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Belgrade Media Report 1 July


Vucic on embassy move to Jerusalem: Israel has meanwhile recognized Kosovo (Tanjug

Responding to a reporter’s question about a move of the Serbian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem under the Washington Agreement, signed in September last year, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday Israel had meanwhile recognized Kosovo and that Serbia would act in line with its own interests, which he noted had been changed since the moment of Israel’s recognition of Kosovo. A deadline for moving the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv expires on Thursday. “We had agreements, and I also had a conversation with the Israeli PM and I told him clearly that I have not signed a joint document with Albanians and Americans, but only with Americans, which also had to do with Israel’s attitude towards us,” Vucic said. Israel has meanwhile recognized Kosovo and we are also talking about the issue with Americans, Vucic said. “In the future we will be making decisions in line with international public law and Serbia’s interests – and those interests have been changed since the moment Israel recognized Kosovo – while respecting the friendship with Israel, but also respecting ourselves,” Vucic said.

Vucic talked to Merkel; Relations between Serbia and Germany on the rise (B92/Tanjug


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic conducted a phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on the eve of the Summit of the Berlin Process on 5 July. Vucic thanked Chancellor Merkel for initiating the Berlin Process and thus contributing to creating a different atmosphere in the Western Balkans and opening new opportunities for cooperation, which makes the region more peaceful and stable. He reiterated his strong support for the initiative, because, as he said, the policy of cooperation in the region is at the top of Serbia's foreign policy priorities. He pointed out that our country is a constructive partner of the Berlin Process and, as such, wants to contribute to the success of the upcoming Summit, as well as to improve the everyday life of everyone in the region. In this regard, he expressed satisfaction with the abolition of roaming in the Western Balkans, which will take effect Thursday, as an important relief for citizens and economies. He also expressed hope that the Nis-Pristina highway project would be realized, which would contribute to the creation of conditions for, above all, economic cooperation between Serbs and Albanians. Vucic informed Merkel of agreements within a joint initiative for cooperation among Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, known as the Mini Schengen initiative, adding that it was akin to the Berlin Process and the concept of a common regional market, as well as open to other potential participants from the region that recognized the significance of the freedom of movement of people, goods and services. Vucic also talked with Merkel about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. He emphasized that he is always ready to respond to the invitation to the meeting in Brussels, because he believes that only through dialogue can a compromise solution be found for open issues. Vucic expressed hope that the situation will allow Merkel to visit Serbia once again, before the end of her long and successful chancellor's mandate, which has very good relations with Germany, especially economic cooperation. In this regard, he informed the Chancellor about the economic results achieved by our country, as well as the fact that the number of our workers in German companies in Serbia exceeded 70.000. “Very good conversation with the chancellor. Bilateral relations between Serbia and Germany are on the rise, and Serbia expresses gratitude to Angela Merkel for her contribution to peace and full stability in the Western Balkans region,” the President wrote on his Instagram profile.

Stanisic, Simatovic each sentenced to 12 years in prison (Tanjug/Reuters/RTS/RTV

The Hague-based International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals on Wednesday handed 12-year prison sentences to former Serbian state security chiefs Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic on war crimes charges, Reuters reported. Quoting a summary of the judgment, provided by the court, the agency said the two had been convicted for their role in financing and equipping Serb militias during the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. They were found guilty following a retrial ordered by appeals judges in 2015 after the two were acquitted of all charges in an initial trial for war crimes in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1991 and 1995. Stanisic and Simatovic, who had been on provisional release in Serbia but were returned to The Hague detention unit on 24 June, were in court for the delivery of the judgment. On four counts, they were accused of crimes against humanity – persecution, murder, deportation and inhumane acts – and on one count, of violating the laws or customs of war – murder. In its final argument, the prosecution sought life imprisonment for both Stanisic and Simatovic, while the defense requested that they be acquitted again. Stanisic was formerly head of the Serbian state security service and Simatovic was his deputy at the time.

Vulin: Verdict an attempt to try the Serbian state and the Serbian people (TV Pink/RTV

Today’s verdict against the former leaders of the State Security Service, Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic, is an attempt to try the Serbian state and the Serbian people, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin assessed on Thursday night. He told TV Pink that The Hague Tribunal was not created to judge fairly, nor to reconcile the peoples of the Balkans. “On the contrary. It quarreled even more with the Balkan peoples, and it was made primarily to try Serbs and Serbia,” Vulin said. He stated that in the case of Croatian generals Mladen Markac and Ante Gotovina, the then Hague Tribunal changed its rules and said that if there is no direct execution, then there is no crime. “Several years later, they changed their rules and said that such a possibility existed in order to convict Stanisic and Simatovic,” Vulin pointed out. He also pointed out that the Guardian published an article in its yesterday’s edition in which it is precisely written how it will be judged today and with what goal, i.e. to explicitly prove Serbia’s alleged role in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Vulin also assessed that it is by no means a coincidence that the Montenegrin parliament recently passed a resolution related to Srebrenica, because it was known that it would hit Serbia the hardest.

Dacic: Date of arrival in Serbia of EP mediators (TV Happy/Beta

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Thursday that the date of the European Parliament's mediators arriving in Serbia for the country’s government opposition dialogue would soon be known. Dacic said in an interview with TV Happy that during a recent visit to Brussels he had discussed the dialogue directly with a Member of the European Parliament, Vladimir Bilcik, and that Tanja Fajon, Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein joined online. “They should be notified on 1 July if the coronavirus travel restrictions allow them to travel to Serbia, and if they are given the green light, we shall know more about their arrival on July 1 or 2 July,” Dacic said, adding that he used the meeting to express his full commitment and good political will, supporting their arrival in Serbia. “The parties that want to take part in the dialogue will do so,” Dacic said, adding that he had informed the EU parliamentarians of an interparty dialogue carried out with the parties that did not want the EP to facilitate it.

Trajkovic: German expert opinion arrives on circumstances surrounding Ivanovic’s murder (Danas/Beta)  

The president of the European Movement of the Serbs in Kosovo Rada Trajkovic said that she had learned some ten days ago that an expert opinion has arrived from Germany to help establish the circumstances surrounding the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. Trajkovic said in an interview with Danas, published after a delay of seven days, on Thursday, that knowledge shedding light on the Ivanovic murder had come from international circles. Reacting to a report, which was published a week later, that Oliver Ivanovic's common-law partner, Milena Popovic, a Serbian Progressive Party MP, had left a session at which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was addressing the Serbian parliamentarians, because Milan Radojicic, a suspect in the Ivanovic murder case, was present, Trajkovic said that she was in shock, but that she somehow expected it. Ivanovic was gunned down on 16 January 2018, outside the offices of his Freedom, Democracy, Justice party in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica.



Ambassador Nebenzya contest Turkovic’s authorization to address UN SC; Minister Turkovic states no authorization from B&H Presidency is necessary for Foreign Minister to address UN SC; Schmidt’s appointment supported by UN SC members (FTV


At the initiative of Russia, the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) discussed the appointment of new High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt at its session held on Wednesday. The reporter comments that the session will be remembered by the “diplomatic duel” between Russia and B&H. FTV reports that B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic said that fulfilling the ‘5+2 Agenda’ is the requirement for the Office of High Representative (OHR) in B&H to be closed down, the progress in some areas has been made, but a lot work is yet to be done, particularly in regards to strengthening the institutions at the state level and their competences in accordance with the B&H Constitution. The reporter comments this was disputable only for Russia, only because Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik finds Turkovic disputable. On the occasion, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said: “Distinguished Minister, please do not take this personally, but this requires clarification. The question is as follows, does the statement you made today reflect all the entities, is your position in accordance with the position of the Presidency”. Replying to this, Turkovic asked Nebenzya if he had authorization from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to pose that question, if not “it is your personal statement, and I would not respond to your personal question”. Nebenzya responded that he is fully authorized to speak on behalf of the Russian Federation. “We have a signed letter from the Chairman of the B&H Presidency that reads you are not authorized to speak on behalf of the country,” said Nebenzya. Turkovic explained that a B&H Foreign Minister does not require authorization from any of the B&H Presidency members to speak, but “if someone wants to set the limitations, then those limitations need to be agreed among three members of the Presidency”. The reporter comments that with this approach, Russia presented itself as the protector of Republika Srpska (RS) policy, at least in theory, and whether it was intentional or not, Russia did not use the right to veto in regards to Schmidt’s appointment. Nebenzya said: “As is well known, the procedure for appointing the HR is clear. He is appointed with the approval of the parties in B&H and the UN SC. None of it happened in the case of Christian Schmidt. We have a completely different view. He was the only candidate and the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) approved him without any discussion”. The reporter comments that the opinion of other UN SC members was unanimous, i.e. Schmidt’s appointment is a “done deal’’ and the opposition of Moscow is not based on the law. Deputy US Ambassador to the UN Richard Mills said: “On May 27, the PIC appointed Christian Schmidt new HR in B&H, with sole exception of Russia. The PIC does not have to make decisions unanimously. According to the conclusion from 1996, the UN SC does not have to approve the appointment of the Head of the OHR so that he takes the office. Christian Schmidt has the support of the PIC SB, with a dissenting opinion from Russia. Therefore, his appointment for the HR is a done deal”. Chinese Ambassador to UN Zhang Jun said that no one should meddle in the interior affairs of B&H.

Dodik: UN SC did not appoint new HR because there was no consensus for his appointment within this body (ATV


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the UN Security Council (UN SC) did not appoint Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative because there was no consensus for this decision. He reminded that according to the regulations of Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) the UN SC is the only institution competent to decide on the appointment of the new High Representative. Dodik said that after Tuesday’s session of the UN SC, one cannot say that Schmidt will be a legitimate High Representative. He stressed that it is clear that certain countries impose Schmidt as the High Representative against the regulations of DPA. Dodik assessed the situation as ridiculous and they will act in accordance with the decisions of the RS parliament. He reminded that they determined that the new High Representative will be accepted by the RS only if it is appointed by the UN SC. Dodik assessed the address of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic to the UN SC as degrading for the B&H Presidency because it was against the B&H Constitution. He said that Turkovic appeared as the ambassador of Bosniak policies which is represented by two members of the B&H Presidency.

Tegeltija, Merkel discuss EU enlargement and B&H’s European path (BHT1


Chairman of B&H Council of Minister Zoran Tegeltija spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday. The talks focused on the European Union’s enlargement and B&H’s commitment to the European path. Talking ahead of the Berlin process summit on July 5, Tegeltija thanked for Germany’s continuous support to B&H’s Euro-integration and welcomed the initiative behind this process. He expressed hope that this summit would reaffirm the region’s and the EU’s commitment to the process of enlargement and the accession of the Western Balkan countries. Tegeltija thanked Germany for their continued support and welcomed the initiative of Berlin Process. The officials concluded that they are content with bilateral relations and underlined possible improving of cooperation.

Komsic writes Rapporteur Rangel regarding Resolution on B&H; Rangel: Resolution on B&H is so balanced that no one can say more attention or more importance was given to one constituent peoples and not to the other two (FTV


Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic sent a letter to the Special Rapporteur of the European Parliament (EP) for B&H Paulo Rangel expressing satisfaction with the adopted Resolution on B&H and warning about the fact that individual policies in B&H rejected the Resolution’s content. FTV reports that Komsic outlined their importance of the section of the Resolution according to which ‘The Two Schools Under One School’ reflect ethnic segregation and discriminatory, inherent only in totalitarian systems that do not respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Komsic said that this Resolution precisely depicts the current situation in B&H. In an exclusive statement for Hayat, Rangel said that it is evident from this Resolution that the EU supports B&H. He said this is a positive thing and a reason for feeling happy, as the European Parliament shows full support to B&H. “But we are not supporting any constituent peoples against others”, Rangel emphasized. He said this should be stated in a very clear manner. Rangel underlined that the EU supports all three constituent peoples, but also all citizens of B&H that do not belong to those three constituent peoples. He said the Resolution does not represent a victory of one constituent peoples against the other two. “If you read the Resolution, its content, it is so balanced that it is impossible to say that more attention or more importance was given to this one (constituent peoples) or the other one. And this must be said”, Rangel emphasized. He adds that this is a very impartial statement that considered the vital interests of all people in B&H. He said this is the main message and that message is quite positive for B&H’s path towards the EU. He points that the European Parliament does not take any sides and will continue to respect all people in B&H.

IAWG’s session interrupted due to lack of quorum (BN TV


A session of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for amendments to the Election Law of B&H was interrupted on Wednesday due to the lack of quorum. This is the second IAWG session in a row that was interrupted. The session was not attended by several members of the ruling SNSD-HDZ B&H-SDA coalition. Opposition members and present members of the ruling coalition agreed that failure to attend this session was an irresponsible act. They also agree that on Monday, during the scheduled meeting of the IAWG members with US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer, there will be nothing positive to say about the IAWG’s work, which is why members of this working group expect to hear some criticism. IAWG member Branislav Borenovic (PDP) blames the ruling SNSD-HDZ B&H-SDA coalition for the lack of quorum and failure to hold the IAWG sessions. He adds that such behavior proves that the ruling coalition does not wish for amendments to the B&H Election Law to be adopted. “If they are brave enough they should come out and say – ‘We are not interested in changes to the Election Law, we want old election rules, we want frauds, we want thefts, we want manipulations, we want pillage, we want buying (of votes), and we want to legalize corruption” Borenovic stressed. He said the opposition will wait for the final decisions, but its representatives do not wish to be held responsible for the fact that an agreement was not reached in the matter of amending the Election Law. IAWG member Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) said she is sad that some IAWG members are not serious enough or responsible enough to attend these sessions and work on solving this issue. IAWG member Alma Colo (SDA) emphasized that she is committed to work in this group and she wants some progress to be made. She said all IAWG members must be aware of their responsibility, but that it seems some are not, or they simply do not want to carry that responsibility and do their jobs. “I condemn all those that were chosen to the IAWG and do not take part in its work,” Colo underlines. The next IAWG session is scheduled for Monday, and it will be held after the members meet with Palmer and the EU representatives. Colo points that they will not have anything positive to say to Palmer about the IAWG’s work and progress. She reminds that they were already warned, during a meeting with US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, that the IAWG should already have some results of its work to present. She said this was supposed to be done prior to Palmer’s visit. “There are absolutely no results whatsoever”, she emphasized. Colo expects B&H and its ruling authorities to be criticized for the lack of effort and willingness to seek solutions and compromises. At the beginning of Wednesday’s session, the IAWG members were addressed by the legal experts from the EU and the Venice Commission, which supported the work on amendments to the Election Law of B&H and said they are ready to provide assistance to B&H on that path.

Several US and European politicians to visit B&H this weekend to discuss electoral legislation with local politicians (Nezavisne novine


US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer will visit B&H on Saturday, where he is expected to meet with B&H Presidency members. At the same time, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic announced that a group of US and European politicians will visit B&H to discuss electoral reform with the local politicians to discuss changes to B&H Election Law. According to the daily, the foreign delegations will also meet with members of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for electoral reform. IAWG member Alma Colo stated that she expects a lot of criticism from Palmer. She confirmed that Palmer will meet with members of IAWG on Monday. She explained that IAWG members have already been warned at a meeting with US Ambassador Eric Nelson that some results of IAWG should be visible before Palmer’s visit, which is not the case. She criticized IAWG members who were appointed but refuse to participate in its work. Colo noted that USA provided legal experts to assist the IAWG and they expect results. IAWG member Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H stated that elected representatives of constituent peoples should be responsible and act through B&H Parliament. IAWG member Branislav Borenovic (PDP) stated that Palmer’s visit sends the message that it is of crucial importance to amend the electoral legislation and adopt fair election rules. “That is the key message coming to us from USA and EU, but I think that it is necessary to have fair elections, and in order to achieve that, we must change the electoral legislation,” said Borenovic.


Stanisic and Simatovic sentenced to 12 years in prison each for war crimes committed in Bosanski Samac (FTV

The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (MICT) sentenced on Wednesday former Head of the State Security Service (DB) of the Serbian Ministry of Interior (MoI) Jovica Stanisic and former Deputy Chief of the Second Administration of the DB Franko Simatovic to 12 years in prison each for war crimes committed against Bosniaks and Croats. FTV reports that according to the judgement, read by the President of the Trial Chamber Judge Burton Hall, the joint criminal enterprise (JPE) of the minimum period August 1991 – December 1995 in B&H was confirmed. However, the names of the JPE participants will be known when the entire judgement is released, i.e. in two to two and half months. FTV reports that Stanisic and Simatovic have been sentenced only for assisting committing of war crimes in Bosanski Samac and reminds of crimes committed in Bosanski Samac, including murder, rapes, deportation and persecution. The reporter comments it is interesting, taking into account that the same matrix happened in Bijeljina, Sanski Most, Zvornik and Godinjske Bare, that Stanisic and Simatovic’s criminal intent was not recognized, like it was not recognized that they were participants in the JCE, thus it remains unclear why they were not found guilty on those counts. The reporter stresses the importance that for the first time two DB officials from Serbia are linked to the crimes in at least one of the cities in B&H in regards to the crime against humanity and violation of laws and customs of war. FTV reports that Stanisic and Simatovic have been sentenced for providing practical assistance and results, murders, forcible relocation and other crimes in Bosanski Samac and the crimes in other places were confirmed, but it was not determined that Stanisic and Simatovic contributed to committing of these crimes. Judge read: “The Trial Chamber finds that they are criminally responsible for assisting and supporting committing of the crimes in Bosanski Samac. The Trial Chamber finds that the accused are not criminally responsible for planning, ordering or supporting any other criminal offence from the Indictment”. FTV reports that the JCE committed by a large number of Serb officials from Serbia, Krajina, Slavonija, Baranja, RS was confirmed, but the responsibility of the Stanisic and Simatovic was not confirmed. Judge said: “Stanisic was in constant communication with (former RS President Radovan) Karadzic, after the formation of the Republic of Bosnian Serbs. However, there is no reliable evidence to confirm the nature and the type of the potential concrete assistance the accused provided to Karadzic or other alleged participants in the JCE in regards to forming separate Serb police and military units in B&H. The Prosecution did not beyond reasonable doubt prove that that the accused participated in the JCE”. Judge also said that the Prosecution did not beyond reasonable doubt prove that the accused contributed to achieving the common criminal purpose by managing, organizing, forming, financing, training, logistic support and other forms of significant assistance or support to paramilitary units, including Serb Volunteer Guard or Scorpions. Judge said: “They pillaged, killed, raped, and provisionally detained in different detention facilities. In the following months, a large number of Bosnian Muslims left the municipality due to the campaign of terror and violence”.

Brammertz: Conviction of Stanisic and Simatovic is step forward in ensuring accountability for those most responsible (Nova BH


The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) has commented on the verdict in the Stanisic and Simatovic case. The OTP stated that it is satisfied that the Trial Chamber accepted that the prosecution presented evidence proving beyond reasonable doubt Jovica Stanisic’s and Franko Simatovic’s responsibility for some crimes. The OTP will carefully review the written judgment, when available, with respect to the charges that the Trial Chamber did not find proven beyond reasonable doubt and decide whether there are grounds to appeal. "The convictions of Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic today are steps forward in ensuring accountability for those most responsible for the atrocity crimes committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. As senior officials in the State Security Service of the Republic of Serbia, Stanisic and Simatovic contributed to the committing of crimes by paramilitary forces and other armed groups in furtherance of ethnic cleansing campaigns against non-Serbs," Chief MICT Prosecutor Serge Brammertz was quoted as saying. Brammertz reminded that “there remain thousands of war crimes suspects throughout the countries of the former Yugoslavia who remain to be prosecuted.” He expressed his office’s gratitude to the victims and witnesses who participated in this proceeding. Their willingness to come forward and give evidence against those who wronged them, he stressed, is a testament to their courage, and the importance of the justice process.

MICT Spokesperson Eggleston: Verdict to Stanisic, Simatovic proved existence of JCE (Dnevni avaz


Spokesperson for International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunal (MICT) Helena Eggleston told the daily that the verdict to Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic established existence of the joint criminal enterprise (JCE). “Existence of JCE was established, at least from August 1991, with a goal of permanent, violent removal of non-Serb citizens from major parts of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which certain number of political, military or police officials from Serbia, Republika Srpska and SAO Krajina in Croatia, have participated. Participation of Stanisic and Simatovic in this JCE was not proven beyond reasonable doubt”, said Eggleston.

Defense counsel Jordash says verdict in Stanisic and Simatovic case represents cynical attempt at justifying trial which has been going on for 18 years (Nova BH


Representatives of the defense teams of former officials of the Serbian State Security, Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic, stated that the first-instance verdict in the retrial of Stanisic and Simatovic is surprising. Representatives of the defense teams stressed that the verdict represents a cynical attempt at justifying the trial which has been going on for 18 years. Defense counsel Wayne Jordash said that he believes that the verdict in the Stanisic and Simatovic case is very surprising. "The prosecution gave everything it had on Stanisic during the last 18 years. In their opinion, he was a leader, immediately after (Slobodan) Milosevic, in a joint criminal enterprise (JCE) in Croatia and B&H with a common intent to commit crimes. And yet, the trial chamber revealed that this has not been proven. What the trial chamber did do is that they said we have to somehow justify the fact that we tried them twice and that is why they convicted them of crimes in one municipality", Jordash underlined. Jordash stressed that this looks to him as a cynical attempt at justifying the retrial. "Justification of something that cannot be justified, and that is the trial that has lasted for eighteen years and which by no standards could have been fair and humane," Jordash said. Jordash also said on Wednesday that the Defense will appeal against the sentence, and reminds that the appeal procedure is expected to last two to two and half year, and the final judgment will be pronounced at the end of 2024 or beginning of 2025.

Komsic says verdict in case against Stanisic and Simatovic is verdict against Greater Serbia projects; Dzaferovic: Sentence too mild, verdict is historic (Nova BH

Nova BH carried reactions of B&H politicians to the first-instance verdict in the retrial of former officials of the Serbian State Security, Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic. Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated that this verdict is actually a verdict against Greater Serbia projects, a verdict against the idea of Greater Serbia and a verdict against the idea of a Serbian world. Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic welcomed the decision of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) in the case against the former officials of the Serbian State Security. Dzaferovic noted that it is clear to him that the prison sentence imposed on Stanisic and Simatovic is too lenient, but both Komsic and Dzaferovic are insisting on the role of Serbia, i.e. official Belgrade, in crimes in B&H which was established by this verdict. Dzaferovic stated that he hopes that certain things will be corrected in the appeals process. “As for their individual responsibility, certainly the 12-year sentence is too low and unsatisfactory, as well as the fact that, apart from Bosanski Samac, they were not found guilty of all the crimes from the Indictment. Serbia will have to face its role in the aggression and committing and supporting crimes,” Dzaferovic was quoted as saying. Komsic stated: “It is extremely important judgement, that determines direct responsibility of two high ranking persons from Serbia for a series of committed crimes whose objective was to create ethnically cleaned B&H. Stanisic and Simatovic contributed to committing of crimes by paramilitary forces and other armed groups in carrying out the campaigns of ethnic cleansing against non-Serb people”.

Salkic: Current leaders in Serbia and the RS are not willing to accept the facts and the court verdicts (Hayat


Bosniak RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic said the rendered verdict against Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic is something in between what the victims in B&H hoped for and what they feared. He explains that they hoped for a lifetime imprisonment, as that would be the fairest thing for the victims and their families. Their worst fear was that Simatovic and Stanisic would be acquitted, which thankfully did not happen. He said the victims are not satisfied with the verdict but it is still better than the acquittal. Salkic said that point 24 of the verdict is of key importance as it clearly states that certain people from the political, military and police sphere in Serbia took part in the joint criminal enterprise. Stanisic and Simatovic were not connected to the joint criminal enterprise but Serbia was clearly flagged as an accessory in the JCE, Salkic underlined. “I believe this is a big thing for the truth, a big thing for the justice and this clearly marks Serbia as a country that took part in the international armed conflict in B&H and in Croatia, of course”, Salkic concluded. He said that now the image of what really happened in B&H during 1992-1995 war was made a lot clearer. Salkic said the verdict is important in a historical sense and also serves as a kind of satisfaction for the victims and their families. Asked if this verdict will affect the processes in the Western Balkans region, Salkic said we must wait and see, but noted that current Serbian leadership is advocating similar ideas that were present during the 1990s. He concluded that there are no leaders in Serbia and there are no leaders amongst the Bosnian Serbs in RS, that are willing to accept the facts, the court verdicts and the fact that Serbia is the only country in the world that was condemned for not preventing genocide and for not punishing the perpetrators. He expects leaders from Serbia and the RS to deny the part of Wednesday’s verdict which speaks of Serbia’s role in the JCE.

Reactions of other B&H politicians, political parties to judgments to Stanisic and Simatovic (Nova BH

Nova BH carried reactions of B&H politicians to the first-instance verdict in the retrial of former officials of the Serbian State Security, Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic. Representatives of Our Party (NS) have also reacted to the verdict in the case against Stanisic and Simatovic. NS representatives also have high expectations from the appeals process and they expect that facts that were known so far will be verified in court in a way. NS representatives also expect Stanisic and Simatovic to be convicted of taking part in a joint criminal enterprise (JCE), but also crimes that paramilitary formations committed in other parts in B&H, and not just only in Bosanski Samac. Not many reactions to the verdict have been recorded among the RS officials, except the one of RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic. Cubrilovic said that RS cannot be happy with the verdict, especially because of the fact that in the initial trial both defendants were acquitted of charges. He expressed discontent not only with the verdict but also with the work of The Hague court and its treatment of those who, as he said, helped the Serb people in the past. Federation of B&H (FB&H) Vice President Milan Dunovic stated that the verdict is important as it clearly established involvement of then Serbian leadership in war crimes in B&H. He stressed that current Serbian authorities, most notably President Aleksandar Vucic, have to distance themselves from such failed policies. SDA stated that this verdict proves that Milosevic’s regime was responsible for crimes in B&H. SBB B&H expressed content that MICT managed to prove participation of Serbian authorities in aggression on B&H. At the same time, SBB expressed discontent by the fact that JCE was not proven. NIP also underlined that this verdict verifies a role of Serbia in aggression on B&H.


Croatian state leadership says verdict in case against Stanisic and Simatovic in no way reflects true nature of policy pursued by those two and Serbian state leadership (HRT1

Reacting to the first-instance verdict in the retrial of former officials of the Serbian State Security, Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic, commander of the defense of Skabrnja Marko Miljanic said that the verdict is below all expectations "although it was acquittal before that, but I do not know on what grounds." "It is not possible for so many lost lives, for so much destruction, and it is known, it has been proven, that everything was done under their baton. The Hague Tribunal is not to be blamed, the Croatian judiciary is to be blamed and I have spoken about it many times, we do not know how to defend our interests," Miljanic underlined.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated that "we believe that Stanisic and Simatovic were among the key people for the implementation of Greater Serbia policy, for the aggression on Croatia, on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), that they took part in the most horrific crimes, such as Vukovar, Skabrnja, Srebrenica." "We believe that in the appeals process, the Residual Mechanism will take into account their role in those processes in an adequate way. We welcome this part, but I cannot say that we can be satisfied given their role in the 1990s that a just verdict was handed down with this," Plenkovic underlined. Croatian state leadership reacted to the fact that Stanisic and Simatovic were found guilty only of crimes in B&H, i.e. in Bosanski Samac, stressing that the verdict in no way reflects the true nature of policy pursued by Stanisic and Simatovic and the Serbian state leadership at the time because the ICTY, with verdicts to Milan Martic, Milan Babic, Krajina leaders and Knin leaders, earlier proved that there was a joint criminal enterprise (JCE). Therefore, the Croatian state leadership believes that Stanisic and Simatovic should have also been punished by life imprisonment. Independent MP in the Croatian Parliament Bojan Glavasevic said that the sentence against Stanisic and Simatovic is not high enough for all those who were persecuted and killed. He added that it is important that this verdict was issued as it was the verdict against a policy, but not against citizens and the people of Serbia. MP of the ‘Homeland Movement’ Stipo Mlinaric said that the sentence is shamefully low. He assessed the two officials as the main creators of the rebellion in Croatia, B&H and Kosovo. The Croatian Ministry of Justice expressed dissatisfaction with the verdict because the verdict issued only for crimes in Bosanski Samac does not reflect the roles of Stanisic and Simatovic in the wars in B&H in the 1990s. One part of the MPs in the Croatian parliament believes that the verdict should not be rejected as it is the first verdict since it connects the crimes committed in Croatia during the war with high officials of the former Serbian authorities. it was stressed that this verdict condemns the policy of former President of Serbia Slobodan Milosevic.


Protest over Jovanovic's arrest: Police intervened (Pobjeda

After blocking the Blaz Jovanovic bridge in Podgorica for half an hour, a group of citizens protesting the detention of Risto Jovanovic from Podgorica, when the Kosovo police arrested him on Vidovdan, 28 June, in Gazimestan, returned to the government building. The protest started at 8 pm in front of the government building. Those gathered said that they would wait for an hour for someone to address them, and that, if that did not happen, they would block the Blaz Jovanovic Bridge. At 9 pm, they went out on the bridge and blocked the traffic, but the police soon intervened and asked them to get off the street. In the announcement, which was circulating on social networks, the citizens were invited to come out tonight and provide support, as they stated, to the innocent convicted guy and his family. The gathered chanted "Oh Kosovo, Kosovo", "Freedom for Rista" and "Montenegro and Serbia are one family". Jovanovic will be detained for 30 days in North Mitrovica on charges of "inciting national and religious hatred and intolerance" and has the right to appeal the decision. Jovanovic's defense attorney, Jovana Filipovic, said that she expected that the Court of Appeals would accept the appeal and lift the detention measure, and that he would defend himself at large in the further course of the trial. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Embassy of Montenegro in Kosovo will continue intensive communication with the competent authorities of the receiving state on the occasion of making a decision on detention for 30 days for a Montenegrin citizen. One of the leaders of the Democratic Front (DF) Milan Knezevic, warned that his party will protest in front of the Kosovo Embassy in Podgorica, if the institutional reaction of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic is missing due to the detention of Jovanovic. Montenegrin Foreign Minister Djordje Radulovic will hold talks with Kosovo Foreign Minister Donik Gerval to avoid relocating this case from the field of consular law and protection of the rights of our citizens, where it belongs, to the world of politics and possible political abuses and manipulations. "In the light of different interpretations of the Montenegrin reality lately, it has happened that certain events are under public scrutiny and interpreted in accordance with different political agendas. Therefore, we call on all political actors not to politicize the case," the statement reads. The Ministry reminds that the arrests of foreign citizens, although they represent an unpleasant situation, are not a novelty in interstate relations. "As is happening in different countries of the world, they happened in our diplomatic and consular practice, when Montenegrin embassies acted according to the established protocol in the interest of our citizens, just as it was done in this case," the statement reads.

Ruling majority should clearly present manner and deadlines for reaching agreement (Dnevne novine

The Albanian list expects those who bear the political responsibility for the (failed) dialogue to have clear offers on the manner and deadlines for achieving the results of the agreement that should follow between the parliamentary majority and the opposition, MP Genci Nimanbegu has told Dnevne Novine. He has added that he will accept the invitation of parliament speaker Aleksa Becic to the meeting scheduled for 7 July. Nimanbegu has pointed out that the list he leads has contributed to the work of parliament so far, stating that it has clear expectations from the talks that should be harmonized by the opposition and the government.

The policy of Montenegro is more relevant than five years ago (RTCG


EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and Other Regional Issues in the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak said during a meeting with Montenegrin parliament speaker Aleksa Becic that the EU appreciates Montenegro's full harmonization of its foreign policy with the EU, which is according to him "much more relevant today than five years ago." Calling for Montenegro to deliver more results in the areas of media freedom, the fight against corruption and organized crime, and for judicial reforms to be in line with international standards, he encouraged Montenegro to persevere in all reforms that bring it closer to the Union. According to the statement of the parliament of Montenegro, he emphasized that the EU appreciates Becic's activities and his clear pro-European positions, and that he has proven to be a credible and responsible partner, which was recognized not only by the Union, but also by the citizens of Montenegro. "I encourage you to continue on this path in the future," Lajcak said at the official meeting, which was preceded by a tete-a-tete meeting, where they exchanged views on the vision of the enlargement process and expectations on the dynamics of fulfilling obligations from the European agenda. "We are aware that Montenegro has a great chance and possibility when it comes to the European path, and the new government will not deviate from the foreign policy course," Becic said. In relation to that, he referred to the challenges that the country is facing, especially in the context of building regional stability and good neighborly relations, by which Montenegro has always been recognized in the European framework.


Scandalous audio recording of Zacarias’ statement: North Macedonian language was once part of the Bulgarian (Republika/SDK news

The SDK news portal published an audio recording of the controversial and scandalous statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs Ana Paula Zacarias regarding the Macedonian language. In the audio recording Zacarias says that the “North Macedonian language” was once part of the Bulgarian language. The Portuguese ambassador to Macedonia tried to deny it, saying that “Portugal would never jeopardize finding a solution to Bulgaria-Macedonia dispute”. On the contrary, we are constantly trying to facilitate it, she said.

“Politicians who deal with politics are worse than politicians who are just trying to interpret historical epochs. I sincerely regret the deeply misleading statement of the Portuguese Minister who undermined all the efforts made by her counterpart Silva from the same government months ago,” said President Stevo Pendarovski, commenting on a statement of Zacarias. He expressed hope that Slovenia would continue along the same path for the common interests of Bulgaria and Macedonia to find a solution.

Government: Portuguese diplomat’s statement isn’t consistent with Portugal’s proposal for finding solution (MIA

The statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias, about the Macedonian language, if reported accurately, isn’t at all consistent with the Portuguese proposal on finding a solution either by essence or by methodology, the government told MIA. The government points out that such statements do not help in the process of building trust and mutual understanding. The context and the moment are extremely sensitive and that is why we call on the representatives of the countries involved in the process and who do not fully know the situation in Macedonia and Bulgaria, to refrain from any qualifications or explanations of processes related to our national issues, the government added. In the reaction, the government also indicates that the Macedonian language is one of the key identity features of the Macedonian people, an internationally recognized and codified language with its unique specifics, confirmed by the Prespa Agreement and inscribed on Macedonia’s ID card at the United Nations.

Dimitrov says Portuguese diplomat’s statement is “inappropriate and unfortunate” (Republika

The Portuguese proposal relies on the draft-negotiating framework proposed by the European Commission, the paragraph on the Macedonian language to remain as it is – Macedonian language alongside unilateral statement on Bulgaria’s position regarding the matter, Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov said on Wednesday. Regarding the statement of Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias, Dimitrov said that yesterday they had many contacts with Lisbon and with representatives of Portugal, ie the Portuguese presidency, and that they pointed out to, as he said, “this extreme inadequacy” and that they assured that the statement absolutely did not reflect Lisbon’s position, which remains in line with the Portuguese proposal and expressed regret in this regard. The issue of the Macedonian language is a key issue for us. We have a mandate to even think about negotiating. We will enter Europe only as Macedonians who speak Macedonian and we reserve the right to defend it with dignity no matter what statements we come across, today or in the future. For me personally, this was a rather unfortunate statement, said Dimitrov.


Why Ambassador Reeker didn’t meet President Meta in visit to Tirana (AND/VoA


Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Ambassador Philip T. Reeker paid an official visit to Tirana. During his stay in the Albanian capital, Ambassador Reeker met with, among others, Prime Minister Edi Rama and Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha. He also had a working lunch with Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and the Ministers of Defense and Justice. According to a statement from the US Embassy, ​​Mr. Reeker "in all his meetings, underlined President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken’s determination that the fight against corruption, including through designations, is a core national security interest for the United States". Last month, Secretary Blinken announced the decision to ban former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his family from entering the United States for major corruption. Mr. Berisha spoke of a decision "unfounded in facts and evidence". While the Democratic President Lulzim Basha has publicly expressed his regret and has called for "full transparency on every fact and document related to this decision." What stood out during Mr. Reeker's visit was the lack of a meeting with President Iir Meta. A spokesman for the US embassy told VOA that "for reasons of agenda building, a meeting with President Meta was not possible this time." Head of the Albanian state, especially in recent months, has been in a course of confrontation with the American Ambassador Yuri Kim, while he used harsh tones against the decision of the American Department towards Mr. Berisha, calling it a "leaflet" or an ugly act of filth and treachery that has to do only with anti-Albanian lobbying and nothing else”. According to the US Embassy, ​​Ambassador Reeker " congratulated Albania’s leaders on their success in hosting Exercise Defender Europe 21, which highlighted Albania’s strategic role in the region". He also "welcomed Albania’s role in the region and on the global stage as Albania takes a seat on the UN Security Council". The US Assistant Secretary of State " reiterated the United States’ strong support for reforms within the justice system and in fighting organized crime, highlighting how progress on these issues will promote democracy, defense, and business in Albania and continue Albania’s path towards EU accession”. To prove his support for Justice Reform, he also spoke with a group of magistrates who have gone through the vetting process. An embassy spokesman explained to VOA that “Assistant Secretary of State Reeker and Ambassador Kim met with judges and prosecutors, marking a new era of Albanian justice. "These magistrates were chosen because they represent those who have met the level of integrity and professionalism, either by meeting the new strict requirements to become servants of Albanian justice, or by going through the difficult but necessary vetting process." The spokesman further stressed that "trusted professionals, such as these women and men, are creating an independent but accountable justice system, and are working tirelessly to give fair and impartial justice to the Albanian people."


No Meta-Reeker meeting, presidency reveals gathering wasn’t requested (ADN


President of the Republic Ilir Meta's spokesperson Tedi Blushi has informed Wednesday that a meeting between the Albanian Head of State and the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Ambassador Philip T. Reeker was not demanded. This clarification came after the VOA reported that Ambassador Reeker paid an official visit to Tirana today, but he did not see President Meta despite meetings with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha, also Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and the Ministers of Defense and Justice. Furthermore, the VOA brought to attention that the “Head of the Albanian state, especially in recent months, has been in a course of confrontation with the American Ambassador Yuri Kim, while he used harsh tones against the decision of the American Department towards Mr. Berisha, calling it a ‘leaflet’ or an ugly act of filth and treachery that has to do only with anti-Albanian lobbying and nothing else”.

Meetings with Rama and Basha / US Embassy: Reeker underscores Biden and Blinken's determination that fighting corruption is crucial (Radio Tirana

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Ambassador Philip T. Reeker visited Tirana. During the visit he met with Prime Minister Rama, Democratic Party Chair Lulzim Basha, several fully-vetted members of Albania’s justice system, and other leaders. In all meetings, Acting Assistant Secretary Reeker emphasized the importance of US-Albanian relations over the past 30 years since Albania rejected communist dictatorship in favor of democracy. He underlined President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken’s determination that the fight against corruption, including through designations under 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2021, is a core national security interest for the United States. He congratulated Albania’s leaders on their success in hosting Exercise Defender Europe 21, which highlighted Albania’s strategic role in the region. He welcomed Albania’s role in the region and on the global stage as Albania takes a seat on the UN Security Council. The Acting Assistant Secretary reiterated the United States’ strong support for reforms within the justice system and in fighting organized crime, highlighting how progress on these issues will promote democracy, defense, and business in Albania and continue Albania’s path towards EU accession.

Soreca meeting with the head of JAC: To ensure the full independence of the Constitutional Court! (Radio Tirana

EU Ambassador to Tiran, Luigi Soreca held a meeting with the head of the Justice Appointments Council Ervin Pupe. In a Facebook post, Soreca writes that the meeting comes in the framework of meetings with heads of justice institutions. The EU Ambassador emphasizes the continuation of the appointments of the remaining judges of the Constitutional Court by the High Court, in order to ensure, according to him, its full independence. "It is a pleasure to meet again the Head of KED Mr. Ervin Pupe during my tour of meetings with presidents of # justice institutions. It is important to continue with the appointment by the High Court of the remaining judges of the Constitutional Court, in order to ensure its full independence," reads the post of the EU delegation in Tirana.