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Belgrade Media Report 3 August


Selakovic: If Pristina violates obligations, we know what we need to do (RTS/Tanjug

Belgrade is committed to refraining from the so-called “derecognition” campaign, it holds on and will hold to it, but if the obligations are violated on the other side, we know what to do, said Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic. When asked whether it is true that some dozen countries are ready to withdraw their decisions on the recognition of Kosovo, if Pristina starts the process of re-recognition, Selakovic replied that Belgrade is a loyal partner and responsible according to what was agreed. “The Washington agreement established an agreement that Belgrade should not run a derecognition’ campaign, nor that Pristina should apply for membership in international organizations or run a new recognition campaign. We are adhering to our obligations and we will keep them, but if they are violated on the other side we know what to do,” Selakovic said in Nis.

Open Balkans truly historic agreement 

The agreement between the three countries within the Open Balkans initiative is truly historic, because there are rare, almost non-existent things in history that were characteristic of the Balkan nations and states, and that they reached them on their own, said Selakovic. Speaking about the Open Balkans initiative, Selakovic said that the three countries, Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Albania, had agreed to make a serious step forward, which would only bring good to them, their citizens. If, he says, one looks, on the one hand, at the political vision and wisdom of Aleksandar Vucic, Edi Rama and Zoran Zaev, as well as the support of the foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group, which is a good model within the EU, the countries that came together and agreed their initiative, he is convinced that it is the “right thing”. “And that every new agreement will only improve the quality of that initiative, and that our peoples, the economy will be able to see a lot of good from that,” said Selakovic.

Petkovic: Kurti directly undermining dialogue and everything agreed (RTS/Politika

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated that Albin Kurti, with repeated threats of introducing reciprocity towards official Belgrade, directly undermines the dialogue and everything that was agreed and openly goes in the direction of trying to destabilize the situation on the ground. The question of so-called reciprocity is actually a euphemism for raising new economic barriers to which the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and Belgrade were exposed during the duration of anti-civilization taxes of 100 percent, reads the statement from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. “That is why it would be better for Kurti to dedicate himself, instead of such announcements of unilateral moves that directly undermine the dialogue, to the implementation of the agreements reached so far, especially to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities,” Petkovic points out. According to him, such irresponsible statements represent the continuation of Kurti’s open obstruction towards the dialogue and officials from Brussels, and how far hatred towards official Belgrade goes is also tesitified by the latest message that Pristina will burn the tests for Covid 19 donated by Belgrade. Petkovic adds that Kurti, by attacking the Open Balkans initiative, which should enable prosperity and new economic benefits to citizens living in this area, once again shows all his political short-sightedness and that he is stuck in the past. “It is more than clear that there is no ear in Pristina for any innovative political idea if it has any connection with Belgrade, and that the only policy pursued by Pristina is bare hatred, threats and blackmail,” Petkovic said. He states that Kurti, enslaved by backward policies that take the region decades back, inflicts enormous damage on all people living in Kosovo and Metohija and who need economic progress and prosperity, fighting Covid 19 and other challenges, and not burning tests, insults and threats.

Election dates leaked from ruling coalition-opposition meeting (N1

The Serbian pro-regime tabloid press reported on Monday that a general election will be held between 20 March and 3 April next year. The dates were leaked from a meeting of ruling and opposition parties in the Serbian parliament which was supposed to have been held under Chatham House rules meaning that none of the participants would say anything about what they discussed. The meeting was another round of the inter-party dialogue on election conditions without the mediation of European Parliament officials. Separate meetings are also held on the same issues with the mediation of European Parliament officials. Media crews spent two hours waiting to hear if any of the participants would reveal any details of the meeting. Parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said the meeting was very good and constructive. “We simply synthesized all demands and proposals made to date,” he said, adding that they agreed to find solutions which would include mutual agreement. Opposition officials also did not disclose any details from the meeting saying that it was one several and would be followed up with two or three more before the ruling coalition says what it is prepared to compromise on. Dveri movement leader Bosko Obradovic said the authorities will give their final answer in exactly one month. “Either they will respect the Constitution and laws or we will have people on the streets who have no other way to fight the authorities that do not want to accept democratic elections and free media,” he said.

570 attorneys to defend Serbs from persecution! (Novosti)

A source from judiciary told the daily that the Republika Srpska (RS) institutions already carried out talks with attorneys in order to form teams of attorneys who will be providing assistance to the RS citizens who might face criminal reports because of the imposed law of former High Representative Valentin Inzko on prohibition of genocide denial. “The hunt on the RS citizens has only begun. Once prosecutor’s offices start working upon the reports, many of which will be in prosecutor’s offices in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), it will take several months to put together criminal reports,” the source added.   The daily reminded that there are 570 attorneys currently working in the RS and they will be able to respond to the task. Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik too said that there are ongoing activities to protect the RS citizens from persecution: “I am proud of our attorneys. We will form teams and we will hold talks with attorneys”. The daily claimed that citizens already started contacting attorney offices in the RS “to find out what this awkward law treats as a criminal act”. Attorney Milan Petkovic said that citizens most often want to know what will happen if they wear a T-shirt with a photo of Ratko Mladic or Radovan Karadzic, or what will happen if they listen patriotic songs mentioning people sentenced for war crimes. “This cannot be punishable, but it remains to be seen what kind of a stance practice will form on this matter” Petkovic added. Petkovic argued that there are many loopholes in the imposed law, so even attorneys need some answers: “Defenders want to know what will happen if they say something that can be interpreted as a violation of the law while presenting defense before a court”. The RS Bar Chamber stated that they support the idea on formation of teams in charge only of this task.

Inzko violently stamps over law (Novosti, by S. Misljenovic) 

The decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose prohibition of genocide denial “represents mind-blowing violence and tyranny” and Inzko practically launched “hunt on Serbs, on anyone who thinks in a different way”, professor of constitutional law Milan Blagojevic told Novosti. Blagojevic added that this was the main reason he resigned from the post of a judge “because everything here lost its meaning, even being a judge in such twisted creation like B&H”. Blagojevic claimed that Inzko’s decision, just like all other laws imposed by the High Representatives, represents violence “and violence can never be in line with laws and constitution. There is not a single legal act of any body of the United Nations that would grant such right to the High Representative, not there is an international treaty – bilateral or multilateral – that enables this. Neither the Dayton Peace Agreement nor the Constitution of B&H grant the High Representative the right to impose laws. Not even the phantom so called Peace Implementation Council (PIC) has ever done this, neither the Bonn conclusions from 1997 nor any other conclusions ever used the word ‘law’. Valentin Inzko is deceiving the public by claiming that he allegedly has grounds for his ‘criminal act of prohibition of genocide denial’ in the item 9.2. of conclusions of the so-called PIC from Bonn in 1997”. Asked to comment on the reaction of the RS institutions to the imposed decision, Blagojevic claimed that the institutions failed to do their job right because the RS parliament adopted the law on non-implementation of Inzko’s decision, which was not the right move. Blagojevic argued that the RS parliament should have adopted a law on annulment of Inzko’s decision, which would mean that everything that was annulled cannot and must not be applied in the RS.



Schmidt: I am pleased to have opportunity to serve citizens of B&H (Hayat 


The newly-appointed High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt officially took office on Monday. On this occasion, Schmidt symbolically received the collection of acts of the OHR from his predecessor Valentin Inzko. Addressing attendees at the ceremony of handover of duties, Schmidt said he is pleased to have the opportunity to serve the citizens of B&H and announced that he will intensively work on ensuring a peaceful future, which requires understanding of all peoples as well as respect of identities of everyone, along with the respect of human and international rights. Schmidt stated that he came as a friend of B&H and emphasized the need to talk with representatives of the authorities but also the citizens of B&H. “I am taking over the duty, firmly determined to help people here,” the new HR stressed. The HR added that people in B&H want a peaceful future for their children. He stressed: “The position I am taking, in line with the decision of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB), from my predecessor Inzko really is a challenge. That position was defined during the conclusions of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) so that peace would be secured.” In addition, Schmidt announced that he will carry out his function also with deep respect for all those who lost their lives during the war. Schmidt further noted that he is taking this position so that, on behalf of the international community, he can implement peace and help the citizens of B&H come into a balanced situation and reach a balanced peace. Speaking about the decision on introducing amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H on banning the denial of genocide and the glorification of war criminals, Schmidt thanked Inzko on passing this decision. Inzko also addressed the attendees, saying that it was an honor to be at this function for 12 years, reminding that – during his mandate – the OHR participated in the reform of the state property. Inzko confirmed that the OHR’s policy will remain unchanged and that it goes in the direction of development of B&H and returning it into the European family. Inzko added that he is impressed by how Schmidt knows this country, as well as by his vision. The former HR expressed certainty that Schmidt will successfully cooperate with partners from B&H and the international community while responding to the challenges. When it comes to his function, Schmidt announced that he will use all available power to ensure that B&H becomes a stable country. Schmidt emphasized that he is aware of the fact that, in B&H, it is not possible to easily reach agreement on a common future. “I do not want to promise anything for the time that is ahead of me. However, I assure you that I will use all my power, my influence, my connections in the best sense possible and my political experience to ensure that this country and its children, men, and women have a good future and that their hopes for a better life are fulfilled. People here deserve to live in peace, security, followed with the necessary economic progress. B&H needs to return to the political agenda of the international community and the EU,” Schmidt noted, adding that he is optimistic that, with cooperation with all international community representatives, he will strengthen B&H and its efforts to become part of the EU. He stressed that the path towards that goal is not a one-way street. Speaking about the EU path of B&H, Schmidt stated that whoever aspires to join the EU needs to respect the rules of that alliance, which is not an easy task. Schmidt stated: “Progress and further development of the society are possible only through a reflexive approach to own past.” Speaking about the situation in B&H, Schmidt reminded that Germany will soon mark the 60th anniversary of construction of the Berlin Wall that divided the country and said that Germany is an example that miracles are possible because the country was later on united without any shot.   


Reception on occasion of official takeover of duty by newly-appointed HR Schmidt held (FTV 


The reception on the occasion of official takeover of duty by newly-appointed HR Christian Schmidt was held in Sarajevo on Monday evening. Former HR Valentin Inzko, German State Secretary Miguel Berger, B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic and B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic attended the reception, among other officials. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik did not attend the reception. Addressing the reporters prior to the reception, Schmidt said that B&H is a nice country but that the current political situation is a bit heated, adding that he will do his best to make sure that B&H has the best “climate” in Europe. Inzko said that he believes that Schmidt will respect all politicians in B&H, but that B&H politicians also need to show respect for him. According to Dzaferovic, B&H needs European standards, which means that Schmidt needs to act decisively when it comes to introduction of European standards in B&H and to make sure that everyone who escapes European standards know that they and their entities cannot expect anything good. Schmidt is expected to meet B&H Presidency members in Sarajevo on Tuesday, reminding that Dodik already announced that he will not attend this meeting at B&H Presidency because of the previous decision of RS politicians to boycott the work of B&H institutions.   


Dodik: RS does not trust either HR or western part of international community (RTRS 


In an interview for the Russian Federal News Agency, Milorad Dodik pointed out that the RS does not trust either the HR or the western part of the international community because in the past 20 years it has not received any proposals other than constant demands to punish it. Dodik said that the HRs passed laws exclusively to the detriment of the RS. Dodik told RTRS that Christian Schmidt should say on what basis he was appointed the HR. RTRS stressed that the RS does not recognize Schmidt as the HR and it is challenging his legitimacy, which is why Dodik will not attend Tuesday's meeting with Schmidt in the B&H Presidency. "Tell me, on what basis were you appointed? On what basis did you come here?". Dodik asked. Dodik says that he is not afraid of consequences he could bear. "I am already under some sanctions. Whatever they want, I am ready to go through any kind of torture against myself personally, but I would never forgive myself for accepting illegitimacy that leads to the abolition of the RS," Dodik underlined. RTRS stressed that apart from the political leaders from the RS, Schmidt is an illegitimate HR for Russia and China as well. Dodik expressed confidence in the united stance of all Serb parties in the RS and assessed that the country is occupied since it is being ran by an official who was not elected. Dodik said that he will fight for the RS and he will face consequences, but it will be important for the people not to face any. Dodik also noted that the RS will not implement the HR’s decisions. “We have a single stance and the RS parliament said that the HR is illegally appointed and of course, this means that he cannot act (work). As for institutions of the RS, we will always act as a reaction because we did not make any action as you can see, but a reaction. We have the right to defend ourselves. We are attacked with a shameless attack of demonization.”  


Viskovic: If you have HR, you have protectorate and that means you have no sovereignty (RTRS 


RTRS stressed that many believe that the fact that the RS see appointment of new HR Christian Schmidt and Valentin Inzko's use of Bonn powers as illegitimate is the cause of one of the biggest political crises in post-war B&H. According to RTRS, this is also the cause of the rarely seen unity among the political leaders of all parliamentary parties based in the RS, which for RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic is the only guarantor of the survival of Serbs in this area. "If you have a High Representative, you have a protectorate, and that means you have no sovereignty. Then the question arises whether this country needs elections," Viskovic stressed. Viskovic stated that with the HR and imposed decisions, B&H is nowhere close to the EU path and no peoples in B&H won with this. Viskovic said: “No Schmidt – regardless of the fact that he comes from such a great country like Germany – will create our destiny better than us, who live here.” Viskovic said that he does not understand why Bosniaks are celebrating the arrival of the new HR which cannot be viewed as victory of one people over another people.  


Sarovic: SDS will not accept any use of Bonn powers (BN TV 


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic commented on the fact that Christian Schmidt officially took over the function of the HR in B&H on Monday. In his comment, Sarovic said that SDS will not accept any use of the Bonn powers. “We need to be cautious and responsible, because we represent our people, so we should make wise moves in the coming days,” Sarovic stressed. Namely, Sarovic presented an opinion that the use of Bonn powers is not a way towards solving the newly-emerged crisis in B&H. The SDS leader expressed hope that Schmidt will strive towards solutions that would be acceptable for both sides, which implies that all decisions should be adopted by parliaments rather than an individual. The SDS leader noted that any decision imposed by individuals, “including the illegal ones” cannot take root in this society. “This practice has started 20 years ago”, he added. In addition, Sarovic expressed hope that Schmidt does not have the use of Bonn powers in his agenda. Sarovic underlined that, in case Schmidt decides to impose decisions, this could cause serious regression in the entire B&H. “We are aware of the fact that he comes from such a serious country like Germany and we respect that. If he will be actively seeking solutions with us, then I see no reason why we would not talk about it and move in that direction,” he said. Sarovic said that the united stance against the HR is firm and they are showing their responsibility this way. He added that they are a party with principles and they had the same opinion about the HR for 15 years now. Sarovic reminded that he was blacklisted and in prison and they faced sanctions because of this institution. Sarovic underlined that the common position will be adjusted to the current situation in which it is necessary to make moves that lead forward. “We should always leave the door open for talks. We have to say - OK, we are outraged by Inzko’s decision, it is absolutely unfounded - but we have to look for solutions for the future, for the sake of all the people, for the sake of our country,” Sarovic emphasized.  


Izetbegovic, Osmanovic welcome arrival of new HR Schmidt (FTV 


Commenting on the official takeover of duty by new HR Christian Schmidt, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented that Schmidt’s experience and support he enjoys bring hope when it comes to his moves. Izetbegovic claims that the whole of the international community supports Schmidt, including the EU and especially Germany, which showed commitment to B&H with the presence of the German Secretary of State from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in B&H during the last few days, commented the reporter. Izetbegovic noted that Schmidt has huge experience: “Very determined and successful German politician who has a German state behind him and basically the entire civilized world, members of PIC, Quint and others”. Head of the SDA Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Adil Osmanovic noted that practice has shown that the Bonn powers were introduced because, by 2004, politicians in B&H did not act in line with the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Osmanovic said that he expects from Schmidt that he will continue with “a principled behavior towards all high-ranking officials in B&H, from both entities and all cantons”. He concluded that there is a need to work on establishing the rule of law.   


Niksic hopes that Schmidt’s mandate will be marked by active work (FTV 


SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic sent a letter welcoming new HR Christian Schmidt in which he expressed hope that his mandate will be marked by active work and said that he is especially glad for Schmidt’s clear messages about the need to establish a just electoral system and mechanisms of control of the election process in B&H. Niksic also voiced hope that decision-making processes will be returned to B&H institutions with Schmidt's mandate, reminding that the SDA-SNSD-HDZ B&H ruling coalition has kidnapped these processes and moved them to non-institutional centers of power.  


SDA Presidency welcomes Inzko’s decision on amending Criminal Code of B&H (Hayat 


The Presidency of SDA held a session on Monday and, on this occasion, it adopted 18 conclusions on the current political situation and internal issues B&H. Among other things, in the conclusions, the SDA Presidency welcomed the decision of Valentin Inzko on introduction of amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H on banning the denial of genocide as well as the glorification of war criminals and their crimes – genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The SDA Presidency also warned that the blockade of the B&H institutions caused by the boycott of Serb political representatives causes damage to all citizens, and it is particularly detrimental to the RS citizens who face a catastrophic economic situation. According to the SDA Presidency, the decisions of the RS parliament on adoption of legislative solutions - pertaining to non-implementation of Inzko’s decision on the RS territory as well as to defining use of the term genocidal creation to refer to the RS as a criminal offense – are unconstitutional. SDA called on the OHR to put the law on non-application of the decision of the HR – that the RS parliament recently adopted - out of force. SDA Presidency also has stated that format of talks about changes to the Constitution of B&H and the Law on Elections of B&H, which includes only representatives of SDA and HDZ B&H, has exhausted its possibilities, which is why it is necessary to continue the negotiations in a format that would include representatives of all parliamentary parties, with support of the Central Election Commission of B&H, the international community, legal experts and civil society. According to SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic, it is possible to have a solution to the Law on Elections by end of the year.  

Izetbegovic stated that he hopes that the RS officials will give up on boycotting the work of B&H institutions before removals that might follow, stressing that he is surprised that the RS politicians do not see the law imposed by Inzko banning the genocide denial and stances of the international community as relief. He said that it is good to make things easier for everyone in B&H and to move forward towards stabilization of circumstances and better life. According to Izetbegovic, the policy led by SNSD leader and Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik cannot overpower the Dayton Peace Accords and B&H’s integrity or prevail in the conflict with the international community and B&H institutions, regardless of unity demonstrated recently by representatives of all political parties in the RS. “With such a policy and approach, the RS politicians will inevitably provoke a situation in which they will come in conflict with B&H institutions, the international community – the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the Office of the High Representative (OHR), and I do not think that they will be able to prevail in this conflict,” Izetbegovic stated. Izetbegovic noted that, with the behavior of Dodik, it was quite certain that the international community would react at some point. Izetbegovic assessed that, for more than a decade, Dodik has been allowing himself to violate the laws as well as to refuse to allow what is in line with the law.  


Okic: Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP to invoke mechanism for VNI protection (Hayat 


Deputy speaker of the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) Mihnet Okic announced that the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP will invoke the mechanism for protection of vital national interest (VNI) pertaining to the last two legislative solutions that the RS parliament adopted. Okic said that the Bosniak Caucus expects all this to go before the Constitutional Court of the RS. "But we do not expect much from this political court, so we will initiate an appeal before the Constitutional Court of B&H. In the meantime, we expect the international community to react," Okic underlined. Okic stated that the adopted laws undermine the Constitution of B&H, they are not in line with the Dayton Peace Accords and they do not contribute to peace in B&H, which is why they need to be annulled as soon as possible. He announced that the mechanism of protection of the vital national interest on the two laws will be launched by the end of the week. Okic stressed that the plan of the ruling structures in the RS to implement these laws needs to be prevented, adding that he will file a motion with the Constitutional Court (CC) of the RS if necessary.   

RS Representative of the Coalition ‘Zajedno za B&H’ Begija Smajic stated that the RS parliament does not have legal competences in line with the Constitution of B&H and the Constitution of the RS to pass this kind of laws, reminding that the HR is part of constitutional structure of B&H and important factor in implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Representatives of the Coalition ‘Zajedno za B&H’ warned of consequences of the two laws at the RS special session on Friday, calling for the RS political representatives to recognize the Srebrenica genocide as the only way to live in peace. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Monday that he will – via the RS Council of Peoples (RS CoP) - file a motion for constitutional review of laws adopted in the RS parliament that call for non-application of the law on denial of the genocide. RS CoP deputy speaker Vojislav Gligic stated that there is no chance that the Joint Commission of the RS parliament and RS CoP reaches consensus on the matter of new laws, and he expects that the RS Constitutional Court will have to decide. The laws could be discussed by the RS Constitutional Court next month.   


Cikotic and Berger discuss improving of security situation (Dnevni avaz 


B&H Security Minister Selmo Cikotic met on Monday with State Secretary of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Miguel Berger, discussing the security situation and strengthening of relations between two countries. The officials underlined importance of improving of security in the western Balkans, economic development and progress of countries in the region, as well as creating of further preconditions for EU integration. During the meeting, Cikotic underlined Bosnia and Herzegovina’s readiness for creating of more secure environment, cooperation with partner countries and joint response to security threats and challenges.  


HNC Assembly adopts amendments to HNC Constitution giving equality to all peoples with constituent status (Hayat 


The Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Assembly adopted five amendments to the Constitution of HNC on Monday thus solving the issue of the constituent status of Serb people in that canton. Namely, the HNC Assembly adopted amendments to the Constitution of the HNC that ensure equality of constituent peoples in B&H by implementing the relevant ruling of the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC). The HNC Assembly harmonized the Constitution of the HNC with the part of the Constitution of the FB&H related to the constituent status of peoples.   

Representatives of Serb people in HNC particularly welcomed this decision. Deputy speaker of the HNC Assembly Vesna Saradzic, from the rank of Serb people, reminded that there were multiple attempts to solve the issue of the constituent status of Serb people in HNC but all of them failed, until now. Speaker of the HNC Assembly Serif Spago, from the rank of Bosniak people, presented an opinion that by adopting these five amendments to the Constitution of HNC, “all of the pressing and most important issues have been solved”. Deputy speaker of the HNC Assembly Tomislav Martinovic, from the rank of Croat people, confirmed that the adopted amendments left nothing undefined. “The concept of changes to the Constitution should continue,” Martinovic said. The HNC Assembly also passed the amendment harmonizing the names of the official languages – the ‘Bosnian Language’, the ‘Serbian Language’ and the ‘Croatian Language’. Martinovic stated that there is a hope that the adoption of amendments at the session on Monday will have wider reflections regarding the amendments to the Election Law of B&H, and that there will be full consistency with regards to making possible the representatives of constituent peoples to have control of their political fate. President of the Coordination Body of Serb Associations in Mostar Dusan Golo stated that amendments to the HNC Constitution will not change anything. He noted that Serbs are already recognized as constituent people under the Constitution of the FB&H, which has supremacy over the cantonal constitutions. Golo said that Serbs of Mostar had hoped that something would change for the better when a Serb representative was elected to the Mostar City Council. However, he noted, “that man” does not speak to the voters and citizens, but instead turns to Banja Luka for every opinion.  


Picula: EU won’t tolerate government’s irrationality (Vijesti 


The Permanent Rapporteur of the European Parliament (EP) for Montenegro Tonino Picula says that the announced protests of the Democratic Front (DF) can’t be a contribution to the strengthening of democratic institutions, which the EU expects. “It would really be a great pity if the political parties involved began to create the impression of inconsistency and incompetence, especially when Montenegro has come this far,” Picula has told Vijesti. According to him, the EU is aware of the great effort that Montenegro is making in order to be considered a country that lives justice and fairness, prosperity and mutual respect.  


Medojevic: EU should bring Krivokapic and Becic to senses (CdM 


Leader of the Movement for Changes Nebojsa Medojevic says he fully agrees with the statement of the European Parliament’s (EP) permanent rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula that the EU must not tolerate the unreasonableness of the authorities in Montenegro. “DF has been warning the domestic and international public for months about the unreasonable actions of the authorities in Montenegro, and we are glad that it was finally registered in Brussels. It is unreasonable, unconstitutional and illegal to borrow €750m without a decision of the government and parliament. It is unreasonable, unconstitutional and illegal to pass a decision on temporary financing, and that is the only thing that parliament can do,” Medojevic stresses. According to him, it is unreasonable to close one state-owned airline and then establish another state-owned airline without any cost-benefit analysis and expert discussion.  


Krivokapic and seven ministers fined (Vijesti 


The Agency for Prevention of Corruption has determined that Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic and the majority of his ministers violated the Law on Prevention of Corruption as they failed to report all their property and incomes, Vijesti writes. Therefore, public officials Mladen Bojanic, Jelena Borovinic Bojovic, Olivera Injac, Jakov Milatovic, Djordje Radulovic, Tamara Srzentic, Ratko Mitrovic and Zdravko Krivokapic will be fined EUR 500 for failing to report their assets.  


Konjevic: Krivokapic’s government, a joint project of SPC and Vijesti, seems to be dying out (CdM 


After Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said that the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) would be a “bloody minister” in the DF, and that the members of that party would fall under his influence, Rasko Konjevic has spoken up. He says that Krivokapic’s government represents a joint project of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) and Vijesti, and that it “seems to be dying out”. “The Lady of the Camellias” has returned from Japan, so (s)he doesn’t know where (s)he is heading for… He seems to have lost his compass since Daka doesn’t lead him by the hand,” Konjevic has tweeted. Konjevic points out that the SDP will not interfere with the “liberators” in their divorce lawsuit.  


Pendarovski-Radev phone call: Bulgaria to send firefighting units to Macedonia (Republika 


Several wildfires have broken out Monday afternoon in parts of the country, including two near the town of Kocani, eastern Macedonia, burning some dozen hectares of forest. The situation in Kocani is serious. The fire reached the first houses in the city. According to the residents, they evacuate themselves out of fear and are afraid that they will spend the night under the open sky. Firefighters are on the scene, but the string wind is making it more difficult to put out the fire.  

Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski informed that tonight he had a telephone conversation with the President of neighboring Bulgaria Rumen Radev. It has been agreed that Bulgaria will send firefighting units as soon as possible to help our teams put out the fires, Pendarovski said.  


Meta meets Grenell: Promoter of economic cooperation in the region (Radio Tirana) 


Albanian President Ilir Meta had a meeting with the former special envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Richard Grenell. The head of state stressed that Grenell has promoted US investment and economic cooperation in the region. “It was a pleasure to meet Ambassador Grenell this morning. I support his continued efforts to promote American investment and economic cooperation in the region, as the only way to ensure the well-being of all our citizens and especially the younger generation. Before his visit to the South of the country I donated the book "Albania from the Air", a special publication on Albanian natural wonders, as I am sure that next time, he will spend more time exploring our beautiful Albania,” said Meta.