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Belgrade Media Report 18 March


Petkovic attends memorial service for victims of March pogrom (Politika

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic attended on Wednesday in the Gracanica Monastery a memorial service for the victims of the March pogrom, and after that he laid flowers in front of an art installation dedicated to the missing persons. Petkovic pointed out that for 17 years no one has been held responsible for the March pogrom in which innocent people died only because they were Serbs, saying that we must remember 17 March because that day has long been attached to the collective memory of our martyrdom from Jadovno, Jasenovac to the NATO aggression. We mark all those days and events and we are not ashamed of our victims and to say that they suffered at the hands of insane individuals just because they were Serbs, he underlined. The Chair of the Serbian government’s Commission for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic pointed to the importance of such gatherings in places where Serbs were killed.

Vucic meets with Fabrizi (Tanjug

We will continue to work intensively on fulfilling the European agenda with the aim of opening new negotiating chapters and making faster progress on the path to EU membership, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday at a meeting with the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi. Serbia expects its reform efforts to be reflected and valuated by the dynamics of the accession talks and is ready to continue to work on implementing reforms and the numerous joint projects with its European partners, Vucic said. Despite the current challenges caused by the pandemic, the EU is keeping the enlargement issue very high on its agenda in view of the new methodology that will be presented by the European Commission, Fabrizi said. Besides the dynamics of the accession talks and regional stability, Vucic and Fabrizi also discussed the fight against COVID-19 and challenges in the process of mass vaccination, the presidential press office said in a statement.

Fabrizi to Vucic: Secure ambience for media freedom (FoNet/N1

Fabrizi told President Vucic on Wednesday to improve the country’s atmosphere for media and civil society undisturbed work. According to a statement from Vucic’s office, he told Fabrizi he advocated the atmosphere of total freedom of speech and that he was personally dedicated to that since media freedom was one of the greatest democracy’s legacies. The two also discussed the adjustment of Serbia’s judiciary with that of the EU and agreed a more enthusiastic approach was needed in the reform of the rule of law, the judicial system, including the constitutional changes, anti-corruption fight and the resumption of the inter-party dialogue in Serbia, the statement said. Vucic thanked the EU for its support during the coronavirus pandemic and said he hoped the first vaccines from the COVAX program would arrive soon. The top EU diplomat in Belgrade promised the bloc would continue to offer Serbia full solidarity and congratulate the country for its immunization efforts.

Non-paper, the EU has new rules for Serbia (Tanjug/B92

The EU has a new four principles methodology for the accession of Serbia to the EU, Tanjug has reported. Mr. Oliver Varhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement presented in Brussels a document proposing how to apply the new, revised methodology in accession of Serbia to EU, to the EU member states. Tanjug had an insight into the so-called “non-paper”, which emphasizes that all proposed changes, within the revised methodology, must be applied within the existing negotiating framework and with the consent of Serbia, which Belgrade insisted on. It is important to add that the revised methodology must be of interest to both Serbia and the member states. The document includes four basic principles of the future accession process of Serbia to EU. The former insists on the credibility of the process and focusing even more on rule of law reforms. It states that new Chapters should not be closed until the transitional criteria in fundamental Chapters 23 and 24 have been met. The second principle implies stronger political governance of the accession process, giving member states a greater role in monitoring and reviewing the progress made by Serbia. “Inter-governmental conferences and the Council for Stabilization and Association should serve to strengthen the dialogue between member states and Serbia, with clear guidelines on key reform processes necessary for progress,” the Commission’s text reads. The first such Serbia-EU inter-governmental conference should serve to clarify the application of the new methodology and planning, and Serbia could open clusters provided that opening criteria met, and member states agree that significant progress has been made in the rule of law. The third principle of the revised methodology emphasizes the importance of accelerating the pace of Serbia’s accession negotiations with the EU, which should be achieved through the opening of several chapters included in six clusters. So far, Serbia has opened all chapters from the first, so-called fundamental cluster, and the proposal of the European Commission is to start assessing the country's readiness in each of the remaining clusters as soon as possible in order to identify the basic shortcomings and guidelines for their opening. Once again it was emphasized that with the preparation for the opening of the chapter by clusters, work will be done on reports on the country's progress in the field of rule of law, which will be an additional condition for new steps in the accession process. As it was announced at the same time, the acceleration of integration measures during the harmonization of Serbia with EU policies and standards is expected. The fourth principle of Serbia’s future accession path, singled out by the European Commission, is the predictability of the process. The text of the proposal, which Tanjug had access to, insists that the EU has to be more clear in its expectations from Serbia, to let the country focus on concrete steps on its accession path, as well as the criteria required for chapter closing, i.e., the priority of reforms. Within this principle corrective measures in case of problems during the negotiations are also proposed, aiming to sanction serious stagnation or possible setbacks in the implementation of reforms. According to the new revised methodology, the annual reports of the European Commission remain crucial in analyzing accession progress of Serbia to EU. After the presentation of the European Commission proposal on concrete steps in the future process of Serbia’s accession, individual EU member states should also communicate their position on the matter.

Joksimovic: Serbia ready for resuming EU integration process (RTS

EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi presented the so-called “non-paper” to the ambassadors of the member states, which specifies Serbia’s path to the EU. Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the methodology is now somewhat better clarified. “Of course, the member states have to decide on that proposal. We will see if there will be any additional changes. But I think that this is approximately the package of proposals now,” she noted. “The most important thing is that this methodology actually, in some way, at least as far as we who are already in the process are concerned, reinforces those things that were otherwise already important in our process, which was much more rigorous than for current members when they negotiated for their membership,” Joksimovic explains. She specifies that it refers to political criteria and the rule of law. “Now it is particularly stressed and underlined, in fact the most important segment. It is cluster 1, where Chapters 23 and 24 are located among other things,” she says. She states that the measurement of progress in those areas will be additionally observed and analyzed, not only by the EC, but also by the EU member states. “Therefore, the member states are now taking on a bigger role in some political supervision,” she pointed out, adding that the document refers to both the member states and Serbia as a candidate. She says that the inter-governmental conference has existed as a format so far, but only if chapters were opened. “According to the new methodology, inter-governmental conferences will be the highest level of the strategic political dialogue. So, at the ministerial level, between member states and candidates, in this case Serbia, regardless of whether we open a cluster or a group of chapters related to the cluster,” she says.

Corrective measures defined 

She states that the corrective measures, which are part of the new proposal, primarily refer to those to which the methodology will be applied for the first time. “They also apply to us, but in a different sense, because we have an existing negotiating framework, which, according to this proposal, which Commissioner Varhelyi presented yesterday, will not change. So, that is very good, because it is the only fair approach,” Joksimovic said, adding that all changes are being adapted within the existing negotiating framework. She said that corrective measures were very clearly defined for Serbia. She mentioned the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as that there will be no progress if there is no progress in the area of rule of law, regional and good-neighborly cooperation.

Bilcik: Serbia has to turn words into deeds (FoNet

European Parliament rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik MEP told an online debate that Serbia should turn its words into tangible deeds on its commitment to EU membership. He told the debate, organized by the European Movement in Serbia, that EU membership should not come as the victim of political struggle and competition in a democratic country. The Serbian government has expressed commitment to EU integration and parliament has debated the European Commission report, he said and added that rule of law and judiciary reforms should be continued. “We are ready to help support that commitment but we are at a point when progress depends on full commitment to the reform process,” he said and specified that the reforms are in rule of law, democratic changes of the culture and quality of the political dialogue in Serbia and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. He said that journalists and freedom of speech should be protected, adding that this is a crucial issue important to everyone in the EU. “Journalists are not there to please politicians who come and go. Journalists should play a strong role in society because they are one of the pillars of a democratic liberal society,” Bilcik said, adding that this is a condition for EU membership. “I expressed my concern over the campaign against (investigative news portal) KRIK,” he said. Attacks on journalists are dangerous and politicians should take care with their words because they are a powerful weapon in their hands, he added. Bilcik said that the goal of the inter-party dialogue is not for European Parliament officials to bring in prepared responses or set the form of the dialogue. “We want to make the dialogue easier,” he said. According to him, it’s important to prepare for a comprehensive dialogue which will provide results relatively quickly. “We appreciate the steps taken in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue which remains a strategic priority,” he said.

US Ambassador pleased with talks with Serbian MPs (Beta

US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey stated on 17 March that he was pleased with his talks with members of the Serbian parliament’s Caucus of Friendship with the US. He said that they had discussed important subjects, such as the pandemic, bilateral relations and the

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. After the meeting, Godfrey stated in the Serbian language that talking with the Caucus was a great honor for him and that he wished for work to continue on the development of bilateral relations between Serbia and the US. “Indeed, we talked about important subjects: the pandemic, our bilateral relations, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and I hope that my answers to these difficult questions were good and that your members (of the caucus) have received my wish to continue our work on developing our bilateral relations,” Godfrey stated.

Mihajlovic: Serbia committed to achieving goals of sustainable development (Tanjug

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mining Zorana Mihajlovic stated on Wednesday that Serbia, in addition to health and economic security, remains committed to achieving the goals of sustainable development, where activities in the field of gender equality and the fight against climate change are currently in focus. Mihajlovic participated in the “Regional Forum of Sustainable Development” of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), whose topic is the sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and activities within the 2030 sustainable development agenda in the UNECE region. On that occasion, she underlined that our country was among the first in Europe to provide immunization for its citizens and enable the choice of vaccines from four different manufacturers, adding that so far, the state has provided three packages of support for the economy and population worth €8 billion. According to her, the Ministry of Mining and Energy has begun establishing a legal and strategic framework that will strengthen and accelerate Serbia's path towards green energy, decarbonization and greater use of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency. She added that the development of the Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate for the period from 2021 to 2030, including the perspective until 2050, has begun, which will ensure compliance with long-term policy goals at the EU level, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Energy Community.

Krivokapic wants better relations with Serbia (N1

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic told N1 on Wednesday that his government wants better relations with Serbia, adding that relations are “slightly strained” at present.

“We will try to get those relations to where they should be and find the best solutions for all together through communication,” he said. “We will probably show that with practical examples in future because it’s not enough to just want something, we need results,” the Montenegrin Prime Minister said. Asked about his meetings with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Krivokapic said that he did not have an opportunity to talk to Vucic apart from a few words exchanged at the funerals of Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop Amfilohije and Patriarch Irinej. He said that he has no negative attitude towards anyone. Asked about the mini-Schengen initiative, Krivokapic said that the foreign ministry had been instructed to analyze it and make a recommendation. “I haven’t taken a single decision without a clear analysis… As for freedom of movement for people and goods, I think that was never a problem,” he said.



Selakovic meets Turkovic: Serbia and B&H have problems from the past, but the economy can connect us (BHT1


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic is in two-day official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Selakovic met on Wednesday with B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic where they stressed the commitment of the two countries to strengthening good-neighborly relations and economy. After the meeting, Turkovic said: “We are committed to strengthening our good-neighborly relations, economic and cultural cooperation, building infrastructure and working together on connecting the whole region’’. Selakovic said that despite the problems in the past, there are many things that can connect the two countries. “As a country that is a signatory and guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), we are interested in stability, peace in the region and we respect and will continue to respect every agreement at the level of B&H, between the two entities and the three constituent people’’. Selakovic pointed out that they had a good meeting which shows how important the good neighborly relations between Serbia and B&H are. “Stability of B&H is extremely important for the Republic of Serbia. The Republic of Serbia respects the territorial integrity of B&H, its government structure on the basis of the Dayton Peace Agreement,” Selakovic said. “Despite the great and numerous problems that we drag from the past, and whose solution we should definitely deal with, but in addition, there is a lot that can connect us at this moment and in the future. Economy is perhaps the strongest link,” Selakovic points out. Turkovic said that work would be done on resolving the international border, issues regarding the succession of property of the former Yugoslavia, property legal relations, the issue of submerged land and the missing persons. Selakovic and Turkovic also discussed issues burdening relations between B&H and Serbia, including construction of hydro power plants on Drina River and court processes against B&H citizens Husejn Mujanovic and Osman Osmanovic. Turkovic said that usual diplomatic communication in regards to these issues is underway. Selakovic stressed that it would be good “although I know it is impossible” not to politicize similar situations. Turkovic said that B&H is committed to strengthening good neighborly relations, economic and cultural cooperation and work on construction of infrastructure, such as Sarajevo-Belgrade highway and revitalization of railways with the goal of better connecting the two neighboring countries, but also the entire region. "That is the interest of our nationals, our citizens and in that regard, there are no dilemmas and there can be no obstacles. We believe that it is important, and that is the commitment of officials of the Republic of Serbia, to organize joint sessions of the government of Serbia and the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H," Turkovic underlined. Selakovic said that his arrival in Sarajevo is confirmation of "Serbia's desire to intensify our political dialogue." "That political dialogue is now conducted at the level of two ministers of foreign affairs, but it is possible to continue its conduct at the level of the government of the Republic of Serbia and the B&H CoM through continuation of good practice of holding joint sessions," Selakovic said. Selakovic stressed that trade between Serbia and B&H in 2020 was over EUR 1.47 billion.


Selakovic, Turkovic criticize COVAX mechanism during Selakovic’s visit to B&H (Nova BH


While every country is fighting to procure vaccines against COVID-19, it is clear that the COVAX mechanism has failed and not only for B&H, commented the presenter. This was one of the topics discussed during the meeting of Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. After the meeting, it was stated that such meetings should be more intensive and while there are many problems between B&H and Serbia, they have one thing in common, which is problems in vaccine procurement through the COVAX mechanism. “We paid the full price for our order. We have certain dates given to us during my visit last week. It was said that the first delivery will be made on 23 March. As far as I know, no one has officially denied this yet. It was a letter that was communicated to me by the Commission. They gave those dates and I expect them to be met,” said Turkovic. Selakovic stated: “What we have in common is that both of us entered the COVAX program, paid in advance, participated in financing the development of the vaccine and neither of us received anything from the COVAX program”. Selakovic pointed out that this is an excellent opportunity for B&H and Serbia to stand together, despite all differences concerning certain issues. They concluded that it was proven that there are no perfect systems and that the region may have idealized the EU too much, which means that the Western Balkan countries need to have better and more intensified mutual cooperation because the international partners can leave them stranded. Following meeting with Selakovic, Turkovic said that Covidshield vaccines Serbia recently donated to B&H are in the rank of cheaper vaccines and that they are ordered by countries with lower incomes. She added that the price of one dose of this vaccine is USD four. Turkovic said that she did not have bad intention and that B&H should be grateful for Serbia’s gift. The B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs went on to saying that she had requested consent of B&H Agency for Medicinal Devices and Medical Products for use of abovementioned vaccines, adding that she would request the same for any vaccine. “We should admit the present and we should appreciate it. But, the fact is that we need to insist on implementation of legal procedures adopted by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM).”

Selakovic and Tegeltija discuss regional cooperation (ATV


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met with Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija on Wednesday. Two officials assessed that regional cooperation is of strategic importance. Selakovic said at the meeting with Tegeltija that Serbia also wants to have good relations with B&H, stressing that good cooperation between the two countries is based on mutual trust and respect. The two officials concluded that there are some open issues between B&H and Serbia that need to be addressed in the future bilateral activities at the political and expert level.

Cvijanovic and Selakovic discuss improvement of cooperation between RS and Serbia (ATV


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic met on Wednesday in Istocno Sarajevo with Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic. Two officials concluded that cooperation between the RS and Serbia that has been great in previous period will be additionally improved. They also discussed cooperation between two sides in area of infrastructure, energy, healthcare, education etc. The RS President said that construction of motorway from Doboj through Bijeljina to Serbia and Bratoljub bridge at border between B&H and Serbia are projects of strategic interest. Cvijanovic underlined that level of B&H has been late with implementation of its obligations in regards to this project. She reminded that Serbia built Bratoljub bridge long time ago and that the RS constructed access roads. Cvijanovic added that B&H level is yet to construct joint border crossing at Bratoljub. She emphasized that Serbia and the RS should resume with implementation of joint projects. Selakovic stated that Serbia respects B&H and its territorial integrity, but it has agreement on special and parallel relations with the RS. He added that B&H is grounded on the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) that recognizes two entities and three constituent peoples. Selakovic stressed that no one should be bothered with special status and right of the RS to nourish special relations with Serbia because this right is granted by the DPA. He also said that the RS is mostly Serb entity and that there is nothing disputable in this. Reporter commented that this bothered journalists from the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Selakovic explained that Serbs are majority in the RS. He confirmed that the RS does not belong exclusively to Serbs. Also, the RS President and Selakovic confirmed importance of construction of Trebinje airport. Reporter noted that Serbia will invest some EUR 100 million in this project. Cvijanovic said that this project is important for people in this part of the RS, but also for improvement of regional communication. She emphasized importance of joint project of Serbia and the RS concerning construction of three hydro power plants on Drina River.

Vaccination of employees of B&H CC and their families in Serbia causes reactions (N1


Vaccination of employees of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) and their families, which was organized in Serbia on Monday with the Russian ‘Sputnik V’ vaccines against COVID-19, still causes reactions. Explaining the reasons for the decision to organize vaccination of employees of the B&H CC in Serbia, President of B&H CC Zlatko Knezevic stated that 90 vaccines were reserved for employees of the B&H CC in Serbia, but part of employees refused to be vaccinated after they found out that the ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccines will be applied so some of the employees’ family members were vaccinated instead. According to Knezevic, the main reason for an initiative and agreement on vaccination of the B&H CC employees in Serbia was B&H CC’s operating, as this institution needs to have continuous and unobstructed work. He stressed that he understands frustrations of B&H citizens now that they see no vaccines for mass vaccinations in the country, but that he was concerned for the health of the B&H CC employees. Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, who met with B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic in Sarajevo on Wednesday, also commented on the issue and said that he sees nothing disputable in this, reminding that the B&H CC contacted Serbian authorities through the Serbian Embassy.

B&H’s Commission for Cooperation with NATO: B&H could adopt 2021 Program of Reforms by mid-April (BN TV


The B&H Commission for Cooperation with NATO held an inaugural session on Wednesday and adopted a plan for drafting the Program of Reforms of B&H for 2021. The B&H Commission for Cooperation with NATO will draft the Program of Reforms of B&H by mid-April and submit it to the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) for adoption. Chair of the B&H Commission for Cooperation with NATO Josip Brkic stressed that when the Commission adopts and forwards the Program of Reforms of BiH to the B&H CoM, the document should become available to the public. "Of course, in the part that can be available to the public. If there are parts that may contain some degree of data confidentiality, of course that part of the document cannot not be available to the public if it is classified as a secret," Brkic explained. The Program of Reforms will be submitted to the NATO Headquarters in Brussels for evaluation. Report on the implementation of Program of Reforms of B&H for 2020 has been submitted to the NATO Headquarters in Brussels and according to Hungarian Ambassador to B&H Krisztian Posa, whose country has the role of NATO Contact Point Embassy in Sarajevo, Brussels is very satisfied. "At this level of cooperation, it is very important to stress that B&H is drafting programs for itself. That is a new level. We are satisfied because that was done well and it was positively received by the NATO Headquarters in Brussels," Posa underlined. The Program of Reforms will cover a series of reforms which are primarily related to the defense sector. Commander of the NATO HQ in Sarajevo Brigadier General Eric Folkestad stated that one is primarily speaking about the B&H Armed Forces (AF) and increasing their interoperability and functionality in line with NATO standards and their ability to participate in a variety of activities. Besides the B&H AF, the Program of Reforms of B&H for 2021 will also cover the security sector in regard to the fight against terrorism, crime and corruption, and judicial reform is also an important segment.

Inter-Agency Working Group for amendments to B&H Election Law formed (FTV


At the session of the Collegium of both Houses of the B&H parliament, an Inter-Agency Working Group was formed, which will deal with changes to the Election Law of B&H in the coming period. This Group will have three members from the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), three members from the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) and three members from the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM). If necessary, experts from the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H and other institutions that can help will be involved in the work of the Group, confirmed B&H HoP speaker Bakir Izetbegovic (SDA). FTV reminds that the inclusion of B&H CEC members was a controversial issue because SNSD and HDZ B&H were against it. Meanwhile, Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler continued the talks with opposition leaders and on his Twitter account he revealed that he met leaders of SDP, NiP and NS Nermin Niksic, Elmedin Konakovic and Predrag Kojovic respectfully. “I have once again reiterated the importance of transparent and inclusive process of constitutional/electoral reform in line with EC Opinion,” wrote Sattler.


B&H CoM fails again to appoint supervisory body for implementation of National Strategy for War Crimes Processing; EU Delegation wars that all institutions must implement Strategy (Glas Srpske


The B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) once again failed to appoint members of the supervisory body for implementation of the Revised National Strategy for War Crimes Processing after Bosniak ministers refused to give their approval for the appointments. CoM Chairman Zoran Tegeltija briefly said that the appointment of supervisory body members was not discussed, and refused to provide any details. According to the daily, this fact confirms that Bosniaks do not want truth and processing of persons responsible for crimes against Serbs, and they are blocking the work of the supervisory body because crimes against Serbs would be the first ones to be processed once the implementation of the Revised Strategy begins. Director of the RS Center for War Research, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons Milorad Kojic stated that OHR and the EU should react and unblock the process. He noted that if the international institutions remain silent, it will be a sign that they support the behavior of Bosniak representatives. The EU Delegation to B&H stated that although the adoption of the Revised Strategy created a positive momentum, the appointment of the supervisory body is unfortunately being delayed. “This body is necessary to pass decisions which are needed in order to improve work on processing of war crime cases, validation of implementation of the Strategy and securing further financing of the process. Even without establishing of this body, all institutions must proactively implement the Strategy,” the EU Delegation stated.


Covic: We are looking for solutions for stabilization of relations in B&H (Vecernji list


Vecernji list carried an interview with HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic prior to an international conference titled ‘Transformation Potential of Euro-Atlantic Processes in B&H, which will take place in Neum today (Thursday) and which will be organized by the Croat Academy of Sciences and Arts of B&H, the University of Mostar and the Association of Presidents of Universities of Croatia. Asked to comment on the conference at which he will be a keynote speaker, Covic said that participants of the conference, some of whom will be there in person and some of whom will address the conference via video-link, should clearly speak about the transformation potential when it comes to the EU and NATO and what’s in store for us. According to Covic, he expects that the conference will result in answers what needs to be done in order to steer the path towards Brussels. Covic announced that participants of the conference will include, among others, European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic (both via video-messages or video-links) and Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman (in person). Among other issues, Covic said that in order to obtain the status of EU candidate, we have to achieve three important goals during this non-election year. Namely, adopt the Law on Conflict of Interest, the Law on Public Procurements and reform the judiciary, which is not only about the Law on HJPC. “After all that, we have the key condition, which is the Law on Elections. That condition was set through the European Commission’s 14 points”, added Covic. Asked in what direction changes to the Law on Elections are heading, Covic said that “we need the Law on Elections that will guarantee us, when it comes t the Croat side, a legitimate election of the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H and legitimate election of 17 delegates in the Croat Caucus in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples”. Covic reiterated that the current convocation of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H is illegitimate and highly politicized. Asked if he is alluding to CEC member Suad Arnautovic, who recently said that his (Covic’s) proposals regarding changes to the Election Law are aimed at reincarnating ‘Herzeg-Bosnia’ and joining Croatia, Covic replied by saying that Arnautovic “did us a big favor because we no longer have to explain who sits there (CEC) and how the institution in question is politicized”. Talking more about the Law on Elections of B&H, Covic said that when it comes to SDA, “we will have to, by end of April, reach an agreement or not reach it”, adding that “we have sent a solution and are waiting for a response from SDA regarding the House of Peoples and the Presidency”. Asked what exactly was sent to SDA i.e. what kind of proposal, Covic said: “We have sent a proposal with two constituencies in the FB&H in terms of election of members of the Presidency. We do not mind if these issues are regulated differently either”. Asked to comment on stronger involvement of international officials in B&H regarding changes to the Law on Elections, Covic replied by saying he insisted on it, and thanked Ambassadors Eric Nelson and Johann Sattler for reaching the agreement in Mostar last year. In this context Covic said Sattler and Nelson held at least 10 meetings with ‘us’ (HDZ B&H and SDA representatives) over two months, stressing that “it is clear that local politicians must reach an agreement, but these steps forward are difficult without this encouragement”. Asked if he is in favor of Russia or in favor of NATO and the EU, Covic said he has been talking about this process for 25 years, stressing “our only road is the Euro-Atlantic road”. Asked to comment on the status of EU candidate for B&H and when it is expected, Covic replied by saying the condition for it is the Law on Elections, which is always stressed during meetings with EU representatives, especially with Commissioner Varhelyi.


Three coalitions reach agreement on swift government formation in Niksic (RTCG

Holders of the list of coalitions "For the future of Niksic", "Peace is our nation" and "Black and white" agreed last night to form a new government in Niksic. At the meeting of the holders of those lists, Marko Kovacevic, Momo Koprivica and Tatjana Djurisic Becanovic, it was agreed that negotiations on the formation of the government would begin and be conducted between the three coalitions, Kovacevic said. "We hope that everything will end quickly and efficiently" Kovacevic told RTCG. In Sunday's elections, the "European Team for Niksic" gathered around the DPS won 18 seats, the coalition gathered around the Democratic Front "For the Future of Niksic" led by Kovacevic 11, "Peace is our nation" 10, and "Black and white" and "People's Movement" "one each. The SDP remained below the threshold with 2.7 percent of the vote.

Supporters of the Democratic Party of Socialists organized a motorcade through Niksic, although the city council of the party appealed for no gatherings, RTCG reports. Citizens with Montenegrin flags and patriotic songs gathered and started driving through the city center. RTCG states that epidemiological measures were massively violated in Niksic during the election campaign, and reminds that on Sunday after the end of the voting, supporters of the coalitions "For the Future of Niksic" and "Peace is Our Nation" gathered to celebrate the election results.

Krivokapic: DPS result in Niksic an inflated balloon ( TV


Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic says that the elections in Niksic have shown that they were democratic and that the citizens decided on the basis of free will. He believes that the DPS achieved a bad result. “The results have pointed to the fact that is indisputable, and that is that the DPS lost power in Niksic. The DPS tried to preserve its electorate, but this did not happen and the result achieved is still not acceptable to any analyst. Because when you hold all the levers of the city, then you hold the advantage over your opponents. And they had it, they had the resources, and in the end, that power is neither more nor less than 40%. It is an inflated balloon, because in normal conditions they would not get even 30%,” Krivokapic told H1 TV. When asked if he thinks that any of the ruling parties can side with the DPS, PM Krivokapic answered that no one in Montenegro should make such a move.

USA: Political leaders should support Montenegro in which everyone feels safe (CdM/VoA

The United States calls on all “political leaders to support a tolerant and inclusive Montenegro, in which all citizens feel safe, regardless of ethnicity, religion or political affiliation.” A State Department spokesman said that in a written response to the request of the Voice of America to comment on the election in Niksic. “The United States congratulates the Montenegrin people on the recent local elections in Niksic. Peaceful elections and voter turnout are an indicator of democratic maturity,” the State Department said.

Abazovic: Montenegro's government not pro-Russian (RTCG


The deputy Prime Minister of MontenegroDritan Abazovic dismissed the claims about the new government being pro-Russian in Brussels on 17 March and requested support for the amendments to the laws on the prosecution, which the EU had adamantly opposed previously. Abazovic stated before the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) that the people in the EU did not know the new Montenegrin government well enough. "There are fears that we are a pro-Russian government, that we are supported by people who are against the EU. Let me assure you that this is not true. I am not saying that all who support us are 100 percent dedicated to integration with the EU, but that the government is 101 percent dedicated to that path. Anyone who wants to even slightly deviate from it will not be able to be our partner in the future," Abazovic stated, as quoted by the media in Podgorica. He said that Montenegro was unable to accomplish results in the fight against organized crime and corruption with the people who currently run the state prosecution. The EU has adamantly opposed the new parliamentary majority's plan to amend the laws on the prosecution, but has since retracted that stance temporarily. The amendments to these laws would envisage replacing the special prosecutor and his team, which the Democratic Front is insisting upon, and the survival of the government depends on their support.

Abazovic begs EU for understanding (

Deputy PM Dritan Abazovic, who was speaking yesterday before the EU Foreign Affairs Committee, has asked European partners for understanding when it comes to changes in prosecutorial laws, stating that their change is aimed at a better fight for the rule of law.

“I want to assure you that with the people who now run the Prosecutor’s Office, we can’t achieve results and that is a problem and that is why I am asking for your understanding.

We want to follow the rules on the road to the EU, we don’t want anything against the standard, but we need help to find a common solution, and if we want a solution, then we must change the State Prosecutor”, Abazovic stated in Brussels. Answering MEPs’ questions, Abazovic said that there had to be a majority for some issues, as well as for the reform of elections and changes in the Prosecutor’s Office, and that a way for dialogue with the opposition had to be found. “The government must be ready for dialogue and I think the Government is ready. It’s not easy, you can’t interfere in parliament, but I am more than sure that the new leadership of Parliament and the majority representatives will start a dialogue,” said Abazovic. He said that Montenegro had to make more progress in the field of the rule of law, the fight against corruption, in order, as he said, to provide people with a better standard. He added that people who had been in power for 30 years couldn’t lead institutions or a country on the path to the EU.

Abazovic meets Varhelyi: Montenegro committed to strong reforms in rule of law (RTCG

Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic met with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi. Abazovic said that his visit was a clear indicator that the process of European integration, in addition to good neighborly relations and NATO membership, remains the focus of the foreign policy of the Government of Montenegro. Abazovic said that he appreciated the approach of solidarity and the wholehearted support that the EU, together with the member states, sent to Montenegro in order to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Abazovic stressed that Montenegro is committed to achieving its strategic goal - EU accession and to strong reforms in the area of the rule of law, adding that the fight against corruption and organized crime are at the Government's top priorities. "It is clear that in-depth reforms are needed in terms of the efficiency of criminal prosecution, but only in consultation with the European Commission and the Venice Commission," said Abazovic. Abazovic welcomed the European Commission's economic and investment plan for the Western Balkans, in which the EC provided EUR 9 billion to move closer to EU standards, primarily through investment and support for competitiveness and inclusive growth, sustainable connectivity and the transition to green and digital development. Abazovic pointed out that the Government has proposed 10 infrastructure projects that represent a great chance for infrastructure, digital and green projects, as well as for closer regional connections. "For Montenegro, as an ecological state, assistance for the Green Agenda will be of great importance, as well as for transport and energy infrastructure, digitalization, education and innovation," said Abazovic. Abazovic said that everyone should work on changing certain narratives in society, but also on the general affirmation of the process of Montenegro's accession to the EU, in order to improve the communication in negotiations with member states and Brussels. We believe that all candidate countries should be included in the Conference on the Future of Europe during 2021, in order to constructively contribute to the discussion on the further vision of Europe's development. "The government of Montenegro is ready to face its biggest challenges, but on that path we need support and clear indicators for more dynamic progress in the process of European integration," Abazovic concluded.

Abazovic meets with Picula and Castaldo: We are determined to follow the EU path (RTCG

Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic met with European Parliament's Rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula and Vice-President of the European Parliament Fabio Massimo Castaldo. "The future of Montenegro is in the European Union and we are convinced that the process of European integration includes reforms that encourage the overall development of the state and society," said Abazovic. In a conversation with Picula, Abazovic said that the first democratic change of government in the history of the country brought a great increase in support for Montenegro's European integration. Abazovic said that, compared to December 2019, when 66.1 percent of Montenegrin citizens had a positive attitude towards the EU and 24.3 percent negative, there was growth in a short period of time, so now we have 77.6 percent of citizens with positive attitude towards the EU and 17.7 percent with negative attitude.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that Montenegro is committed to reforms in the area of the rule of law and that one of the priorities of the government is the fight against organized crime and corruption. Referring to the previous period, Abazovic said that in the previous 100 days, progress had been made and that the National Council for the Fight against High-Level Corruption had been formed. He also met with Vice-President of the European Parliament Fabio Massimo Castaldo. Abazovic said that the government is determined to follow its European integration path and that it will work dedicatedly on fulfilling the obligations from the European agenda. Abazovic said that the top priority in the government's work is the fight against organized crime and corruption, and that the establishment of the National Council for the Fight against High-Level Corruption is an important precondition for that. In a conversation with Castaldo, Abazovic also referred to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and said that cooperation and solidarity are the key to progress in these difficult times. Abazovic informed Castaldo about the COVID-19 situation in Montenegro and the new package of measures worth EUR 163 million to support the economy and citizens.

Stoltenberg: 50% of Montenegrin citizens support staying in NATO (CdM

If they could vote for Montenegro to remain in NATO, 50% of citizens would support the decision, while 30% of the population would vote for the country’s exit from the Alliance, according to a NATO 2020 report presented yesterday by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. It’s added that 20% of Montenegrin citizens are undecided. As in 2019, a majority of citizens would vote in a referendum to keep their country a member of NATO (62%, compared to 64% in 2019), and only 11% said they would vote for their country to leave the Alliance”, the report states. The report also says that the majority of allied citizens (58%) still see NATO membership as a chance to reduce the likelihood of a foreign attack, and only 16% disagree with that statement.


Palmer: US expects high standards for 4/25 Elections (Tirana Times/VoA

The Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of State Matthew Palmer gave an interview to the Voice of America on the 30th anniversary of the re-establish of the diplomatic relations between the U.S and Albania, where he talked about the ongoing support the US has given to Albania throughout the last decades and discussed also the future challenges of Albania, especially the upcoming elections and the need for a high standard process. “There have been many positive steps in the democratic space in Albania and there is still a lot of work to be done. We were very pleased to see the Albanian parliament adopt the legislation, in line with the ODIHR recommendations for electoral reform. We want to see the new legislation implemented and the April elections conducted to the highest international standards,” declared Palmer. Focusing on the justice reform, Palmer noted the progress that has been made, mentioning as an example the quorum achieved for the Constitutional Court or the fact that the Supreme Court is reviewing cases. “The United States is committed to working with our Albanian partners to ensure that judicial reform does not lose its strength and that the progress made continues, that the current trend continues,” said Palmer. Part of the interview was dedicated also to the EU integration process of Albania. On that issue, the Deputy Assistant Secretary expressed his hope that Albania would hold the first IGC conference. “We would very much like to see the holding of the first intergovernmental conference (IGC) for Albania. We think this is something that Tirana has deserved, as has Skopje. We would like the European Union to keep its promise and organize the first conference for both countries,” said Palmer. The Deputy Assistant Secretary discussed also the COVAX initiative and underlined that the US is giving up to 4 billion $ to support it. According to Palmer, in the coming weeks and months, “the supply of vaccines will increase exponentially and there will be enough vaccines for everyone.”