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Belgrade Media Report 28 June 2021


Basic values ​​of Serbia independence, freedom, peace (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated today that the basic values ​​of Serbia must be independence, freedom and peace, because without freedom, independence and autonomy, there is no peace, realization of state interests or the country’s development. At a press conference after the solemn session of the government of Serbia in Krusevac, Vucic said that Serbia must take care of all its citizens, regardless of their religious and national affiliation. He pointed out that today he expects preliminary data on the growth rate for the second quarter, primarily industrial production, where we hope to grow by 13%, which would lead to growth of 6.5% to 7% by the end of the year. According to him, that would lead to a significant increase in salaries and pensions and would be a huge success placing our country among the first three countries in Europe. Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reminded that the current government has done a lot for Krusevac and the Rasina district in the last few years, stating that since the end of 2012, 3,262 citizens got employment in that city, and that the value of investments is approximately €300 million. In the coming period, the focus will be on investing in domestic intelligence, I will invest my time and energy to help young people stay in Krusevac, to invest their knowledge and talent from here, and one of the things that will help a lot is the first digital highway – the Morava corridor, which will reach Krusevac by the end of next year, Brnabic underlined. In addition, Krusevac also received a wastewater treatment plant, with a part of the sewerage network, with €24 million invested in that in recent years, she noted. She also added that, among other things, the reconstruction of the water factory has been completed, and that the sewerage network and the wastewater treatment plant in Brus and Blace will be completed in the upcoming period. Brnabic also reminded that Krusevac received a COVID hospital during the pandemic, noting that one of the topics of today's session was how to use that hospital after the pandemic to reduce the waiting lists and improve health care in the entire district.

Vucic: We are not interested in conflicts (Tanjug/RTS/B92/Beta

The combined tactical exercise with combat shooting "Lightning Strike 2021" - the largest in the last few decades, began at the military range in Pester. "Heroes from Kosare are with us today. Among them are seven of them who are from the territory of Montenegro, and they were in Kosare. Thank you for being here with us," said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the beginning of his address. The strength of our army will be drastically increased and changed in the next nine months, announced Vucic, estimating that the growing strength of the army also shows the strength of the state because, as he said, that would not be possible without greater financial strength. After the military exercise on Pester, Vucic said that the state would continue to invest in our army. "We are not interested in threatening anyone, we are not interested in conflicts, wars, but we are interested in being able to always defend our country and people. Nothing more than that, nothing more beautiful than that, nothing more honorable than that," the President said. He thanked the members of the Serbian Army who, as he says, performed the exercise fantastically and pointed out what everyone could see today. In that sense, he stated that for the first time in our sky today, eleven MiG-29 fighters could be seen, of which eight "shoot" with air-to-ground missiles, and three that did not shoot, but were completely modernized and possess radars that can spot things up to 110 kilometers away and better than the others. Vucic says that this gave the hunting aviation of Serbia a special force that we were never close to.

Also, four G4s, 25 fighters or bombers could be seen in the air at the exercise, which until a few years ago, the Air Force had four or five of those, of lower quality. "What we realized is that we have to work on and strengthen unmanned aerial vehicles. We have already procured something, we have ordered new ones, we will order more," Vucic said. He emphasizes the special satisfaction that the KFOR Commander also attended the presentation of the exercise, and says that Serbia must cooperate with KFOR units. When asked by journalists about Kosovo, he said that Serbia's position has not changed and will not change. When it comes to the conversation with Angela Merkel, he states that a big conference will take place on 4 and 5 July. "We will talk about everything," he adds and explains that every conversation with her is of exceptional importance for our country. "We will discuss everything. Kosovo, of course, but also regional cooperation and the role of Germany and Berlin -- whether it will be a Brussels process later on or a Berlin process," Vucic said. Every day that Serbia strengthens and grows, attacks and pressures will be more and more present, Vucic pointed out. Asked about the claim of the former leader of the People's Party and vice president of the parliament of Montenegro that he decides whether the Democratic Front will overthrow the government of Zdravko Krivokapic, he said that it is obvious that anyone who speaks against him feels important. "I said earlier that when two sharks sail into a Boka Kotorska Bay, following a big ship, it's my fault. I don't know who he is or which party he represents. I am not interested in who will rule there, but I will always be interested in the position of the Serbian people," he said. He said that he had heard meaningless accusations, and that there would be more. As for the People's Party in Montenegro, he stated that it was once a big party, but they destroyed it. In the end, he expressed his gratitude to the members of the Yugoslav Army from Montenegro who defended our country in Kosare.

Dacic: Bundestag disappointed with Pristina’s approach (DW/Beta)  

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said after a meeting in the Bundestag on 25 June that the officials that he spoke with in the German parliament were disappointed with Kosovo's new authorities due to their approach to negotiations on normalizing relations with Belgrade. Dacic, who travelled to Berlin at the invitation of his German counterpart, Christian Democrat Wolfgang Schäuble, was quoted as saying by the Deutsche Welle that there were no unpleasant subjects. "We discussed EU integrations, and Germany offered its assistance to Serbia in the accession process," Dacic said, adding that Germany expected Serbia to step up reforms, and that one of the topics was the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo. Josip Juratovic, a German MP from the Social Democratic Party of Germany, who helms the parliamentary committee on South East Europe, confirmed for the paper that his German peers were displeased with the approach of the new authorities in Kosovo towards normalization negotiations with Serbia. "The impression is that Pristina doesn't accept the things that have already been arranged. In my opinion, this is wrong. The EU can't start over each time a government is changed in Pristina. Perhaps we can discuss details, but not everything should have to go back to square one," Juratovic said.

Joksimovic: All W. Balkan countries feel stalled on EU path (Tanjug

All Western Balkan countries feel stalled on the issue of EU integration, Serbian European Integration Minister Jadranka Joksimovic has said. Responding to questions from MPs in the Serbian parliament on Thursday, Joksimovic said she had attended a Vienna panel of Western Balkan European integration ministers at which there had been no enthusiasm for integration.

“No one praised the new methodology (of EU accession talks) and everyone feels stalled, in particular North Macedonia and Albania,” Joksimovic said, adding that Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic fully supported the two countries and wanted them to get into the EU integration process as that would be good for everyone. Once you get into the process, everyone must meet the criteria and obligations, which brings better cooperation, she said, adding that only Serbia was an advocate of the new methodology.

Jeremic to Selakovic: Support for Albanian Security Council seat imprudent (Beta

People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic has described Serbia's support for Albania's recently accorded non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council as an extremely imprudent step. In an open letter to Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, Jeremic said Serbia "has sent a message indicating a lack of concern for taking a strong stand on respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity in future discussions in that forum," he said in a press release on Sunday. Jeremic invited Selakovic again to a "foreign-policy duel" on state TV to show the people that it is possible to lead "a substantiated dialog between people who respect one another in spite of political differences." He recalled that, on Selakovic's instructions, Serbia's standing representative to the UN supported on 11 June Albania in becoming one of the ten nonpermanent members of the UN Security Council in 2022 and 2023.


General Vitale: Cooperation between NATO and Serbia much stronger than people can see (Blic/Beta

The Head of the NATO Military Liaison Office, Italian Army Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale, has said that cooperation between the Alliance and Serbia is much stronger and better developed than it might seem in the eyes of the citizens of Serbia. "One of the reasons is a large amount of misinformation, which we fight with facts and joint values, a transparent approach and specific measures," the general said in an interview with Blic published on 26 June. Vitale recalled that this year would be the 15th anniversary of cooperation between NATO and Serbia within the Partnership for Peace. The Alliance fully respects Serbia's decision not to join the organization, but, as he put it, NATO and Serbia can continue to cooperate, which is what they are doing. "The partnership between us is well-developed, and is unfolding in several domains - political, military and scientific. We have achieved significant results so far," the Italian general said, adding that a political dialogue complemented practical cooperation at all levels, which was clear when Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic visited Brussels in May.

Ten years ago, CNN advertised Kosovo as a land of opportunity. It's not a state yet (Kurir/Tanjug

Ten years ago, CNN constantly aired the ad "Kosovo is a land of opportunity." Even now it is not a state and there are no "possibilities", Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' spokesperson Maria Zakharova says. She assessed for Kurir that today, Kosovo is a black hole in Europe, where organized crime and corruption are flourishing and where an atmosphere of national and religious hatred and intolerance is being created. In an interview with Kurir, Zakharova said that "the western project Kosovo failed, regardless", as she says, "of the huge amounts of money that was pumped into it". "The new Kosovo authorities, led by Albin Kurti, are preaching open political extremism. Kosovo has become a problem of the European continent," said Zakharova.

Zakharova reminds that the so-called Brussels agreements were harmonized in 2013 and that Belgrade fulfilled its part of those solutions, while Pristina refused to provide the key condition - the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). "The current Kosovo authorities do not want to consider the issue at all, and Brussels is limiting itself to loose calls, without concrete steps," said Zakharova, noting that she did not see the point in involving Russia in the negotiation process. "The dialogue was launched in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly, which Belgrade asked us to support. That is what we did," says Zakharova.

She also says that the relations between Russia and Serbia are based on a long tradition, mutual respect and diverse mutually beneficial cooperation. "Russia is cooperating with Serbia under conditions of equality, strengthening production capacities, energy, infrastructure, creating preconditions for development for the benefit of all citizens," Zakharova pointed out. She reminded that the Free Trade Agreement between Serbia and the EAEU countries - Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - will enter into force on 10 July, adding that the document opens up new great opportunities.



Tegeltija responds to SDA conclusion stating that Tegeltija is slowing down B&H's EU path (RTRS


The Chairperson of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija responded to the SDA conclusion, stating that Tegeltija is slowing down B&H's EU path. According to Tegeltija, the biggest proponents of B&H's EU path are representatives coming from the Republika Srpska (RS), whether they are representatives, ministers or entity governments. Tegeltija said that statements from the session of the SDA Main Board are contradictory, as well as the statements of the Bosniak Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, who recently claimed in Vogosca that B&H is advancing on its EU path. Tegeltija stated: “This is no longer criticism of the B&H CoM. You choose ministers from the ranks of the Bosniak people, you praise them for good work and then you call me out for stopping the EU path. This B&H CoM made more reforms in the process of EU ascension, than any other B&H CoM so far”.

European Parliament adopts Resolution on B&H; Amendments on constitutional peoples proposed by Croatian MEPs not adopted (Hayat


The European Parliament adopted on Thursday the Resolution on 2019-2020 Progress Reports on B&H, with 483 MEPs voting in favor of the Resolution, 73 MEPs voting against it and 133 MEPs abstaining from voting. Hayat reports that the adopted Report in the form of Resolution includes seven chapters related to the reconciliation process, functioning of democratic institutions, rule of law, fundamental human rights, socio-economic reforms, energy and environmental issues, foreign policy and security. The Resolution stresses that B&H must implement the 14 priorities from the European Commission’s (EC) Opinion, including independent and professional judiciary and reform of education that will ensure promising future for young people. The Resolution states that the European Union (EU) supports territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of B&H, and attempts to violate the statehood of B&H are strongly condemned. All amendments of Croatian MEPs were rejected with majority of votes. The reporter noted that despite of big diplomatic effort, amendments and fierce criticism of Croatian MEPs, the report on B&H does not mention the status of the three constituent peoples or the concept of legitimate representation. Instead of that, the EP welcomed progress of the state on the road to the EU but also emphasized the need for reforms which are necessary for B&H to become a state suitable for all its citizens and underlined the need to change the Constitution of B&H and the B&H Election Law, and to implement the verdicts of the European Court for Human Rights. Author of the resolution, Special Rapporteur for B&H in the EP Paulo Rangel sent a message to political leaders in B&H by saying: “We sent an essential message to the country that B&H is in the heart of Europe and it naturally belongs in the EU. We call on political leaders to overcome divisions and find a wide consensus, secure functioning of institutions, guarantee rule of the law and media freedom, reform economy and create more possibilities for young people.” German MEP Dietmar Koster called on EU member states to finally give the status of the EU candidate to B&H, adding that the report reads that B&H achieved certain progress but there is still job to be done. In this regard, he said that the state must overcome ethnic tensions and added that discrimination of people due to their ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation is unacceptable. Members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic welcomed adoption of the resolution. Dzaferovic believes that the official Zagreb should begin changing its policy towards B&H without bringing the rhetoric of ethnic divisions. “Official Zagreb should think hard and start changing its policy towards B&H. Croatia and B&H should cooperate, on the principle of mutual respect and without paternalism, and any attempt by Zagreb to impose solutions on B&H will end in failure and unnecessary degradation of the reputation of the Republic of Croatia,” Dzaferovic said. “The rejection of the amendments by Croatian MEPs and European ultra-right parties, which call on B&H to further deepen discrimination in the electoral process and impose standards that Europe has long rejected, is a clear message in which direction future reforms of the Constitution and electoral legislation in B&H should move,” SDA wrote in its statement.

Magazinovic: We are disappointed by voting of certain colleagues (Dnevni avaz

Chair of SDP Caucus in B&H House of Representatives and member of Presidency of Party of European Socialists (PES) Sasa Magazinovic sent a letter to President of Socialists and Democrats Caucus (S&D) in the European Parliament (Iratxe García Perez) regarding the adoption of Resolution on B&H. Magazinovic thanked S&D MEPs for adoption of the Resolution, stressing that “today, more than ever it is necessary for socialists and social-democrats to insist on equality, justice and solidarity, values on which progressive societies are based on and which is what B&H society needs to become”. He also expressed disappointment with voting of certain colleagues from Croatia. “In the period ahead of us, B&H will face serious challenges through the process of changes of the Constitution and of the Election Law. With adoption of the Resolution on B&H, but also rejecting of the amendments which aimed to set foundations for division of B&H on ethnical grounds, you have helped a lot. I am sorry that several representatives from Croatia, who belong to our group, participated in the attempt to impose non-European values, but I am glad that majority recognized this and used their votes to convey a clear message what is their stances about this,” said Magazinovic. Magazinovic expects that attacks on multi-ethnic B&H will continue, as well as the attempts to prove that B&H, as a state of all its citizens, who are equal in their rights and freedoms, is not possible. In this regard, Magazinovic warns that this is not only an attack on B&H, but also an open attack on Europe and values it is based on.

Komsic’s Advisor Kovacevic criticizes stance of SDP Croatia regarding EP Resolution on B&H (Oslobodjenje


Slaven Kovacevic, Advisor for Foreign Policy in the Cabinet of Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, commented the claims of SDP Croatia concerning the stance of this party about the Resolution on B&H, which was recently adopted in European Parliament, stressing that factually observed SDP is running the policy of HDZ. “Gentlemen from SDP are not even aware of HDZ-like messages they conveyed on the occasion of the newest Resolution of the European Parliament on B&H,” said Kovacevic. He stressed that SDP’s calling upon the judgement of Constitutional Court of BIH in Ljubic case and pushing into the back the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights, which calls for rejection of the concept of the so-called constituent status, is completely missing the point. He further stressed that the judgement of B&H CC in Ljubic case from 2016 has been implemented through authority formation in B&H. Kovacevic underlined that the only place where this judgement is not implemented, is the mind of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and HDZ B&H which have been lying the public about its content for five years, giving it importance it never had.

Groselj: Covic, Ljubic, Plenkovic…people of ideas of bad past, this is not modern EU (Dnevni list


Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Slovenia Klemen Groselj said that the Resolution of the European Parliament is a message to B&H citizens that the place of their country is in the EU and it is also a message to B&H politicians that the time of policy of past and divisions has expired. “It is time for policy based on values and principles on which the EU too is based,” Groselj said and added that it is also a message to the EU institutions that it is high time B&H overcame the status quo which has been preventing any change and progress as well as to authors of various non-papers that the EP no longer has any understanding for policies of divisions because the EU’s basic idea is integration and not disintegration and divisions. Groselj noted that the Resolution reflects the stance of the majority of MEPs. He also argued that the American administration changed its policy on the Balkans while changes are underway in the EU as well, and the Resolution only reflects this political trend that will be present in the upcoming years. Finally, Groselj assessed that it is perhaps time for some others to reevaluate their own political stances and explained that representatives of Croatia such as (Croatian Prime Minister) Andrej Plenkovic, (Croatian President) Zoran Milanovic, (Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia) Gordan Grlic Radman, but also representatives of Croats in B&H Dragan Covic and Bozo Ljubic are people who are trying to push ideas which brought many bad things in the Balkans and Europe in past. “The response to that are ideas, values and principles on which modern EU was built. If we say that the future of the region and B&H is in the EU, then it is logical that this future should be built on values on which the EU too is based,” Groselj added and concluded that he has no illusions that the path of B&H to the EU will be an easy one, but the time has finally come for that 25 years after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Dodik: German Bundestag is not place where High Representatives are appointed (ATV)


During his recent address in German Bundestag, newly appointed High Representative Christian Schmidt said that as High Representative he will have executive authorizations of the Office of High Representative (OHR) at disposal. Schmidt added that B&H still needs the OHR. Asked to comment abovementioned statement, Chair of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that it seems Schmidt is not well informed about authorizations and mandate of High Representative, as they have been defined by the DPA. He went on to saying that German Parliament is not a place where High Representatives are appointed, but it is the UN Security Council. Dodik added that as serious country as Germany knows that. Commenting Schmidt’s reference to the executive powers of OHR, Dodik said that it shows Schmidt’s ignorance of the mandate and powers of the institution of the High Representative, as provided by the Dayton Peace Agreement. “The time of international interventionism in the way that part of the international community treated B&H is a thing of the past. The time for those who draw their mandates in the elections to discuss the future of B&H has come a while ago,” Dodik stressed. Dodik warns that an unelected foreigner, who would eventually come, even without the decision of the UN SC, would suspend the few democratic steps that have been made in the 26 years of the protectorate. “What kind of message are they sending us 26 years after the end of the civil war, if the only form of assistance to B&H is a governor, imposed against all procedures and rules – they should ask themselves that. Especially those who enthusiastically welcome the protector, who should fulfill their war wishes and goals,” Dodik concluded. Dodik says that if the European Union expects B&H to be a legal and orderly state, it should no longer intervene in B&H in an illegal way.

Cvijanovic: High Representative should have a balance position and not threaten or cause harm (RTRS


The RS officials reacted to Christian Schmidt's address in the German Bundestag, in which he said that he would take office as High Representative in B&H on 1 August and that he had the executive powers of the OHR, which he said was still needed in B&H. Commenting Schmidt’s address, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the attitude of the High Representatives has always been harmful. She noted that their job is to help, not to hinder the processes in B&H and threaten. Cvijanovic also said that she does not like it when High Representatives in B&H threaten, and noted that their position should be balanced, and not harmful, which is currently not the case. According to Cvijanovic, ideally there would be no High Representatives at all, or their mandate should be reduced, while local institutions and parties should make an effort to move towards Europe.


Roundtable on work of High Representatives held in Banja Luka (ATV


Roundtable on HR in B&H, organized by the Research Center, was held on Saturday in Banja Luka. ATV reports that the key conclusion of the Roundtable is that the continuation of the High Representative’s work in B&H is unacceptable for the RS. Newly appointed High Representative Christian Schmidt addressed the German Bundestag regarding his appointment to this post recently. In his address, Schmidt said that he has executive powers of the new post available. He added that he wishes to give a deciding contribution to the region and to stop the occurrence of regional instability. Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija said that he does not know whether new High Representative Schmidt will be coming, but if he does and when he does, Tegeltija will comment on his statement. He added that he has a stance about the institution of the OHR, but not about the individual. Tegeltija added that his stance is that the OHR should be closed a long time ago. The Main Board of SDA convened recently and welcomed the appointment of Schmidt, and they expect the current High Representative to use his competences by the end of his mandate as well. Experts from the RS believe that it is necessary to create a strategy of the approach towards the High Representative which will be the reflection of the internal policy marked by national unity.

UN SC will discuss resignation of High Representative Inzko on Tuesday (Glas Srpske


The daily learns that the UN Security Council (UNSC) is going to discuss the resignation of High Representative Valentin Inzko at its next session scheduled for Tuesday. According to the daily’s diplomatic sources, Inzko sent a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on 3 June which the daily claims to have seen, informing him about his resignation and about the fact that the Peace Implementation Council selected Christian Schmidt as his successor.  The Ambassador of Estonia which is currently presiding over UN SC intended to ignore the letter and leave the discussion on Inzko’s resignation off the UN SC agenda, but Russian delegation learned about the letter to Guterres and insisted that it must be included in the agenda of the next UN SC session. The daily reminds that Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov repeatedly insisted that there is no need for OHR to remain active in B&H, and that therefore there is no need to appoint new High Representative. By appointing Christian Schmidt without UN SC approval, PIC member states wanted to ignore stances of Russia and the R), claims the daily. At the same time, B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic is currently in New York, and she is trying to get the permission to address the UN ambassadors with the intention to tell them that B&H supports the appointment of new High Representative. The daily notes that this is not in line with the official stance of B&H and reminds that there is no consensus in B&H Presidency on this matter. Office of B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik told the daily that Turkovic is not authorized to represent any stances without the approval of B&H Presidency. “The stance of Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik on this matter is very clear, and it is in line with the conclusions of the RS National Assembly. This means that the appointment of High Representative must be conducted in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement, which means that only signatories of the Dayton Agreement have the right of appointment, while the UN SC confirms the appointment,” Dodik’s Office stated.

Joint tactical live-fire exercise of Serbian Army 'Lightning Strike 2021' held at Pester temporary military training ground; Dodik says Serbia's strength is visible at every step (ATV


The joint tactical live-fire exercise of the Serbian Army 'Lightning Strike 2021' was held at the Pester temporary military training ground near Sjenica on Sunday. More than 2,300 members of the Serbian Army took part in the exercise 'Lightning Strike 2021'. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, but also a large number of foreign military attachés attended the exercise at the Pester military training ground. ATV stressed that with the joint tactical live-fire exercise 'Lightning Strike 2021', Serbia demonstrated how it would respond to an attack of any enemy. Following the exercise, Vucic said that Serbia has never had such military strength, promising new investments in the Serbian Army in the coming months. Vucic said that Serbia has to work more on the procurement of drones. "We have procured, and we have a number of those. We ordered new ones and we will order more, but strength of our Army will be drastically changed and greatly increased in the coming nine months, and I believe that this shows the strength of the state" Vucic underlined. “We will continue to invest in our army. We are not interested in threatening anyone, we are not interested in conflicts and wars, but we are interested in the fact that we can always be able to defend our country and people,” said Vucic. Dodik stressed that Serbia's strength is visible at every step which, according to him, the RS is happy about. "This is the proof that Serbia is getting stronger, that Serbia has achieved a dream that was perhaps unrealistic some ten years ago. We see that strength which Serbia has in the economy must be accompanied by strength related to the army, that Serbia can defend itself from anyone," Dodik emphasized. “We are happy about Serbia’s strength. Serbia’s strength is something we need. We enjoy that and we are also aware that a strong Serbia provokes those who would belittle it, humiliate and underestimate it, but efforts that are exerted here are visible. They are discouraging for all those that believe Serbia is an ‘easy catch’,” Dodik emphasized.


SDP of Croatia rejects criticism coming from SDP B&H (Vecernji list


Political Secretary of SDP of Croatia Mirela Ahmetovic rejected claims made by SDP B&H, according to which SDP Croatia implements right-wing policy towards B&H. SDP Croatia stated that observing constitutions of Croatia and B&H and the Dayton agreement, which brought peace in B&H, is not right-wing policy but policy based on the Constitution and laws. The daily reminds that earlier SDP B&H labeled as shameful the decision of SDP members of the European Parliament (EP) to vote against the EP’s Resolution on B&H because it did not include amendments about status of constituent peoples. Ahmetovic argued, among other issues, that SDP of Croatia stands for civic state, however at the same time the civic state means everyone has the right to elect their own representatives, who will not be elected by more numerical people. According to Ahmetovic, it is stipulated in the Constitution of B&H, as well as in the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H from 2016.


Relations of Croats and Bosniaks are in cul-de-sac, Serbs observe them from cool shade of their autonomy (Vecernji list

The author comments that while the war ended more than a quarter of century ago, B&H is still facing many difficulties. Security situation is stable, and economy and infrastructure significantly recovered. However, the three constituent peoples are still trying to achieve their pre-Dayton Peace Agreement goals, which makes B&H unstable and dysfunctional. The peace agreement can be interpreted in different way, and each people sees it differently. Bosniaks see the Dayton Peace Agreement as only one step towards renewed integration of the formerly unitary Republic of B&H. Serbs see it as the guarantee of their high autonomy. Croats see it as the guarantee of their equality. The author quotes ‘Our Party’ representative in B&H Parliament Damir Arnaut who said that the Dayton Agreement will survive as the basis for stability, while the internal organization of B&H will probably evolve. However, comments the author, there are many different views on what this evolution should look like. Most Sarajevo-based political parties see the future B&H as a civic state ruled by majority, which means Bosniaks, and which is why Croat and Serb political representatives vehemently reject this idea. According to HDZ B&H’s Bozo Ljubic, the civic state concept tis just a mask for centralized, unitary state controlled by Bosniaks. He also underlined that abandoning the principle of legitimate representation is unacceptable for Croats, and current Election Law allows other constituent peoples to elect representatives of Croats or push legitimate Croat representatives out of Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples. In an effort to prevent this, HDZ B&H blocked the formation of new FB&H government. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic called this “terror of minority over majority”. The issue of electoral reform has this become the main issue of dispute between Croats and Bosniaks. Izetbegovic sees a possible solution in reduction of competencies of the House of Peoples and implementation of the Sejdic-Finci ruling, and in exchange he offers to accept the concept of legitimate representation in B&H Presidency and House of Peoples. The so-called civic parties from Sarajevo advocate similar solutions, but they criticize SDA for cooperating with HDZ B&H and SNSD. Arnaut believes that the concepts of civic and ethnic rights can be reconciled by guaranteeing everybody’s individual rights in the entire territory of B&H. The author notes that while Bosniaks and Croats fight their political battle, Serbs are mostly just watching from the sidelines, since the status of the RS is unquestionable.  Serb politicians led by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik are doing everything to strengthen the RS autonomy and prove that B&H is not sustainable. They use the Croat-Bosniak dispute to demonstrate that Serbs can also expect their constituent status to be attacked, and to claim that only strong RS can protect them. They also rely heavily on support of Serbia and Russia. Croats on the other hand rely on support of Croatia. Speaking about foreign influence in B&H, Ljubic stated that there is a lot of cynicism, as well as uninformed international officials who do have good intentions, but who falsely believe that all problems can be solved by humanitarian and technical assistance. Arnaut believes that Croatia is directly helping Russia and other Eastern countries increase their influence in B&H, and he claims that SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA want to keep away from NATO and EU as long as possible because they feel more comfortable in an alliance with Russia, China and Turkey. Regardless of different political stances, argues the author, it is clear that B&H still needs international support, which is why there are so many expectations from new High Representative Christian Schmidt who enjoys strong support of Germany, as well as USA and EU. Bosniaks expect him to stop secession rhetoric of Dodik, and Croats expect him to help them protect their electoral rights. Serbs oppose this appointment altogether. The author concludes that the future of B&H remains uncertain, since it is clear that it is incapable of fulfilling even the basic conditions for EU integration. While B&H might be able for meet the requirements for NATO membership soon, Serb political parties will never accept it.


Krivokapic: My agenda is not against anyone, but to get better country for all of us (CdM

On the occasion of 200 days of work of the government, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic notes that there won’t be selective justice or people with privileges, that the government is fully committed to the EU membership and that his agenda is not against anyone, but for the better country for all people in every corner of Montenegro. PM remembers that when he took over – on 4 December 2020 – we were in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic with over 10.000 active cases, while our economy recorded a 15.2% drop. “After only 200 days, thanks to our good governance, we managed to put the epidemic under control” he says. In only three months, Montenegro’s public debt has decreased from 103% to 88% of GDP, a result for which many countries need years. He continued: “We are making an effort to recover the economy, we’re opening borders, are ready for the upcoming tourism season, and only three months since its establishment, the new national airline Air Montenegro has been fully operational.” The Prime Minister touches on the disputed religious freedom law and the adopted amendments to it, noting that a new era has started in which religious rights and freedoms are completely protected, while churches and religious communities are free to perform their affairs without interference of executive power bodies.


Radovic to Krivokapic: We’ll overthrow the govt with your help (CdM

Chief of the President of Montenegro’s Cabinet Miodrag Radovic in response to the statement of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet, points out that it’s really frivolous when those who were “quite by accident” active participants in selected Chetnik-fascist gatherings in the 1990s now accuse you of war-mongering rhetoric. Radovic told PM Krivokapic that they would overthrow the government with him because he’s the one who helps them the most. And how are they going to do it? Easy, Radovic says. Most likely at the extraordinary parliamentary election, as the PM doesn’t have support of his coalition partners. According to Radovic, PM Krivokapic should not exclude the possibility of being ousted by those same people who had elected him, as it’s a realistic option. Radovic also denied the Prime Minister’s allegations, noting that President Djukanovic hadn’t reacted to his indecent statements at all.

PM’s office answers Radovic: You’ll have to take responsibility for inciting extremism (CdM

The Prime Minister’s office reacted to the statement of the Head of the President of Montenegro’s office, Miodrag Radovic, noting that if Milo Djukanovic continues with his warmongering rhetoric, he will then have to take responsibility for all the consequences. PM Krivokapic’s office says they’re worried about the announced coup, that is, the unconstitutional actions of the leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, adding that their actions represent the greatest danger for the democratic development, stability and peace nowadays.

Konjevic: Govt not capable of running country, Krivokapic acts like elephant in glass shop (Pobjeda

 “The government is not capable of leading the country forward. With its work, it has not deserved the support of the public, but also of the majority from the government and the opposition,” says SDP MP Rasko Konjevic in an interview for Pobjeda. “We have a completely absurd situation that the current government has been supported by only 14 out of 81 MPs and that this fact obviously means nothing to the Prime Minister. Any responsible Prime Minister would use his authority under the Constitution and raise the issue of confidence to his government. The government has no legitimacy, it is clear to everyone, and even less the capacity and strength to lead the country, implement reforms and solve numerous problems in all spheres of society. When members of the government are dismissed by a majority of the opposition and four members of the government, when only 14 out of 41 MPs of the majority support the government, then the only logical question is: in whose name is Krivokapic the Prime Minister? You hardly have this situation anywhere in parliamentary democracies. All this is just clear evidence of the debacle of this government and the model of political changes that took place on 30 August,” Konjevic explains.

Knezevic: Becic is hiding behind Krivokapic in an endeavor to prevent DF from entering govt (CdM

One of the leaders of the Democratic Front, DF, Milan Knezevic expects that representatives of the ruling bloc will meet again in the next 10 days and see what has been done related to the realization of their political views. DF MPs left the parliament, urging substantial changes in order to come back. Now it’s up to the Democrats and the Civic Movement URA to make a decision. In an interview for the Serbian tabloid Kurir, Knezevic says that Aleksa Becic is trying to prevent members of the DF to take part in the government, hiding behind Krivokapic, even though he’s well aware that he doesn’t possess legitimacy for performing affairs of a parliament speaker. Asked whether he believed that they were going to find the solution, Knezevic noted: “It’s our obligation and responsibility towards citizens to find an appropriate and satisfying model for getting out of the crisis. The DF proposed the new government with support of the existing ruling majority and to invite ethnic minority parties to be part of the new coalition.”

Commenting on the Democrats’ and URA’s position regarding this, he said: “URA is ready to reconsider all models that would get us out of the crisis and didn’t say anything explicitly. They didn’t reiterate that they support the government of Krivokapic. The Democrats reiterated that government reconstruction should happen with consent of PM Krivokapic.” On the deadline for overcoming the crisis, he said: “There are clear constitutional limitations regarding the duration of the status quo, and I believe we can reach an agreement during that period – the next three months. If not, the parliament will dissolve, and a new parliamentary election will be organized.”

Djukanovic: I gave 30 years of my life for what we have today and I don’t regret it (CdM

President of Montenegro and the Leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Milo Djukanovic, stated earlier today that he had given 30 years of his life for “what we have today, and I don’t regret it, because I’m sure we’re living better now, and my descendants will live better than I used to”. Commenting on the current situation in the country, he claims that Montenegro is not in a hopeless situation – it will come out of it richer in experience, just like the DPS will. “The change of power has showed a new level of Montenegro’s democratic maturity, a new capacity for democracy, but at the same time, it posed new challenges for Montenegro thus additionally emphasizing the importance of full commitment to the young people” Djukanovic told at the VIII Congress of the DPS’ Youth Council in the main city, Podgorica. According to him, there’s no quality life without the previous acquisition of European system of values, adding that it was the vision his generation used to have while taking on roles in politics. Djukanovic is adamant – it’s up to young people to take responsibility for what the older generations left them in a legacy.

Belgrade wishes to sideline Gojko Perovic (Pobjeda

The official Belgrade wishes to sideline Gojko Perovic from the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral and is trying to do it through the Serbian Orthodox Church, SPC, reports Pobjeda daily. According to Pobjeda, Perovic annoyed Belgrade during last year’s religious processions organized by the SPC, when he told that the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, should not come to Montenegro, because he’d declared himself as a Montenegrin, and also due to his statements in a TV show ‘Ziva Istina’ that the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral had been “independent for centuries if not autocephalous”. In addition, there’s a portal called Vidovdan, which has been running an intensive campaign against Perovic aiming to sideline him. In the last article, the portal even called him “renegade”. The Vidovdan portal also claimed that both Perovic and Joanikije were supposed to visit Patriarch Porfirije, but failed to report whether that ever happened. The portal also says that after PM Krivokapic refused to sign the fundamental agreement with the SPC on 27 May in Belgrade, “a serious discussion with Joanikije was held, who committed to cleaning the SPC of autonomous staff”. Rector of the Cetinje school of theology Gojko Perovic admitted that a campaign had been run against him.


SDSM: No reason to postpone the census due to local elections (Republika

There is no need to postpone either the census or the local elections, these are two processes that run in parallel, says Stefan Vasev from SDSM, answering a reporter’s question whether it is possible to abuse the census for elections by any party. According to him, the census is a statistical operation that must not be politicized. There is an agreement between the two leaders on the date of holding the local elections and the period when the statistical operation will be held i.e. conducting a census and I think it is correct by the politicians, and here I especially refer to (VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan) Mickoski because most often they politicize certain aspects of the census, not to use the census for political purposes. It is a statistical operation, Vasev said.


Grenell interviews Rama (Radio Tirana/Newsmax

The former special envoy of former US president Donald Trump's cabinet for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Ambassador Richard Grenell had an interview with Prime Minister Edi Rama in the American media Newsmax. Rama was asked by Grenell about the failure of EU to set a date for the First Intergovernmental Conference assessed by him as a very important issue for the Balkans. Rama stated that on the one hand, EU says they are ready to start formal talks, convening the first Intergovernmental Conference, on the other hand, the EU Council is not able to make a decision. This has to do with some issues related to North Macedonia and Bulgaria, but, again, for us it is quite disappointing and at the same time shows a lot, to be honest, as the bad thing about this is that we are getting used to the fact that the EU is repeatedly failing to keep its promises. Asked about the mini-Schengen status after discussions Rama said: "You gave a really important contribution, showing by example and not in words that it is possible that although in the meantime there is a big and unresolved issue of Kosovo's recognition by Serbia and vice versa, it is possible to improve people's lives, it is possible to work together on what, of course, governments and countries cannot disagree on, namely improving trade, improving economic cooperation, improving freedom of movement, capital, services and so on. Of course, this is also what I have been promoting for years, and thanks to the example I gave you, it became even more tangible. I have to remember here, what you did to establish freedom of movement through flights, which was unimaginable," Rama said.