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Belgrade Media Report 1 September


Vucic's address from Slovenia: Angela Merkel is coming to Serbia (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in Slovenia, where he will participate in the Bled Forum on Wednesday. After dinner with Rama and Zaev, Vucic told the citizens of Serbia that the Open Balkans cannot be stopped because no one can find fault with it. "These 17 squares in which we are now present the territory of Serbia. We are talking about the Open Balkans, about many initiatives, about how our citizens can live better," said Vucic. "This beautiful room belongs to the Republic of Serbia," Vucic added. When asked if the Open Balkans initiative has a future, he answered that he is sure that it has. "I am sure that there are, you cannot stop the peoples who want to cooperate, to establish all those principles on which the EU is based. I do not know who would mind if there were no borders between Belgrade, Skopje and Tirana," he said. "It is completely understandable that this is not always enthusiastic. Today, Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs supported it," he added. He announced an important visit to our country. "We expect a big visit, Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Serbia is being prepared. I hope that the epidemiological situation will not worsen and that she will come," Vucic announced. He pointed out that on that occasion, he would be able to talk about a lot with Merkel, first of all, to find out the German views on the Balkans, as well as what to do in the future. He pointed out that Germany cannot be considered an opponent, but on the contrary, it is necessary to have Germany on your side if you want to progress faster. Regarding the participation of Komsic and Dzaferovic at the Bled Forum, he said that he was not worried about their presence, but about how they did not reach a consensus. "Something else worries me more, I know that they should make decisions by consensus, as soon as Dodik does not agree with that, everything is clear," he said. "I have already tried several times to start talks between Serbs and Bosniaks, we both have to protect each other, we have to think about the future, we have to respect each other," he added. The President pointed out that Serbia will always help the development of the Republika Srpska. "Our goal is to merge with both Tuzla and Sarajevo," Vucic said. He said that the initiative to remove Dodik is a dangerous precedent. "There will be no such decisions, I am almost certain. I do not believe there will be, since I know Mr. Schmidt, and if he goes for such a move, Serbia will not accept it. We will not accept someone else from the side to impose the people's will. It is so dangerous that I have no words for that. Imagine that Dodik asked for that for one of them," Vucic said. "It is interesting how I read various information every day about whether or not I will go to Cetinje for the enthronement, although I did not say anything about it. Djilas' private media write about it without any sources or grounds. I consider everything every day, and I will make a decision on whether to go to Cetinje if it is in line with the interests of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church," Vucic said. At the end of the conversation, Vucic, when asked if he blamed himself, said that he thought he had made a lot of mistakes. "I would blame myself for a million things... I made a lot of mistakes, I used to react too fast, with my heart, and you can't do that, today I do it much more calmly. I hide my emotions. I made a lot of mistakes, but all these five years, I fought for our country. Just put yourself in my shoes and imagine that you have to do what I do every day. And don't ask how long it takes you to get ready to meet Angela Merkel, or Putin, or Xi Jinping", said Vucic. At the end of his address, he said that he would soon visit a place that is extremely important for the Serbian nation, where no Serbian President has been so far. Vucic organized a dinner for the Prime Ministers of North Macedonia and Albania Zoran Zaev, in the restaurant "Zemono", owned by the Honorary Consul of Serbia in Slovenia Tomaz Kavcic. He thanked Kavcic and Slovenia for their hospitality on the Instagram account "buducnostsrbijeav".

Vucic, Lajcak meet tete-a-tete to discuss Brussels dialogue (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak held a tete-a-tete meeting at Bled, Slovenia, on Wednesday. Speaking to Tanjug before the start of the 16th Bled Strategic Forum, Lajcak said he would have separate meetings with Vucic and the Premier of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti with the aim of preparing a meeting of chief negotiators. He said any dialogue was necessary because new things are happening on the ground constantly. “We need to agree on how to prepare a meeting of chief negotiators and on the topics and issues for that meeting. Life goes on and we need to keep up with developments,” Lajcak said. According to media speculations in the past few days, the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina could be continued on 7-8 September at the level of delegation heads. In a statement to Tanjug earlier in the day, Kurti said he expected the next meeting of chief negotiators to be held in the autumn. On Wednesday, Vucic will also have a separate meeting with Slovenian President Borut Pahor, who hosted a ceremonial lunch for the heads of delegations attending the Bled Strategic Forum. The Serbian President will conclude the visit to Slovenia with a meeting with European Council President Charles Michel in the afternoon. Earlier, Vucic attended the forum’s panel on the future of Europe as the only representative of a non-EU member state.

Relations between Serbia, Turkey at extremely high level (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Tuesday with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu about bilateral relations, economic cooperation and joint projects of the two countries. Brnabic pointed out that the relations between Serbia and Turkey are at an extremely high level, thanks to the intensive dialogue, understanding, mutual support, as well as the exceptional personal and professional relationship between Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Tayyip Erdogan. The Prime Minister said that, thanks to the personal engagement of President Erdogan, Turkish investors were encouraged to invest in Serbia. Emphasizing that there is exceptional cooperation with Turkish companies, she cited the example of the takeover of the new plant and workers of the company Geox by the Turkish company Teklas, as an exceptional type of support to citizens and the country in which it operates. Also of special importance, as she stated, is the interest of Turkish companies for investing in less developed municipalities, which greatly contributes to raising the standard of living. The head of Turkish diplomacy assessed that Turkish companies are satisfied with the business conditions in Serbia and that there is increased interest in investing, primarily in the energy sector, but also tourism, for which he expressed the expectation that a significant area of ​​cooperation will remain after the pandemic. Brnabic expressed support to the Turkish Agency for Cooperation and Coordination (TIKA), which is working on the renovation of many cultural and historical monuments in Serbia, and Cavusoglu pointed out that the agency would continue the restoration of monuments in our country, inviting local governments to submit their projects.

Vucic meets with Cavusoglu (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Tuesday to discuss enhancement and further strengthening of bilateral and economic cooperation, as well as significant regional and international issues. Vucic said he was pleased with the achieved level of bilateral relations, characterized by intensive political dialogue, deeper cooperation and mutual respect and trust, the presidential press office said in a statement. The parties agreed the exceptional personal and professional relationship between the presidents of Serbia and Turkey was a major contribution to development of political, economic and all other ties between the two countries, the statement said. Vucic highlighted the personal contribution of his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the arrival of a large number of Turkish investors in Serbia, as well as the significance of a joint committee on economic cooperation, which he said had strengthened the bilateral ties and could make an additional contribution in the economy. The parties agreed the work of the committee must be stepped up in the period to come. “Investments in Serbia by Turkish companies have been intensifying over the past two years, with prospects of further growth and, in that sense, I welcome Turkey’s increasing interest in investing in the Serbian economy, as well as the implementation of a series of investments in undeveloped regions of Serbia,” Vucic noted, expressing the hope the positive trend would be continued, in particular in infrastructure. Cavusoglu invited Vucic to visit Turkey to attend the next session of a Serbia-Turkey High Council on Cooperation. Vucic and Cavusoglu agreed there was ample room to enhance the cooperation in the energy sector, tourism, culture and education as well, the statement said.

Selakovic: Serbia open to strengthening of ties with Turkey (Tanjug/Politika)

The level of cooperation between Serbia and Turkey is higher than ever in modern history, thanks to an excellent personal relationship between the two presidents, Aleksandar Vucic and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Serbia is open to further strengthening of bilateral relations, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Tuesday. Selakovic was speaking after a meeting with Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, with whom he also signed a MoU on strengthening of bilateral cooperation. “Serbia is open to further strengthening of relations with Turkey, and the good practice of holding sessions of the High Council on Cooperation occupies a very important place in the strengthening and development of those relations,” Selakovic told a joint press conference. He expressed the confidence the presidents of Serbia and Turkey would meet by the end of the year. Selakovic announced he and Cavusoglu would on Wednesday open a Turkish consulate general in Novi Pazar, southwestern Serbia, with Cavusoglu to also visit the construction site of a road from Novi Pazar to nearby Tutin. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, Serbia and Turkey saw a record-high bilateral trade volume of 1.32 billion Euros last year, Selakovic said, adding that the trade volume had exceeded 756 million Euros in the first six months of this year alone. He said bilateral trade with Turkey had quintupled in the past decade and that FDI from Turkey had grown as well. “We want even more Turkish investors – they are good investors that pick cities that are perhaps not attractive to others, and we are grateful to them for that,” Selakovic said. He said they had discussed complex regional issues and exchanged views on the situation in the region and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. “I briefed him on the present situation and we agreed unequivocally that open issues should be resolved through dialogue and peacefully,” Selakovic said.


Selakovic, Cavusoglu: Any dialogue always good

Nikola Selakovic and Mevlut Cavusoglu agreed that any kind of dialogue and discussions was always good for resolving open issues to preserve peace and stability. Commenting on a statement by the Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik, that the situation in B&H could be resolved through mediation by the presidents of Turkey, Serbia and Croatia, Cavusoglu said that peace, stability and a good situation in the Balkans were important to Turkey above all. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to get involved if all sides accepted the initiative. “We can see that Presidents Vucic and Erdogan have a great role in relations and I think that, in the future as well, the two leaders will do what is in their power and their duty when it comes to maintaining peace and stability,” Cavusoglu told a joint press conference with Selakovic. Cavusoglu said this would also be boosted by a project to build a motorway from Sarajevo to Belgrade, which he noted would be of great significance for stability. Selakovic said he was supportive of any kind of constructive approach and promotion of dialogue as a means of resolving all open issues in the region. “Vucic’s and Erdogan’s idea to build a Belgrade-Sarajevo motorway, which should connect people, is a testimony to a commitment to dialogue as the most significant and the most acceptable means available for resolution of issues,” Selakovic said.

Borrell: Agreement on normalization with Serbia basis for solving Kosovo’s legal status (Beta)

A comprehensive, legally binding agreement on normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia is the best basis for solving the question of Kosovo's legal status internationally, the European Commission (EC) has said. Responding to questions in the European Parliament, EU High Representative Josep Borell said that the EU had learned that Kosovo was no longer interested in being further represented by UNMIK in regional conferences and that it was willing to look at this question as part of the dialogue on normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. "The EU has been informed that Kosovo is interested in no longer being represented by UNMIK in regional conferences and is ready to begin solving this issue as part of the dialogue on normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia... Achieving a comprehensive legally binding agreement on normalizing ties, therefore, poses the best basis for solving the question of legal representation," the EC said in its response.

Different reactions to Dodik’s initiative to engage in dialogue about B&H’s future with Turkey, Serbia and Croatia as mediators (RTS)

RTS carried that the initiative of Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik to reach a new internal agreement about B&H with assistance and mediation from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Croatian President Zoran Milanovic got a mixed reception as it was generally welcomed by Erdogan, Vucic and Milanovic but immediately rejected by political representatives of Bosniaks and Croats.

Erdogan stated that Turkey will be present as a mediator if Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats unite and decide to give such task to Turkey while not allowing anyone to meddle with B&H’s internal affairs. Milanovic deems that Dodik’s initiative is well-intentioned but unrealistic due to opposing stances of other two members of the Presidency of B&H. Milanovic further assessed that he is willing to help but he cannot change the level of distrust in B&H. The reporter claims that Chairman and Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic proved Milanovic right with how he reacted when Dodik spoke about inviting Vucic and Serbia to mediate dialogue in B&H but Komsic later explained that he laughed because Dodik did not even mention Serbia as a mediator during the meeting with Erdogan. Komsic said that Dodik himself proved just how much his tirades about foreigners in B&H are pointless by inviting foreign officials to join alleged dialogue about changes of B&H’s arrangement and he cannot interpret Dodik’s invitation to Turkey, Serbia and Croatia in any other way. Komsic pointed out that Dodik is not against foreigners but Dodik wants to choose and appoint them. During his visit to Serbia, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu said that B&H’s future and Turkey’s role in it were discussed during Erdogan’s visit to B&H while both Erdogan and Vucic play an important role in the relations within B&H and they will both do all they can to maintain peace and stability. The reporter quoted SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic as saying that there will be no negotiations about B&H’s future but there will be talks and they will take place strictly within the Presidency of B&H and the parliament of B&H.

Schmidt cannot remove Dodik (Novosti, by D. Milinkovic, O. Matavulj)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic claimed that Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik only implemented decisions adopted by the RS parliament, i.e. decisions both ruling and opposition parties in the RS agreed on. “On the other hand, Dzaferovic addresses Schmidt for assistance, as in line with the habit of tutorship, although the entire world knows that he came to the position of the High Representative by letting down all past rules and without consent of the UN Security Council. I think Dzaferovic’s request will only pour oil over fire and it can drag B&H into a difficult political crisis. Should any measures be undertaken against Dodik, this would only represent even stronger wind in the back of the RS to strengthen its activities related to peaceful secession from B&H, which were practically extorted,” Dacic said.

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic commented on the call of Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic to High Representative Christian Schmidt to remove Dodik and he said that the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H has the right to vote any way he wants. “Nobody can remove him because he voted in this or that way. It is not the job of the HR to decide how representatives of the entities will vote. Dzaferovic’s request to Schmidt is nonsense and if the new and false HR tried to do this, then this would truly be an aggression on the RS and it is well known how one responds to an aggression,” Andjelkovic said.



Dodik attends session of B&H Presidency but votes against every item of agenda (BHT1/O Kanal/Oslobodjenje)

The Presidency of B&H held a session on Tuesday and all three members were present, but the Presidency did not adopt any decision. As previously announced, Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik took part in the session but voted against all items of the agenda, including the appointment of new members of the Steering Board of the Central Bank of B&H and opening of Russia’s consulate in Banja Luka. To remind, Dodik did not attend sessions of the Presidency since former HR Valentin Inzko introduced the amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H and basically banned genocide denial and glorification of convicted war criminals. In response to Dodik announcing continuation of blockade of the state institutions, Bosniak member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic called on HR Christian Schmidt and the international community to take steps towards Dodik’s removal. Following the session, Dzaferovic said that he expects the HR to use all mechanisms at his disposal, including removals, in order to help B&H start functioning. Dzaferovic stated “This is a blockade of the state of B&H. I expect the international community to take action, primarily the High Representative, to resolve this”. Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic did not appear before media, but in response to Oslobodjenje, he said that Dodik is losing his compass. Komsic was quoted as saying: “He has definitely put himself in a situation where either the countries behind the Dayton Accords will win or he will go defeated. There is very little room for a third outcome if he continues like this. And if he continues, not only Schmidt should remove him but also ban him from political activity”. There was no talk at the session about Bled Strategic Forum to be held on Wednesday in Slovenia, which Dodik will not attend due to the announced arrival of Schmidt. Dodik pointed out: “The Presidency did not make a decision to go to that summit. If someone from the Presidency goes, he will go in a private arrangement and cannot represent BiH in any position”. Komsic was quoted as saying: “I understand Dodik's frustration, given that he excluded himself from the process. But those are the consequences of his moves. Instead of international forums, he prefers tents. He only has that left to talk about peaceful dissolutions. There is no talk about it at serious forums”.

Dodik addresses press conference in Istocno Sarajevo (BHT1/O Kanal/BNTV)

Dodik held a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo after the session of the B&H Presidency on Tuesday and reiterated his stances about the work of Serb representatives in B&H institutions and HR Christian Schmidt. Dodik also called for a dialogue and said that refusal to participate in the decision-making process will remain a common practice, meaning that any decision over which there is no consensus in the Presidency of B&H will be discussed by the RS parliament. Dodik explained that this is not the case of a blockade and the conclusions adopted by the RS  parliament allow him to take part in the work of the Presidency in this particular manner. According to Dodik, the RS parliament decided not to participate in making of any decision until there is a dialogue about all unresolved issues in B&H, including the amendments imposed by the HR. Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic will take part in the 16th Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia on Wednesday, while Dodik decided not to attend as the participation in the forum was not agreed by members of the Presidency and the participation of other two Presidency members is basically a private arrangement. Dodik further explained that it is a common practice whenever the whole Presidency is invited to any event the Presidency is to make official decisions about how to participate and how to represent B&H but this is not the case now. Dzaferovic revealed that HR Schmidt is supposed to take part in one of panel discussions at the forum and he personally will never waste an opportunity to talk to the HR about the situation in B&H. Dodik claims that there will be no decisions in the interest of B&H until the crisis caused by the law imposed by Valentin Inzko is resolved. Dodik also stated: “It is understandable that Bosniaks, Muslims, in B&H want the HR to do for them the things they expect. This has happened in the past as well. Today, we see that Bosniaks, i.e. Dzaferovic, are calling for HR to act in order to remove someone. It just confirms that he is their player”. “We will certainly remain in this capacity in which we are, which means that we will vote against at the next session of the Presidency. Which means that it will go to the session of the RS parliament, and that RS parliament, which is the best interpreter of its decisions and positions, will certainly decide in the best way on all these issues”. Dodik reiterated his earlier position that the HR does not exist in B&H, because the procedure in Annex 10 of the DPA was not followed for his election. Commenting on his idea of the need to reach some new agreement on the future of B&H, Dodik confirmed he spoke to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, because he considers him to be a man who understands the situation well. Dodik specified that Vucic told him that the idea of including him (Vucic), Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the talks on this agreement could be useful. Asked by journalists if he agrees with Vucic’s intention to meet with Schmidt, Dodik replied that “Vucic can speak to whoever he wants, even with Schmidt”. “The HR does not exist in B&H. There is a representative of several countries that allegedly appointed something,” Dodik said. He sarcastically said that he would really want to see Schmidt undertaking some measures that Dzaferovic “dreams of”.

Sarovic and Borenovic accuse Dodik of violating agreement of RS-based parties and RS parliament conclusions on boycott of B&H institutions (BNTV)

SDS leader Mirko Sarovic and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic reacted to the participation of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik in the session of the B&H Presidency on Tuesday, despite agreement on the Serb political representatives' boycott of work of the B&H institutions. In their reactions, both Sarovic and Borenovic concluded that Dodik violated the agreement of RS-based political parties and the conclusions that the RS parliament adopted following the decision of former HR Valentin Inzko’s decision to impose amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H.

In a statement to BNTV, Sarovic stated that the RS parliament conclusions clearly and concisely defined that there is no participation in the decision-making in the three key institutions at the B&H level, which are the B&H Presidency, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), and the B&H parliament until a solution for the current situation following Inzko’s decision is reached. Sarovic pointed out that Dodik voted against all agenda items at the B&H Presidency’s session, which – despite the outcome – still represents participating in the decision-making. “Dodik violated the agreement twice in the last five days,” Sarovic stressed, reminding that Dodik attended the meeting of the B&H Presidency with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last Friday.

According to Sarovic, the meeting with Erdogan attracted huge media attention. The SDS leader added: “The meeting served mostly for the purpose of promoting the idea of achieving a new political solution for B&H, because the Dayton Agreement is allegedly dead. He (Dodik) called on Erdogan to mediate and participate in that. This is completely unacceptable. He needs to realize and admit this.” The SDS leader concluded by saying that the ruling parties SNSD, SDA, and HDZ B&H should be aware of their responsibility to offer their solutions for the current situation, warning that he gained the impression that these three parties do not want for the crisis to end. Borenovic told BNTV that he noticed how SNSD’s officials have started participating in work of the joint institutions more and more. Borenovic remarked that he would not be surprised to hear that Chairman of the B&H CoM Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) scheduled a session of the CoM. Borenovic also warned that SNSD, SDA, and HDZ B&H appear hesitant to find a solution for overcoming the situation “left after Inzko imposed his decision”. He concluded that the three parties “obviously want for this vacuum to continue and they need turbulence for that”.

Vulin: Dzaferovic showed face of executioner of B&H and peace, because no one has done more to destabilize country than him (N1)

Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin commented on Tuesday on the statement of Sefik Dzaferovic about the need for a response from HR Christian Schmidt, even in a form of the removal of Milorad Dodik. Vulin stated that Dzaferovic showed "the face of executioner of B&H and peace, because no one has done more to destabilize the country than him." Vulin warned the international community that it will "be responsible for future events in B&H unless it urgently stops attacks on Serb representatives and protects the Dayton order." "An attempt to deprive Serbs in the RS of the right to decide for themselves and to have their elected representatives is a move that calls into question the very existence of B&H and threatens peace throughout the region," Vulin stated in a press release. SDA officials immediately reacted to Vulin's statement. Namely, SDA MP in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nermin Mandra issued a statement saying that Vulin's statement on calling into question the existence of B&H is nothing more than a "threat of a new aggression against B&H". Mandra further stated that the lack of reaction of President Vucic to the threats of the Serbian Minister of Interior addressed to B&H is confirmation that Vulin's statements are not only his personal position, but that they reflect the attitude of official Belgrade towards B&H and especially towards the Bosniak people.

B&H Ministry of Defense and B&H AF host delegation of US senators on Zuc hill above Sarajevo (N1)

For the purpose of presenting donations of the US government intended for the defense and security of B&H, the B&H Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H hosted a delegation of US senators on Zuc hill above Sarajevo. The US delegation included Senators Richard Shelby, Mike Crapo, John Cornyn, Deb Fischer and Roger Marshall, and Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs of the US Stanley Brown. The presentation and handover of donated demining equipment at the demonstration demining site was also attended by B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic, US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, and numerous other officials. Commander of the NATO HQ in Sarajevo Eric Folkestad and Chief of Staff of the EUFOR in B&H Szilard Gerofi also attended the event.

The United States donated 200 sets of self-supporting demining visors and 250 sets of protective demining vests.

US Congress delegation discusses reform priorities and opportunities for B&H with Nelson and Schmidt (O Kanal)

The US Congress delegation held a meeting with the US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson and HR Christian Schmidt on Monday evening. The US Embassy to B&H stated at social media they held a constructive discussion on “reform priorities and opportunities to move B&H forward, attract investment and fight corruption”. Among the previous activities of the US Congressmen was the donation of demining equipment to the B&H Armed Forces, reminded the presenter. So far, they have not had meetings with B&H officials.

Counter-productive blockade (Oslobodjenje)

German Ambassador to B&H Margret Uebber met speaker of the B&H House of Representative (HoR) Denis Zvizdic in Sarajevo on Tuesday. During the meeting, she informed Zvizdic that Germany wants B&H integration in the Euro-Atlantic structures and emphasized that Germany was and remained a sincere B&H’s friend on this road. The B&H parliament stated that Uebber and Zvizdic agreed that blockades of institutions of B&H are counter-productive and that reform processes and activities on realization of priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission for B&H should continue as soon as possible in order to achieve progress.


Vukovic: DPS MPs will be in Cetinje on 5 September (CdM)

The DPS Vice President and Mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vukovic said that the DPS MPs and officials will go to Cetinje, as, according to him, it’s their patriotic duty. At Tuesday’s news conference related to results of the new government in the past year, he added that he hoped the enthronement ceremony of Metropolitan Joanikije in the Cetinje monastery would not happen. “No one has the right to humiliate Montenegro,” he pointed out. The DPS Secretary-General Aleksandar Bogdanovic assessed that “Montenegro has gone downhill. The economy is on the brink of collapse”. According to the DPS Vice President Abazovic Dizdarevic an attempt to dissolve the multi-ethnic harmony happened in Montenegro, adding that the “new normal’ won’t find its place in this country. As for the DPS MP Aleksandra Vukovic the Ministry of Education had the “worst results”, while the Vice President Jevto Erakovic told that Montenegro is in a historic moment that must never happen again. “Our news conference is an announcement of a better future for Montenegro,” he noted.


Dendias gives thanks for the changed signs on museum, monuments of Philip and Alexander (Republika)

Greece strongly supports Macedonia and the entire Western Balkans on its path to the European Union. Greece is and can be your best friend and collaborator. The choice you have made to stand by us, to walk the path to the great European family is the right choice for the benefit of your people. The implementation of the Prespa Agreement should continue, which is the basis for improving mutual relations and the country’s accession to the European family, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, who is visiting the country. Greece, he said, is satisfied with what has been done so far to implement this agreement. Many recent steps have been taken, one of which is the removal of the sign in front of the building in which we are located, placed during other times and represented King Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, because we agreed together that your ancestors had not yet arrived in the Balkans and they did not have the opportunity to fight under Alexander the Great in the depths of Asia, the name of the Archaeological Museum has been changed and the signs at the border crossings have been changed, Dendias said. He believes that our country should invest in the young population who will be given the necessary tools to see our common future, and not to look to the past. The Greek Foreign Minister also stressed that clarifications on the agreement that are wrong and hinder its implementation should be prevented. Our opportunities and our future are great, Dendias said, adding that Greece is convinced that the country has made a choice to be by its side and to walk firmly on the path to the great European family. There, he stressed, Greece has been continuously making efforts for the EU path of the countries of the Western Balkans since 2003, which, as he stressed, must never again become a powder keg in Europe. At Tuesday’s press conference with his counterpart Bujar Osmani, he said that their meeting focused on these topics, but also the cooperation in the economy, infrastructure… Greek investors, he said, have 1 billion euros of investments in Macedonia, that provide 20,000 jobs, and during the pandemic, the mutual trade exchange amounted to around 800 million Euros.


Rama strongly criticizes NATO: It has a responsibility to save the Afghans! (Radio Tirana)

The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama has written a long article on the situation in Afghanistan and the sheltering of many Afghan citizens in Albania, as their lives were endangered by the Taliban. Among other things, the Albanian Prime Minister states that “We know that fear of foreigners affects the polls, elections and commitments of parties and politicians seeking to win office, and we respect the difficult choices that all other countries have to make. But when faced with life-and-death choices about the people we ought to help, our path is clear.” Further, Rama does not spare criticism for NATO, as he says that the most powerful military alliance in the world cannot become an entity without a backbone in the eyes of the Afghan people. “The most powerful military alliance in the world, built to uphold those ideals with the presence of strength and the power of example, cannot become a backbone entity in the eyes of the Afghan people and millions of people in other countries who want to live in a free, just and democratic society. All of us, the community of our countries, must give hope, shelter and a new life to all those who trusted us, worked for us and fought for the promise of the future that we represented. Today, Albania is a member of NATO, enjoying the benefits and sharing the burden of cooperation. Given our history, it is right for us to be the first country in the world to provide shelter for thousands of refugees fleeing the Taliban. All NATO members must recognize their responsibility,” writes Rama. “Albania is ready to bear its share of the burden that all NATO countries must bear together. But now I ask: if even Albania, the poorest member of the Alliance, can manage its share of the burden, which of the other NATO member states cannot? NATO’s founding principle is that attacking one is an attack on all. So, even a humanitarian challenge as great as what NATO is leaving behind in Afghanistan must be embraced by all,” concludes Rama.