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Belgrade Media Report 22 March


Opposition to EP: Serbia’s regime undermines inter-party dialogue (N1

Serbia’s pro-European opposition parties and movements accused on Friday the country’s authorities led by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) of undermining the chance of a successful outcome of the inter-party mediated by the European Parliament (EP) and called on its members for the talks as soon as possible. Below is the full text of the letter they sent to the EP.

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

Distinguished facilitators of the inter-party dialogue,

We would like to express our serious concern about the sincerity and dedication of Serbia’s ruling party towards the achievements that the upcoming inter-party dialogue can bring to our democracy. Prior to the start of the dialogue, the Serbian progressive party (SNS), their coalition partners, and their controlled media have begun to orchestrate coordinated attacks on the European Parliament, independent media, the most prominent NGO experts involved in improving electoral conditions, and political opponents dedicated to the success of the IPD.

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, after an unsuccessful effort led by SNS through him to influence the structure of the EP delegation to the IPD, continued to diminish the significance of the EP and the EU as a whole. Dacic attacked the proposed EP resolution on Serbia by announcing that the Serbian parliament will adopt its own resolution about the EU in response. At the same time, Dacic announced that the government will create its own parallel dialogue mainly with their puppet and satellite parties with the pretext that not all of the opposition parties accept the EP role in repairing our evaporating democracy. Last night, on the national public service television closed to the opposition, President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he will take part in that parallel dialogue, without EP facilitators and with a clear political intention to undermine the prospects of the process that we are going to be part of together with you.

Furthermore, in the last several days, the parliament was used as a stage of horrific and brutal attacks on independent media and civil society organizations. Investigative journalists from KRIK were targeted as associates of organized crime just because they acquired and published information about the close ties of President Vucic’s entourage to members of criminal groups. The NGO CRTA was attacked by insinuating that they are working for foreign interest due to the fact that they are funded by foreign donators. By name, SNS targeted individuals by speaking about what car they are driving and even the physical location where the director of CRTA, Ms Vukosava Crnjanski, lives with her family. In parallel with these attacks, the level of brutality against opposition politicians increased with a clear intention to cover the fact that high-level SNS members were involved in organized crime, which the opposition emphasized years before. All national media, the parliament, government and public resources have been put in service of producing false facts about links of the opposition towards organized crime and money laundering. After clear evidence that documents used in this campaign are forgeries, the official SNS social media account referred to the opposition as “lousy cowards; slime; liars, thieves”.

We fully understand what is the intention of creating this kind of atmosphere. It has two objectives: one is to decrease opposition public support to even sit together with SNS and achieve real progress through the IPD, with your assistance. Second, if there is any chance even possible to improve conditions through IPD, they will try to diminish it by their announced parallel process. We urge you to start consultations with us as soon as possible in order to discuss the format and topics of the IPD, for which we are thoroughly preparing with our set of arguments and propositions how to overcome the flaws of this hybrid regime established by SNS and restore prospects that future elections will have a chance to produce a legitimate parliament.

Best regards,

Freedom and Justice Party (SSP)

Democratic Party (DS)

Free Citizens’ Movement (PSG)

Don’t Let Belgrade Drown (NDMBGD)

Together for Serbia (ZZS)

Movement for Change (PZP)

Schieb: Normalization of relations with Pristina would significantly draw Serbia closer to EU membership (Blic)

There are no final deadlines when it comes to the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, but I do not see why the process would be unnecessarily delayed, the German Ambassador told Blic. The sooner a solution is found, the better, said German Ambassador Thomas Schieb. He emphasizes that it is in the interest of everyone, primarily the citizens of Serbia, to find sustainable solutions to all open issues within the so-called dialogue on normalization. “Normalization in principle also means that people in Serbia and Kosovo will visit each other and do business with each other, without unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles. The sooner all existing problems related to normalization are resolved, the better for Serbia and the entire region. That would make Serbia and Kosovo significantly closer to the goal of EU membership,” he stressed. “It is good that Mr. Lajcak visited Pristina and Belgrade. It is important to continue communication, when it comes to topics of such importance as is the normalization of relationships. I am convinced that the dialogue on normalization will be renewed soon. But first we have to wait for the formation of the government in Pristina,” he said.

Palmer: Euro-skepticism in Serbia understandable, road to EU tough (FoNet/N1

Matthew Palmer, Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary - US Department of State - Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, said on Friday the Euro-skepticism in Serbia was understandable since the reforms on the road to the European Union membership was often difficult, but always proved to be worth efforts at the end.

That road sometimes appeared endless, but when a country achieved that aim, the people realised that the benefits far outweighed the difficulties, Palmer said, adding he hoped that would be the case with Serbia as well. “When people see the benefits of the EU membership, the support of the European road will increase,” Palmer told the conference “Future Serbia-EU relations and US Policy Toward Western Balkans,” organized by the Serb-American Friendship Congress and East-West Bridge. Palmer said the Belgrade – Washington bilateral relations were strong, and the two sides shared a joint vision of Serbia’s EU future membership.



Russian Embassy’s statement on NATO cooperation with B&H sparks reactions (Nova BH)

After the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement on Thursday in which, among other things, it said that in case of a practical rapprochement of B&H and the NATO Alliance, Russia will have to react to this, as the Embassy said, “hostile act”, many reactions in B&H were reported. NATO representatives stated for B&H media that “every country has the sovereign right to choose its own security arrangements”, and such threats are unacceptable to the North-Atlantic Alliance. A statement also came from the Cabinet of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, which said that the official stance of the Russian Federation was that it will respect the independent decisions of B&H institutions when it comes to the NATO path. “Now, the Russian authorities show an open intention to, against the international law, limit sovereignty of B&H. Our path towards NATO is defined through the adopted laws and decisions, and decisions on this path will continue to be made exclusively by B&H institutions and its citizens. I call on the Russian Federation to respect those decisions”, reads the statement from Minister Turkovic’s cabinet. B&H Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Josip Brkic said that Russia’s stance in regards to NATO is well known. He emphasized that Russia cannot meddle into B&H’s decisions, especially when they are made through consensus of all sides and made by B&H’s institutions. “We will continue in that direction in which we believe our future lies,” Brkic concluded. B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic called on Russia to respect the B&H laws on cooperation with NATO. Komsic concluded by saying that political speech that contains hidden threats is surely unacceptable, both for Russia and B&H. Dzaferovic and Komsic condemned the statement of the Russian Embassy to B&H. “B&H’s foreign policy goals are defined by B&H’s Foreign Policy Strategy. When it comes to the NATO membership, things are defined by the Law on Defense and the decisions of B&H Presidency. B&H will continue on that path, regardless of the stances and opinions of the Russian Embassy” Dzaferovic’s office stated. SDA reacted by saying that the press release of the Russian Embassy to B&H that calls into question the NATO path of B&H represents another inappropriate interfering in internal issues of B&H. According to SDA, the stance of the Russian Federation that practical bonding of B&H and NATO represents a hostile act towards Russia is groundless and reflects a wish to abolish the state of B&H the right to independently lead its foreign and defense policies. Komsic also reacted by saying that obviously, this is a geopolitical game of Russia that has the goal to stop spreading of NATO in Europe that is obviously a Russian strategical goal. NATO also reacted and announced its view on the stance of the Russian Embassy to B&H by saying that whether states will decide to cooperate with NATO – via partnership or as full member states - depends on each individual state and 30 allies and no third party has the right to intervene or veto this process.

Dodik: Everyone in B&H must decide on NATO membership (Srna)

In a statement for Srna, Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic is irresponsible towards the bodies of B&H and does not respect the policy of the Presidency of B&H which adopted the Program of Reforms, which states that cooperation with NATO does not prejudge membership and that a new decision will be needed. "The story of NATO has become unbearably distasteful and it only shows that B&H is a nonsensical country. It seems that the messages of some officials from this Alliance who say that B&H's cooperation in its current form does not prejudge membership are not clear enough in B&H" Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik reiterated that Republika Srpska (RS) is against B&H's membership in NATO. He reminded that the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H changed the name of the Commission for NATO Integration, "which was supported by SDS leader Mirko Sarovic and others", to the Commission for Cooperation with NATO. Dodik stressed that it is necessary to focus on the forms of cooperation that are possible, and that everyone in B&H must decide on NATO membership.

Lungescu on Russian Embassy’s statement on NATO path of B&H: Every state has sovereign right to choose its own security arrangement (Nova BH)

A statement from NATO Headquarters (HQ), signed by NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu, was issued in reaction to a recent statement of the Russian Embassy to B&H about the NATO path of B&H. Namely, the Russian Embassy stated that Russia will have to react in case of practical progress of B&H towards NATO, referring to it as “a hostile step”. In the reaction, the NATO Spokesperson wrote that every state has a sovereign right to choose its own security arrangement. “Whether the states will opt for cooperation with NATO – either through partnership or as full-fledged members of the Alliance – depends on each individual applicant and the 30 allies,” reads the reaction. Lungescu added that no third party has the right to intervene or to veto such process.

US Embassy to B&H reacts to statement by Russian Embassy to B&H: NATO’s relationship with B&H is centered on reforms (AJB

The US Embassy to B&H deemed the statement by the Russian Embassy to B&H as another clear indicator of differences between what is offered to B&H by NATO and the EU and by Russia. “NATO’s relationship with B&H is centered on reforms which benefit all citizens and are complementary to B&H’s EU path. The Reform Program process, which is led by B&H, is B&H’s opportunity to identify its own reform priorities and how it envisions bringing Alliance assistance to achieve them. NATO Allies will continue to help B&H advance its goal of joining the Euro-Atlantic community in supporting the Armed Forces of B&H in delivering crisis response and other assistance,” reads the statement issued by the US Embassy to B&H. The US Embassy to B&H stated that as NATO allies, they will resume to provide assistance to B&H to make progress toward membership in Euro-Atlantic community. It was underlined by the US Embassy that press release of the Russian Embassy represents another clear contrast between assistance NATO allies and the EU partners have been offering to B&H and what Russia has been offering.

Nelson surprised and pretty disturbed with statement of Russian Embassy (O kanal)

US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson commented recent statement of the Russian Embassy to B&H disputing NATO path of B&H. Among other things, Nelson said that in period of pandemic and period of other crisis one should think about honest friends of B&H. He also stated that there is difference between what the EU and Russia offer to B&H. Nelson went on to say that he was surprised and pretty disturbed with statement of the Russian Embassy in which it threatened against B&H in regards to B&H’s NATO integration. The US Ambassador to B&H underlined that this is another clear contrast, difference between assistance NATO allies or the EU offer to B&H compared to what Russia is offering. He stressed that they have been extending hand, while the Russian Embassy has been waving fists. “What we offer and provide is full respect of consensus within the country, important progress B&H needs. Through all our efforts and activities, we showed basic respect and commitment to building of consensus within B&H” said the US Ambassador to B&H. He went on to say that the assistance they have been providing shows their honest wish for B&H to join the EU. “We want these reforms to become real as soon as possible” stressed Nelson and added that the statement of the Russian Embassy is unacceptable.

Changes to Law on Elections of B&H again in the spotlight; German government: Third entity is not option (FTV)

Changes to the B&H Law on Elections have again been put in the spotlight in the last couple of weeks. According to FTV, asked about the standpoint of official Berlin about the planned electoral reform, the German Government made it clear that a third entity is not an option and that it is time to promote civic society and abandon ethnic divisions. According to FTV, B&H politicians seem to make one step forward and two steps back when it comes to this process and as talks of party leaders failed to bring results, they formed the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) that will negotiate about this issue. SDA and the international community (IC) demanded to involve the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) in this process, but according to agreements, the CEC will be engaged if necessary. The US Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer also insisted on engagement of the B&H CEC in this process during meetings with leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik but according to the reporter, he failed to convince them. According to FTV, members of HDZ B&H and SNSD can outvote other members of the IAWG at any time and thus, the logical question is who is in charge and whether there will be the need to engage the B&H CEC. Member of German Bundestag Manuel Sarrazin (Alliance 90/The Greens) asked the German Government to present its stance on the planned reform of the Law on Elections of B&H “which, in my opinion, would introduce the third entity through a backdoor, i.e. cement ethnic-nationalism”. Sarrazin also wanted to know what kind of a stance the European Union (EU) will define on this matter in the current negotiating process with B&H. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany Miguel Berger wrote in an answer that German government is closely monitoring a debate on the reform of the Law on Elections of B&H and added that it is necessary to adjust legislation in order to eliminate existing discrimination, meaning failure to implement the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling of the European Court of Human Rights. “The reform of the Law on Elections of B&H is a part of the Opinion of the EU on key priorities for B&H, which the EU defined in 2019” the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded and noted that the German government especially advocates “territorial integrity of B&H with its existing entities”. “According to the stance of the government in Berlin, creation of the third entity, along with the existing FB&H and RS, cannot be the goal of reform efforts. The German government supports the wish of civic society in B&H to promote civic society and overcome divisions according to ethnic lines,” the reply noted.

Izetbegovic: Unitary B&H has never been suffocating identity of ethnic groups in this county; HDZ B&H and SDA have not been able to bring our positions closer (N1)

The Association of Independent Intellectuals ‘Krug 99’ held a regular, online session on Sunday and discussed the topic titled ‘Internal and external forces in the restitution of the civil organization of B&H’. The keynote speaker was leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic said that SDA fully supports the civic principle and the party is ready for full and urgent implementation of verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights, but the key moves towards a civil state must come from the international community (IC). He stated: “SDA should stop being treated in a way to equalize it with the other two nationalistic parties. SDA was based in the Bosniak people and it defends interests of the people in a pro-Bosnian, pro-European way. We constantly fought to preserve the multi-ethnic substance of BiH. We accepted supremacy in the form of the Office of the High Representative in order to preserve such community.”  Izetbegovic also said that B&H has always been functioning on the ground of civic organization, adding that ethnic balance has always been preserved and domination of any people over other peoples has been prevented. He stressed that unitary organized B&H has never been suffocating identity, culture, differences and equality of ethnic groups in this country. Izetbegovic said that current B&H is problem for all of its peoples and citizens due to its complex organization. He went on to saying that the IC needs to engage more because it proved that it has well defined mechanisms of sanctions and awards. Izetbegovic stressed that SDA has been actively cooperation with the IC, adding that upon their proposal, SDA entered negotiations with HDZ B&H to amend electoral legislation in B&H. He added that civic parties, representatives of the IC, NGO and intellectuals need to engage in this process. The leader of SDA stressed that civic parties need to give up on counter-productive conflict with SDA. He added that unitary country as B&H was until the Dayton that is functioning on ground of civic principle is natural framework enabling survival and development of multiethnic community. "So far, HDZ B&H and we have not been able to bring our positions closer. I am convinced that SDA/HDZ B&H format is too reduced and that all parliamentary parties, domestic and foreign experts, as well as representatives of the non-governmental sector should be included in the talks on amendments to the Constitution and the Election Law. What is to be welcomed regarding this format is that after 12 years it has resolved the issue of elections in Mostar," Izetbegovic underlined. Izetbegovic stressed that civic, mostly left-oriented political parties must give up on counter-productive conflict with SDA and make breakthrough in the areas where Croat and Bosniak national parties dominate. He added that his breakthrough equals zero at the moment. In his opinion, a democratic, pro-Bosnian reflex must be woken up in Serb and Croat corps in B&H. He stressed that as a state B&H is much older than Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks and therefore it is unacceptable to look for solutions, which would be exclusively based on the rights of these collectivities. Izetbegovic believes that Bonn Powers of the High Representative must be used against those who negate genocide, decorate war criminals and threaten with secession.

Trial in case ‘Novalic et al.’ continues, prosecution witness Salcin: UNDP’s assistance in purchase of respirators rejected by FB&H Civil Protection Administration (FTV)

The trial in the case of purchase of 100 Chinese respirators, which were purchased through the Srebrenica-based ‘Srebrena malina’ company at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, continued before the B&H Court in Sarajevo on Friday. The accused individuals in this case are Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister Fadil Novalic, FB&H Minister of Finance Jelka Milicevic, suspended Director of the FB&H Civil Protection Administration Fahrudin Solak, and owner of ‘Srebrena Malina’ Fikret Hodzic. The accused individuals are charged with conspiring to commit a series of criminal offenses including abuse of office, bribery, trade in influence, money laundering, and forgery of documents. The trial continued with testimony of prosecution witness, former acting Director of the B&H Public Procurement Agency Djenan Salcin, who provided details about the procurement of respirators that were necessary for treatment of COVID-19 patients. In his testimony, Salcin revealed that the UNDP was interested in providing assistance to the FB&H through an urgent procurement of respirators. Salcin pointed out that the FB&H Civil Protection Administration rejected the UNDP’s offer of assistance. Salcin noted that he concluded on 16 March 2020, that the Law on Public Procurement is no obstacle to purchase of respirators or other relevant equipment for the COVID-19 situation. “We knew that the demand for certain protective means, medicines, and devices would increase on the market. From meetings and experience that we had with major clinical centers, we had some feedback on lack of supply when it comes to those devices,” Salcin stated. Novalic’s attorney Vasvija Vidovic told the media that Salcin’s testimony goes in favor of her client’s defense, even though he testified as a prosecution witness. “He clarified the legal framework related to international standards,” Vidovic pointed out. B&H Prosecutor Mirza Hukeljic announced that two new prosecution witnesses will testify when the trial resumes, as well as that more material evidence will be presented. The trial is set to continue on 24 March.


Krivokapic: Vuksic falsely accused, prosecutor’s office must react (CdM)

Acting Director of the National Security Agency, ANB, Dejan Vuksic, has been falsely and unprofessionally accused by certain MPs who are members of the parliamentary Security Committee for revealing classified information of a NATO member state, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic told in an address to the nation. Krivokapic noted that the prosecutor’s office should file a criminal charge against MPs who had revealed classified information to the public. “Following the examination of the so-called Simijanovic case, the main conclusion of the Committee was that Vuksic had been found guilty of revealing classified information. The public should know that Article 7 says that those same MPs must not reveal any information or data unless it’s no longer classified,” the PM noted. “MPs should have kept that information secret the same as the ANB, president of the country, parliament’s speaker and prime minister should do. Their responsibility is even greater. But the public now knows that the matter was discussed by the Security Committee and thinks that Vuksic submitted data of another service, not of our own service and the ANB.” According to Krivokapic, Vuksic is going to launch an internal investigation aiming to discover how the Security Committee got that document. “We will examine the case jointly,” he pointed out.


Konjevic: Scandal – Vuksic revealed secret data of NATO member (CdM)

Due to the disclosure of secret information, the acting director of the National Security Agency (ANB) Dejan Vuksic has been urgently invited to the session of the parliamentary Committee on Security and Defense, CdM has learnt. Vuksic allegedly disclosed secret information about the fake American diplomat Stevan Simijanovic. SDP leader Rasko Konjevic commented on this procedure. Contrary to the Law on Data Secrecy, Vuksic gave the secret data of an intelligence agency of a NATO member state, Konjevic has stated. “He violated Article 26, paragraph 3 of the Law. It’s a scandal,” Konjevic has tweeted.

Boskovic: Security sector humiliated, national security endangered, Vuksic should resign (CdM)

The information announced by the SDP leader Rasko Konjevic that the director of the National Security Agency (ANB) Dejan Vuksic disclosed the secret data of an intelligence agency of a NATO member state, contrary to the Law on Data Secrecy, has provoked violent reactions from the entire Montenegrin public. The concern and the question of whether national security is endangered, whether and how Montenegrin NATO partners will react to all that are justified. The former defense minister, DPS MP and the Security Committee member Predrag Boskovic has told CdM that Vuksic should resign, that national security is endangered, and that the security sector is humiliated. Answering the question of whether NATO membership is endangered, Mr Boskovic says that it is a question for NATO partners. He also stresses that they were warned from the start and told that it is not enough for someone to swear in the European and Euro-Atlantic agenda, but that they must show it in action. Boskovic says that Vuksic was told at the previous hearing that the way in which he delivered the documents and did their presentation was not in line with the best practice in the intelligence and security sector. According to him, the competent authorities should decide on this.

Markovic: Government harms intelligence service and state reputation (CdM)

The government is doing harm to the intelligence service and the state reputation, says the long-term director of the National Security Agency (ANB) Dusko Markovic. He emphasizes that the service credibility is painstakingly acquired, but easily lost. Markovic points out that the intelligence service in each regulated state has a special status, organization and rules.

“In a certain period, we managed to build it to the level of an equal partner and a factor in the global intelligence and security community. And that is the standard that must be respected by every government and any policy,” he states.

Venice Commission issues adverse opinion on prosecutorial laws (Pobjeda)

The Venice Commission has issued an adverse opinion on the proposed amendments to the prosecutorial laws sent by Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Vladimir LeposavicPobjeda reports. In its official opinion, the Venice Commission states that political decisions should be made in a transparent manner and through public debate, involving key stakeholders and experts. It recalls that legal reforms shouldn’t be adopted in a hurry and in the absence of real urgent reasons. The opinion explicitly states several times that the mandate of the current Chief Special State Prosecutor must be respected. As it is stated, the proposed law is not directed towards legal regulation, but – towards the specific person, i.e. the current head of Special State Prosecutor’s Office Milivoje Katnic. The Venice Commission is concerned about such an abuse of legislative powers: it undermines legal certainty and is contrary to the nature of drafting regulations aimed at defining general rules, as opposed to executive action in relation to a particular individual or situation. Venice Commission experts are of the opinion that institutional reforms must not be initiated only for one goal – the removal of individuals in key positions. They have expressed particular concern over the proposed “transformation” of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office into the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption. They estimate that such a transformation would lead to the postponement of the activities and procedures of the current Office and that the redistribution of current cases could be carried out arbitrarily and/or politically motivated. The Venice Commission concludes that the most probable result of the Office reorganization would be administrative chaos, which would lead to unjustified several-month delays in the Office’s work.

Knezevic: DF not giving up on prosecutorial laws; Mandic: Great parliamentary and government crisis (CdM)

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has started meetings with parliamentary majority leaders. The topic discussed has related to overcoming the political crisis. At the separate meetings, Krivokapic talked to the DF leaders Milan Knezevic and Andrija Mandic. Mandic and Knezevic told Krivokapic that the DF wouldn’t give up on changing the prosecutorial laws. Mandic said that there was a great parliamentary and Government crisis in Montenegro. After the meeting, Knezevic told journalists that the DF would remain committed to implementing the Prosecutor’s Office reform.

Picula: Meeting benchmarks of Chapters 23 and 24 a condition for progress towards EU (Gradski radio)

Montenegro won’t progress on the path to the EU if it doesn’t meet the temporary criteria from Chapters 23 and 24, which concern judiciary and fundamental rights, justice, freedom and security, says MEP Tonino Picula in an interview for Gradski Radio. Picula explains that if these provisional benchmarks aren’t met, other chapters won’t be able to be opened. The new methodology in the accession negotiations will be applied to Montenegro and Serbia, although Montenegro has opened all chapters and temporarily closed three. “Serbia has twice as bad the result, because it started negotiations on 18 chapters, but didn’t open any in two years,” Picula points out.


Zaev reelected as SDSM leader (Republika)

At all 237 polling stations in all 80 municipalities the election was conducted in a completely safe manner while strictly observing the health recommendations, with a turnout of 90%, SDSM’s Central Election Commission informed at Sunday’s press conference. 68,991 active members were eligible to vote. The election process ran smoothly, without any interruption.

Out of 237 polling stations, the results of 227 were processed and according to the ballots counted so far, 59,240 members voted for Zoran Zaev, 865 were against, and there were 277 invalid ballots.

Hundred Macedonian journalists to get vaccinated in Serbia organized by MAN (Republika)

At the request of the Macedonian Association of Journalists (MAN) in cooperation with the partner Serbian Association of Journalists through the office of the President of Serbia, AstraZeneca vaccines have been provided for a total of 100 media workers who will apply for vaccination at the association’s official email:, no later than 19h, Sunday (March 21, 2021). The term for vaccination is 23 March 2021. Only persons who will be officially registered by MAN will get vaccinated.


Elections, criminal groups entering the stage (Tirana Times)

After the militants of the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party clashed with each other during the festivities of Summer Day in Elbasan, the opposition has made public the names of some of the individuals involved in the episode, who were supporting the Socialist majority. According to the DP, at least 5 of them are part of the organized crime, while another individual identified by the opposition has been also convicted in the past for criminal offences. While both the parties accused each other for the clashes of the 14th of March, most of the media claimed that the incident was born at the moment PM Edi Rama the leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha arrived both at the same moment in Elbasan to be part of the festivities. The shouting “Rama Go” by the supporters of Basha, apparently irritated the supporters of the Prime Ministers, who then started the fight with punches and kicks. The Secretary-General of the Democratic Party Gazment Bardhi declared for the media that the criminals were sent by Edi Rama, and went on record to mention by name all the individuals that according to him are part of the criminal groups. So far, no measure has been taken by the institutions to investigate more regarding the accused names. With almost one month near the parliamentary elections of 25 April, the tense climate is clearly rising, and the clashes in Elbasan are not a single episode. Yesterday, the candidate for MP in the list of Elbasan for the Democratic Party Luciano Boci clashed physically with the well-known businessman Gjergj Luca, who is a great supporter of Edi Rama’s government. After the clashes, Boci declared that Luca threatened him with his life. Meanwhile only a couple of days ago the leader of the environmentalist Agrarian Party, Agron Duka, made a strong statement, where he declared that he may decide to withdrew from the next elections due to incriminated persons on the Socialist lists. “The situation in the area of Shijak continues to be the same. If the situation will continue to be the same, I will bring facts, that criminals, perhaps public and famous names, are part of the electoral campaign of the Socialist Party. Very dangerous elements, this is the greatest crime that could happen to Albanians,” said Duka, who is currently positioned second in line in the Democratic Party candidate list in the Durres County. Duka continued by saying that “If we continue with the same script, Albania will make backwards steps. I take the responsibility as a candidate for MP that in the near future if these names that I will continue to denounce will continue to be on the lists, I myself will withdraw from the race, because then it will be impossible to win if the situation will continue to be like that,” said Duka. Duka’s declaration came only one day after the US Ambassador, Yuri Kim, said that some candidates may be disqualified from entering the next elections after the vetting process.  “There are three people that the U.S. Secretary of State has designated. I will not carry their names in my mouth, but you can find the record for yourself. It’s now with the Central Election Commission, and it’s their job, along with the prosecutors, to vet these candidates,” said Kim, adding that it shouldn’t come as a surprise if “some candidates are disqualified after that process.”  Some of the names proposed by the Socialist majority in the next parliamentary elections, include the current MP Ilir Ndraxhi, whose name was mentioned in the wiretaps of the infamous 339 file on drug trafficking and vote-buying in Shijak, and Rrahman Rraja, whose family members and nephews have had various issues with the Albanian and international justice.

Basha: With our help, Kosovo will be in NATO and EU (ADN)

The leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, stated that Kosovo will be in NATO and part of European Union very soon, with the help of the Albanian government and the strategic partners of our country. Basha said during an interview that his foreign policy will be guided by two essential principles, such as Albania's European integration and the consolidation of Kosovo's statehood and its membership in international institutions. “It is quite clear that my foreign policy will be guided by two principles: the European Integration of Albania, the strengthening and consolidation of Kosovo's statehood and its membership in international institutions. We will not spare our assistance to Kosovo for integration in NATO.” In the interview, Basha was asked again to comment the gesture of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who had posted on his social network the map of Kosovo superimposing the Serbian flag. “Every step taken in the direction of the past harms those who take it. This is what I said a day ago, while Official Tirana and Edi Rama had their mouths shut. President Vuci's statement was a statement that regards the last century, which undermines the climate of stability and progress of the countries in the region. It goes completely against the aspirations of the peoples to join the European Union. Kosovo's independence is an irreversible reality. With the help of our strategic partners and that of Albanian government, Kosovo will be tomorrow a full member in NATO and the European Union,” Basha concluded.

Rama: Vucic's map of Kosovo is made of spiderweb (Radio Tirana)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, said that the map of Kosovo that was covered with the Serbian flag, which was published by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic last week "is a map made of spiderweb". "This happened after that spiderweb map drawn by that friend in Belgrade who is playing with puppets on Facebook" Rama said during a visit to Kukes in the north of the country, Reporters reports. He added that "of course, we have different approaches to how to go into the future", but that we are "one in the present".

Dozens of doctors, nurses of Kosovo get Covid-19 vaccine in Albania (ADN)

Dozens of doctors and nurses from Kosovo were vaccinated this Sunday against Covid-19 in Kukes as Albania has donated some doses of AstraZeneca as it was promised earlier. The process of vaccination for 500 white shirts of Kosovo hospitals started Saturday in Kukes, while Kosovo still had not received any dose of vaccine against Covid-19. The Minister of Health and Social Protection, Ogerta Manastirliu, announces that even this Sunday, which is the second day of vaccination, the procedure will continue with the medical staff of the front line.