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Belgrade Media Report 29 March 2021


Brnabic: Resolution speaks about EP (TV Happy/RTV/FoNet

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told TV Happy that the resolution of the European Parliament (EP) on Serbia, adopted last week, is beyond any truth and speaks about the deputies who wrote it and voted for it. It is our job to read it, to be as self-critical as possible and to change some things if there is a basis for that so that Serbia would be stronger and the citizens would have a better quality of life, Brnabic explained. According to her, the value system of President Aleksandar Vucic and the government of Serbia belongs much more to European values, which we have shown by vaccinating citizens from the region, than European values ​​are shared and supported by MEPs who voted for this resolution. Commenting on the part about Kosovo and the efforts of the authorities in Belgrade to delegitimize the statehood of Kosovo, she reiterated that Serbia does not recognize that Kosovo is independent. “The European Commission (EC) is not behind those words. That’s a kind of consolation and hope for me because the EC must remain neutral regarding Kosovo’s status since five EU member states do not recognize it as an independent state,” Brnabic said.

Vucic on EP Report: Blatant lies, lost in time and space (Beta/RTS/Politika

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has described as blatant lies the European Parliament report on Serbia’s progress on its EU path. Quoting parts of the report on Friday, the President said the European parliamentarians are lost in time and space. “They must have read some kind of report for 2011, not 2021,” he said. He vowed to launch large-scale European action against the theft of Jewish property in Slovenia, for which he blamed Tanja Fajon, a Member of European Parliament (MEP) who is supposed to mediate the upcoming talks between Serbia’s

government and opposition. “As for Tanja Fajon, our country is fighting organized crime, but also the theft of Jewish property,” Vucic said. In a comment on the part of the report where the EP expresses concern over a campaign that is delegitimizing Kosovo’s independence, Vucic said that the was actually proud of that, and that he would continue to delegitimize Kosovo's independence to spite the European Parliament.

Petkovic: Dangerous intentions of Kurti to end dialogue (Tanjug/RTV/RTS

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic assessed on Friday that the latest statement by the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions in Pristina Albin Kurti is a continuation of the dangerous intention we have witnessed in recent weeks to end the dialogue and annul all the agreements reached so far. Kurti said that the priority issue for him in the dialogue with Belgrade would be the alleged Serbian crimes in Kosovo and the missing, and Petkovic pointed out that the language of ultimatums and threats has become the only way Albanian politicians want to talk to official Belgrade and Brussels. “That policy is a direct threat to the future of negotiations conducted under the EU auspices and their goal is the normalization of relations,” Petkovic pointed out in a statement. He pointed out that the only goal of the extremist rhetoric that Kurti has been directing towards Belgrade for days is to permanently destroy every thought of the possibility of finding a compromise. “Instead, such inflammatory rhetoric only further fuels the situation on the ground and in no way contributes to peace and stability in this area,” Petkovic said. According to him, after the initial announcements that he does not even want to negotiate with Belgrade, and that dialogue will be low on the list of priorities of the future government in Pristina, we have come to the fact that Kurti actually wants to end the dialogue with inflammatory rhetoric and conditions. “So let him take off his mask, I don’t mean medical, stop blackmail and threats and tell the international community clearly and loudly that he does not want to negotiate with Belgrade and President Aleksandar Vucic because he is aware that he would have to make concessions and show willingness to compromise which he obviously doesn’t want. And that he would have someone across himself with whom he couldn’t deal with, instead of hiding behind absurd demands,” Petkovic pointed out. He also reminded that the topics in Brussels were clearly agreed and aimed at normalizing the relations between Belgrade and Pristina and resolving issues of importance for a better life of citizens and building mutual trust, noting that such statements do not contribute to that.

Joksimovic: Serbia examines responsibly opinions from EP Resolution (Tanjug

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic stated on Friday that the Resolution of the European Parliament (EP) on Serbia is not a detailed report on the European integration of our country, but a regular annual resolution of that European institution. In a statement for Tanjug, Joksimovic explained that this is a seemingly formal difference, but in fact it is essential, having in mind that the Resolution has a consultative character and that all political groups from the EP participate in its drafting, by submitting amendments. According to her, this document, as every year, has both positive and strongly critical opinions. She said that Serbia always takes note of the views of various political groups in a responsible and serious way, but she also knows very well which criticisms are overemphasized, politically interpreted and tendentious. She pointed out that our institutions always behave in the same way when it comes to cooperation with the European Parliament in the preparation of the annual resolution.

In regular communication, we always provide them with true, timely and factually verifiable data on everything that has been achieved in the reform process, but also on certain delays, Joksimovic said. She pointed out that the relevant committee of the Serbian parliament will deal with this resolution very seriously, and added that, according to the announcements, a special session of the parliament will be held at which MPs will discuss the content of that document.

Opposition parties favor joining forces in dialogue on election conditions (Beta)  

A group of parties consisting of the Democratic Party, Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own, the Free Citizens' Movement, Movement for a Turnaround, the Party of Freedom and Justice and Together for Serbia, urged on Saturday the other members of the opposition to join forces

in a forthcoming inter-party dialog to be held under the auspices of the European Parliament.

A proposal sent directly to the Assembly of Free Serbia, the People's Party and the Dveri (Doors)

Movement says that the text should serve as a common platform for the inter-party dialog under the auspices of the European Parliament. The group's statement reads that the text includes every suggestion that was produced in joint meetings which generated a high degree of agreement regarding demands for free and fair elections. “The platform puts forward a model for the opposition's participation in the dialogue. According to the proposal, two experts accompanied, or rather supported by representatives of opposition organizations, would represent the Serbian opposition in plenary sessions on every topic of the dialogue,” the statement reads.

Preliminary results of the local elections in Presevo, Zajecar and Kosjeric (

Based on 17 859 processed votes, at the elections for the deputies of the Presevo Municipal Assembly, the Alternative for Changes of the Sciprim Arifi won most of the votes (5844). It is followed by the Democratic Party of Albanians led by Ragmi Mustafa, which received 4106 votes. The third place is the Party for Democratic Action led by Serbian MP Saip Kamberi, which received 3314 votes. The Movement for Reforms (Sami Saliu) won 2524 votes, which is followed by the coalition Aleksandar Vucic - For the Future of Presevo, the so-called “Serb list” (SNS, SPS, PUPS, SRS, JS, PS and Zavetnici), which received 1206 votes. The SNS won close to 11 000 votes in Zajecar, said the current mayor Bosko Nicic, the first on the list Aleksandar Vucic - For the future of Zajecar, presenting the first preliminary results of the local elections in front of the SNS city headquarters. He pointed out that they were very satisfied with the achieved result and that the elections were a fair political battle, adding that the SNS will have 24 or 25 mandates, depending on whether the Zaokret list passed the census. Nicic said that the list Dr Nenad Ristovic - Pobeda won 27 percent of the vote and 16 mandates, Ivica Dacic SPS, JS - 8.5 percent and four mandates, We can do better - Dragana Rasic - 7.15 percent of the vote and four mandates, and the Group of Citizens Dr. Dejan Krstic 3.1 percent and one mandate. The National Democratic Alternative (NADA), a coalition consisting of the Movement for the Renewal of the Kingdom of Serbia (POKS) and the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), is entering the local assemblies of the municipalities of Zajecar and Kosjeric, this political option stated. The statement adds that NADA won about eight percent of the votes in Kosjeric, and about three percent in Zajecar, as well as that the leaders of the two coalition partners are satisfied with the achieved results.

SNS declares victory in local vote in two towns in Serbia; Analyst: SNS’ fall (N1

The SNS declared victory in local elections in two out of three towns early on Monday, and an analyst said 20 percent fewer votes in one of them indicated the party dwindled. SNS won in the eastern town of Zajecar and the western place of Kosjeric. The voting results in the southwestern town of Presevo with a majority of the Albanian population were still unknown. Political analyst Djordje Vukadinovic told N1 that the results of the local elections in two towns in Serbia showed the decline of the SNS popularity after its victory, but with 20 percent fewer votes in the eastern town of Zajecar than in the last year’s general elections. In the second town, Kosjeric, SNS, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, did much better, but Vukadinovic thought Serbia is closer to Zajecar than Kosjeric, ahead of the 2022 presidential and early parliamentary elections. “How contagious the process (in Zajecar) will be and whether it will be an endemic disease that will spread across Serbia remains to be seen,” according to Vukadinovic.  He added SNS did not celebrate the victory as it usually did because, as he said, Vucic was not happy with the Zahecar results. “They indicate a serious commotion and crisis among the SNS ranks ahead of the 2022 elections on all levels,” Vukadinovic said. The opposition parties, which boycotted last year’s general elections, did not participate in Sunday’s vote, saying the conditions were not fair. Zajecar’s election commission said no irregularity was reported, while the locals recorded people who entered the buildings with lists of voters inviting citizens to cast a ballot.



Dodik: Europe does not want joining of this region (Nezavisne)

Nezavisne carries and interview with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik. As for the delivery of vaccines through COVAX mechanism, Dodik was asked if B&H was deceived and he replied: “Of course it is. The deceit is the idea of B&H itself since there is an attempt to centralize everything that is being done at an international level, including vaccines. We have paid 6.5 million for 400, 000 doses of Pfizer vaccines and now there is a celebrating manifestation since the vaccines have arrived, although nothing has arrived. We are wondering where our money is. These 15, 000 or 16, 000 vaccines that we have received mean nothing. If we had not managed to get supply of Sputnik V and if we did not secure 80, 000 of Chinese vaccines we would have had nothing. Europe has said that it cannot help medium and small sized countries and this means that the one that is big and strong has grabbed it…We are demanding the delivery of the vaccines that we paid for and why someone sold something that he did not have. What kind of solidarity this is? We do not have need for any collective supplies in any sense.” Journalist concluded that obviously there is no more solidarity especially in the EU and he asked Dodik to what extent this will influence overall political relations in Europe itself, especially in B&H, where the European integration does not have an alternative. Dodik replied: “Europe does not want joining of this region. This is deceit. If they had wanted this, they would not have changed the rules… Conditions are being made stricter to us all the time and this is only the nice way to tell us – we do not need you.” Asked if this means that we should turn to ourselves, Dodik said: “We are turned to ourselves respecting the fact that the EU exists. There is still structure and engagement that push these policies and this cannot be ignored regardless of what we think and we must take from this relation the most we can. I admit that unlike the time when I was Euro-optimist 10 or 15 years ago and when I believed in the fair attitude of the West, I have completely changed my stance and now I believe that they are not fair, that they are selfish and everything they do they do for their own sake, while they sell stories to us and occupy our economies, the banks that they have already occupied and they dispose with everything. Now they are trying to get the energy system and to take it over.” Asked if he believes that the Energy Community of Southeast Europe is a danger for the energy system of B&H, Dodik said: “Of course it is. They primarily go to privatize the energy sector and they have made an impression in the public that when some local appears that he is a criminal, thief, schemer, mafia member etc.” Speaking about changes to B&H Election Law, Dodik said that they will actively participate in this story and that both the ruling parties and opposition should take part in, and not members of the Central Election Commission of B&H, who are not legal in Dodik’s opinion. He stated that he will propose in changes to B&H Election Law that the Republika Srpska (RS) President automatically becomes a member of B&H Presidency and that this person is at both these posts at the same time. He added that the consensus on this proposal should be reached in the RS. He also said that B&H is an experiment and a fully divided country, which is falling apart. Dodik again mentioned establishing the concept of peaceful dissolution and said that this is realistic in his opinion. Commenting on journalists’ remark that Bosniaks will never agree with this, Dodik said: “Their ‘NO’ is not an issue, but our ‘YES’ is. An increasing number of people in Europe and the world see that this leads to nowhere, apart from a few individuals paid by Bosniak and Muslim lobbies in America and they have been telling the same story for years. The international community (IC) insists on reforms now such as the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council and public procurements. They have made it, both the HJPC and the public procurements, and now they want us to amend their foul and then they say that this is the top issue on the path to the EU. They want us to legalize now their violations of the Constitution and we shall not do this and we shall insist that the HJPC is returned under competence of an entity.” Dodik also said that he believes that the return of competencies is possible. Asked if it is possible that the UN Security Council does not accept new High Representative Christian Schmidt, Dodik said: “Of course it is. I can say this now and the RS parliament has contributed to this and I do not care for some Schmidt and Germany. Does anyone ask us what we think? Germany wants to reaffirm the story about B&H and we have had enough of these stories and I or you do not want to spend our lives on unsuccessful stories about B&H.”

Dodik proposes change to Election Law which unifies post of RS President and Serb member of B&H Presidency; Opposition strongly criticizes initiative (BN TV)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Saturday that they will propose changes to the B&H Election Law. Namely, he will propose changes which will enable the person elected as the RS President to be able to perform the function of a Serb member of the B&H Presidency at the same time. Dodik stated that they have the right to determine how the Serb will elect their member of the B&H Presidency. He explained that a President who knows all details about the RS and is part of this dynamic needs to be member of the B&H Presidency. The opposition notes that Dodik’s proposal would require changes to the B&H Constitution, as well as the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). President of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that the unpacking of the DPA is not an option. He stressed that Dodik’s proposal is unacceptable for SDS and it is one of his initiatives whose goal is to divert attention from the catastrophic economic situation in the RS. Sarovic said that if possible, they will oppose such an initiative because it has schizophrenic elements and is one of the worst initiatives he heard of in the past years. He believes that this is degradation and the transfer of competences of the RS. Sarovic added that it could be an attempt to legalize something that has been practiced already in the RS. RS MP of PDP Igor Crnadak said that the initiative is an attempt to formalize the current situation in the RS where Dodik is de facto fulfilling all roles in the RS institutions. He assessed it as a direct attack against the post of the RS President. Crnadak said that Dodik apparently believes that he will rule in these positions for the next 20 years. He added that it would be logical for the current RS President and RS Prime Minister to react to this statement first. Crnadak assessed this initiative as a proof of lack of sense for democracy in SNSD and Dodik’s wish to gain power over all authorities in B&H. President of DNS Nenad Nesic said that the proposal is unacceptable and the post of the RS President cannot be defined by the Election Law only. He added that the initiative is a dangerous precedent which leads to the institutional undermining of the RS. Nesic added that Dodik obviously lacks trust in his closest associates in SNSD and he is trying to strengthen himself now.

Kalabukhov claims Bosniaks are still searching for their national identity, singles out OHR as main reason for current situation which resembles suffering (Face TV)

Guest of Face TV Central News was Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov who spoke about current situation in B&H and its relations with Russia, as well as B&H’s path to join NATO. Commenting on the current situation in B&H and its relations with Russia, Kalabukhov argued that Bosniaks are still searching for their national identity but specified that he means this in terms of political nation. He underlined that he is in no way denying Bosniaks as peoples, but they have to “find their determination under specific circumstances of coexistence with Croats and Serbs and in B&H as it is now” while Russia sees dialogue between peoples in B&H as the only solution. He deems that Bosniaks may support B&H’s transformation into a civil society but the question is whether or not Serbs and Croats want the same setup and what the foundation of such society would be exactly. He pointed out that ethnicity has to be taken into account considering specific situation in B&H and the concept of civil society where all citizens will have equal individual rights is pretty much unacceptable for Serbs and Croats because it will pave the way for majorization by Bosniaks. Kalabukhov and the host of the show went back and forth over the Constitution of B&H and the term constituent peoples, with host claiming that the term was imposed upon peoples in B&H although their ethnic and religious differences did not prevent them from living together and in peace for centuries and Kalabukhov replying that Russia did not impose anything upon B&H and it only wants from everyone to respect the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA).  He reminded that between 30 million and 40 million of Russian citizens are Muslims, adding that he already spoke to Bosniak political representatives and told them to consider selecting Bosniak representative who will take part in a dialogue between the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ group for friendship with Islamic countries and political and religious leaders from these countries. He revealed that Russia is currently planning a visit of the President of Tatarstan to B&H and said that Tatarstan has huge Muslim population while the authority of its President is highly respected across Russia, so much so that Tatarstan is the only Russia’s republic to have a president rather a head of the republic. As to possibility of Russian President Vladimir Putin visiting B&H, Kalabukhov said that anything is possible.  Asked to comment on B&H’s path to join NATO in light of recent statement issued by the Russian Embassy to B&H and its warning that Russia will react to any practical steps towards B&H’s membership in NATO as to a hostile act, Kalabukhov stated that Russia perceives NATO as its enemy and a threat to Russian citizens because NATO’s expansion has already brought its infrastructure to Russia’s close proximity. He clarified that the phrase hostile act is in no way related to B&H’s sovereignty or decision making in B&H while the statement itself was a response to numerous publications which strongly promote advantages of B&H’s membership in NATO. He claims that he does not know if there will be a referendum regarding NATO membership but B&H’s accession to NATO will nonetheless require consensus between three constituent peoples, at least until existing Constitution of B&H is changed. According to Kalabukhov, B&H does not have geostrategic importance for Russia and Russia’s interest is in having friendly relations and good cooperation between the two countries. He pointed out that Russia’s policy does not have geopolitical concept and does not divide the world in spheres of interest, unlike the EU whose goal is to prevent Russia’s alleged malign influence and remain the only influential factor in the Western Balkans. He said that there is no reason for a new war in B&H but Russia will definitely react in case practical steps are made towards B&H’s accession to NATO and the reaction itself will depend on how the situation unfolds. Nevertheless, Kalabukhov stressed that Russia will have no problem accepting B&H’s accession to NATO if such decision is made at the state level and in line with the Constitution of B&H.  Commenting on the work of the OHR, Kalabukhov said that Russia wants the OHR to shut down because current situation 25 years after the war is “in a sense a suffering”. He claims that the main reason for this is the OHR but not because of personnel or solely because of current High Representative Valentin Inzko who he knows personally and respects. He disagreed that Russia is more powerful than the OHR, saying that Russia as a guarantor of the DPA is always in favor of cooperation but it often disagrees with the conclusions adopted by the Peace Implementation Council because the OHR is being used to push B&H towards NATO and the EU despite strict limitations of the OHR’s mandate. Kalabukhov reiterated that there is no reason for a new war and laughingly dismissed possibility of Russia sending its armed forces to Serbia and Republika Srpska.

Sattler: For the EU, Western Balkans is strategic part of Europe (Oslobodjenje)

Oslobodjenje carried an interview with Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler, who was asked, among other issues, to comment on the daily’s remark according to which one gets an impression that the Russian presence (in B&H) is growing and that Europe is quietly accepting it and that he (Sattler) was among rare people who kept quiet to the Russian threat to B&H (regarding cooperation between B&H and NATO). Sattler replied by saying that B&H has made a strategic choice to join the EU because the politicians in B&H know very well that 80% of citizens throughout the country want that. “They know very well what is being offered, and our offer is best,” he added. Regarding the remark about keeping quiet to the Russian (Embassy to B&H’s) statement, Sattler said: “When you ask me about the statement - It is true we did not react but there is a reason for it, because I represent 27 EU Member States here. Some of them are NATO members, some are not, so I cannot make statements about that issue in B&H. But what I can say about the statement we heard last week is that it was out of place. B&H is a sovereign and independent country that takes decisions by itself. And it must be clear (…) But I have not noticed big increase of the Russian influence. What we see from time to time are misinformation campaigns, which we follow closely and carefully”. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that he and the Quint Ambassadors reacted to latest statements of Milorad Dodik about ‘peaceful dissolution’, which is basically about B&H breaking up, and whether Dodik will change the tune and agree to necessary moves that should help B&H obtain the status of EU candidate, Ambassador Sattler said we are entering the second year of the pandemic and are facing huge health and economic crisis, arguing that citizens want that everyone focuses of these two issues. According to Sattler, last year we saw, despite the pandemic, that the authorities were able to make progress on some of 14 key priorities from the (EC’s) Opinion, even on some difficult issues such as the Mostar issue, “which gives me hope that this year we can move forward faster”. “It does not take three years to reach agreement on the Law on Public Procurements. Nor seven years to agree on changes and amendments to the Law on HJPC. It is necessary to accelerate these processes,” added Sattler. Asked if he sees any engagement of the political leaders on 14 priorities from the EC’s Opinion, Sattler replied by saying he does see the engagement, and that nowadays there is working group formed by the three ruling parties, SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD, which talked about the 14 key priorities at a meeting (earlier this month). The Ambassador added by saying it is necessary to include others into the issue, the parliament, that there needs to be a debate and that citizens should be involved. Asked to comment on the journalist’s remark that he and US Ambassador Eric Nelson have embarked on ‘mission impossible’, namely they are moderating talks between leaders of SDA and HDZ B&H about changes to the Law on Elections of B&H and the Constitution of B&H, and whether it is possible to achieve it in 2021, Ambassador Sattler said he believes things can start moving in 2021, arguing that the situation will not be the same after the pandemic. “Status quo is over to a large extent – it means that B&H and rest of the Western Balkans must get organized and accelerate their reform processes. And that is exactly what we expect from the leaders in this country. Yes, they are party leaders, but all the parliamentarians and the civil society must be involved as well. This is a non-election year and an opportunity for this country (…) What I can assure you is – the EU and the US will not allow any undermining of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of this state and we will not accept any agreements that would distance B&H from its European road. This must be clear too,” said Sattler. Asked to comment on a discussion about the Western Balkans, which was initiated by Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman and which was supported by Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus, Ambassador Sattler said he thinks it is a positive thing, “and what we see is a strengthened engagement of the EU Member States”. “I cannot predict what will be the outcome of all this, but what I can predict is that a strong engagement of the EU in the region will continue,” said Ambassador Sattler, underlining that “for us, the Western Balkans is a strategic part of Europe”.

Brod Refinery connected to gas network in Croatia; Dzaferovic, Komsic claim project violates B&H’s sovereignty (N1)

N1 noted that without the consent of B&H Presidency, B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and the Parliament of B&H and on the ground of an agreement with the RS, Croatia completed the most important phase of gasification of Brod-base oil refinery. Namely, some 450 meters long gas pipes were installed under basin of Sava River. It will enable connection of Brod refinery to the Croatian gas system. Delivery of gas to Brod refinery should start on 1 June. Member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic stated that abovementioned activity, i.e. installing of pipelines should have been approved by state-level authorities in B&H. Dzaferovic underlined that territorial integrity of state of B&H has been violated, because the Croatian company installed pipelines through border line without getting green light from B&H authorities. Dzaferovic went on to saying that this act is in opposition to international law and B&H legislation. He explained that a memorandum signed by Croatia and the RS in 2017 is not valid because B&H CoM, B&H Presidency and B&H parliament did not approve it. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic’s Cabinet issued a statement reading that he expects B&H Ministry of Security to immediately contact B&H Border Police, adding that this police agency has to do everything in its power to interrupt illegal activities immediately. “Croatian Government also has to interrupt all works on construction of the pipeline. This is a scandal and attack on sovereignty of state of B&H”, reads the statement. Reporter reminded that gasification of Brod refinery was agreed upon through the agreement signed by the RS government and Croatian Government in 2017. Regardless of warnings of state-level authorities in B&H, cooperation in this regard was resumed. Two years later, owner of Brod refinery, Russian Zarubezhneft and Croatian Crodux signed a gasification contract. Reporter noted that B&H does not have a law on electricity and gas at state level. Adoption of this law that would solve the issue of competences has been obstructed by authorities in the RS. Komsic stated that the Director of B&H Border Police should be called to account, while B&H competent bodies such as the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H should immediately check possible involvement of individuals in such unlawful activity. He stressed that he expects B&H Ministry of Security to immediately contact B&H Border Police, which has to do everything possible to stop unlawful works immediately. “Croatian Government must immediately stop all the works on the gas pipeline. It is about an absolute scandal and attack on sovereignty of the state of B&H,” Komsic stressed.


Large number of B&H citizens travelled to Serbia to get vaccinated (FTV)

As of early Saturday morning, traffic jams have been reported on all B&H border crossings towards Serbia, since many B&H citizens decided to get vaccinated in Serbia. Besides businessmen, which were called to vaccination in Serbia by the Foreign Trade Chamber (VTK) of B&H, a large number of other citizens applied for vaccination and some even went to Serbia without applying. The VTK B&H representatives confirmed that 5,000 to 6,000 businessmen will get vaccinated in Serbia. FTV carried footage from Belgrade on Saturday, and long lines of people from B&H, Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia and Montenegro were seen in front of the Belgrade Fair building. Several Tuzla citizens told FTV that they waited two to three hours to get a vaccine, but they were satisfied that they were all able to finish the procedure on Saturday. Croatian citizens said they came to Serbia as Croatia does not have enough vaccines at this moment. All the foreign citizens that received vaccines on Saturday expressed dissatisfaction over the fact that their own countries were unable to do what Serbia did, and they did not get vaccinated in their homelands. They thanked Serbia and its officials for allowing them to get vaccinated there, and commended the country’s leadership for being capable in procuring vaccines, equipment and other essentials during the pandemic. Serbia allocated 10,000 vaccines for foreign citizens and they are free and all people have to do is register so they can get an appointment. Director of the Office for e-government in Serbia Mihailo Jovanovic called on the citizens of neighboring countries, including B&H, who do not have an appointment for vaccination, not to come to Serbia, because they will not be vaccinated without an appointment.

Zvizdic: Vucic’s visit and donations of vaccines to B&H represent efforts to present himself as a benefactor in the region (ATV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reacted on Friday to the statement of deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic, who said that Vucic’s visit and donations of vaccines against COVID-19 to B&H represent efforts to present himself as a benefactor in the region. In his reaction, Vucic said that, to Zvizdic, Serbs will always be the culprits. Vucic underlined that Serbia has been helping everyone in the region and will be doing so whenever help is requested. “I do not understand Zvizdic’s stance on the vaccines,” he noted. Vucic said that Zvizdic will always find Serbs responsible for everything bad regardless to what they do. Vucic also said: “I tried to figure out what his point was, but I failed … It seems that some, whenever they do something, are either to be blamed for doing it, or, if you do a good job, then you get blamed for having some hidden agendas.” Zvizdic was asked in an earlier interview for BHT1 why the vaccine purchase was not used to demonstrate the successful functioning of “mini-Schengen,” as that would have been a regional initiative by six countries. They could have procured the vaccines together and distributed them amongst themselves according to capacities and population numbers.


B&H gives up on Turk-Russian Stream, gas pipeline with Republic of Croatia priority (Vecernji list)

After the intervention of the US Embassy in Sarajevo, a deceit of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Nermin Dzindic and ‘Energoinvest’ was stopped, that tried overnight to implement plans of ‘Gazporm’ in order to make B&H fully dependent on the Russian gas, while on the other hand they would practically undermine the project of Southern Gas Interconnection with Croatia. The daily reads that the USA does not want to allow that B&H gets in such a trap and for this reason it was decided at the last moment that also after April 1, the gas will be delivered to B&H over Ukraine, that Moscow keeps avoiding in order to additionally destabilize this country. Daily added that after media reports everything has changed in one day only and as sign of good will a body was formed which will deal with analyses and assessment of the study on the impact on environment for the gas pipeline of Southern Gas Interconnection. Within 15 days they are supposed to give their assessment to FB&H Minister of Tourism and Environment Edita Djapo. Author noted that this project is of vital importance for B&H, while there was an attempt to eliminate it based on the moves of Dzindic and ‘Energoinvest’. Author added that in this way it is actually being worked against the EU, that is the US, which invested money for financing od many studies made in the previous period.


Leposavic doesn’t acknowledge Srebrenica genocide and disputes Hague Tribunal legitimacy (CdM)

Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic says he will be ready to acknowledge the crime of genocide in Srebrenica when it is unequivocally established. He said this in the parliament of Montenegro, answering the question of the DPS MP Andrija Nikolic. With the answer, Leposavic has avoided saying his position, but stated that The Hague Tribunal, where the genocide in Srebrenica was tried, as he says, “lost its legitimacy, because it concealed evidence of crimes against Serbs in Kosovo”.  At the session of the parliament of Montenegro on 26 March, Leposavic, relativized the decision of the International War Crimes Tribunal on genocide in Srebrenica, stating that it was based on the position of The Hague Tribunal, which is compromised because it concealed evidence of crimes against Serbs in Kosovo. Leposavic has stated that he doesn’t know whether the criminals in Srebrenica had genocidal intent or not, but that he can only trust the judges from The Hague.

Leposavic’s statement ‘dangerous and upsetting’, political parties seek his resignation (CdM)

A dangerous and upsetting statement of the Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic, denying the Srebrenica genocide and challenging legitimacy of a criminal court in The Hague has provoked sharp reactions both in Montenegro and the region. Although the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued several verdicts confirming the genocide in Srebrenica, Leposavic stated that in his opinion, there hadn’t been enough evidence it was about a genocide. Following his statement, political parties and the civic society urged the Minister to resign and Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic to do something. Apart from the PM, Deputy Prime Minister and the leader of the Civic URA Movement Dritan Abazovic as well as Montenegro parliament speaker and the leader of Democrats Aleksa Becic also said nothing.

One of the founders of the Civic Initiatve 21 May and ex-leader of the Liberal Party Miodrag Zivkovic finds their failure to react equally harmful as the statement itself. First who called on Minister Leposavic to resign was the DPS MP, Andrija Nikolic, after which the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic reacted, recalling what he had said on the occasion of 25 years since the Srebrenica genocide. In addition, the DPS has announced they’re going to launch an initiative for passing the law prohibiting denial of the genocide and urged PM Krivokapic to provide his position on Minister Leposavic’s statements. Krivokapic has said in a tweet that Montenegro will remain safe and stable despite the efforts of certain organizations and groups provoking incidents, thus wanting to project the image of threatened security in the country. The PM also added that competent bodies would sanction every disturbance to public order and peace.

Djukanovic: As long as there’re ideologies denying committed crimes, danger from new losses won’t cease (CdM)

Following the statement of the Minister of Justice and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic, Milo Djukanovic reacted and reminded of his message on the occasion of 25 years since the massacre in Srebrenica. “As long as there are ideologies denying committed crimes, the danger from new losses won’t cease,” Djukanovic said back in July 2020. He also told he considered remembrance to the massacre in Srebrenica a call for seeking the truth even today “so that we don’t forget that it’s our duty to get justice”. “Srebrenica is a synonym for crime, but we have to do everything in our power to make it a synonym for justice” the President told at that time.

Suljagic: Open Bosniaks hunting in Montenegro (Pobjeda)

A statement of the Montenegrin Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic, denying the Srebrenica genocide proves that we’re at the beginning of the process of putting the Bosniaks outside laws. It’s a call for violence and don’t even doubt that we may expect it to be limited. All indicators are there – head of the Srebrenica Memorial Centre, Emir Suljagic, assesses for Pobjeda daily. Suljagic says this on behalf of himself, as according to law, only the governing board of the Memorial Center can provide statements on behalf of that institution. Suljagic emphasizes that Leposavic’s statement is for his voters – those same who wrote graffiti, broke windows of mosques and attacked the Bosniaks in the town of Pljevlja.

He also recalls that immediately after the last year’s parliamentary elections in Montenegro, he warned that the new ruling majority would bring back our country to the 90s rapidly. “I’d say that it’s happening now. Leposavic cannot hurt us with what he said – by denying the Srebrenica genocide – but this behavior, along with some earlier statements in the parliament of Montenegro, can be an indicator of an organized and targeted violence towards the Bosniaks.”

Suljagic welcomes the reaction of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, pointing out that the President’s view is the only acceptable one. Djukanovic noted that as long as there are ideologies denying committed crimes, the danger from new losses won’t cease.

US and UK Embassies: Krivokapic’s government to call the massacre what it was – genocide (CdM)

The US Embassy is concerned with comments of the Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic who said he was “ready to recognize the Srebrenica genocide once it’s unequivocally determined”. “The Embassy is concerned with comments casting doubt about what happened in Srebrenica in 1995. We look for clarity and hope the Government of Montenegro will unequivocally condemn the massacre and call it what it was – genocide,” the US Embassy tweeted. "The United Kingdom remains clear in its longstanding stance that what happened in Srebrenica was genocide," British Ambassador to Montenegro Karen Maddox and British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Matt Field said in a joint statement. This was stated on the Twitter account of the British Embassy in Montenegro "These are facts established before two international courts on the basis of numerous pieces of evidence. We can only move forward with recognition and respect for the past," Maddox and Field said in a joint statement.


North Macedonia announces greater participation in KFOR mission (MIA)

North Macedonia has announced active participation in the KFOR mission and will even increase the number of troops in this international NATO mission in Kosovo, stated President Stevo Pendarovski during talks with Admiral Robert Burk, Commander of NATO Joint Forces Command Naples. Pendarovski announced that North Macedonia will continue to provide logistical and medical support to the Alliance, i.e. the operation in Kosovo, which includes increasing the number of North Macedonian troops. Admiral Burke was visiting Skopje on the first anniversary of North Macedonia joining NATO.


Rama calls on Albanians in North Macedonia to take part in the census (Radio Tirana

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has called on the Albanians of North Macedonia to participate massively in the population census on which their constitutional power and decision-making in the affairs of that state depends. "Albanian sisters and brothers from Tetovo, Skopje and all of North Macedonia. You should be proud today of how much you have achieved in advancing your rights in the neighboring and friendly state. There is no end of good and it is never enough, but it is enough to turn our heads back, not too far in time, only a few years ago to see what great and decisive steps you have taken in affirming the Albanian dignity and identity in that Republic, where until yesterday the Albanian was treated as the second category, even though without the Albanian people there is no state of Macedonia," said Rama, through a video message. Rama said that "the story that we have all done together in these few years thanks to the patriotic and republican vision of Ali Ahmeti and the positive will of political leaders who gave life to the so-called cynicism of the obstructers of our language, the platform of Tirana, "It is a shining page in the long struggle for the freedoms and rights of Albanians in North Macedonia." "But it should never prevent you from seeing your identity, our Albanian identity and its affirmation in every dimension of the life of the state where you live, as a cause above all causes, above all disputes, bargains and parties. Today is one of those moments of your life as a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia, when none of you, no one anywhere living in this world and whatever the jobs and worries it has, should not miss the new population census of the state of North Macedonia," he said. Rama said that this registration is done after many years, because the previous deadline was deliberately removed by those who did not want to count you. You know better than anyone that the Constitutional power of the Albanian people of that Republic on participation and decision-making in the affairs of that state depends on the number of Albanians registered in the Republic of North Macedonia," said Rama.