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Belgrade Media Report 7 July


Vucic: The only surprising thing is that Podgorica was more zealous than Pristina (B92/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that he was grateful to Matthew Palmer and the officials of the US Embassy for insisting on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Pristina. "I am not sure that someone will want to hear that in Pristina. They are not interested in that," said Vucic. Asked to comment on the fact that the resolution on Srebrenica is being discussed in the Kosovo Assembly today, he answered that he himself warned about that, after such a resolution was adopted in Montenegro, a flood of those resolutions and pressures would start that Serbs are the ones who committed genocide and blaming them for that. "The only thing that surprises me is that Podgorica was more zealous than Pristina," Vucic added. "Such resolutions will continue. We can avoid them in some parliaments thanks to friendly relations, and some will continue with political abuse of Serbs," Vucic said during a visit to the special hospital for cerebrovascular diseases St. Sava in Belgrade, where a new surgical room for neuro interventions was open. He said that there are many in Serbia who would like Belgrade to have done it prior to Podgorica, but "fortunately they are not in power yet." On the arrival of the former NATO Commander-in-Chief, during the bombing of FRY Wesley Clark in Pristina, the President of Serbia said briefly: "I have no comment on the arrival of Clark." "They have de facto power on the ground there and they are harassing Serbs on the ground, but if you tell me that they will make an army, strong, it is so weak in relation to Serbian army… They have human resources and nothing more. We are moving forward, any unstable situations would drive away investors and that is the most important thing for us, i.e. we would only lose in case of any instability", Vucic concluded.

Vucic: Century of CPC a century of biggest change in history of mankind (Tanjug/Politika/RTS

The century of the existence of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a century of the biggest change in the history of mankind, President of Serbia and Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday, addressing a virtual summit marking a hundred years since the establishment of the CPC. Today, the CPC is a guarantor of multilateralism in political and economic relations among sovereign states, Vucic noted. He said the summit, which brought together parties from around the world, was a testimony to the CPC’s awareness of and sense of responsibility for facing challenges together that had not been seen in the world in the past hundred years. Vucic expressed confidence the party, with Xi Jinping at the helm, would make a decisive contribution to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, as well as to peaceful, sustainable and equal development, also in the years to come. On behalf of the Serbian nation, the citizens of Serbia and the SNS, Vucic congratulated the CPC on accomplishing one of its major objectives – the creation of a moderately prosperous and developed society by 2021.

Drecun: Meeting in Brussels preparation for the one that should follow, there is no encouraging news coming from Pristina (RTS)  

The technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina resumes today. Old problems and topics are on the table - the formation of Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), the missing, energy. The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that these are political talks, but technical issues are being discussed, status will not be discussed. “This should be a preparatory meeting for the one that should follow, and that is the meeting of President Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti,” Drecun explained. As for the agenda, he points out that it does not depend only on Belgrade, which can nominate topics, and that it will be seen whether Pristina will accept them. “There is no encouraging news from Pristina that it is possible to make progress on dialogue,” Drecun pointed out. Kurti’s demands for recognition are completely unrealistic, Drecun emphasizes and estimates that it shows that he does not want to make progress. “They want a situation to be created so that the talks are interrupted and Belgrade is accused,” Drecun explains. Commenting on the announced adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica in the assembly Pristina, Drecun believes that it is a planned campaign for as many countries as possible to pass the same resolution, to harm Belgrade’s interests, expecting that they will treat the same their claims that genocide was committed against Albanians.

Almost 200 ethnically motivated incidents in two years 

Drecun stated that during the past two years, there were more than 190 ethnically motivated incidents directed against Serbs. In robberies, attacks on religious facilities, with threats, physical attacks, armed provocations, 40 Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were injured, and dozens of houses and religious facilities were damaged, as well as four schools, Drecun stated. “It is a systematic campaign of violence, while the provisional institutions are not reacting,” warns Drecun and points out that the case of the only Serb returnee in Djakovica shows that the Albanian community is unprepared to accept Serbs as fellow citizens.

Petkovic met with Lajcak (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met this morning with the EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak. “After yesterday’s meeting with the Kosovo delegation, this morning I had a useful discussion with Petar Petkovic, the Serbian chief negotiator. Later on, I will sit down with the two Parties to talk about current issues and the preparation for a next leaders’ meeting,” Lajcak wrote on Tweeter.

US supports implementation of Brussels agreements, including ZSO (Kosovo online/RTV/Tanjug)

The United States supports the full implementation of the Brussels agreement, including the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), the US Embassy in Belgrade said.

In that way, the Embassy answered the question of Kosovo online what is the position of the US regarding Pristina’s obligation to form the ZSO, considering that today marks 3,000 days since the signing of the Brussels agreement.

Serbian parliament delegation takes part in OSCE PA session (RTV/Tanjug

The Serbian parliament’s standing delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly took part in this year’s regular annual session, held in a hybrid format from 30 June to 6 July. The Head of the delegation Vesna Markovic took part in the physical session held in Vienna, Austria, while delegation members Zarko Obradovic, Dusica Stojkovic and Predrag Rajic took part in the on-line format, the parliamentary public relations department announced. Day one began with a meeting of the General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions. The opening remarks of Committee Chair Kyriakos Hadjiyianni were followed by a presentation of the report of OSCE PA Vice-President Kari Henriksen entitled “Reinforcing Multilateralism in Times of Global Crisis: A Parliamentary Call for Future Action”. The General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment met on Thursday, 1 July. The session chaired by Doris Barnett, focused on the report of Elona Gjebrea Hoxha from Albania entitled “Reinforcing Multilateralism in Times of Global Crisis: A Parliamentary Call for Future Action”. MP Zarko Obradovic took part in the Committee session. On day three, Vesna Markovic and delegation member Dusica Stojkovic took part in the session of the OSCE PA General Committee on Political Affairs and Security. The session opened with an introductory speech by Congressman Richard Hudson, Chairman of the Committee. After the introductory speech, Committee Special Rapporteur Laurynas Kasciunas presented his Report to the participants. The report also addressed reinforcing multilateralism in times of global crisis, as well as possible responses by national parliaments in terms of taking concrete actions in the future. The presentation of the report was followed by a debate. The session of the Standing Committee was held on Monday, 5 July, in Vienna at the Hofburg Palace, attended by the heads of national delegations and members of the OSCE PA Bureau. The Serbian parliament was represented by Vesna Markovic, Head of the Serbian parliament’s delegation. OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella and OSCE PA President Peter Lord Bowness presented their reports at the Committee session. The plenary session was held on 6 July. The parliamentary representatives of the OSCE PA member states were addressed by OSCE PA President Peter Lord Bowness who reported on the activities of the international assembly, as well as OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde who presented the priorities of the Swedish Chairmanship, planned goals and activities. The participants of the OSCE PA ruled by a two-thirds majority to put the urgency items submitted by the Ukrainian, Dutch and US delegations on the agenda, followed by presentations of reports on the participation of OSCE PA members in observation missions in Bulgaria, Albania and Armenia.

The annual session ended with the election of OSCE PA President, eight vice-presidents and treasurer, as well as members of the bureaus of the three commissions. Voting was conducted via an electronic system that guarantees the secrecy of the ballot, security of the voting platform and monitoring of the voting process, the statement reads.

Schieb: Berlin Process Summit an important step toward regional common market (Beta

German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb has described this week’s summit of the Berlin process as “successful” adding that it “constitutes an important step on the path towards implementing the Regional Common Market” in the Western Balkans. “It is important to say that the Berlin process does not only aim at enhancing regional economic cooperation, but that it is also about building trust and facilitating reconciliation among the Western Balkan countries, paving the way to eventual EU membership,” Schieb said in a statement for Beta. The Ambassador recalled that after the online summit hosted by Germany, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany would bilaterally donate three million anti-COVID-19 vaccine shots to the region.



Palmer visits Brcko District at end of his visit to B&H: Future of B&H will depend on dedication of its leaders to fight against corruption (Nova BH 


After meeting the top officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Department of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer concluded his visit to B&H by attending a meeting with the Brcko District officials. He visited the only international river port in B&H, the Port of Brcko. He emphasized the importance of implementation of announced infrastructural projects, like the revitalization of the Port of Brcko, reconstruction and construction of a bridge over the Sava River and the construction of a highway. Palmer said the recently adopted legislation on the regulation of conflict of interest, and laws on public gatherings, were as equally important. Palmer said this proves that the Brcko District authorities are capable of holding talks and reaching a compromise solution for any issue. Palmer told reporters that authorities in the Brcko District, but also in all of B&H, need to be committed to the fight against corruption. Brcko District Mayor Esed Kadric said Brcko is the only city in the region, and which is not the capital city of some country, that was visited by Palmer. “We recognize this as a form of support” Kadric points out. Palmer said that the future of B&H will depend on the dedication of its leaders to the fight against corruption.  


Palmer voices US’ support to B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path, says it will be up to domestic leaders to reach compromise; Palmer says appointment of Schmidt was successfully completed as far as USA is concerned (Nezavisne/Oslobodjenje 


In an interview to Nezavisne novine and Oslobodjenje dailies, US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer stated that it is up to B&H authorities to carry out election reform and implement the EU priorities, while USA and EU will assist them in that. “Our vision has been clear over the years and I am sure that the administration of US President (Joseph) Biden will stay committed and be a close partner of the Western Balkans countries on their Euro-Atlantic path,” Palmer said. Speaking about the appointment of Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative, Palmer said that – as far as USA is concerned – this process has been successfully completed. Palmer added that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) has the authority to appoint the High Representative and added: “The (UN) Security Council is invited to agree with this, but there is no condition as far as it is concerned”. Palmer announced that USA will work and cooperate with Schmidt, just like it did with his predecessors, because the High Representative plays an important role in B&H – the fulfillment of terms from the 5+2 agenda. “We hope Schmidt will be the last High Representative in B&H and the fulfilment of standards from the 5+2 agenda need to be fulfilled in order for this to happen,” Palmer added. Speaking about interest of USA in the region, Palmer reminded that USA has been engaged in the Western Balkans for three decades already and he also said that US President Biden has a long history of connection with this region: “We have been partners and allies with the Western Balkans countries. Those have the European perspective”. Speaking about meetings he had with leaders of political parties and representatives of authorities in B&H over past several years, Palmer stated that changes to the Law on Election of B&H and constitutional changes are not easy. “Had it been easy, it would have already been done” Palmer said and added that he will do everything in his power to support B&H, on behalf of USA, on its path towards European future. Palmer also reminded that 2021, as non-election year, represents a chance to improve the situation related to compromise which is needed for any kind of political talks. Palmer went on to say that everyone involved in this process will have to realize that nobody will get everything they want. “The important thing is that topics on which consent will be reached, will move in the right direction, bring B&H closer to Europe, the ideal world”, Palmer noted and added: “The election reform, including a limited and targeted constitutional reform, i.e. changes to the Constitution that would enable implementation of the Sejdic-Finci ruling and other rulings, in line with recommendations of the OSCE, ODIHR and GRECO, will make B&H a more attractive partner for EU and give an advantage to future progress”. Palmer emphasized that no solution will be imposed from outside of B&H because the solution will have to be an organic solution agreed upon by political leaders in B&H. Asked to comment on the meeting with members of the Presidency of B&H, Palmer said that he, as a diplomat, will not say what they told him but will say what he told them: “I told them that USA would like to see leaders in B&H take advantage of the opportunity in front of them and carry out election reform this year”. Palmer reiterated that they have the support of USA and that there is a way forward to identify necessary compromise for reaching a critical mass for an agreement that would be fair, sustainable and would make it possible for 2022 elections to be in line with high standards and transparent, so that everyone can rest assured that their vote will count. Asked how USA and EU intend to harmonize their stances on B&H, Palmer said that he believes stances of USA and EU when it comes to B&H and Western Balkans region are quite close and he noted that USA sees B&H as a member of EU, integrated in Euro-Atlantic institutions and also as a quality partner of USA which is getting more and more economically developed, creates chances for its citizens. “Washington and Brussels have a common vision on future of B&H,” Palmer added. Asked whether the international community intends to react to the fact Chair of the Presidency of B&H and SNSD leader (Milorad Dodik) has been denying genocide in B&H, existence of B&H and even offers a peaceful dissolution, Palmer said that genocide in Srebrenica cannot be denied and he added: “Commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity is simply strong and this will not change. It is important for leaders in B&H to understand and accept their obligations, carry out necessary reforms to secure functionality, enable B&H to fulfill its obligations towards the EU and move forward towards achieving of its aspirations, for B&H to become a member of the EU family, which is something USA firmly supports”. Asked to present US stance on the admission of B&H to NATO, Palmer said that both the EU and NATO are institutions based on standards and it is important for B&H to implement necessary reforms to qualify for the membership in the EU. “The next phase is to secure the candidate status. This is a complex and demanding process consisted of several phases. The preconditions for the candidate status were clearly listed in 14 key priorities which the EU presented. USA supports B&H in its activities related to those 14 priorities because we want this country to move forward on its European path,” Palmer said and added that this is something leaders in B&H will have to do. Asked again to present the stance of USA on the admission of B&H to NATO, Palmer said: “You know what, what is important right now and what we are focused on is the best possible partnership between B&H and NATO. There is a certain process for this purpose. We are working on strengthening of cooperation in field of defense and security and the goal is for B&H to become the strongest possible partner of USA and NATO”. Palmer also reminded that NATO is based on standards and B&H will first have to qualify for fulfillment of those standards. Finally, Palmer was asked to state whether USA plans to stop strengthening of Russia’s influence in the Balkans, to which he replied by saying that USA has a European vision for B&H and a vision of its growing partnership with the NATO and he noted: “I would not say that Russia has the same vision for B&H or region of the Balkans. Russia advocates politics and strategies which promote mistrust in the entire region, tensions, unrests and disorder”. Palmer assessed that majority of people in B&H prefer the vision articulated by USA and European partners and concluded that, although he is concerned with ambitions of Russia in the Western Balkans, he believes that the vision of USA on the region is the one that has been widely accepted by public and also the one that will get the support of political leaders.  


Trisic Babic: Palmer and Eichhorst understand that main problem of B&H lies in FB&H; Berlin Process Summit was fiasco and there will be no EU enlargement in WB (Glas Srpske 


The daily carries an interview with Ana TrisicBabic, advisor to B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik. Asked to comment the visit of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for the Western Europe, Western Balkans, Turkey and United Kingdom at the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst, Trisic Babic said that Palmer and Eichhorst understand that the main problem in B&H does not lie in the Republika Srpska (RS), but in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) where some stakeholders from Sarajevo are trying to shift focus and even influence relations within the RS. “They understand that B&H is in blockade because of the idea of Bosniaks to abolish the entities. The same situation is in Serbia, where they understand that the main obstacle to progress lies in the huge appetite of the so-called Kosovo for unconditional recognition by Serbia,” said Trisic Babic. She noted that it is very encouraging that international representatives did not come to B&H to impose their own solutions, but they were ready to listen to different opinions of local stakeholders. Trisic Babic emphasized that the USA and EU will surely have partners in the RS if they continue with this approach. Commenting the fact that the official Sarajevo hopes to use good ties with US President Joseph Biden from 1990s to change his attitude, Trisic Babic expressed hope that Biden will use his friendship with Sarajevo to encourage stakeholders to seek local solutions in a constructive way. Commenting the Berlin Process Summit held on Monday, Trisic Babic said that the Summit was a fiasco, without any progress in strengthening relations between the EU and Western Balkan countries. “Regardless of some initiatives from the region calling for German leadership, it is more than clear that nothing will come of it. Launching the Berlin Process was filled with good intentions and ambitions, but because of our regional lack of strategic vision for the entire region and because of particular interests, we will stay locked up with ourselves,” said Trisic Babic. She expressed doubts about the continuation of the EU enlargement process in Western Balkans. According to her, there is visible fatigue and lack of ideas on all sides. Asked who is responsible for this situation, Trisic Babic responded: “Both us and them. When there was an idea in the region, enthusiasm not only in declarative sense but also with concrete actions, the European bureaucracy and low-rank clerks showed up and made the entire process pointless”.  


Izetbegovic on changes to B&H Election Law: I expect international community to act as mediators in order to help and for opposition to respond (N1 


US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer’s meetings with B&H leaders made no progress when it comes to an agreement regarding the changes to the B&H Election Law, noted the presenter. Despite optimism of some political officials, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said on Tuesday that there is no minimum political agreement on how to implement the rulings of international and domestic courts, i.e. change the Election Law. That is why, as Izetbegovic said, it is necessary for the international community to mediate. Izetbegovic stated: “I expect the role of the international community. They used to make proposals, they came with teams of 100 people, politicians, experts, etc. This time all we expect from them is to act as mediators in order to help and for opposition to respond, because they do not respond. They are just waiting for something to be done that they can attack. They need to get seriously involved in these talks and we need serious foreigners there”. On Monday, SDA came out with a proposal which, among other things, stipulates the election of members of the B&H Presidency without an ethnic determinant in the Parliament or directly, but it is important that the solution is identical (for both entities). Jurisdiction of both the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the FB&H House of Peoples would be reduced to the protection of vital national interests and a symmetrical solution was proposed in relation to the competencies of the FB&H HoP and the RS Council of Peoples (CoP). This proposal was met with reactions from the opposition parties in the FB&H. Our Party (NS) believes it is absurd that this proposal came on the same day when Izetbegovic announced his candidacy for the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency. SBB B&H claims that SDA only seeks an alibi to participate in the opposition, within the project of SDA and HDZ B&H. HDZ B&H pointed out that any model that includes legitimate representation and the constituent status of peoples is worth discussing. Member of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) Barisa Colak stated on Monday: “We must respect the composition of B&H and the Dayton B&H, until we agree that we can have something else, maybe something even better”. In the RS, both the ruling authorities and the opposition agreed that an ethnic determinant is not needed for a member of the B&H Presidency, because in the end, Serbs are the majority there. Izetbegovic’s proposal includes an increase in the number of delegates B&H HoP, from 15 delegates to 21 delegates. The proposal also includes introducing the Caucus of the ‘Others’. The proposal would also reduce the competencies of the B&H HoP and the FB&H HoP, to abolish their legislative function and only leave the possibility of protecting the vital national interests, modeled on the RS Council of Peoples (CoP), according to the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik responded to this by saying they should leave the issue of the RS CoP alone, lest it be abolished, as it is not guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement. SDA wants to copy the proposal for the election of the B&H Presidency members from the Serb proposal, commented the reporter. In this way, SDA ignored the views of Croats. The opposition in Sarajevo does not want to save Izetbegovic’s failed policy, commented the reporter.   


Opposition in RS will not accept Dodik’s initiative to merge functions of RS President and Serb member of B&H Presidency (BN TV 


According to announcements of opposition in the RS, they will not support the proposal of Chairman of B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik to merge functions of the RS President and Serb member of the B&H Presidency. Dodik justified his initiative by saying that it would guarantee to avoid a situation that persons from two different political options assume the two aforementioned positions. In order to implement his idea in practice, Dodik needs two-third majority in the RS and B&H parliaments, which means that he needs support of the opposition in the RS. Representatives of the opposition in the RS did not support this idea as they observe it as a path towards abolition of the RS. Representatives of the opposition in the RS stated that Dodik cannot count on them because his idea represents betrayal of the RS and transfer of competences of the RS President to B&H. Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic commented on this issue by saying that he does not know who is crazy enough to figure this idea out and who is crazy enough to vote for it. Sarovic said that they will not change their stance arguing that this is a step towards abolition of the function of the RS President. Speaking about this issue, leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic stated that PDP will not support this idea. According to Borenovic, this is a classic betrayal of the RS and now, all masks fell off. He assessed that Dodik obviously made some dirty deal with leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic that he could not present to the public. Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic said that the initiative is not good. In his opinion, the initiative is unconstitutional and it goes to detriment of the RS. Nesic said that obviously, Dodik no longer trusts his closest associates and he wants to say that only he should be a candidate for both functions. Nesic said that this is out of question and argued that this would represent transfer of RS competences to B&H. Nebojsa Vukanovic (SDS) stated that no one has the right to say on behalf of others that the RS will lose the function of the RS President with only one goal that a despot has all his functions integrated in one power and to legalize the current situation, adding that it is disgraceful and intolerable.  


Dodik says it is interesting that Borenovic and Dzaferovic have the same stance in regard to idea to merge positions of RS President and member of B&H Presidency (ATV 


Milorad Dodik said on Tuesday that it is interesting Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic presented similar stances about his idea to merge positions of the RS President and member of B&H Presidency from the RS. Dodik reminded that at Monday’s meeting with representatives of the US and the EU, Dzaferovic opposed abovementioned idea and said that Bosniaks will never accept it. “I hear the same now from PDP and its leader. I publicly ask whether Izetbegovic created stances of PDP or they created them together,” he said, adding that Borenovic’s reaction is evidence that he lacks patriotism and interest for the status of the RS. Dodik denied claims of representatives of opposition parties in the RS that his initiative would represent transfer of competences. Dodik went on to saying that he used to believe that some individuals in PDP do not understand the policy and processes, adding that now he can see they are paid not to understand. He emphasized that Borenovic’s stance is consequence of political corruption. Dodik said that those who oppose his proposal must have already gotten to an idea that Dodik wants run for the office of both the RS President and the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, according to Dodik’s proposal. Dodik said: “Here’s a great opportunity for them to get rid of me. I promise, let the one good for the RS runs for the office and I will not run for it”.  


Cvijanovic: PDP did not understand Dodik’s proposal (RTRS 


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said she feared that neither Jelena Trivic nor Branislav Borenovic understood the point of the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik's proposal that the RS President is a member of the B&H Presidency from the RS, which would strengthen RS's representativeness. Cvijanovic was quoted as saying: “It is unbelievable that people in the PDP talk about the alleged abolition of RS functions, when SDS and PDP, acting in the B&H Council of Ministers in the previous mandate, bypassed RS institutions in every way, and generously assigned Serb positions to representatives of other peoples, such as the case of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Cvijanovic stated that merging of two positions would enable the RS President to directly participate in creation of foreign policy of B&H, as well as direct coordination and link of the RS level with level of joint bodies.


Cvijanovic: RS has full capacity for development, Bosniaks spread story that everything is great in FB&H and everything is bad in RS (Srna/RTRS 


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic gave an interview for Srna. Cvijanovic claims that the RS has full capacity for functioning and development. Cvijanovic said that political challenges need to be solved in the political arena and that it is very important for the RS not lose itself, its identity and primary priorities, in it. According to Cvijanovic one of the priorities is economy and when it comes to macroeconomic indicators, the RS is competitive and comparable to the countries of the region. Cvijanovic was quoted as saying: “If you do not have strong institutions then you cannot even tackle all the challenges that come from the sidelines”. Cvijanovic stated that the RS is peaceful, stable and has institutions that do their jobs, with their commitment to make the RS more stable and stronger despite strong pressure to take away certain competencies. In order for the RS to be stable, political consensus between the ruling authorities and opposition is needed when it comes to crucial national issues to the benefit of the Serb people and the RS, added the reporter. The opposition always refused to attend meetings with the ruling authorities. Cvijanovic commented that this should not be burdensome because one cannot lose all the time in the world in order to achieve unity of that kind. Cvijanovic stated: “It is natural for me to get together around these things but it is not enough to have one who wants it. There has to be another”. Cvijanovic said she was disappointed they could not agree on key issues. She said she believes the reason for that is because the opposition puts all strategically important topics under daily political matters and uses them for bickering between parties. Cvijanovic added that the RS is not giving up on infrastructural projects despite all challenges. “I am happy that we have not given up on any major infrastructure project. These are all really strategic projects, whether it is about traffic infrastructure, which includes the highway to Belgrade or Trebinje airport”. When it comes to the claims of individuals that the FB&H is a better entity than the RS, Cvijanovic stated that it is a topic that is used whenever there is a political crisis, either within the Bosniak corps or between the Bosniak and Croat corps, and that is usually done by leaders from Bosniak political parties. Cvijanovic said they are the ones who the spread story that everything is great in the FB&H and the RS is lagging behind, which is not true, according to Cvijanovic. She pointed out: “When it comes to salaries, we in the RS have been ahead of the FB&H for several months now. When we talk about the pension system, we have a different calculation and the lowest pension in the RS is tied to 15 years of service, but in the FB&H it is tied for 20 and those five years must certainly make a difference”. Cvijanovic also pointed out the fact that the FB&H owes a huge amount of money, more than a billion BAM, to the RS Pension and Disability Insurance Fund.   

According to Cvijanovic, the RS can work by itself to attract investors in the institutional sense, given its competencies, but overall the problem is that investors see B&H, which has a bad image and which is additionally created as such by what foreigners say and write. Cvijanovic stated that the main economic problem both for the RS and the FB&H is lack of foreign investments. According to her, foreign ambassadors always focus on political issues and never mention the great economic opportunities that B&H can offer.  


Inzko: Glorification of war criminals unacceptable in civilized world; Dzaferovic appeals to Inzko to ban genocide denial; Dodik says no sanctions can make him recognize genocide in Srebrenica (N1 


Glorification of war criminals in B&H is still present, 26 years after genocide in Srebrenica. There is still no law banning genocide denial in B&H. High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko was shocked by a mural to former RS Army General and convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic, that Inzko saw in Foca. Inzko sent an SOS to the international community that glorification of war criminals must be stopped. Inzko was quoted as saying: “After the shock, pain, and disbelief I felt in this small town, full of large murals depicting great war criminals, I realized the need to send SOS all over the civilized world. Instead of asking and calling for the mayor's prudence, in places like Foca, Kalinovik, Nevesinje and elsewhere”. According to Inzko, the situation is so embarrassing that a tourist map of cities with murals of war criminals can be made. That is why he called on the international community to take action. Murals honoring Mladic have been all over the RS for years, and even though Inzko knew about them, it would seem that he has only become aware of them now, commented the reporter. This raised the question whether Inzko is asking for support to act before leaving, or whether he is shifting responsibility to someone else for what he promised to do about imposing a law on banning genocide denial, in Potocari, on 11 July, on the 24th anniversary of the genocide. N1 carried Inzko’s statement from 2019 in Potocari, when he said: “Next year, we will certainly have such a law for the 25th anniversary. I am already working on it”. Many expect that Inzko will fulfill his promise and impose such law before the end of his mandate. Others have lost hope that this will happen, noted the presenter. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said he recently publicly asked local authorities in Kalinovik to remove a shameful mural to Mladic. Dzaferovic said he expects Inzko to pass a law banning genocide denial because Dzaferovic does not lose hope. Dzaferovic called on Inzko to pass the law within the month, before Inzko’s departure. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said he does not expect such a law will be passed, knowing how things are. Komsic added: “It would be good for it to happen. At least in accordance with everything that has been announced so far”. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Monday that there are no sanctions in the world that would make him recognize genocide in Srebrenica. Dodik stated: “(The US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew) Palmer also told me today that it is unacceptable for them to have us say that it was not a genocide. Now I say it again, Mr. Palmer, there was no genocide in Srebrenica. You will not forbid me to do that. I suppose you have these sanctions, you can introduce them to me right away, no problem”. Inzko also emphasized that many streets and squares in the RS have been named after sentenced war criminals. Inzko underlined that while entire world honors Srebrenica victims, one can witness glorification of architects of these atrocities in the RS, as well as denial of Srebrenica genocide and relativizing of historic facts. Inzko believes that the international community needs to quickly assess its next moves. Inzko said glorification of war criminals is unacceptable in the civilized world and that must bear some consequences.   


Merkel: Western Balkans requires a lot of engagement and patience (Dnevni list 


German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked how she sees her career as the German Chancellor when it comes to the relation with the Western Balkans, replied by saying that in the last 16 years, ever since she has been the Chancellor, the biggest steps forward in the Western Balkans were made after the launch of the Berlin Process in 2014. The daily noted that Merkel’s diplomatic initiative for early 2021 on placing the Western Balkans high on the list of the EU priorities will probably continue after she leaves the office but to a lesser degree, as the EU enlargement is not on the list of foreign policy priorities of Merkel’s potential successors. The daily further noted that Merkel stated after the Monday’s Summit, held within the Berlin Process, that there is resistance to the EU enlargement, which is present in France and other EU countries, such as The Netherlands and Bulgaria. Merkel added by saying that “we have to have a lot more patience and engagement in the Western Balkans”. The daily also reminded that Merkel stated during the Summit on Monday that the situation in B&H is not satisfactory, that we need new élan for the Law on Elections “and I hope Christian Schmidt will get support for his work”.  


German government proposes idea to appoint special envoy for Western Balkans in charge of implementation of Green Agenda (Nezavisne 


During the Berlin Summit held on Monday, German Minister for Economy and Energy Peter Altmeier stated that Germany is considering the appointment of a special envoy for Western Balkans in charge of implementation of the Green Agenda. According to the daily, this idea is interesting also because Germany contributed a lot to the idea of joint regional market or the so-called ‘Mini Schengen’. Following the Berlin Summit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that she expects the main obstacles to the process of establishing of single market in the Balkans to be removed by October. Altmeier is one of the main advocates for establishing connections between industries of Germany and Western Balkans since the region is very important for German businesses, not only because of political stability in Europe, but also because of its proximity and abundancy of skilled labor force, as well as the possibility to move part of the supply chain from China to the Balkans. The daily speculates that the Green Agenda might become even more important for Germany if the new German Government is formed by the CDU/CSU and the Green Party which is a realistic possibility. Political analyst Faris Kocan agrees that the Green Agenda will become more significant if the Green enter the new German Government. The daily reminds that the Green Party also advocates abolition of special rights for different ethnic groups in B&H. Altmeier is a likely candidate for the office of German Foreign Minister, which could be significant for Serbia because he sees Serbia as the driver of regional economy. The daily reminded that the Balkans leaders were offered to sign four agreements, including an agreement on freedom of movement with ID cards, agreement on a single passenger space for citizens of third countries and agreement on recognition of academic diplomas but, according to a source, Pristina obstructed signing of the agreements. The daily noted that, due to such situation, the Berlin Process ended with a press statement and Merkel stated that the EU is very interested in solving of all problems in the Western Balkans so that countries in the region would be enabled to join the EU. Merkel emphasized that one of acute unsolved issues is the one concerning relations between Belgrade and Pristina and added: “There are still many difficulties that need to be solved, especially dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and problems in B&H”.   


Jansa presents plan of Slovenian six-month presidency of EU (O kanal 


Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa presented on Tuesday a plan of Slovenian six-month presidency of the EU. He told the European Parliament that during its presidency Slovenia plans to launch an issue of enlargement of the EU on the Western Balkans, at the EU-Western Balkans summit that will be held in Slovenia in October. Jansa said that there is a possibility that someone with different values and interests will take domination of the Western Balkans in case that the EU fails to make sufficient progress in its engagement at the Western Balkans, stressing that Slovenia knows how important the EU perspective actually is from its own experience. Jansa also said that the first short-term priority of the Slovenian presidency of the EU is to do everything possible to prevent the fourth wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, adding that the recovery, strategic autonomy of the EU and enlargement as response to challenges the EU is faced with are also among priorities of Slovenia’s six-month presidency of the EU Council.   

European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen stated that the Western Balkans belong to the EU and these countries are key strategic partners. She stressed that this is the matter of credibility as the EU has to meet the given promise. Jansa said that in 2022 the EU could be ready for future strategic and security challenges. Jansa stressed that priority is to return the EU’s role of a global actor, adding that he sees the EU integration of the Western Balkan countries as a part of the response to strategic challenges, in order to prevent the situation that this region is taken by rivals such as Russia and China. He reminded of the promise on the EU perspective of the Western Balkan countries given at the 2003 Thessalonica Summit, calling on the EU to act more strategically in its nearest neighborhood. Von der Leyen welcomed the organization of the EU-Western Balkans summit, expressing her belief that important message will be conveyed for the countries of the region that they are key strategic partners for the EU.  


Hungary is in favor of giving status of candidate to B&H, but I am less of an optimist when it comes to adoption of decisions in Brussels (Dnevni list 


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said that when it comes to the EU enlargement and possibility of B&H getting the status of an EU candidate, it would certainly happen if Hungary had a say in it, arguing that B&H has deserved the status. Szijjarto however noted he is less of an optimist it will happen in terms of Brussels making one such decision. He further noted there are three issues that give optimism, one of them being the new enlargement methodology, which should not be stopped via bureaucracy and technical problems, which was the case before. Second positive thing is the fact that Hungary has taken over the presidency of the Visegrad Group, which strongly advocates the enlargement, and the third thing is that Slovenia has assumed the EU presidency as of 1 July, arguing that Slovenia knows the situation in B&H better that other stats that presided over the EU Council.  


B&H will not have its representative at upcoming Dubrovnik Forum (FTV 


FTV reported that B&H will not have its representative at the Dubrovnik Forum, which will be held on 9-10 July, because B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic would not be able to participate in the commemoration for Srebrenica victims on 11 July. Ten ministers of foreign affairs from Slovenia, Slovenia, Malta, Albania, Greece, Czech Republic, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Latvia have already confirmed their participation. The forum will be also attended by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and European Commission Vice President Josep Borrell, as well as by newly-appointed High Representative Christian Schmidt who will have his first official address as the HR. FTV commented that the character and importance of the Dubrovnik Forum requires the participation of at least one representative of B&H from B&H Council of Ministers or Turkovic’s deputy.  


Medojevic: New or technical government, in both cases without Krivokapic (Pobjeda 


Representatives of the parliamentary parties making up the ruling majority will have a second round of talks today concerning the crisis of the government. The Democratic Front, DF, won’t give up on the request to set up either a new or technical government– in both cases without PM Zdravko Krivokapic, one of the leaders of the DF, Nebojsa Medojevic, told Pobjeda daily.  

After the first meeting of the ruling majority, it was stated that there were no tensions and they agreed on fining a sustainable solution during next consultations. According to Medojevic, the DF will attend today’s meeting but won’t give up on its requests. There’s a massive breakdown of trust in Krivokapic, he says, as he had betrayed and fooled them.  


Quarrels, fights, broken noses… (Pobjeda/Vijesti 


Belgrade businessman Dejan Sekulic, has filed criminal charges against New Serbian Democracy leader Andrija Mandic, his son Ilija and Democratic People’s Party leader Milan Knezevic for causing serious bodily harm in an incident having taken place on Monday at the Majestic Hotel in Belgrade. On that occasion, Sekulic’s nose was broken, Pobjeda and Vijesti report. The print media report that the physical attack on Sekulic was preceded by a quarrel between the leaders of the Democratic Front, Messrs. Mandic and Knezevic, and Sekulic.  

Sekulic was arrested in 2019 in the investigation into the business operations of the wanted banker Dusko Knezevic. Police conducted an investigation and took witness statements. Belgrade police seized surveillance footages from the hotel. A day later, in the Montenegrin Parliament, during the talks of the parliamentary majority representatives, Milan Knezevic came with his hand in plaster, claiming that his shoulder was immobilized. He did not want to describe in more detail to the journalists how the injury occurred, but only stated that he was injured after “playing hockey with Vladimir Putin”. Serbian police have not made any statements after the incident in the center of Belgrade, nor have the Serbian media.  


Mickoski welcomes government’s decision to support the Resolution: I thank all political parties, both from the opposition and the ruling majority (Republika 


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said that he welcomes the step of SDSM to support the Resolution submitted by his party to the parliament of Macedonia. The resolution contains the national red lines from which government can cross. VMRO-DPMNE continues to unite all social and political factors and to be the main pillar for the protection of the national tissue and strategic goals of Macedonia. We show that we are stronger united. I thank the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University and the Macedonian Orthodox Church for their contribution to the creation of the text of this resolution. I thank all political parties, both the opposition and the ruling majority, who were ready to support the Resolution or were ready to talk to us about it, Mickoski wrote. He expressed hope that the statement from SDSM is sincere and is based on the serious arguments offered by VMRO-DPMNE.  


For now, DUI doesn’t accept VMRO-DPMNE’s resolution, AA/A haven’t adopted position yet (Republika 


DUI does not accept the resolution submitted to Parliament by VMRO DPMNE. At the meeting with the opposition party, they demanded that all parties harmonize the text and vote on it. The Alliance for Albanians and Alternative will take a position after the party bodies discuss this. The Alliance demands that the ruling SDSM and DUI harmonize their position on the resolution to be adopted by consensus. The ruling SDSM announced that it will accept the resolution as proposed.  


Mickoski calls on DUI to, for once, support the interests of their Macedonian neighbors (Republika/Vecer 


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristiajn Mickoski called on DUI and the other ethnic Albanian parties to support the resolution meant to respond to the Bulgarian nationalist demands by preparing unified Macedonian positions. The parties representing ethnic Macedonians in the parliament, even SDSM, agreed to the resolution proposed by VMRO, but DUI rejected it and the other Albanian parties are also negatively disposed toward it. I expect that DUI overcomes its militant behavior and for once stand behind the interests of their fellow citizens, the Macedonians, who are the majority ethnic community. Instead of focusing on our private interests or the interests of neighboring states, we should look toward the interests of our fellow citizens and neighbors, in this case the Macedonians, Mickoski said in an interview with Vecer. In the interview, Mickoski also discussed his push in Brussels, where he met with aligned political leaders to demand the speedy opening of Macedonia’s EU accession talks.  


VMRO-DPMNE to hold meetings with Albanian parties in support of the resolution (Republika 


The Macedonian parliamentary parties have stated that they will accept the Draft-Resolution of VMRO-DPMNE, which outlines the state positions on European integration, but also the positions regarding any denials of the Macedonian linguistic, cultural or national identity.   

VMRO-DPMNE MPs had meetings with some of their colleagues in Parliament, and in a statement to the media, SDSM MP and spokesperson Kosta Kostadinov gave his support for the draft document. The draft resolution was also supported by MPs from DOM, LDP and the Democratic Union. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski welcomed the step of SDSM and stated that the resolution contains “national red lines from which no government should cross.”  


Main association of Macedonians in Albania comes out in support of the resolution proposed by VMRO-DPMNE (ADN 


The association of Macedonians in Albania “MD Ilinden – Tirana” said that it fully supports the resolution proposed by VMRO-DPMNE regarding the dispute with Bulgaria. The resolution is meant to provide a unified position of all Macedonian political parties, in response to the nationalist Bulgarian demands. The Macedonian Academy, the UKIM university and the Macedonian church contributed to the creation of the text of this resolution. It contains the national red lines over which we cannot compromise and which need to be defended by all Governments. We call on the political parties in our homeland of Macedonia and on all Macedonian organizations in the world to support this resolution, Ilinden – Tirana said.  


Rama on Albania's election to the UN Security Council: The greatest success in the history of Albanian diplomacy (Radio Tirana 


In the ceremony held for Albania's membership in the United Nations Security Council, Albanian Prime Minister Rama thanked all diplomats and representatives of Albania in international relations, whom he considered contributors to this historic achievement.  

The head of the Albanian government also stressed the importance of Albania's position as a temporary member of the UN Security Council for the Western Balkans: "The election of Albania for the first time as a temporary member of the United Nations Security Council is not just a great success, the greatest in terms of the impact on the history of Albanian diplomacy, but also a reason to understand that Albania can and should do more for itself and for others, especially for our region. In the 11 June decision in the general assembly the greatest significance was gaining the trust of 175 seats. This is a significant achievement even for the Western Balkans "After chairing the OSCE, where we left a good impression, I say that our sitting in the UN Security Council reconfirms a standard of credibility and prudence for Albania," Rama said. On the other hand he returned to the fact that after the pandemic, global values have turned into international values. The Prime Minister also did not leave without mentioning the fact that while the EU still treats the Balkans and Albania as separate, our country already knows its values and capabilities in participating in international roundtables.  

He further presented Albania's program as a member of the Security Council, explaining that gender equality, challenges in environmental protection, the fight against discrimination continue to be priorities. "Albania is a country ranked in the top 10 countries in the world, in the UN ranking, in terms of gender equality in government, but not only. Even at the following levels, Albania has shown that it has revived the trust in women and girls and the courage to involve them in decision-making. We are convinced that we are not alone, on the contrary, we are with others who have led by the power of example, that women and girls are essential to peace and security. Of course, in SC, there is a United Nations agenda, for peace and security, and we will support in any case, the full participation of women, in all peacekeeping efforts. Furthermore, we have an obligation to have a commitment to the protection of human rights and international rights, because we are a country that has a history and we go to the SC, as a region that has taught us that human and international rights are the inevitable pillars of the platform that builds better societies. "This promotes stronger cooperation between countries and a more guaranteed development." The Prime Minister stressed that Albania has its own experience in terms of religious tolerance and can bring this experience to the Council. "On the other hand, of course Albania has not just the right as anyone else, but has the right to be heard when it comes to full religious tolerance and harmony between different faiths, which for us are the foundation of promoting peace and our unconditional support in the fight against terrorism. Certainly, we are in the right position to strongly defend the idea that any form, and even worse, any new and sophisticated form of anti-Semitism, or any other form of discrimination against Muslims, is completely unacceptable and threatens stability of our societies and the world we want to live in. We fully support all efforts to protect the environment and climate change. Albania has made it present in the UN forums that it will get engaged with others, to ensure an inseparable link between climate and security as a broader concept. This is a great, solemn, global commitment, and here we have no other role to play than just to support this initiative," said Rama.