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Belgrade Media Report 3 March


Brnabic: Serbia expects clearer guidelines in new EU methodology (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Tuesday via video link with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi about the application of the new methodology in the process of Serbia's accession to the EU. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia has made significant progress in the past period, especially in the area of ​​rule of law, media freedom and protection of journalists and the economic sphere, assessing that the dynamics of accession negotiations should be harmonized with our reform efforts. Serbia has accepted the new methodology, believing that it will enable a more concrete and favorable way of conducting negotiations with European officials, Brnabic said, emphasizing that Serbia expects to receive clearer guidelines and modalities of its application. Varhelyi welcomed the reforms in the area of ​​the rule of law, saying that they remain at the top of the European Union's priorities in the process of pre-accession negotiations with Serbia. The meeting was also attended by Serbian Minister for EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic.


Patriarch Porfirije: Kosovo is not only a geopolitical issue for us but also an identity issue (RTS)  

It will be my job to present on behalf of all what is for the good and what is for the benefit of our people, our church, and if you like, our country, but also all members of our church who are around the globe, said Serbian Patriarch Porfirije in an exclusive interview for Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). Speaking about Kosovo and Metohija, Patriarch Porfirije stated that at this moment, physically, our state is not present there in the full sense of the word, but that “Kosovo is essentially part of Serbia”. “The referendum in Kosovo was held in 1389 on Vidovdan and Kosovo is simply for us, not only the cradle of our people, it is also the ark full of the relics of the saints. Kosovo is not just a geopolitical issue for us, but it is really a topic of our identity for us. I am absolutely sure that, regardless of the real-political circumstances that are not in the least favorable to our people, our state is doing everything through diplomatic and strategic methods in order, above all, to preserve peace and to do as much as possible for the good of our people,” said the Patriarch. He added that he thinks that no one in a patriotic mood can think that Kosovo is not part of Serbia. “For six centuries, Kosovo has been a prayer story, a prayer topic for us Serbs, and after six centuries, we have remained in Kosovo and Kosovo has remained within Serbia. Therefore, to talk about living together, yes, but beyond that and outside that, as far as the church is concerned, it would be a renunciation of our being,” Patriarch Porfirije stressed. He reminded that he became a monk in Kosovo, in Decani. “My first bishop was the blessed Patriarch Pavle, and he said that prayer is the strongest weapon against evil, and he added that if God is with us, then no one can do anything to us. I believe that God is with us, because when it comes to Kosovo, the truth is on our side completely,” said the Patriarch.

Germany honestly supports Western Balkans’ European perspective (Beta/N1

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Tuesday, a day before his Serbia’s counterpart Nikola Selakovic’s visit to Berlin, that united Europe did not end at the European Union's external borders. He added the continent’s strategic sovereignty was unthinkable without close ties with the Western Balkans. “Germany is honest regarding the Western Balkans’ EU perspective,” the German Foreign Ministry statement said, adding, that’s the reason why that road, based on reforms, should be supported. Maas will have meetings with Selakovic, Albanian and B&H foreign ministers Olta Xhaçka and Bisera Turkovic, respectively, while foreign affairs State Secretary Michael Roth will pay a return visit to Podgorica after Montenegro’s Foreign Minister Djordje Radulovic was in Berlin earlier this year. The statement recalled the existence of the ‘Berlin Process’ format’ which aimed to bring the Western Balkans and the EU closer together. “Germany’s promise, our promise is there: the future of the Western Balkans is in the EU. Germany is and will remain a close partner of all Western Balkans’ countries… That and other main issues will be discussed in Maas’ and Roth’s meetings in the next two weeks,” the Ministry’s statement added.

Selakovic: German support important for Serbia (RTS/Beta/Süddeutsche Zeitung

In an interview to Süddeutsche Zeitung on the eve of his visit to Germany, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic announced that he would use the opportunity to convey to his German counterpart Heiko Mass what Serbia had achieved and that this would be unthinkable without German support, and that our country was ready to continue this cooperation, as well as political dialogue with Berlin. When it comes to the normalization of relations with Pristina, Selakovic pointed out that Belgrade has taken many steps, implemented all obligations from the Brussels agreement from 2013, and is still waiting for Pristina to implement its obligation - the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. “We support the role of EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak. Honestly, we believe that the only solution to such an issue can only be a compromise. And a sustainable compromise cannot consist in one side giving everything and the other nothing,” Selakovic said. Asked whether such a compromise includes recognizing Kosovo as a sovereign state, Selakovic replied with the question: “What is a compromise then?” “I do not see a compromise in such a framework. I know that Berlin considers Kosovo a sovereign state. But Belgrade does not have such a position. Neither do Madrid, Athens, Bratislava, Nicosia and Bucharest. We must find a solution that is sustainable and acceptable,” he said.

Djilas: Inter-party dialogue last chance, if fails protests follow (Newsmax Adria

Dragan Djilas, the leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), said late on Tuesday that the country's inter-party dialogue under the European Parliament (EP) auspices were the last chance to have free elections and end the political crisis peacefully. “If that doesn’t happen, we will face an outcome which cannot be good – street protests,” Djilas told Newsmax Adria. According to him, without successful negotiations, there are no elections, and the opposition cannot participate in them. “If people cannot express free will and if they are under pressure, there is no election and no need for us to take part,” Djilas said. He said he expected MEPs would help reach an agreement on the opposition’s minimum conditions to join the political race. “I don’t think the conditions will be ideal, but I do expect RTS to become a public broadcaster which will allow everyone to express an opinion, to be a corrective factor in the society,” Djilas said. He added the opposition expected the inter-party dialogue would find a way to prevent the collection of the so-called capillary votes (each member of President Aleksandar Vucic’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party, SNS, must secure a certain number of votes), i.e. safe votes from public companies. “If those two conditions are met, Vucic has no chance to win the elections,” Djilas said. He believes the opposition should focus on securing fair elections’ conditions and then talk about taking part in the race.

Serbia’s opposition to unite in preparing for election control (N1

Eleven opposition parties and movements in Serbia said there were about to form a joint body to deal with preparations for controlling the forthcoming elections in 2022, the '1 in 5 million' organization’s statement said on Wednesday. It added that was agreed in the meeting of opposition organizations that drafted the Platform about Elections’ Conditions ahead of the inter-party dialogue in the country’s parliament mediated by the European Parliament (EP) members. The statement said it was concluded that the control of the election process was the critical tool in defending the people’s will and demanded the opposition’s united work. Otherwise, it added, it would show it did not learn anything from ‘previous vote stealing’ and that their squabbling could be playing with the voters’ will once again. “The preparation for the control of elections must start immediately and in a joint effort,” the statement added. It said that „unfortunately, some parties did not answer our call for a joint work, and that’s why the opposition would enter the dialogue with several platforms. Those 11 organizations also agreed to submit the Platform to the parliament speaker by the end of the week. Presidential and Belgrade elections are due in spring 2022, but as President Aleksandar Vucic has said the country might hold an early general vote at the same time. The group of MEPs will mediate the inter-party dialogue aiming to improve the election conditions and avoid another opposition boycott.



Vucic visits Sarajevo, hands over 10,000 doses of ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccine against COVID-19 to B&H Presidency members (RTRS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday to deliver the donation of 10,000 ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccines for the Federation of B&H (B&H). He was welcomed by the B&H Presidency members. Vucic and the B&H Presidency held a meeting on Tuesday during which they discussed the organization of an economic summit between Serbia and B&H which will take place in Belgrade during the summer. The vaccines delivered by Vucic will be used for the immunization of medical workers in the FB&H, mostly the ones working in COVID-clinics. Vucic said that he is happy that with this donation lives will be saved, which is a big and important thing. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik thanked Vucic for the donation, reminding that with the help of Serbia 3,500 medical workers from Republika Srpska (RS) have been vaccinated already. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic expressed gratitude to Vucic and Serbia and said the donation will be worth it if it saves one life only. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that it is time to relax the relations between countries and to intensify the dialogue between Serbia and B&H. He stressed that people are leaving because of futile conflicts. Vucic stressed that the donation is intended for the FB&H and that Serbia is ready to donate new doses of vaccines to B&H citizens in the future. He said that the FB&H should decide alone how to organize the vaccination process and that he will be happy that the donated vaccines will save lives, which is an important thing. He noted that his visit to B&H is not just a matter of vaccines but also a matter of mutual trust between B&H and Serbia. Dzaferovic thanked Vucic for the solidarity towards B&H now that global mechanisms for the procurement of vaccines have failed. The two countries’ officials also reached an agreement to hold the B&H-Serbia summit in Belgrade in the next two or three months. Komsic characterized the meeting as useful, while Dzaferovic said that there are many open issues like the relation towards the past, the issue of the state border, property etc. adding that they must begin dialogue. Vucic stressed that Tuesday's donation is more of a reason not to talk behind each other's backs. "Not to live for gossiping about each other before European or world officials. Not to speak the worst about each other behind closed doors or behind each other's backs because we need each other the most, because we live with each other and next to each other and because we have no one closer," Vucic underlined. Dodik stressed that vaccines intended for the FB&H prove how much Serbia is helping in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. "Of course, Serbia could have used them (vaccines) for its citizens. But, precisely the attitude of Serbia that can be seen in regard to Macedonia, Montenegro and B&H as a whole definitely in the best possible way speaks of the policies pursued in Serbia" Dodik underlined. Komsic thanked for "this kind of help, especially in the circumstances we are in as a state with undefined relations with COVAX, as far as I can see, although people from the Council of Ministers (CoM) would be more competent to speak of that." Dzaferovic stressed that it is necessary to initiate relaxation of overall relations. "People are leaving," Dzaferovic underlined.  ATV stressed that there are many open issues between B&H and Serbia, noting that all those issues should be discussed at a joint summit which should be held in a few months. "We believe that in this way, one should come up with solutions which will improve cooperation between B&H and Serbia, between the entities in B&H, the cantons and all those that are interested in finding themselves on the Serbian market in any way or in using those benefits. Commodity exchange which is functioning here can be far greater between B&H and Serbia," Dodik underlined. Vucic emphasized that he wishes the upcoming summit to be "the largest summit that we ever had." "A summit of cooperation, a summit of trust, a summit of openness and to see how and in what way we could wider open the borders towards each other in the future," Vucic stated.

Turkovic: Vaccine donated by Serbia does not have license to be used in Europe; Reactions (Hayat)

The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopted on Tuesday the information on the agreement on donation of the ‘Covishield-AstraZeneca’ vaccines between the Serbian government and the B&H CoM. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic stated that the vaccines donated by Serbia were produced in India and they have ‘AstraZeneca’ license, but that this vaccine was not approved for use in Europe unlike the ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccines produced in the EU. She asked the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of B&H to check if the donated vaccines are safe for use. Commenting on the issue, the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of B&H and the World Health Organization (WHO) Office for B&H stated that there is no difference between the donated vaccine and the ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccine. The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of B&H said that the requested checks will be completed within the next couple of days. While the FB&H has not yet managed to procure any vaccines on its own, Minister Turkovic had objections to the vaccines that arrived as a donation from Serbia. She thinks that it is not a big problem to get vaccines from India and that it is much better to get verified vaccines like ‘Pfizer’. "I do not believe that it is a problem to get Covidshield from India, I believe it is relatively easy. I do not believe that it is a problem to get Russian Sputnik either, that is also relatively easy. We have the competent authorities and they need to make it known. I know that there was good will for Sputnik, that we were offered certain quantities. It is the same for Covidshield, but we are sticking to what the EU and America have approved," Turkovic was quoted as saying. This statement bothered Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who donated 10,000 doses of the vaccine, but also B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik. When the EU donates something, then it is solidarity and friendship and when Serbia does what the Union did not do, then it is not solidarity but domination, said Vucic. “I am fed up with these hollow stories. I know that is what is said in B&H and Serbia. As for the objections to the vaccine, here is what I offered. Ask for whatever vaccine you want and we will send you whatever you want within 10 days. But I do not think the problem is in the vaccine, ‘AstraZeneca’ is a great vaccine”, Vucic told news crews in Sarajevo. “I think that the statement is completely stupid and unnecessary and in that respect it absolutely does not go with the background of what we discussed and that is to spread good relations as far as possible and to develop them. Of course, she will not be a user of that vaccine because we know her views on it” Dodik pointed out. Minister Turkovic believes that these are very sharp reactions. However, she stressed that Vucic should be reminded of how he reacted when Serbia received EUR 50,000 in aid from B&H for Novi Pazar. She said that he reacted badly to B&H’s good gesture, and said that he would never allow someone to “destroy Serbia from within or from outside”. Members of the B&H Presidency thanked Vucic and Serbia for this donation on Tuesday, pointing that no criticism was necessary in this situation. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic underlined that this donation is symbolic gesture of Serbia and it represents sort of returning of favor for what B&H did few months ago when epidemiologic situation in Serbia was difficult and when group of medical doctors went to Sandzak region to help their colleagues. He also said that this is an opportunity to talk about open issues between two countries and to improve relations between B&H and Serbia. Member of B&H House of Representatives Snjezana Novakovic Bursac stated that Turkovic’s statement is shameful. She underlined that it is unbelievable that there are individuals who are using the current difficult situation to express antipathy towards the Serb people and the neighboring Serbia. She also criticized Turkovic for ignoring the Russian offer of vaccines, noting that health of citizens should be a top priority. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic said that B&H authorities made a “show” out of the situation in which it was forced to receive “charity”. ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) leader Elmedin Konakovic wrote on his Twitter account that Vucic is a “political rowdy” but that he could do all this only because “our leaders do not have pride, do not have honor, do not have a spine”. He said B&H was truly humiliated on Tuesday, as its leaders showed they are completely incapable of doing their jobs and procuring vaccines on their own.

Osmanovic: There is no chance for serious issue such are changes of Election Law to be solved without serious participation of IC (Oslobodjenje)

Oslobodjenje carries an interview with SDA Vice President and Chair of SDA Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Adil Osmanovic. Asked about deadlines that SDA and HDZ B&H set for solving of issues in B&H, Osmanovic said that he welcomes continuation of the talks between two parties and opening of discussion about the issues that hinder relations between them. He noted that working groups of two parties, which are to work on changes of Election Law, forming of the FB&H government and appointing of judges to Constitutional Court of FB&H, will not have an easy task, but he is certain that deadlines will be met. Asked if it is possible to change the Election Law without changing B&H Constitution and whether rulings in cases before European Court of Human Rights and ‘Ljubic’ annul each other, Osmanovic confirmed that it is difficult to change Election Law without interfering with Constitution of B&H, especially in terms of election of B&H Presidency. Reminding that current provisions stipulate that the FB&H elects two members of B&H Presidency and the Republika Srpska (RS) one, Osmanovic said: “We already have a solution, I do not see how Mr. Covic’s expectations could be carried out without changes of Constitution of B&H”. In this regard, Osmanovic underlined that there is no chance for such serious issue to be solved without “serious participation of international community”. Speaking about forming of the FB&H government, Osmanovic said that SDA is constantly discussing this issue, arguing that blockade of implementation of results of general elections was irresponsible. Reminding that HDZ B&H halted this process until the issue of Election Law is solved, he underlined that HDZ B&H’s position in the FB&H House of Peoples allows them to block implementation of election results. To author’s comment that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic claims they are not blocking anything, Osmanovic called on HDZ B&H to prove this by proposing a candidate for the FB&H President post. Asked about reshuffling of the B&H Council of Ministers, Osmanovic noted that criticism against the CoM are justified, stressing that there are some good ministers there, who are good in what they do. He noted that SDA Caucus set deadlines, mid-this year until when they expect that crucial laws, regarding 14 priorities of the European Commission- Law on Public Procurements, Law on Conflict of Interest and Law on HJPC- are adopted. In case this does not happen, Osmanovic adds, SDA has no reason not to join the initiative for reconstruction of the CoM. Asked about repeated elections in Srebrenica and Doboj and whether SDA would vote for introducing new technologies in election process, Osmanovic said that SDA is maximally interested in strengthening of the control over election process and will support every initiative in this regard.


No one will influence the election process in Niksic (CdM)

State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior Rade Milosevic said that the situation in Niksic was regular and that some political entities aimed to present that the situation in the town under Trebjesa was alarming. He said that he would resist all pressures and that he would not allow any political structure to influence the election process. Speaking about the Operational Team for the Control of the Electoral Process in Niksic, which he heads, Milosevic said that their intention was to enable the elections to end in a democratic spirit and without pressure. “We have no information that there were any violations that should have been prosecuted. The public has a greater impression that the situation in Niksic is not under control. The situation is regular, and the campaign is going as it goes. There is a big charge from the political parties,” said Milosevic. He believed that some political entities aim to present that the situation in Niksic was alarming. He said that the Operational Team will be housed in the Niksic Security Center and will stay there for the next 15 days. “The members of the team are not from Niksic, except me. We formed it in a targeted way so that there would be no biased approach in terms of colleagues. We formed it so that employees are from other cities in order to have a normal election process,” Milosevic said. The biggest pressure, he said, was from certain political entities. He said that he would resist pressure and that he would not allow any political structure to influence the election process. “Nor would we try to react in relation to whether a party is pro-Montenegrin, pro-Serbian, but only in accordance with the law. If there was a violation, everyone would be prosecuted in accordance with the law,” Milosevic said.


Constitutional Court faces difficult decisions, set to discuss “North” and the Law on Languages (Republika)

The Constitutional Court will have its hands full on 18 March. In addition to publishing the new name of the country in the Official Gazette without the signature of the then President Gjorge Ivanov a preparatory session is scheduled for that day to assess the constitutionality of the decree promulgating the law on the use of languages. Signatories of this initiative are professors Tanja Karakamiseva, Jove Kekenovski, VMRO-DPMNE, Levica and others. According to the explanation of the court, the initiative for assessing the constitutionality of the decree requests its annulment. Professor Kekenovski states in the initiative that the Constitutional Court must take into account the fact that the census law was published in the Official Gazette without the signature of the President, the Parliament in the third reading of the law did not take into account the remarks of the President and the submitted amendments by the MPs as well as the fact that paragraph 2 of Article 173 of the rules of procedure of the Parliament has been violated because more than 60 days have passed since the day the law was adopted, instead of the required 30 days.

Zaev announces a major anti-corruption plan, but puts the blame solely on the opposition (Republika)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev presented what he called Action 21 – a strategy that he insists will reduce the huge levels of corruption in Macedonia that recently caused a political crisis after the Transparency International report ranked Macedonia at its historic lowest place – 111th in the world. But during the press conference, Zaev did not address the numerous corruptions scandals his own Government is involved in, and instead tried to lay the blame entirely on the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party. Their installations down to the smallest segment of our institutions obstruct the functioning of our system and our judiciary. Their regime rule spent the people’s money so that their party can get rich. They expanded corruption and want to be forgiven for their evil deeds, Zaev said during the press conference. He did not discuss the huge Racket scandal involving his confidant Katica Janeva, or the numerous corruption allegations aimed against him, while he was Mayor of Strumica and especially after he became as Prime Minister.

The plan itself provides for more hiring and digitalization in the public prosecutor’s office, faster resolution of court cases, plans to confiscate property, electronic inspections and centralizing data for citizens. Zaev and his lieutenant Ljupco Nikolovski, who is appointed to a position of Deputy Prime Minister in charge of fighting corruption, insisted that they will ensure more frequent fines of corrupt officials and electronic overview of the issuing of permits and licenses.

Zaev was again asked about the scandalous escape of former security chief Saso Mijalkov – apparently in collusion with him – which ended with Mijalkov’s return to the country. Zaev claimed that he led a “successful operation to have Mijalkov turn himself in”. “The Prime Minister is the one who leads such processes and does so transparently and I congratulate all who were involved in this operation,” Nikolovski chimed in. Mijalkov was then sentenced to 12 years in prison for the 2015 wiretapping scandal, in which Zaev was the original suspect, along with his ally, former security chief Zoran Zerusevski. But prosecutor Janeva threw out the charges against Zaev and accused Mijalkov instead.


Citizens urged to refrain from violence in election (ADN/Euronews)

Speaking about the State Police preparatory phase ahead of the general elections due on 25 April, deputy Minister of Interior, Besfort Lamallari, told Euronews Albania in an interview that police authorities are engaged with tasks related to security and make sure that the electoral process runs smoothly, in order to create a safe environment so that citizens can exercise their fundamental right to vote. In regards to the planned measures to prevent acts of violence during the electoral process, Lamallari emphasized that citizens have a crucial role and urged them to refrain from such acts. The deputy interior minister weighed in on the importance that political representatives have in showing containment, as well as making declarations in conformity to the laws, in order to have a healthy democracy, where the winner is the outcome of the political programs they represent instead of brutality or rhetoric. Meanwhile, the State Police has begun preparing for the elections. Authorities have already met with OSCE Presence in Albania and the representatives from the Central Election Commission. In view of April 25 general elections, the political parties have been urged to commit to verify their candidates and to ensure MP lists with the highest integrity standards.


Meta: I will resign if Rama will win elections to be in charge of the opposition (Tirana Times/News 24 TV)

In a prime-time interview at News 24 TV, President Meta said that he would resign as President if Rama would win again the 25 April parliamentary election. “If Rama will win 71 mandates, without manipulating the elections, I will resign the next day, to take in charge the opposition,” said Meta. The interview made headlines especially for the tones through which Meta talked about the risk of having manipulated elections: “If a vote is stolen, their hands will be cut in the Skanderbeg Square. This is a promise of the President of this country. If there is a thief who will try to buy votes like in the episodes of Shijak and Diber, I will cut off their hands, if a vote is stolen a hand will be cut, not in the figurative sense,” said Meta. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Rama commented on the declarations of the President, by considering them as a signal that the justice reform is starting to work. “Look at Ilir Meta and you will understand that the reform has started to give clear signals, clear enough to strain Meta and Berisha,” said Rama.

Balla: In the coming days the EP will ask the Council to set the date of the First Intergovernmental Conference (Radio Tirana)

The Chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla after returning from Brussels, stated that the European Parliament will discuss and approve in the coming days the Report prepared by the Rapporteur for Albania Isabel Santos, where the Council is asked to set a date and hold without wasting time the First Intergovernmental Conference with Albania. Balla stressed that the report reconfirms the assessment of the European Commission that Albania no longer has conditions or any unfulfilled tasks. "The European Parliament will discuss and approve in the coming days the Report prepared by the Rapporteur for Albania Isabel Santos, where the Council is asked to set the date and hold the First Intergovernmental Conference with Albania without wasting time, reconfirming the assessment of the European Commission that "Albania no longer has conditions or any unfulfilled tasks." "It was a pleasure as always to meet with the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, an excellent friend of Albania," writes Balla.