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Belgrade Media Report 21 May 2021


Vucic: We will have a lot of problems regarding Kosovo. I’m afraid it will start these days (Tanjug/Beta/RTS/B92

We will experience a lot of problems and pressures on Serbia because of Kosovo, but our economy is doing well, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Priboj. While visiting the newly constructed hotel, he said that everything else in Serbia is going better, but that he is worried about the problem of Kosovo. “I am afraid that this will accelerate, under pressure,” he said. He said that if we didn’t have problems around Kosovo “that are yet to fall on our heads”, he could talk about how much Serbia has progressed and how much it will progress. “I can say that everything about Kosovo is going well, but I am afraid that these days they will start with various miraculous solutions, but we will fight,” he said. When asked what he specifically meant, he answered: “We will face with diverse pressures in various events. But we will fight to the end, surrender is not an option,” said Vucic.

Artifacts from Kosovo and Metohija part of cultural and historical heritage of Serbia (Tanjug/RTS/RTV

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced on Thursday that all artifacts originating from the territory of our autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija are part of the cultural and historical heritage of Serbia. The statement reminds that according to the Constitution of Serbia and international law, Kosovo and Metohija is part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia, and just as we do not recognize the self-declared so-called “Kosovo” statehood, we do not know the category of “Kosovo” cultural heritage. Belgrade justifiably fears that cultural and archeological artifacts originating from Kosovo and Metohija could be endangered, since experience shows the destructive attitude of the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina towards the cultural, historical and religious heritage of the state of Serbia. Monuments that fall into the category of Serbian Christian heritage in the southern province are especially endangered, and only since the beginning of this year, eleven attacks on buildings and property of the Serbian Orthodox Church have been recorded. Pristina’s attitude towards one of the most precious cultural and religious monuments in Kosovo and Metohija, which is part of the world cultural heritage, the monastery of Visoki Decani, is so careless and anti-civilization that the organization “Europa Nostra” justifiably included it among the seven most endangered cultural and historical sites on our continent. The self-declared so-called “Kosovo”, as the example of the Visoki Decani monastery shows, is not ready to respect its own laws and the highest legal decisions, if they are for the benefit of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Serbian people and the preservation of its cultural, historical and religious heritage. That is why we emphasize that all the arguments by which the so-called “National Museum of Kosovo” is looking for Serbian cultural and historical artifacts are invalid. The first argument is the referral to the consensual transfer of artifacts signed between the two cultural institutions of Serbia, and today those objects are sought by a cultural institution which, both from the standpoint of the Serbian Constitution and international law, is a non-existent entity. In the second argument, the so-called “National Museum of Kosovo” refers to the UNESCO convention, but self-declared so-called “Kosovo” is neither a state nor a member of UNESCO, and the objects in question originate from the territory of Serbia and are still in the country of origin. In the third argument, the so-called “National Museum of Kosovo” refers to Ahtisaari’s plan, which was never adopted by the United Nations Security Council. Belgrade is consistently committed to resolving all disagreements with Pristina in the EU-mediated dialogue, and the issue of cultural heritage certainly deserves to be the subject of a dialogue, which cannot be resolved unilaterally, beyond the established process of normalization of relations and indisputable facts.

Selakovic: Serbia committed to respecting ideas of multilateralism, cooperation (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic participated today via video link in the Ministerial Meeting of the Council of Europe and said that Serbia strongly supports the ideas of multilateralism, and pointed out the importance of dialogue and cooperation among the member states. Selakovic stated that the Council of Europe should achieve greater unity of the member states in order to protect common values and principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and to reaffirm itself as a single pan-European forum for inclusive discussion and cooperation based on equality of the member states. Multilateralism is based on respect for international law, and the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty are the foundation of the international legal order, Selakovic pointed out, adding that these principles are essential for Serbia, and that principles and rules must apply to everyone. He also underlined that Serbia is one of the members of the Council of Europe that has not violated this principle in any case. He emphasized that at this moment, the protection of the health of the population is one of the main tasks of all countries. “Serbia takes seriously its role and obligations arising not only from its membership in the Council of Europe, but also from its deep commitment and dedication to the principles of equality, non-discrimination, solidarity and cooperation, which we were guided by during the broad vaccination campaign,” Selakovic said. Serbia also provided assistance to the region, believing that this problem could only be solved in cooperation with others, he added. In his speech, Selakovic also referred to the issue of the position of national minorities, which will be one of the priorities of the upcoming Hungarian presidency, and underlined that our country is deeply committed to protecting individual and collective rights of more than 20 national minorities on its territory. We have one of the most advanced legal frameworks for the protection of national minorities, but we do not believe that the job is done with that, and that is why we are constantly working on improving the institutional and legal framework, as well as its efficient implementation, he stated. In addition, Selakovic said that Serbia remains fully committed to the execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and that it considers it one of the key obligations of all member states, as well as to support the strengthening of the integrity and role of this court. He said that our country strongly supports the Istanbul Convention, which is the gold standard in the fight against violence against women and domestic violence, and recalled that Serbia is proud to be among the first countries to have ratified this important international instrument. At the end of his speech, Selakovic thanked the Federal Republic of Germany for the successful presidency and wished a lot of success to Hungary in its upcoming presidency, it is said in the statement of the Foreign Ministry.

Serbian Ambassador to Poland revoked (B92

Nikola Zurovac, Ambassador of Serbia to Poland, was dismissed on Thursday at the session of the government of Serbia. His dismissal was announced by Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic because he signed a letter of support to the Polish LGBT community with another 40 ambassadors without consulting Belgrade. Selakovic stated that the reason for recalling the Serbian Ambassador to Poland was not in the content of the letter he signed, but in the fact that he did not inform the minister about his procedure, to whom he is responsible for his work.

“The Ambassador did not inform anyone about that. We are not talking about the subject of the letter and its content. To avoid all insinuations, it is not about the content of the letter, but the failure of the Serbian ambassador to sign a document without informing the person responsible for his work,” he said. Selakovic added that whatever Zurovac signed, without asking, could break some relationship and that is a problem, the media report.

Dacic: Not realistic for KFOR Mission to end by UN decision (TV Happy/Beta

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic stated on Thursday that it was good that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked with NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, in connection with information about KFOR preparing to leave Kosovo, but that it was not excluded that these forces withdraw through bilateral decisions.“It is important that pre-emptive action by Vucic had led to this being discussed with Stoltenberg. Vucic said that he was very pleased with the answers he heard,” Dacic said in an interview to TV Happy. Dacic explained that the advantage was that the UN mission in Kosovo does not have to be renewed, otherwise “it would have ceased to exist ages ago because, at every session of the UN Security Council, Pristina’s representative demands the withdrawal of both the civilian and military missions”.

“It is not realistic that this would pass the Security Council, but it is possible that, bilaterally, certain countries stop sending their troops. It is possible that, bilaterally, the NATO members, which form the pillar of KFOR, that NATO brings a decision, for example. However, consensus for that is needed within NATO,” Dacic stated. Dacic said that the opposition saw this period as an “intermezzo” after which it would return to power, which is unrealistic, and added that they don’t stand a chance. “They have no political program and no one from Brussels can help them,” Dacic told TV Happy. He said that he would hold an online discussion at the end of the month with members of the European Parliament, who are helping an inter-party dialogue, to see what their agenda was because they had asked to first hold preparatory meetings with the participants of the dialogue. “I am being forced to talk on two tracks with the parties that accept their participation and those that don’t. This second track is successful and going well,” Dacic said.

Opposition: Let us unite ahead of 5 October (Beta

New Party founder Zoran Zivkovic said on Thursday that he expected all the opposition parties to respond by the end of next week, about whether they would accept his proposal for the opposition to run in the forthcoming elections with unified tickets and a joint non-party presidential candidate. A little over a week ago, Zivkovic said in a letter to all opposition parties and movements that the joint ticket for the city election in Belgrade should be defined by the end of July, and for the parliament by the end of September. He also proposed that the candidates for the Belgrade City Assembly and for the Serbian parliament, as well as the joint presidential candidate, be presented on 5 October this year. Zivkovic told Beta that this proposal was discussed at the meeting of the group of 12 parties and movements of which the New Party is a member, and that talks had also been held with other opposition groups.

Gas interconnector Serbia-Bulgaria for greater energy security (Tanjug

Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic attended on Thursday the signing of the Agreement on the loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the project of construction of gas interconnector Serbia-Bulgaria in the length of 170 kilometers through both states. Mihajlovic said that the signing of this agreement means for Serbia the realization of the project worth €160 million. She expressed gratitude to the EU and the EIB on support and excellent cooperation. Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali pointed out that this is one of the six priority projects defined by the EU when it comes to the energy connection of Central and Southeast Europe. This project is part of the big investment plan "Serbia 2020-2025" and is also important for ecology, because natural gas is a better source of energy than boiler rooms and fuel oil, and as a construction project it will contribute to the growth of our economy and GDP, Mali underlined. Speaking about the way of financing the project, the Minister said that its total value, according to the estimate of the EIB, will amount to €85.5 million. Through the EIB, we provide €25 million, €49.6 million are grants through IPA funds from the EU and the rest is provided by the government of Serbia. The length of this gas pipeline on the territory of the Republic of Serbia will be 109 kilometers, and the total capacity is 1.8 billion cubic meters of gas, he pointed out. The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi welcomed this project as a key part of Serbia's broader strategy for completing the ongoing liberalization of the gas sector, an important commitment to Serbia's further progress in EU accession negotiations. EIB Vice President Liliana Pavlova pointed out that the bank supports the energy transition in Serbia and around the world. As part of the EIB's lending policy for energy, agreed in 2019, we have committed ourselves to supporting several selected gas projects that are already in the evaluation phase, before we move on to lending, only from renewable sources from the end of 2021. With this investment we confirm the importance of support to energy transition in Serbia and the whole region, Pavlova stated.



International community will not change its stances and priorities for B&H, new HR Schmidt probably to be appointed in June (Nezavisne


In the last few weeks, there have been numerous media reports about different non-papers on redrawing of borders in Western Balkans and speculations that the international community might change its stance on several major issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) including the electoral reform. According to daily’s unnamed diplomatic sources, B&H citizens should not expect any major changes in behavior of the international community. B&H’s progress will depend solely on local political factors and engagement of B&H citizens. The EU officials are considering new ways to assist B&H citizens, media and civil society in order to become more actively involved in reform processes and thus apply additional pressure on political forces and accelerate reforms. EU officials warned that obstructions of the reform of the Election Law, Public Procurement Law and other reform processes must stop. If B&H misses the opportunity to implement important reforms in 2021, there might be a serious standstill in the process of EU integration. All reforms must be a resolute of agreement of local politicians. Although it is almost certain that German politician Christian Schmidt will be appointed a new High Representative, daily’s diplomatic sources do not expect him to use the Bonn powers, impose laws or do the job of local officials. According to the daily’s sources, B&H politicians already know the red lines which must not be crossed and which could lead to sanctions. Schmidt confirmed in an exclusive statement for Nezavisne that he is still a candidate for the post of the High Representative and that he hopes to be appointed. “I am looking forward to the new tasks at the post of the High Representative for B&H. If the international community confirms the appointment, I will dedicate all my strength to this job. It is important for me to increase the visibility of OHR. My goal will be working closely with the international community and decision-makers in B&H, as well as citizens of B&H,” said Schmidt. Schmidt is likely to be appointed during the June session of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board.

Although Russia opposes the appointment of the new High Representative, it is not expected to block Schmidt’s appointment. The daily reminds that US President Joe Biden decided not to impose new sanctions against Russia over the Nord Stream pipeline and this is viewed as a good sign for future cooperation of Russia and Western countries. According to the daily’s sources, the USA and EU have agreed the new Balkans policy at the highest level, whereby the EU is going to maintain the key role in supporting all the reform processes in B&H. Neither Washington nor Berlin are favoring any of the sides in B&H. The daily’s sources also confirmed that Germany’s stances towards B&H have not changed since 2014 and the priorities remain the same – socio-economic issues and reforms. As far as the Election Law is concerned, Germany will insist on local solutions in line with the Sejdic-Finci ruling and European standards.

Nelson visits Banja Luka: B&H needs reforms (RTRS


During a working lunch with US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that political and any other issues in B&H can be solved exclusively through dialogue of domestic actors without imposing of any solutions. Cvijanovic published a statement on her Instagram account reading that she spoke with Ambassador Nelson about political and economic situation in B&H, as well as about epidemiologic situation. RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic also met with Ambassador Nelson. Cubrilovic expressed commitment of the RS to the EU integration and implementation of reforms in line with the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Accords. Collocutors agreed that it is important to find compromise solutions, strengthen rule of law and create conditions for faster development and better living standard in B&H. Nelson stated on Thursday in Banja Luka that he discussed improvement of the economic recovery with authorities and representatives of the business community. He stressed that 2021 is important for implementation of reforms and 14 priorities of the European Commission, which are hard but possible with compromise and dialogue. Nelson highlighted that it is important for politicians to focus on implementation of reforms and not obstructions and discussions of peaceful dissolution.

SDA: International experts must be involved in negotiations about Law on Elections (Dnevni list


SDA has issued a statement which reads that SDA insists that the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG), which is tasked with working on changes to the B&H Law on Elections, should include representatives of the Venice Commission, the European Commission and the OSCE. According to SDA, inclusion of European democratic standards into the election system of B&H, in line with recommendations of the EC, the Venice Commission, the OSCE and the ODIHR, is one of key obligations of B&H’s European path. The statement further reads that in order for each future solution be in line with the democratic standards, there needs to be assistance from experts from the relevant international institutions, which is why it is surprising that SNSD and HDZ B&H are against the proposal given they are declaratively in favor of continuation of the European path. In addition, SDA stated that removal of discriminatory provisions is B&H’s obligation on the European road and obligation to all the citizens whose basic civil rights have been denied. Snjezana Novakovic Bursac (SNSD) said that SNSD has nothing against consulting other people and other people making their proposals, arguing there is no point in extending what is already a big body. According to Novakovic Bursac, one should listen to other people’s opinion, “however SDA is wrongly interpreting it and it is not impossible this is one of excuses in order to reach solutions with more difficulties, which is our main task”.

‘Immediate Response 21’ continues; Komsic to attend part of exercise on Saturday, Dodik’s cabinet informs that Dodik will not attend it (N1/Oslobodjenje

N1 commented that it seems the region is again in focus of geostrategic powers. Namely, while the US troops participate in ‘Immediate Response 21’ military exercise in B&H, Russian troops are participating in ‘Joint Response’ counter-terrorist exercise in Serbia.  Both of these exercises are declaratively defensive. Reporter noted that the military exercise in B&H is in the phase of tactical movement in field. Part of this exercise that will be carried out at Manjaca Mount on Saturday will be opened for guests and media. Members of B&H Presidency have been invited to attend it. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic confirmed that he will attend it, while it was stated from the cabinet of Chair of the Presidency that Milorad Dodik will not attend abovementioned exercise. Komsic underlined that abovementioned exercise conveys a political message, primarily to Russia. At the same time, around 200 Russian troops are participating in military exercise in Serbia where along with Serbian Army they are performing counter-terrorist exercises. Also, US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson had meetings with high-ranking RS officials on Thursday in Banja Luka. Ambassador Nelson expressed hope that members of B&H Presidency will be at Manjaca on Saturday to observe part of exercise ‘Immediate Response 21’. Nelson added that he believes that this exercise is important to demonstrate mutual partnership. Nelson stressed that the exercise is the largest one in the history because it encompasses the highest number of US forces since the end of EUFOR Mission in B&H. Nelson assessed this as a good opportunity to train both the US and B&H forces. He stressed that the exercise represents dedication of the USA to peace in B&H. “All that NATO asked from B&H was adopted,” said Komsic. “Part of this exercise (‘Immediate Response 21’) is part of an assessment of how ready we are to be interoperable with the NATO units. And that is also being measured. This is a training of a certain number of units and it has political weight to it, and it is a message for the Russians. Russians see this as an offensive operation, not a defensive one,” said Komsic. Oslobodjenje reminded that Dodik and former member of the Presidency of B&H Mladen Ivanic (PDP) exchanged accusations with regard to the ‘Immediate Response 2021’ because Dodik claimed that this is not an exercise of NATO to which Ivanic replied by saying that Dodik “is a common village liar” because he “brought NATO to Manjaca”. Former minister of foreign affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak (PDP) told the daily that the exercise is a proof that B&H is on an irreversible path to NATO thanks to SNSD. “This is a certain confirmation of the NATO path of B&H. It is obvious that there is no neutrality of the RS and that the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H does not respect decisions of the RS parliament. Had there been neutrality of the RS, then a military exercise with Russians too would take place on Manjaca soon”, Crnadak added. The daily argued that many analysts brought this exercise in connection with “geostrategic comeback” of USA to the Balkans and a greater engagement of the administration of US President Joseph Biden in this region. Unnamed analysts pointed out that the White House sent a clear message that it opposes any kind of dissolution of B&H and noted: “There is also a delicate fact that B&H is not a member of NATO and that Moscow constantly sends messages that they too oppose accession and admission of B&H to NATO by pointing out that this must not happen if the RS is against it, i.e. if it is neutral”.

Podzic: ‘Immediate Response’ exercise proves that B&H is constructive member of Euro-Atlantic community (Nezavisne


The daily carried a feature on the ‘Immediate Response’ military exercise providing detailed about the exercise activities. The article reminds that the exercise started on May 17, and it will go on until 2 June. The exercise was approved by the B&H Presidency in 2020. Commenting the exercise, B&H Defense Minister Sifet Podzic stated that it helps strengthen peace and stability in the entire region, and it proves that B&H is a constructive member of the Euro-Atlantic community. Podzic underlined that B&H citizens can be proud of B&H Armed Forces. According to him, the arrival of US troops provides evidence for USA’s dedication and strong support to the efforts to further strengthen peace and stability in the region. Podzic explained that ‘Immediate Response’ is not a NATO exercise, but it is conducted in line with NATO standards and it will improve the interoperability of B&H Armed Forces with armed forces of NATO and EU member states.

Sattler: Recovery must be based on truth and justice, work of Srebrenica Memorial Center is crucial for this process (Nezavisne


The Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler – Ambassador Johann Sattler who visited the Srebrenica Memorial Center two days ago penned an op-ed piece highlighting the importance of truth and justice for reconciliation. “Facts must be documented, perpetrators brought to justice, all victims identified and buried. The recovery process must be based on truth and justice, which is also necessary for paying respects to the victims. This essentially rejects everything that the crime perpetrators tried to achieve. This also rebuts those who attempted to cover up the crime, as well as those who are still trying today to deny that it ever happened,” Sattler noted. Ambassador Sattler emphasized the significance of the Srebrenica Memorial Center for remembrance, research and education about genocide from 1995. He underlined that the EU fully supports all efforts of the Memorial Center, which is why it funded the rehabilitation of its Archives. However, Sattler noted, true recovery requires more than practical assistance or funding, as it happens in the hearts of people, which is a process that cannot be easily described or maintained. Sattler praised the work of the music workshop for children and youth of Srebrenica, ‘Kuca dobrih tonova’ (House of Good Tones). He also emphasized the potential of the Guber mineral water spring which could also be a part of the recovery process and revival of the spa tradition in Srebrenica. Ambassador Sattler underlined that the best way to pay respects to the victims of Srebrenica and all other victims of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina is building a better society. “Building a society in which citizens can live in dignity is the essence of European integration. This process means rejection of fear and hatred that led to the events in Srebrenica, as well as rejection of the inflammatory rhetoric that creates division and opposes the basic European values. What will lead to a better future is acceptance of the principles of solidarity and inclusion,” Sattler noted. He added that he has returned from Srebrenica convinced that thoughtfulness and resilience will prevail, and that young people can create a better future if given the opportunity.


Time is running out, three people must reach agreement (Vecernji list


The daily reads that it remains to be seen if B&H will get a new, more just Law on Elections by middle of 2021, stressing it is clear that a new Law on Elections must be adopted during this year if B&H wants to become a credible partner to the EU and at the same time harmonize inter-ethnic relations that have been undermined for years. Daily further reads that the first session of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG), which is tasked with working on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, showed there are disagreements about the (IAWG’s) Rule of Procedure, namely about the way of voting in this 14-member body. Deputy Chairman of the IAWG Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) told the daily he wants to believe that the IAWG will come up with results, stressing that the time is running out and that changes must simply happen during this year. At the same time, Colak believes that the international community’s assistance is necessary, underlining that, parallel to talks within the IAWG, there need to be negotiations at the political level. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that representatives of opposition parties are in minority in the IAWG for changes to the Election Law of B&H having in mind that, out of 14 members, 10 are from the ruling parties. However, Borenovic added, this fact will not discourage him from advocating improvement of legislation and election process. “We just want to have fair, honest and legal elections. We insist on introduction of optic readers and video surveillance in polling stations, as well as prevention of fictitious political parties and candidates from having their members in polling station committees. It is necessary to find mechanisms to prevent trade in mandates to reduce the possibility of political corruption, increase the threshold to 5% and abolish current voting by mail which has been completely compromised,” Borenovic noted. Borenovic also announced that he will request media to always be present at sessions of the IAWG.

Milanovic says Bulgaria is setting unrealistic conditions for N. Macedonia (HRT

Croatia has been a strong advocate for Northern Macedonia’s accession to the European Union. However, at the end of 2020 fellow EU member Bulgaria imposed a veto on the start of EU negotiations with North Macedonia, which has been a candidate country since 2005. On Thursday Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on accusations from Bulgaria that he had been too harsh in his criticism of Sofia's policy towards the European integration of Northern Macedonia. The president said that his comments had not compromised Croatian interests, and that he had only said what everyone else is thinking but is too afraid to say publicly. Specifically, that Bulgaria is setting inappropriate and unrealistic conditions for Northern Macedonia's accession to the EU. "They are victims of a lack of interest and basic empathy. And now Bulgarian politics has decided to place conditions in the form of technicalities and details. This isn't something we do in the 21st century. This absolutely isn't the basis for future cohabitation within the European Union," Milanovic said.  The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry summoned Croatia's Ambassador to Bulgaria Jasna Ognjanovac over President Milanovic's statement in which he strongly criticized "Bulgaria's policy towards the European integration of North Macedonia" according to Bulgarian media. President Milanovic made the remarks after a summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process at Brdo Pri Kranju Slovenia, in which he warned that North Macedonia "is in an impossible position" in which one EU member state is demanding that North Macedonia rewrite its history textbooks to "define its national genesis in the way requested by a neighboring country … and revise and negate their common ethnic and linguistic history." And while he did not specify the country in question, it was clear that he was referring to Bulgaria. He went on to say that he would "openly oppose" the move. On 15 January 1992 Bulgaria was the first country to recognize the independence of the then-Republic of Macedonia. However, Bulgaria has refused to recognize the existence of a separate ethnic Macedonian nation and a separate Macedonian language.


Djukanovic: Montenegrin state foundation reliable, it is to withstand temptation it is going through now (RTCG

The Montenegrin state foundation is reliable and it will withstand the trial and temptation it is going through now, says President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic. “I am an optimist, I think that the Montenegrin state foundation is reliable and that it will withstand this test and this temptation it is going through now, and I am even more convinced by the ability of all political and social potentials in Montenegro – to defend modern achievements of Montenegro and the key to a better future for Montenegro,” said Djukanovic in the show May It Be Eternal, dedicated to 15 years since the restoration of independence.

Why Djukanovic returned Law on State Prosecutor’s Office to parliament (CdM

President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, as he announced, returned the Law on Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecutor’s Office to parliament for a re-decision. Djukanovic has explained the reasons for his decision. “I would like to point out that, pursuant to Article 134 of the Constitution of Montenegro, the State Prosecutor’s Office is a single and independent state body that prosecutes perpetrators of criminal offenses and other criminal offenses prosecuted ex officio, and that the independence of the State Prosecutor’s Office is ensured by the Prosecutorial Council, according to Article 136 paragraph 1 of the Constitution of Montenegro”, says the document sent by the President to the speaker of parliament Aleksa Becic. “The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) in its Urgent Opinion CDL – P (2021) 008 of 10 May 2021, given on the revised Draft Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecutor’s Office, explicitly questioned the preservation of the independence of the State Prosecutor’s Office,” the document says.

Krivokapic: No revanchism, Montenegro has no future with Djukanovic (Gov. Press service


The Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic said that it was absolutely untrue that the government he leads was engaged in political revanchism, and added that with Milo Djukanovic, who "occupies the function of the President of Montenegro under unfortunate circumstances, has no future". Krivokapic said that they are determined that the hand of justice of "the liberated and independent judiciary, will reach everyone who has in any way sinned against the citizens of Montenegro, violating the laws and the Constitution." In response to the statements of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, Krivokapic said that "if the conscience of the President and his party partners is clear - they should not be so nervous. However, I must point out that not only this government claims that during the DPS rule, a private and captured state was created, that organized crime was infiltrated into the top of the government, and that the state was almost drowned by high-level corruption, but it has been said on several occasions by many international factors, and there are almost no more reports that have a single nice word about the former regime and its political and legal actions," Krivokapic said. He added that history and political theory will prove that the appearance, rule and results of Milo Djukanovic are the biggest defeat of the heroic Montenegro and the biggest stain on its bright face. "With the gentleman who occupies the function of the president of the state, Montenegro has no future it deserved, with him and his chameleon ideology the citizens do not have a life worthy of a man, and with him the first democratic government and power cannot have cohabitation, which he proved to the domestic and international public by refusing to sign the reform of the law releasing the captured prosecutor's office, despite the fact that the Venice Commission accepted such a law and despite the messages from Brussels that it is a law that should deliver results in the field of rule of law," he said in his response. As he added, Djukanovic has no reason to refuse to sign the law, except because he is afraid of justice, losing of the prosecution and prosecutors who were under his direct control and in his service. He said that Djukanovic and his party comrades-in-arms divided Montenegro and its citizens along all seams, as well as that they insulted them whenever they wanted to do so. "All that time, their mouths were full of multiethnicity, civil state, and equality before the constitution, and they trampled on the highest legal act. "When we measure their bank accounts and their assets, then the citizens of Montenegro will know how much their false patriotism weighed," he said.

Krivokapic stated that the referendum in 2006 decided whether Montenegro should continue living as an independent state or in a union with Serbia, but that "Djukanovic and his company have been humiliating, persecuting and punishing almost half of the population for 15 years, discriminated, insulted them and placed them in the ranks of the second-class citizens." "With his statement, President Djukanovic has drawn a target and has put a yellow ribbon on those citizens who on 2006 voted in a referendum for the state of Montenegro to continue living in union with Serbia, and I remind him that almost half of the state did so" claims Krivokapic. Djukanovic's threats, are made "by the one who should protect the citizens". "Can you really say something like this, Mr. Djukanovic? You who, due to unfortunate political circumstances, is occupying the place of the president of the state, instead someone else who would know how to be proud of the citizens of Montenegro, who have already given a democratic judgment and said what they think about your party's rule?" said Krivokapic. Djukanovic said that the new government, instead of upgrading and improving the system, set out on the path of its disintegration and destruction, that he would not even dream of supporting candidates for ambassadors who worked against the interests of the state, and that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) not afraid of prosecutorial laws. He announced that he would not sign the Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office, which were adopted by the Assembly last week. According to the Constitution, Djukanovic has the right to return the law adopted by the parliament for reconsideration. After parliament re-adopts it, according to the constitution president must sign it. Last week, members of the ruling majority in the Montenegrin Parliament voted to amend the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office, which enables the removal of the head of the Prosecutor's Office.

Fejzic calls on MPs to vote for Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide (CdM

The Reis of the Islamic Community in Montenegro Rifat Fejzic has called on all MPs to vote for the draft resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica. “On the occasion of the forthcoming declaration in the parliament of Montenegro on the draft Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, I call on all MPs to show respect for the victims by participating and adopting the Resolution, but also responsibility for a common European future,” Fejzic has tweeted.


North Macedonia’s PM: EU leaves room for Russia & China by blocking Balkans (MIA

Zoran Zaev, North Macedonia’s Prime Minister, said on Wednesday the frustrations over blocked negotiations with the European Union and a collapse of the procurement of the vaccines left space to Russia and China in the Balkans. Zaev warned the EU that its reputation would suffer a blow in the Balkans and lose the place to rival forces unless it soon starts accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. “If the EU doesn’t meet its promises, it will be a weaker incentive for Kosovo and Serbia to find a solution in the bloc’s facilitated talks, and will make it less probable for Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement necessary reforms,” Zaev said in an interview with the Brussels-based Politico.

EU's proposal for resolving Bulgaria’s veto on North Macedonia (MIA

The EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi and the Foreign Minister of the presiding country of the EU, Portugal, Augusto Santos Silva, will bring proposals to Sofia on 21 May for resolving Bulgaria's veto on North Macedonia, MIA reported. Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev announced in Brussels on 19 May that the visit would take place ahead of the EU Summit on 22 June, when the decision is to be made about the adoption of the Negotiation Framework and the first intergovernmental conference of the EU and North Macedonia. Zaev has stated in an interview that the resolving of the dispute with Bulgaria, which has been worked on for five or six months now, was expected by the end of June, under the auspices of Portugal and the EU. MIA elaborated that, if the EU countries reach an agreement by 22 June on starting negotiations with North Macedonia, and if the Macedonian side is satisfied with the Negotiation Framework, the first intergovernmental conference could be held between 22 and 30 June.

Zaharieva on Silva and Varhely’s visit: Proposal does not meet Bulgaria’s framework position (Republika

Former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva says the proposal set to be brought to Sofia by Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva and EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, which would unblock Macedonia’s accession process, does not meet Bulgaria’s framework position. Do we have guarantees that the anti-Bulgarian campaign in Skopje will stop? Will the Republic of Macedonia no longer persecute its citizens with Bulgarian self-awareness? Will they not prevent the entry of Bulgarian books at the border? Will they not hinder Bulgarian investors? Will they broadcast Bulgarian television? Will they stop the black campaign against Bulgaria throughout Europe? I did not see these guarantees, comments Zaharieva. She says the purpose of the visit is clear – President Rumen Radev and the caretaker government he appointed to approve the negotiating framework for Macedonia so that the first intergovernmental conference can take place and de facto EU accession talks can begin.

However, according to her, the proposal set to be brought by the European representatives does not have the necessary guarantees. The attempt to reach a compromise is a public secret in Brussels and it is circulating in the corridors of the European Commission and the world. I have knowledge of it and I allow myself to comment on it in advance. Unfortunately, the proposal again does not correspond to the framework position of Bulgaria, accepted by the Government and unanimously adopted by the Parliament because it does not contain any guarantees that our neighbors will accept European values, Zaharieva commented on Facebook.

Osmani-Angelov: Bulgaria remains open to pragmatic dialogue with Macedonia (Republika

Bulgaria remains open to direct, pragmatic dialogue with Macedonia to restore trust between the two countries and intensify bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, Bulgarian Ambassador Angel Angelov told Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in Skopje on Thursday, according to a press release from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the meeting, the Bulgarian national position was confirmed, that maintaining good neighborly relations and obtaining the necessary guarantees within the enlargement process for fulfillment of the Good Neighborly Agreement between the two countries, remain a top priority of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry said. Osmani welcomed the pragmatic approach of the Bulgarian caretaker government to restore trust between the two countries and said he expected a meeting with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Stefan Stoev soon. The two interlocutors welcomed the joint trip of the presidents of Bulgaria and Macedonia, Rumen Radev and Stevo Pendarovski, who together will pay tribute to the work of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius in Rome.

Zaev-Silvestri: Italy expresses strong support for Macedonia’s EU perspectives (Republika

The Italian Ambassador to Macedonia Andrea Silvestri, at a meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, expressed strong support from Italy for the European perspectives of our country. As the Government Press Service informed, Silvestri and Zaev concluded that Macedonia has completed its domestic obligations and that now it is the turn of the European Union to evaluate the achievements of the country. We continue with the reforms at home, with a strong commitment to a functioning rule of law. Regarding the talks with our neighbor, the Republic of Bulgaria, we continue with the constructiveness in the talks. What we announced in Brussels is that we accept to talk about everything except about who we are, said Zaev. The two interlocutors at the meeting jointly expressed hope that with a creative approach it is possible to hold the first intergovernmental conference of Macedonia with the EU during the Portuguese presidency. The message that the EU will send to the countries of the Western Balkans in this way is interpreted as important, that it remains focused on enlargement.

Osmani considers June as optimal chance for Bulgaria to remove veto on start of EU talks (Republika

We’re doing everything we can for Bulgaria to lift the veto on Macedonia’s opening of negotiations with the EU and I insist that June is the optimal chance for that to happen even though Bulgaria has an interim government, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told Thursday’s news conference after promoting the Strategic Council for Foreign Policy. Osmani added that although Bulgaria has an official task only to organize elections, it is still a government cabinet that can make decisions. That is why we requested to meet, to hold the meeting of the intergovernmental commission, to adapt the action plan, and, of course, we are working with our friends and supporters to unblock the process, said Osmani. He added that the country is trying in every way to restore trust with Bulgaria and that believes the only way to return relations between the two countries to normal is to return to the Friendship Agreement itself.


Berisha intends to sue Blinken for defamation (Tirana Times

Former president Sali Berisha announced his intention to sue US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for defamation in an extraordinary conference held on the 20th of May. The move comes after Secretary of State Blinken publicly designated the former Prime-Minister and his immediate family as persona non-grata due to involvement in significant corruption. Berisha is the historical leader of the first anti-communist Opposition in 1991. The former president and two-time prime-minister remains one of the most influential figures in modern Albanian Politics. His sudden designation as persona-non-grata sent shockwaves throughout the world of Albanian politics. After Blinken’s decision was made public, Berisha issued a statement contesting the validity of Blinken’s claims, wherein he stated: “Not a single legal charge of abuse of public funds or any form of corruption has been made against me from any person or institution throughout the last thirty years. I would like to add that throughout my years in public service my family has never profited from any public assets and have observed the country’s laws rigorously. The successful war against corruption and organized crime undertaken during my tenure as Prime-Minister, as documented in several reports by US Agencies has been an essential factor that enabled Albania, under the rule of a government which I led, to become NATO member, sign the Stabilization-Association Agreement and remove the visa-regime with the Schengen Area”. In his statement, Berisha invited the US Secretary of State to make public any sort of documented evidence to support his claims in regard to him or his family. Furthermore, the former Prime-Minister stated that this was a regrettable decision but that it would not impact his admiration for the United States of America and his gratitude for the USA’s contributions to the development of Democracy in Albania. In a press conference Berisha stated that he intends to sue the US Secretary of State for defamation. He considers that the US Secretary of State has violated his dignity and the dignity of the Albanian People.