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Belgrade Media Report 24 February 2021


Vucic: I expect joint pressure from the EU and US for Serbia to recognize Kosovo (Tanjug/RTS/RTV

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public after the session of the SNS presidency. “We analyzed the last elections held in Kosovo and Metohija. We stated absolute support among the Serb population for the Serb List. It is higher in the north, and in accordance with that, we will take measures to oppose the violence of Albanian political entities,” Vucic said. He added that they would talk with Miroslav Lajcak about what Serbia can, wants, and what it cannot and will not do at any cost. He believes that it is important to understand the weight of Serbia’s position, especially after the change of the US administration. “We expect joint pressure from the EU and the US on our country to meet the demands of, as the Americans say, recognized Kosovo, since the recognition of Belgrade by Kosovo means nothing to us and is a bit funny. At the same time, the EU will use a different vocabulary, but goes towards the same goal. A difficult period is ahead of us,” Vucic said, adding that every effort was made to defend and preserve our vital national interests. He referred to the statement of Albin Kurti in connection with the fact that Serbia committed genocide in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999. “As for genocide, people are using terms without knowing anything about it. As a Marxist and an anarchist, he could have studied it better. I try not to respond to his insults. At the end of the day, it is good to talk,” says Vucic. Kurti also stated that there will be no place for the Serb List in the new Pristina government. “As far as the Serb List is concerned, according to their laws, they must give mandates, and we will see in the coming days whether Serb List will accept that,” Vucic said. He added there would also be pressure on Serbia over Republika Srpska. “If to this you add the whole regional context, in which it is not simple to preserve the position of Serbia, which is seeing the highest economic growth…. With that increased power – economic power, as well as at military and cultural levels – individuals will be looking to declare Serbia a hegemon disrupting equality, and that is why we will be under all kinds of pressure, from all sides, falsehoods and various campaigns. A very difficult period lies ahead,” Vucic said.

Serbian parties united at elections in Presevo 

Vucic told reporters that the upcoming local elections in Zajecar, Kosjeric and Presevo on 28 March were also discussed at the presidency session, as well as that all Serbian parties will go together in Presevo and that the goal is for the Serbian list not only to pass the census but to win two councilor seats. “That would be historical success in Presevo,” said Vucic. He mentioned that some wanted to go to the elections on their own, but those from Belgrade, while in Presevo all Serbian parties want to go together. He announced a meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives in Kursumlija on Friday.


Selakovic: Necessary for UNMIK to continue activities in an undiminished scope and with an unchanged mandate (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic addressed on Tuesday the 46th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council saying that protection and promotion of human rights is one of the most important obligations of states and the entire international community. Selakovic, who addressed the participants via video link, pointed out that the cooperation of states, civil society and international organizations in that field is of priority importance for preserving peace and stability in the world. He pointed out that Serbia pays great attention to issues of social, economic, civil and political rights at the national level, taking into account the cultural and religious diversity of its population, protecting the enjoyment of cultural heritage and religious pluralism. Speaking about the human rights situation in the southern Serbian province, more than twenty years after the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, he stressed that basic human rights, guaranteed by international conventions, including the right to life, integrity and dignity, in Kosovo and Metohija continue endangered. We consider it necessary UNMIK to continue activities in an undiminished scope and with an unchanged mandate, calling on that UNMIK must remain engaged in the field of human rights protection, which is a matter of survival in the case of the Serb population in Kosovo, Selakovic concluded.

MEPs: Rule of law and normalization with Kosovo crucial for Serbia (N1

The sincere commitment to fundamental rights and normalization of relations with Kosovo would decide Serbia’s accession negotiations with the European Union, the report by Vladimir Bilcik, the European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Serbia, has said, adding Belgrade must adjust its foreign and security policy with that of the bloc. Adopting the report, EP’s Committee on Foreign Policy (AFET) insisted on „more dynamics in the EU accession negotiations with Serbia, calling on the country to be unambiguously committed to meeting its obligations in a transparent and verifiable way. It also called on Serbia’s opposition to participate in political and parliamentary activities, including the EP’s mediated debate among all relevant players and pro-European political parties in the country, to improve the climate and trust across the political spectrum. MEPs encouraged Serbia’s authorities to express their commitment to European values in public debates. They said they were worried about state broadcasters, which, according to them, carried ruling politicians’ statements, thus contributing to the country’s anti-EU rhetoric. They also said Belgrade should adjust its foreign and security policies with the EU as one of the membership’s key conditions, adding they were worried about Serbia’s lowest degree of compatibility in the region and its constant support of Moscow in the UN General assembly over the Russian annexation of Crimea. The growing influence of China in Serbia and the Western Balkans also caused MEPs’ concern, particularly the lack of transparency and the effects of Chinese investments and loans to the country’s environment and society. The EP’s report also said MEPs regretted the ‘disinformation campaign’ by the authorities about the EU’s aid during the COVID-19 pandemic and called on Serbia’s regime to inform the citizens about all relevant facts about the pandemic. “My first report comes in a difficult time for Serbia which is fighting the coronavirus pandemic. The majority of MEPs supported this realistic report which shows Serbia’s main achievements in reforms. I want to send a clear message that the EP is ready to support Serbia on its EU path,” Bilcik said.



SDA and HDZ B&H agree to form working groups in charge of FB&H-level issues primarily FB&H government formation, B&H Election Law and issues on EU path of B&H (O kanal)

Delegations of SDA and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held a meeting in Sarajevo on Tuesday. On this occasion, the two delegations agreed to attempt to make concrete steps forward in formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government, according to the election results from the 2018 general elections, as well as to fill in posts in all other institutions at the FB&H level. The delegations reached a conclusion to form three working groups that will be in charge of issues on the EU path of B&H, including fulfilling the 14 priorities from the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on the B&H’s EU Membership Application, amending the Election Law of B&H and implementing FB&H-level agreements that have not been implemented by now. Specifically, the first working group would be tasked with dealing with all issues at the FB&H level such as authority formation, the second with solving the Election Law issue for which the deadline expires in April and the third one with the issues on the EU path of B&H particularly the priorities from the EC’s Opinion. Leaders of SDA and HDZ B&H confirmed that this meeting has taken place after the international community sent a message to B&H politicians that they should be responsible for solving their own issues. According to the leaders of SDA and HDZ B&H, the future FB&H government might be formed within a month. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated the FB&H government might face changes through amendments to the law in terms of changes to the ministries for the sake of their modernization and adjustment to the current situation and the needs of the FB&H. “There is also a series of issues that the Croat party is interested in dealing with” Izetbegovic stressed. Izetbegovic warned that not all issues can be resolved at the same time. According to Izetbegovic, implementation of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)’s rulings, particularly in the case ‘Sejdic-Finci vs. B&H’, lies in constitutional changes. “I do not know how (appellant before the ECHR and representative of the Jewish community in B&H Jakob) Finci or (appellant and representative of Roma people in B&H Dervo) Sejdic can become members of the Presidency if the prefixes Croat, Serb, and Bosniak are not erased,” he added. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic expects the working group in charge of dealing with the FB&H government formation to make a plan by the end of March. Both Izetbegovic and Covic explained that they only reached initial agreements on most of the issues and final agreements should be reached by June, when Serb people as the third constituent people as well as other political parties at B&H will have to engage in this regard. Covic noted that, in terms of amending of the Election Law, HDZ B&H’s primary demands solving the issues of election of the B&H Presidency and the House of Peoples (HoP), together with all technical issues. Covic stated: “As for FB&H issues, the dynamics on how to carry that out will be discussed next week. However, it is necessary to bring up all the open issues, and there are many of them, such as those from the area of media, like the issue of the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), the process of military industry, the ministries and similar, the CC, the Securities Commission, the post of Director of the FB&H Police Administration (FUP), etc.”

Niksic: SDP B&H will not support any solution related to B&H Election Law that will introduce new segregation and new divisions (Nova BH)

SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic stated on Tuesday that SDP B&H will not support any solution related to the B&H Election Law that will introduce new segregation and new divisions and will not implement the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. However, Niksic believes that it is more than necessary to introduce new technologies to the election process in B&H. Commenting on Tuesday's meeting between the leaders of HDZ B&H and SDA, Dragan Covic and Bakir Izetbegovic respectively, Niksic said that "the meeting between SDA and HDZ B&H is one in a series of plays." "I unfortunately belong to the people who look realistically at these relations and I know that this is a relationship which has no end and that it will last," Niksic stressed. Niksic, also said that although he criticized the OHR on many occasions before, he wants to commend the OHR’s recent moves. On the other hand, continued Niksic, “I will never forgive Mister (former Head of EU Delegation to B&H Lars-Gunnar) Wigemark because he played a crucial role in not having ballots for members of the Presidency of B&H recounted in 2018. We are convinced that Denis Becirovic was robbed. Back then he requested from the CEC to declare the (election) results in order to form the authorities as soon as possible”. Niksic also said he believes the European Commission played a negative role in that case and that “in some things about Mostar Mister (incumbent Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann) Sattler tried to obstruct and had a rather negative role. Also, I think that statements about shutting down of the OHR are not correct, they are politicization and even pressure on the OHR”.

International community wants to focus on election legislation reform in 2021 (Nezavisne)

The daily reports that the international community is determined that changes to B&H Election Law must be implemented this year, and to that end, the international community is ready for a stronger engagement in order to motivate local politicians to finally reach compromise on the matter. According to the daily, there are two groups of legislation changes that are necessary – improvement of technical integrity of the voting process through introduction of new technologies, and implementation of the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling and resolving the issue of political representation of the Croat people. This stance represents a change because in the past, the international community was not focused on the issues of the Croat people as much as it was focused on securing the active and passive rights to all citizens and strengthening of the technical integrity of the election process. The OSCE Mission to B&H told the daily that one of the most urgent priorities is the reform of appointment of polling station committees, and the overall priority for OSCE is a comprehensive reform of the election legislation. OSCE warned that the polling station committees are currently appointed only by political parties, which makes it difficult to secure their impartiality and professionalism. According to OSCE, introduction of new technologies could also contribute to better transparency and more accurate counting of ballots. OSCE reminded that reform of the election system is recommended by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and it is highlighted in the Opinion of the European Commission on B&H’s EU membership application. OSCE noted that they are ready to provide support, but the necessary change will depend on B&H political leaders. The daily reminds that last year’s Annual Report of EC on B&H emphasized as well that election legislation reform represents a priority. Former member of B&H Central Election Commission and Vice President of election monitoring coalition ‘Pod lupom’ Vehid Sehic stated that it is possible to solve the matter of political representation of peoples and implement the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling in one move if the ethnic-based provisions are erased from B&H Election Law and Constitution. In his opinion, it is necessary to prescribe that two members of B&H Presidency are elected in the Federation of B&H and one in the RS, whereby each Presidency member must represent a different ethnic group. However, Sehic warned, changes are probably not possible without active pressure of the international community.

Democratization Policy Council advocates ‘sandwich pressure’ strategy in B&H, in which citizens and IC would apply pressure on political elites (Dnevni list)

Democratization Policy Council (DPC) prepared a special report in January about the international community’s new strategy towards B&H. According to authors of the report, namely Kurt Bassuener, Valery Perry, Toby Vogel and Bodo Weber, the IC’s new strategy should finally make sure that B&H moves ahead towards the EU and NATO integration. The report titled ‘But Is There a Strategy? Defining a Transatlantic Consensus to Catalyze Progress in B&H’ concludes, among other issues, that the ‘sandwich pressure’ is one of best solutions – applying pressure on political elites that are not motivated to change the status quo. The strategy advocates stronger presence of NATO and EUFOR in B&H, clear messages to Belgrade and Zagreb that internal developments of B&H should be defined in B&H, strengthening of the OHR in implementation of the Dayton agreement, building of structurally damaged judicial institutions, as well as radical decrease of outside ‘capital infusion’ used by the political elites. Authors of the report argues that within the ‘sandwich pressure’, the civic engagement plays an important, if not the most important role, which would apply pressure on the political elites. According to the report, this ‘sandwich pressure’ is about coordination between the citizens who advocate changes and the international community in order to influence the maneuverability of the fortified elites in B&H. The reports also reads, among other issues, that there is deficit of trust in the EU and the US, and that there needs to be reaffirmation of mandate and presence of EUFOR and NATO, not to reinstate the West’s military role from times immediately after the war, but to have it as a credible back-up solution and preventive measure that takes away potential from political elites in threats of secession or other methods of causing inter-ethnic fears.

Dodik: Serbs were never more aware of their identity (RTRS/MIS TV)

In an interview with the Australian MIS TV, Chairman of the B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik said that Serbs have never been more aware of their identity and this stance is based on joint standpoints of the majority regarding issues of the past, the present and the future. According to Dodik, Serbs are building the strong identity on awareness about the big victim of their predecessors in the World War II which the movie titled ‘Dara iz Jasenovca’ showed as well as on 28,000 Serbs who lost their lives in the recent war in B&H. He added that ethnic-based unity is strengthening also via rejecting attempts to impose collective guilt for wars and awareness of the inviolability of RS.  He argued: “Maybe we would reconcile easier if we had our own state of the RS and if they had their own. We would probably reconcile easier. We are cramped into B&H and there are constant attempts here to secure domination. Serbs do not want domination. They only want the RS and nothing else.”  Dodik said that he is convinced that the RS will be independent and that the RS will have strength to endure all political and economic conditioning in this process. He emphasized that great relations of RS leadership with officials of Serbia led by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic contribute to stability of the RS. In this regard, he reminded of concrete help coming from Vucic like support to local development projects, help during the pandemic and now, with purchase of vaccines. According to Dodik, the RS is the only one stable in B&H and thus, it has the possibility to reject favorable loans of the International Monetary Fund when the arrangements contain political blackmails. Dodik underlined that the RS will not succumb to pressures that Bosniaks announce in relation to the US President Joseph Biden. Dodik stressed that Serbs were always marginalized throughout history in the communist system, as well as by the international community that imposed collective responsibility on them for the events in the 1990s war. He added that this rhetoric originates from Sarajevo. Dodik highlighted that the ancestors of some of those people were members of the SS Handschar Mountain Division who were parts of the fascist formations present in the region. He reminded that the world faced these forces, with great losses and suffering. Dodik said that the Serb people suffered the most during this time.

FB&H HoP delegates Becirovic and Miletic submit proposal of amendments to B&H Criminal Code on banning genocide denial into urgent procedure (FTV)

SDP B&H delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Denis Becirovic and independent delegate Zlatko Miletic submitted into urgent parliamentary procedure the proposal of amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H, according to which genocide denial would be banned. Elaborating on the reason for submitting this proposal of amendments to the Criminal Code into procedure, Becirovic stated that the law banning denial of genocide has never obtained the required entity majority from RS, even though it has always had a general-majority support. “It is time for the entire international community to react. That is a civilizational obligation, because most of the countries of the EU banned denial of holocaust or genocide either through their constitutions or their laws,” the SDP B&H delegate concluded. FTV reported that the law banning genocide denial has never been adopted in B&H due to the lack of political will. According to FTV, all eyes are on HR Valentin Inzko, who is expected and being urged to impose this law. Even though Inzko has said that he already has a prepared draft law banning the denial of genocide, he provided the B&H authorities with another chance to pass this legislative solution.

Cubrilovic: HR’s ultimatum does not contribute to democratization and solving of some issues; Inzko is implementing conclusions of one political party (RTRS)

Commenting on the ultimatum of the HR Valentin Inzko to take back awards given to convicted war criminals, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that this represents “additional mudding of already muddy water at the political scene of the RS and B&H and not contribution to democratization and solving of some issues.” Cubrilovic stated that there should be first some talks at the level of offices for legal affairs of the RS parliament and the HR and not sending of the letter and after that, constantly commenting it in media which in his opinion is what Inzko is doing. According to Cubrilovic, they get the impression that Inzko is implementing conclusions of one political party adopted at their meetings and congresses and that he is only trying to be at service of one political option from one people, not being interested in the final solution and stability of B&H. Asked to comment on a law that would ban denial of genocide, Cubrilovic stated that this would deprive historians of the possibility to deal with science, to research and to prove some things.

Eight FB&H parties address foreign embassies and seek urgent meetings on Srebrenica (Hayat)

Eight parties from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) sent a request to foreign embassies in B&H asking for an urgent meeting on the current situation in Srebrenica. Parties in question are: SDA, DF, SBB B&H, SBiH, PDA, NiP, NS and SDP. They are asking for meeting with respective Ambassadors of USA, Germany, Italy, UK and France, as well as representatives of EU Delegation to B&H and OSCE. They asked the foreign embassies to schedule a meeting on February 25 to discuss this matter. It was said that the situation was created after a “justified boycott of elections”. Political parties that supported the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ and the joint candidate for the Head of Srebrenica Municipality Alija Tabakovic are determined to continue the fight for achievement of full equality of all citizens and their right for return. They are determined in their decision to resolutely oppose any type of discrimination and segregation. Tabakovic said that the Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ is waiting for a decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H regarding the Initiative’s motion about repeated elections in Srebrenica so they could continue the legal battle for Bosniaks in Srebrenica. Tabakovic also noted that candidates from the list of candidates of the Initiative will follow earlier decisions on not accepting mandates in the Municipal Assembly of Srebrenica.

Stromquist: Progress in area of rule of law is crucial for B&H (Fena)

Swedish Ambassador to B&H Johanna Stromquist stated in an interview for Fena news agency that in order for B&H to be able to accelerate reforms and become an EU candidate country, there needs to be political dedication and efforts that need to be invested by responsible politicians. Ambassador Stromquist reminded that back in May of 2019, the European Commission (EC) gave a clear road map and stressed 14 crucial priorities in which B%H needs should make considerable progress in order to get the status of an EU candidate. The Ambassador further said that certain progress has been achieved in some of 14 priorities, however in most areas there has been little or no progress. In this context Ambassador Stromquist stated the EC has said that almost no progress has been achieved in the key area of rule of law, although the EU and the EU Member States are prepared to provide support. The Ambassador announced that Sweden will continue to work with people who want to make positive changes through reforms that benefit the citizens. Ambassador Stromquist said that progress in area of rule of law in crucial, especially the ability of the judiciary to fight corruption and organized crime, arguing that holders of positions in the judiciary must advocate impartial and independent judiciary.

Judge Blagojevic responds to Inzko: HR does not have mandate to impose laws (Glas Srpske)

Judge of the Banja Luka District Court responds to the statements of High Representative Valentin Inzko made in the interview for Face TV on February 22, 2021. Namely, Inzko said that Blagojevic refused to implement the law on temporary ban of use of state property in Bosnia And Herzegovina (B&H) in the case ‘City of Banja Luka vs. The RS Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs’ with explanation that the High Representative (HR) has no right to take over competences of executive authorities and impose laws. According to Inzko, Blagojevic is not authorized to interpret the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) while the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) already discussed this issue a long time ago and ruled that the HR actually does have the right to impose laws. Inzko also said that Blagojevic should suffer consequences for his decisions. Blagojevic argues that the rights of the HR are regulated by the Annex 10 of DPA which does not stipulate that the HR has the right to impose any laws in B&H. Also, no resolution of the UN Security Council gives Inzko the mandate to impose laws or pass legal acts. Blagojevic further argues that the Peace Implementation Council was not authorized by the UN or any other relevant international body to give Inzko the mandate to pass laws in B&H, and the very existence of the Peace Implementation Council is not prescribed by any international agreement including DPA. According to him, OHR is straight up lying by claiming that the HR has powers which he does not have. Therefore, Blagojevic explains, he cannot and will not implement any law imposed by the HR is his courtroom. “Therefore, I call on Mr. Inzko to keep his promise and realize his recent threat against me. Mr. Inzko, you remove me, and do not work behind the scene to ask the local authorities to do so. Be transparent and have the guts to do it yourself, because I will never succumb to the legal violence of yourself and your predecessors, neither as a man nor as a judge. It does not matter that I am going to lose my job, because what is the position of judge and the money worth to me if I lose my professional integrity and honor,” Blagojevic concluded.


Mickoski calls on Zaev to resign after his latest rule of law disaster (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to resign after the former state security chief Saso Mijalkov escaped a house arrest order prior to his sentencing. “Zaev it is enough. Resign, stop humiliating yourself any more,” Mickoski said.

When asked by the press, Zaev did not commit to his own accountability or that of top Government officials over the escape, and asked that an investigation is conducted first. This fed the flames of reports that Mijalkov was allowed to flee the country, given his support for the Zaev regime – in providing votes in parliament for the imposed name change, and in trying to create factions in VMRO-DPMNE.

Zaev disappointed in LDP for leaving his group in parliament, but claims that the government will survive (Republika)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expressed his disappointment in the Liberal Democratic Party, which decided to leave the joint group in parliament. LDP insists that it will still support Zaev’s government, which badly needs the two LDP votes in parliament, but Zaev protested that the decision comes at a time when VMRO-DPMNE is working to overturn his government by courting defections. LDP has the right to decide about its own actions in parliament. We communicated with them yesterday through our SDSM Secretary General and told them that what they are dong is a blow for SDSM. They could’ve waited two weeks. Not now. This is harming our coalition, Zaev said, noting that next month he faces a vote of no confidence in two of his key ministers – Ljupco Nikolovski and Bojan Maricic, over the persistent failures of the government in the rule of law. Still, Zaev insisted that he will have the 61 votes needed to convene sessions of parliament and that he will protect Maricic and Nikolovski. He added that the BESA party, which holds four seats in parliament, also wants to leave the coalition group in parliament and form its own group.