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Belgrade Media Report 12 May 2021


Vilan: Israel recognized Kosovo under US pressure (TV Prva/B92/RTV

Israeli Ambassador to Serbia Yahel Vilan said on TV Prva that Israel recognized Kosovo’s independence under American pressure. “Don’t get me wrong, that’s an important topic, but it's a different story. Israel’s decision to recognize Kosovo’s independence was made under American pressure, otherwise let’s not forget that it was done within the framework of the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo and America, not us. I am not trying to hide behind that, that decision was made by Israel after many years of refusing to recognize Kosovo. It is against our interests in Serbia,” he said. Asked whether Israel would revise its decision on Kosovo, the ambassador said he did not want to make any room for optimism for the Serbian public.

“I do not see that possibility at the moment. An agreement has been reached, Israel has recognized Kosovo, and Kosovo will move the embassy to Jerusalem. I do not see it withdrawing recognition of Kosovo as long as both sides have accepted it in the agreement,” he said. At the insistence of TV Prva journalist Filip Cukanovic that Serbia did not recognize the independence of Kosovo by any agreement, and that he himself was in Washington when the agreement was signed, the ambassador says that he did not see that agreement. “Why would I see that document, it is not my agreement, Serbia signed that document. I did not see any denial from Serbia and United States of America. Serbia never denied that it signed that document. I did not see anyone in Serbia say that they did not sign the agreement, the document exists as far as I know,” he said.

Vilan: I have never said, nor do I believe, nor do I have a reason to say that Serbia has signed something with Kosovo (B92

Israeli Ambassador to Serbia Yahel Vilan once again addressed the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. He told a press conference held at the Israeli embassy in Belgrade that he was trying to be as professional as possible a diplomat, and as open as possible. “It was unprofessional on my part, for which I apologize. What I expect from you is - please don’t put in my words in my mouth what I didn’t say. If I wasn’t clear enough, ask me. Believe me, I will try to answer everything. I want us all to agree that everything I say should be reported as I said it,” said he. Vilan referred to his statement made for TV Prva, when he said that his country recognized Kosovo as independent under pressure from the United States. “I want to make a short comment, because this morning I was on a TV channel and saw something I didn't say, and it became big news in Serbia. That is why I want to clarify: when asked about the agreement with Kosovo, I said that agreements were signed in Washington separately between Serbia and the United States, as well as between Kosovo and the United States. I have never said, nor do I believe, nor do I have a reason to say that Serbia has signed something with Kosovo. I hope this is clear enough. I have never underestimated the issue of Kosovo,” he said.

Selakovic: Vucic did not recognize the so-called Kosovo (TV Prva/B92

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic reacted to the statement of the Israeli Ambassador that Serbia practically recognized Kosovo with Washington agreement. Those two sentences immediately provoked reactions from the host who printed out the agreement and showed it live.

First, the study shows the agreement signed in Washington, i.e. in the White House and in the presence of the then US president Donald Trump, and from which it is clear that Pristina and Belgrade signed two different agreements with Washington, parts of which are not the same.

Selakovic was also contacted, who confirmed that President Aleksandar Vucic signed a completely different paper from the one given to the Pristina side for signature. “The statement of the Ambassador of Israel is rather rude, and it is absolutely not true,” Selakovic said categorically. “It is clear that Serbia has signed an agreement with Washington, as well as the so-called Kosovo, separately. The part signed by Vucic states that Serbia agrees to open a representative office in Jerusalem by September and move its embassy in Israel to that city.

The part signed by Avdulah Hoti states that Kosovo agrees to demand mutual recognition of Serbia and the so-called Kosovo,” explained Selakovic, but added that Vucic told Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu that the condition for Serbia to move its embassy and open a representative office was for Israel to withdraw recognition of Kosovo. Commenting on the statement of the Israeli Ambassador from the Morning Program that Israel practically recognized the so-called Kosovo under pressure from America, Selakovic then concluded that President of Serbia managed to survive that pressure in Washington, which, as he says, was fierce. “Vucic endured the horrible pressure to which he was exposed, and Israel failed to resist those pressures,” he said, adding: “The citizens of Serbia should be proud to have a president who managed to resist the pressures in Washington and preserve Serbia’s integrity and our national reputation.”

Stefanovic: Improving defense cooperation with Spain (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met in Madrid on Tuesday with Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Spain Margarita Robles. Recalling the extremely close relations of Serbia and Spain, Stefanovic said that he spoke with Minister Robles about the development of cooperation in the field of defense, so that it becomes a reflection of relations between our two countries. We want the cooperation of our two ministries to be more intensive and to follow the quality of cooperation of our countries in the field of the economy and the strategic issues, in which Spain supports Serbia, first and foremost on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Stefanovic said. Pointing to the importance of mutual support in protecting the sovereignty and the principles of international law, Robles reiterated the principled position of the Kingdom of Spain regarding the non-recognition of the so-called Kosovo. She also highlighted the importance of the joint engagement in the UN multinational operation in Lebanon, which is of great importance for the Spanish side. Speaking about the possibilities for improving cooperation in the field of defense, the Spanish Defense Minister conveyed the commitment to continuing joint engagement in multinational operations, as well as to intensifying military-military and military-economic cooperation.

Selakovic: Indonesia’s constant support (RTV/RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Tuesday with the Ambassador of Indonesia Mohammad Chandra Vija Yudh, who thanked him for the position of that country not to recognize the independence of Kosovo and for the constant support to Serbia in international organizations. Selakovic stated that the bilateral relations between Serbia and Indonesia are good and traditionally friendly, reminding that they date from the period of the formation of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the close cooperation between presidents Tito and Sukarno. He expressed hope that opportunities to visit Indonesia would be created in the near future, but also that his colleague, Minister Retno Mersudi, would pay an official visit to Serbia.

The interlocutors discussed the holding of the Fifth Bilateral Political Consultations, which should be held in Belgrade, it is added in the announcement of the Serbian Foreign Ministry.

EU approves new methodology for Serbia’s accession talks (Tanjug

The Council of the EU has approved the implementation of a revised enlargement methodology in the accession talks with Serbia, Brussels announced on Tuesday. The Council of the EU approved the methodology after Serbia had consented to its implementation in the ongoing process of EU accession talks, and Brussels said changes in the process would be adapted to the existing negotiating framework with Serbia. The elements of the revised enlargement methodology will be presented to Serbia at the next EU-Serbia intergovernmental accession conference at ministerial level, slated for June. The new accession methodology for Serbia requires a stronger focus on fundamental reforms, such as rule of law, fundamental rights, the functioning of democratic institutions and public administration reforms, as well as on economic criteria. At the same time, the EU insists on stronger political governance that should strengthen the dialogue between the EU and candidate countries to ensure focus on reforms that are key to further progress. The improved methodology also envisions greater dynamism in the process, reflected in the negotiating chapters being grouped into six clusters, which implies the opening of several chapters at the same time. The EU also insists on improved predictability of the process, which should be reflected in objectivity of criteria, strict positive and negative conditioning, as well as in reversibility of the process. Serbia has opened 18 and provisionally closed two negotiating chapters to date.

Brnabic: Serbia continues with European integration activities (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic held an online meeting on Tuesday with EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Oliver Varhelyi. The meeting was attended by Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic, who informed the Commissioner about the activities carried out within cluster 3 - Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth and cluster 4 - Green Agenda, Digitalization and Sustainable Connectivity. The two officials also discussed the continuation and dynamics of the activities that Serbia is carrying out in the process of joining the EU. The reforms that are being implemented in the area of ​​the rule of law were particularly looked at. Brnabic informed Varhelyi about the activities that have been agreed upon with the Serbian parliament regarding the procedure of the Constitution change.

Petkovic: Failure to form ZSO obstacle to normalization with Pristina (Beta

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told the new Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMIK) Michael Davenport on Monday that Kosovo’s failure to form the agreed Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) was a huge obstacle to the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations. “Despite Pristina’s open messages about its unconcern (about the resumption of the dialogue), Belgrade remains committed to the normalization of the situation in the region and peaceful political solutions to all pending issues,” Petkovic said. He added that the so-far cooperation with the OMIK was very good and hoped for further regular, open and content communication. Petkovic said he expected OMIK to continue working on preventing Pristina’s unilateral and provocative moves and promoting the dialogue as the only way to reach mutually acceptable and sustainable solutions. He briefed Davenport on attacks on the Serbs and their property.

New municipal authorities in Presevo, but without Serb representatives (RTS

The majority consists of a coalition of four Albanian parties with 22 of the 38 councilors. The change came after a vote of no confidence to the mayor, the introduction of temporary measures and early local elections. The previous opposition formed the government in Presevo. The president of the municipality is Ardita Sinani from the Party for Democratic Action, which also performed that function in the temporary bodies, and her deputy is Ragmi Mustafa from the Democratic Party of Albanians.  “The priorities are solving all the problems of the citizens of the municipality of Presevo, for example water supply, socio-economic problems, employment. The Serbian government should have a different influence for Albanians from the south of Serbia,” said Sinani. Mustafa says they gave the advantage to Sinani for the position of president, where she will be for two years. “After two years, I will be the candidate for the president of the municipality of Presevo. That means that this is a compromise solution in order to overcome all the difficulties regarding the negotiations for the management of the local self-government,” Mustafa said. The Serbian coalition was not given the opportunity to participate in the government, although it was part of it for the previous five years. “I think that it is neither them nor us in the interest for the Serbs not to be in power, I don’t know what will happen next. As for us Serbs, we will probably get help if they don’t do something for Serb settlements,” says Branislav Trajkovic, the representative of the coalition of Serbs in Presevo. At the early elections a month and a half ago, citizens gave trust to the Alternative for Changes that was in power. In five years, President Shciprim Arifi was twice voted no-confidence in the Assembly. We could not get a statement from the previous president of the municipality of Presevo, Shciprim Arifi. As we were told in his office, he is outside Presevo.

Dialogue is priority (Novosti

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas conveyed a message to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that dialogue with Belgrade on normalization of relations is crucial for the EU perspective of the Western Balkans countries. “They key priority for Germany is to secure progress in providing European perspective to the Western Balkans countries,” Maas said.

Inzko convinced in arrival of Christian Schmidt to B&H (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)  

The daily argued that international representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) continued to present opposing stances on whether German Christian Schmidt might replace current High Representative Valentin Inzko or the Office of the High Representative (OHR) should be shut down one quarter of the century after the war. The daily reminded that both the Republika Srpska (RS) and Russia opposed the appointment of a new High Representative. The RS parliament even adopted conclusions reminding that, as in line with the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), consent of all sides including the RS is needed for the appointment of the High Representative. “The RS is not asking for the arrival of the new High Representative, therefore his appointment would be illegal”, Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik stated several months ago. At the same time, Russia is of the stance that the time has come for the OHR to be shut down. The daily reminded that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, during his visit to B&H at the end of the last year, reiterated the stance that Moscow supports shutting down of the OHR and later Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said that he sees no possibility of reaching of consensus on the appointment of a new High Representative in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). Several days ago, the daily reminded, the G7 members issued a joint statement and welcomed Schmidt’s candidacy for the High Representative and even Inzko, who announced at the end of the last year that he will leave B&H, said several days ago that he feels optimistic when it comes to Schmidt’s appointment. “The PIC will decide when I will leave and when Schmidt will come. This will take couple of more months, so I am still alive. Schmidt enjoys the support of all western countries, minus one (Russia),” Inzko said and added that Germany is still carrying out talks with partners. Ambassador of Russia to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, on the other hand, reiterated that Russia is of a firm stance that the OHR must be shut down so that people in B&H can decide on their own destiny and he told journalists in Banja Luka that the OHR has turned into an obstacle for reaching of agreements in B&H.



RS parliament’s conclusions: High Representative abandoned the legal framework of his activities (N1


N1 reported that the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament on Tuesday night agreed on the conclusions which reject the request of the High Representative Valentin Inzko about annulling of decorations awarded to war crimes convicts. The text of the conclusions is agreed by both ruling parties and the opposition, but Chairs of SDS and PDP Caucuses have not signed them. With majority vote the RS parliament decided that there will be no discussion on this item, even though Nebojsa Vukanovic objected. The adopted conclusions read: 1) RS parliament concludes that the post of the High Representative is introduced by Annex X of Dayton Agreement, which the RS signed as well, and that the HR can in no way have supremacy over the RS; 2) RS parliament rejects Bonn Powers and concludes that the High Representative has abandoned the legal framework of his activities, established by Annex X of DPA: “Because he illegally, anti-constitutionally, and without limitation took over legislation, executive and judicial powers, violating basic human rights and international instruments for their protection by using the so called ‘Bonn Powers”- the response reads. 3) RS parliament rejects the request of the High Representative and gives support to decisions reached by Committee for Marking of 25th Anniversary of Existence and Work of the RS parliament (1991- 2016)- reads the response.

RS parliament adopts conclusions for talks on possible solutions in B&H (RTRS


The RS parliament adopted on Tuesday night the initiative for the talks and dialogue of the RS, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and three constituent peoples about possible solutions for B&H. The conclusions read that the RS parliament calls on the FB&H, as a contractual side, for a comprehensive dialogue about the current situation in B&H and possible solutions regarding the future of the RS and FB&H. It is noted that sides in the talks should be the RS, FB&H and three constituent peoples- Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. The RS parliament expects the RS President (Zeljka Cvijanovic) to inform the FB&H about the conclusions and RS parliament’s stances and to form a negotiation team, adding that the RS President needs to inform the RS parliament about the carried out activities. The conclusions recommend the RS President to include into the negotiating team the representatives of the highest authority bodies of the RS, RS representatives in B&H institutions, as well as representatives of RS parliamentary parties. The RS parliament recommends forming of the negotiating team within 30 days and launching of the activities for opening of the dialogue. The negotiating team is tasked to compose an operational plan and to regularly inform the RS parliament about their activities. The RS parliament concluded that since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement the agreement was retailored and violated in an unacceptable manner, especially in regards to Annex IV, Constitution of B&H. The conclusions read that the RS is a contractual side and the RS rights and obligations emerge from the international agreement- Dayton Agreement and underline that B&H is composed of two entities and three constituent peoples. It is further stated that RS parliament accepts only entities and constituent peoples as carriers of the sovereignty and every imposing of the sovereignty beside that has unconstitutional and anti-Dayton character. “B&H possesses limited and derived sovereignty which reflects in acting towards third countries, internal sovereignty belongs to the RS and the FB&H,” read the conclusions. The RS parliament concluded that Dayton structure and balance in B&H was violated and that constituent peoples were deprived of their rights due to unconstitutional activities of the international community in B&H. 47 representatives in the RS parliament voted in favor of the conclusions, two abstained from voting and none voted against the conclusions. SDS and PDP representatives did not declare about the conclusions.


Opposition in the RS presents their arguments against ruling majority during RS parliament session on Tuesday (BN TV

The RS parliament called the FB&H on a comprehensive dialogue on the current situation in B&H and possible solutions for the future of the RS and FB&H, which was stated in the proposal of conclusions of the ruling coalition in the RS parliament. The opposition claimed that this was nothing but an attempt of diverting attention from economic issues that burden the RS. RS PDP representative Jelena Trivic pointed out the nonsense of the session. Trivic said that the RS has everything they had voted for and if they apply that, the separation of the RS from B&H has already begun. Trivic accused the ruling authorities that they do not really want the RS to become independent and that they are just deceiving people. Trivic said that the current RS Government only gave promises to the people. “Do we not have a resolution on military neutrality? We do. The FB&H is entering NATO and we are not. Do we not have a conclusion on leaving the (B&H) Armed Forces? Fulfill it. They are going with their Armed Forces and we are not. Do we not have a conclusion that we are leaving the system of value-added tax (VAT), the conclusion that this RS parliament and your ruling majority adopted in November 2019? We are leaving the VAT and they are not. Is this not a de facto separation? It is. What is then the point of this? There you have it, three things we already have and have adopted, according to which the RS would be de facto separated from the FB&H once these three things are implemented. But that is not your goal”. RS SDS representative Davor Sesic asked: “Why did you not state in the conclusions that a referendum should be held in the next period to ask the citizens if they are for an independent RS? If you cannot do that, why do you not hold a referendum on whether the citizens are in favor of returning to the original Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)?” RS SDS representative in the RS Milan Radovic reminded that many RS competencies were transferred to B&H level during the rule of SNSD. “The transfer of 49 competencies was confirmed in the B&H parliament and more than 60 compptencies were transferred”. Radovic recalled the statement of Serb member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, according to whom Dodik had said: “They have tricked us. We thought this would go differently”. Radovic asked: “How can someone trick you to transfer competencies even though they are clearly defined by the DPA?”. RS PDP representative Igor Crnadak asked what is the point of the discussion if they do not have an interlocutor on the given topic. Crnadak said that the only ones who benefit from this are SNSD and SDA. “Behind all that, there is corruption, nepotism, withdrawing money from the budget through public procurement. This is a game that has lasted for years,” stated Crnadak. Crnadak added that patriotism is manifested differently, i.e. through focusing on building the institutions in the RS. RS SNSD representative Srdjan Mazalica pointed out: “The transfer of the competency of RS Police was prevented. The police were saved in 2006, which was a key turning point”.


Inter-Agency Working group holds inaugural session (BN TV


Leadership was appointed at the inaugural session of the of the Inter-Agency Working group (IAWG) for changes to the B&H Election law. There was no discussion on concrete proposals of changes to the B&H Election Law even though all political parties already have their proposals, added the presenter. PDP, SDS and DNS believe that the basic goal of changes to the B&H Election Law is to enable fair and honest elections “which will truly be reflection of the real will of citizens and not the reflection of those counting the votes,” said Branislav Borenovic from the Caucus of SDS, PDP, DNS in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). Borenovic pointed out that it is very important for them to introduce new technologies to scan ballots, video surveillance at the polling stations, to increase the electoral threshold, to improve the work of the election committees and better identification when voting. Borenovic added that he wants to prevent vote stealing through voting by mail because many manipulations were noted there.

The opposition in the FB&H claimed that the international community (IC) already prepared solutions for changes to the B&H Election Law. Sasa Magazinovic from the SDP Caucus in the B&H HoR said that it will appear in some form, whether some MP brings it up or some other way. Magazinovic stated: “The thing I would not like and that I will loudly fight against is for this IAWG to have a role of ‘fig leaf’, to be visible before you while the real process is ongoing somewhere in some residence, restaurant or wherever”. Delegate of the Croat Caucus in the B&H House o Peoples (HoP) Borisa Colak stated: “We have decided to change the electoral legislation, which does not mean that in one part it will not be necessary to make some minor changes to the Constitution”. Delegate of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Sredoje Novic stated: “If anyone thinks that the procedure of changing the Constitution of B&H, FB&H or RS will be introduced here, then I think it is a failure”. There are no members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) in the IAWG because SNSD and HDZ B&H opposed their participation, concluded the reporter. Alma Colo from SDA was elected the IAWG Chairwoman. Colak from HDZ B&H and Novic from SNSD were elected as Deputy Chairmen. Colak emphasized that many things need to be amended in the current Election Law, and there are three groups of issues that need to be addressed. Primarily, the implementation of ‘Ljubic’ ruling, he explains, as well as all ECHR rulings. Colak concluded that the election process must be made more transparent and more credible.

Izetbegovic optimistic regarding work of IAWG (Hayat


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said he believes that the IAWG has a lot of work to do on amendments and changes to the B&H Election Law regarding the transparency and integrity of the election process. Izetbegovic stated: “Despite the tensions we have in the country and distant views I am by far the most optimistic that something can be done”. Izetbegovic sees the main problem in relations in the FB&H between the pro-Bosnian and pro-Bosniak parties on one side and the HDZ B&H. “HDZ B&H claims that the majority, more numerous people, elect representatives to the smaller, i.e. the Croat people, a remark that should be seriously considered” said Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic added: “On the other hand, we claim that in the FB&H Parliament, and even in the B&H Parliament, the minority dictates to the majority, which is far from democracy”. Izetbegovic told media on Tuesday that he does not believe that the IAWG will be able to do its job without prior political agreement, which is why it is good that members of opposition parties are involved in the process as well.

Covic with Plenkovic: Equality, non-discrimination and legitimate representation cannot be ignored (Dnevni list


HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic spoke to Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday, one day after a discussion at the EU Foreign Affairs Council, which discuss the situation in B&H among other issues. Covic posted on Twitter that he talked with Plenkovic about the necessary progress of B&H on the European path. “One cannot ignore equality, non-discrimination and legitimate representation, which crucially have to be implemented through changes to the Law on Elections of B&H and limited changes to the Constitution of B&H,” Covic wrote.

EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs comment on situation in B&H; Grlic Radman: I would like to emphasize importance of concept of three constituent peoples (Hayat


It is now clear to the Croatian politics, which faced a defeat at the so called ‘EU field’, that the disintegration of B&H will not happen, stated the presenter. There was no mention of the Croatian and Slovenian non-paper at the two-day meeting of the EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Brussels sent a clear message that B&H is an independent and sovereign country whose territorial integrity must be respected, added the presenter. The Western Balkans were once again the topic the EU focused on and B&H was at the heart of the issue because the countries in the region again have aspirations to redraw the borders of B&H, added the reporter. Despite presenting themselves as true friends, Croatia and Serbia are actually the biggest threat to peace and stability in the region, claimed the reporter. The Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman stated: “I would like to emphasize the importance of the concept of the three constituent peoples, crucial for the functionality, stability and the European path of that country. Contrary to what has recently appeared in the media, this concept is not incompatible with Sejdic-Finci ruling. The key is to eliminate any kind of discrimination in the election process and this can be achieved by amending the election law”. Grlic Radman and the Croatian politics are alone in this because none of the EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs took the unofficial documents seriously, but Grlic Radman counties to speak of ethnic division of B&H, added the reporter. The Slovakia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Korcok stated: “We need to pay strategic attention to this region. Unfortunately, during the last ten years, we completely focused on the process of enlargement but that is not enough. We cannot lose the trust of the people of Western Balkans who obviously see their future within the EU”. High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated: “We recall continued and strong support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H. The ministers agreed that B&H must take advantage of this year to make progress on constitutional reforms, as well as election law reforms. We must continue to support this work through the day-to-day engagement of our Special Representative in Sarajevo”. Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ann Linde stated: “We have a unique and comprehensive EU engagement in the Western Balkans, but we need to talk about meeting our commitments to the region”.

EU’s ‘non-paper’ focuses more on Serbia and Kosovo than on B&H (EuroBlic


The daily reminded that the EU Foreign Affairs Ministers met two days ago in Brussels to discuss the situation in the Western Balkans and argued that “the EU is essentially interested in Serbia and not B&H, as Brussels wants Belgrade to come under its umbrella soon and wants to see the Kosovo issue be solved soon”. The daily added that this was also the main message of the non-paper prepared by European Union External Action Service (EEAS) and signed by EU High Representative Josep Borrell. The meeting was organized upon an initiative of Croatia as a reaction to the ‘non-paper’ which was allegedly prepared by Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and which shook the region because it proposed dissolution of B&H. The daily cited Zagreb-based Jutarnji list which reported that Croatia launched its own diplomatic operation, got the support of five members of the EU including Slovenia and Hungary, and presented its own non-paper in which it advocated territorial preservation of B&H because instability of B&H would represent a strategic nightmare both for Croatia and Serbia. The daily argued that B&H was placed “at the bottom of the list of problems” in Borrell’s document, which only carried a message on territorial integrity. “B&H does not have a strategic weight for the EU like Serbia and Kosovo do (…) The EU grew tired of B&H, which is visible in a blog published by Borrell on Sunday, in which he wrote that the meeting with the Presidency of B&H ten days ago was ‘difficult, with numerous attacks and accusations among the three members’”. Commenting on Borrell’s document, Executive Manager of the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence Marko Savkovic told the daily that it represents an attempt of the EU “to take matters into its own hands” and added that it keeps the topic of the Western Balkans alive. “The last year was wasted when it comes to the EU and enlargement, it seems as if the same will happen this year as well and not everything can be justified by the coronavirus pandemic,” Savkovic added. Political analyst Bosko Jaksic noted that it seems as if “non-papers became fashionable now” and claimed that the EU’s non-paper is yet another test balloon. Jaksic argued that non-papers make it possible for officials to say something that they would normally never say in official talks. Suzana Grubjesic from the Foreign Policy Center said that Borrell’s document is the third non-paper but the fact remains that the EU ministers have not discussed the region in the past two years. Grubjesic reminded that the non-paper noted that the Western Balkans should be in an orbit of the EU, otherwise room might be created for other players such as Russia, China and Turkey. Grubjesic added that it also noted for the first time that citizens of the Western Balkans countries are disappointed with the pace of accession process to the EU and concluded that more efforts must be invested to accelerate this process.

Jansa announces Slovenia will organize conference on Western Balkans (Dnevni list


Slovenian Prime Minister (PM) Janez Jansa said that Ljubljana will organize an informal summit about the Western Balkans and its European perspective, having in mind the importance of the EU enlargement into south-east (Europe). PM Jansa said he is not behind the infamous ‘non-paper’ about changes to borders in the Balkans and division of Bosnia and Herzegovina along ethnic lines, arguing that the ‘non-paper’ is something that does not exist, which is why he cannot comment on it. In this context Jansa said some ‘non-papers’ are published in order to accelerate discussion in interest of one or other party. The Slovenian PM further said that Slovenia wants to help the Western Balkans in order to make sure its European perspective becomes reality, and that the informal conference, which Slovenia is planning to organize in October, will not talk about changes to the borders in the region but about the European perspective of the Western Balkans states.

B&H is part of grand US military exercise in Europe (EuroBlic

Immediate Response 2021 exercise, which will take place on Manjaca, in Glamoc and near Tuzla from 17 May to 2 June, attracted a lot of public attention, primarily because of the fact that some 500 B&H soldiers and 700 US soldiers will participate in it. The Ministry of Defense of B&H stated that this exercise is a part of a large multinational exercise carried out by the Command of US Army for Europe and Africa on European soil. “Although nobody said it officially, rumor has it in international diplomatic circles that Moscow does not have a benevolent stance on it because the key message of the exercise is directed against Russia”, the daily noted. The daily also argued that, regardless of the fact that B&H is not a member of NATO, this exercise sends a clear message that B&H is a partner of NATO, i.e. the zone of US political and military influence in the Balkans. Opposition parties in the RS reminded of the situation from 2018, when then Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Mladen Ivanic was fiercely attacked by SNSD because he allegedly approved the exercise with US troops in 2019. Then President of the RS Milorad Dodik even announced on the occasion that he will call people to prevent such exercise. “Three years later, Serb member and Chair of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik, because of his silence, is under an attack of PDP”, the daily noted and reminded that PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak said that he expects Dodik to inform the public about “the military exercise in scope of which hundreds of NATO soldiers will be patrolling the RS and NATO helicopters will be flying over it in couple of days”. The Ministry of Defense of B&H stated that this is not an exercise with NATO, but with US soldiers. Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic noted that this makes a great difference and added: “There is absolutely no NATO exercise, nor Milorad Dodik and SNSD would ever agree to have a NATO exercise”. Kovacevic also reminded that it was Ivanic who adopted the Defense Review of B&H “which Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD) during his eight years in the Presidency of B&H never agreed to even be included in the agenda”. Kovacevic went on to say that Ivanic also adopted the Strategy on Foreign Policy of B&H which reads that the Membership Action Plan (MAP) is a part of consensus in B&H in spite of the fact the RS had already proclaimed its military neutrality. “On the other hand, Dodik has never adopted nor he will ever adopt the Annual National Program (ANP). Dodik adopted the Program of Reforms of B&H. For the first time since 2005, when SDS’ Borislav Paravac in the Presidency of B&H adopted that the membership in NATO is the strategic goal of B&H, we have a document at the level of B&H which clearly emphasizes that the membership in NATO is not B&H’s goal, i.e. the membership is not prejudged”, Kovacevic claimed. Crnadak replied by saying that he is surprised to see that Kovacevic “does not know that USA is not only a member, but also the founder and main pillar of the NATO”. Crnadak added that Kovacevic failed to state whether SNSD plans to hold a military exercise with Russia and concluded by saying that: “It is obvious that the great truth is coming to light – the RS is in fact already on an unstoppable path to NATO and SNSD can no longer hide it”. Ivanic reminded of the military exercise from three years ago and compared it with the present day situation by saying that “Milorad Dodik is a political liar”. Ivanic explained that holding of the exercise is not the problem, but the problem is the fact that Dodik “is lying to people” as 40 US soldiers represented a problem in past while 700 US soldiers now do not represent a problem. RTRS carries that Dodik said on Tuesday that a military exercise of the B&H AF and NATO will not be held on Manjaca, but a simultaneous exercise with the forces of the US. “This was necessary in order for us to have the same exercise of the Armed Forces of B&H and the Serbian Army. I am proud that the Serbian Army will come to Manjaca,” said Dodik.


Croatian President: Serbia’s attempt to equate Mihailovic and Tito ‘pathetic’ (Hina

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that attempts to equate Serbian Chetnik leader Draza Mihailovic with the anti-Fascist leader Josip Broz Tito were pathetic. On Victory Day observed on 9 May, during a ceremony held in the National Theatre in Belgrade, two big pictures of Mihailovic and Tito were displayed one by another on a video-wall, according to local media outlets. In attendance at that ceremony were Serbia’s top officials including President Aleksandar Vucic. This prompted the Croatian President to say today that Mihailovic and Josip Broz Tito, who led the Partisan forces in that war, could not be equated.

“Mihailovic was a mere fool. He was not the same as Ante Pavelic (the Fascist leader in Croatia during the Second World War), he was an opportunist and eventually war criminal,” Milanovic told the press in Zagreb. As for Mihailovic being posthumously decorated by US President Harry Truman, Milanovic said that the decoration had been awarded for the operation of rescuing 300 downed Allied airmen. “This is as if you were robbing a bank and then buying to someone a meat pie, pretending to have a big heart,” said Milanovic. He went on to say that Chetniks were known for, atrocities, opportunism and cowardice and that they had faced the strongest resistance from Serbs, Montenegrins and Dalmatian Croatians. He also accused Serbia’s authorities of indoctrinating children and young people. “Unfortunately, everything is delusion there in our neighbors” said Milanovic, elaborating that a majority of the Croatians stayed at home during World War Two. “Being Home Guardsman (Domobran) is not at all a crime. It is o.k.,” he said adding that a lot of fighters from the Croatian nation joined the Partisan troops, and only a small portion fought for the Axis powers and the (Pavelic-led) Ustasha movement.


Bosniak and Serb side ignore calls for reforms coming from Brussels and Washington (Vecernji list


The daily notes that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, after (Monday’s) session of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), called for implementation of constitutional and electoral reform in B&H during this non-election year, and according to daily, Borrell’s message was ignored by biggest part of the Bosniak political scene and the media. According to the daily, it is only Croats that are paying attention to the electoral and constitutional reforms, whilst the Bosniak and the Serb side are ignoring them, unless the reforms would meet their expectations. In this context daily reads that the Bosniaks would like to diminish the role of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples, which would lead to full domination of Bosniaks in the FB&H, whilst the Serbs would like to additionally weaken the state institutions and strengthen the RS in line with the ‘Dayton-recipe’. Author also writes that the messages of top US officials are being ignored, namely statements of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, US Special Representative for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, whose statements are dominated by one message – use the non-election year to change the Law on Elections and carry out limited constitutional changes.


Djukanovic: Government should commit to sign Fundamental agreement with SPC that won’t harm Montenegro’s national interests (CdM

High-ranking government officials and representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church are supposed to sign a fundamental agreement. It has long been speculated whether the content of the agreement should be revealed to the public before signing and discussed in the Parliament of Montenegro as well. In a statement for the CdM portal, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, notes that the fundamental agreement should be revealed and discussed by MPs.

President Djukanovic says it’s important that PM Zdravko Krivokapic’s government pledges itself to have an agreement which must not be at the expense of Montenegro’s national interests.

He also recalled that the former governments run by the DPS and its coalition partners were working responsibly on the agreement with the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral as well as Metropolitan Amfilohije. Last summer, the President stresses, the government expressed readiness to sign the agreement previously aligned with the Metropolitanate, but with one condition- the MCP must register in line with legal procedure. Asked by CdM if the public should meet with the content of the agreement before signing, Djukanovic was adamant – yes. “As for the dilemma whether it should be discussed in the parliament – my answer is the same.”

Djukanovic: If EU forgets about WB, greater conflicts may occur (CdM/RTCG

If the EU forgets about a room in its house, such as the Western Balkan (WB) is, it will stir greater intolerance and conflicts, Montenegro’s President Milo Djukanovic said in Budapest following the meeting with his Hungarian counterpart, Janos Áder. Ader told that he had already asked the EU officials to back the Euro-Atlantic processes of the WB and accelerate them. Meanwhile, Djukanovic noted: “Unfortunately, we’ve noted that previous years were very ‘dry’ when it comes to the enlargement policy. This is, in a way, a surprise, given that enlargement policy has long been assessed as the most successful EU policy and now, when we were one step closer to the European unification process, it’s come to a long-talked enlargement fatigue, and later on a tacit slowdown in that process.”

Picula: Prosecutor’s office must not be contaminated by the influence of political parties (Pobjeda

The EU Rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula has said that Montenegro’s a leader in negotiations with the EU, but further progress in negotiation talks will depend on the country’s progress in Chapters 23 and 24. “The first change of power in the last 30 years happened in Montenegro in a peaceful and dignified manner and in line with the Constitution. The current government is technocratic and comprises different political parties. Nevertheless, Montenegro’s a leader in the EU integration, having all chapters opened, but only three closed. The greatest challenge is progress in Chapters 23 and 24,” Picula notes. His report on Montenegro will be discussed next week.


EU Council convenes: Joint solution for Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana

The European Affairs Ministers of the member states and the Foreign Ministers delivered their messages on the issue of opening negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. The EU General Affairs Council underlined the need for a joint EU solution for Albania and North Macedonia. While expressing their desire to open negotiations with these two Western Balkan countries, the Council has given clear messages, especially in terms of the rule of law.

Maros Sefcovic, vice-president of the European Commission for Inter-Institutional Relations, stated that while a date for the conference is expected to be reached, countries must maintain focus and continue rule of law reforms. Meanwhile, Ana Paula Zacarias, Secretary of State for European Affairs of Portugal said that the EU is trying to find a way to open negotiations. “We discussed the opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia and we are trying to find a common way to hold the First Intergovernmental Conference. The rule of law is the only way that can help us in holding this conference. The rule of law is at the heart and core of this methodology.” EU Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borrel stressed that the integration of Albania and North Macedonia into the EU is a key focus of the union, and stressed that they never intended to divide the countries on their path to integration.