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Belgrade Media Report 19 February 2021


Metropolitan Porfirije elected 46th Patriarch of Serbian Orthodox Church (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Beta/B92

Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana Porfirije (Peric) was elected on Thursday as the 46th head of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Monk Matej pulled out an envelope with the name of the new patriarch from the book of the Holy Gospels, which contained envelopes with the names of the three candidates who had the most votes. In addition to Metropolitan Porfirije, Bishop Irinej of Backa and Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka were also shortlisted. After the election of the new patriarch, the bells of the Temple of Saint Sava and the Cathedral in Belgrade rang.

First sermon of Patriarch Porfirije (RTS

“I pray to God and I ask all of you to support me, to joyfully present the great responsible task that was placed before me with this sacred act and placed on my feeble shoulders, to be, as the 46th patriarch and the 57th head of our church, a humble successor of my holy predecessors,” Patriarch Porphyry pointed out in his first sermon. He said that he wants our holy Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) to live with full lungs everywhere it is, that every Orthodox Christian lives true freedom and that evangelical values be the everyday life of all Orthodox people.

He pointed out that it is not the primary task of the church to create better living conditions, to try to solve any kind of social, political, psychological and any other problems. “We come to the church for the holy liturgy, to touch the cross of Christ, that is the basic task of the church, that is why it exists in the world. Everything else mentioned, in itself as a product of primary belief, will be illuminated,” said Patriarch Porfirije. He noted that, during the service, he will not be guided by partial interests, partisanship, partial involvement in politics. Patriarch Porfirije pointed out that Kosovo is a vow for us, which is related to the New Testament. “Hence, Kosovo is a myth for us, the umbilical cord that connects us with our spiritual historical cradle, the essence of our identity, Kosovo is in us, in our shrines, in the Cyrillic,” said the Patriarch.

How Porfirije spoke about Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)  

At the end of last year, the Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana, Porfirije, said on TV Pink that Kosovo and Metohija is a matter of the identity of Serbs and that, in case we “lose it as the foundation of existence”, he is not sure that “our people have a future”.That, as he explained, does not mean enmity towards anyone, but that Kosovo and the church are “the vertical that design the past and without (which) there is no future”. “Kosovo is much more than a myth. Myth is a matter of imagination, and Kosovo is a vow for our patriarch and our church, it is an identity matter ... The vital (interest) of the Church is the preservation of Kosovo and the construction of the Temple of Saint Sava,” noted the Metropolitan. He also stated at the time that he believes that the official church has no other space for action than the people and the state in which he lives, and that he sees cooperation with official institutions as a natural relationship. “All previous patriarchs were very open to dialogue and cooperation with the state,” said Porfirije.

Vucic congratulated to Serbian Patriarch Porfirije (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent a greeting to the newly elected Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Patriarch of Serbia, Porfirije, saying: “Your Holiness, I was glad to receive the news of your election as heir to the Holy Throne of Pec - the throne of our father Saint Sava of Serbia. On behalf of the Republic of Serbia, of all of our citizens of the Orthodox faith, I wish you a long and fruitful ministry in the Vineyard of the Lord for Christ’s sake, as well as for the honor of the Serbian people and the entire Orthodox family. Great and famous Serbian archbishops and patriarchs, who knew how to preserve faith, honour and image of our people in difficult times and how to respond to the temptations that were facing them, were going along that road while leading our people.  And now, a difficult but honorable responsibility was entrusted to you - to preserve the unity of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the faith among the people of Saint Sava. I assure you that in the times ahead, our Serbia together with you will do its best for the honor and benefit of all the people of good will and true faith, and of all Serbs wherever they might live, trying to survive and stay firm on the path that was taken by Saint SavaArsenijeMaksimGeorgije Brankovic, VarnavaGermanPavle and Irinej. For many years, Your Holiness!” it is said in the greeting of President Vucic.

Selakovic: Serbia is not violating Washington agreement but is not a “dumb observer” (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic and North Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani assessed on Thursday that regional cooperation and building good neighborly relations are priorities in relations between the two countries. After talks with Osmani, Selakovic said at a joint press conference at the Foreign Ministry that both countries would contribute to the mini-Schengen initiative in the best possible way. We have stated that cooperation and building good neighborly relations are undoubtedly a priority of the two of us personally and our ministries, said Selakovic. Selakovic expressed his gratitude to Osmani for supporting the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, conveying that they also discussed the position of national minorities, and the beginning of the work of the Mixed Commission for the Position of National Minorities. Selakovic stated that Serbia is adhering to its obligations from the Washington agreement, but he emphasizes that if others do not adhere to theirs and that Serbia will not be, as he said, a voodoo doll and a “dumb observer”. This is how he commented media’s allegations that five countries in the world are ready to withdraw the decision on recognizing Kosovo’s independence. Asked if that means that Belgrade continues the campaign in the fight for de-recognition, because Pristina continues lobbying activities at the global level for membership in international organizations, which it committed by the Washington agreement not to do, Selakovic stated that Serbia is acting as a credible partner and a credible state, as well as that it adheres to what is agreed with someone, “meaning that it is not someone who violates agreements”. Osmani said that the goal of his visit was to intensify communication and assessed that regional cooperation was very fruitful because of the Berlin process and the mini-Schengen initiative, which enables overcoming all bureaucratic barriers and gives freedom of movement to citizens throughout the region. He reiterated his gratitude to Serbia for donating coronavirus vaccines to North Macedonia, which he characterized as a sincere expression of solidarity.

RTS crew banned from entering Kosovo (RTS

Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) crew that spent the past three days waiting at the Jarinje crossing was officially told they were banned from crossing into Kosovo and Metohija.

RTS said that the reason given was the alleged failure to file a request with liaison office Dejan Pavicevic. Editor Svetlana Vukmirovic said that the reason was ridiculous because they were in constant contact with Pavicevic, adding that the obligation to announce a visit 72 hours in advance was for state officials, not media crews. The RTS crew spent three days waiting to cross. A protest by Kosovo Serb journalists was staged at the crossing on Wednesday.



Pro-Bosnian parties support Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ in boycott of Sunday’s elections; They file motion with CC demanding to annul elections (FTV)

Ahead of the Sunday’s local elections in Srebrenica, leaders and representatives of pro-Bosnian political parties held a meeting in Srebrenica on Thursday and expressed their full support to the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ in boycott of the local elections that should be repeated in Srebrenica on Sunday, 21 February. Speaking about the reasons for reaching the aforementioned decision, participants of the meeting said that this is the last attempt of elimination of Bosniaks from Srebrenica. All attendees of the meeting unanimously supported boycott of the elections on Sunday due to a number of irregularities committed in the process of implementation of the election process. FTV reminded that the local elections held in Srebrenica in November 2020 were annulled at 26 out of the 28 polling stations. Representatives of the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ said that they filed a motion with the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday and they expect from the CC to urgently react and render a temporary measure, i.e. to annul the elections. Addressing media, Bosniak candidate for a new Head of the Srebrenica Municipality Alija Tabakovic stated that they got support for their future activities, democratic fight for their people in Srebrenica. He said that the decision to boycott the elections in Srebrenica is final, adding that the elections are unfair, impossible to implement because they were initially deprived of votes from Diaspora. According to announcements, candidates of the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ will refuse to assume mandates. The Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ called on the US Embassy to B&H and the Office of the High Representative for reaction. Leader of DF Zeljko Komsic said that people who represent the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ are authorized to make the decision and their role is to support them and after that, to make some moves. Leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic stated that this was a difficult decision with huge responsibility that can have immense consequences. Niksic said that although it is not practice, they hope that the CC may understand the situation and urgently discuss the request and render a temporary decision in order to give them more time. Vice President of SDA Edin Ramic said: “Obviously, we came into a situation that the elections cannot be held in line with the law and some people are deprived to exercise the right to vote.”

Dzaferovic: I support boycott of Srebrenica elections; Dodik should know RS is of vital interest of Bosniaks (FTV)

The B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic, commenting on boycott of the upcoming local elections in Srebrenica on Sunday, stated that he supports people from Srebrenica who decided to boycott the elections, arguing that this is fight for justice and legitimacy. He is glad that all pro-Bosnian political parties united in support to the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’. Dzaferovic said: “You know, where you can win based on some figures in your favor and when someone is taking away the figures and prevents you to win, then revolt comes naturally and the reaction of political parties that represent the group ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ is expected. They made a good move and I fully support them. They submitted a motion with the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and we expect from the CC to discuss the temporary measure as soon as possible in order to correct the injustice.” In this regard, he mentioned irregularities related to voting of B&H citizens from Diaspora that were not accepted as they were late at the time of the Coronavirus pandemic in the world arguing that accepting all the votes would certainly enable victory of the Bosniak candidate for a new Head of the Srebrenica Municipality Alija Tabakovic and the majority of the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ in the Srebrenica Municipal Council. He underlined: “The current rules prevent this. I fully support them. We will continue fight for our rights in Srebrenica; genocide was committed in Srebrenica and we will never give up on that.” Dzaferovic claims that they are doing their best to enable sustainable return in the Republika Srpska (RS) especially in Srebrenica, adding that the main problems that prevent it are unemployment and discrimination. Dzaferovic emphasized: “Integrated state of B&H is a vital interest of the Bosniak people and all B&H patriots. The B&H entity – and Dodik should know this – is a vital interest of the Bosniak people and all B&H patriots. Dodik said a couple of nights before that Serbs will strive to merge the RS with Serbia and he should know – this is a message that I am sending him tonight - the RS is the vital interest of the Bosniak people and all B&H patriots and he should not cause conflicts of these type. It is better for him to follow the path of building of B&H composed of the two entities and the Brcko District, multi-ethnic entities in which all peoples are equal or else, he will lead the RS into a situation making it questionable and this will be his final result.”

Dodik meets Grujicic in Srebrenica ahead of Sunday’s elections, mentions possibility of boycotting 2022 elections (FTV)

Ahead of Sunday’s elections in Srebrenica, leader of SNSD and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met Head of the Srebrenica Municipality Mladen Grujicic in Srebrenica on Thursday. Grujicic is also a candidate of the Serb parties for a new Head of the Srebrenica Municipality at the local elections that should be repeated on Sunday. During the visit, Dodik expressed discontent with the decision of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) by saying that it is political, politically-motivated and that the elections in Srebrenica will be repeated because the CEC reached a decision to repeat the elections in Doboj. Dodik also announced boycott of the elections 2022 if the current convocation of the CEC remains the same. In this regard, he characterized work of the CEC as illegal, illegitimate adding that they make bad moves, illegal decisions which raises a question on organization of the elections 2022. He underlined: “We are very serious in our intention to circumvent the elections and we have the capacity.” Dodik stressed that the current convocation of the B&H CEC should file a resignation after the elections. He highlighted that the B&H CEC is marked by illegitimacy, bad and illegal decisions and many other issues, which puts the general elections in 2022 into question. “We are very serious in our intention to avoid these elections and we have the capacity,” said Dodik.

Dodik used this opportunity to call on all citizens of Srebrenica to vote in the repeated elections on Sunday. Dodik stressed that if there is boycott of the elections, which was announced by Initiative 'My Address: Srebrenica', interests of Bosniaks will be protected by the Serb representatives in the Srebrenica authorities. Convinced that Grujicic will win the elections, Dodik stated that he expects Grujicic to communicate with representatives of the Bosniak community, regardless of whether Bosniaks will boycott the elections or not. “Here and everywhere else in Republika Srpska (RS), Bosniaks have complete freedoms. Freedom is to go to the polls, freedom is also to boycott the elections. If there was a regime here, as they are saying, the question is whether anyone would dare to boycott something,” Dodik underlined.

Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nikola Spiric, who accompanied Dodik in Srebrenica, stated that the stance on illegal appointment of members of the CEC and misuse of the CEC by Bosniak political parties, with the support of PDP and SDS, has not changed. However, Spiric stressed that elections are a better solution for Srebrenica than boycott. “Those who are announcing boycott are actually these days listening to the stance of the international community, and I said this before, if they get a signal to boycott the elections, they will boycott them and that is the worst possible solution for Srebrenica because that is another attempt at internationalization of Srebrenica,” Spiric underlined. Dodik announced further support to the development of Srebrenica Municipality, while Grujicic stressed that besides infrastructural development, priority in Srebrenica is job creation.

Cubrilovic: B&H CEC did not contribute to democratization with decision to repeat elections in Doboj and Srebrenica (RTRS)

RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic stated on Thursday that with the decision to repeat the elections in Doboj and Srebrenica, the B&H CEC did not contribute to democratization. Cubrilovic called on the citizens of Doboj and Srebrenica to go to the polls on Sunday, February 21, and thus confirm the fact that the repeated elections were unnecessary both in terms of wasting time and additional costs. Cubrilovic stressed that the B&H CEC should be shown on Sunday that the decision to repeat the elections in Srebrenica and Doboj was a big mistake. “It (B&H CEC) kept the citizens of these two local communities in suspense for several months, made additional expenses, took additional time and effect of them voting again only caused damage to those citizens,” Cubrilovic underlined.

Cvijanovic pays visit to Doboj (RTRS)

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic paid a visit to Doboj on Thursday. Cvijanovic stressed that it is important to maintain the existing political stability in Doboj because, as she said, the current authorities led by Doboj Mayor Boris Jerinic have shown the ability to solve the problems of citizens. Cvijanovic, together with Jerinic, visited the Center for Culture and Education and toured the works on the Grammar School 'Jovan Ducic' in Doboj, expressing satisfaction that all priority facilities in the area of Doboj have been repaired and that the reconstruction of the Center for Culture and Education in Doboj is underway. "It is easy for the RS institutions to cooperate when you have responsible people at the local level and I am always pointing that out and insisting that this is the key thing if you want development of a municipality or a city. Doboj definitely showed that - that it is able to take advantage of its chances, but also seek the support of the RS institutions in an adequate way," Cvijanovic underlined.

Tegeltija: Three issues standing in way of status of EU candidate are laws on HJPC, public procurements and prevention of conflicts of interest; I see OHR as lawyer for some Bosniak parties (Vecernji list)

The Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD), asked to comment on the daily’s remark that politicians (in B&H) often say that B&H could get the status of EU candidate this year and whether he is optimistic about it, replied by saying there have been too many optimistic statements and that the current CoM resolved several important issues at the beginning of its tenure. The CoM Chairman noted that, in his opinion, there are three issues have been left, and that the status of EU candidate could be obtained if the three issues are resolved. “We got such messages from the European Commissioners, who started talking about the date of getting the status of candidate. The issues are the Law on the HJPC, the Law on Public Procurements and the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest. If there is enough political will, we can adopt the three laws. Unfortunately, when you get near achieving the goal, the EU requests additional conditions. We are now getting information on lower levels about other reforms”, said Tegeltija. Asked to comment on the Croat officials’ insisting on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, Tegeltija said, among other issues, that big stories about the civic state are just a screen for one people to elect other people’s representatives in the authorities. According to the CoM Chairman, the Law on Elections of B&H has several other shortcomings and uncertainties, stressing that the CEC should stop interpreting the law the way it likes. “In some places they annul election results because of signature, and we saw what happened in Mostar and there was no reaction,” added the CoM Chairman.  Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that a part of political establishment in Sarajevo is expecting that the new US administration will abolish the entities and the constituent peoples, Tegeltija replied by saying, among other issues, it is evident that political Sarajevo has huge expectations in terms of changes to the US foreign policy. “There was not before and it will not be now. It did not happen under Trump or his predecessor Obama,” added Tegeltija. Asked to comment on announcements of arrival of a new High Representative (HR) and to comment on existence of the OHR, Tegeltija said he sees the OHR as a lawyer for some Bosniak parties, arguing that one can only hear the OHR proposing things to liking of one side. “This exhibition of the outgoing High Representative about announcement of imposition of law or sanctions is one more confirmation that B&H does not need him any more,” said Tegeltija. Asked if B&H would have more luck with ‘the German diplomat’ Christian Schmidt, Tegeltija replied by saying it would be better if an official with bigger authority than the current HR arrived.

Dzaferovic: We expect slightly stronger engagement of the existing administration from Washington; B&H needs a more active HR (FTV)

Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, commenting on the fact that B&H filed the application for the EU membership five years ago and who is responsible for long-year deadlock on the EU path, mentioned those who block work of state institutions, disrespect verdicts of The Hague Tribunal, those who glorify the Joint Criminal Enterprise, adding that SDA did its best so that B&H moves on its EU or the NATO path. He said that some things were done during the past five years despite of all obstacles and now, B&H is supposed to work on realization of the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on the application. He said: “Could it be faster? Yes.” Dzaferovic added that B&H must implement all the 14 recommendations of the EC. Asked why the B&H Presidency failed to hold any regular session as of November 2020, Dzaferovic said that so far, the current convocation of this institution held 18 sessions reminding that during his mandate, the institution held nine sessions and a big number of extraordinary sessions, i.e. 108 sessions. According to Dzaferovic, the last regular session was held on November 19, 2020 which was the last date of his mandate and on Thursday, he was informed that Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik is thinking about scheduling a regular session on 25 February.

Asked whether B&H can expect intensified engagement of the international community in B&H especially after election of the new US President Joseph Biden, Dzaferovic argues that there will certainly be stronger engagement in B&H but it is hard to define the scope of this engagement. He reminded that the US strategic foreign policies remain the same and do not change from one administration to another, reminding that the US is the key partner of B&H, a guarantor of the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of B&H which was never called into question. He said: “We expect slightly stronger engagement of the existing administration from Washington in cooperation with the EU in terms of our EU path, the NATO path and on removing obstacles in functioning of B&H. I believe that this is what we can really expect. There will be insisting on integrated, democratic B&H, its internal reintegration, a state with the two entities and the three constituent peoples, the Others and citizens of B&H as the Constitution stipulates, and equality of all the peoples at the entire territory of B&H.” Commenting on possible departure of the Valentin Inzko and appointment of a new one from Germany, he said that he cannot reveal details of his meeting with German Ambassador to B&H Margret Uebber, adding that he can only say that they discussed this issue. In his opinion, B&H needs a more active HR and Inzko was active as much as he could and bearing in mind the support that he enjoyed from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and he welcomed the latest moves coming from Inzko. Dzaferovic pointed out: “B&H does not need much. B&H needs help of the IC and among other things a HR, that would be supported by the big state such as Germany, to finally remove the blockades and that the state functions in cooperation with the administration from Washington. I think that this is the path and that things will move in this direction. However, I must say that activity of us, in B&H, is also expected”.

Dodik: I do not oppose B&H based on DPA capacities, but I oppose unitary B&H; Biden will not solve B&H’s problems (ATV)

B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated in Srebrenica on Thursday that nobody is opposing B&H with its capacities based on the Dayton Peace Agreement, however the RS opposes a unitary B&H that some people want to build. “I am against it and I will fight against it. Today, Serbs have the most authentic policy in B&H. We are not leading a policy of vassals to foreigners, which is what political Sarajevo is doing. We have a clear stance on this matter,” said Dodik. He added that stories about US President Joseph Biden coming and resolving problems of B&H are a big illusion.

RS parliament adopts three conclusions regarding Inzko’s report; Opposition MPs refuse to participate in voting (ATV)

At its session held Wednesday evening, the RS parliament adopted three conclusions regarding the SNSD’s initiative for HR in B&H Valentin Inzko reporting to the RS parliament on his work. ATV reports that, out of 66 representatives present at the session, 49 voted for the conclusions, two against, no representatives abstained and 15 opposition representatives refused to participate in the voting process. Commenting on this, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that opposition apparently did not have the courage to fully present their position and they simply opted not to vote for the proposed conclusion, regardless of the fact that the conclusion is based on Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). PDP’s Jelena Trivic explained that unity had not been reached at the very beginning of the process and I do not see the point to do it at the end. I have clearly said what my unequivocal opinion is on the work of the HR, but we have also taken position with regard us being presented with finalized information. SNSD’s Srdjan Mazalica said there is no justification for the opposition’s decision and reasoning they had not been invited in preparing the initiative. “We did not invite our colleagues from the coalition, we presented an initiative and they supported it. Finally, SPS, that is not a part of the ruling coalition, voted for the initiative,” said Mazalica. According to SNSD, if Inzko fails to appear before the RS parliament he will “show a great political irresponsibility”.

OHR responds to RS parliament request: HR reports are available on UN, OHR websites (FTV)

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated on Thursday that “reports of the High Representative are published both on websites of the UN and of the OHR and are thus available to representatives in the RS parliament as well”. Thus, the OHR responded to Wednesday’s request of the RS MPs sent to the HR Valentin Inzko to deliver a report about civil implementation of Dayton Peace Agreement for period 1995- 2020 within 90 days.

Reacting to OHR’s statement, RS parliament deputy speaker Milan Petkovic stated that High Representative is continuing to act as a ruler over B&H citizens, and especially citizens of the RS. “Inzko must come to the RS parliament and present his report orally to the MPs, regardless of the fact that it exists in written form. I believe that he is afraid of a debate in the highest legislative body of the RS and the questions that the people’s representatives would ask,” said Petkovic.  SNSD’s Srdjan Mazalica stated that OHR’s statement represents humiliation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. PDP’s Igor Crnadak stated that the RS parliament conclusions were a farce orchestrated by SNSD. “They knew that Inzko would not come. SNSD only wanted to draw attention away from other issues. They should have taken care of this years ago, but now that he is leaving they are making a circus,” said Crnadak. SDS’s Nedeljko Glamocak stated that the RS parliament should not have entered this kind of standoff with Inzko. According to him, OHR’s response was expected.  Political analyst Vojislav Savic OHR’s response is arrogant and it proves that OHR is an outdated institution. According to him, OHR needs to be closed so that all three peoples in B&H can negotiate with each other independently.


Census in Croatia postponed due to epidemic (HRT)

Due to the epidemiological situation, a census, which was supposed to be conducted in Croatia from 1 April to 7 May, has been postponed. Varazdin County is one of four in which a trial census will be conducted next month. Ten census districts were selected in different cities, municipalities and settlements. It will cover about a thousand households and just over two thousand people. Special attention will be paid to self-registration through the e-citizens application. “It is our recommendation and invitation to citizens of Croatia to use this possibility to use the e-citizens application and register on their own. What is positive in the entire story is that every person who has access to the e-citizens system can register not only themselves, but all members of their household,” said the Director of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics Lidija Brkovic. “What is a challenge is the fact that a certain number of people, unfortunately still the majority, do not have the e-citizens service activated. Until now a mere quarter of the Varazdin County population have registered on the e-citizens application and service, and only half of them, or 15% of the Varazdin County population use this application regularly,” said Deputy Varazdin County Prefect Robert Vugrin.