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Belgrade Media Report 6 September



Chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina on September 7th and 8th in Brussels (RTS)


European Union spokesman Peter Stano stated that the next meeting of the main negotiators within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held on September 7 and 8 in Brussels. Stano added that two days of so-called technical talks will be be dedicated to “currently open issues and next steps in dialogue”. 


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that its director, Petar Petkovic, will lead the Belgrade delegation in Brussels on September 7 and 8 in a technical dialogue with Pristina, with the mediation of the European Union. During his stay in Brussels, Petkovic will have a separate meeting with the EU Special Representative for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak


The chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi, were supposed to meet at the end of August, but due to the illness of the representatives of Pristina, that round of technical talks was postponed. EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak later scheduled a new date for talks in early September. 


On Tuesday, the first day of talks in Brussels, both delegations are scheduled to hold bilateral talks with Lajcak and EU mediators. On the second day, Wednesday, a trilateral of Belgrade, Pristina and EU mediators is planned. 


The EU spokesman reiterated that the EU expects that all agreements reached within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, including the agreement on official visits, will be respected. He said that on the occasion of Pristina's refusal last week to allow the entry of the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, into the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. "We call on the parties to promote, through dialogue, an atmosphere that leads to reconciliation, regional stability and cooperation, and which is for the benefit of the citizens" Stano said. Brussels reiterates that Belgrade and Pristina have agreed on clear modalities for conducting official visits, and emphasizes that the agreement must not be politicized. "Visits by both sides must be conducted in a way that contributes to the process of normalization of relations and supports the overall work within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" Stano said. 


Vucic: Serbia aspires to EU, but it will not spoil relations with Russia and China (Tanjug)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, pointed out, in an interview with the Austrian state television ORF, that Serbia wants to become EU member. He added that Serbia would not spoil relations with Russia and China because of that. Asked about Serbia's European path, Vucic said that he knew that not everything depended on us. 


"At the recent meeting of foreign ministers, it was stated that Serbia has made progress on the issue of the rule of law. It is important for us to be sincerely on the European path" he said. 


ORF pointed out that environmental protests are being held in Serbia, that some citizens oppose Rio Tinto and that the landfill in Vinca was on fire, and the President of Serbia pointed out that within the "2025 Program" there are a number of projects in this area. 


He stated that more than 120 municipalities will be connected to the sewage system. "It may be unthinkable for Austria, but even one third of Belgrade does not have sewerage. We will install wastewater treatment plants in all cities, and we will remove asbestos pipes in the water supply system. We will do all that, but I will not participate in the deindustrialization of Serbia" he said. 


When it comes to vaccination, ORF states that Serbia was the first in terms of vaccine availability, but that it has been facing opposition to vaccination for months. 


"It is obviously a universal problem, not just a problem of one country. Why this is so, I do not understand. But conspiracy theories and negative messages are obviously better than positive ones. Social networks are the main cause for that, along with the fact that people perceive their freedoms in having the right to behave frivolously" concluded the President of Serbia. 


Vucic awarded Austrian Chancellor with high state decoration (Tanjug)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who was visiting Serbia. President of Serbia presented to Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz the Order of the Republic of Serbia on the ribbon, for merits in improving relations with Serbia and the entire region of the Western Balkans. 


"Dear friend, today I have the exceptional honor and special pleasure to present you, as a certified friend, with the highest state decoration, for strengthening and enhancing cooperation between Serbia and the Republic of Austria" said Vucic. 


"From the very beginning of your mandate, you left an impression on me, even prior to being appointed Chancellor" said the President of Serbia to Sebastian Kurz. "Serbia is grateful that the process of European integration has accelerated, and in that sense, I am convinced that we will always have the support of Austria, led by you. It is especially important for us when in the conditions in which we face difficulties and problems, from the coronavirus to migrant crises, we can always count on our friend Austria, and you, dear Chancellor" Serbian President added and pointed out that Kurz proved to be the most talented politician, which he showed in the politics and economy of his country, as well as in relations with Serbia. According to him, it is a great honor for Serbia that the Order was awarded to the Chancellor of Austria, adding that he hopes for even better and more successful cooperation between Austria and Serbia. 


Also, the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz addressed the public and thanked them for everything that our country has done for Austria, and praised the fight against the coronavirus pandemic that Serbia is carrying out. 


"We are very happy to have people in Austria who have roots in the Western Balkans, and who have contributed to our society. I want to thank you, President, but also the entire Government, for everything, because we are the biggest economic partners. We are one of the biggest investors here in Serbia, and especially because of that we are happy with the economic development in this country, so I congratulate everyone, because the economic growth of seven percent is very impressive, if we look at last year", said Kurz, adding that Serbia's support for Austria is important when it comes to the migration issue. 


"Serbia has contributed to the fight against illegal migration," Kurz pointed out, emphasizing that people leaving Afghanistan should be taken care of in neighboring countries. 


President of Serbia also commented on the situation in Afghanistan, saying that "Serbia will not be a parking lot for refugees." "We will agree on how we will react. We are ready to coordinate all moves. Our duty is to show solidarity towards people, and especially towards women", the president was clear. In the end, the President of Serbia once again congratulated the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on this decoration and told him that from today, "Serbia is his second home". 


Just to reiterate, President of Serbia warmly welcomed his high guest in front of the building on Andricev venac. Vucic and Kurz will first talk in private, and after that a meeting of the delegations of the two countries will be held. 


The Austrian Chancellor, by the way, is one of the main advocates of the enlargement of the European Union to the Western Balkans and strongly supports the European integration of Serbia. On the eve of his arrival in Belgrade, he told Tanjug that Austria considers Serbia an important partner and anchor of stability in the Western Balkans. 


"Apart from excellent bilateral relations and European enlargement, we will also discuss the joint fight against illegal migration. Serbia can rely on our full support on the road to the EU." 


"The European Union is complete only when all the countries of the Western Balkans join it," Kurz said. 


In addition to the significant political support that Vienna provides to Belgrade, Austria is also an important economic partner and the second largest foreign investor in Serbia, with about 400 companies operating in our country. Last year's foreign trade was around 1.25 billion euros. Also, an important link in the relations between Serbia and Austria is the numerous Serbian diaspora, which according to official data has more than 120.000 Serbian citizens living and working in Austria, but according to estimates, the number of people from Serbia is around 300.000. 


Vucic, talks about current topics (TV Prva)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, talks about current topics in the morning program on TV Prva.  


Is peace in the region threatened by the unrest in Montenegro? Who can and must protect the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian people? Why is Milo Djukanovic accusing Serbia of conquering Montenegro? What actions is Pristina preparing for the anniversary of the Washington Agreement? What will he discuss with Angela Merkel? Will he run for president again? How does he respond to accusations by political opponents of alleged espionage? Is his family's safety threatened? These are just some of the questions that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic answers. 


"I would not say that it is genuine hatred, it is induced by politicians in Montenegro," said Vucic regarding the unrest and riots in Cetinje. He pointed out that the media did not make a mistake last night, that the enthronement was postponed, and that it was again agreed that it would happen anyway. Vucic congratulated Metropolitan Joanikije. Asked if there was any evidence that the security of the metropolitan and patriarch was endangered, he said, "When you come this way, it is clear that the situation is not simple. There's the land behind the monastery, where they managed to get by helicopter." 


He knows who the people who guarded them are, but he won't talk about it. "All the credit for the security belongs to the government of Montenegro. Serbian secret police only collects information, and then submits it to the competent authorities." The police do not want to react immediately, that is normal, he explained. Only when you have to use force. 


"When we had protests against the alleged COVID measures, all different people gathered there who wanted to do something by violence. Only when they entered the Assembly, then we reacted," Vucic gave an example. 


When asked about Veljovic's arrest, he said that Serbia would not interfere in the internal affairs of Montenegro. 


"Patriarch came from Belgrade, someone had to come and accompany him. When I plan a trip to Montenegro, there is always the cooperation of our police." He explained where the green flags came from at rallies across Montenegro: "They consider the green flags their own, they are the flags of the usurers. They were distributed during World War I. At first, they declared themselves as Serbs. They were not for unification with Serbia, but for confederal, then federal status, and then against unification". "Imagine that we in Serbia forbid someone to perform a religious rite" Vucic said. 


Vucic also reminded of the creation of the so-called Croatian Orthodox Church during the Ustasha and compared it to forcing the so-called Montenegrin Orthodox Church. "They wanted to separate the Metropolitanate from its mother, the Serbian Orthodox Church, that was the political plan they tried to push through, and then they blamed me for it. We recognized their plan, we ask them only that the people can choose that they be called the believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church" said Vucic. 


Nenad Canak met with Djukanovic. Djukanovic called on PM Zdravko Krivokapic to condemn the attempt of the Greater Serbia to conquer Montenegro and stand in its defense. The day before, he said that if there is peace during the enthronement, there will be no peace in Montenegro. 


"Not only we don't have any aspirations, but we want the closest and best relations with Montenegro. We will do everything to make it so despite the humiliations we had to go through through various decisions. Now let me respond to Milo Djukanovic: 'Neither you, nor anyone else will be able to conquer Serbia as you did in the previous three decades. You have ruled this country in all possible ways, through crime, police and political officials. Attacks on Serbia have always come from Montenegro, even during the NATO aggression, they have been used as a training ground against Serbia, they are used to governing Serbia, we do not want to govern Montenegro, we want fraternal and friendly relations. As long as I breathe, I will not let you rule Serbia". 


"I never answered to the people in Montenegro, it was rare, but since they have now crossed the line..." "It's okay to bow your head in front of the victims of Srebrenica, there is a reason for that, but why should I apologize for the pogrom of Serbs?" He pointed out that he has already entered the tenth year in power. "Some people rule 16, some 30 years. I am satisfied with what I have done. I have no intention of humiliating Serbia in order to stay in power." 


Peace in the region 


Regarding the people's concern for peace in the region due to the events in Cetinje, he says that he is more worried about Pristina and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). "I am much more worried about the situation with Pristina and the events in B&H. We will keep the peace, I do not intend to return the child in the coffin to any mother. Serbia is strong enough not to allow to be attacked like in the 1990s." 


Vucic: Serbia has no Greater Serbia aspirations towards Montenegro (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic congratulated Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic on Sunday for showing that the state of Montenegro has instruments and that it can put into action what it intends to do. Vucic stressed that Serbia has no Greater Serbia aspirations towards Montenegro, adding that it was logical to expect riots in Cetinje. "Cetinje is a place where more than ninety percent of the population is oriented against the Serbian Orthodox Church, where there is a pronounced hatred towards everyone who belongs to some other peoples, except the Montenegrin people. I would not even say that it is real hatred, but it is induced by part of the politicians in Montenegro, and it was logical to expect all this that happened" Vucic underlined.  


Vucic noted that Serbia still wants to have closest possible relations with Montenegro despite different political decisions that, in his opinion, humiliated Serbia in recent years. Vucic sent a message to Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic that no one, not even him, will ever “conquer Serbia”. He warned that the protests in Cetinje were a part of the ideology “that aims towards shutting down the Serb Orthodox Church” and towards “assimilation of Serbs and their disappearance”. He concluded that Serbia realized what this political plan is.  


In an interview for a Serbian television, Vucic categorically denied accusations of having strong influence on the SPC officials and using it to implement the policies of the Greater Serbia, adding that the events in Cetinje were politically instructed and aimed against the SPC.  


Vucic said that Security-Intelligence Agency (BIA) of Serbia had been informing Serbian leadership about the situation in Montenegro during entire night between Saturday and Sunday. Vucic said that the decision not to hold the enthronement changed during the night, adding that the Montenegro Government showed that it has instruments to make its intentions come true.  


Vucic also stated that Metropolitan of the Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije is at an important position and he needs to take care of the entire people in Montenegro. Vucic expressed belief that Joanikije will continue a good cooperation with Patriarch Porfirije. 


Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic argued that the enthronement is a new spiritual beginning for believers in Montenegro and Djukanovic’s political defeat.  


Opposition leader went to Montenegro to incite conflicts; EU worries (Beta, N1)  


Tensions, passions, and mutual accusations between Belgrade and Podgorica don't fade out on Monday, a day after the church ceremony, with Serbia's Parliament Speaker accusing the country's opposition leader of inciting conflicts in the tiny Adriatic republic. 


Ivica Dacic said Nenad Canak, the head of Serbia’s northern province of Vojvodina League of Social-democrats of going to Cetinje, the former royal capital of Montenegro, for the church ceremony „with an intent to provoke conflicts and violence against the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). According to Dacic, the leader of Serbia’s Socialists, Canak was paid by Montenegro’s President Milo Djukanovic


European Commission (EC) spokesperson Ana Pisonero said on Monday that concerns were growing about developments in Montenegro. „The developments in Montenegro are increasingly concerning. Freedom of assembly is a fundamental EU right. At the same time, it should be exercised without prejudice to public health  and in full respect of the rule of law,  public order and safety of all citizens of Montenegro. Any use of force must be measured and proportionate at all times.  We call for restraint and  expect all competent authorities to duly investigate and ensure an effective judicial follow-up to all instances of violence both against demonstrators and law enforcement officials“ she said. 


„He (Canak) did not go there as a supporter, but to incite violence against the SPC. What does he support? The ban to Bishop and Patriarch to come to Cetinje’s monastery? Like Milo, Canak can only survive on incidents. Canak is a shame for the Serb people“ Dacic told the Belgrade Prva TV. Dacic added he did not ask Serbia’s authorities to arrest Canak, but their Montenegro’s colleagues because of „violating the country’s Constitutional order.“ 


On Sunday, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic accused Montenegro’s former government, led by Djukanovic’s party, which lost elections after three decades in power, of wanting to separate the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral from the SPC and proclaim it the Orthodox Church in Montenegro, so that in time „Serbs assimilate and disappear.“ 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik: Montenegrin President Djukanovic suffers collapse and his attempt to carry out showdown with Serb national line has failed; Comments of other RS officials (ATV)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Sunday that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has suffered a collapse for which he tried to have a showdown with “the Serb national line”. Dodik accused Djukanovic of being an enemy of Serb people. However, Dodik considers that the Serb Orthodox Church, which organized enthronement of Metropolitan of the Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije at Cetinje, showed it is strong and leads a battle to preserve what is holy to Serb people. In his opinion, denying the Metropolitan the right to be enthroned is a culmination of seizing others’ rights and is part of “a losers’ policy”. Dodik noted: “I think this was the last attempt of the previous regime, of Milo Djukanovic, to carry out a showdown with the Serb ethnic minority in Montenegro. It faced both a formal and a symbolic failure.” The Serb member of the Presidency concluded that this symbolically ends “such regime that is based on arguing and obstructing the Serb National Council and the Serb national interest in Montenegro”.  He regrets to see the scenes during protests in which protesters opposed the enthronement.  


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic welcomed on Sunday the failure of the attempts to prevent “such a formal ceremony like the enthronement” of Metropolitan of the Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije in Cetinje. Cvijanovic noted that it is good that religion has not been made meaningless but rather that the only meaningless thing is the policy guided by hatred. Cvijanovic told Srna: “However, we are not naïve. We know that these kinds of negative developments always leave deep scars and that it will take a lot of political, institutional and finally religious and inter-religious efforts to calm down and for the Montenegro to achieve progress, just as we want this for all countries in our region”.  


Speaker of the RS National Assembly Nedeljko Cubrilovic stated that although Serbia and the RS were accused of obstruction of the enthronement, it is clear today that those who said that there is a war situation in Montenegro are actually behind this. Cubrilovic added that they should leave the SPC to do its job to the benefit of all citizens not just the Serb people.  


SP RS leader Petar Djokic said that the new Metropolitan will need all help he can get, especially “now that we see how much individuals in Montenegro see Serb unity as an obstacle”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that Serb Orthodox people got a worthy “successor at the throne of St. Peter of Cetinje”. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that the enthronement of Joanikije represents encouragement for “the people of St. Sava”. DNS leader Nenad Nesic and NPS leader Darko Banjac too expressed their support to Joanikije. 


Izetbegovic: It is never good to mix politics and religion (Hayat)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, asked to comment on the situation in regard to enthronement of Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serb Orthodox Church Joanikije and the influence of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the region, Izetbegovic said it is never good to mix religion and policy, and when “religious communities engage in politics, it is usually at the expense of human lives. The Serbian Orthodox Church has been doing that persistently for almost two centuries now, which has brought nothing good to anyone’’. He reminded of the recent events in Montenegro, noting that, regardless of that Montenegro showed it is committed to its European path, “the pro-Montenegrin side is stronger, that will, in my view, stop the attempt of domination encouraged by the Serbian Orthodox Church’’. 


Dodik: Dzaferovic’s request also hides intention to strengthen Schmidt (RTRS)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik assessed for media in Belgrade that the request of member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic for his removal also hides the intention to strengthen illegitimately appointed High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. According to Dodik, the intention is to “get Schmidt back in the orb and to talk about him”. Dodik pointed out that as a politician, Schmidt was compromised in Germany and argued that Schmidt “illegally presents himself in BiH”. Dodik explained that one-third of those who signed the Annex 10 do not support him and reminded that the UN Security Council failed to confirm his appointment.  


Dodik said that Schmidt is choice of some countries of the Quint along with some other countries and he is trying to “falsely represent himself as a HR”. Dodik added: “This is the problem. The problem is that if we accept him as a HR despite of the UN Security Council’s Resolution, we, who are treated as the RS, as international subjects that signed all 11 annexes, we would be eliminated as a side and then, no one would ask us about anything.” He explained that the Annex 10 clearly defined the procedure of appointment of a new HR and that if this is neglected, anything could be imposed to the RS tomorrow. Asked to whom he concretely bothers, Dodik said that the policy that he leads primarily bothers the unitary state idea of Bosniaks and some westerners, i.e. US and one part of Europeans who believe that the RS should be turned into an “empty shell” while B&H will be some sort of an international legal subject. Dodik said that the concept that Serbs have a reserve state is not present only since Dodik’s time but it lasts for centuries. According to Dodik, a psychological war against him and his family is underway and the same situation is happening to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.   


Majkic: Serbs had to react to anti-constitutional actions of High Representative (Oslobodjenje


The daily carried an interview with member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) who stated that B&H is in a deep political crisis such as never before, with no end in sight. She noted that such crises need efficient remedies, and the most efficient one would be a careful analysis of the cause and possible solutions. Majkic noted that SNSD, as the strongest political party in Republika Srpska (RS), has been calling on key political actors for years to sit down and reach an agreement on the future of the country which has been brought to the verge of abyss by the unconstitutional actions of the High Representatives.  She argued that the RS had to react to the violence of the High Representative and finally say “enough” after the decision on amendments to B&H Criminal Code.  


According to Majkic, after the decision on Criminal Code and the illegitimate appointment of Christian Schmidt as new High Representative, the RS had no choice but stand up against such behavior of the international community. “So, we are ready for political dialogue. If it does not happen, Srpska will seek other solutions too, because things cannot go on like this anymore. Until then, representatives of the RS will not pass any decisions in BiH institutions” said Majkic.  


Asked to comment criticism of the opposition parties who say that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is endangering the RS by talking about “unpacking of the Dayton Peace Agreement”, Majkic said that nobody mentioned anything similar. She noted that SNSD has always been talking about problems with implementation of the Dayton Agreement, not about its content. She argued that everybody knows very well that B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic who attended the Bled Strategic Forum only pretended to represent B&H Presidency, since everybody knows that B&H Presidency consists of three, and not two members. According to her, they used this opportunity only to lobby for Dodik’s removal from the political scene.  


Majkic also stated that the appointment of Schmidt cannot be accepted because it was not conducted in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement. She argued that previous experiences of Serbs with High Representatives confirmed that the fear of Serbs is justified and that the High Representative will continue with anti-constitutional activities and biasness expressed in fulfilling of political wishes of Bosniaks. Majkic emphasized that this behavior is not acceptable for Serbs and Croats. She also reminded of the stance of Russia and China on rejection of Schmidt’s appointment which confirms that Serbs are right. Asked how state institutions are going to be financed when the decision on temporary financing expires later this month, Majkic said that this is a question for those who deliberately decided to create chaos after the amendments to B&H Criminal Code were imposed.  


Asked to comment possible consequences of the failure to appoint new members of B&H Central Bank Steering Board, Majkic said that Serbs have been banished from the posts of Vice Governor and Director of RS Main Bank. She reminded that all other officials in the Central Bank continued to work under technical mandate, only Serb representatives were dismissed when their tenures expired. “We know that the Central Bank has been government by (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic for many years, and he has no regard for laws or other legal regulations. At the same time, Izetbegovic is the main culprit for the banishment of Serbs from this institution” said Majkic. 


EU Delegation to B&H, US Embassy to B&H say blockade of work of B&H institutions is unacceptable; Russian Embassy to B&H says it is up to domestic politicians, not foreign embassies, to solve internal matters (Oslobodjenje)


The daily reminded that the work of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) institutions is still blocked because representatives of political parties with the seat in the Republika Srpska (RS) refuse to participate in the work of those institutions and they justify it with the conclusion of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) that was adopted after former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed changes to the Criminal Code of B&H on prohibition of genocide denial.  


The daily noted that several thousands of state servants might be left without their salaries as of the next month because the decision on temporary financing will expire in September.  


Spokesperson for the EU Delegation to B&H and Office of the EU Special Representative Ferdinand Koenig told the daily that functioning of democratic institutions of B&H is crucial for the country to make progress in reforms that are essential for its path to the EU. “Any activity that represents an obstacle to their efficient functioning does not serve interests of B&H citizens. The blockade of adoption of decisions in state institutions is not acceptable”, Koenig added. Koenig said that the EU calls all politicians to refrain from causing tensions and focus on progress in realization of the 14 priorities of the European Commission in order to accelerate accession of the country to the EU.  


The Public Relations Office of the US Embassy to B&H noted that “the best way for politicians to work in favor of those who elected them is focusing on economic and anti-corruption reforms and reforms related to the rule of law that will bring a greater prosperity and give support to B&H on its European path”. The US Embassy warned that “citizens of B&H will bear consequences of refusal of representatives of authorities to work”. “The US Embassy supports B&H in its progress towards a more prosperous future in the EU. Our priorities are fight against corruption through which common citizens are robbed and encouraging of necessary economic reforms and reforms in field of rule of law that would secure greater chances and safety for everyone in the entities and Brcko District. We will continue to support political leaders and all citizens who rise above the rhetoric of divisions and who are working on building trust and creation of a safer and more prosperous country for everyone” the US Embassy to BiH noted and concluded that “politicians can bring back hope to citizens and build a firmer ground for economic growth only if they participate in the work of all levels of authorities”.  


Representatives (HoR) of B&H Adil Osmanovic said that both the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and Annex 10 are in force and said: “We expect the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to make a move and punish high-ranking officials because they are not working in line with laws and Constitution”.  


High Representative Christian Schmidt said during the last week’s Bled Strategic Forum that blockades cannot be a part of politics and argued that blockades are actually a sign of weakness. The daily asked the Russian Embassy to B&H to comment on what kind of consequences politicians might face if they continue to block the work of B&H institutions, to which the Russian Embassy to B&H replied by saying that it is “avoiding to comment on individual episodes related to development of internal political situation in B&H”.  


The Russian Embassy to B&H added that it believes it is not foreign embassies, but citizens of BiH who should deal with their internal matters. “We are certain that the current escalation, also in the context of your question, was caused by irresponsible, unbalanced decisions of a part of the international community which failed to rely on international laws in providing strong support to representatives of B&H in search for mutually acceptable compromise” the Russian Embassy to B&H concluded. 


B&H Presidency Chairperson Komsic: SNSD and HDZ B&H committed to abandoning concept of constituent status by signing 14 priorities from EC’s opinion (O kanal)

Commenting on the accusations by SNSD and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) regarding his statements on elimination of the constituent status concept during the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF), Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said the accusations were ungrounded. “Gentlemen from SNSD and HDZ B&H know it was not us who invented the need of abandoning the concept of constituent status, but it is stated in the judgements by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Therefore, they are in conflict with the Court in Strasbourg, not with me, or with those who share my opinion. SNSD and HDZ B&H committed to abandoning the concept of the constituent status by accepting the 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC), that clearly states the judgements need to be implemented which implies abandoning the concept of constituent status. Therefore, gentlemen from SNSD and HDZ B&H, you signed it yourselves. Why are you complaining now?’’ Komsic was quoted as saying. 


Dodik: Komsic is not relevant to speak about democracy, his opinion bout constituent status of peoples is only his personal stance (Nezavisne)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik commented the statement of B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic who said that B&H can be a multicultural state without constituent status of its peoples. According to Dodik, the statement represents Komsic’s personal opinion which is not relevant because Komsic’s is not legitimate representative of Croats and he is not qualified to comment democracy. Dodik added that Komsic’s opinion does not represent the opinion of Croats or B&H Presidency, and he accused him of deceiving members of the public who listen to Komsic. He also noted that only a minority of B&H citizens agree with Komsic’s stances. “On the other hand, majority of people in B&H re of the opinion that B&H can be preserved only as state of three constituent peoples, where their real representatives, and not the camouflaged ones like Komsic, will reach essential agreements and contribute to peace and development” 

said Dodik.  He argued that nobody in Republika Srpska (RS) seems to be upset over the current blockade of state institutions, and that this situation proves that the RS can function well without the state level. Dodik said that only the opposition parties seem somewhat upset. He added that Serb political parties should try to preserve their unity. 


SBB B&H’s Arnaut says there should be only one President of B&H elected by Parliament of B&H to eliminate source of disputes (Dnevni list)

Representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Damir Arnaut (SBB B&H) issued a press statement under the title ‘It is time for single president of B&H’, in which he argued that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) did not establish the right of constituent people to elect “their” representative in the Presidency of B&H but it only stipulated that the Presidency of B&H is consisted of a Serb from Republika Srpska (RS) and Bosniak and Croat from the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Arnaut argued that the entire delegation of the Republic of Croatia which attended the signing of the DPA 26 years ago, with former President of Croatia Franjo Tudjman at the helm, knew back then already that Bosniaks, as the people greater in number in the FB&H, will be able to elect both members and now Dragan Covic’s HDZ BiH conditions implementation of court decisions with correction of Tudjman’s omission, which would include establishment of Croat election unit. Arnaut stated that “the instinct of the international community is to reject new divisions, but it also does not find acceptable preservation of the Presidency of B&H of three members along with neglecting of reasons that led to such an anomaly. The Presidency of B&H has three members because of the three constituent peoples. Preservation of this number without a guarantee that members of those three people will be represented, the guarantee which the court in Strasbourg prohibited, is nonsense. The problem must be solved at its source. The Presidency of B&H is attractive because of election legitimation of the winners and relatively important competencies. By eliminating those motivations, the source of disputes will be removed as well. The legitimation will be eliminated by election in the Parliament of B&H and this also requires abolition of competencies. And this makes it possible to have a single head of the state, just like all EU member countries, because rules of entity voting and protection of vital interest in the Parliament of B&H will guarantee a broad consensus”. Arnaut argued that the elected candidate will be unable to abuse trust because all essential competencies shall be transferred onto the Parliament of B&H and Council of Ministers of B&H. “B&H will get a ‘castrated king’ but also a symbol of statehood and unity of the country”, Arnaut explained and argued that this would also reduce tensions. “Namely, (Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko) Komsic, Covic, and (SDA leader Bakir) Izetbegovic, and especially (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik survive on the concept of marking of territories. The thesis that Komsic and Covic are in a conflict is wrong because both of them, in this system, are achieving their primary goals. Komsic has been dominating in mostly Bosniak territory for the past 15 years (…). Covic, during the same period of time, has been euthanizing the opposition in mostly Croat territory by repeating that any kind of political pluralism, in light of threat by Komsic, represents a ‘betrayal’” Arnaut said.   




Joanikije enthroned (CDM)

Enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije of Montenegro and the Littoral took place on Sunday, with the police present in front of the monastery due to high tensions. Speech of the Metropolitan after the enthronement: "If we seek good together, peace will be even closer to us". The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Joanikije, said today that "it will take a long time to overcome these divisions". 


After he was enthroned in the Cetinje monastery, he said that a lot of divisions could be seen in Cetinje, which, as he says, were artificially caused. "We did everything to avoid them, but we will need a lot of time," he said. "By your arrival and sharing your concerns, you have shown great love for the entire people of Montenegro" Joanikije said in his address to Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. "The bishop unites all services in the church, he unites the faithful with their various gifts, knowledge and experiences. Let's exchange not malice, but good will. If we seek good together, peace will be even closer to us" Joanikije said. 


Eight people detained, one arrested 


The Police Directorate confirmed that one person was arrested during the riots in Cetinje, and that eight were detained for attacking an official. Two police officers, they say, were injured. On the order of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, an adviser to Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, Veselin Veljovic, was arrested in Cetinje. The enthronement ceremony of the Metropolitan of the Montenegrin Littoral, Joanikije, was held in the shadow of the riots. Patriarch Porfirije and Bishop Joanikije were taken to Cetinje by military helicopter and the enthronement ceremony was held only in the presence of priests. 


The day before the enthronement, the opponents blocked all roads to Cetinje, especially the one leading from the capital Podgorica, so that the highest representatives of the Serbian church could not reach the Cetinje monastery. 


The enthronement of Joanikije was still held in the Cetinje monastery, but with heavy security measures, police escort and without the presence of a large number of priests and believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The morning before this religious ceremony, clashes broke out between the police and the demonstrators in Cetinje and around the Montenegrin capital. Protesters fired Molotov cocktails, oysters, glass bottles, firecrackers at police, and police responded with tear gas. 


After two days of clashes between the police and the demonstrators who were against the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije, the ambulance in Cetinje reported the exact number of injured. Namely, a total of 60 people were injured. 30 civilians asked for help, and after the examination they were released for home treatment. Thirty members of the Ministry of the Interior were also examined, four of whom were transported to the General Hospital. 


Djukanovic: We witnessed great shame of SPC and Montenegrin Govt in Cetinje (CDM)


In an address to the public, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, has said that we’ve witnessed a great shame of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) and the Government of Montenegro in Cetinje earlier today – an unprecedented shame in both the long history of the state of Montenegro and the history on the entire Orthodoxy. 


“By brutally abusing state resources, primarily the army and police, and completely inappropriate use of force against peaceful crowd in the Montenegrin Old Royal Capital, the Montenegrin government secured the violent enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije against the will of the vast majority of Cetinje residents and a significant number of Montenegro’s citizens. Only a man with no dignity would allow himself to be taken to Cetinje Monastery by helicopter landing on the territory of the Old Royal Capital and under the protection of bulletproof blankets thus disgracing the throne of Sveti Petar Cetinjski (St. Peter of Cetinje). Cetinje was up to the task once again as many times in the history of Montenegro,” the President stated. 


According to him, peaceful Cetinje protesters were protecting the honor and dignity of their people and their state in a decisive and responsible manner. It was a Pyrrhic victory of the government that continues to serve the great state interests and the SPC, being the driving force of the great Serbian nationalism against Montenegro. “This is more like the loss of respect for the SPC in both the Old Royal Capital and the main city, Podgorica.” 


Djukanovic: I call on all citizens of Montenegro of all religions and nations and political options to contribute to preservation of peace (CDM


I call on all citizens of Montenegro of all religions and nations and political options, as I have always done, to contribute together to the preservation of peace, stability and multiethnic harmony, to responsibly protect the life and health of every citizen, and the right to diversity as our greatest asset, President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has said. 


“Of course, we should unwaveringly protect the freedom, sovereignty and dignity of Montenegro and its people. I also call on PM Zdravko Krivokapic not to insinuate, but to keep the promise he made yesterday that the Government would guarantee security for everyone, taking responsibility for all events, since the National Security Council, which he chaired, did not ban public gatherings” Djukanovic has tweeted. 


And for once, Djukanovic has added, after continuous media political torture and humiliation of our country from Belgrade, he personally, as a man, intellectual and prime minister, should condemn the attempt to subjugate Montenegro in Greater Serbia and uncompromisingly defend it. 


Montenegrin PM Krivokapic says Sunday's attacks on police were attacks on state of Montenegro (Nova)

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic stated that Sunday's attacks on the police were attacks on the state of Montenegro and that those responsible for what happened in Cetinje on Sunday have to be identified and held responsible. Krivokapic called out the leadership of DPS, i.e. DPS leader and Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, but also certain criminal organizations. Krivokapic underlined that what one witnessed in Cetinje on Saturday and Sunday were a kind of terrorist activities, noting that the state of Montenegro has been defended. "It is completely clear that the ordering parties and organizers are the top leadership of DPS in cooperation with organized criminal groups which the state will stand in the way of," Krivokapic was quoted as saying.  


Vice President of the Party of Democratic Montenegro Momo Koprivica said that Montenegro has sent a message that it is a serious state and a state of the rule of law and that it will not calculate with what is the protection of the rights and interests of citizens. Koprivica called for reason, peace and respect for basic human rights and, above all, the right to freedom of religion in Montenegro. 


DF: Krivokapic informed us about coup attempt, part of govt disobeyed instructions (Pobjeda


Leaders of the Democratic Front, DF, had a meeting with Prime Minister, Zdravko Krivokapic, who told them last night that there was a coup under way in both Cetinje and the Government of Montenegro, it was stated at the news conference of the DF, reports Pobjeda daily. Andrija Mandic said that no one is happy about the events in Cetinje. 


“In the early hours of this morning, Krivokapic called Knezevic and myself, and we had talks in front of a large number of government members, and it wasn’t pleasant at all. Can you imagine how you’d feel when a prime minister tells you that there’s a coup underway in the government, as people who are in charge of enforcing the law don’t want to do it, with the explanation that they can’t do it” Mr Mandic said. 


He added that some people in the National Police didn’t want to do their job. 


“During talks with the PM last night and his desire to hear our opinion, we fully backed the law-enforcement actions. We said that we were ready to take responsibility as every other member of the Government. We have been indicating for months that there are “rotten apples” in the government’s services that may be used against the interests of Montenegro. We urged the majority of Montenegro to demand the end of that job. We’re sorry for not being able to apply the law on public gatherings in a way it used to be applied over the Democratic Front,” he added.  


Milan Knezevic noted that the state of Montenegro was defeated and no one should have felt as a winner. “Neither us, worshippers, who backed Joanikije’s enthronement nor those citizens who were protesting against it” he said.  Mr Knezevic reiterated that we could hear threats against the security made by Veselin Veljovic, Milo Djukanovic and Dusko Markovic


It’s a paradox that the president of the country, chief special prosecutor and advisor to the president attended the event with the elements of a coup. 


“We believe that it’s about a criminal gathering and that the three are a part of an organized group which plotted a coup and the formation of a new parliamentary majority in defiance of the will of the people demonstrated in the election.” 


At the session of the National Security Council, Mr Knezevic required a ban on an unauthorized gathering but the idea was not supported even though “he was right in the end”. 


He continued: “I’m proud of the role me and Andrija had in the government’s building, as I know we represented views of the majority of Montenegro. I also want to tell that the PM had informed us about the alarming situation regarding the coup attempt plotted by a part of the services which didn’t want to obey instructions. It shows us that we have a serious problem in parliamentary and executive power, and the DF is ready to shake hands with everybody, regardless of our views” Mr Knezevic noted. He is not denying the Montenegrin nation or people, but believes that the Serbian people must be allowed the same rights as other peoples have in Montenegro. He’s also truly sorry for the recent events in Cetinje. 


Abazovic: I backed Joanikije’s enthronement, most important is that we preserved peace and interfaith harmony (Pobjeda)


Deputy Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, said that “the most important thing is that we managed to preserve peace and order in Montenegro, and that, despite certain difficulties, we managed to preserve the interfaith harmony”. He also noted that the road to a civic society is full of thorns and spikes and that we’ll have to commit to tolerance, conciliation and understanding in the future. Commenting on the events over the past few days, DPM Abazovic pointed out that there’s no room for celebration. 


On the arrest of Veselin Veljovic, he said: “Police didn’t react for more than 30 hours. They offered passive resistance which is not the practice. Veljovic wanted to command certain police members. Until that moment, the police were passive and then they fired tear gas,” said Mr Abazovic, underlining that the police passed the important test as there were no victims. The Deputy Prime Minister apologized for the use of chemicals, noting that any kind of extremism, terrorism and attack on public officials would not be tolerated. According to him, the DPS should take responsibility for the events in Cetinje. 

Quint embassies urge Montenegrins to contribute to peace (RTCG)


The embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, U.S. and the Delegation of the European Union in Podgorica condemned on Sept. 5 all forms of violence in response to protests and clashes with police in Cetinje sparked by the enthronement of a Serbian Orthodox Church archbishop there. The embassies of the Quint called on the people to 

contribute responsibly to the preservation of public order and peace, and said they expected police to use only necessary and legal means, Radio Television Montenegro reported on its website. 


"Individuals will have to be held accountable for their actions. The priority in the coming period should be establishing a democratic, inclusive and constructive political dialog, including all sides sincerely committed to the bright European future of this NATO member country and respect for fundamental freedoms, especially the freedom of expression, the 

freedom of peaceful assembly and the freedom of religion," the press release said. In the course of the day, the U.S. embassy in Montenegro issued a press release saying that the U.S. government urged all sides in Montenegro to make urgent efforts to defuse the situation. "Religious freedom and freedom of expression, including [the right to] peaceful assembly, must be respected. Though there has been a lot of finger pointing as to who is responsible, in the end individuals will be held accountable for their actions" the U.S. Facebook page reads 


North Macedonia 


About 90,000 citizens covered on the first day of the census (Republika)


A little over 90,000 citizens were covered on the first day of the census yesterday, the State Statistics Bureau (DZS) said. The controversial census takes place in the midst of a major coronavirus wave, and also provides that all emigrants will be counted as if they were residents – in an apparent attempt to inflate the Albanian share of the population. Both these controversies have led to calls for boycott. 


DZS insisted that there is no boycott in place, and that citizens are meeting with the canvassers – often outside of their homes and buildings, to minimize the threat of the virus. The Zaev regime is pushing strongly for the census to take place, as part of his apparent arrangement with his Albanian coalition partners, while the populist Levica party is calling for a boycott. 




Hillary Clinton calls Edi Rama, the conversation revealed (Radio Tirana)


Hillary Clinton, the wife of former US President Bill Clinton had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Edi Rama on Friday afternoon. According to Top Channel, the former first lady of the United States thanked the Albanian Prime Minister for the readiness and care shown in sheltering in Albania two days ago of 37 Afghan women and girls, civil society activists, among them the former journalist of Tolo TV Behishta Arghand


Top Channel learns that the non-governmental organization Vital Voices, founded by Hillary Clinton and former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright enabled the evacuation from Afghanistan of these women and girls already sheltered in our country. 


Vital Voices organization has been in contact with the Albanian government for several weeks to successfully complete this delicate and difficult operation to get these 37 Afghan activists out of Afghanistan, who initially stayed in Qatar and continued their journey to Albania. 


It was the Prime Minister Edi Rama himself who in an interview for international media a few weeks ago said that there are some well-known organizations in the world which have asked Albania for help in sheltering their people. So far, 644 Afghan citizens who have worked in the past for several international organizations such as US AID, including journalists have arrived in Albania. Most of the 644 Afghans have been accommodated in the Student Campus in Tirana but also in Durres and Lezha, awaiting the process of obtaining a special US SIV visa.