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Belgrade Media Report 25 June


Vucic says he invests efforts to remain silent on pointless attacks of politicians from countries of region; Vulin: There would be no Serbs in Izetbegovic’s B&H (Novosti/B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated at the press conference on Thursday that he invests efforts to remain silent on pointless attacks of politicians from countries of the region, as well as to direct Serbia towards safe and peaceful harbor without conflicts with neighbors. He did not want to directly comment on latest statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic which he finds provocative, reminding that Izetbegovic said that Kosovo is not part of Serbia and that Serbia has no right to rule in Kosovo but that he does not want to be evil-minder and respond to this statement the way he could. He also stated that he finds that the conditions Croatia sets before Serbia on the EU path have political background. He said that people like Izetbegovic use his name to collect political points. “The way I am, I am the worst, and I can say only one thing about all of them from the region, because they want to collect political points by mentioning me. I will not answer them, my strength lies in the successes of Serbia, vaccines and the fight against the epidemic,” Vucic said. Commenting on Izetbegovic’ statement that Serbia has no right to Kosovo, Vucic characterized this as absence of awareness on the reality and the idea on the future. Vucic said: “This speaks not only about the non-pragmatic and unrealistic approach but also about lack of ideas for the future, lack of plans, lack of programs and lack of anything that would mean giving up on their maximalist demands and accepting that there are others who think in a different way.”  Commenting on the statement of Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman who said that Serbian side has to recognize the genocide in Srebrenica, Vucic said that “this advice comes from the country that created Prebilovac, Pag, Jadovno and Jasenovac and yet they do not comment on this at all”. Vucic also stressed that he regrets that the EU has not set a date for start of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia.

About North Macedonia 

“I am sorry that they were not given a date for negotiations. I think it is unfair to North Macedonia, but also to Tirana. Serbia has friendly relations with those two countries. I can also announce a video conference with those two countries,” Vucic concluded. Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin stated that there would be no Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) run by Bakir Izetbegovic if the Republika Srpska (RS) was not created. “The next time the question of why Serbs have to live united needs to be answered, it will be enough to quote outbursts of lies, nonsense and hatred by Bakir Izetbegovic and everything will be clear,” Vulin pointed out. Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic stated that SDA is the party that once pushed B&H into the war, and is now persistently continuing to undermine peace. According to Andjelkovic, it is a party which cannot function in normal circumstances and it is led by an elite composed of people accustomed to profiting from the suffering of others. “Izetbegovic and his SDA, with continuous anti-Serb rhetoric, actions, and now with the latest conclusions of the Main Board of the party, are exploiting the low passions of their voters and creating an environment where he and the clique around him will be well, unlike all other B&H citizens,” Andjelkovic emphasized.

Brnabic: Serbia’s position in dialogue with Pristina based on Constitution (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday in the Serbian parliament that it is known what the red lines and premises are when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, but that it is unreasonable to lay down all the cards regarding the resolution of that issue, and underlined that the safety of Serbs in the province is more important than anything else. Answering the questions of Serbian MPs, Brnabic said that everything regarding the dialogue with the provisional institutions of authority in Pristina is contained in the Serbian Constitution and that is the position which Serbia keeps and protects.We are trying to protect peace, long-term stability and to save what can be saved, she said and added that a lot has been done with smart moves and smart politics, but that it would not be smart to reveal positions. She also said that the EU does not accept Kosovo’s independence and that it is neutral when it comes to its status. Speaking about the results of the meetings she had in recent weeks in Antalya, Vienna and Luxembourg, Brnabic said that it might happen that at the first important meeting within the Berlin Process slated for 5 July, four agreements which have been worked on for a long time will not be adopted, which would be an extremely big blow to regional cooperation. She explained that 2021 should be very good for regional cooperation, but that everything has changed with the new composition of the provisional institutions in Pristina, especially with new Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Serbia is not the only one of the opinion that Kurti’s positions are unacceptable. Bosnia-Herzegovina also thinks so, which does not recognize Kosovo, as well as Moldova within the framework of the CEFTA agreement. According to her, our country continues with a large number of regional projects, such as the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway in both directions, railway Corridor 10 and a complete modernization of roads to North Macedonia. The construction of the Highway of Peace from Nis to the Durres port will begin in September. She added that there is a lot of disappointment and frustration regarding the opening of clusters in negotiations with the EU, but that Serbia continues with reforms in the interest of its citizens, and that our goal is to open two clusters by the end of the year. She recalled that the opening of the first cluster was confirmed on 22 June, at the Intergovernmental Conference in Luxembourg, and that Serbia fulfilled all the preconditions for opening clusters three and four. We have heard from many EU countries that if we continue with reforms in this way in the area of the rule of law, there is no reason not to open one or both clusters by the end of the year, during the Slovenian Presidency, and that is our goal at the moment, Brnabic pointed out. She said that the priority in the coming period will be the rule of law.

Stefanovic: Serbia committed to dialogue (Beta/RTS

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic stated in Moscow on Thursday that Serbia was committed to dialogue and to being the guarantor of peace and stability in the Western Balkans, the Serbian Defense Ministry has stated. “Serbia is committed to dialogue even with the so-called Kosovo. We are investing efforts into contributing to the normalization of relations, and thus protecting the Serb population and holy sites in Kosovo and Metohija,” Stefanovic stated in his address of the Conference on International Security in Moscow. Reflecting on stability in the Western Balkans, the minister recollected that, due to its atypical geographic position, the Balkan territories and countries have been on the path of a multitude of armies for centuries now, which have brought many wars and left many security problems, which are hard to respond to even nowadays. In his words, the answer to the question about whether the Western Balkans would be a “powder keg” or an “oasis of peace” in the forthcoming period, will depend on a multitude of factors, but also on the honest multilateral dialogue of international players.

Selakovic: Historic trust foundation for future ties with Russia (Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Thursday brotherly relations, Slavic roots and the Orthodox faith were solid foundations for future relations between Serbia and Russia.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has made a crucial contribution to this by establishing a relationship of personal trust with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said. At a Belgrade conference titled Russia In The Balkans: A Look To The Future, Selakovic said it was difficult to speak about the future of Serbian-Russian relations and about Russia in the Balkans in the future without speaking about the past. “Holding conferences like this has serious strategic importance because we are finally witnessing stabilized relations between Serbia and Russia,” Selakovic said. Among the Serbs, the expectations from Russia are great, but situations where Russia has such expectations from Serbia are not rare - that is a proof of historic trust, which must be used for the future, Selakovic said. He noted that Russia was the strongest supporter of Serbia in the fight to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity in Kosovo and Metohija and added that the support was essential for continuing the fight to preserve Serbia and Serbs. “Russia is and has been an ally in the fight against a stigmatization of the Serbian nation, and a Russian “nyet” (“no”) in the UN Security Council in 2015 prevented a stigmatization of Serbs as a genocidal nation, also proving the commitment of Serbs and Russians to multilateralism as something that is based on respect of international law and rule of law,” Selakovic said. He said economic relations provided a contemporary framework for the ties between the two countries, in particular in the energy sector, science, cooperation in military technology, culture, sports, etc. Serbia is on the European path, but not at the expense of its relations with traditional friends, above all, Russia, Selakovic said, adding that Serbia would be looking to strengthen and enhance such ties.

Dacic: Russia Serbia’s most influential ally on Kosovo and Metohija issue (Tanjug/RTS/RTV

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Thursday the future of relations with the Russian Federation was a strategic issue for Serbia and noted that Russia was Serbia’s most influential ally when it comes to the Kosovo and Metohija issue and preserving Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Serbia approaches the issue of the relations with Russia with great attention and great expectations, Dacic said, adding that the reasons for such expectations were many.

The expectations do not only stem from our past, which obliges us to be close and committed to each other – many more of the reasons have to do with the future, Dacic said. “Serbia-Russia relations are at the highest point remembered by our generations. I am convinced that, in the past decade, we managed to find and strengthen models of cooperation upon which we can build strategic cooperation,” Dacic told a conference titled Russia in the Balkans: A Look To The Future. He said his recent meetings in Russia with political leaders there had affirmed joint positions on several key bilateral and international issues. Russia is our most influential ally in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity concerning the Kosovo and Metohija issue and its assistance will be of immeasurable significance in the future as well, Dacic said. “Knowing that we can count of the support of Russia and China but, above all, Russia, we are in a position that is greatly facilitated and gives us space in the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija to deal with challenges that are being put before us,” Dacic said. He noted that Serbia had never considered joining the economic sanctions imposed on Russia and that this would never happen in the future either. Dacic said there was enormous space for development of economic and tech cooperation and added that the volume of bilateral trade with Russia had totaled slightly over 3 billion Euros from 2019 to 2020, expressing the hope it would continue to grow every year.

Study: People in Serbia prefer links with China and Russia than with region (Beta/N1

More than half of Serbian citizens want their country to strengthen economic ties with China and Russia rather than with countries in the region, while 84 percent of respondents said the gap between rich and poor is growing, according to the latest edition of the Balkan Barometer survey conducted by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The Balkan Barometer is an annual public opinion survey conducted by the RCC, collecting and analyzing data collected from citizens and companies of the Western Balkans on thematic areas such as employment, trade, investment, corruption. This year, 6,000 citizens and 1,200 companies from six Western Balkan countries were involved in the survey. The latest study shows the most significant trust in law in the region is in Serbia: 52 percent of citizens believe that the rules are applied effectively. In comparison, 38 percent believe that the law is the same for everyone, the study shows.

Regional cooperation has more support, 77 percent, and most respondents believe it can improve their countries’ political, economic and security situation. Unemployment with 49 per cent and economic development with 46 per cent, remain two critical problems in the region. In addition, citizens in the area are most concerned about corruption and ‘brain drain’, 26 and 13 percent, respectively. More citizens want EU membership, 62 percent compared to 59 percent in 2020, but only a quarter of respondents are optimistic that the region’s integration will happen by 2025.

Fewer people want to leave the region, 37 percent compared to 43 percent last year, and 53 percent say they have no plans to work abroad soon. Compared to 2019, more people use the Internet, 39 percent for two or three hours daily. Companies in the Western Balkans use the Internet for communication, 77 percent, marketing, 54 percent, searching for innovative ideas, trends and partners,34 percent. Presenting the latest results in Tirana, Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary-General, said that 71 percent of Western Balkans citizens trusted institutions, and 62 percent believed that the media were not independent. They support employment measures for people with disabilities, 92 percent, and Roma, 81 percent. Three-quarters of the respondents are worried about climate change and pollution, and 62 percent are willing to pay more for ‘eco products’. Regarding the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, 43 percent of citizens fear job loss, 46 percent say they have lower salaries, and 39 percent believe their governments do not do enough to protect people from job loss during a pandemic.



Chinese Embassy thanks Dodik for support provided to this country (RTRS/Glas Srpske


The Chinese Embassy to B&H stated that they are grateful to Serb member of the B&H Presidency and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik for support regarding the diplomatic scandal of the Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of B&H to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva Nermina Kapetanovic with the support of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. The Chinese Embassy to B&H expressed gratitude to Dodik and to many friends in B&H to committed, objective and fair standpoint on issues related to China and for the moral support to China. The Chinese Embassy to B&H stated that they were happy to hear the press release from the Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency related to joining B&H to the joint statement against China at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The Chinese Embassy to B&H emphasized for Glas Srpske that some countries – led by the US, Canada, the UK – attack and talk bad about China under the guise of human rights and interfere in internal matters of China. The Chinese Embassy stated that the relevant B&H ministry this time co-signed the joint statement, closing its eyes before facts. "Such action caused damage to the friendly relations between China and B&H, which left us deeply upset and confused. At this moment, B&H should pay more attention to its issues, instead of interfering in internal matters of other countries," the Chinese Embassy in B&H underlined.

Reacting to the arbitrariness of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that in coming days he will personally inform Chinese President Xi Jinping that Turkovic and Kapetanovic's stances do not reflect the position of the B&H Presidency and B&H itself. "Position that Turkovic presented is her own and position of SDA. Serbs from the RS are committed to strengthening friendly relations with the Chinese people," Dodik pointed out.

B&H Foreign Minister Turkovic meets Albright in Washington (N1


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met in Washington on Thursday former US Secretary of State and Chairman of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) Madeleine Albright. They discussed the current political situation in B&H and the region and the role of the international community. Albright carefully observes developments and she took part in the hearing before the US Congress on formation of the policy of the administration of the US President Joseph Biden towards B&H and the Western Balkans. Albright accepted the invitation to visit B&H and expressed support for activities on the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. They discussed the current political situation in B&H and the region and the role of the international community. The expressed expectation that strengthened engagement of the US in B&H and the region will encourage acceleration of reform processes. Albright accepted Turkovic’s invitation to visit B&H and supported B&H’s activities on the Euro-Atlantic path.

Fierce reactions of Serb, Croat officials to Wednesday’ statements of Izetbegovic (RTRS


RTRS reported about fierce reactions of Serb and Croat officials to Wednesday’ statements of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic who accuses – before and during the party gathering - everyone else but the party that he leads of all accumulated problems in B&H. According to RTRS, SDA again called for recomposing of B&H based on principles of civic organization while at the same time, they dismissed the proposal from the RS for talks on the future of B&H. SDA adopted even 26 party conclusions, lecturing to neighboring countries and calling for introduction of sanctions to Serb member of the B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik due to, as the reporter said, alleged secessionist threats. Commenting on these issues, Dodik characterized all this as rampage of political losers. According to Dodik, everything that was said at the session of the SDA Main Board on Wednesday is just another shade of the thesis present since Izetbegovic and his late father Alija Izetbegovic begun dreaming about the Islamic state in the Balkans, hidden under quasi-civil ideas. According to Dodik, this confirms that Serbs and Croats must stay awake until they are within this state community. Dodik stated: “Our tactic is not to bother Bosniaks and B&H, as Bakir Izetbegovic says, that is exactly what the SDA has been doing since 1992. Bosniaks finally recognized that, punished Izetbegovic, who is trying today to attribute his retrograde policy towards his people to others. The debacle of that policy is yet to be seen.” Dodik underlined that they (Serbs) survived Austro-Hungarians, the Nazis, the Ustasha genocide, crimes committed under the command of Izetbegovic’s father and thus, they will survive Izetbegovic and SDA and they will not ask them how they should live their lives. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic reacted by saying: “The political inflammatory rhetoric present on a daily basis is an attempt of retrograde political structures led by SDA and Izetbegovic to distract the attention of citizens from their everyday problems.” Member of the Presidency of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Mario Karamatic commented on statements of Izetbegovic in which he mentioned Croats by saying: “All statements of Mr. Izetbegovic again say enough with the Ottoman oppression and that it is time for Mr. Izetbegovic and his associates to finally understand that B&H has never been and will never be Turkish, that it is a country with three constituent peoples who can live only by reaching an agreement with each other.” The reporter concluded by saying that instead of the tripartite agreement, the newest “pathology” of false peacemaker Izetbegovic has additionally deepened the crisis in B&H and no matter how this ends, we should not forget that such deviation is not lonely and the history reminds us of that. Dodik also said that it is important to remind that even at the time when SDA had the best rating, Izetbegovic was dreaming of the Islamic state wrapped in quasi-civic ideal, due to which he was confirming that Serbs and Croats have reason to stay awake as long as they are in such state community, especially if Izetbegovic denies at the party’s gathering that B&H is made of three peoples, which is clearly stated in the Constitution. Dodik argues that SNSD will never get tired of insisting on respecting the original DPA and that they will not withdraw the offer for negotiations with the Federation of B&H (FB&H) on the future of B&H. He added that they did not put their signature on B&H that Izetbegovic is imputing to them now. Dodik announced that SNSD will not give up on the fight for rights of the RS and Serbs despite of the occupation of the Constitutional Court of B&H and the Central Election Commission of B&H and despite of understanding of a part of the IC for the policy of crying that Bosniaks have been nurturing since 1996. Dodik noted that bothering of Bosniaks in B&H is not their policy adding that this has been done by SDA since 1992 and Bosniaks have finally recognized this and sanctioned Izetbegovic. Dodik also said that Izetbegovic stated many untruths in his address, such as that the FB&H is better off than the RS, that the NATO held its exercise in B&H, that the NATO integration process has continued etc.  Dodik concluded that Serbs have survived many tortures and attacks throughout the history and thus they will survive Izetbegovic junior and SDA. He added that they will not ask Izetbegovic how Serbs should live and how the state, that they want to live in, will be organized.

Majkic, Cvijanovic, Kovacevic slam Izetbegovic (EuroBlic


Following the session of SDA Main Board, which called to imposing of sanctions against SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) told the daily that “SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic thinks all of his problems would disappear the moment Milorad Dodik would disappear from the political scene. He sees no problems in his own policy or way in which he has been carrying it out for years, unprepared to make any kind of agreements”. Majkic argued that most of Bosniaks wish for some new High Representative to come to finally remove Dodik from the political scene. Majkic also reminded that the RS has prepared a proposal on talks on future of B&H “but Izetbegovic showed no interest in that”. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that Izetbegovic’s statements are both damaging relations in B&H and also represent a direct attack on the territorial integrity of Serbia, degrade B&H institutions which do not recognize any subject under the term ‘Kosovo’ but only southern region of Serbia named ‘Kosovo and Metohija’. Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said that SDA is a retrograde political force in B&H because it never gave up its “Islamic policy based on the ‘Islamic Declaration’ of its founder Alija Izetbegovic”.

EP adopts Resolution on B&H, rejecting amendments related to constituent status of peoples; Croatian MEP Zeljana Zovko says there are some in EP who are trying to delete constituent peoples from B&H reality (FTV

The European Parliament adopted the Resolution on B&H, with 483 votes in favor, 73 against and 133 abstentions. All amendments by MEPs from Croatia, who demanded that the terms ‘constituent status’ and ‘legitimate representation’ be included in the Resolution, were rejected. The report is divided into seven chapters relating to the reconciliation process, the functioning of democratic institutions, the rule of law, basic human rights, socio-economic reforms, connectivity, energy and the environment, foreign policy and security. The report states that the European Union strongly supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of B&H, condemns attempts to violate the statehood and the Constitution of B&H, and urges domestic politicians to adopt a constitution in line with the European Convention on Human Rights. FTV comments that for weeks, the Croatian officials have been on a diplomatic – and some would say non-diplomatic – ‘offensive’ in the EU institutions. They tried to include in declarations, conclusions and resolutions of the NATO, the Council of the European Union, and the European Parliament, the term of the constituent peoples in B&H - and not citizens, as well as the term of legitimate - and not democratic, representation. After the Croatian President and the Prime Minister, this ‘offensive’ was joined by the Croatian MEPs that voted in the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) against the report on B&H for 2020. The proposal of report was adopted in the AFET last week, and on Thursday all amendments of the Croatian MEPs to the text of Resolution were rejected. Croatian MEP Zeljana Zovko believes that rejection of these amendments will lead to a new concept in B&H which, she says, will not be implementable. Zovko emphasized that there are some people in the European Parliament that wish to “erase the constituent peoples from B&H’s reality”, and she warned that that “resulted in a great tragedy” before. Croatian MEP Ruza Tomasic said that the Resolution completely ignores the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the constituent peoples in B&H. In the proposal of Resolution, B&H was called to implement the 14 key priorities from the European Commission’s (EC) Opinion on B&H. By implementing reforms, the country will be able to move forward and develop. The Resolution also calls on changes to the Constitution of B&H and the B&H Election Law. “It is high time for all constituent peoples and citizens to have completely ensured democratic representation in line with the European Court of Human Right’s (ECHR) decisions and the European standards,” underlined European Parliament Rapporteur for B&H Paulo Rangel.  Presenting the report on B&H's progress on the path to EU integration in the European Parliament, EP’s Special Rapporteur for B&H Rangel stated that the path is long and that a lot of work lies before the B&H political leaders when it comes to the implementation of fourteen key priorities. Rangel stressed that more can be done and that results can be much better, adding that reforms are key. "Future reforms have to guarantee absolute respect for multiculturalism and the pluralistic character of the country. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure functional and sustainable democracy in which all peoples and all citizens will be equal" Rangel underlined. Addressing the EP within the debate on the progress report of B&H for the period 2019-2020, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stated that since 2018, B&H has made significant steps on the path to the EU but most of crucial issues are still on standby. “As I have told B&H political leaders during the last year, we in the Commission are ready to offer the status of the EU candidate under condition that B&H also delivers concrete results with regard to meeting of fourteen key priorities," Commissioner Varhelyi underlined.


Komsic: Ethnic concept in B&H not acceptable for EU (O kanal


With a convincing majority, all amendments of the Croatian MEPs to the proposal of report on B&H for last year, which was previously adopted by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), were rejected. This is a big political defeat of the Croatian diplomacy, because the constituent status and legitimate representation were not mentioned in this report. During second round of voting in the European Parliament, the report will probably be accepted on Thursday – in form of a Resolution. O Kanal reminds that for years, Croatian MEPs have tried to include formulations in the European Parliament’s Resolution on B&H that suit Croatia and its policies, but especially policies of HDZ B&H. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented the rejection of the Croatian MEPs’ amendments. He said he is very satisfied with the result. “That was as expected since that alleged legitimate representation of constituent peoples does not have any foothold in the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) rulings. Moreover, it is expressly ordered that this principle be rejected. At some point, it was even difficult to say this in B&H. This is a message that Zagreb needs to acknowledge, because it is clear that the ethnic concept that they try to force in B&H, is not acceptable for the EU” Komsic concluded. Komsic stated that "the EP has made a clear statement on this issue." "I can say that I am satisfied. This is a message that Zagreb should take good note of, because it is now clear that the ethnic concept they are forcing in B&H is not acceptable to the EU," Komsic was quoted as saying. Komsic commented the rejection of the Croatian MEPs’ amendments. He said he is very satisfied with the result. “That was as expected since that alleged legitimate representation of constituent peoples does not have any foothold in the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) rulings. It would be good if the MEPs stopped embarrassing themselves, and to spend more time reading the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) on the candidate status of B&H for EU membership and other relevant documents,” Komsic was quoted as saying. Deputy Chairman of the B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission on European Integration Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD) stood in support of Croatian MEPs and said their request on including the abovementioned terms was legitimate and logical. “I am sorry that these amendments were not adopted”, he added. Prodanovic said the Croatian MEPs did not seek anything that was not already a constitutional category in B&H. He underlined that this Resolution will not change anything much, but it will contribute to further lack of trust in B&H. Member of the B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission on European Integration Branislav Borenovic (PDP) said it was an undisputable fact that B&H has two entities, three constituent peoples, and the Others – and all these facts must be respected and acknowledged. In his comment on rejection of amendments of Croatian MEPs, SDA member Semsudin Mehmedovic wrote on his Facebook page: “This is another B&H’s win on the international political scene. (…) This is a waypoint for B&H politicians in which way they should work on the reform of the Constitution and the electoral legislation”. Member of the B&H parliament’s Joint Commission on European Integration Sasa Magazinovic (SDP B&H) said the EU stances are more than clear, and B&H politicians must hear and acknowledge them if they are really serious about the country’s path towards the Union. “Croatia showed its weakness, and Croatia has stooped low in the eyes of not only the MEPs but also the state leaderships in the European countries. This is a big defeat for Croatia,” Magazinovic concluded.

Merkel: For the sake of the Balkans and the eastern neighborhood, we should seek direct contact with Putin (O kanal


Due to Russia's activities in the EU, in the eastern neighborhood and in the Western Balkans, the EU must find an appropriate response to the challenges created by Russia, said Angela Merkel, German Chancellor in her last address to the German Bundestag during her term. “Due to its proximity and responsibility to the countries in the eastern neighborhood and the Western Balkans, the EU is obliged to find an appropriate response to Russian activities. I am of the opinion that we must seek direct contact with Russia and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is not enough that only US President Joe Biden talks to the Russian President, which I welcome. The EU must create its own formats for talks, because otherwise we will not be able to resolve the conflicts that exist,” Merkel said.

Bundestag gives support to B&H, reminds of importance of DPA and rejects any attempt of border changes (FTV

Representatives of the ruling coalition CDU-CSU, and members of SPD and the Free Democratic Party in the German Bundestag submitted a request under the title ‘New momentum for B&H - support for the High Representative’. They stood in support of B&H and reminded to the importance of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), rejecting any attempt of border changes in B&H, especially in the context of ethnic communities. Representatives in the German Bundestag emphasized the need for changes to the Constitution of B&H and the electoral legislation. They believe this is necessary to ensure equal rights for all citizens of B&H.

Among other things, this report reads that current Constitution and the Election Law of B&H prevent citizens who do not belong to any of constituent peoples to achieve their right and participate in elections as candidates. Bundestag called on B&H to fulfill series of rulings to implement political rights for all citizens. Representatives in Bundestag also underlined that urgent reforms need to be carried out in 2021 in B&H, because this is not election year. They believe that despite to number of verdicts, war criminals have been glorified and war crimes have been denied. It was concluded that by nominating Christian Schmidt for position of High Representative, Germany pointed out that development of B&H is seen as special task.

The daily carries that the three most important factions in Bundestag Thursday asked the German government to work, together with the international community, on fast fulfillment of the '5+2' agenda for successful closure of the OHR. According to the document which these three factions submitted for a vote in Bundestag, one is asking that close coordination at the EU level between European institutions and the OHR be ensured, as well as to secure enough funds in the budget for the OHR for successful implementation of mandate of Christian Schmidt, the new HR, welcoming his appointment. "Bundestag welcomes the fact that through the appointment of a German candidate to the position of the HR, B&H is again in the increased interest of the international community," reads the proposal for a vote. Besides that, the document condemns genocide in Srebrenica, but also criticizes rhetoric from the RS on separation from B&H and glorification of persons convicted of war crimes, as well as national rhetoric. As for the tasks that Schmidt will have as the HR, the need for limited constitutional reform was emphasized, so that all citizens of B&H, and not just those belonging to constituent peoples, obtain passive suffrage, and it was also stressed that fulfillment of 14 priorities of the European Commission (EC) remains the central political goal. In the document, a special paragraph is devoted to the tasks which Schmidt will implement as the HR, which, according to the daily, is especially important having in mind that this is a document which parties that make up the Government of Germany, which Schmidt himself belongs to, are behind. According to the daily, what is also important is that the document stresses the importance of completion of the Mission of the OHR, and in close coordination with the EU.


Schmidt: Crime in Srebrenica is a monstrous genocide and there are also other crimes that must remain in the collective memory of Europeans (BHT1


MP of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in the German parliament and newly-appointed High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt has stated that for him and US President Joe Biden, the Dayton peace is a sacred obligation for stability in Europe. Schmidt recalled that he will take office as the High Representative on 1 August, thanking German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German Government for increased interest and initiatives towards the Western Balkans. Schmidt added that he is aware of the difficulty of the task he is accepting, but that for these purposes he will use smart tools which have been made available to him through the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Schmidt added that it was good that the US returned, and the Europeans will contribute to the relations in the Balkans, in Europe, and in the European neighborhood. “Some 500 kilometers from here, people live in a beautiful part of Europe, and they dream of being part of Europe, to live in peace, and to have a chance at a better life. On 1 August, I will assume the post of the High Representative in B&H. I wish to provide decisive contribution to avoiding instability in the region, and for that I have at my disposal the executive powers of this Office (of the High Representative), which is still necessary. The crime in Srebrenica is a monstrous genocide, and there are also other crimes that must remain in the collective memory of Europeans – as a warning. We must not forget the Western Balkans; our glance must be directed towards there,” Schmidt emphasized. Addressing the German lawmakers on Thursday, Schmidt expressed satisfaction with the fact that he will take over as the HR on 1 August. "I want to give decisive contribution so that instabilities do not occur in the region and that is why I have executive powers of this office, which is still necessary, at my disposal," Schmidt underlined.


Plenkovic: EP Resolution will not change fact that there are three constituent peoples in B&H (HRT1


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented the Resolution on B&H that the European Parliament adopted. Before the EP voted about the Resolution, Plenkovic stated: “If this reference (three constituent peoples) is not included, we will be able to say that the EPP was in favor of it, that HDZ was in favor of mentioning of all three constituent peoples, and these other parties were not in favor of this. However, when looking at the Resolution in general, Dayton Agreement is mentioned several times, judgements of the European Court on Human Rights are mentioned, as are those of Constitutional Court of B&H, and what is the most important in this moment, they appeal for continuation of electoral reform”. He stressed that both him and the Croatian Government are of the stance that political institutions and parties in B&H need to reach agreement about the electoral reform, on their own in order to enable more just election system. “No matter what the Resolution says, it will not change the fact that three peoples live in B&H,” said Plenkovic.

Kraus asks for banning Ustasha salute on behalf of thousands of victims (Hina

The president of the Zagreb Jewish Community, Ognjen Kraus, called on Thursday for banning the "For the homeland ready" salute as well as Ustasha insignia and the denial of Ustasha crimes in the name of the thousands killed under the Ustasha salute. Speaking at the Jadovno 1941 Remembrance Day commemoration, Kraus said he was making his appeal on behalf of the thousands who were killed at Jadovno and other Ustasha death camps in the 1941-45 Independent State of Croatia (NDH), or who were taken to Nazi death camps. Kraus also called for banning the denial of the existence of concentration and death camps. The commemoration was held on the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Gospic-Jadovno-Pag complex, the first Ustasha death camp on NDH territory. "It would be horrible to think that the NDH got rid of its Serbs, Jews, Roma, and communists in 1941 easier than the Republic of Croatia are getting rid in 2021 of forgetting their suffering and the legacy of Ustashism which 'For the homeland ready' symbolizes," said Serb National Council (SNV) president Milorad Pupovac. He asked why someone cared so much that one of the "most shameful salutes and expressions of patriotism in Croatian history" should not lose the right to official and public usage. "Is such persistence in defending that official salute of the Ustasha movement and the so-called NDH a consequence of knowing about its racial laws and the genocide crimes against Serbs, Jews, and Roma? (...) Or is that persistence a consequence of the ignorance, which has been growing bigger by the year over the past 30 years, of what and whom that salute is a lasting symbol?"

Serbian president's envoy: We have the duty to conduct reconciliation policy 

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's envoy Veran Matic said that just as he was working on "reconciliation and healing after the war disintegration of the common state and the horrors we experienced in those wars," such a reconciliation policy should also be pursued concerning the horrors of WWII, notably those committed at Jadovno and Pag. "I consider that our duty to the innocents killed here, to the generations which we should enable to be free of crime, to morally rise above crime and to have the moral strength for peace, for living without hate and for reconciliation between the peoples in Croatia, the peoples in Serbia, and reconciliation between Croatia and Serbia," Matic said. Wreaths were laid at the monument at Jadovno by Boris Milosevic on the government's behalf, Dragana Jeckov on parliament's behalf, Matic, Kraus, and Pupovac on the SNV's behalf, and representatives of the SABA antifascist alliance and the Serbian and Austrian embassies. The commemoration was organized by the SNV with the Coordination of Jewish Communities in Croatia, the Eparchy of Gornji Karlovac, and SABA. The Gospic-Jadovno-Pag camp was established on 18-24 June 1941 and the inmates were mostly Serbs, followed by Jews and some Croatian communists. The camp was dismantled around 22 August 1941 at the request of fascist Italy. That, it was said at the commemoration, temporarily saved over 3,000 inmates who were transported to Jastrebarsko and then the Jasenovac death camp, where many died.


Expert government project fails, agreement required (Dan

Democratic Front (DF) MP Jovan Vucurovic says that PM Zdravko Krivokapic has been acting against the interests of the citizens who voted for the changes on 30 August for months. He has told Dan that at the meeting he expects the parliamentary majority to establish the facts first of all and not to run away from the truth. “The fact is that the government is supported by only 14 MPs and that such a situation is unsustainable. We hope that someone will not appear with the attitude that it is enough for the government to function, which would certainly be the nonsense of the year,” Vucurovic has pointed out. The Socialist People’s Party (SNP) and Demos have invited the leaders of the parliamentary majority to a meeting, to be held today, in order to resolve the current political crisis. The meeting will be attended, among others, by representatives of the DF, Democratic Montenegro and the URA Civic Movement.

We do not agree to the overthrow of the government and new elections (RTCG


The Democrats do not agree to the overthrow of the Government of Montenegro, and only reconstruction is possible, without the election of a new Prime Minister, it was announced from the party of Aleksa Becic. On the eve of the meeting of the leaders of the parliamentary majority Democratic Montenegro presented its views on the current political situation in the country and the relations between part of the parliamentary majority and the government of Montenegro. "We do not agree to the overthrow of the 42nd democratic government of Montenegro. There is no election of a new prime minister and a new government of Montenegro" the Democrats said. They also say that they do not support calling new parliamentary elections, and say that "only the reshuffle of the Government is possible, based on the principle of consent of the current Prime Minister and the parliamentary majority." "All other combinatorics are possible, but not with the participation of the Democrat MPs," the party pointed out.

Jokovic: I believe in a solution acceptable to all (RTCG


The president of the Socialist People's Party (SNP) Vladimir Jokovic said that he expected a serious approach to the complicated situation between the majority parties and the relationship between the majority and the government from today's meeting of the leaders of the parliamentary majority. Jokovic told Radio Montenegro that he believes in an agreement and a solution that is acceptable to all, so as not to circumvent the will of the citizens from August 30. "I am not in favor of big words and quarrels between parties. We need peace and to decide with cold heads what and how to go down. If we cannot agree, and I am sure we can and I believe in an agreement, then we can be people and relieve the citizens of big words and stresses," Jokovic said. He said that if the solution is elections, let us be people and go to the elections, so that whoever achieves any result should be congratulated and we should move on. "Montenegro needs peace, prosperity, investments. If we are all committed to that, if we rise above party divisions and interests, we can respond to this challenge. If we do not respond to this challenge, we do not deserve to lead Montenegro in the future," Jokovic said.


Krivokapic: Group of people tried to break into Cetinje Monastery (CdM

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has answered the questions of the representatives of parliamentary caucuses. During the PMQs, he has said that a small group of citizens tried to enter the Cetinje Monastery, but that they were prevented from doing it. He has added that the Police Directorate does not have information that these are coordinated actions of attacks on religious buildings, aimed at the further polarization of Montenegrin society, i.e. at undermining Montenegro’s security. Krivokapic has said that the government will continue to do its job in the domain of constitutional and legal powers. He has pointed out that in the history of Montenegro, it has not been recorded that in such a short period of time, someone from the most important state bodies in Serbia directed so many poisonous arrows at the government, the Prime Minister, and parliament speaker Aleksa Becic. DF and DPS MPs have not attended the session.


EU delays opening of accession negotiations for Albania and North-Macedonia (Tirana Times

Bulgaria’s veto to the opening of accession talks for Macedonia and Albania further delays the integration process for the two Balkan states. In a press-conference, the Portuguese State Secretary for European Affairs Ana Paula Zacarias confirmed that at the moment  there will be no opening of accession negotiations and that the first intra-governmental conference will be further delayed due to the fact that Bulgaria did consent for the opening of the talks with Macedonia, in light of dispute between the states which relates to their shared history and the allegedly false interpretation of historical events, as well as an allegedly increasing anti-Bulgarian sentiment in Macedonia. The latest move by the Bulgarian Ambassador to the EU has indirectly affected Albania, which must now patiently wait until the issue is resolved, even though every EU Member State gave Albania the green light, including France and the Netherlands, two states that were previously opposed to this idea. During an economic forum held in Skopje, the Albanian Prime-Minister and his Macedonian counterparty expressed their regrets for this latest development. Prime Minister Edi Rama stated that Albania would focus on improving its economic performance and wellbeing, despite of the current problematic in Brussels. In a similar fashion, Prime-Minister Zoran Zaev stated that the two governments would focus on increasing regional cooperation and that he hoped that the EU would soon be able to resolve what he described as an internal issue. The Bulgarian Veto once again highlighted some of the difficulties associated with EU’s decision to open accession negotiations with Albania and Macedonia as a group, rather than individually. The biggest pitfall of such a strategy is that the decision to open accession negotiations for one of the countries is conditional not only upon whether it has fulfilled its requirement, but also upon approval by EU Member States for the opening of negotiations for the other country. A few years earlier the opening of accession negotiations was delayed due to the Albanian government’s failure to implement the required reforms. Although this decision was rather regrettable for Macedonia, the time-frame in which such issues may be addressed depended on the resolve and efficiency of the Albanian government. Today, the EU integration process is being held up due to a conflict between Bulgaria and Macedonia. The complexity of this conflict makes it difficult to predict when it may be resolved, and if experience has taught us anything, it is that deep conflicts between Balkan States may take years or even decades to resolve. An expert on integration from the Albanian Institute for International (AIIS) interviewed by Tirana Times expressed concern that the "coupling procedure and its impact on becoming an unintended blockage for aspiring countries needs to be revisited as it is undermining legitimacy of EU integration and efficacy of conditionality." The Bulgarian Ambassador to the EU has come under fire from several of his peers due to the decision to veto the opening of accession negotiations for Macedonia. With Bulgaria under international pressure to change its position, it is hoped that the issue will be resolved quickly. If this does turn out to be the case, a “de-coupling” of Albania and Macedonia as regards the EU integration process might prove to be a viable strategy. Another pitfall of the decision to open accession negotiations for Albania and Macedonia simultaneously is that the emergence of such conflicts between an EU Member State and a candidate country takes attention away from the most important issues that must be resolved by both Albania and Macedonia on an internal level in order to fulfill the conditions that would ensure a successful EU Integration.  Such scenarios give an opportunity to the governments of the respective countries to divert public attention away from considerations as to whether they have done enough to satisfy the conditions placed by EU Member States.

Rama, Vucic and Zaev to discuss ‘Balkans Schengen’; Kosovo refuses to join (ADN


Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama will hold a videoconference with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic and his North Macedonia counterpart, Zoran Zaev to discuss about the “Balkans Schengen”. has learned that the videoconference in question will be held on June 29. However, Kosovo has refused to participate in this meeting despite the invitation. Kosovo has refused all meetings related to “Balkan Schengen”, even before, every time it was called upon to take part. On October 2020, it was North Macedonia’s PM who declared that the leaders would invite Kosovo to join the regional Schengen initiative, while informing that the improvement of wider regional cooperation will be the reason for him to meet with the two leaders. “In my country, it is said that we do not choose our neighbors, but they are the first to come to the rescue. Therefore, we expect Kosovo to join the regional initiative, so that its inclusive character is a priority for the region, regardless of open political issues” said Zaev at the time.


Rama-Grenell talk about Balkans Schengen (ADN


Prime Minister Edi Rama held on Thursday afternoon an interview with the Former US Emissary for Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue Richard Grenell, who has asked him about the initiative taken by the Western Balkans for the so-called Balkans Schengen, but also for the decision of State Department to declare former President Sali Berisha “non-grata”. In his answer, the Albanian head of State declared that the decision of the US Department of State proves that no one is above the law and the time of impunity is over. "I would say that on the one hand it is sad to see this reality, but it is a signal that American administrations continue to be the voice of justice reforms. To me, it was more or less like announcing the end of the transition and the end of impunity. No one is above the law,” said Rama. Meanwhile, Rama thanked former Emissary Grenell for his contribution to the mini-Schengen initiative. Among other things, the PM focused on the non-opening of negotiations with the EU and mentioned that the European Union has promised the opposite to Albania and North Macedonia. "First of all, I have to reiterate that you are no longer in the role of contributor to the mini-Schengen initiative, for which I thank you for your role. On the other hand, there is an unresolved conflict due to the non-recognition of Kosovo by Serbia. But, it is possible to develop a life without barriers between people and goods," said Rama.