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Belgrade Media Report 26 March


Vucic: We are ready for dialogue with Pristina, but never for blackmail and threats (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday he was satisfied by the EU’s reaction to statements by Albin Kurti, head of the Pristina provisional government, about principles for the dialogue with Belgrade. The EU had to react because the dialogue would make no sense if Kurti really means all that he has said, Vucic said. “We will wait for a little longer to see if the man will comply a bit and understand what Pristina’s obligations are… Serbia always respects signed agreements. If someone says they are not interested in the Community of Serb Municipalities, then it's clear that that someone doesn't want dialogue. We will be ready for dialogue, and if he is willing, then he is, and if he is not, he does not have to be,” Vucic told reporters. Pristina must meet its obligations, he said. Sources in the European External Action Service have told Tanjug Kurti’s latest statements on the dialogue with Belgrade were “undermining the process” and that, as a result, he could bear the sole responsibility for a “lack of progress” and potential “failure” of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Vucic appreciative of China’s consistent stance regarding respect of Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Chinese National Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met in Belgrade on Friday to discuss stepping up the dialogue and enhancing the cooperation between Serbia and China in many areas, as well as a readiness to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. Vucic noted that Wei’s visit reaffirmed the “steely friendship and the comprehensive strategic partnership between Serbia and China” and was a “sign of its deepening in all areas.” He added that Serbia and the country’s relevant authorities were ready to work with China and its National Defense Ministry on further development of overall relations between the two countries, in particular in cooperation in military economy, military medicine and military education. Vucic once again thanked China for helping Serbia during the coronavirus pandemic and particularly noted that the continuity of dialogue and further intensification of cooperation had been preserved in spite of the pandemic.

Vucic and Wei said Serbia’s participation in the China-CEEC mechanism of cooperation and the Belt and Road initiative were an important characteristic of the firm bilateral relations. Vucic once again stressed Serbia’s unwavering position when it comes to support to the One China policy and added that he was extremely appreciative of China’s consistent stance regarding respect of Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. He said he was pleased with the dynamic development of military cooperation and added that Serbia was interested in intensifying it further. Vucic particularly noted Serbia was very much looking forward to a new visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping once the conditions were in place and the epidemiological situation normalized, an official statement said.

Normalization with Pristina, respect of laws key - EP report (Tanjug/RTS/Beta

The European Parliament on Thursday adopted a report on Serbia that says normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations and respect of fundamental laws in the country is crucial for determining the pace of Serbia’s EU accession talks. In the report, members of the European Parliament welcomed the progress made by Serbia in development of a functional market economy, encouraging the Serbian government to continue to implement structural reforms in that area. The MEPs once again pointed to the significance of aligning Serbia’s foreign and security policy with that of the EU and said Serbia’s rate of alignment was currently the lowest in the region. They also expressed concern over the efficiency of the work of the Serbian parliament. The MEPs said there was no opposition in the Serbian parliament and that its legitimacy was disputed by opposition parties. The report was carried with 538 votes for, 69 votes against and 79 abstentions. The MEPs also adopted reports on the so-called Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia.

Selakovic: Von Kramon against Serbia (Politika/Tanjug/RTS

Member of the SNS Presidency Nikola Selakovic sharply criticized yesterday’s speech of Viola Von Kramon before the EP and said this was a parade of bias and political distaste not only because of what she said, but also because what she didn’t say. “In her view, self-declared Kosovo is a Balkan oasis of Euro-enthusiasm and a blooming democracy, and the main problems are air pollution and violence against women,” said Selakovic. He added that in his address to the MEPs, Von Cramon did not find it necessary to mention the endangerment of the Serbian and heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, even though we are witnessing almost daily ethnically motivated incidents against our people. “She did not address the threats of creating a Greater Albania, i.e. threats of violent change of borders. For her, Albin Kurti is not a war instigator and a threat to the stability of the region, but a promoter of democracy,” he says. Selakovic says that he has not heard this kind of aggressive and open anti-Serbian attitude since the end of the 1990s. As the culmination of her bias and deviation from political and diplomatic decency, he cited the fact that she cited “mutual recognition” of Serbia and self-declared Kosovo as a condition for EU membership, which so far we could not hear as the official position of any European institution. “Also, her lobbying and pressure on EU members that did not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo to change their position is a direct violation of the principle of status neutrality, which is the principled position of the EU as a mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina,” Selakovic said. Unlike her, Selakovic pointed out, Vladimir Bilcik was, although at times very critical, far more measured and it can be said well-intentioned when it comes to the situation in Serbia and the perspectives of our EU path. “After this, I can only express hope that the predominant tone for future relations and cooperation between Serbia and the EU will be given, not by irresponsible solo players and lobbyists like Viola von Cramon, but by serious and credible European politicians,” Selakovic said.

Bilcik: Serbia has to achieve progress in several areas (Beta

European Parliament rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik said on Thursday that Serbia has to achieve visible progress in several areas in order to progress toward EU membership. He told a news conference with rapporteur for Kosovo Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel following a debate on his report on Serbia that journalists and civil society organizations have to be protected, adding that any attack on them is unacceptable. Bilcik said that the European Parliament welcomes the Serbian government’s commitment on European integration but added that there have to be more reforms, especially in rule of law and the judiciary. The fundamental criteria for Serbia to progress on the road to the EU are political. Serbia is doing very well economically but there are several political areas in which progress is required, he said adding that the coronavirus pandemic had a negative effect on democratic institutions which is why his report insists on the importance of the inter-party dialogue and quality of political competition and democracy. Bilcik singled out Serbia’s alignment with EU foreign and security policy which he said was about 60 percent adding that Serbia’s future is European not Russian or Chinese. “That is the important message in the report,” he said. According to him, the report is road map showing the areas in which Serbia has progressed. Von Cramon told the media that the EP is sending a strong message to Kosovo, adding that the authorities in Pristina have to do more on rule of law and gender-based violence as well as the fight against climate changes. She said that some progress had been achieved o the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue over the past few weeks, adding that a comprehensive agreement to normalize relations is a condition for European integration. She said that Serbia is promoting coronavirus vaccines from Russia and China strongly and added that “this is a geopolitical struggle”.

Vulin: Kosovo cannot be a member of any international organization (Tanjug

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin chaired on Thursday the interdepartmental meeting of the Coordination Body for the Prevention of the Admission of the so-called Kosovo to the Membership of Interpol. On that occasion, Vulin said that if Pristina submits a request for membership in Interpol again, he will fight energetically and with arguments in order to prevent it, because it is contrary to international law, but also to the very meaning of the existence of this organization. The so-called Kosovo, as he warned, must not be a member of any international organization, especially not those that have information about crime and organized criminal groups. The Minister pointed out that, despite the fact that Pristina undertook in the Washington Agreement not to be a member of Interpol, Serbia is well aware that Pristina does not keep its word.

Lajcak: Vucic and Kurti meeting may happen soon (RFE/Beta

EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations Miroslav Lajcak told Radio Free Europe (RFE) on Thursday that the first meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti might happen within the next several weeks. He added he was encouraged by recent visits to Pristina and Belgrade, during which the leaders assured him they were ready to resume the dialogue. The European Council extended Lajcak’s mandate through 2022, but he said that did not mean the process should last till then. Lajcak said he believed an agreement was possible within months providing there was a political will and added he would not allow the talks on issues that would open the Pandora box and that the territory swap was a close chapter. Asked when the first Vucic-Kurti meeting was possible, Lajcak said it could be expected soon enough, without an unnecessary delay. “Kurti told me he was ready to come to Brussels and meet Vucic. Vucic said he was ready to come whenever invited,” he added.



Kalabukhov: B&H and NATO getting closer (Dnevni list/RTRS


Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov told RTRS on Wednesday night that and NATO getting closer represents a hostile move for Russia. Ambassador Kalabukhov reminded that NATO confirmed that (its) cooperation with B&H does not mean membership in the Alliance. The Ambassador further said that each country should be aware that when joining an organization such as NATO, that apart from positive effects there are also obligations, which are not simple and which is why Russia has to defend its interests. Kalabukhov stressed Russia’s prime interest in B&H is that its citizens decide on internal and foreign policy priorities. When it comes to the OHR, the Russian Ambassador said Russia believes it should be closed down so the citizens can decide what they need. He stressed that Russia is a guarantor of the Dayton agreement and must look after its implementation. “Our partners, including High Representative Valentin Inzko, each time they say they are in favor of integration of B&H into the EU, for integration of B&H into NATO, although it is not related to the Dayton agreement and that is why our Western partners, by using the Dayton mechanisms of the OHR, want to push the agenda that is not the Dayton agenda,” said Kalabukhov.

SDA sends yet another reply to Embassy of Russia to B&H and says NATO is defense alliance and not aggressor (Glas Srpske


Bakir Izetbegovic’s SDA on Thursday presented yet another reply to the Embassy of Russia to B&H regarding the statement on B&H’s relations with NATO, with a special accent on its statement that SDA is not the entire B&H. SDA stated that B&H has friendly relations with Russia and it neither had brought this friendship in question nor it has any intention to do so. SDA added that, at the same time, B&H is a sovereign country and, just like Russia, it intends to choose its path on its own based on will of its citizens represented by members of the parliament of B&H. Commenting on the statement of the Russian Embassy to B&H that “SDA is not the entire B&H” SDA claimed that this party does not even think it is but reminded that members of SDA are ¼ of the total number of representatives in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H. As for NATO, SDA stated that this is a defense alliance, not an aggressor, and each country maintains it sovereignty within it when it comes to making of decisions and deployment of its own military troops. Political analyst Ljubinko Jovic said that SDA’s letter to the Embassy of Russia to B&H and media persecution carried out by Bosniak politicians against the Embassy represent yet another proof that B&H is extremely divided society “which cannot be called a state in any case”. Jovic went on to say that SDA re-opened the story on the admission of B&H to NATO while Banja Luka is marking “22nd anniversary of aggression of NATO on Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” and it unnecessarily entered a conflict with Russia. According to Jovic, it is neither up to SDA nor Russia to decide whether B&H will join NATO, but it is up to B&H citizens to decide on it and he reminded of results of public opinion surveys according to which citizens of the RS clearly do not support the NATO path of B&H and do not view it in the same way as representatives of SDA do. “They (SDA) argue that the NATO with assistance of so called Army of B&H stopped aggression on B&H and alleged genocide. By this, they once again accused Serbs of carrying out aggression on their own country. By this approach, SDA removes one more stone from already unstable foundation”, Jovic claimed. Jovic reminded that B&H already established cooperation with NATO but this does not mean that it is a member of NATO. Jovic noted that B&H would have to take over a number of obligations if it became a member of NATO, including earmarking of 2% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP): “Considering the economic situation in which we are and which we are yet to face once the damage from the pandemic is added up, I think this represents an unnecessary expense”.

Komsic: We chose NATO with consensus and for several consecutive years (Hayat


Talking for Hayat on Thursday, Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that epidemiological measures in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the Republika Srpska (RS) should be harmonized and the entry of B&H citizens during the holiday should be structured.

Commenting on the recent situation related to the statement issued by the Russian Embassy to B&H, Komsic said: “We chose the NATO, with the consensus and for several consecutive years, from the Law on Defense, where it writes we will be a NATO member, and the actions, particularly in the past two years, since we have the Membership Action Plan (MAP) and attempts to slow down the process.” Komsic added that the NATO clearly “states it is action plan for membership”.

Brkic: B&H is ready to contribute to security and stability (Oslobodjenje


Deputy B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Josip Brkic attended the meeting of NATO Political Committee on which occasion he expressed gratitude to NATO for the ‘open doors’ policy, as a tool for fruitful cooperation and joint solving of security challenges and risks. “This is a true value of our partnership because no country is able to fight that many security challenges, especially at the same time, such as pandemic, natural disasters, organized crime, illegal migration or any other” said Brkic. Diplomats welcomed forming of B&H Commission for Cooperation with NATO, achieved progress in cooperation with the Alliance, participation of B&H in peacekeeping missions and they expressed hope that B&H will continue the path of reform processes. During the meeting with NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Bettina Cadenbach and NATO Assistant Secretary General for Operations John Manza, Brkic underlined that B&H supports and is willing to contribute to collective security and stability as well as founding democratic values.

Working Group of representatives of SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA meets (Glas Srpske


The Working Group of representatives of SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA on Thursday continued talks and analysis of offered solutions with the goal to fulfill a part of priorities which B&H should realize on its path towards the EU. The first meeting of the Working Group took place on March 16 in Mostar and Thursday’s meeting took place in Istocno Sarajevo. The Working Group mostly discussed issues concerning the European path of the country, i.e. documents which B&H needs to change in order to fulfill 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC). The three political parties are of the stance that there is no alternative to the European path of B&H while SNSD pointed out on several occasions that all documents, laws and changes to laws must be in line with the Constitution. Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H and Chair of the Working Group Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac told the daily that they are aware of the fact that none of legislative solutions, especially those related to the 14 priorities, can be adopted without parliamentary capacities of any of the three political parties and announced that talks will continue. Novakovic-Bursac added that they are currently discussing changes and addenda to the Public Procurement Law of B&H and noted that the plan is to discuss those changes before they reach the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H and Parliament of B&H. “I hope this will be a faster solution, should key political problems be removed,” Novakovic-Bursac concluded.

Dodik: I advocate agreement among Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats but dissolution of B&H remains last option if all other alternatives fail (Glas Srpske/TRT


Speaking for Turkish national TV channel TRT during his recent visit to Turkey, B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik stated that he advocates agreement among Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks, noting that this agreement is necessary for stability of B&H. “If that agreement is not possible, then of course, what else is left but the possibility of peoples to use certain rights and they may, as one of the possible alternatives, secede, i.e. they may go their separate ways and live in peace. Peace is the primary and the most important word in the Balkans,” said Dodik. He clarified that dissolution of B&H is only one of the possibilities which should be used after all other alternatives have been exhausted. Dodik underlined that the RS is not undertaking any activities towards secession, but it is considering all options for the case that B&H fails to be the state that serves interests of all its peoples. He noted that there is a very clear conflict between Bosniak and Croat political elites in the FB&H and reminded that the new FB&H government has not been formed even two years after elections. According to Dodik, this clearly shows that there are some issues that need to be resolved and that B&H cannot always rely on the international community to solve problems, like Bosniaks usually do. “Of course, that will not happen and I call for agreement. If there is no agreement, what else is left,” said Dodik. Dodik stated that it is difficult to restore confidence in the system of global procurement of vaccines, stressing that both the FB&H government and the RS are turning to Russian, Chinese and Turkish suppliers. Dodik noted that the RS has started to get vaccines from Russia and they it will do the same with China, pointing out that all countries that have vaccines are welcome as partners, including Turkey. Dodik underlined that B&H trusted the global concept of procurement of vaccines 'COVAX' and that it can provide sufficient quantities for the needs of B&H, recalling that contracts were made in September last year and advances were paid for vaccines. "It is obvious that big countries took care of themselves only and that Europe did not manage well the issues of vaccination and the pandemic," Dodik was quoted as saying. He emphasized that Serbia helped B&H and enabled healthcare workers from the RS to be vaccinated in the first days and weeks when the immunization started in Serbia itself. Dodik stressed that introduction of so-called COVID passports would lead to polarization in the EU. "The latest political decision of European leaders on the mandatory possession of a vaccination certificate, the so-called COVID passport, which confirms not only that the holder of the document has been vaccinated, but also that only a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency is acceptable for entry into the EU, represents destruction of one of the basic principles of the EU, and that is freedom of movement," Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik emphasized that two or three key months were lost waiting on the COVAX mechanism, in which other world countries only thought of themselves and procured vaccines from all sides. Dodik also criticized the EU for not providing help to the countries that are not part of the Union. He reminds that the EU refused to provide help, at the beginning of pandemic, in form of masks, medical equipment and respirators. “Now we see that they did the same thing with vaccines, which poses a serious problem for our trust in any European projects of such type,” Dodik told TRT World.

Chinese Ambassador to B&H Ji Ping; Solidarity and cooperation are most powerful weapons (Nezavisne


Chinese Ambassador to B&H Ji Ping stated that the Chinese government is going to donate 50,000 COVID-19 vaccines to B&H. Ambassador Ping noted that solidarity and cooperation are the best weapon in fight against the pandemic and he expressed hope that B&H will beat the virus soon. He noted that China has not forgotten the support of B&H when China was hit hard by the coronavirus. He reminded that China and B&H have signed the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in Healthcare and Medicine which provided an institutional framework for cooperation. Ping also reminded that Chinese institutions and companies donated 18 shipments of medical and protective equipment to B&H.

US to introduce sanctions to all individuals, companies and organizations from B&H which in any way take part in Russian gas projects ‘Nord Stream’ and ‘TurkStream’ (Dnevni avaz


The daily learns that the USA has threatened with sanctions to all individuals, companies and organizations from B&H which in any way take part in Russian gas projects ‘Nord Stream’ and ‘TurkStream’. The daily reads that this is noted in an official document from the meeting of the Advisor for Economic Issues in the US Embassy to B&H Andy Allen and Head of Department for Economic Multilateral and Reconstruction within B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nijaz Cardaklija. “Allen informed that the White House will soon adopt a decree which will sanction all individuals, companies and organizations which are in any way (securing of equipment, services or finances) included in implementation of projects ‘Nord Stream 2’ (Russia- EU) and ‘TurkStream’”, reads the documents. It is further added that the US Government believes that these projects are not aimed at expansion of gas supply sources, being that in both cases the gas is Russian, but represent a tool for strengthening of Russian influence in the European Union and especially the Balkans. It is underlined that after the adoption of presidential decree, all individuals, companies and organizations engaged on these projects will be given one-month deadline to completely withdraw from both projects. “If this is not the case, they will be exposed to wide array of sanctions”, it was stated. General Manager of ‘Gas-Res’ company Ljubo Glamocic said that first works on ‘TurkStream’ through B&H should commence at the end of this or the beginning of the next year. According to the announcements following signing of the contract between ‘Gas-Res’ and ‘Srbijagas’ RS will be connected to ‘Balkans Stream’ in five years. By the end of March, ‘Energoinvest’ will sign a contract with ‘Gazprom’ regarding change of the route for delivery of gas for B&H, which means that in the future B&H gas will be supplied via ‘TurkStream’.

One and a half years after Priebe’s report, his recommendations are still not implemented (Nezavisne


A year and a half ago, EU expert for judiciary Reinhard Priebe published a comprehensive report on state of B&H judiciary. However, B&H institutions have not done anything to implement Priebe’s recommendations. The European Commission’s annual report on B&H’s progress noted that B&H authorities and judiciary system have failed to address the problems highlighted in Priebe’s report. The German Embassy to B&H told the daily that it is regretful that no public debates on the report have been held since it was published. “The necessary reforms are still not being implemented with the necessary determination and urgency. Such actions do not contribute to acceleration of B&H’s path to EU,” the German Embassy stated. The Embassy reminded that rule of law is at the center of the 14 priorities defined by the EC Opinion on B&H’s membership application and that B&H needs to make progress in the highlighted area before it can start with membership negotiations. Priebe’s report emphasizes what the EC has already pointed out. According to the German Embassy, reform of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) is in focus, but Priebe’s report provides a roadmap for implementation of the necessary reforms. The US Embassy to B&H stated that USA strongly believes that rule of law is extremely important for B&H, and the judiciary sector has a significant role to play in this field. The US Embassy underlined that Priebe’s report contains key recommendations, including the recommendations for amendments to the Law on HJPC, Public Procurement and Conflict of Interest. “It is necessary to achieve progress regarding these initiatives, and USA strongly believe that consistent and gradual progress can be achieved this year”, the US Embassy stated. The Embassy also underlined that judiciary officials must set an example of public servants who protect the rule of law and work for the benefit of all citizens. Especially HJPC must adhere to the highest standards since its main role is to build a just, unbiased and influence-free judiciary system. The US Embassy underlined that it will continue to support all representatives of the judiciary system who are dedicated to improvement in the system and processing of corruption cases, as well as restoration of public trust incorruption. The Embassy emphasized the building rule of law and fight against corruption are existential issues for B&H. The EU Delegation underlined that fight against corruption and rule of law are at the very essence of B&H’s European integration process. “As stated in the report of independent experts (Priebe and others) about rule of law in B&H, culture of integrity is necessary for the society to be successful in fight against corruption, whereby the integrity of judicial office holders is of utmost importance” the EU Delegation stated. The EU Delegation also reminded that B&H parliament asked the Council of Ministers in 2020 to adopt the action plan for implementation of recommendations from Priebe’s report. B&H Justice Ministry prepared the draft of the action plan, and it is now up to the Council of Ministers to adopt it. Furthermore, the EU Delegation expects HJPC and its new leadership to serve as an example in directing wider reform processes in order to restore the trust of citizens in judiciary. In order to make this process credible, it is necessary to adopt amendments to the Law on HJPC referring to integrity. The Venice Commission published its opinion on proposed changes to the Law on HJPC and welcomed the proposed establishing of the integrity department within HJPC Secretariat. The Venice Commission also urged B&H authorities to take into account all recommendations and immediately proceed with adoption of amendments to the Law on HJPC. The OSCE Mission to B&H told the daily that B&H is still struggling with creation of efficient and independent judiciary, despite comprehensive reforms which have been implemented so far. The OSCE warns that B&H judiciary suffers from lack of accountability and transparency. This conclusion is also supported by the OSCE’s report on response of judiciary system to corruption. “The analysis of the Mission suggests that HJPC does not fulfil its obligations regarding the adherence to ethical standards and accountability in judiciary”, the OSCE Mission underlined. OSCE also noted that B&H judiciary is subject to direct attacks as well as more subtle forms of interference with its independence. The OSCE Mission also warned on a number of appointments of judges which are not based on merit and not sufficiently transparent. At the same time, the disciplinary mechanism is failing to hold judicial office holders accountable for their actions. The OSCE Mission welcomed the appointment of new HJPC leadership and expressed willingness to assist with achieving of the set goals.


EP: Albania, N. Macedonia and Kosovo making progress towards membership (Hina

The European Parliament on Thursday adopted resolutions noting that Albania, North Macedonia, and Kosovo were making progress towards EU membership by implementing the necessary reforms. The European Parliament’s rapporteur on Albania, Portuguese Socialist Isabel Santos, told a plenary session that there had been significant progress in the rule of law, election regulations, prevention of organised crime, reform of the judiciary, and the status of the constitutional and supreme courts. Santos noted that reforms in some areas should nonetheless be stepped up, mentioning in that context lack of progress on freedom of expression and obstacles to the proper functioning of independent media, as well as cases of intimidation, defamation and pressuring of reporters.  Ana Paula Zacarias, who addressed MEPs on behalf of the Council currently chaired by Portugal, commended Albania for having aligned its foreign policy with the EU’s.

Trust in Kosovo’s European future 

Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel, a member of the German Greens and rapporteur on Kosovo, said the EP had trust in Kosovo’s European future. No country in the region has a more positive attitude towards the EU than Kosovo, she said. She stressed, however, that neither Serbia nor Kosovo would be able to join the EU without reaching a comprehensive agreement.

Five EU members – Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain – have still not recognised Kosovo. The EP called on them to recognize Kosovo, stressing that its independence is irrevocable and criticizing Serbia for a campaign that has resulted in several countries having withdrawn their recognition of Kosovo. The EP also expressed regret in its resolution about limited progress in the implementation of reforms. It particularly commended Kosovo’s efforts in the fight against radicalization, terrorism and violent extremism but it expressed concern about efforts by third countries, which were not named, in supporting radicalisation, notably of young people.

Political maturity of North Macedonia 

North Macedonia was also commended for its commitment to EU integration, demonstrated through the continued implementation of accession-related reforms and work on resolving bilateral disputes with neighboring countries. The resolution on North Macedonia notes that the country has shown a high level of political maturity and that the situation regarding media freedoms is satisfactory. However, the EP expressed concern about widespread hate speech, notably against Roma and LGBTQI+ persons. All three resolutions were adopted by more than 500 votes in favour, while some of the deputies of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), the far-right Identity and Democracy group, and the far-left European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) voted against or abstained.

Energoinvest’ company signs annex with Russian ‘Gazprom’ company, which undermines South Interconnection of Gas Network (Vecernji list


Vecernji list daily notes that there was recently news, which went almost unnoticed, according to which ‘Energoinvest’ company (of Sarajevo) signed an annex to agreement with Russian ‘Gazprom’ company, which should define new connection point for natural gas delivery in Zvornik instead in Beregovo on the Ukraine-Hungary border. According to the daily, ‘Energoinvest’s’ move, which bypassed the whole Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government, is leading into a ‘silent war’ that could determine destiny of future gasification of B&H and isolation of B&H to benefit of Russia. According to the daily’s unnamed collocutors, this move was made intentionally in order to undermine the South Interconnection of Gas Network (B&H and Croatia), which would make B&H more dependent on the Russian gas. According to daily, available information have it that all this is being done between CEO of ‘Energoinvest’ Bisera Hadzialjevic and ‘controversial’ FB&H Minister of Energy, Industry and Mining Nermin Dzindic, who completely bypassed FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic, Deputy Prime Minister Jelka Milicevic and the whole FB&H Government. According to the daily, it is obvious that interests of ‘Gazprom’ and Turkey (TurkStream) are obviously behind Dzindic’s and Hadzialjevic’s moves.


Krivokapic: DPS shows by its actions that Montenegro has no greater enemy than themselves (RTCG

"The question you asked is not a question in terms of content, but a political pamphlet that contains unfounded statements about the work of the government of Montenegro. This is a classic abuse of the ‘parliamentary question’, but that is a matter of your political culture. Only for the sake of the citizens, I will tell you the following: Remediation of devastation you left behind after 30 years of rule requires much more time than three and a half months of government’s work," said Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic at the Prime Minister's Questions answering a question from Danijel Zivkovic, Head of MP Group Democratic Party of Socialists and the Liberal Party. The Prime Minister stated that he did not agree that in 100 days of its work, this government, in any way, damaged the international reputation of Montenegro. "On the contrary, in the second week since assuming the office, I was in Brussels and had meetings with European officials, which further affirmed the government's commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration and resolute commitment to implementing reforms and fulfilling obligations from the European agenda. Intensive bilateral contacts and talks I had with German Chancellor Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Kurz, and meetings at the ministerial level confirm the openness and readiness of our international partners to cooperate with this government," he pointed out. The Prime Minister said that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) had shown by its actions that Montenegro has no greater enemy than themselves. "Montenegro is sovereign and independent of everyone, but not of your brothers, friends and relatives who, using combinations and machinations, poured public goods into their pockets. How can you love your country if you shut down dozens of companies, leave tens of thousands of citizens without jobs, if you lead to the bankruptcy of "Plantaze", "Montenegroairlines"? Is it patriotic to give yourself salaries of several tens of thousands of euros, home loans of 300 thousand euros? Is it patriotic to travel for free with the national airline, and then hypocritically lament over its fate when the bills arrive for payment? Everything you have touched has failed or is on the verge of collapse. Whenever we receive a report on the financial situation in public institutions there are multimillion deficits. Unlike the property of your party leaders, which grows inversely proportionally. You, as a group, do not know how to function in normal and regular conditions. The levers of power that you have established during the 30 years of governing this country are still able to destabilize Montenegrin society. You lose one by one and that makes you more and more nervous day by day, but also readier to demonstrate your extremism. After all the malfeasance of your party comrades, the seizure of public goods and examples of the relentless plunder of state resources, all you can do is to spin the story of the alleged threat to the state. Thereby leading consciously to social conflict, and then to perfidiously impose yourself as "conciliators and Europeans". Unfortunately, we see through you," said Krivokapic. He said that the rule of DPS and its satellites boiled down to this - multimillion road loops were magically "forgotten" in projects, party bills were paid with public money, and hundreds of apartments were allocated to party officials in state bodies, for which monthly installments of 30-40 Euros were paid.


Health and openness of Montenegro to the region are priority (RTCG


Montenegro's priority is the health of citizens and openness primarily to the first neighbors, said the Minister of Health Jelena Borovinic-Bojovic during the meeting with the Serbian colleague Zlatibor Loncar in Belgrade. According to the Government, Borovic-Bojovic and Loncar exchanged information on the current situation with the coronavirus in the two countries, current epidemiological measures and their prospects before the upcoming summer season. "Minister Borovinic-Bojovic confirmed that the health of citizens is a priority of the Government, but next to it is the economic stability of the country, as well as openness to the region, and especially to Serbia, as the closest neighbor and brother state. Montenegro is working hard to prepare the country as a safe destination for the summer season health wise and the country open to tourists," said Borovinic-Bojovic. The conditions for entering Montenegro, as she said, will depend on the local epidemiological situation, as well as the epidemiological situation in the country they come from, and she reiterated that Montenegro's priority will be the tendency of openness primarily to the first neighbors. Meanwhile in Montenegro the State Secretary in charge of tourism at the Ministry of Economic Development Ivana Djurovic said that the health of Montenegrin citizens and all tourists who come to Montenegro is a priority. Responding to the request of the Russian media, she has stated that the ministry is open to submitting all epidemiological and other health data to Russian partners.


Another Albanian protest over the 2012 Good Friday massacre sentencing planned for today (Republika

Albanian organizations plan another protest against the sentencing of the group of islamists who carried out the 2012 Good Friday massacre. The protest begins in Skopje’s Cair district at 13:30h, after the Friday prayers. The crowd will march toward the courthouse and then the Government. Police officers and journalists were injured during the previous such protest on February 26th. Albanians largely dispute the sentencing of the murderers of four ethnic Macedonian youngsters and one man, which was apparently carried out with the goal of sparking a new inter-ethnic and inter-religious war in Macedonia. The numerous conspiracy theories spread in Albanian language media over the case were enflamed when Zoran Zaev, during his 2015 Colored Revolution, claimed that he has new evidence in the case and blamed it on the then ruling VMRO-DPMNE party. Zaev was successful in bringing Albanian voters toward his party and also in blocking VMRO from forming a coalition with Albanian parties, and years later admitted that he has no new evidence to offer in the case. But his reckless lying is now driving a movement to release the detained group of islamists – two of whom have been in flight since 2012.

No obstacle for Macedonian citizens to get vaccinated in Serbia if they receive proper confirmation, says Health Ministry (Republika/

The Macedonian Ministry of Health says that there is no obstacle for Macedonian citizens to get vaccinated in Serbia or any other country, if they receive a proper confirmation. This position of the Ministry comes after a large number of citizens this weekend received appointments to get the AstraZeneca jab in Belgrade. Citizens who through the official website of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia have applied for vaccination as foreign nationals, and this weekend will get vaccinated en masse in the premises of the Belgrade Fair.  Invitations for vaccination were extended only to the citizens who expressed interest getting vaccinated with any vaccine, and the vaccination will be performed only with AstraZeneca. The Ministry of Health has not been informed that Macedonian citizens will go to Serbia for vaccination this weekend, but they say that there is no obstacle for them to do so. Anyone who can obtain a vaccine can get vaccinated anywhere. We cannot forbid such a thing to anyone, but there is a condition for them to receive a proper confirmation for immunization, so that those citizens in the country will be treated as vaccinated, Filipce’s Office told The mass vaccination of the population in the country has not started yet, and the exact date when it will start is still not known. So far, only some of the healthcare workers have been vaccinated with Pfizer vaccines donated by Serbia and 3,000 Sputnik vaccines purchased from Russia.


DP gathers hundreds of supporters at opening of electoral campaign amid pandemic (ADN


The Democratic Party officially opened on Thursday its electoral campaign amid pandemic. It supposed to be according the pandemic rules and to respect decision that not allows more than 10 people gathered in a place, but it was a little bit different. Although many of those gathered to celebrate the opening of the electoral campaign had a face mask and tried to respect social distance, many others have not respected these rules. They were gathered at 'Mother Teresa' Square, close to each - other or near their vehicles parked in the area with dozens of flags of the Democratic Party. Chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha has underlined Thursday that the impoverishment and emptying that is happening to Albania must be brought to an end as soon as possible. From the “Mother Teresa Square”, the opposition leader stressed that the country must be led by the best and most honest people, because it needs hard work, honor and fundamental changer more than ever. Let us stop the hand of the one who extorts the nation’s assets, the dark mind of him who wants to implant fear into the hearts of his fellow citizens, proclaimed Basha. “We started this march to change, it is a difficult journey that we carry out with responsibility and joy. We are aware that our work is a sacrifice for the country, the Albanians and Albania. We are uprooting and uprooting a bad caste that has decided to capture taxes, the resources that God has so generously given Albania. A handful of people who are ready to do anything for it. They do not govern us, but serve themselves and the partners who are seizing through predatory acts everything this country has. We are waging another battle, within ourselves. I know that after 8 years of disappointments and deceptions many have lost faith”, stated Basha among other things in his statement on the occasion of launching the electoral campaign for the 25 April elections.

Premier attacks DP’s electoral campaign for mass gathering amid pandemic (ADN


Albanian Prime Minister and Chairman of the Socialist Party (SP) Edi Rama criticized Thursday evening the opening of electoral campaign organized by the Democratic Party (DP), with large crowd of supporters gathered despite the rules to contain the coronavirus. In his speech, PM Edi Rama focused on the situation created by the coronavirus pandemic and said that in his campaign people's health is above everything, including the party, while in the PD campaign, the party is also above the health of people. “Today, we actually start the end of a campaign that has not stopped at any moment, since the day we received our first mandate, because unlike what happened in the past, we from the first day have been on the move and in continuous efforts, but nevertheless today officially begins the 25 April election campaign. We are all here together to respect with flesh and blood this moment, where democracy imposes on us appearing before the people. We say what we think we have done and share with people what we think we will do. In a moment like this, today we who are used to going through these obligations, which are one of the most beautiful parts of political life, when you go to people, you are with people and together with them you share the great energy that a match produces, we are actually weird. We are strange, that such is the time,” he said. However, SP’s campaign has started in "Skanderbeg" square, where chairs have been placed at a distance, implementing anti-Covid measures. The SP campaign was opened with the Flag Anthem, sung by Vikena Kamenica, while it was followed by a short speech by the leaders of the SP lists in all regions, to culminate with the speech of Rama.

OSCE supports the CEC Head Celibashi, who asked parties and institutions to show restraint during election campaign (Radio Tirana

The OSCE has supported the statement of the head of the CEC Ilirjan Celibashi who asked the parties and institutions to show restraint during the election campaign. According to the OSCE, there are some preconditions such as the implementation of the provisions of the electoral legislation, the prohibition of the use of public resources, the conduct of the rule of political activists for a modern process in accordance with the recommendations. “The OSCE Presence in Albania supports the latest statements of the State Election Commissioner, Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi, about the conduct of political parties and institutions during the election campaign for the 25 April general elections. Enforcement of the provisions of the electoral legislation, prohibition of the use of public resources, regular conduct of institutions, including those of local government, as well as regular conduct of political activities, are all essential preconditions for a modern electoral process in accordance with OSCE / ODIHR recommendations,” writes the announcement of OSCE/ODIHR.

Statement by Head of EU Delegation and Heads of EU Member States Missions to Albania on the 25 April parliamentary elections (Radio Tirana

The Head of the EU Delegation and the Heads of the EU Member States Missions in Albania have been closely following the preparations of the parliamentary elections and of the electoral campaign so far. The start of the official campaign is the occasion for political parties and candidates to focus their debates on their respective political programs and on the reforms they intend to put forward to improve the life of all citizens. At this juncture, we recall the importance of constructive and inclusive political dialogue, as notably illustrated in the wide cross-party consensus that led to the 5 June agreement of the Political Council on the electoral reform. The same spirit needs to inspire an election campaign that is based on mutual respect, dialogue and restraint, and is conducted in a peaceful way without inflammatory rhetoric or hate speech. Transparent, inclusive, free and fair elections and respect for their outcome are important to ensure the legitimacy of the new Assembly and of the new Government. We count on all relevant Albanian institutions and political actors to act in accordance with international standards and with the decisions of the Central Election Commission. We encourage the citizens of Albania to exercise their right to vote while respecting all measures against the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcome and support the efforts of Albanian civil society organizations to observe the election campaign and the Election Day process. The international community is actively supporting and monitoring the entire process of preparation and conduct of elections, first and foremost through the ODIHR mission. The EU Delegation and Embassies of the EU Member States will also be visiting a large number of polling stations on Election Day. We firmly stand with Albania on its EU accession path.

Rama sends congratulatory letter to Kurti (Radio Tirana

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has sent a congratulatory letter to the new Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. While congratulating him on his election as head of the Kosovo's  government, Rama asked Kurti to intensify relations between the states, as well as to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. "Reaffirming my determination and that of the Government I lead to further select and intensify our relationship, I strongly believe that there are now all opportunities and potentials for important undertakings and bold projects in many sectors, including joint confrontation with COVID-19. "These enterprises will contribute to the improvement of the life and the progress and faster integration of the Albanians," Rama wrote. He further writes that he believes in Kurti's governing team to successfully overcome the challenges facing Kosovo, while inviting Kurti to visit Albania. "I also remain confident that you and your government team will successfully overcome the challenges facing the Republic of Kosovo in its comprehensive democratic integration progress in the region and beyond, towards its Euro-Atlantic path," the letter reads.