug. He also points out Russia’s activities as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and member of other international organizations aimed at, as he says, preventing membership of so-called Kosovo in international institutions and further expansion of recognition of so-called Kosovo’s independence. As the most recent example of Moscow’s diplomatic-political activities, he cites a conversation between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in Moscow a few days ago, during which, he said, Russia’s position on the situation in the Western Balkans was presented. “Minister Lavrov spoke about the impossibility of pressure and violation of sovereignty in the Western Balkans, bearing in mind, apart from Kosovo and Metohija, the issue of B&H and the excessive activities of the High Representative. We see this as interference in the internal affairs of B&H, which is an independent state, not a protectorate,” says Botsan-Kharchenko. He reminds that there are many open issues in the region and that the problems are not new, but that there is more and more pressure and unacceptable statements coming from Pristina, B&H, but also from the West, and he sees the political situation in Pristina as “unstable”, along with the assessment that it is difficult to predict when the dialogue with Belgrade will continue, under the EU auspices, and what its results will be.

Worrying messages from Pristina 

“There are elections are in Kosovo and Metohija, dialogue is not possible at the moment and that is the position of Miroslav Lajcak and the EU. It is not known when the dialogue will continue, and it is difficult to say what the results will be. The situation in Kosovo has not improved for the Serb population, there is no sense of security, and there is too much tension on the part of Kosovo’s Albanian political elite,” he says. He adds that is why, with worrying messages from Pristina, but also from some Western countries, that the solution of the Kosovo knot is allegedly possible only with the recognition of so-called Kosovo’s independence, it is worrying that other issues remain “secondary” and that it is announced that they will be resolved following recognition. He points out that a lasting and just solution to the Kosovo issue is possible exclusively on the basis of international law, i.e. UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

As a reminder that, after taking office as the Ambassador in Belgrade, he said that he would try to “side by side” with Serbia, fight to return international law to the region, primarily on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and the question of how successful he was in that, he says that “it is difficult to establish international law in the region, but it is encouraging that we have the best cooperation, understanding, equal approach with Serbia ...” “As far as Kosovo is concerned, Serbia has a key role, so one of the key ones - as far as B&H is concerned,” concludes Botsan-Kharchenko.

Importance of regular evaluation of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija at UN Security Council (Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic held an online meeting today with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Ireland Simon Conveney about the deepening and improvement of cooperation between the two countries. Selakovic pointed to the importance of regular evaluation of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija at the UN Security Council, highlighting the significance of the role of the Republic of Ireland in its activities, especially now that it has won a non-permanent seat on this body for 2021/22. He underlined that Serbia is fully committed to the normalization of relations with Pristina and to achieving a compromise solution that would be acceptable to both sides. Selakovic said that the strategic commitment of Serbia is a full membership in the EU, that our country is very much dedicated to the reform process and the European integration and expressed gratitude for the support of the Republic of Ireland on that path.

Dacic: I have to hear the opinion of parties that do not want the EP to attend dialogue (RTS/Beta

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said that he needed to hear the opinions of political parties on election conditions even the ones that did not want to participate in inter-party talks if the European Parliament representatives participated in them. “This subject, however, is not current as there have been no official invitations yet. I have proposed that an online conference between me, as speaker, and EP representatives headed by David McAllister be held on 1 March and after that we will send out invitations and depending on the response we will see how we are going to conduct these talks,” Dacic told RTS. Asked whether things had moved closer to starting inter-party dialogue, he reiterated that he had proposed that all of these activities begin on March 1 but that he had no yet received an official response from the EP whether this date suited them, after which talks would be organized ‘on the ground’ - in Serbia. He also said that the ‘technical details’ of the talks needed to be harmonized, meaning their format, which parties would participate and which parties would be invited along with the themes and dynamics of the dialogue.



OSCE, EUD/EUSR, OHR, UK Embassy and US Embassy call on Mostar City Council to repeat first round of elections for Mayor of Mostar (FTV)

The OSCE Mission to B&H, the EU Delegation/EU Special Representative, the Embassy of the United Kingdom, the Embassy of the United States and the Office of the High Representative issued a joint press on Tuesday release which calls for repeating of the first round of the elections for a new Mayor of Mostar. The press release reads: “We call on the City Council to bring its voting procedures back into compliance with the Statute of Mostar and to repeat the first round of elections for the Mayor of Mostar. A country aspiring to become an EU member state must adhere to the principles of the rule of law. We call upon all city councilors to show responsibility and to swiftly elect the Mayor in full accordance with the rule of law and the Statute of Mostar in its next session.”

Mostar City Council will discuss HR’s letter which calls for repeated procedure of election of Mostar Mayor in line with Mostar City Statute (Nova BH)

An inaugural session of the Mostar City Council will resume on Wednesday, when the new round of voting for the Mostar Mayor was supposed to take place after SDA’s Zlatko Guzin as the candidate of the ‘Coalition for Mostar 2020’ and HDZ B&H’s candidate Mario Kordic passed the first round of public voting on Friday. NS’ Irma Baralija, the candidate of ‘BH Bloc’ for the Mostar Mayor, did not pass the first round of voting. The Mostar City Council will discuss the letter sent by High Representative Valentin Inzko, who called on the Mostar City Council to repeat the procedure of election of the Mostar Mayor in line with the Mostar City Statute and to hold the new secret vote. Inzko explained that it is a matter of the rule of law to respect the current Statute of the Mostar City, which stipulates a secret vote on the Mostar Mayor. The OHR’s reaction comes after and ‘BH Bloc’ coalition asked for the OHR’s interpretation on the election of Mostar Mayor by the public vote. The OHR’s reaction will return the process of election of the Mostar Mayor to the beginning, which will give Baralija a new chance to compete in the race for the Mostar Mayor. Commenting on the HR’s letter, representatives in the Mostar City Council told Nova BH that the letter needs to be additionally interpreted in order to be clear if it represents a recommendation to respect the Mostar City Statute and elect the Mayor by secret vote or it is a decision that definitively annuls the first round of vote. Representatives of ‘Coalition for Mostar’ said that they are dissatisfied with the OHR’s reaction, stressing that it comes in favor of ‘BH Bloc’. Deputy President of the Mostar City Council Salem Maric (SDA) stated that there is a reason for concern because it was proven that the OHR intervention came upon request of ‘BH Bloc’ and this is actually part of an agreement in which the OHR is the one that requested the new vote through ‘BH Bloc’. President of the Mostar City Council Ivan Zelenika (HDZ B&H) said that it is yet to be seen how the session will unfold, reminding that 31 representatives in the Mostar City Council voted at the last session for the public and transparent process of voting for the Mostar Mayor. According to HRS, the party assessed that the OHR’s reaction was expected because secret vote is stipulated by the Mostar City Statute. HRS’ Slaven Bevanda reminded that they have already warned that the HR passed a decision in 2009 to annul the conclusions on public vote and clearly interpreted the Statute that stipulated the implementation of elections for the Mostar Mayor by secret vote.

Maric: We were surprised with HR’s decision bearing in mind that for past eight years he was often invited to react when it comes to Statute (Hayat)

 “Certain number of Peace Implementations Council’s (PIC) Ambassadors are behind the decision of the Office of High Representative (OHR). They have acted quickly and opposed the will of the whole Mostar City Council (MCC)” stated leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic. The OHR allegedly protects the Statute of Mostar City that prescribes secret voting, they protect the Statute from councilors who wish to change the statute and have chosen a transparent process of voting, added Izetbegovic, and said that the whole MCC wants public voting in order to prevent the scenario that happened 12 years ago when HDZ B&H’s candidate won. The OHR insists on secret voting, which leaves space for manipulations and bought votes. President of SDA Mostar City Board Salem Maric was a guest for Hayat via video link and discussed the OHR’s decision and BH Bloc’s behavior when it comes to the MCC. Reflecting on the OHR’s decision to annul votes in the first round of voting, Maric said: “We were surprised by the decision of the High Representative in B&H, bearing in mind that for the past eight years, he was often invited by SDA, but also by other parties in Mostar, to react when it comes to the Statute. He did not find it necessary to react and resolve the crisis in Mostar and now (he reacted) when the councilors, at the first inaugural session, with 31 votes out of 35 possible, have come to the conclusion that they are going to vote publicly precisely for the reasons of transparency. It is interesting that the High Representative does not protect the Statute in those Articles that are violated to such an extent that today in Mostar, both the Mayor and the President of the City Council are from the rank of the Croat people. The Article 26, paragraph 6 of the Statute of the City of Mostar clearly states that the President of the City Council and the Mayor can in no way be from the rank of the same people.” When it comes to the role of BH Bloc, that issued a statement that it does not matter whether the voting process is public or secret, in the light of that fact that it was BH Bloc that asked for a reaction from the OHR, Maric commented that many things do not seem to matter to BH Bloc, including who will be the Mayor of Mostar. “If it were not so, then they would invest a lot more effort and recognize the quality of our candidate Zlatko Guzin and the programs we have harmonized with BH Bloc, as many as 90% of the programs. We even said that we will accept 100% of their program, to work and act together in this four-year term, but that was not enough for them either. They always find a reason and citizens of Mostar are tired of listening to the messages of the leaders of these parties from Sarajevo, who have started coming to Mostar more and more often, to convince their councilors to be united. It is known that, at the last session, out of seven members of BH Bloc, only five voted for Irma Baralija”, commented Maric. Maric also added: “I am afraid that the BH Bloc received a letter from the OHR on how to write their request to the OHR, because it happened on Saturday after the session that was held on Friday. At the same session, BH Bloc and SDP voted for the Conclusion on Public Voting. Their leader has said publicly, on several occasions, that he will advocate public vote and now (they act) like the Statute that has been violated.” When asked where the OHR’s decision came from and if its purpose is to protect the Statute, Maric said that this is probably the least concern for the OHR. Maric offered an example how they agreed to allow once of the councilors who was infected with COVID-19 to vote via video link, which is also not allowed according to the Statute but the OHR had nothing to say on that. Asked if he expects BH Bloc’s support at the session scheduled for Wednesday, Maric replied that he hopes that BH bloc would finally understand seriousness of the situation in Mostar and recognize that Guzin is the best candidate for the Mayor of Mostar so Mostar can finally have the Mayor from the rank of Bosniak people. “I believe it is finally time, after 16 years,” said Maric.

RS parliament calls on HR to submit report on implementation of Dayton within 90 days (FTV)

The RS parliament held a session on Tuesday and among other things, called on HR Valentin Inzko to come to Banja Luka, i.e. to the RS parliament and to submit a report within 90 days on civil implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) during the period from 2009 until 2020. According to proponents of the initiative, competences of the HR Inzko are stipulated in the Annex 10 of the DPA which is why he is obliged to periodically report on progress in implementation of the DPA. SDS Caucus requested to withdraw this item from the agenda of the session arguing that it can be counter-productive but it was adopted with the majority of votes. SDS MP Miladin Stanic mentioned that Inzko can introduce some sort of new sanctions towards individuals or towards the RS. Members of SNSD assessed the request of SDS as unbelievable. Head of SDS Caucus in the RS parliament Igor Zunic underlined that in line with the Dayton, people of the RS have the right to demand from the HR to come to the RSNA and to submit the report, adding that they cannot force Inzko to do this. "On the basis of Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement, the High Representative has an obligation to report periodically to the UN, the EU, the US, the Russian Federation and other interested governments, parties and organizations. The RS was a party to the signing of the Dayton Agreement. The RS parliament is the people of the RS," Zunic underlined. Members of the Caucus ‘Zajedno za B&H’ called on the HR to visit the RS parliament and called on the OHR to meet its obligations in terms of improvement of human rights and return of displaced persons in both of the entities, by abolition of discriminatory practice in public institutions and administrative bodies in terms of employment and mother tongue. SDA MP Edin Ramic wrote on his Facebook profile that he sees no reason why the HR should not come to the RSNA session as he is already passing by, adding that everyone has something to ask him like where he was all these years and about his relation towards his duty. Ramic also said that obviously, only representatives of Bosniaks have respect and expect something from this institution, while others are clearly mocking with the HR.

US Embassy to B&H condemns glorification of war criminals by Bosniak political officials (ATV)

The US Embassy to B&H has condemned glorification of war criminals by Bosniak political officials. According the US Embassy to B&H, there is no room in public discourse for the use of language that promotes intolerance and undercuts mutual trust and understanding, as well as for negating war crimes and glorification of the war criminals. ATV reports that the reaction came after B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic (SDA) and Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Minister of Education, Science and Sport Rasid Hadzovic glorified Commander of the Third Corps of the Army of B&H Sahib Mahmuljin (SDA), convicted of war crimes against Serbs. ATV reports that the US Embassy to B&H noted the crimes cannot bear collective stigma.

HDZ B&H decides to boycott early elections in Travnik (BHT1)

The Municipal Board of HDZ B&H in Travnik decided on Tuesday that they will not participate in the repeated elections for the Head of Travnik Municipality which will take place on April 11. The Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC) set the date for the elections on April 11 following the fact that on 15 November the candidate of SDA who passed away on the election day won the elections.  HDZ B&H filed a complaint to the B&H Court on this decision, but it was rejected. President of the Municipal Board of HDZ B&H in Travnik Bojan Domic said that they adopted this decision as an answer to everything that happened since 15 November until now. He said that the B&H CEC proved to be incompetent and biased in their decisions. SDA stated that the elections in Travnik will have moral legitimacy even without HDZ B&H. President of the Municipal Board of SDA in Travnik Tahir Lendo said that the desirable outcome of the elections would be that the head is elected, who will represent all citizens of Travnik. He added that they do not expect a high voter turnout. BH Bloc announced they will present a joint candidate for the elections. President of the Municipal Board of SDP in Travnik Sinisa Dukic said that the parties of BH Bloc convened on Monday and decided on one joint candidate. He said that their goal will be to finally change the paradigm of Travnik which has been present for 30 years now and which says that the Head of Travnik Municipality has to be either from SDA or HDZ B&H.

Parties in Srebrenica consider possibility of boycotting elections, ask for the meeting with Quint Ambassadors (Dnevni avaz)

Delegation of Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ composed of a candidate for the Head of Srebrenica Municipality Alija Tabakovic, current Deputy Head of Municipality Hamdija Fejzic, Sadik Ahmetovic and Camil Durakovic met with SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic on Tuesday. Guests informed Radoncic about “enormous manipulation and stealing of votes” to detriment of Bosniak candidates in Srebrenica. They stated they expect political leaders in Sarajevo to provide full support in order to rectify the case of unacceptable stealing of votes and engineering to detriment of survived Srebrenica citizens. The officials discussed possible solutions including the fact that part of political parties in Srebrenica are considering possibility to boycott the upcoming repeated elections. Delegation from Srebrenica also said they will ask for a meeting with Quint Ambassadors.

Dodik addresses summit ‘17+1’: This co-op enables us to overcome numerous obstacles; Jinping encourages B&H for higher promotion of its products in China (RTRS)

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday opened the summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) which was held via video conference. Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik addressed via video link from Banja Luka the Summit '17+1', which officials of China and seventeen countries of Central and Eastern Europe took part in. Dodik recalled that this year marks one hundred years since the establishment of the Communist Party of China which, according to him, paved the way for the development of a modern, prosperous and economically powerful state and managed to alleviate and eradicate poverty, even at a global scale. Dodik thanked China for its support in the most difficult moments, stressing that it was always concrete and without conditions, but primarily honest and brotherly. Dodik underlined that 2020 showed all the vulnerability of today's civilization, but also the need for greater solidarity among nations, "which only united can cope with all the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic." "Therefore, on this occasion, I express full support for the concept of promoting the building of a society for the common future of mankind, proposed by President Xi, as well as for the proposed concept of development of multilateralism, which ultimately aim to create lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. The format of cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe allows us to overcome the numerous difficulties faced by our countries through an open, coordinated and innovative approach," Dodik told the Summit '17+1'. Dodik further stated that he believes that additional efforts are needed to improve cooperation in the field of agriculture. "Given the capacity of agricultural production in the Western Balkan countries, as well as the size of the Chinese market, I suggest that the possibility of creating a kind of package deal for the export of agricultural products from the Western Balkan countries to the Chinese market be considered," Dodik said. Dodik emphasized that cooperation between B&H and China in the midst of the pandemic continued, stressing that construction of the Hydroelectric Power Plant 'Ulog' in the RS and Block 7 in the Coal-Fired Power Plant Tuzla in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) began. Dodik stressed that the contract for the construction of the 'Dabar' Hydroelectric Power Plant was signed, and that works on the construction of the hospital in Doboj continued. Also, according to Dodik, the preparatory work for the construction of the Banja Luka-Prijedor highway has been completed. At a time when B&H, like most other countries, is still struggling with the spread of the pandemic and its negative consequences on the economy and society, Dodik expressed hope that B&H will continue to have the support of China. The Chinese President stressed that '17+1' is cooperation of equal partners, regardless of the size of the countries. "Thank you for stressing everything we have been speaking of - to build a society with a common future for mankind, to deepen multilateralism. B&H is part of this cooperation and the Coal-Fired Power Plant 'Stanari' helped to improve economic development and development of society. We improved relations between our two countries and managed to ensure certain results. I believe that this cooperation will create more opportunities for friendly and an even greater cooperation between our two countries," Jinping stressed.


Plenkovic participates in an online summit of the China + 17 initiative (HRT)

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic participated in the China + 17 summit via video link on Tuesday, which included Chinese President Xi Jinping and the leaders of Central and Eastern European countries. Plenkovic thanked the Chinese authorities for their help in procuring protective equipment and other necessities at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, noting that the effort saved many lives. He said that China + 17 is a unique initiative that builds bridges between Europe and Asia and is complementary to the EU. "The global crisis cause by the coronavirus brought unprecedented challenges, and forced us to accelerate change. We must embrace this change because it is an opportunity to better manage the digital and green transition. The pandemic showed the importance of both good governance and multi-lateral cooperation. Global cooperation helped us to contain the disease and to develop efficient vaccines and to acquire enough medical and protective equipment. In addition our common effort and solidarity will be crucial to deliver the vaccine to everyone. This is the main prerequisite to end the pandemic," Plenkovic said. He added that the multilateral cooperation, which enabled the emergence of an effective vaccine and the availability of a sufficient protective equipment, will be crucial to ending the pandemic. Plenkovic also said that the cooperation between China and Europe will provide an opportunity for a quick and strong recovery for both sides in the coming period. "In this regard, Croatia is particularly focused on infrastructure, science and innovation, tourism, mobility and small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, Croatia advocates a free market according to equal rules, reciprocity in access to markets, sustainable development and the fight against climate change," Plenkovic added. He cited the EU-funded Peljesac Bridge, which is being built by a Chinese company, as an example of projects Croatia wants to focus on, as well as the NORINCO wind energy project near Sinj, China's largest clean energy investment in Croatia, which is to be completed by the end of 2021. Plenkovic pointed out that after a successful agreement on the export of Croatian dairy products to China, he hopes to achieve a similar agreement for meat, fish and honey producers. He also thanked Beijing for its solidarity and help after the two earthquakes that hit Croatia in March and December. For his part Chinese President Xi Jinping said that Croatia is actively participating in this framework of cooperation between China and other countries. He also said that the construction of the Peljesac Bridge in southern Croatia is an historic project, noting that in spite of the situation with COVID-19, the construction of the bridge has been accelerated. During the summit China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe agreed to strengthen economic cooperation: "The prevention and control of the pandemic will probably be an important topic of cooperation for some time. In the meantime, we will pay great attention to the development of small and medium enterprises" said Zhou Xuedong, vice president of the China Development Bank.


Djukanovic attended Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CdM)

Montenegro is ready to make additional efforts to achieve common goals in the 17+1 Mechanism, which would make this way of cooperation more practical and concrete for all stakeholders, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic at the ninth Summit of Leaders of China and Central and Eastern European Countries. He believes that today’s Summit is a small step towards creating something big, which, he says, will be witnessed by future generations.

“First of all, I’d like to send a warmest greeting and express gratitude to you, President Xi Jinping, for your sincere friendship with Montenegro, and support the initiative and organization of today’s event via video link. I’m glad that such a large number of countries are attending today’s conference. It’s an indicator of the quality of the 17+1 initiative, and the clear desire of the People’s Republic of China and all participants to work together and look for the best solutions to challenges we’re facing,” said Djukanovic. According to him, the world has changed significantly since the 8th Summit held in Dubrovnik. “The pandemic has killed over 2.3 million people so far. Economic activity and mobility of people have never been reduced in such a short period of time. Unemployment and public debt of almost all countries have risen. Uncertainty has prevailed, in which social policies are becoming more important.” Having in mind the complexity of the issues we are facing, and the need for faster economic recovery, it’s clear, says Djukanovic, that mutual communication has never been more important. “It’s why the regular session of the Summit of Leaders of China and Central and Eastern European Countries has a special significance.” In an address, the President also touched on the China’s donation of medical equipment in the midst of Montenegro’s fight against Covid-19. “On the other hand, Montenegro donated aid to the People’s Republic of China for the same purpose, within its capabilities. Once again, it’s proved that friendship between Montenegro and the People’s Republic of China, the Montenegrin and Chinese people, is strongest in the most difficult times. I’m convinced that we’ll keep creating opportunities of mutual interest and contribute to strengthening understanding and friendship.”


Mickoski: Early elections are coming, we need a new government (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on the government to put aside its rose tainted glasses and start resolving the problems of the struggling shop-keepers, hit by the economic crisis. “What we can see here is sad and dreadful. The government hides behind its rose tainted glasses and expensive PR while our people can barely make ends meet. But what we see on the ground also motivates us to endure and to fight for a better state than the one we have now under the SDSM – DUI coalition. We are preparing for municipal elections, but we are also preparing for early general elections, which will make this government history, and help usher a new government that will fight for the citizens and the interests of Macedonia,” Mickoski said. When asked about PM Zoran Zaev’s statement that he dismisses the call for early general elections, Mickoski reminded the public that Zaev can’t be trusted. “Early elections are in the air, and a new government is coming,” Mickoski added.