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Belgrade Media Report 12 March 2021


Brnabic: EU process sometimes very frustrating, but it is the only way (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today at the online Tirana Economic Forum that the European Union (EU) is a strategic priority and focus of Serbia because it wants to become a member of the EU as soon as possible. Brnabic noted that since its beginning, the process of European integration was at moments very difficult and frustrating, but that it was the only way.

The EU and the family of European nations is our home to which we belong geographically, politically and economically, and that is why we are continuing the reforms, Brnabic underlined.

She pointed out that it is up to EU members and the EU itself to decide when Serbia will become a member, and that Serbia’s goal is certainly to reform its public administration, economy and establish the rule of law as soon as possible. We sincerely appreciate all the support that comes from the delegations of the European Commission and the EU in Serbia and EU members in this reform process, because it will improve the quality of life of citizens, which is of essential importance, said Brnabic. She thanked European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi for supporting enlargement and sharing enthusiasm for admitting new members along with Serbia and countries in the region in these difficult times. Nevertheless, Brnabic noted that it seems to her that in some EU member states during 2020 and this year there has not been much mood for enlargement, but that this is understandable due to the coronavirus pandemic and other priorities. We must use this time to focus more on reforms, Brnabic emphasized and added that we need to go even further towards regional integration.

She pointed out that in this way, the countries in the region will make the Western Balkans stronger by connecting and contribute to everyone moving faster towards the EU. Regarding the vaccination and how Serbia is so successful in that process, she stated that 20% of the adult population in Serbia has been vaccinated so far, while approximately 680,000 people have received the second dose, and that vaccination takes place with the same force every day.

Brnabic also said that she highly appreciates the help and support of the EU, and added that she understands all the challenges that the EU is facing, as one big and complex mechanism, certainly a strong system, although sometimes it reacts a little slower at the beginning. I am sure that all EU partners in the Western Balkans will receive additional EU assistance, we are looking forward to that, because it will be very useful to us, said Brnabic. She also pointed out that such a successful vaccination process is the result of successful reforms that Serbia has undertaken on its EU path. Public administration has been reformed, we have introduced eGovernment, we have insisted on digitalization, on transparency, efficiency of public administration. All these reforms have given us a strong impetus without which we would not be able to implement such a massive successful vaccination campaign, she explained. She pointed out that when you work strategically, as Serbia does, on your European path, you become stronger, and the result is success in such things as vaccination. The online Tirana Economic Forum also features EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, Prime Ministers of North Macedonia and Montenegro Zoran Zaev and Zdravko Krivokapic respectively and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zoran Tegeltija.

Drecun: The question is whether the warning from Brussels will have a reaction in Pristina (RTS

A message was sent from Brussels to Pristina that it had entered into a contractual obligation to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and the subsequent decision of the Constitutional Court does not mean that the formation can be given up. The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that this message from Brussels is an attempt at preparing the resumption of the talks between Belgrade and Pristina, to avoid the ley obstacle on this path and in the continuation of talks – this is the formation of the ZSO. “The question is whether this warning from Brussels will have an expected reaction in Pristina and whether the ZSO will be realized,” says Drecun. Apart from that, as Drecun says, the question is why the stands of official Brussels have not been harmonized with the stands of the EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak. “Miroslav Lajcak is trying to impose a new methodology of talks, and that is that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. Which means that issues that have already been resolved, such as the ZSO, should be pushed aside until a final comprehensive agreement is reached and that this final agreement should resolve these issues,” explains Drecun. He pointed out that everything that is happening with the Brussels agreement directly affects Chapter 35 in Serbia’s negotiations with the EU. “This issue is of double importance and it must be resolved,” says Drecun. “What is good in what Stano said is the confirmation that the Kosovo Constitutional Court did not make a decision to suspend the formation of the ZSO, on the contrary, the decision of that court is that the ZSO will be formed on the basis of the Brussels Agreement, but not all principles are harmonized with the so-called Kosovo constitution and that this can be corrected by a legal decision of the government,” says Drecun. He reminded that the principles agreed in 2015 state that the government should pass a directly applicable regulation on the ZSO and that as of that moment the ZSO is considered to be formed. “From Pristina’s behavior so far, we see that it will not actually form the ZSO and that is the key problem. It was very clearly stated from our side, there is no progress in the talks until the ZSO is formed and we will not accept Lajcak to impose that stand on us that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed,” says Drecun. He emphasized that this message should be heard by the Self-Determination movement, because they are expected to form a government, as well as Albin Kurti, who is at the helm of that movement. “He refuses to accept the electoral will of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, at least he has done so far, and says he will not take the Serb List into account when forming the provisional institutions in Pristina. He is the one who demands a revision of the Brussels agreement with Vjosa Osmani precisely in the part relating to the ZSO, wishes to review some of the provisions of the agreement on economic normalization,” says Drecun. Asked if there was any indication that a compromise would be found, that a Kosovo government would be formed first and that dialogue would continue, Drecun said that it seemed to him that the EU was trying to hurry up and speed things up.  “We should first wait for the formation of that executive power to see how the situation with the election of the president will unfold. They can form the so-called government, have a majority, but then stumble upon the election of the so-called president and not have the required majority and then this leads into a new political crisis,” says Drecun.

He says that because of that, we should wait for the institutions to be formed. “Let’s see who will we have on the other side of the table, what are her/his views and see if it is at all worth talking. If someone from 2013 refuses to form the key issue envisaged in the Brussels agreement, how can we believe and in good faith talk to the Pristina side,” Drecun concluded.

Dacic: EU representatives not in a hurry to start dialogue between government and opposition (TV Happy/Beta)  

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Thursday that he was waiting to be contacted by European representatives to see what will happen with the inter-party dialogue because it

practically has not begun yet. “We only had one initial activity - a video conference.

I said that I wanted this to continue as soon as possible and recommended certain dates. These

dates should be as early as next week, but they told me – ‘we don’t have to rush things, we are now having a preparatory phase’,” Dacic told TV Happy. According to Dacic, the preparatory phase meant talks with caucuses, the Serbian cabinet and opposition representatives. He said that he had received several platform from parties for the dialogue with the authorities, but that he was waiting to see what the European MPs’ approach would be. “What is important is that we say what we want. Now when we want this, they say wait,” Dacic said.

Lutovac: Time to create alliance of those who want order (Beta/Vreme)  

Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac has said that it is high time we created an alliance of those who want Serbia to be a normal, orderly state. “We need a broad alliance of citizens, associations, initiatives, parties. The job that we face requires many more activists and operatives. We have enough sages and aides,” Lutovac said in an article in Vreme weekly.

According to him, this time we cannot let changes boil down to changing those who will be in power: the changes to the state and society must be systemic. “The first step is winning free elections, followed by lustration, and then thorough reforms of the state and society,” Lutovac stressed. As for establishing a democratic consensus, he said that for this to happen it was necessary to put aside all disputes and clashes until after the normalization of society.

DJB platform for fair elections submitted to parliament and Dacic (RTV/Tanjug

The political group Enough is Enough (DJB) submitted its platform to the parliament on election conditions for inter-party dialogue, and in a letter to parliament speaker Ivica Dacic it stated disappointment because, as they say, it allowed EU parliamentarians to interfere in talks of exclusively internal nature. In the letter, DJB appealed to Dacic to keep the talks on this topic in the future exclusively within the institutions of the Republic of Serbia. The DJB expressed fear that the talks could turn into a circus and lose their importance and effectiveness if participation in them without any discrimination were allowed to political options that have very negligible or no voter support. Through the platform, the DJB proposes arranging voter lists, preventing all forms of election theft and fair presentation of political options in the media, which is in the interest of all voters. It is requested to form an inter-party commission whose members would have the right to supervise the voter list with the possibility of verifying the authenticity and credibility. In the platform, the DJB also presented nine proposals in order to prevent election theft, and as the most important proposal for discussion, it pointed out the issue of media freedoms and the possibilities of fair presentation of relevant political options to the public through the public media service RTS. The DJB’s suggestion is to change the election threshold so that three percent is valid for independent participation of parties and groups of citizens, while for coalitions, depending on the number of members, six or nine percent would be valid.



Dodik on the fact that opposition left special RS parliament’s session: Goal of opposition was to present lies and to leave not allowing us to confront them with regard to their lies (Hayat)

The Republika Srpska (RS) parliament discussed at its epical session held on Wednesday the status of the High Representative’s (HR) function and the need for this function in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The RS parliament decided that B&H does not need the OHR and even mentioned “peaceful dissolution or the RS’ secession from B&H”. According to stances of the representatives, the HR neglects interests and rights of constituent peoples in B&H, insults the Serb people and conducts a dictatorship that will not be accepted by the RS. They also tasked the RS government with formation of an international legal team that will file a lawsuit against HRs who abused their mandates by violating the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik threatened with peaceful break-up of B&H if the three constituent peoples do not return to the original Dayton in the near future. “For 26 years, all decisions made by the High Representative have been in the function of fulfilling the wishes of Bosniaks in B&H. There is no reason not to believe that the next High Representatives will behave in this way,” stated Dodik. The SDS, PDP and DNS left the special session of the RS parliament, they were deemed by many, who expressed their views via social media, as traitors of the RS. Commenting on this Dodik said for the media that the goal of the opposition was to present lies and to leave “not allowing us to confront them with regard to their lies”. Dodik added there is no one within the opposition who would be a serious collocutor for serious national topic “such is the topic of national state”. Speaking about the Serb unity, Dodik said that this is an example that SDS sacrificed its own policy in order to support anti-SDS policy of PDP and in his opinion, the two policies could never be connected. Leader of NPS Darko Banjac emphasized that the opposition had no reason to leave the session of the RS parliament arguing that this is the worst possible way of political activism. Leader of the United Srpska Nenad Stevandic said over phone that members of the opposition sent a message of support to the OHR because they left the session and avoided the voting. According to Stevandic, MPs from the opposition parties sent a message of support to the High Representative by leaving the session before the vote on conclusions. He noted that most of the present MPs voted in favor of the conclusion regarding the assessment of High Representative’s work, and they confirmed that the RS needs to play an active role in the process of appointment or attempt of appointment of the new High Representative. SDS MP Davor Sesic said that if Dodik says what to do and how, how come the RS parliament can be independent which in his opinion, confirms manipulations with the RS parliament.  At the session held on Wednesday, SNSD MP at the RS parliament Natasa Radulovic wondered why the opposition left and failed to prove their patriotism, noting “do we have courage to say no to those who have oppressed us”.

Nebojsa Vukanovic (SDS) said that every encroachment into the DPA and announcements of referendums are very dangerous because this is an area where things can easily get out of control.

Cvijanovic slams opposition parties for walking out of special session of RS parliament, slams High Representatives for stepping outside of their mandates (EuroBlic)

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on Wednesday’s special session of the RS parliament for the daily and said that each time a topic important for the RS is discussed, opposition parties walk out of the RS parliament and show their political cowardice. Cvijanovic assessed that the session was successful both when it comes to the discussion and conclusions adopted at the session. “It was to be expected that the opposition would walk out of the RS parliament session. They usually do that whenever a topic important for the RS is discussed, as they are trying to get out of the discussion and not give their contribution to important matters we have been dealing with in past,” Cvijanovic said and added that this is a political cowardice by which they showed what they really think about this issue. Cvijanovic rejected claims of opposition that the ruling parties “are dealing with this issue in a belated manner” and added that the ruling parties have been dealing with these issues on many occasions but opposition parties “run away from the subject” on many occasions. “They simply hid, they did not want to be visible so that the international factor would not resent them”, Cvijanovic said. Cvijanovic went on to say that some members of opposition parties, against whom the High Representatives imposed sanctions, were offered to “enter legal battle and have institutions back them up” but they refused it. Asked whether she is referring to SDS leader Mirko Sarovic, Cvijanovic confirmed that she is indeed talking about him in this case. Commenting on the conclusions adopted at the special session, including the formation of a legal team in charge of filing of lawsuits against the High Representatives, Cvijanovic noted that it is “only natural that the RS parliament adopted such conclusion because the RS must defend itself, in a legal manner, from non-legal arrangement, measures and activities of the High Representatives”. Cvijanovic assessed that the role of the High Representative was manipulative on many occasions since the war ended, because the High Representatives often stepped outside of their mandates. “The fact is that there is a non-elected individual who gave himself the right to impose laws, impose constitutional amendments, punish citizens and leave them without protection before the courts. This is listed nowhere in international laws as his possibility or obligation”, Cvijanovic said and added that, after all of this, the High Representatives conveyed messages about the rule of law.

Tegeltija, Petkovic say details of filing of lawsuits against High Representatives will be known once legal team is formed (EuroBlic)

The RS parliament tasked the RS government to form an international legal team with the goal to file lawsuits against the High Representatives who violated the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and its Annex 10, as well as international laws by abusing their mandates. The daily reminded that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said two years ago that “the RS is not internationally recognized state and it does not have the capacity to launch disputes before international institutions, but it can file private lawsuits in countries of origins of the High Representatives”.

Dodik’s Advisor for Legal Affairs Milan Tegeltija said that details will be known once the legal team is officially formed and he added: “In general, filing of a lawsuit is possible and there are several models for it to be realized”. Attorney and deputy speaker of the RS parliament Milan Petkovic said that it is still too early to speak about details, but one of the options might be for the RS government to authorize the legal team to file lawsuits and represent the RS or this legal team would write lawsuits on behalf of the RS government and the RS government would then be the one to directly file lawsuits. Professor Radomir Lukic, who is a former member of SDS who was removed by the High Representative’s decision from the position of the Dean of Faculty of Law in Pale, said that “abuse of so called powers of the High Representative will not cease to exist on its own” and added that it is necessary to fight as freedom does not come alone.

B&H politicians comment on RSparliament’s conclusions (FTV)

A series of reactions to the statements by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, say that it is time to reject the policy of division and sanction all those who pursue destructive policies against the foundations of B&H, summarized the presenter. Dodik threatened with referendums on the secession of RS, ignored court decisions, protested for NATO membership and wanted to expel the High Representative from B&H whenever he got the chance, added the reporter. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic pointed out: “He (Dodik) started attacking the OHR, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), because he has been on the defensive in recent months. He was forced to remove the plaque on Pale, he was given a deadline to remove the decorations of convicted war criminals and a law has been announced that will ban the denial of genocide”. All this carries criminal responsibility, warned SDP. “According to the B&H Criminal Code, one of the most serious crimes is questioning the sovereignty of independence and territorial integrity of B&H. That is exactly what Dodik and the RS parliament have now done with these conclusions. They call into question the foundations of the DPA and the B&H Constitution”, said the Vice President of SDP Denis Becirovic. HDZ B&H believes that Dodik supports B&H's European path and that is enough for them. A step on that path, they say, means rejecting the direct influence of the OHR and everything else is a strategy. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic expressed support to Dodik by explaining that B&H must be free of direct foreign influence - even the influence of the OHR, but that he did not mention the influence of Croatia. SDA’s Senad Bratic commented that retrograde policy and rhetoric must be suppressed through B&H institutions and the RS parliament’s conclusions require quick and concrete reaction that will stress that the violation of the DPA will not be tolerated any longer. According to B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA), no peaceful dissolution in B&H is possible, and in case that the RS takes the path of secession from B&H it will certainly mean the violation of peace and security and destroying the DPA, as well as disappearance of the RS as part of the DPA. SDA’s Denis Zvizdic stated: “There is no way for the separation in B&H. I do not know who can imagine Mr. Dodik to take away the territory of Prijedor or Srebrenica or Bratunac or Foca and merge it to some other state. The Drina (River) has been the border, the state border of B&H for already 1,500 years and it will always remain this way. Secondly, Serbs do not have two states in the Balkans: Serbians in Serbia have their own state, the Republic of Serbia and Serbs in B&H have the state of B&H.”

Ambassadors of the Quint and EUSR issue joint press statement on RS parliament conclusions (Dnevni avaz)

Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, UK and USA, as well as EU Special Representative issued a joint press statement commenting the conclusions of the RS parliament adopted on Wednesday. “We reiterate our dedication to the territorial integrity and the fundamental structure of B&H as single, sovereign state with two entities which do not have the right to secede. At the time when the country is facing many problems, including the pandemic, we call on all institutions of authorities to focus on satisfying the needs of its citizens, including the need for reforms and progress towards the EU, and not on statements which cause division. The path forward for B&H is clearly defined in the EU Opinion and the OHR’s ‘5+2’ agenda, and that is what all institutions seeking an end of the international supervision should focus on. In the meantime, we continue to provide support to the High Representative and EUFOR. Contribution of EUFOR troops to peace and stability is of key importance in B&H and we continue to fully support their work. We remind that every decision on possible closure of the OHR is reached by the Steering Board of PIC. Preconditions for closure of the OHR are clearly defined by ‘5+2 Agenda’, which has to be fully implemented. Until then, the HR continues with the key role in implementation of civil part of the DPA, in line with his mandate and authorities given to him by the IC. On all of the mentioned issues, the HR closely cooperates with domestic stakeholders, including representatives of the RS,” reads the statement.

International community reactions to the RS parliament conclusions (BN TV/O kanal)

Commenting on the RS parliament conclusions passed on Thursday, which among other things demand the closure of the Office of the High Representative (OHR), Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler published on his Twitter account: “Do RS parliament conclusions improve the RS public services, create jobs, fix the rule of law or minimize corruption? I do not think so. Divisive rhetoric and calls for disintegration will not make life better – the reforms, cooperation and the EU integration will”. EU High Representative Josep Borrell pointed out the need for overcoming past and B&H’s advancement from Dayton to Brussels. Borrell emphasized that EU supports sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of B&H. The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement regarding RS parliament conclusions and stated that US strongly supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H as a single state with two entities, and that it is time for B&H leaders to dedicate themselves to reaching consensus and reject divisive rhetoric and going backwards. UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field issued a statement regarding RS parliament conclusions: “At the time of a health crisis and economic issues, the RS parliament decided to focus on divisions, provocations and areas outside of its competence, instead of the needs of the citizens. Such unfounded attacks on the rule of law and the integrity of this country, only strengthen the need for the OHR,” wrote Field. Russia’s Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov reacted to RS parliament conclusions: Kalabukhov stated that it is time to close the OHR. “This institution needs to be closed after 25 years so that all sides in B&H have an opportunity to freely agree on B&H, to be the way they want it to be” stated Kalabukhov. Kalabukhov said that it does not depend on the person that is the High Representative and that this is the principled stance of Russia.

SDA and HDZ B&H delegations meet on Thursday again (FTV)

Another meeting was held in Sarajevo on Thursday between SDA and HDZ B&H. They discussed only one topic, the path to EU. Participants of the meeting were satisfied and optimistic, commented the presenter. They announced solving key laws by the end of June, which are part of 14 key priorities. They plan a meeting with SNSD next week. Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic said he is optimistic regarding these laws and that they can complete them in next few months. “I am not inclined to set exact dates or exact month when we will receive the candidate status”. According to N1, the Wednesday’s talks about the B&H Election Law and formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government brought no concrete progress, but we could hear more optimistic and more constructive statements following the meeting on Thursday. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic mentioned the need to put at least two, three laws – on public procurements and conflict of interest – for full harmonization and of course, a set of laws that has no direct connection with this and that should have passed the parliamentary procedure a long time ago. According to Covic, they reached an agreement that everything will be carried out in the form of preparations in the B&H Council of Ministers - while everyone’s initiatives are welcomed – in order to be able to adopt at first sessions in a parliament in April. During talks with both Covic and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, US Special Representative for the Western Balkans and US Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Palmer said that the US supports constitutional reforms, but the civil society and the B&H Central Election Commission must be included in this story. Commenting on the talks with Palmer, Covic said that their friendly conversation was in this direction and he believes that this job can be finalized by the end of June this year. Zvizdic said that in his personal opinion, they should find a subtle, balanced relation between ethnic and civic because B&H is a country of equal peoples and citizens.


Plenkovic: Croatia to make its contribution to Conference on the Future of Europe (Hina)

Croatia is ready to make its contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe, in which Commission Vice-President for Democracy and Demography Dubravka Suica will have one of the leading roles, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Brussels on Thursday. Croatia will make its contribution to the discussion on how to respond to global challenges together and how this Conference can improve the responses of the EU and its institutions to citizens' expectations and to numerous issues in the world which are now substantially different than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic, Plenkovic told reporters after meeting European Parliament President David Sassoli. The leaders of the three EU institutions on Wednesday signed a joint declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe, which is conceived as a public forum where citizens will over the next year be able to say what sort of Union they want. The Conference is expected to open on 9 May, Europe Day. It should have been launched on 9 May last year but had to be postponed, partly because of the coronavirus pandemic, but mostly because the leaders of the EU institutions were unable to agree on who would chair the Conference. The Conference will be chaired by a three-member presidency consisting of the Commission President, the Parliament President and the Prime Minister of the country holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. In addition to the collective presidency, there will also be an executive committee which will be responsible for the organization and oversight of the Conference's work. Each of the three main institutions will have three members on the executive committee, while the representatives of national parliaments will have observer status. Croatia's Dubravka Suica will be on the executive committee on behalf of the Commission. Sassoli said that the Conference should result in the better functioning of the Union, which is expected to be given new competences. Plenkovic and Sassoli also talked about problems with COVID-19 vaccines in the EU, EU membership prospects of the Western Balkans, and Croatia's efforts to join the Schengen zone and euro area. Plenkovic said that Croatia supports the EU integration of southeast European countries, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina with which it shares the longest border and where Croats live as the smallest constituent ethnic group.

Prime Minister meets with NATO Secretary General in Brussels; Croatia to increase its presence in Kosovo (Hina)

Croatia is a highly regarded and committed ally that makes a considerable contribution to NATO with its participation in various operations and missions, the alliance's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday. Croatia contributes to various NATO missions and operations - in Iraq, by helping in the fight against international terrorism; in Kosovo, by helping to stabilize that part of the Western Balkans, as well as in the Baltics and in maritime operations, Stoltenberg told the press before meeting with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Brussels. "The diversity of your contributions shows Croatia's commitment to NATO's agenda," Stoltenberg was quoted as saying. He also welcomed Croatia's increased defense spending towards the 2% of GDP. Plenkovic, who began his 24-hour visit to Brussels by meeting with Stoltenberg, said that Croatia was proud of its involvement in various alliance missions and operations, announcing that the country would increase its presence in Kosovo in the coming weeks. "I think we have proved to be a reliable and firm ally and partner in all political and military activities of the alliance," he said. Plenkovic and Stoltenberg discussed a wide range of topics, including the NATO 2030 strategy, which aims to make the alliance more relevant in view of global changes, which Croatia is ready to contribute to, and strengthening the transatlantic partnership now that the new administration in Washington wants the same. "Croatia will make an adequate contribution to our partnership and our alliance," Plenkovic said.

Croatia is a highly regarded and committed ally that makes a considerable contribution to NATO with its participation in various operations and missions, the alliance's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday. Croatia contributes to various NATO missions and operations – in Iraq, by helping in the fight against international terrorism; in Kosovo, by helping to stabilize that part of the Western Balkans, as well as in the Baltics and in maritime operations, Stoltenberg told the press before meeting with Plenkovic in Brussels.

HNS: Positions of Palmer and Croats are complementary (Vecernji list)

The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) issued a press release, which reads that political talks of US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer with political officials of B&H have once again confirmed to what extent current political talks on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H direct the European future of B&H. The HNS expressed satisfaction and sent strong support to all diplomatic activities, especially to Palmer, whose views, according to the HNS, are complementary to the policy of HNS and legitimate political representatives of the Croat people in reaching of an agreement on the Law on Election. The statement further reads that by resolving discriminatory provisions of the Law on Elections, conditions for sustainable solution and necessary stability in context of accession to the EU will be created. The HNS’ statement also reads: “The conversation between Mister Dragan Covic and Mister Palmer gives hope that other responsible policies will give up on the radical, unitary narrative from their public discourse as retrograde attempt of domination of one people. Crucial court decisions in cases Sejdic-Finci and Ljubic prevent domination and they strengthen basic constitutional provisions of the Constitution of B&H - constituent status of three peoples and legitimate representation with making possible to all B&H citizens to put forward their candidacy and to be elected.”


Krivokapic: I’m disappointed with the personnel decisions that the government has received and analyzed at cabinet meetings (CdM)

On the occasion of 100 days of work of the government, Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic says he is disappointed with the personnel decisions that the government has received and analyzed at cabinet meetings. If it’s the expert government, Krivokapic points out that the staff should be the same. When asked why the government delegation was at Atanasije’s funeral in Trebinje, where epidemiological measures were violated, Krivokapic says that he went personally to Trebinje to pay tribute to the bishop who is part of the diocese in Montenegro, and with whom he was a personal friend. He has criticized the previous government for nepotism, political corruption and carelessness. “It is unbelievable who can work in the state administration and with what ignorance”, he points out and adds that 10% of workers in the state administration will be redundant. The incomplete support of those who voted for this Government is its weakness, Krivokapic points out. “That is unnatural. Even in such unnatural circumstances, this government has managed to achieve results”, states Krivokapic. He referred to the forthcoming tourist season. The government’s goal is for Montenegro to be ready for the tourist season, he says. “That means that 35% of the population will be vaccinated by June. This means that Montenegro will be recognized as a market for tourists who prefer to come to Montenegro,” stresses Krivokapic. The budget, he says, will be adopted within the legal deadline. “Who will adopt it and when – it doesn’t depend on us,” says Krivokapic. He adds that the budget will be submitted by 31 March. When asked if he plans to establish a party, he clearly says: “When you hear that there is a Christian Democratic Party, I will certainly be a member of it”, Krivokapic points out. While discussing the issue of prosecutorial laws, he stresses that “this government has decided to respect the rule of law”. He adds that he will wait for the Venice Commission’s opinion. When asked whether he talked to the Democratic Front leaders regarding the changes in the prosecutorial laws, Krivokapic says that he did not. Speaking about diplomacy, Krivokapic states that the law defines that only 30% of politicians and experts can be diplomats.


Ahmeti: There is no discord in DUI, the parliamentary majority is stable (Republika)

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti claims that there is no discord in the party and that the parliamentary majority is stable, despite the fact that two days ago the coordinator of the party’s group in Parliament Izet Mexhiti resigned from that position and was replaced by Arbr Ademi. Answering a reporter’s question at an event marking the 40th anniversary of the student demonstrations in Pristina, Ahmeti said that the ruling majority is stable and there is nothing to worry about in Parliament. He claims that the Parliament is not blocked except for some laws that the opposition parties have blocked, which, in his opinion, is not good. Ahmeti said that DUI is always open for compromise and dialogue.

Pendarovski apologizes to Colored Revolution supporters who really believed that he and Zaev will bring justice (Republika)

President Stevo Pendarovski apologized to the supporters of the 2015 Colored Revolution for his failure to bring “justice and peace”, as its slogan said, to Macedonia. Pendarovski was part of Zoran Zaev’s movement which promised to ensure the rule of law, but instead the Zaev regime is now facing daily corruption scandals, on top of the national humiliation it caused to Macedonia. “I was on the top of the ticket in the 1st electoral district and I kept saying that if there is no justice there will be no peace. That was our slogan. We disappointed the people who supported the Colored Revolution and we should assume responsibility,” Pendarovski said. He added that Zaev’s top officials charged with fighting corruption, Justice Minister Bojan Maricic and Deputy Prime Minister Ljupco Nikolovski, are producing new strategies but that we have a “super-inflation” of documents and little practical work done.


Opposition may withdraw from elections due to criminal groups presence (Tirana Times)

The leader of the Environmentalist Agrarian Party Agron Duka made a strong statement last night, where he declared that he may decide to withdrew from the next elections due to incriminated persons on the Socialist lists. “The situation in the area of Shijak continues to be the same. If the situation will continue to be the same, I will bring facts, that criminals, perhaps public and famous names, are part of the electoral campaign of the Socialist Party. Very dangerous elements […] this is the greatest crime that could happen to Albanians,” said Duka, who is currently positioned second in line in the Democratic Party candidate list in the Durres County. Duka continued by saying that “If we continue with the same script, Albania will make backwards steps. I take the responsibility as a candidate for MP that in the near future if these names that I will continue to denounce will continue to be on the lists, I myself will withdraw from the race, because then it will be impossible to win if the situation will continue to be like that,” said Duka. Duka’s declaration came only one day after the US Ambassador Yuri Kim said that some candidates may be disqualified from entering the next elections after the vetting process.  “There are three people that the U.S. Secretary of State has designated. I will not carry their names in my mouth, but you can find the record for yourself. It’s now with the Central Election Commission, and it’s their job, along with the prosecutors, to vet these candidates,” said Kim, adding that it shouldn’t come as a surprise if “some candidates are disqualified after that process.”  The Ambassador further declared that the US has repeatedly called for clean candidates and the full implementation of the decriminalization law. “This is not about whether the United States likes someone or doesn’t like someone. It’s about whether the Secretary of State has determined – after extensive research, information, and time – that someone is a threat to U.S security. And if someone is a threat to US security, I think it’s worthwhile for Albanian voters and Albanian authorities to consider whether this person could be a threat to your security,” said Kim. After the US Ambassador, EU Ambassador Soreca also wrote to Twitter that “It is now up to the Central Election Commission, in consultation with the General Prosecution office, to vet the candidates. Decriminalization law must be fully applied and high integrity standards for all candidates must be met.”