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Belgrade Media Report 2 March


Vucic in Sarajevo: Together we are a force (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Sarajevo on Tuesday a Serbian donation of 5,000 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was about mutual trust rather than about just vaccines, and added that the entire region should speak in one voice to become stronger, more powerful and able to move forward at a faster pace. Vucic said at a press conference, after a meeting with members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that he is very glad that Serbia helped that country and that this donation is more than vaccines – a matter of mutual trust. He stated that at the meeting with the members of the B&H Presidency, he proposed that a large summit be held in Belgrade, which would gather all levels of government, but also businessmen from both countries. Today, when we all expected help from those who are much more powerful, we rely on each other. We in Serbia cannot be satisfied if the people in Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Banja Luka are not happy, we understand that well, Vucic underlined. When it comes to objections to the vaccine, he said that Serbia will send whatever vaccine Bosnia and Herzegovina asks for, adding that the vaccine of the company AstraZeneca is excellent. Speaking about the economic relations between the two countries, Vucic noted that the trade exchange between Serbia and B&H in 2019 stood at €1.959 billion and added that it will be lower by approximately 10% in 2020 due to the pandemic, but that this year it will amount to more than €2 billion. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the relations between the two countries are good, but that there are a lot of open issues that were discussed today. He stated that the exchange of goods works well, but that its volume can be much larger. Dodik expressed gratitude to Vucic for his support in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, recalling that thanks to the Serbian leadership, medical workers from the Republika Srpska (RS) were vaccinated in Serbia, and a consignment of vaccines was donated to the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic expressed gratitude to Serbia for the solidarity it demonstrated with the donation of vaccines, especially in the current circumstances of B&H as a state with undefined relations with the COVAX program and procurement of vaccines. Komsic expressed hope that this meeting will mean a new shift in relations between B&H and Serbia. Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic expressed gratitude to Serbia and President Vucic for their solidarity and added that in a situation when global multilateral mechanisms for the procurement of vaccines proved to be ineffective, Vucic made an offer that B&H accepted. According to him, solidarity, respect, appreciation, resolving open issues through agreement and applying international law where agreement is not possible, are the principles on which we want to build our relations. Dzaferovic added that he supported Aleksandar Vucic’s proposal to hold a large economic forum of Serbia and B&H in Belgrade. Noting that today’s meeting is much more than the delivery of a donation, he pointed out that people from Serbia and B&H are migrating to countries which have better organized systems and that it is therefore high time to intensify dialogue. There has been enough of tensions and futile discussions. Bosnia is a country with territorial integrity and we will build it in the interest of all its citizens and peoples, Dzeferovic concluded.

Brnabic: Gratitude to Cyprus for continued support to Serbia’s sovereignty and territorialintegrity (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke today on the phone with Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia Demetrios Theophylactou about the continuation and improvement of political and economic cooperation, especially in the fields of education and scientific research. Brnabic expressed gratitude to the Ambassador of Cyprus on the acceleration of the process of European integration, in particular when it comes to the opening of chapters in the negotiation process. She added that the continued support of Cyprus to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia is of exceptional importance and highlighted the support of Cyprus to Belgrade’s efforts to restore dialogue with Pristina. Speaking about the economic and investment cooperation, she underlined that there is room from improvement and that Cyprus can count on full support of the Serbian government on that matter. Theophylactou thanked Brnabic for attaching great importance to relations with the Republic of Cyprus, and when it comes to economic cooperation he highlighted the field of information technologies, noting that Serbia is recording marked results in that area. A third joint session of the governments of the two countries should be held this year in Belgrade, it was said at the meeting.

Working group on further steps for improving election process (Tanjug/RTV

The Serbian government announced that members of the Working Group for Cooperation with the OSCE and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of recommendations for improving the election process held a second session today. Representatives of the non-governmental sector dealing with the election process were also present. The draft report on measures to be taken to improve the election process was discussed at the meeting. The issues of election administration and organization of the voter list were discussed, as well as the issue of media work during the election campaign and the issues of election campaign financing and misuse of public resources. The members of the Working Group were presented with the proposals and recommendations related to all segments of the election process, on the basis of which further steps will be taken that will contribute to the improvement of the election process.

Minority parties asking to be included in talks under EU auspices (Beta

Six parties representing national minorities in Serbia on1 March asked Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic that they be included in the negotiations under the auspices of the European Parliament on the improvement of election conditions. The Bosniak Civic Party, Party of Montenegrins, Vlach People’s Party, Russian Party, United Party of Roma, and the Ruthenian Democratic Party said that they had answered the call, keeping in mind that the Serbian parliament speaker, after a video meeting with representatives of the European Parliament, invited all the political parties which wanted to partake in the inter-party dialogue, to propose representatives and dialogue platforms to the parliament. “In the inter-party dialogue, that group of minorities' political parties will be represented by their presidents,” reads a statement, adding that the parties had handed over their proposal to the parliament’s Registry Office. Furthermore, the parties’ proposal for improving election conditions calls for the reduction of the number of notarized statements of voters who support a minority ticket to 1,000 or no more than 3,000, instead of the 10,000 envisaged by current regulations.



Vucic talks to Avaz announcing his Tuesday’s visit to B&H and calling for regional cooperation (Dnevni avaz


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic confirmed to the daily that he will pay a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday and deliver 10,000 dosages of ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccines. He stated that he will only visit the Sarajevo International Airport, where he will meet the hosts- members of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic- to deliver the vaccines. In this regard, Vucic conveyed a message to people in B&H, stating that “we have to take care of each other much more” stating that together we can achieve a lot “and not to constantly quarrel and bicker allowing other to manage over us”. Underlining the importance of cooperation in the region, Vucic said: “Because when we are together, when we work for wellbeing of all of us and all our people, then we are invincible and much stronger then we are today”. He underlined that he is not referring to creating of “great Yugoslavia or something else”, but simply underlines importance of regional cooperation and importance of having neighbors turning towards each other. Addressing Serbia’s helping countries in the region with vaccines, Vucic underlined that it is important to have people understand that “it cannot be good for us if it is not for you and vice versa”. Vucic underlined that his message for everyone in the region, most notably the common people not the politicians, is that everything can be done if we in the region work together. He noted that Serbia worked hard to have the highest economy growth rate in Europe and to be at the top of countries in the number of vaccinated citizens, but he underlined: “We are not rich and we will never be rich and successful, even though our salaries grew fast, unless our neighbors and our friends move the same pace we do or faster than we do”. He underlined once again that countries and people in the region have to turn towards each other. “I have no other intentions. For half an hour or an hour, I will talk to my hosts, thank them for hospitality and that is that”, said Vucic. Vucic stressed that he is only saying what everyone else is thinking, “but nobody wants to say it”. “When we work together and reach decisions together about our future, when we look how to help one another, nobody can touch us and we will be much more successful,” ends Vucic.


B&H Independence Day marked in FB&H; Komsic, Dzaferovic and Izetbegovic believe that time will come when Independence Day will be marked in the whole country (O kanal


The B&H Independence Day was marked in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) on Monday with a number of events but there was no official reception in the building of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic and a delegation of the Sarajevo Canton (SC) visited several memorials in Sarajevo, laid flowers and honored B&H citizens killed during the war in B&H. On the occasion of the B&H Independence Day, the National Theatre in Sarajevo hosted an academy on Monday evening. Dzaferovic said: “March 1 is the state holiday, the Independence Day, based on the current status and the CC assessed that, clearly establishing what the status both of November 25 (Statehood Day) and March 1 (Independence Day) are. Those retrograde policies simply need to leave the political scene.” Komsic stated that there is a difficult battle to preserve a multiethnic B&H and to lead it towards NATO and the EU is underway, even though it is not carried out through war means. Dzaferovic and Komsic issued a statement on the occasion of B&H Independence Day and said that 1 March 1992 was the day when the right choice was made and B&H has chosen the only possible direction, the direction of independence. Chairman of the B&H House of People Bakir Izetbegovic stated: “This is what we fought for. To rule our own fate, to decide for ourselves, to be free people. This is what blood was spilled for and why lives were lost and that must not be forgotten”. Izetbegovic added that the time will do what politicians cannot and that the time will come when all citizens will love B&H. Komsic and Dzaferovic also stated that they believe that one day the Independence Day will be marked in the whole country. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic congratulated on his Twitter account the B&H Independence Day on Monday. He wrote that the holiday reminds us of the beginnings of free B&H as a homeland of the three equal, constituent peoples, built in line with needs of all of its citizens. Covic added that they continue to cherish values that represent the basis of B&H which are dedicated to peace, progress and the Euro-Atlantic path.

March 1 is not and will not be holiday in the RS (BHT1


March 1 is a regular day in Republika Srpska (RS) unlike in the Federation of B&H where it is celebrated as a holiday, stated the reporter. The have said they do not see this as a holiday to celebrate. Serb member and Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that March 1 is not and will not be a holiday in the RS. Dodik reminded that March 1 in 1992 was the day the first shot was fired in B&H and a Serb wedding guest was killed and a priest was injured in Bascarsija. The Constitutional Court of B&H has rejected the appeal of a number of RS MPs in 2017 on the issue of constitutionality of 1 March as the Independence Day, reminded the reporter. Dodik said that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H will not be implemented because it does not take into account Serb stances and only adopts decision that are exclusively in the interest of Bosniaks. Dodik believes that March 1 for the RS and its citizens represents the day of killing and persecution. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated: “March 1 is not a holiday for the RS. As you can see, we are working. We even have a good reason for celebration in the RS, which is that we have received 20,000 of doses of the vaccine (against COVID-19). This is a greater reason for celebration for us than 1 March. As for the 1 March, for the RS and its citizens, this is a day of suffering and persecution”. Viskovic reminded that a priest and a Serb wedding guest were killed on 1 March in Bascarsija. “We cannot celebrate the killing of our people,” pointed out Viskovic. President of RS Zeljka Cvijanovic also said that 1 March is not a holiday in the RS, because according to Cvijanovic, it is associated with the beginning of killings in B&H as well as an illegitimate referendum which was held despite the opposition of Serb people. Cvijanovic raised the question how March 1 can be a holiday when a civil war and tragic conflict of B&H peoples started only a month after it. Both the ruling majority and the opposition agree that March 1 should not be celebrated. Vice President of SDS Milan Radovic said that imposing the decision on holidays is out of question. RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic reacted to the statement of RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic that 1 March should be celebrated in every city in the RS. Cubrilovic said that Salkic’s statement adds fuel to the fire.

Foreign Embassies and officials congratulate B&H Independence Day (Dnevni avaz


The daily comments that several embassies to B&H congratulated B&H Independence Day. The US Embassy to B&H once again underlined they support sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H: “Happy Independence Day to B&H! We remain dedicated to firm partnership and friendship with B&H and its citizens, providing of support to its sovereignty and territorial integrity and we are looking forwards to strengthening of relations between our countries in the years to come”. UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field published a picture of drawn B&H flag on his twitter account along with message: “Happy Independence Day!”. Italian Embassy to B&H also tweeted their message in local and Italian language: “Happy Independence Day to B&H”. Turkish Embassy to B&H also congratulated: “With sincere wishes we are marking the 29th anniversary of independence of friendly and brotherly B&H”. Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Johann Sattler also congratulated: “B&H is a marvelous country. This year we are working together to make it more functional. I wish all the best to the citizens and happy Independence Day from beautiful Umoljani”. US General and former Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo (period 2012- 2013), Walt Lord congratulated Independence Day on his twitter: “Best wishes for a joyous Independence Day to my Bosnian family and dear friends and comrades from my other favorite country, B&H!” The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia sent congratulations note on the occasion of the Independence Day of B&H on Monday: “We congratulate the Independence Day to neighboring and friendly B&H – the homeland of the three constituent peoples with equal rights: Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats and other citizens”.

Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center publishes ‘Genocide Papers’ to show process of creation of Serb state in B&H that resulted in genocide; Reactions (N1


The Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center published the document entitled ‘Genocide Papers’, which is a collection of transcripts from sessions of the Assembly of Serb People in B&H. This refers to a research project, aimed towards showing the process of creation of “a Serb state in B&H” that turned this area into the scene of the most serious war crimes since World War II. The platform ‘Genocide Papers’ will be made available online in the coming period, and it is planned to be expanded through new transcripts, decisions and documents of different institutions connected to planning and organizing the war crimes in B&H in the period 1992-1995. According to some of the transcripts, SDS’ representative in the Assembly of Serb People in B&H Vojislav Maksimovic stated at a session in February 1992: “Here we are creating a Serb state on Serb land and we have the right to a Serb anthem, to our flag and to our main and only symbol which is the cross with the four letters S.” The papers also show a transcript from a session where first Republika Srpska (RS) President Radovan Karadzic and first Speaker of the Assembly of Serb People Momcilo Krajisnik presented their wartime goals and a conclusion made by wartime RS Army Main Staff Commander Ratko Mladic. In the transcript, Mladic was showed as noting that moving people from one place to another when cleansing an area only to enable the Serbs to stay there “is genocide”. Mladic also suggested that the Serbs should not go into a war unless attacked, as well as that the war should not be against the Muslims and Croats but rather against “those who lead those peoples and who have been turning them against us”.

On 11 July 1995, the fall of Srebrenica took place, and this was marked as “the peak” of the genocidal operation. In October 1995, Karadzic confirmed his main command role in the committed genocide where, according to this document, he said: “I, as the supreme commander, stand behind the plan for Zepa and Srebrenica, for Srebrenica mainly but this implies Zepa, too. Ladies and gentlemen, we would lose the war if there was Zepa with 90,000 armed men. We would lose the war. I personally supervised the plan, without the knowledge of the General-Staff, but I did not hide that from them.” The quote ends with Karadzic saying he does not regret what he did. In a statement to N1, spokesperson of the Memorial Center Almasa Salihovic confirmed that these documents were public before, but they were not available due to which the center designed a tool with the aim of further investigation of the history of genocide and crime in B&H. “We are open for every form of cooperation with researchers, all individuals, groups and organizations interested in using these materials in order to raise awareness about the content and activities of the so-called RS parliament in the period 1991-1996”, she stressed. Executive Director of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) Denis Dzidic told N1 that he considers that this project is very significant as it provides insight into the materials that could serve for further, thorough analyses.

Komsic: Nothing will be the same after publishing of ‘Genocide Papers’; Komsic and Dzaferovic welcome publishing of ‘Genocide Papers’ (N1


The Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center published the document entitled ‘Genocide Papers’, which is a collection of transcripts from sessions of the Assembly of Serb People in B&H. The papers sparked a series of reactions. Commenting on the document, Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that nothing will be the same after ‘Genocide Papers’ was published. Komsic stated: “Starting from the statement of Ratko Mladic in which he clearly qualifies the plan of political leadership of RS as a genocide and ultimately the full support to genocidal operations in Srebrenica and Zepa, this all indicates that the Assembly of Serb People was one of the means of committing genocide and of shaping the hate speech towards non-Serbs.” Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said on Monday that he was not at all surprised by the published documents ‘Genocide Papers’. “It is completely clear that both the military and political leadership of the then so-called RS planned and carried out the genocide,” Dzaferovic said. Komsic described the RS parliament as a criminal organization and a tool for genocide and added that he expects the international community to impose the law banning genocide, secure a special status for Srebrenica and ban those who participated in adoption of decisions on violation of human rights from holding public offices.

Dodik: Komsic uses ‘Genocide Papers’ to go forward with his political agenda as reserve Bosniak member of Presidency (ATV

ATV reminds that Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic invokes the international community and insists on the law banning the genocide denial, “for which he used the papers of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center this time”. However, RS officials reply by saying that this will not be accepted, the same as the story about 1 March. They called on Komsic to find at least one transcript from wartime sessions of the Assembly of the Serb People in B6H in which any kind of activity against non-Serb population was mentioned or planned. Serb member of B&H Presidency and B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik said on Monday that 1 March 1992 was actually the first shot at B&H and everything that followed afterwards was a consequence of the fact that there was an attempt to deprive of rights one of the three peoples with equal rights in B&H. According to Dodik, by insisting on marking March 1 as the Independence Day of B&H, Bosniaks continue the operation they launched in 1992, which is aimed at persecution and depriving the Serb people in B&H of their rights. He stressed that March 1 will never be marked as a holiday in the RS. He added that Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic takes this same path and threatens with wartime transcripts of the Assembly of the Serb People in B&H, and he wants to impose the law on banning the genocide denial and Srebrenica’s special status. “Papers of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center have served Komsic for bringing his political agenda in the focus as the reserved Bosniak member of B&H Presidency, in which he identifies Serbs with Nazis, imposes collective guilt for individual crimes on them, requests amending the Constitution of B&H regarding Srebrenica and even denies our right to speak,” Dodik stated.


Djukanovic: We’re witnessing increased hate speech, national and ethnic intolerance (CdM

Montenegro won’t and mustn’t allow discrimination to be the subject of systemic silence, ideological and political abuse and remain without an adequate response, says Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on the occasion of the Day of Zero Tolerance. He points out that the Day of Zero Tolerance for Discrimination reminds us of unity in protection against discrimination and promotion of the right of every individual to live with dignity, regardless of any personal characteristics or beliefs.

Radulovic elects seven new ambassadors (Dan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has started with the procedure of appointing ambassadors in countries from which it recalled chiefs of diplomatic missions, the ministry run by Minister Djordje Radulovic told Dan daily. However, they still can’t reveal the names of future diplomats. “In line with the diplomatic practice, the names of candidates for ambassadors can’t be revealed until they get agreements, that is, the agreement of a host country that they can perform affairs,” the ministry stated. Replacement of ambassadors who were part or close with Milo Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, was one of the first decisions of the new government, which was set up in early December 2020 – three months after the parliamentary elections held on 30 August 2020.


Borrell: Still no date for intergovernmental conference (Tirana Times

Immediately after the 11th meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council between the EU and Albania, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission Borrell, Prime Minister Rama and the Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Varhelyi, held a joint conference where they discussed about the Council meeting and other issues. The first to open the conference was Borrell, who acknowledged that there is still no date regarding the intergovernmental conference. “There is not yet a date for the intergovernmental conference. We have expressed our wish that this conference could take place as soon as possible. Some Member States believe that more needs to be done before this conference can take place,” said Borrell, adding that he was confident that the conference will be organized “very soon”. Focusing on the next parliamentary elections, Borrell repeated the calls made previously in Albania also by the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson for integrity in the candidate lists. “We are in the context of upcoming parliamentary elections, and in this context, we stressed the need for all to ensure that candidate lists are comprised of people with integrity,” said Borrell, asking for a constructive political dialogue between all the political parties in Albania. During his speech, Borrell focused also on the work of the 11th meeting of the SA Council between the EU and Albania, commending Albania for “its determination to advance with the reform agenda and for the results achieved so far – in particular in the area of the rule of law.” Regarding the issue of vote-buying in the elections, Borrell said that Rama was encouraged to implement the recommendations of the OSCE-ODIHR and the Venice Commission. After Borrell came the turn of Prime Minister Rama to deliver his speech, who took the opportunity to repeat that Albania has met the conditions for the first IGC. “The most important thing for us is that we have done our job and we are always very attentive to listen to the Commission,” said Rama. The Prime Minister repeated also his criticism against the EU for not providing vaccines to the Western Balkans. As for the issue of vote-buying, Rama confirmed that for the moment there are 20 persons that are being followed by the Prosecution and are under process. Meanwhile, the EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Varhelyi declared that Albania has met the criteria for 1st Intergovernmental Conference.  “Today we have been able to see that Albania is delivering on its promises and delivering on the criteria to be able to start the 1st Intergovernmental Conference. Everything is met for the 1st IGC,” said the Commissioner. Focusing on the pandemic crisis, Varhelyi repeated that the European Union has helped the Western Balkans and Albania since the beginning of the spread of COVID-19, and will continue to do so, by helping in providing vaccines through COVAX and other means.

Mazi: EU made it clear that conditions have been met, holding of intergovernmental conference a priority (Radio Tirana

Albania's chief negotiator in Brussels for integration Zef Mazi said that the EU representatives, Borrel and Varhelyi praised Albania's progress in all areas, while emphasizing that all conditions have been met for holding the first intergovernmental conference. "The 11th meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council, the highest meeting between Albania and the EU was held today. With all the analysis that were made today, it was communicated with clarity that Albania has made progress in all areas, both political and reform in justice, economy, agriculture, social field, etc. EU representatives at the meeting praised Albania and encouraged the continuation of reforms. The EU prioritizes Albania's integration and the decision is expected to be taken soon for the first intergovernmental conference, which encourages Albania's progress. Member states will meet in March and the EU will meet and make a decision. Albania will continue the reforms by following the normal conduct of the elections based on the recommendations of the OSCE-ODIHR, so far everything is going normally, said the EU representatives. Conditions and requirements have been met. Progress has been made in all areas where assessments are included in a 17-page report and the EU encourages Albania to continue with this progress and continue on the path of reform. The EU, as it stated today, is aiming day and night to provide vaccinations for the Western Balkans as well. COVAX is expected to come to our country this week," said Mazi.

EP President after meeting with Rama: Albania is implementing key reforms; first intergovernmental conference should be held (Radio Tirana

The President of the European Parliament David Sassoli after the meeting with the Prime Minister Edi Rama has made a reaction on twitter. The senior EU official emphasizes that Albania is implementing key reforms for integration into the European Union, so according to him, the EP supports setting a date for the first intergovernmental conference. "Excellent meeting with the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama. Albania is implementing key reforms on the road to EU integration. I therefore expressed the EP's support for setting a date for the first intergovernmental conference. The EU is also ready to assist in the fight against Covid-19," he said.

DP and LSI sign post-election coalition agreement (Tirana Times

As it was previously announced, the two biggest opposition parties, the Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI), signed today the Post-Election Coalition Agreement, under the slogan “Albania, the home that wins.”  The agreement, which was signed by the leader of the DP Lulzim Basha and the leader of LSI Monika Kryemadhi, will work as a basis for the joint government that will be formed after the 25 April parliamentary elections, if the opposition will win the elections. The parties have identified through the agreement all the next priorities of the new coalition, where the main issue will be the recovery of the country from the “severe economic crisis caused by the clientelist government, which collaborates with the oligarchy and crime.” From the list of 13 priorities mentioned in the agreement, the second priority will be that of “fulfilling all the necessary conditions for the opening of accession talks with the European Union.” Other key challenges that the coalition will address will be also the restoration of the rule of law, the curbing of the mass depopulation, the creation of a well-paid labor market, the creation of better working and education opportunities for the youth, the representation of women in decision-making, and the war against organized crime. The post-earthquake reconstruction program will also be in the focus of the post-election coalition, where they pledge for a fast and non-corruptive process. In the list of the priorities is also the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, which will be addressed by the parties through the implementation of a health-social plan, that will limit the spread of the virus. Part of the health-social plan will be the realization of tests, the reimbursement of expenses for the patients who are treated in their homes, and the massive vaccination of the population. The three final priorities of the agreement include the development of culture and sports, the protection of the cultural heritage of Albania, and the property restitution to religious communities. While LSI will enter the race through a separate list, in order to maximize the votes of the opposition, the Democratic Party will enter the race alongside the Republican Party, the Party for Justice and Unity, the Agrarian Environmentalist Party, the Unity for Human Rights Party, the Democratic Renewal Party (LZHK), the Demochristian Party, and the New Democratic Spirit.