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Belgrade Media Report 24 June


Vucic: Serbia doesn’t interfere in Montenegro’s politics, but vice versa (Beta/N1

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic rebuffed on Thursday accusations about Belgrade’s interference in Podgorica internal affairs and charged it was the opposite case. “I’ve been daily accused of infringing with their affairs, while they do nothing but interfering from who will run a café in Vracar to what is Serbia’s politics,” Vucic said. He added that when you tell them they don’t interest us at all, but that we only ask what about the rights of the Serbs, who make up not 1.8 but 28 percent of the population there, they say we are intruding. Vucic said Serbia did not recognize the independence of some Montenegrin regions but that Podgorica had recognized the independence of Kosovo, forcibly taken part of Serbia’s territory. He added that Montenegro’s Srebrenica Resolution aimed at putting a shame mark on the entire Serb nation. Commenting on what he said were Croatian politicians’ claims that the Croats were the most numbered in the Yugoslav anti-fascist Partisan Movement in WW II, Vucic said it was better not to react. “The best answer is to keep silent. How to respond to fiddlesticks?  We will face changes in historical facts. In the meantime, I’m waiting to hear that in (a concentration camp in the WW II Croatian Nazi puppet state) Jasenovac, the Serbs were killing the Croats. It won’t be long before we hear that,” Vucic said. Commenting on the EU’s failure to set a date for opening the accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania, Vucic said he was sorry about it, adding it was not fair to those countries and their people. He added that the entire region would continue along the European road, but understood the message that those countries had to rely on themselves and not expect anything from anyone.

Joksimovic: Clusters 3 and 4 may be opened by year’s end (RTS

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that at the Intergovernmental Conference Serbia - European Union in Luxembourg, the application of the new methodology to the negotiation process of Serbia began.

“It was stated that Serbia has already opened cluster 1, the most important part of the political criteria, the foundations of the rule of law, by the fact that five of the five chapters have already been opened,” Joksimovic explained. “We have shown that we have not only accepted this new methodology, but we want to see that at least those main elements of the new methodology are applied in some way at that conference. And they are. So that I acknowledged that on Tuesday evening in Luxembourg the application of the new methodology to the negotiation process of Serbia began,” said Joksimovic. “So, they exist, but we no longer go to them individually for preparation. They must be all together in a certain cluster at the same time sufficiently prepared. It is a demanding and very difficult job and we have shown that we are able to do that job, we have shown that we have the knowledge and skills because in the meantime we have prepared the entire cluster 3 and that is competitiveness and inclusive growth which has as many as eight chapters and cluster 4 - green agenda, digitalization and sustainable connectivity which has four chapters,” she said.


Dacic: Only solution for Kosovo is political compromise, other is war (TV B92/Beta)  

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic stated on Wednesday that Serbia did not have full sovereignty in Pristina, but that Pristina also did not have full sovereignty in north Kosovo, and that war would be the only way to change that. “In order to change that, in either direction, for Belgrade to accomplish full sovereignty in Pristina, for example, or for Pristina to accomplish full sovereignty in the north of Kosovo, populated by the Serbs who do not recognize the independent state – that can only happen through war. To avoid war, the only realistic solution, peaceful solution – is a political solution based on a compromise,” Dacic stated in the Fokus show on TV B92. Asked if he is afraid of the frozen conflict, especially since the Kosovo Security Forces are armed by the West, Dacic answered: “We have openly warned that any change in the situation on the ground by force means that the signed agreements are no longer valid, Serbia will not allow military conquest of the North. It is clear to everyone what that means. Everyone is aware that inspiring new conflicts would be fatal,” he said. However, in his words, that compromise has been unacceptable for ‘the other side’ because they believe that they do not have to do that, because they believe someone will ‘give them everything on a plate’, as was the case with the NATO bombs that gave them part of sovereignty over a part of Kosovo, Dacic stated. Commenting on Pristina’s arguments about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic not having offered any solutions, Dacic said that Serbia was offering solutions, but that they were unacceptable for the Albanians, as well for part of the international community.

Montenegro donated vaccines to the Kosovo Security Forces, and Dacic states that it is a provocation. Regarding the Resolution on Srebrenica adopted by Montenegro, Dacic states: “Montenegro has passed another resolution on Srebrenica. They have one that is the same as the Serbian one.” He asked what would happen if Serbia passed the Resolution that genocide was what Petar Petrovic Njegos described in the fight against the Turkish vassals. On the other hand, he states that Croatia should pass a Resolution declaring genocide in Jasenovac, before adopting the Resolution on Srebrenica. He believes, however, that the buttons that cause instability are in the hands of some others, and not in the region. He says that the meeting with the parties without the influence of foreigners is rejected correctly, but that at the last one, there was no talk about the election conditions, but only about Kosovo. “I see the hysteria of those who do not want to participate without foreigners. What do they think we are talking about? It’s like Alice in Wonderland. They don’t know how parliamentary democracy works,” he added.

Selakovic to Croatian Minister’s message: They take it upon themselves to dig new pits for us, this time political (RTV)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic reacted to the statement of his Croatian colleague Gordan Grlic Radman that Serbia is expected to make progress in, as he said, fundamental areas, dealing with the past, and Srebrenica was also mentioned. “They tell us what we need to do, they take it upon themselves today, to dig new pits for us, this time political, to push us and put us in them,” Selakovic said. “We will not accept that. Let them learn and remember once and for all that Serbia is a sovereign and independent state that makes its own decisions about how it will move forward in the future, what it will do, to whom it will be accountable, and will only be accountable to its people,” said Selakovic.

Cooperation of Serbia and Russia in field of defense at historical maximum (RTS

Serbian Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic met on Wednesday with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, at whose invitation he is attending the 9th Moscow International Security Conference.

Stefanovic said that the cooperation between Serbia and Russia in the field of defense is at a historical maximum and that military cooperation is progressing at a good pace. He added that a total of 91 joint activities is planned for this year. Shoygu stated that Russia is interested in further developing bilateral cooperation and providing assistance in the boosting of capacity of the Serbian Army. He recalled the common history of Russia and Serbia and our peoples, and the contribution in the fight against fascist evil in particular. Shoygu welcomed the participation of the Serbian Army in the “International Army Games 2021”, which are not only a competition, but also a display of the top equipment and preparedness of members of military forces, and added that these joint exercises also confirm our friendly relations on the ground. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Stefanovic said that the participation in the 9th Moscow International Security Conference is important for the delegation of Serbia because it is an opportunity to speak openly about all security issues and challenges that are present not only in Europe, but in all parts of the world.

Lutovac: Authorities in Belgrade use Kosovo for money laundering (Beta

Democratic Party (DS) leader Zoran Lutovac said on Wednesday that it was irresponsible and intolerable that after so many years of talking with Pristina, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could say he didn't know what the compromise might be. Lutovac told Beta that the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) had built voter support on the platform called “We won’t give Kosovo away”, and the support of the West on quite another – “We will recognize Kosovo independence”. “Vucic has been ruling for a full nine years, using the two contradictory platforms, usurping all institutions, violating the Constitution and laws, stifling freedom of speech and opposition activism, and then he dares to ask everyone to support a compromise for Kosovo and Metohija. Moreover, after all these years at the negotiating table with Pristina, he states before Serbia’s illegitimate parliament and its citizens that he didn’t know what the compromise might be that he would support,” Lutovac was explicit in the interview with the agency. He underlined that the regime had been using not only Kosovo, but also all of Serbia, for money laundering. “Vucic spoke before the illegitimate parliament on 22 June, saying that Serbia’s annual allocation for Kosovo has reached between 750 and 800 million Euros. Since an investment of that size is not visible on the ground, or in financial reports available to the public, the question is: Is the government using Kosovo for money laundering?” Lutovac wants to know.

United States submits report to Belgrade and Pristina about Gazivode (RTS/Tanjug/FoNet/RFE/N1

The US Embassies in Pristina and Belgrade submitted on Wednesday the report of the US Department of Energy on the management of the waters of Lake Gazivode. The report was submitted to the government of Serbia and the government of the provisional institutions of Pristina, which fulfilled one of the obligations from the Washington agreement, the US Embassy announced on its Twitter account. Point 7 of the agreement, which was signed separately in the White House on 4 September 2020, by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and then-Kosovo prime minister Avdulah Hoti, states that both sides will cooperate with the US Department of Energy and other relevant US government bodies in preparing a feasibility study “for the purpose of sharing Lake Gazivode/Ujmani, as a reliable source of water and energy supply”. The Embassy said the study followed last September’s Washington Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia and was drafted by the US Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. It suggests forming a commission for the Ibar River to relax the discussion between the two sides about water resources management. The Columbia River Treaty is an agreement between Washington and Ottawa about building large hydroelectric dams, three in the US and one in Canada. The agreement enables optimal annual production of electricity and reduces the risk of floods. “We suggest to Kosovo and Serbia to consider technical arrangements in line with the 1961 Columbia River Treaty dealing with water supply, energy agencies and flood control, as a model,” the Embassy said. The Gazivode Lake is situated in Kosovo’s northern Zubin Potok municipality with a Serb majority and partly belongs to Serbia’s southwestern Tutin municipality. The US’ study says the Gazivode Lake has a similar role as a dam on the Colombo River in the country’s northwestern Pacific, which helps store seasonal water supply, management, and control services that millions of people from both sides of the border benefit from. “The agreement enabled additional benefits such as irrigation, using water for local, industrial and recreational needs,” the Embassy said. The Serb side insists that Gazivode Lake is managed by the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) that has not yet been formed, while the Kosovo authorities vehemently refuse that since the Lake supplies water for over 500,000 people in Kosovo on both banks of the Ibar River.

Dodik praises Vucic’s address to Serbian parliament at session on Kosovo (Politika)

Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik said that the address of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic before the parliament of Serbia is the proof of a stance which every serious statesman should have on essential national matters. “I fully support efforts of Serbia and President Vucic, especially his address at the session of the parliament on Kosovo, on which occasion he spoke about incredible hypocrisy of the international community when it comes to parallels between Kosovo and Republika Srpska (RS), as well as that there is no answer from western officials to the simple question of what does a humanitarian disaster have to do with secession,” Dodik said. He also assessed that this is the first time a president of Serbia had such a clear statesman’s stance on position of Serbs and Serb national issue. “Vucic’s address resonated strongly in the RS and its citizens greeted it with approval,” Dodik concluded.



European Parliament discusses report on B&H's progress towards EU integration (AJB


At its session held on Wednesday, the European Parliament discussed the Report on B&H that will be adopted in form of Resolution. In the Draft Report, B&H was called on to implement the 14 priorities from the European Commission (EC), amend the B&H Election Law during 2021, and was encouraged to continue with the reform process. That the rights of the citizens were mentioned in the Report, due to which Croatian MEPs requested constituent peoples to be embedded in the final Resolution. MP and Vice Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with B&H and Kosovo Zeljana Zovko said at the session she is from Mostar, B&H, noting that examples from the 1990s, i.e. “pushing aside the peoples”, led to tragic conflicts and it would not be good to send such message again. Zovko reminded that the ‘constituent peoples’ formulation was mentioned in all six resolutions adopted by the European Parliament so far, and failing to do the same would indicate inconsistency of the policy of the European Parliament. The reporter comments that it was noticeable that EP’s Special Rapporteur for B&H Paulo Rangel referred to the constituent peoples while presenting the Report, however it is not yet known if the phrase will be incorporated in the final Resolution, or it was an attempt to create a balance. A number of MEPs were against the ‘constituent peoples’ formulation, i.e. representatives of the Greens group said it would not be good to mention ethnic divisions in the Resolution, but the focus should be on building community in the country so that it can move forward and fulfill all the requirements in its European processes. Other left-wing MEPs, including many Social Democrats and representatives coming from “populist political parties” opposed the incorporation of the ‘constituent peoples’ in the final Resolution. Reports that the rapporteurs stressed B&H has made some progress, particularly in regards to agreement related to Mostar, and called for reforms of the election law. B&H was encouraged to implement the remaining priorities necessary for B&H to be granted the EU candidate status. It was also noted that B&H must prevent denial of war crimes and the genocide, and B&H was called to adopt legislation to prevent that, and to abolish so-called ‘military education’, i.e. ethnic division in education. It was also said that the EU would to provide economic support to B&H that has suffered serious consequences caused by the Coronavirus pandemic and that Brussels would fulfill its promises and that B&H, if progress was made, would be granted the EU candidate status. Voting on the Resolution will be held on Thursday.

Media reports on proposal of Inzko for international sanctions against B&H politicians (FTV


FTV reports that several media outlets carried information that High Representative Valentin Inzko submitted a proposal for the imposing of sanctions against several B&H politicians. The list was submitted to international organizations, as well as to the US President. According to unofficial information, President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and other members of the party leadership were proposed as candidates for these sanctions. President of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic, President of SP Petar Djokic, President of DEMOS Nedeljko Cubrilovic and President of DNS Nenad Nesic allegedly were listed, as well as certain vice presidents of SDA. One of the reasons for the proposal of Inzko to sanction politicians from the RS is the refusal of the RS parliament to revoke awards handed out to convicted war criminals. Cubrilovic and Djokic refused to comment on these claims. Stevandic told FTV that he heard about the reports on this by some web portal, but he has no official information and these things will not affect his work and commitment. Nesic told FTV that he has no official information on this and Inzko wishes to be the ruler of the RS and B&H. He assessed that Inzko wants to remove all political actors in the RS and B&H. Nesic stressed that he respects the Rule of Law and institutions and Inzko’s ultimatum can only be applied in dictatorships. FTV reminds that former General Secretary of SDA Amir Zukic was added to the black list of the USA for corruption. President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said that he does not know which one of the vice presidents of SDA could join Zukic. He said that he does not have any official information and the media should ask Inzko about the details. Izetbegovic asked on which lists these officials will be put and assessed the reports as insinuations. FTV inquired about the list with Inzko, who did not wish to comment on the issue. The reasons for the sanctioning of FB&H politicians remain unknown.


SDA Main Board convenes for first time in year (O kanal


The Main Board of SDA convened on Wednesday for the first time in more than one year. President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic announced that the Main Board will discuss the recent events in the region, migrant crisis, pandemic, situation in SDA and demands of the ruling coalition from Republika Srpska (RS) to discuss the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as the negotiations on the B&H Election Law. He added that he was optimistic about previous negotiations regarding the Election Law with HDZ B&H, since they expressed readiness to change competences of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of People (HoP) to protection of the vital national interest only. Izetbegovic said that HDZ B&H gave up this proposal, but SDA will not give up on this demand. Izetbegovic stated that blockade of elections is unreal. He added that SDA will continue negotiations about changes of the B&H Election Law with leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic but also with representatives of other political parties. Addressing media, he said: “The situation that we currently have, the supremacy of houses of peoples and in the house of representatives actually suffocates and makes democracy in B&H pointless and existence of multiethnic parties that match the multiethnic substance of B&H. Therefore, SDA will not give up on this request. This made me optimist and then, Mr. Covic gave up on this. Thus, unfortunately, negotiations collapsed at this level.” Asked about announcements of HDZ B&H that they will boycott general elections in 2022 if the changes to the Election Law are not adopted by the end of June, Izetbegovic said that this is not realistic. SDA sees the solution in the work of the Inter-Agency Work Group (IAWG) which has not convened in two weeks. Vice President of SDA Serif Spago said that constitutional changes require a two third majority in the B&H Parliament and it is necessary for all political representatives included in the IAWG to participate in the preparations for the creation of the draft of changes to the B&H Election Law. SDA Main Board also criticized B&H Council of Ministers for being too passive in reaction to the pandemic, as well as in resolving of pressing issues such as migrant crisis and fulfilling of 14 priorities defined by the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s membership application. Furthermore, SDA Main Board welcomed the adoption of Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide by Montenegrin Parliament. SDA also called on Peace Implementation Council and EU member states to introduce sanctions against SNSD leader Milorad Dodik because of his secessionist threats, and against all persons who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement. SDA welcomed the announced expansion of the so-called US blacklist of sanctioned persons. The Main Board criticized the work of B&H Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadic, accusing her of selective approach to justice and processing of war crimes and corruption.

Cvijanovic: Izetbegovic has long been one of biggest factors of instability in region and his policy continues to poison relations and destroy chances for reconciliation (Srna

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated on Wednesday that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic has long been one of the biggest factors of instability in the region and that his policy continues to poison relations and destroy chances for reconciliation. When asked by Srna to comment on Wednesday's statement by Izetbegovic regarding Kosovo and the RS, Cvijanovic said that "it is too much, even if it is from Izetbegovic." Cvijanovic stressed that if it is immoral to talk about separation, how is it not immoral to continue to lead a war, only by other means, and to expect coexistence. "In the perception of the people in the RS, under the guise of the story of making a centralized supposedly more functional Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) lies an intention to create a Muslim state that does not respect the fact that three constituent peoples live in it with the same rights, but also with their vision of what the state should look like if it is common," Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. Cvijanovic emphasized that Izetbegovic's statements, in addition to undermining relations in B&H, represent a direct attack on the territorial integrity of Serbia, but also the degradation of B&H institutions that do not recognize any subject called Kosovo, but only the southern Serbian province called "Kosovo and Metohija." "And if he thinks that he can lecture the President of Serbia, he might as well finally answer the question of who tried to kill Aleksandar Vucic in Srebrenica and why the perpetrators and those who made the order have not been brought to justice to this day. We have had enough of Bakir's rhetoric and ideology," Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. Cvijanovic said that Izetbegovic has for long been one of the key factors of instability in the region and that Izetbegovic “is poisoning’’ relations and destroying any chance for the reconciliation.

IAWG cancels session due to failure of HDZ B&H delegates to attend (FTV


The session of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) which was convened for Wednesday was cancelled due to the failure of representatives of HDZ B&H to attend the session. It was expected that during Wednesday’s session a compromise regarding key issues would be found. The reason for the lack of attendance of HDZ B&H representatives is unknown. N1 stressed that it is uncertain whether session of the IAWG will be held on Friday, but that judging by the latest statements, representatives of both opposition and ruling parties are not optimistic in that regard.

UN's Nderitu: Decision of court must be respected with doubt (Oslobodjenje


The daily carried an interview with the UN Undersecretary and the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, who spoke of the challenges which B&H faced after the war. Asked what kind of impression she gained from the meetings she held and the event she attended during her first official visit to B&H, a country that faced genocide in the war during the 1990s, Nderitu stated that the UN office, among other things, was established because of the great tragedy that happened in B&H in the 1990s, but also in Ruanda and other places. "One of the consequences is the establishment of criminal tribunals for the area of former Yugoslavia and Ruanda. We hope that such courts will be established for other areas as well which will prevent such scenarios and horrors from happening again," Nderitu underlined. She stressed that the UN is working on prevention a lot, on preventing things from happening again. "I had an opportunity to see in Zepce that it is possible to pay tribute to the civilian victims of the war together. In Mostar, I saw religious communities trying to work together, and for one not to forget about the past, but to think about the future. In Bosanski Petrovac, I had an opportunity to see a town which everyone left, but now they have returned and they are living together there. There was a lot of progress in different towns, but in general the country must muster the strength to make steps forward," Nderitu emphasized. Asked how important it is for certain individuals and the society to face the reality of war and accept responsibility for genocide and war crimes committed in B&H, having in mind the complicated political system and functioning of B&H, Nderitu said that crimes of the worst kind leave either some kind of joint trauma or responsibility. "Communities are the ones that will define whether they will move in a positive or negative direction. You always have a judiciary that will assess whether war crimes were committed or not. Such court proceedings help with the dialogue when it comes to individual responsibility and help others to see that everyone is held accountable for their actions. That, of course, does not imply collective responsibility," Nderitu said, adding that "we as human beings must extend our hands to each other, admit and recognize everything that happened in the past and think about whether we can move forward." "It is very important that people do not live in fear. If there are no steps forward, there will always be that fear, aversion between communities. I do not believe that anyone wants that for their children and future generations," Nderitu pointed out. Asked how dangerous hate speech is and what should be B&H's attitude towards the non-paper on the division of B&H, Nderitu stressed that the UN has an action plan against hate speech. "Hate speech is extremely dangerous, and it is especially dangerous in communities where children are not exposed to other cultures, where they are growing up knowing only one side of history and instead of being citizens of the world, citizens of B&H, they are, unfortunately, citizens of only their ethnic community. There lies the danger," Nderitu said. As for the non-paper, Nderitu underlined that the UN does not have an official position on that. Asked to comment on the importance of verdicts of the ICTY, but also domestic courts for genocide and war crimes committed in the territory of B&H, Nderitu said that when it comes to the responsibility of perpetrators, communities which faced war definitely consider this the biggest challenge, because court proceedings very often are unable to prosecute all perpetrators. "As far as confirmed verdict is concerned, it was established before judicial instance, it is final and there is no doubt, decision of a court must be respected," Nderitu pointed out. She stressed that the UN is concerned because of the denial of genocide and war crimes, noting that this cannot be an example to anyone. "It is worrying for us to hear such examples, because the line between that and hate speech is thin. We saw that denial is key step, it creates fertile ground for something else that could appear in the community, therefore we condemn such approaches, we also condemn glorification of war criminals," Nderitu stressed.

Dodik: Support to disintegration of China is stance of SDA and not of B&H (Glas Srpske


The daily carries that with her latest scandal, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs and high official of SDA Bisera Turkovic jeopardized the relations with China, which is why Chinese investments and cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus could come into question. The daily reminded that Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik was the first to distance himself from the diplomatic scandal which was carried out with Turkovic's support by B&H Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Nermina Kapetanovic who supported a joint statement of certain, mainly Western countries, in which China is being criticized because of the position of Uyghur minority group in China. In a written statement, Dodik said that he completely supports the territorial integrity and integrity of China, stressing that "support to the disintegration of China while protecting the integrity of B&H is an illustration of frivolity and hypocritical behavior of Bosniak ministers, among whom Turkovic is in the forefront." "In the coming days, I will personally inform Chinese President Xi Jinping that stances of Bisera Turkovic and the B&H Ambassador in Geneva do not reflect the position of the Presidency nor B&H, but only the position of Turkovic and SDA. Serbs from the RS are committed to strengthening friendly relations with the Chinese people," Dodik said.

Grlic Radman requests Serbia to recognize Srebrenica genocide on its path to EU; Comments (EuroBlic

Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman stated in Luxembourg that Serbia will have to demonstrate substantial and sustainable progress in basic fields in order to join the EU: “Rule of law, issue of missing persons, rights of war victims, processing of war crimes, cooperation with the international criminal court, recognition of Srebrenica genocide, strengthening of good neighborly relations with both EU members and those who are not EU members”. The daily noted that Grlic Radman “either mistakenly or deliberately forgot, although it does not suit a foreign minister” that Serbia adopted the Declaration on Condemnation of Crimes in Srebrenica back in 2010 already. The daily also reminded that the Declaration condemned crimes against Bosniak population of Srebrenica “in the way it was established by the International Court of Justice” and added that the point is that the International Court of Justice ruled that genocide was committed in Srebrenica: “Therefore, the Parliament of Serbia accepted this”. Head of Research of ISAC Fund Igor Novakovic noted that Serbia has the highest number of unsolved issues with Croatia and this is exactly the context this request should be viewed in. Novakovic added that he thinks Srebrenica issue is over both when it comes to Serbia and also, in his opinion, when it comes to the EU as well. “Not only because of the Declaration but also because (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic paid a visit to Srebrenica. Croatia exploited the situation in Montenegro to underline requests it already has towards Serbia. It would be nonsense for a foreign minister not to know that we already have the Declaration,” Novakovic noted. Director of the Center for Regional Studies Aleksandar Popov too assessed that there are many outstanding issues between Serbia and Croatia which come to the surface every once in a while. “After Jasenovac, the time has come for Srebrenica to come to the focus, topics which are encouraging intolerance are constantly being heated up,” Popov said. Grlic Radman also said that three things are crucial for stability of the region: “Respect of territorial integrity of states, constitutional equality of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats in B&H and establishing of mutual trust following 1990s wars”. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic on Wednesday commented on requests of Grlic Radman and said that it seems “we are constantly forced to watch humoristic shows coming from Croatia, where those who were the crown jewels of the Nazi world in World War II are now granting themselves the right to hold lectures to us, the Serb people and state of Serbia, on what we need to do, which values we need to accept and what we should be dealing with”. Selakovic went on to say that statements on genocide are constantly coming from those who refuse to recognize the genocide in Jasenovac “and those who were creators of genocide in the Balkans” and he concluded by saying: “Let them learn finally and remember for all times – Serbia is a sovereign state which makes decisions on the future on its own and it lays accounts to its citizens only”.

B&H politicians criticize statement of Dodik regarding Montenegrin MPs (O kanal


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Tuesday that MPs of the Montenegro parliament who voted for the Resolution on Srebrenica will not be welcome in the RS anymore. This caused criticism and reactions from other officials in B&H, who stated that Dodik is acting like the RS and B&H are his property and that he can make such decisions. Bosniak RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic said that the opinion of Dodik does not apply to the RS or B&H. He stated that MPs of the Montenegrin Parliament are welcome to visit the RS, especially Srebrenica. Salkic said that Dodik is not the owner of the RS, and neither are the Serb people. He stressed that this territory is the territory of all citizens and Salkic is looking forward to the visit of Montenegrin officials to Potocari. Vice President of SDP Vojin Mijatovic said that Montenegrin officials are welcome in the RS and B&H. He added that he will attend the memorial service in Potocari on 11 July as well.

They are introducing cooperation with so-called Kosovo through the back door (Glas Srpske


Chair of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Safet Softic (SDA) held a meeting with his colleague from the Commission on Foreign Affairs and the Diaspora of the assembly of "self-proclaimed Kosovo" Haki Abazi, and topic of their meeting was establishment of cooperation between the two commissions. According to the daily's interlocutors, this is one in a series of self-initiated actions of part of the Bosniak politicians who, by ignoring the fact that B&H did not recognize the independence of "self-proclaimed Kosovo", are trying to establish relations and cooperation between B&H and the Albanians from the southern Serbian province through the back door. Member of the B&H HoR Foreign Affairs Commission from RS and representative of PDP Branislav Borenovic stated that Softic's move is only one in a series of self-initiated actions of part of the Bosniak political structure and that he did that without the consent of other members of the Commission and the joint institutions of B&H. "Therefore, one official is working outside the position of the country he is representing, which is a classic reflection of arbitrariness, but in a way also of provocation, given that we know our, Serb position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija well," Borenovic underlined. The daily noted that this is not the first time that one is trying to establish relations between Sarajevo and Pristina outside the official policy of B&H on the issue of "self-proclaimed Kosovo", recalling that at the beginning of November last year, the B&H Presidency received a request of Kosovo MP Duda Balje to open a liaison office in Sarajevo. The daily reminded that B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic supported the idea, but this request was not complied with due to the disagreement of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD). SNSD MP in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac confirmed that any kind of cooperation with "self-proclaimed Kosovo" is unacceptable for SNSD. Novakovic-Bursac stressed that Softic's move is continuation of SDA's destructive policy which is causing damage to internal relations. "It is clear that any kind of initiative that goes in the direction of cooperation with unrecognized Kosovo will not have support in any of the institutions and it only additionally complicates relations between the three peoples in B&H," Novakovic-Bursac pointed out.


Croatian MEPs attack EP report on Bosnia for leaving out ‘constituent peoples’ (Hina

Four Croatian MEPs on Wednesday "sharply criticized the draft European Parliament report on B&H in which there is no mention of the rights of the country's constituent peoples" state agency Hina reported. Zeljana Zovko (Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)/European People’s Party (EPP)) said during the debate at the plenary meeting of the European Parliament that the report was an attempt at erasing the constituent status of the Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats in B&H. “Some in this parliament are trying to erase the constituent peoples out of the reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I warn you that this once resulted in a major tragedy” Zovko said, comparing these attempts to the policy of Serbian wartime leader Slobodan Milosevic. “If the concept of constituent peoples is removed from this resolution, I have to say that we have learned nothing in the past 30 years,” she added. Zovko recalled Portuguese diplomat Jose Cutiliero, the author of a peace plan for B&H who had proposed cantonization of the country along ethnic lines before the outbreak of the war. Portugal currently holds the rotating EU presidency. Zovko said that the Portuguese delegation “should remember what he was trying to achieve” Hina reported, without explaining what Zovko meant. Ruza Tomasic (European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) said that the European Parliament was refusing to accept the fact that B&H is a country of three constituent peoples, thus “denying the identity of those it should respect and listen to.” “The resolution completely ignores the Dayton constitutional framework and constituent peoples. This is precisely the unconstitutional rhetoric to which parliament draws attention in point 18,” she added. Tonino Picula (Social Democratic Party/Socialists and Democrats (S&D) said that “the non-functioning Dayton system maintains the status quo allowing the political elites to gain stronger and stronger control of diminishing resources.” “However, it is not yet clear how to replace the worn-out Dayton system with one that will be more appropriate to a complex community that will be more effectively connected by its own differences,” he added. Picula said that B&H should be a functioning country of the three constituent peoples and all its citizens based on the principles of federalism, subsidiarity and legitimate representation. Suncana Glavak (HDZ/EPP) said it was important that all three constituent peoples should be equal, particularly the Croats as the least numerous people. The constituent peoples are “the basis without which we cannot continue,” Glavak said, calling on EU lawmakers to support amendments to include the rights of the constituent peoples in the resolution. The resolution, drafted by EPP rapporteur Paulo Rangel, was strongly supported by speakers from the S&D group, the liberal Renew Europe group and the Greens. Dutch Greens MEP Tineke Strik said that Parliament should avoid references to the privileged rights of the three constituent peoples in order to restore trust in politics in B&H and that all nationalist policies should be rejected. The EPP, the strongest political group in the European Parliament, and the ECR put forward several amendments explicitly referring to the constituent peoples. Rapporteur Rangel said at the plenary meeting that it was time that all the constituent peoples and all the citizens had full democratic representation in accordance with the rulings by the European Court of Human Rights and European standards. The European Parliament will vote on the report on Thursday. The text of the resolution was adopted by the Foreign Affairs Committee last week with 50 votes in favor, 8 against and 12 abstentions. All three Croatian members of the Committee – Zeljana Zovko, Tonino Picula, and Suncana Glavak – voted against.

Grlic Radman: It is necessary to secure that Croats elect their representatives (Vecernji list


While attending the meeting of the EU General Affairs Council in Luxemburg on Tuesday, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman expressed a wish to discuss as soon as possible the EU candidate status of B&H, which should change its Election Law in order to secure equality of all three constituent peoples and citizens. The daily added that in this way Croatia continued with providing of its support to B&H on its EU path, as well as the support that Croatia provides to the Croat people in B&H. The daily reminds of intensive diplomatic activity that has been underway during the last few months in order to change the election legislation in B&H and which would make possible to the Croat people to elect their legitimate representatives. According to the daily, the messages of Croatia that it will continue its political and economic assistance to B&H Croats have a special weight now when the crucial political issue, that is, the change of B&H Election Law, is in focus. The author argues that so far, there has not been enough political will of the Bosniak side to implement parts of the Mostar Agreement related to this issue. The author notes that the Mostar Agreement should continue to be the ground for further political negotiations in order to make necessary changes to B&H Election Law in 2021.

Becic: Dodik declared himself unwelcome (Nova M


After Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that all MPs from Montenegrin parliament, who voted for adoption of Srebrenica Genocide Resolution are not welcome in the RS, speaker of Montenegrin parliament Aleksa Becic commented this statement on social networks. Becic stated that Dodik declared himself unwelcome with his previous statements: “Therefore, I know perfectly well what had happened. Genocide happened in Srebrenica and the Court in The Hague ruled on that and this is indisputable legal fact.”

Two hundred days of Govt work: No reconciliation, plenty of insults, indebtedness and price increases (CdM

Political crisis, economic instability, empty state budget, attempt to borrow another €900m by bluffing, higher prices of basic foodstuffs and fuel, employments at managerial positions (read this as a family tree), the Prime Minister who says that MPs are immoral and hypocritical, MPs who tell him that he is no longer their Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister who, in order to get out of the political crisis and spare the government he belongs to from falling, as in the Millionaire quiz, seeks the help of friends from neighboring countries. This would rather be the Believe It or Not column than the serious state policy. In short – That is 200 days of work of the government headed by PM Zdravko Krivokapic. We’ve got a crisis of power, the Prime Minister has been left without support, a reorganization is inevitable or there will be new elections. All this started from the famous sentence “the people have reconciled”. It is clear to everyone that after 200 days of work of the new government, this is an empty story. The divisions in Montenegrin society have never been greater, with a special emphasis on the ruling bloc. The government has not had the support of Parliament for a long time, only no one has officially raised the issue yet.

Djukanovic: Montenegro’s European future can’t be imagined without DPS, a state-building party that always defends national interests (CdM


The leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic said in Podgorica on the occasion of the party’s 30 years of existence, that the European future of Montenegro couldn’t be imagined without the DPS – a state-building party that is always defending national interests. He proudly recalled of all the successes achieved in the last 30 years, and especially emphasized the restoration of independence, NATO membership and clear establishment of the state European path. Djukanovic added that the DPS had been the creator of modern development of Montenegro all these years. The President particularly stressed the correction of historical injustice and the return of independence, NATO membership and solid foundations for the EU membership.


Zaev blames EU for the Bulgarian veto, reveals his latest offer to Bulgaria on the national identity front (Republika

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev addressed his latest foreign policy at an event in Skopje, along with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama whose country was also stood out by the EU, Zaev laid the blame at the feet of the European leaders who promised him open doors if he rams through the name change. “The grand idea of a united Europe has a problem, and the problem is in the EU itself. Brussels told us that it can’t find a way to secure the well deserved integration of the Western Balkans. That is the problem. The fact that 26 member states can’t prevent one state from blocking us, that is a problem of Europe, caused by the EU itself,” Zaev said. He insisted that he will continue to push for opening of accession talks, together with Rama. But Zaev also announced the latest concessions he is willing to give to Bulgaria. While insisting that “the Macedonian national identity will not be subject to negotiations,” Zaev also discussed one-one formula he was negotiating about with Bulgaria regarding the Macedonian nation. Bulgaria wants Macedonia to declare that the Macedonian nation was for most of its history part of the Bulgarian nation and is only recently derived from it. We confirm that there are people who believe that we belong to the same nation, just as there are many people who believe that we are two separate and unique nations, Zaev said. This comes after Bulgarian media outlets reported that Zaev was negotiating a declaration that the Macedonian language and the Bulgarian language are one and the same, but are merely internationally recognized as two separate languages. These two formulations would go a long way toward legitimizing Bulgarian claims aimed at Macedonia and would greatly undermine the position of the Macedonian nation and language as separate and unique.

Ahmeti says that he is involved in advanced talks with Zaev to change the Macedonian flag, anthem and the coat of arms (Republika

DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti said that he is engaged in discussions with PM Zoran Zaev to replace the flag, coat of arms and the anthem of Macedonia, saying that this last issue is “just a matter of time”. We had talks on the anthem, the coat of arms and the flag. These matters require consensus but will mainly depend on an agreement between the Macedonians. Regarding the anthem, there is not much opposition, and it is a matter of time Ahmeti said. Zaev has not addressed this Albanian demand yet. The symbols are already compromises – Macedonia was forced to change its flag in 1993 by Greece, which claimed exclusive property of the Kutles star symbol, and the current flag was designed by an all-out SDSM party supporter and vocal opponent of Macedonian displays of patriotism Miroslav Grcev. The coat of arms remains largely unchanged since Communist times, despite the fact that before Zaev’s Colored Revolution Ahmeti was willing to accept a demand from Nikola Gruevski that it is changed into the historic lion symbol that was used in Macedonia since feudal times and also evokes the times of Alexander. As for the anthem “Today over Macedonia”, it was adopted early in the Communist regime, to replace the original anthem used at the ASNOM assembly “Rise dawn of freedom”. Albanians object to the fact that it only names Macedonian and Vlach freedom fighters from the Iliden Uprising and the VMRO organization, and recently the Zaev regime has tried minimizing this portion of the text. Ahmeti also said that he supports Zaev in his proposal to amend the Constitution and add the Bulgarian minority in the preamble, in an attempt to placate Bulgaria.

Zaev says that he is not discussing new anthem, flag and coat of arms with Ahmeti (Republika

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev denied the claim from his coalition partner Ali Ahmeti that they are conducting negotiations on changing the national anthem, flag and coat of arms. Ahmeti recently said that the symbols are not inclusive as they don’t represent Albanians, and that talks on the anthem are well advanced. “We haven’t discussed this and I don’t intend to discuss this. Ahmeti didn’t mention me by name, maybe he is in talks with some other circles in my party. If it is discussed somewhere, it is at the level of citizens, but there are higher priorities for the citizens, like more jobs, higher wages,” Zaev insisted.

Szijjarto asks Bulgaria to allow Macedonia to begin its EU accession talks while the historic dispute is being resolved (Republika

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto visited Macedonia, and issued a call for the opening of the long delayed EU accession talks that can run side by side with the historic negotiations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Szijjarto confirmed that the mood in Luxembourg yesterday was tense. Bulgaria blocked Macedonia again, as it demands more concessions from the Zaev on issues of national identity and history. “We respect the position of Sofia that the issues which are now being imposed are important to them. Our demand is that they give enough time for the issue with Skopje to be resolved and that the EU accession talks run in parallel with this,” Szijjarto said. The Foreign Minister confirmed that the countries supporting EU enlargement, like Hungary, were very frustrated with Bulgaria during the European Council in Luxembourg.


Rama: EU has failed to keep its promise! Regional cooperation will continue (Radio Tirana

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama gave a joint conference with the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev, while attending the First Economic Forum. Albanian Prime Minister has stated that whatever happens in Brussels, we are determined to increase the economy, prosperity, pride and strength.  The statement came after Brussels did not decide to hold a conference with Albania. "The dignity of the EU can set dates, deadlines, but it cannot determine our location in the middle of Europe, nor our culture and European identity, nor the future of our peoples. Our future is where God has set us to have our land, in the heart of Europe!" said Rama.

"For me, nothing has happened but the EU has failed to keep its promise!" said Rama. "Life goes on and the program will continue to be imposed within us. Regional co-operation will continue and Balkan states are ready to push it forward unreservedly. We're a very economic partner with Macedonia. We haven't failed. EU has failed in scheduling the IGC! We will continue to move ahead and do our job!" Rama said. Zaev said on Wednesday that European integration cannot be a hostage of bilateral relations. Zaev made his statement during a joint press conference with Rama. "Europe has a problem. The EU itself is the problem. The member states did not take measures to prevent one country from blocking another,r" Zaev said. He expressed confidence that we will not be left alone in isolation. "I am with my friend Rama. We share the same values. We do not stop here. We are Europeans. We are starting to remove the borders between us. We have common ideas and challenges and we need to bring our peoples closer," he said. For the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, the Bulgarians did not find the strength not to hinder our European integration. "The EU decision not to schedule the first conference for us and Albania is a disappointment, but also the incompetence of the EU. Bulgaria's veto is not in the spirit of good neighborly relations. European integration cannot be a hostage of bilateral relations. The progress of our reforms must depend on the achievement of European standards. Repeated failures of the EU will pave the way for Eurosceptics. The EU will keep its word and continue enlargement. I will not give up easily! I will go to Sofia again, again! "We will succeed! Macedonia is Europe! Albania is Europe! The Balkans are Europe," said Zaev.

The start of EU membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia remains a priority issue (Radio Tirana

The start of EU membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia remains a priority issue, said EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Oliver Varhelyi after the European Council meeting in Luxembourg. "Regarding the situation with Albania and North Macedonia, a lot has been done in recent months and significant progress has been made," he said. "We are in the final stage and will continue to work with the Slovenian EU presidency to complete the process and what we expect is to open the first intergovernmental conferences with Albania and North Macedonia," Varhelyi wrote on Twitter. Bulgaria reaffirmed its position on the European perspective of the Republic of North Macedonia, remaining open to a constructive dialogue with the forthcoming Slovenian presidency with the Council of the EU in finding a mutually acceptable solution.