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Belgrade Media Report 6 August 2021


Vucic: We have US support for Open Balkans initiative (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Thursday with US congressmen Eric Swalwell and Sean Maloney, with whom he discussed development of bilateral relations, as well as stability in the region of the Western Balkans. Vucic pointed out to the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation and improving overall relations with the US, and especially the importance of improving economic cooperation between the two countries, the President’s media office announced. “Serbia wants to establish better relations with the US,” said Vucic. The two congressmen said that they came to visit Serbia encouraged by its economic results, with the intention of encouraging US investors to invest more in our country. Congressmen Swalwell and Maloney expressed support for the regional initiative Open Balkans, which they see as a great opportunity for the progress of the Western Balkans. Vucic said that the initiative was open to others in the region and that regional economic cooperation and interconnection are a foundation for peace and stability. Vucic informed the US congressmen about the results that Serbia has achieved in terms of vaccination. The delegation of the US Congress welcomed the solidarity that Serbia has shown by helping, as a responsible neighbor, with donations of vaccines to citizens in the region. Vucic thanked the US for its help so far in the fight against the pandemic, especially bearing in mind the fact that the US is currently one of the countries most affected by this virus. Vucic reminded his interlocutors that this year marks the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the US, expressing hope that we will have the opportunity to adequately mark this important anniversary, despite the pandemic-caused restrictions.

Stefanovic: Serbia continues to lead a balanced defense policy (RTS)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met on Thursday with a delegation of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, led by Congressmen Eric Swalwell and Sean Maloney. Stefanovic wished welcome to the delegation and expressed satisfaction over the talks on the questions of strategic importance in the field of defense of the two countries. Stefanovic underlined that Serbia and the US have an upward trend of bilateral relations, and that their traditionally most promising part is cooperation in the field of defense. According to him, our country highly evaluates the cooperation to date in the form of joint military exercises and trainings, as well as donations from the American side to Serbia’s defense system. Stefanovic informed his interlocutors that Serbia continues to lead a balanced defense policy and works incessantly on the improvement and further quality development of relations in the field of defense with all states and international organizations, in line with the long-term strategic commitment of Serbia to maintain the status of a military neutral state. Representatives of the US Congress thanked for the hearty welcome and voiced hope that in the coming period Serbia and the US will raise their cooperation in the field of defense and in all areas of common interest to a higher level. They expressed support for the strong economic progress of Serbia and pointed out that our country positively influences the overall world security, primarily through participation in multinational operations of the UN and the EU. The meeting, held at the Small War Hall of the Old General Staff, was also attended by US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey and Director of the Military Intelligence Agency Brigadier General Zoran Stojkovic, according to a statement by the Ministry of Defense.

Mustafa Ceric’s five advises to Christian Schmidt (Politika, by D. Stanisic) 

Following the meeting of top officials of the RS and Serbia in Belgrade, former head of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Mustafa Ceric presented five pieces of advice for new High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. First, Ceric said that Schmidt should take former HR Paddy Ashdown, who removed several tens of Serb representatives in a single day, as an example. Second, Ceric warned Schmidt to keep in mind that the Serb policy in B&H “does not recognize the force of arguments or truth, but it only recognizes the argument of force by the Bonn powers and determined moves of the High Representative”. Ceric went on to say that Russia’s policy in B&H is “anti-Bosnian and anti-civilizational and it is under the influence of Serb anti-Bosnian policy of Belgrade”. Ceric added that Schmidt should not feel discouraged by this because B&H has always been in the zone of European interest, where Russia has no place. Finally, Ceric reminded Schmidt that he came to B&H to “hear the voice of genocide victims, to protect them from those who deny genocide and to do everything in his power to make sure those charged with genocide pay compensation to genocide victims”.

Bilcik: Serbia to stop glorifying war criminals (N1/RFE

The European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik said on Thursday his last report on Belgrade’s progress called on the respect and implementation of war crimes verdicts and the termination of glorifying war criminals. Bilcik commented on the news that the convicted war criminal Vladimir Lazarevic was declared an honorary citizen of one of the municipalities of the southern city of Nis. Speaking to Radio Free Europe (RFE), he recalled that his report, adopted by the EP in March, clearly says that the reconciliation and regional cooperation were key issues for Serbia’s EU membership. “The EP encourages Serbia to continue efforts for reconciliation and to strengthen good neighborly relations at all levels, including the issues related to the past,” Bilcik said. He called on the authorities committed to the European perspective to work on the reconciliation, justice and facing the tragedies from the past. On 9 August, Lazarevic should be presented the highest recognition of the Nis’ Pantelej municipality after the local assembly voted to declare him an honorary citizen on the Nis’ City Council led by President Aleksandar Vucic’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). The municipality’s head Natasa Stankovic told RFE Lazarevic was honored for devoting his entire life to the defense of Serbia’s flag colors. “He’s a modest, honest man, immensely loyal to his family and homeland, brave and dedicated military leader,” she said. Lazarevic commanded the former Yugoslav Army Pristina Corps. He was sentenced to 14 years by The Hague Tribunal for crimes his soldiers committed against civilians in Kosovo. He voluntarily surrendered to the Tribunal in 2005 and was found guilty in 2009 for command responsibility in aiding and supporting crimes against humanity, including forced dislocation of the Albanian civilians in Kosovo. The Tribunal released Lazarevic after he served two-thirds of the sentence.



Dodik’s announcement that there might be meeting with Schmidt after all causes reactions of RS opposition (FTV 


FTV reminds that B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik was first categorically refusing to meet new HR Christian Schmidt, but then he announced that he will meet Schmidt after all. Dodik said after the meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Wednesday that all politicians from the RS are ready to meet Schmidt on the Jahorina Mount to tell him that they can hold talks with him seeing him in the capacity of the former member of the German parliament and the former Agricultural Minister, but that for Republika Srpska (RS) he does not have legitimacy as the HR. Commenting on Dodik’s announcement, DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that DNS is not a minor for which others need to decide and to be taken to meetings without knowing or accepting to take part at such meetings. He added that he is not ready to find out from media that DNS will participate at some meeting, noting that nobody called him or consulted him about this meeting and he will not let anyone speak on his behalf. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that no one mentioned a joint meeting of the RS representatives with Schmidt in Belgrade on Wednesday. SDS issued a statement, noting that there is no agreement with Dodik on holding that meeting. The statement reads: “SDS will pass its decisions on any talks with Christian Schmidt independently. No one, including Dodik, can do that on behalf of SDS.” According to the SDS’ statement, the RS parliamentary party leaders’ meeting with Schmidt was not discussed at the meeting with Vucic that took place on Wednesday. “The fact that we were united in rejecting the imposing of laws by (former HR) Valentin Inzko as a model for functioning of B&H does not mean we are willing to accept for anyone from the RS to impose their will on us. According to PDP, the party is surprised over Dodik’s announcement and it is unclear why Dodik stated such a thing. PDP Spokeswoman Anja Petrovic stated that sudden change of Dodik’s stances should not be surprising as this is not the first time for him to do such a thing, reminding that a day after the RS parliament passed a conclusion that the RS representatives will not participate in the decision-making in joint institutions in B&H – Dodik was the first one who disregarded this conclusion. PDP confirmed that there was no talk about any meeting with Schmidt adding that they do not know how Dodik got this idea.   


Vukanovic says RS opposition should not make any deals with Dodik as his policy is devastating primarily for Serb people in B&H and RS as a whole (FTV 


SDS’ Nebojsa Vukanovic, commented on the latest announcement of B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who said in Belgrade on Wednesday that all RS politicians are ready to meet Christian Schmidt on the Jahorina Mount, and reactions of the RS opposition. Vukanovic stated that he cannot see any reason why the RS opposition would join Dodik at any meeting and it is clear that Dodik is faced with the crisis so he tries to get an alibi from the opposition for unpopular moves that will surely be condemned by the public. He said that Dodik’s calls for the so-called Serb unity are dishonest, mean and hypocritical, reminding of the situation in which Dodik destroyed the Serb unity in Sarajevo back in 2013 soon after he lost the local elections. According to Vukanovic, the opposition should not make any deals with Dodik as his policy is devastating primarily for the Serb people in B&H and the RS as a whole. He reminded that PDP, SDS and DNS have already rejected Dodik’s announcement for a meeting with Schmidt on the Jahorina Mount and that they have heard about it from media as Dodik made the announcement self-initiatively without prior consultations with the opposition.   

Vukanovic assessed that both Dodik and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic have a goal to radicalize the situation and they give statements in which they mutually insult both Bosniaks and Serbs and they try to raise tensions at the highest level because this is suitable for them. He warned that the current developments are consequences of Dodik’s insane policy, reminding that he warned Dodik several times that he has to take care of the functioning of joint institutions in B&H, that he needs to send best staff to Sarajevo and that he should not obstruct B&H’s functioning as the Dayton-based B&H is a perfect organizational framework for Serbs. According to Vukanovic, Dodik kept sabotaging the joint institutions due to his personal party interests by sending inadequate staff to represent the RS at the level of B&H and kept provoking the international community and foreigners in B&H. Commenting on the fact that Dodik does not recognize new HR Schmidt and that he announced that he will meet Schmidt to tell him that he sees him in the capacity of the former member of the German parliament and the former Agricultural minister but that for the RS he does not have legitimacy as the HR, Vukanovic stated that Dodik’s meeting with the new HR will show his hypocrisy and fake patriotism and will help the RS citizens and the public to finally see his true face and prevent them from voting for SNSD and Dodik anymore. He noted that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has close ties with Schmidt and Dodik cannot do anything without Vucic’s approval given that Vucic has a hold on Dodik, adding that it is clear from Wednesday’s meeting in Belgrade that Vucic gave recommendation to Dodik that he has to respect Schmidt as the new HR. Vukanovic said that Vucic’s rhetoric advocating for peace and stability in the region is similar to what he himself tries to impose in B&H – a key to B&H’s functioning through a consensus that will stop tensions and mutual animosity between political elites in B&H, concluding that he himself continuously advocates normalization of relations between Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks in this part of the Balkans.   


Borenovic: By attending meeting, opposition did not support Dodik, but right not to accept imposed solutions (Dnevni avaz 


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic, asked to comment the decision of Valentin Inzko to impose Amendments to the B&H Criminal Code, noted that he expects the agreement and harmonization of the text of the law to occur between local stakeholders, stressing that if authorities were able to reach the agreement on the NATO path they are capable to reach the agreement about this sensitive issue. He underlined that this is in best interest of everyone involved and stressed that it is clear that those who postpone or refuse the domestic agreement are in fact the ones who do not want B&H which is comfortable for everyone and where domestic decisions are reached. Borenovic added that Inzko’s Amendments resulted in political chaos, additional divisions and mistrust, noting that this situation is wind under the wings of “warmongering and penalty for well-intended policy”. “So much corruption, crime, nepotism, insane indebting, buddy-tycoon based wasting of public resources, negligence around vaccination, election thefts and Inzko dares to impose such difficult law,” said Borenovic. He agrees that local officials should have adopted this law before Inzko reacted. He underlined that ruling authority was able to reach the agreement on the NATO path, budget, splitting of budget spoils, overpriced respirators, etc. and they have not even tried to reach agreement on this complex law. “It is like they expected, desired and even encouraged Inzko reaching such decision and directly influenced saving of current elites from responsibility,” said Borenovic. Asked to comment Milorad Dodik’s “threats” that the RS Police will protect those who breach Inzko’s law, Borenovic said that the situation is not easy and it is up to the RS government to enact certain decision to protect citizens from abuses of the law. As for Dodik’s announcement that he will not and then that he will meet Christian Schmidt, Borenovic said: “Everyone choses their own political path, when they make a promise and when they fail to keep the promise. Already seen many times”. On the other side, PDP will use the possibility to present their arguments during the open talks with Schmidt and hear what Schmidt has to say.  Borenovic concluded that by attending the meeting, the opposition has not supported Dodik and his stances. Borenovic condemned Dodik’s latest statements where he once again insulted Bosniaks by calling them “converts and vassal people”.  


Dodik says he will meet Schmidt only if all Serb parties agree on that (RTRS 


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the meeting with Christian Schmidt will only be held if all Serb parties agree on that matter. The RS opposition said that decisions on the possible meeting with Schmidt will be made by party bodies. RTRS investigated who is trying to destroy the Serb unity in the RS. RTRS noted that the opposition did not understand Dodik very well, even though he has been giving explanations, for the past three days, on how and under which circumstances he would meet with Schmidt. The opposition statements say that this was not discussed during Wednesday’s meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade. The opposition also emphasizes that nobody, including Milorad Dodik, can organize meetings with Schmidt on behalf of the opposition. Political representatives from the RS agree that Schmidt does not have the legitimacy of a HR in B&H. Dodik underlines that he did not organize any meeting with Schmidt. He says once again that Schmidt is a “false HR” with whom Dodik can only speak under the premise of him being the former representative of the German parliament and a former minister in the German government. “I did not represent any of those politicians (members of the RS opposition), nor was my intention to make any decisions on their behalf. I did not decide on anything, I only believe, in this moment, that if we one day decide to meet the persona called Schmidt, but not in the capacity of HR, then my minimum of conditions for that meeting would be for that to be organized and agreed between us. If there is no agreement, then there will be no meeting,” Dodik concluded. He added that an unnecessary problem was created by “a certain media outlet from the RS”, whose goal was to destroy the Serb unity in the RS. During Wednesday’s press conference in Sarajevo, Schmidt said he would organize talks with representatives from the RS anywhere in B&H. During that press conference, a meeting in Belgrade, between delegations from Serbia and the RS, was held. Dodik was informed about Schmidt’s statement and he told the members of press that he would be willing to meet Schmidt at Jahorina Mountain. Ahead of Belgrade meeting, Dodik gave an interview for RTRS and said he would only meet Schmidt if he first “identifies himself”. He explains that Schmidt does not have the legitimacy of HR and RS officials will never accept him in that sense.  


Source says Vucic complimented Sarovic at meeting in Belgrade; Analysts Soja, Topic argue Vucic made influence on Dodik to change stance on holding meetings with Schmidt (EuroBlic 


The daily reminded of statements of Milorad Dodik and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic presented after the meeting of top officials of the RS and Serbia on Wednesday in Belgrade and carried a source as saying that Vucic expressed his satisfaction with the fact Serb unity was reached. “He especially praised SDS leader Mirko Sarovic by saying that he has been presenting excellent statements like never before in the past several days. We were all surprised with this statement of Vucic. He even expressed his desire to take a photo with Sarovic and Dodik,” the source noted and added that the meeting itself was held in a good atmosphere. However, the source said, Dodik provoked rage of opposition parties soon after the meeting because he said, without consulting them, that he would be willing to meet Schmidt at Jahorina and that all politicians from the RS will come to that meeting to tell him that they can hold talks with him but only as with former German official. Former diplomat Slobodan Soja assessed that Dodik’s “political and diplomatic maneuver space” has been drastically reduced a long time ago by his own mistakes and by his wrong politics, so he has only Belgrade to turn to. Soja argued that relations between Belgrade and Banja Luka are no longer sincere because the main players changed: “While Vucic was radical and nationally impassioned, Dodik was moderate and universal. Now, Vucic is trying to act as Dodik acted in past, while Dodik is trying to exceed Vucic’s past behavior. While Dodik is doing everything opposite to what the EU and USA want, Vucic is trying to respect the will of the big ones”. Because of this, Soja argued, the latest meeting in Belgrade ended without any significant results “except for one significant detail – Vucic forced Dodik to meet Schmidt”. Soja said that future meetings in Belgrade might be similar to this one unless “the RS changes its autistic and crazy policy which could cost it dearly, and Serbia knows it” and he concluded by saying that former Dodik would know that there are “much nicer, subtle and elegant ways to fight for everything he claims to be fighting for  

Political analyst Tanja Topic said that nothing unexpected happened at the meeting in Belgrade and she reminded that Vucic said a long time ago that he will not confront German politicians and bring Serbia in an awkward position by doing so. Topic argued that Dodik, under the influence of Vucic, changed his stance from “we will not talk to Schmidt” to “we will meet him at Jahorina”. Topic also noted that she does not understand why the opposition parties are suddenly surprised to see Dodik speak on their behalf because Serb unity has existed in line with needs of Dodik since the very beginning. “They have been exploited since the beginning, but they volunteered to be a part of this theater play,” Topic concluded.  


Komsic: Dodik went to Belgrade to complain to Vucic, but since he did not receive support for his actions, Dodik decided that he would meet with Schmidt (N1 


After meeting Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday in Belgrade, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said he would meet new HR Christian Schmidt, not in the context of him being a High Representative, but in the context of Schmidt being a former representative of the German parliament and a former minister of the German government. B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic told members of the press that Dodik keeps on making the same moves and nothing he does is really surprising. Komsic emphasized that Dodik went to Belgrade to complain to Vucic, but since he did not receive support for his actions, Dodik decided that he would meet Schmidt. After this, Komsic expects Dodik to return to “normal activities”, including his work in the B&H Presidency. During the meeting in Belgrade on Wednesday, Vucic underlined that Serbia respects the territorial integrity of B&H and the territorial integrity of the RS within B&H. SNSD did not issue a statement that would explain messages in Belgrade. Commenting on this issue, Komsic said that this is no surprise.  


Komsic and Dzaferovic warn that Dodik’s loss of political compass causes direct damage to state of B&H and its citizens (Hayat 


In their media statements on Wednesday evening, Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member Sefik Dzaferovic warned that Serb member Milorad Dodik has lost his political compass a long time ago and that this causes direct damage to the state of B&H and its citizens. Komsic and Dzaferovic agreed that Dodik keeps changing his statements each day, without thinking about the consequences. According to these two B&H Presidency members, Dodik’s moves make no sense and his latest statements about Bosniaks are a sign of his ignorance. They reminded that Dodik’s recent behavior is a scenario that has been scene on many occasions before, and it includes his threats and meetings with the Serbian leadership in Belgrade, while now he loudly invites the RS opposition to join him and follow in his steps. Komsic stated that the reactions of Dodik and “the entire political retinue that follows him”, after the decision of Valentin Inzko to introduce amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H on banning of the genocidal denial, are nothing unexpected. Komsic referred to such reactions as “meaningless, representing a waste of time, energy, and nerves of people”. According to Komsic, instead of behaving in this manner, Dodik should commit to working for the sake of citizens and institutions of RS but also of B&H, as that is his constitutional obligation based on the oath he took at the beginning of his mandate. Dzaferovic assessed that such form of policy conducted by Dodik will not yield results. Dzaferovic pointed out that what Dodik is doing is in vain, “because B&H will become member of NATO and the EU, and all peoples will be equal regardless of where they live”. He concluded that Dodik should be ashamed of himself and such ignorance, adding: “His policy will never succeed”.  


Kalabukhov says he does not plan to cooperate with Schmidt (Nezavisne 


Ambassador of Russia to B&H Igor Kalabukhov stated that he does not plan to cooperate with Christian Schmidt because he does not consider him HR in the sense of the Article 7 of the UN Charter. Kalabukhov added that there is an aura around the OHR which needs to be demystified: “Feel free to address Mr. Schmidt with the request to allow a direct broadcast of meetings at the OHR. If there is live broadcast of sessions of the UN SC, then why should this not be applied on the OHR too, especially knowing that it is working for the benefit of B&H citizens?”. Kalabukhov noted that B&H citizens should see a couple of sessions and form their own opinion about the OHR. He reminded that the RS is an entity within B&H with a wide constitutional authority, same as the Federation of B&H. “We are not creating ‘strongholds of projection of power’, but we are trying to expand our country’s circle of friends. Should all citizens of B&H join this ‘stronghold’, we will be very glad,” Kalabukhov noted. Commenting on decision of political representatives of the RS not to participate in the work of B&H institutions, Kalabukhov said that Serbs, as one of the constituent people, have the right in line with the Annex 4 of the Dayton Peace Agreement to adopt decisions that would be in the interest of Serb people in B&H.  


Bosniak Caucus in RS Council of Peoples raised issue of protecting vital national interest over Law on Non-Application of Decision of High Representative and Amendments to Criminal Code of RS (BHT1 


The Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (RS CoP) raised the issue of protecting vital national interest over two laws passed by the RS parliament at their last session – the Law on Non-Application of Decision of the High Representative and the Amendments to Criminal Code of RS. It is certain that that this issue will be examined before the RS Constitutional Court, commented the presenter. The Bosniak Caucus expects that the procedure on this issue will be completed in a month. Delegate of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Alija Tabakovic stated: “Information that I have, (is) that the representatives of the authorities in the RS are in a hurry to put these laws into force. We expect everything to be over next month”. In order for the protection of the vital national interest of Bosniaks to pass in the RS CoP, all caucuses must vote for it, which will never happen, claimed the Serb Caucus in the RS CoP. They also stated that it is unrealistic to expect a joint commission of the RSNA and the RS CoP to support Bosniaks.   

Delegate of the Serb Caucus in the RS CoP Vukota Govedarica commented: “At this moment, the call of the RS President (Zeljka Cvijanovic) that this issue must be considered between Serbs and Bosniaks does not seem realistic at all, because I doubt that Bosniaks can pull some kind of political brake”. The Bosniak Caucus claimed that they do not expect to receive a positive decision from the RS Constitutional Court, so they are already ready to send an appeal to the B&H Constitutional Court after this procedure. They also said they expect a reaction from the international community and the B&H Prosecutor's Office. Deputy speaker of RS CoP Mihnet Okic who confirmed that Bosniak Caucus invoked VNI protection over the recently adopted laws. Okic explained that the laws will end up before the RS CC and being that they do not expect much “from this political court”, they will file a motion before the B&H CC. Okic said that he expects reaction of the international community, but also of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, noting that it is most likely that the B&H CC will have its last saying in this case, just as it was the case with 9 January.   


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H forms 22 cases upon reports for crime of denial of genocide (Nova BH 


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H formed 22 cases upon reports for the crime of denial of the genocide. The news comes after amendments to the B&H Criminal Code that ban denial of the genocide entered into force. All those who violate the law risk prison sentence in duration of three months up to five years. President of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly Camil Durakovic has filed a report against RTRS journalist Branimir DjuricicFTV reminds that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H announced earlier that it will monitor posts and stances presented by individuals, groups or associations in which the genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in B&H are denied.  


Cvijanovic: B&H has no future because there is no dialogue (Nezavisne 


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that every state in which there is no dialogue will atrophy in the end, and noted that there is neither dialogue nor future in B&H because Bosniak representatives do not want that, but they are trying to blame Serbs for the situation. “You cannot force someone to do something or be somewhere. You constantly humiliate one of the constituent peoples, you disparage them, call them genocidal and aggressor, you try to take away from them anything you want, and then you claim that you want to be their partner”, said Cvijanovic. She underlined that B&H has no future, because the future must be result of negotiations and agreements on common state. Cvijanovic also noted that a common state should represent best interests of all its citizens. She added that she has nothing against state-level institutions, but emphasized that the RS and its Constitution and competencies must be respected. Cvijanovic also said that Russia is very important partner for the RS and that it takes the second place among foreign investors, and noted that there is a lot of room for improvement of relations.  


Cabinet of Serb member of B&H Presidency distances itself from Turkovic’s behavior in Tehran (Srna/RTRS 


The Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has distanced itself from “unauthorized” actions of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic in Tehran, advisor for foreign policy of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Ana Trisic told Srna. Trisic stated that Turkovic, as a minister, has the general authority to maintain contact with all countries that B&H has diplomatic relations with, including Iran, but she had to consider the delicacy of the situation. On the occasion of Turkovic's meeting with newly elected Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, for whom there is a concern about his role in the mass executions of political prisoners during the 1980s in Iran, Trisic pointed out that an official of Turkovic's rank could not say that she was not familiar with the controversies and in that sense she should have asked for consultations with the B&H Presidency, but she did not do that and she acted on her own. “Our Cabinet distances itself from her actions, which have elements of exceeding authority and reserves the right to take appropriate administrative and legal steps,” Trisic stated.  


Croatia celebrates Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, and Croatian Veterans Day (HRT 


Croatia celebrated Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, and Croatian Veterans Day today, a national holiday. The day marks the 26th anniversary of the Storm military-police operation. In just 84 hours, 11,000 square kilometers of Croatian territory occupied by rebel Serbs was liberated. Prior to the operation negotiations with the rebel Serbs were drawn out and unsuccessful, and the operation was unavoidable because at the end of July in 1995, Croatia was caring for a little under 385,000 Croats that fled the area or were persecuted by rebel Serbs, while at the same time neighboring B&H needed assistance. In Knin Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic and President Zoran Milanovic addressed the public, while retired Colonel Danijel Rehak spoke on behalf of Veterans. Following the flag raising, the names of the 241 killed soldiers and two missing were read. They are engraved on a monument at the central square in Knin. Retired Colonel Danijel Rehak, a disabled veteran and president of the Association of Serbian Concentration Camp Detainees, addressed those gathered on behalf of Croatian veterans. “The truth is that we former concentration camp detainees don't take freedom for granted, nobody should. We are aware of its importance and the difficult path that led to it. In our thoughts we must preserve the memory of the immortal heroes of the Croatian revolution, while at the same time looking to the future,” said Rehak. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic emphasized that we will always celebrate Operation Storm with dignity in order for future generations to nurture the values of the Homeland War. "Precisely because of that, we continue to implement the symbolic gestures expressed at last year's Storm anniversary, guided by the policy of reconciliation, coexistence and understanding," added Plenkovic. “With respect to the historical truth and expressing piety to all innocent victims, magnanimity in victory, doesn't mean that we will ever allow anyone to bring the legitimacy of operation storm into question, nor the defensive character of the Homeland War. That is also a message to our neighboring country Serbia, which in my opinion should abandon the futile rhetoric of the past, face their own responsibility, and turn to a policy of reconciliation and the future,” said the Prime Minister. President Zoran Milanovic told what he called friends and neighbors in Serbia that Croatia will not give up the search for missing people. The majority of his address was dedicated to Operation Storm, where he noted that it was one of the boldest undertakings in Croatian history. “Often I wish the Croatian state, in its efforts, ambitions, work, successes and confusion had the organization and firm discipline, in a democratic society of course, that the Croatian Military had then,” said the President. Jandrokovic said that operation Storm was a legal military operation and that this is a historic fact that no false interpretation will shake. He added that the Homeland war is the rock on which the Croatian state stands. “We need to strengthen that victorious Croatian spirit and patriotism, regardless of political affiliation and regardless of worldviews. Loving the homeland, building a portion of yourself into progress and caring for public wealth, should be the task of all of us,” said Jandrokovic.  


PM: We will not allow anyone to question legitimacy of operation Storm (Hina 


Magnanimity in victory does not mean that Croatia will ever allow anyone to question the legitimacy of Operation Storm or the defensive nature of the Homeland War, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic told a ceremony in Knin on Thursday marking the 26th anniversary of the operation that ended a Serb armed insurgency in 1995. "It is always a special feeling to come to Knin on this day because it is an opportunity for us to remember the days of pride and victory which are deeply impressed on the hearts of all Croats, but which are also an expression of lasting gratitude to all those who gave their lives so that Croatia could live and be free" Plenkovic said in his speech, extending his best wishes for Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day. Today we pay tribute to the victorious Croatian army and police who, under the leadership of President Franjo Tudjman, defeated in battle the criminal policy of the Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic, which secured Croatia's survival, ended the war, and established lasting peace. "That victory and our legitimate right to live as free people in our own country were, unfortunately, paid in the lives of the bravest of Croatian sons to whom we are forever grateful, as we are to many members of the ethnic minorities who also defended Croatia," Plenkovic said. "Today we are in thoughts with the families of the defenders who were killed, Croatian disabled war veterans and many civilian casualties," he said, stressing that the Homeland War and the victories won in Operation Storm, as well as in Operation Flash and other military operations that preceded it, were the foundations of the present Croatian state. "That's why shedding light on the truth about missing persons, the prosecution of war crimes, and the attainment of justice for everyone who was caused pain remains our lasting duty," the prime minister said, adding that we will always celebrate Operation Storm indignity so that future generations would also foster the values of the Homeland War. He said that after symbolic gestures made at last year's anniversary, his government would continue to pursue the policy of reconciliation, co-existence, and understanding, respecting the historical truth and paying respects to all innocent victims. "But magnanimity in victory does not mean that we will ever allow anyone to question the legitimacy of Operation Storm and the defensive nature of the Homeland War. This is also a message to our neighbor, Serbia, which in my opinion should abandon the futile rhetoric of the past, face up to its own responsibility, pursue a policy of reconciliation and look to the future," Plenkovic said.  


Bozinovic: Ustasha salute is banned and sanctioned (Hina 


Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said, in connection with the Ustasa salute "For the homeland ready" in Knin, that such exclamations were banned and sanctioned, and that the police would certainly perform everything in accordance with the law. "I have no concrete insight or a report about what had happened. That exclamation is banned, sanctioned and the police will certainly do everything that the law prescribes," Bozinovic told reporters during the celebration of 26 years since the Storm police and military operation, Hina reported. The media have conveyed a recording of several people exclaiming the Ustasha salutation "For the homeland ready" during the celebration in Knin. The exclamation absolutely must be sanctioned, said Bozinovic, adding that the police would do their job as soon as they review the recording.  


Plenkovic expects from HR Schmidt to take care of equality of all three constituent peoples in B&H, especially about rights of Croat (Hina 


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated that he is expecting from new B&H HR Christian Schmidt to work to benefit of all and that Croats in B&H are equal. Plenkovic said that Schmidt is a very experienced and serious German politician who knows the situation in south-east Europe very well. “I think he is reasonable, that he will look for compromises, take care of equality of all three constituent peoples in B&H, especially about rights of Croats as least numerical constituent people,” said Plenkovic. The Croatian PM added by saying he gave Schmidt a Croatian medal two years ago.  


"No need for the Serbian world" Abazovic says (MINA 


Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic said that he expected that relations between Belgrade and Podgorica would improve after Serbia helped Montenegro with vaccines, but such scenario did not happen due to some political events in Montenegro that caused much more attention in Serbia, for no good reason. Abazovic specified that after the dismissal of the Montenegrin Minister of Justice Vladimir Leposavic, the adoption of the Srebrenica Resolution and the Basic Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, the negative atmosphere was unnecessarily created. Commenting on the statement of the Serbian Minister of the Interior, Mr. Aleksandar Vulin, about the creation of the Serbian world, Abazovic stated that "we do not need the Serbian world, but the European world". "I have criticized such statements on more than one occasion. I am afraid that we give them too much importance, even though they really seem dangerous. When we give great importance to something frivolous like this, then the whole thing gets out of proportions it really deserves," said Abazovic. He also reiterated that the non-extradition of the former president of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro Svetozar Marovic is nothing else but a bad message to Montenegro, with "no logical basis". "In the meantime, one thing happened, which is that the deadline in which he could give some answer expires soon. Now everything is getting a new dimension. Maybe that's why he should have stayed there. In any case, I still stand by my position. that it would be very good for justice and the fight against organized crime to extradite Svetozar Marovic to Montenegro," Abazovic said. When asked if he will pay an official visit to Serbia, he said that no visit without an invitation is possible. "In essence, due to the situation with Covid-19, this type of activity was a bit limited. I recently visited Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania and I hope to pay an official visit to Serbia soon. I will do so with great pleasure. Colleagues from Serbia are certainly more than welcome to Montenegro," stated Abazovic. When it comes to the situation on the Montenegrin political scene, Abazovic said that his relations with other members of the ruling coalition are very good, but he also added that he is unsure if their mutual relations were good. Abazovic pointed out his support to Zdravko Krivokapic as Prime Minister, same kind of support from the very beginning. He stated that, if the concept of expert government is to be abandoned, the agreement signed after the elections would have to be revised. "If we are to revise the agreement, then we can go too far. I refuse the reconstruction according to the “buffet system” - for anyone just to come and help themselves with whatever they want. That must not be done. The reconstruction always carries certain political risks," Abazovic warned. He believes that the conflict between the Democratic Front on the one hand and the Democrats and Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic on the other hand is "very frivolous". "I will always vote for finding compromises, although I do understand political strive and positioning. Exchange of harsh words should be postponed until the election campaign," said Abazovic. He describes the situation as self-contradictory because the government of Montenegro does not have the support of the majority in the parliament, but, as he states, there is no real threat of the fall. "It's a strange situation, but after 30 years no one expected things to be simple. I don't think anyone is ready to overthrow the government at this point. It would be political suicide for anyone who dares to take that step. On the other hand, the government must find a common language with the parliamentary majority so that these goals that I talked about can be achieved," Abazovic said.  


EU to send equipment, assistance to help Macedonia fight wildfires; VMRO-DPMNE seeks resignations (Republika 


The EU will send equipment and assistance to help Macedonia fight wildfires, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic tweeted on Thursday. Meanwhile, VMRO-DPMNE said “We see the absolute incapacity of the government to deal with fires throughout Macedonia. Instead of timely intervention, we see endangered villages and towns, destroyed houses, farms, properties, forest areas and, unfortunately, a lost live”. The party emphasizes that the incompetent government of PM Zoran Zaev cannot organize anything other than crime. “They do not have a plan and strategy to tackle the fires. If they had, they would not have rejected the amendment to the budget rebalance proposed by VMRO-DPMNE for the procurement of 20 firefighting vehicles. If they had a strategy, the three firefighting planes that would now helped put out forest fires would not have been left not served. But instead of allocating 400 thousand euros for servicing, they spend millions on official vehicles, furniture, employment and mobile phones. Instead of dismissing the incompetent Stojance Angelov, they promote him from acting director to director, the man who amateurishly manages a crisis that can cost the lives and property of citizens,” said VMRO-DPMNE. The opposition party say that one cannot expect more from people who instead of preventing allowed the fire to reach the city of Kocani, while they were having fun at private celebrations on Meckin Kamen. “It’s enough! It is time for the resignations of the incompetent in order to save lives! The incompetence of the government endangers the lives and property of citizens. Nobody is asking for answers from Zaev’s government anymore, now responsibility is sought for them!” said VMRO-DPMNE.  


Ex-candidate for DP’s chair attacks Basha as US targets Berisha (ADN 


Former candidate for chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) Fatbardh Kadilli has accused Thursday Head Lulzim Basha of incompetence to lead the second biggest political force in Albania as the US has declared “war” against Former Prime Minister and historical leader of DP, Sali Berisha, on charges of corruption. According to Kadilli, it is the decisions, the political ideas you proclaims, the causes, the victories and the losses, the courage and realism to see without hesitation the truth, the battles, the comrades you choose, the ability to build partnerships with cooperators, with citizens, with allies, with factors different, the name you create as an image, as an icon, as a public perception and character that make you a leader. However, the former chair candidate stated that Berisha has the right to defend himself, his family and history, but the chairman must speak on behalf of the party, defend it and maintain a principled position on behalf of the party. “Berisha stated that Basha is with him. Basha continues to be silent. If Basha's silence is an approval then we can say that for the first time in 30 years, since the day of its establishment, the DP is officially in open conflict with the State Department. This is a very serious problem, more for the present and especially for the future of the DP, than of the State Department. It is not known if Basha, already with his shoulders behind the wall, will break the silence. Today Berisha spoke and said that he does not move either from PD or from his. In the case that he will be eventually forced to formally separate from Berisha, this cannot be done with his usual tactic of encouraging others to speak or encouraging them after they have spoken. Basha's long silence is not maturity, prudence, care for the confused DP, but it is fear and inability to lead,” emphasized Kadilli among other things.