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Belgrade Media Report 30 August


Vucic: I still have not made the decision on whether I will attend enthronement of Moteropolitan Joanikije (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Saturday that he has not yet made a decision whether he will attend the enthronement of Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije in Cetinje on 5 September, for which he received an invitation, stating that the decision will be based on political arguments and does not want to provoke additional tensions.

He said that he would announce the decision on 2 or 3 September, certainly not a day before the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije.

On verdict to Todosijevic

If the verdict against Ivan Todosijevic is not annulled, it is clear that the Brussels agreement, by the decision of the Albanians, no longer exists, said Vucic. Answering the question whether, if the verdict against Todosijevic is not annulled, Serbs will go to the local elections in Kosovo and Metohija, he said that such decisions are made jointly and that, in case of non-annulment of the verdict, i.e. the decision of the Albanians that the Brussels agreement no longer exists, all decisions are possible. “I hope that someone will act rationally and reasonably, and that someone outside will also have enough wisdom and strength to call them to their senses to behave like that,” concluded Vucic.

Patriarch spoke about the situation in Montenegro: I feel sad (B92)

His Holiness Patriarch of Serbia Mr. Porfirije spoke for the first time on Sunday about the opponents of the upcoming enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije. He pointed out that so far he has not said a single word about the events in Montenegro, but that he recognizes the modern mechanism of red herring. “That is why I have not said a single word so far about what is happening in Montenegro, and we are really very sad and recognize the modern mechanism of imposing something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue, where you declare someone bad in advance, where you declare him a provocateur, creator of all possible problems and then create a legitimate right to restrain him from leading the paths of his freedom, which is at the same time love. Namely, for a normal, natural thing by which the church functions, and that is the enthronement of a bishop, and in this particular case, for centuries Orthodox metropolitans have been enthroned in Cetinje, someone has declared that this should not be the case, although we now have no other solution because we are implementing what is natural and normal, and we are defined as ‘someone who imposes something by force’ and as ‘someone who does not understand the situation’ and as ‘someone who provokes’. It’s like someone telling you - You can’t breathe air because that air doesn't belong to you! And you can’t live without breathing because it’s a natural and normal thing. Enthronement and everything the church does is always in the spirit of these words of Christ, in the spirit of what is based on faith and prayer, in the spirit of humility and in the spirit of love, the Church acts always and exclusively based on the Gospel. By its nature, the church is not there to resolve any political misunderstandings, it is not even there to influence them, let alone make political decisions,” Porfirije said. The church is not here to deal with state issues, the patriarch explained. “The Church is the body of Christ, which means the community of all those who are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The body of Christ in which, according to the apostle Paul, ‘there are no Greeks or Jews’. It belongs to whomever he wants and let him organize his life in the best possible way, but if he is Christ’s and if he listens to the word of Christ, then he will always be a witness of peace,” Porfirije said. The Patriarch pointed out that the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije should be based on faith, prayer, love and on constantly reminding ourselves that the word of Christ must be authoritative. “If it is, we will have peace in our souls, and if it is not, we will be upset in the least,” Porfirije said.

Selakovic: Gratitude to Vietnam for principled and active support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on the phone on Friday with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Bui Tan Son. The two ministers agreed to hold political consultations in the next two months and pointed to the need to intensify relations between Serbia and Vietnam in all fields, especially political and economic, for which there is a great potential. Selakovic expressed his gratitude to his Vietnamese colleague for the principled and active support of Vietnam to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia in all international forums. They noted that friends are best recognized in moments of difficult challenges, and also discussed the possibility of Serbia donating certain amounts of vaccines in order to alleviate the difficult epidemiological situation in Vietnam. Selakovic used this opportunity to invite his Vietnamese colleague to participate in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade on 11-12 October, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

Petkovic: More than 1,600 still missing (Beta)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Monday that 1,639 people are still missing in Kosovo and Metohija. He said in a press release on the International Missing Persons Day that the number included people of all nationalities. He said that the Serbian authorities investigated 22 sites alleged to be mass graves containing the remains of Kosovo Albanians while the authorities in Pristina investigated only one of 10 sites that official Belgrade reported as potential Kosovo Serb mass graves. The remains of seven Kosovo Serbs were found at the one investigated site, he added. Petkovic accused the authorities in Pristina of refusing to allow mixed commissioned to search the remaining possible mass grave sites and identify the remains stored in a morgue in Pristina.

Escobar to succeed Palmer as US Western Balkans envoy (Tanjug)

Career diplomat Gabriel Escobar, the US deputy ambassador to Serbia, has confirmed to Tanjug he would on 7 September take over as the US State Department envoy for the Western Balkans, succeeding Matthew Palmer. In his new post, Escobar will be tasked with the resolution of numerous issues in the Western Balkans, including the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Escobar has been the US deputy chief of mission to Serbia since August 2019. Prior to the arrival of Ambassador Anthony Godfrey, Escobar was the US charge d’ affaires in Belgrade. He had previously served in Baghdad.



Erdogan, B&H Presidency members discuss infrastructural projects, economic cooperation (N1)

N1 aired live the press conference organized by the B&H Presidency members on late Friday afternoon in Sarajevo, after the meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. First to address the press conference was B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic. He spoke of good relations between B&H and Turkey, improvement of their cooperation in all fields, and increase of trade between the countries. “We have a successful economic cooperation but there is, really, a lot of space there for improvement,” Komsic emphasized. Komsic said Erdogan informed the Presidency members of issues that Turkish companies, investors in BiH, deal with and they exchanged opinions on how this situation and business climate could be improved. Turkey and B&H also have an intention for signing a Letter of Intent regarding the cooperation of the two countries in field of energy. Komsic underlined the importance of this move, saying it will greatly improve the situation in the energy sector of B&H and help the country deal with future challenges. Komsic confirmed that talks were also focused on current political situation in B&H, but he did not wish to say what they spoke of during the meeting, allowing other participants of the meeting to address this topic during their segment of the press conference. Erdogan addressed the press conference and said that this was the third meeting he attended with the B&H Presidency members this year. “The frequency of our contacts shows the value that we give to our relations, and to close dialogue. B&H has a special place in the hearts of our people,” Erdogan said. He thanked B&H and its citizens for always supporting Turkey in everything, especially during hard times – like the recent floods and fires that hit this country. Erdogan said Friday’s meeting focused on tasks that Turkey and B&H can fulfill in the coming period. He added that bilateral relations between the two countries, relations in the region and in the world, as well as improvement of cooperation were main topics of the meeting. The Turkey’s President said his country wants to improve cooperation with B&H in fields of industry, tourism, education and agriculture. When commenting relations at the Balkans region, Erdogan said they all agreed economic cooperation and connectivity must be improved, and that will bring stability, prosperity and peace to this region. Erdogan said the goal of reaching one billion Euros in trade exchange between Turkey and B&H is quite important, and everything should be done to reach that. “I want to say that we reaffirmed our support to B&H on its path towards Euro-Atlantic integration. Territorial integrity, political unity, and of course, the sovereignty of B&H are the key for regional peace. We will continue to jointly work on preserving regional stability,” Erdogan promised. He added that Friday’s meeting also touched upon the current situation in Afghanistan, during which they all expressed deep condolences to all the people that lost their loved ones during recent suicide bomber incident at the Kabul airport. He concluded the address by thanking B&H and his hosts for this visits and the warm welcome he had in Sarajevo.

Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic told the press conference that he would not add anything to what Komsic and Erdogan said about their meeting, as they covered all topics that were addressed. He emphasized that B&H and Turkey maintain friendly, brotherly relations – which only improve by the years. Dzaferovic said that Turkey never asks B&H for anything, but it only simply offers its help and support to B&H. We are really thankful to such a friend, to the Republic of Turkey and to President Erdogan, Dzaferovic pointed out. “The Republic of Turkey and President Erdogan are an important factor of stability in the Western Balkans,” Dzaferovic assessed, adding: “We plead President Erdogan and Turkey to continue with such policy.” Dzaferovic reminds that Turkey initiated trilateral meetings and improvement of relations between Turkey, B&H and Serbia, and between Turkey, B&H and Croatia. Dzaferovic said that there is a plan to hold a trilateral meeting between B&H, Serbia and Turkey during 2021 if the situation with coronavirus pandemic allows. That meeting would be held in B&H. He added that B&H receives full support of Turkey on its EU and NATO paths.

Dzaferovic also said he would like work on implementation of Sarajevo-Belgrade highway project to be accelerated in line with the memorandums and agreements that were signed up until now. He said this is an economic, infrastructure, but also a politically stabilizing project. Dzaferovic would like to see full implementation and benefits of the Free Trade Agreement that was signed between B&H and Turkey, as there are many parts of that agreement, many benefits that were not utilized. “B&H needs peace, it needs stability, it needs its institutions to function, a stable environment is needed for the interest of all people in this country, so that we are able to move forward in a strong way,” Dzaferovic said in conclusion of his address. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told the press conference that this is a significant visit and it is always an honor to host such an important leader of a great country. Dodik said he always feels how dedicated Turkey and President Erdogan are to helping B&H in all aspects. Dodik spoke of the Sarajevo-Belgrade highway, saying he hopes all details will be determined soon so that construction could begin shortly after. When talking about the current political situation in B&H, Dodik said Afghanistan is the best example that shows foreigners are not those that can make important decisions in some country, and that those decisions are not actually good for the people living in that country. “We only believe in internal agreement, which is always the best solution in any matter,” Dodik underlined. He emphasized that he puts more trust into B&H’s cooperation with Turkey and Erdogan, than in cooperation with some foreign factors within B&H – that constantly try and impose some solutions and decisions. Dodik said if Turkey was more involved in the process that refers to the High Representative in B&H, this “ongoing calamity would not have happened in the first place”. He added that there is “no High Representative in B&H” and that there is a certain person in B&H that tries to represent himself as the High Representative. Erdogan heard all out opinions, Dodik pointed out, adding that he is sure Erdogan understood his point of view. Dodik said it is not good for B&H to have a “non-appointed foreigner” who plays the role of a High Representative. “That is not a civilizational attainment,” Dodik stressed. He said he is ready for dialogue between leaders in B&H, which can be held with full support of B&H’s friends. “I call on people from Sarajevo to have understanding, to realize the seriousness of this situation,” said Dodik, adding the main goal is to preserve peace and stability in B&H. Dodik said in conclusion of his address that any talks and any decisions that B&H leaders would make in the future, even if the decision is possible dissolution of B&H, should be made in peace.

Dodik: Situation in B&H could be resolved through mediation of Erdogan, Vucic and Milanovic (RTRS/BNTV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the situation in B&H could be resolved through mediation of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who could contribute to the dialogue. Dodik claimed that he no longer trusts the current mediators because they are trusted by Bosniaks and to a lesser extent by Croats, while there is no trust among Serbs at all. Dodik described his attendance of the meeting between the members of the B&H Presidency and Erdogan as neither comfortable nor easy. Dodik stated: “It was not easy at all to be there and listen to all those stories, but I can only think what the story would have been if I had not been there and had not had a chance to tell them what I said”. When it comes to the issue of Serb unity and whether it was jeopardized by Dodik’s attendance of the meeting, Dodik received criticism from the opposition not because of his attendance but because of his behavior after the meeting in which Dodik warned of the violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic confirmed that he will talk with other opposition leaders on Monday about, as Sarovic said, Dodik’s dangerous statement that the DPA does not exist and that a new political agreement is needed in B&H. The opposition said that this is not (Serb) unity but togetherness when it comes to the issue of the imposed decision of the former High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko. Dodik commented that he agrees as they all conduct different policies but they should remain together on that issue.

Nesic: Serb parties did not agree on any type of ‘Dayton 2’ (BNTV)

DNS leader Nenad Nesic strongly criticized Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik after the meeting Dodik attended with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sarajevo. Nesic reminds that he gave his consent for Dodik to attend this meeting, as he believes Serb politicians do not have such luxury which allows them to reject meetings with great world leaders. However, Nesic said that Dodik’s obligation at such meetings is to “defend the national interest and bring something for his people”. In his statement, Nesic said that unfortunately all that was heard after the meeting with Erdogan was not in line with the conclusions made in the RS parliament. He added that not even SNSD officials knew what Dodik’s statements were supposed to mean, but they still exert efforts to defend him and his moves. Nesic underlines that Serb parties did not agree on any type of ‘Dayton 2’. “We gathered around the (issue of) violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement – the only guarantee of the RS’ existence as it is today, and the only guarantee of peace in B&H, which the people gained by giving their own lives”, Nesic wrote.

Komsic on Dodik’s statement about DPA (Hayat)

Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that Dodik’s “racket about the foreigners” is so “pointless” and this is proven by the fact that Dodik himself called on foreigners to get included in the dialogue on alleged changes to the Dayton Peace Agreement arrangement of B&H. Komsic said this is the only way Dodik’s call for Serbia, Croatia and Turkey could be interpreted. Dodik is not against foreigners, Komsic says, and adds that Dodik would simply pick and choose foreigners that suit him and his needs. The Chairman of the B&H Presidency added that he does not see how today “the two countries (Serbia and Croatia), that carried out the aggression on B&H, could have greater international credibility than the United States, the UK, Germany, France, the EU and the UN, and even Russia, who are witnesses of the signing of the Dayton Accords”.

Dodik: I believe Erdogan is deeply aware about division within B&H (ATV)

In a statement for ATVDodik said that he went to the meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sarajevo to present stances of the RS. He also said that criticism of the opposition is pointless because he went to Sarajevo to talk about ignorance and arrogance that exists there towards the RS. He emphasized that Erdogan expressed high interest in internal relations within B&H and in possible solutions for existing problems. Dodik underlined that he believes Erdogan is deeply aware about divisions within B&H, as well as of weak position of Chair of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and peripheral role of member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. Dodik went on to saying that besides Erdogan, he probably was only one at meeting in Sarajevo capable to pass a decision on behalf of his country. “Everything else was caricature made by Dzaferovic and Komsic,” explained Dodik. He stressed that it was important to attend meeting in Sarajevo, adding that in this way they demonstrated their future acting. “My primary goal is to preserve consent and unity of political acting in the RS,” said Dodik, adding that he feels it is sort of burden for those from the opposition. Dodik told ATV that he is no longer satisfied with the story on construction of Sarajevo-Belgrade highway because there is no concrete information from Turkey and it is impossible to articulate a joint approach to this matter in B&H. Dodik added that he informed the Turkish delegation on Friday that B&H has a small economy that cannot endure heavy burdens and explained that a part of costs will have to be realized through donations but the rest of the costs can be “coped with only if it will be approved to 30 years with a grace period of 10 years, interest rate no higher than 1% and if the costs will be equal to the average cost of construction of one kilometer of a highway in the region”. Dodik also argued that representatives of the FB&H have no stance at all on this matter, because of which they are not in a hurry to realize the project. Dodik added that the RS’ goal is to have the highway which connects it with Serbia in four or five years. Dodik concluded by saying that infrastructural projects of the RS are very successful and announced that next year might be one of the biggest investment years because “we will have a rounded-up story on the highway, which is approximately one billion Euros, a completed story on energy facilities, which are using solar and wind power, and a completed investment circle related to hospitals”.

We intend to raise trade with B&H to one billion Euros (Dnevni list)

During his return from visits to B&H and Montenegro, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a statement to media representatives during the flight to Turkey and he said that Turkey will continue to contribute to peace, stability and development of the Balkans. Erdogan reminded that he and members of the B&H Presidency discussed bilateral, regional and global matters in Sarajevo as well as steps that can be undertaken to improve cooperation and he noted that they discussed phases of various projects, including Sarajevo-Belgrade highway. “The revised Free Trade Agreement, which came in force on 1 August this year, will contribute to trade and our investments in B&H”, Erdogan said and added that meetings with leaders in the Balkans region are extremely important. “We are closely monitoring the situation and we assist B&H in political, economic, military, regional and other fields. We hope internal political problems in B&H will be solved within territorial integrity and political unity,” Erdogan said. Erdogan also noted that Turkey intends to raise trade with B&H to one billion Euros and he said that he is paying a great attention to the construction of Sarajevo-Belgrade highway which will be “the project of peace in the Balkans and will contribute to development, peace and stability in the entire region”. Erdogan reminded that he paid a visit to the grave of late president of the Republic of B&H Alija Izetbegovic upon his arrival to Sarajevo and he prayed for all victims of war in B&H. He noted that efforts must be made for such sufferings never to happen again and he announced that Turkey will protect its historical heritage in the Balkans and, in light of the latest development of events, will continue to contribute to peace, stability and development of the region.

FB&H, RS agree on model for distribution of IMF funds (N1)

After multiple days of speculation on how money from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be distributed in B&H, an agreement was reached. Out of 305 million Euros, one-third will go to the RS and two-third to the FB&H. The entities agreed that the Brcko District will not be included in this distribution. Adviser to the FB&H Prime Minister Goran Mirascic said they had no problem with reaching an agreement as they simply applied what was stated in the Memorandum of Understanding from 2016. The same response came from the RS Finance Ministry. This Ministry confirmed it had sent a response to the Central Bank (CB) of B&H on Friday, saying the RS agrees with the planned distribution. Authorities of both entities say that there is no need for a session of the Fiscal Council of B&H to be held, as the Memorandum of Understanding is clear, they accept its conditions, and the Brcko District was not included in that document. Mirascic further explains that both entities can, if they chose to do so, allocate certain amount of the funds and give it to the Brcko District.

Schmidt is guest in B&H (Srna)

Radovan Kovacevic, an advisor to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, stated on Thursday that Dodik will not meet with Christian Schmidt because he is not a High Representative but a guest in B&H. He added that Schmidt is a man who has rich political career in Germany but he is not the HR and there cannot be a meeting with him in the context of this. “We are trying to respect the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The only relevant thing in the DPA is the Annex 10, which clearly defines the way in which the High Representative is appointed,” Kovacevic said and added that this was not respected in Schmidt’s case because “he was appointed by some kind of a body named Peace Implementation Council but this body does not exist in the Annex 10”. Kovacevic noted that the last High Representative was Valentin Inzko because no resolution was adopted on Schmidt in the UN Security Council (UN SC) and his “so called appointment” was not confirmed in the UN SC. Kovacevic reiterated that Dodik will not hold a meeting with Schmidt, but he did not exclude the possibility that Dodik might accidentally meet Schmidt somewhere.

Inzko’s decision can lead Srpska do independence (Glas Srpske, by Darko Momic)

The daily carried an interview with US security expert and member of Independent International Commission for Research on Sufferings of All Peoples in Srebrenica Region from 1992 to 1995 Steven Meyer. Asked to comment the decision of Valentin Inzko to enact the amendments to B&H Criminal Code sanctioning genocide denial, Meyer said that Inzko’s goal was control, i.e. the desire to keep the RS subdued to the “draconian will of foreign influence”. “I do not have good relations with the US Embassy to B&H, as well as UK Embassy, because I said that foreigners have been ruling this region for a long time. Balkans is a powder keg, but the fuse is somewhere else. But what I was astonished by is the fact that anyone in B&H would accept this law as valid and binding. I do not understand why the prosecution accepts this, because the Parliament did not pass this law. I am also astonished by the fact that the man enacted the law three days prior to his departure from post of High Representative,” said Meyer. He noted that a judge resigned from his post and provided a very good explanation for why Inzko did not have the right to impose the amendments to B&H Criminal Code, and underlined that others should have also say that the law is not legal because it was not passed by the parliament. Asked to comment the fact that a man from Kosovo has been convicted last week for saying that there was no humanitarian crisis in Kosovo and claimed that the Racak massacre did not happen, Meyer said that both Inzko’s law and Kosovo’s law on denial of genocide and war crimes are violating the freedom of speech and are contrary to the democratic development of modern Europe. According to Meyer, it is sad and pathetic to say that there was not humanitarian crisis in Kosovo, but it should not be illegal. Meyer noted that the RS did the right thing in response to Inzko’s law – it rejected the anti-democratic decision of Inzko and withdrew from joint institutions. Asked why it is acceptable for Kosovo to declare independence, but not for the RS, Meyer replied that there is no logical reason for this. “However, Inzko’s decision can change this by leading the RS to independence,” Meyer noted. Speaking about the work of the Commission, and asked to comment the claims that its report denies Srebrenica genocide, Meyer said: “Nobody is denying genocide, but speaks about different definitions. The RS government wanted to know precisely what happened in the past and come to terms with it so that we can have a better future. Serbs too should face the past and its participation in some events”. He underlined that members of the Commission did not back away from the horrors and murders committed in Srebrenica, but they also did not succumb to any pressure or embellish the report. He concluded that there were things which were difficult for the RS government to accept, but the government accepted them all.


Grlic Radman on Dodik’s call: Croatia views B&H as country with European perspective (HRT1)

Guest of HRT1 Central News, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman discussed arrival of Afghan refugees to Croatia, dialogue at the international level on security and safety of people in Afghanistan and the announced visit of French President Emmanuel Macron. Asked to comment on Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik calling for Croatian President Zoran Milanovic to participate in the negotiations about future of B&H as a mediator, together with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Grlic Radman said: “We view B&H as a country with the European perspective. The Croatian government has for years, very successfully, placed B&H on the agenda.” Grlic Radman added that Croatia wants to continue to talk at all forums about the importance of “primarily amendments to the Election Law, which is extremely important, because only that way we can see a stable and functional B&H, where B&H will have, based on the changes in the Election Law, legitimate representatives of all peoples at all levels of government. The Election Law must guarantee equal rights and equality to all three constituent peoples in B&H, Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, and other citizens”.


Krivokapic, Erdogan: The future of relations between Montenegro and Turkey is in richer economic cooperation (

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic hosted on Saturday in Vila Gorica the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Krivokapic, emphasizing the importance of President Erdogan's first long-awaited visit to Montenegro, said that it was the best proof of the desire for further affirmation and deepening of bilateral relations. A special connection between the two countries, which should be nurtured with special care, are the minorities in Montenegro and Montenegrin diaspora in Turkey. Krivokapic proudly pointed out that multiculturalism, multiconfessionalism and multiethnicity and the coexistence of all its citizens is Montenegro's greatest wealth and achievement. The government and me as its Prime Minister wish the most intensive and successful economic cooperation between the two countries. Given that the entire area of the Western Balkans is burdened by the past and history, the best response of this government is to face today's economic and life issues, in order to create a brighter and more prosperous future, Krivokapic said. Speaking about the deepening and intensification of economic cooperation between Montenegro and Turkey, Krivokapic presented to President Erdogan the unbalanced economic development of the north and south, and that there are conditions for urgent and direct economic investment in the north, which is practically impossible to do without investing in road infrastructure. In that sense, Krivokapic sees Turkey as a partner whose companies could find economic interest in joining strategic projects. Krivokapic, assessing Turkey as a highly prosperous country, which has achieved exceptional results in the field of health care and medicine, thanked Turkey for everything it does for the citizens of Montenegro in the field of providing health services. Turkish President Erdogan thanked for the warm welcome and congratulated Prime Minister Krivokapic on last year's election victory, expressing hope that friendly bilateral relations between the two countries would continue. Erdogan praised Krivokapic's efforts to preserve the endangered interfaith harmony in northern Montenegro, especially in Pljevlja, after the elections. President Erdogan thanked Montenegro for the reliable partnership it shows as a member of the Alliance. I hope that we will succeed in revitalizing our relations in the coming period, especially in the economic field. An economic meeting will be held this year, which will, I hope, have an even greater impact on our relations. It is a great honor and pleasure for me that a large number of Turkish investors are showing interest in Montenegro, Erdogan said. Speaking about intensifying the overall cooperation between the two countries, which includes exchanges in the field of culture, science and education, President Erdogan said that, for a start, it is necessary to strengthen the air connectivity between Montenegro and Turkey. The two officials also discussed previous privatization projects of large state-owned companies in which Turkish companies, Toscelik and Global Ports participated, and expressed hope that the most optimal solutions would be reached.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic, Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatovic and Minister of Finance and Social Welfare Milojko Spajic also attended the meeting.

Djukanovic and Erdogan: Relations between Montenegro and Turkey are friendly (CdM)

Relations between Montenegro and Turkey are friendly and highly developed. Interstate relations have been developed, and thanks to Montenegro’s NATO membership, we’ve become a partner, noted the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, who received his Turkish counterpart President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his first official visit. “I want to express hope that today’s visit of the President of Turkey will mean a new impetus for interstate relations,” Djukanovic added. The President also voiced satisfaction with the fact that Turkey has been contributing to the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective of the Western Balkans. He added that there was room for the development of economic relations, for the increase of foreign-trade exchange and investments, after which they discussed possibilities and moves which should be taken. “This visit represents an expression of respect for the historical relations between the two countries,” said the President. Erdogan pointed out that he hoped Turkey and Montenegro would overcome the trade crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, announcing that his country would keep investing in Montenegro. According to him, the Balkans is important for Europe. “Montenegro continues to respect peacetime activities and we must congratulate on the important steps your country is making on the road to the EU, hoping that soon it’d become the EU member state,” the Turkish President noted. Djukanovic, together with his wife Lidija, welcomed Turkey’s president and first lady in Cetinje earlier today. This is President Erdogan’s first official visit to Montenegro.

Djukanovic: I urge relocation of Joanikije’s enthronement outside Cetinje (CdM)

President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has urged Joanikije’s enthronement to be relocated outside Cetinje on 5 September, noting that it’s necessary to preserve peace and stability. “It’s not wise to insist on the enthronement of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Cetinje. The ceremony should be held somewhere else. I think that Metropolitan Joanikije’s enthronement got too much attention in Montenegro,” Djukanovic told reporters in Cetinje, where he received Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The President also hopes that “those who should accept his plea will hear it and act accordingly”, adding that in case the enthronement ceremony still happens in Cetinje on 5 September, he’s going to be there on that day.


Cooperation agreement with the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative is a historic step for both Macedonia and VMRO-DPMNE, says Mickoski (Republika)

The cooperation agreement with the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative is a historic step for both Macedonia and VMRO-DPMNE, the leader of the largest opposition party Hristijan Mickoski said in Berovo on Saturday. We formed a coalition before the first round of local elections in certain cities, we will support each other in certain municipalities, we will support each other at the level of mayoral candidates. Where Alternative / Alliance will have a candidate, VMRO-DPMNE will not have and vice versa, said Mickoski. This coalition, as Mickoski said, will defeat divisions, crime and corruption and will show that Macedonia has opportunities with politicians who are outside the matrix of SDSM and DUI. He says that this cooperation is expected to defeat the policies of corruption, lack of ideas, but also the hopelessness and apathy that the current government, which has no strategy and vision for Macedonia’s development, has brought about.