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Belgrade Media Report 8 September



Vucic with the German ambassador about the upcoming visit of Chancellor Merkel (RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, received the Ambassador of Germany, Thomas Schieb, as part of the preparations for the visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel. President Vucic said that Chancellor Merkel's visit was a great honor for our country and an opportunity to express our gratitude to her for everything she has done for Serbia and the region during her long and successful mandate. In this regard, he pointed out that the launch of the Berlin Process, at the German Chancellor initiative, created a different atmosphere in the Western Balkans and opened new opportunities for cooperation, which makes the region more peaceful and stable. 


Ambassador Schieb said that Chancellor Merkel's visit, regardless of the fact that she is nearing the end of her mandate, is a strong signal that Serbia and the region remain high on Germany's agenda. 


The two interlocutors discussed topics for talks between President Vucic and Chancellor Merkel, including Serbia's rapprochement with the EU, and expressed satisfaction that Serbia-Germany relations are at a very high level, especially economic cooperation, given the value of German investments and the number of our workers in German companies in Serbia exceeded 70,000. 


President Vucic therefore pointed out that economic cooperation with Germany significantly contributed to the economic growth of Serbia. On this occasion, it was said that the two countries are preparing an agreement on strategic cooperation in the field of climate change and the Green Agenda. 


President Vucic expressed his condolences on the death of Jan Hecker, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the People's Republic of China, who, as the German Chancellor's foreign policy adviser, left a strong mark on Serbian-German relations with his diplomatic skills and understanding of the region.  


Vucic: Serbia appreciates the support of the OSCE Mission (RTS)

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, received the Head of the OSCE Mission, Ambassador Jan Braathu, with whom he discussed the modalities of cooperation in the democratization process, as well as the joint contribution to maintaining peace and stability in the region. 


President Vucic emphasized that the Republic of Serbia appreciates the support of the OSCE Mission in the comprehensive reform process, which includes professional assistance in areas such as media freedoms and the rule of law, as well as in strengthening human and minority rights and other activities. 


President Vucic and Ambassador Braathu agreed that it is important that the activities of the OSCE Mission be planned with the competent state institutions, in order to be in line with the real needs of the country on its reform and European path. The two interlocutors also discussed the regional situation, agreeing that the priority is to maintain peace and stability in the Western Balkans. In that regard, they also discussed the situation in southern Serbia, and President Vucic thanked the OSCE Mission for its assistance in the agreement between the Ministry of Education and the National Council of Albanians on textbooks in the Albanian language for primary schools, the statement said. 


Resumption of Belgrade - Pristina dialogue in Brussels (Tanjug)

Talks between the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina continue today in Brussels, within the technical dialogue mediated by the European Union. EU spokesman Peter Stano confirmed for the Tanjug agency that two days of technical talks will be dedicated to "the current open issues and the next steps in the dialogue". 


On Tuesday, both delegations had bilateral talks with EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and EU mediators, and a trilateral one, of Belgrade, Pristina and EU mediators, is planned for today. Before this round of dialogue, Petković said that the Belgrade delegation would insist on five issues that had already been agreed upon earlier, and whose implementation Pristina either violates or completely rejects. 


It is about forming the Community of Serbian Municipalities, clarifying the fate of the missing, implementing the agreement on justice, freedom of movement and official visits, and implementing energy agreement. 


One year later, Biden squanders Trump’s historic Kosovo-Serbia negotiations (By Richard Grenell, Federalist)


A year ago, Serbia and Kosovo signed a normalization agreement in the Oval Office. Now, those terms are expiring and Biden could care less. 


One year ago, on September 4, the world celebrated the signing of the Kosovo-Serbia Economic Normalization Agreement in the White House Oval Office. President Trump had brought President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia and then-Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti of Kosovo together to take an enormous step towards resolving their historic conflict. 


It was Donald Trump’s vision for Kosovo and Serbia to normalize their economic relations and help usher-in a complete Balkan-wide revitalization. President Trump believed that the perceived conflict was impacting job creation and economic development for everyone involved. He also believed that the strategy of constant political talking, led by the Europeans, was not working. 


Unfortunately for the Balkans, the Biden Administration took the opposite position. President Joe Biden continues to ignore Kosovo, Albania, Serbia, and the entire region and has decided he just doesn’t want to get involved. He has no presidential envoy for negotiations and there are no discussions or plans for the region inside his White House. There are no high-level visits planned by U.S. officials and no dates for Balkan leaders to come to the U.S. 


There is, however, a total acquiescence by Biden to the European Union (EU) process in Brussels, Belgium. The EU is in charge of Balkan redevelopment strategies and normalization talks now.  And as we have seen from the pace of EU ascension discussions, the people of the Balkan region won’t have help anytime soon. 


But President Trump still believes that each side should continue implementing the 2020 Economic Normalization Agreement despite the absence of Biden’s leadership. The Trump Administration believed that Kosovar and Serbian steps toward economic normalization would dilute the power and importance of the dispute’s hot-button and emotional political matters and were prerequisites for a permanent resolution of political disputes. And President Trump’s vision was working. Through hard-fought negotiations, the parties had agreed to construct a roadway and railway link, as well as establish a direct flight between their respective capitals, Belgrade and Pristina. 


Under Trump, Serbia and Kosovo also agreed to open and operationalize the Merdare Common Crossing Point facility. This now-open border crossing should only be the beginning of the much-needed free and efficient flow of people and goods between Serbia and Kosovo. Trump still believes each side should recognize each other’s diplomas and professional certificates and join the “mini-Schengen zone” announced by Serbia, Albania, and North Macedonia in October 2019. 


The previous pledges to protect and promote freedom of religion, including renewed interfaith communication, protection of religious sites, and continued restitution of Holocaust-era heirless and unclaimed Jewish property are worthy of implementation even if the Biden Administration isn’t paying attention. And so is the agreement to designate Hizballah in its entirety as a terrorist organization, and fully implement measures to restrict Hizballah’s operations and financial activities in the parties’ jurisdictions. The Trump team hopes both sides will also continue with their commitments to help decriminalize homosexuality in the 69 countries where it is currently illegal and expand their diplomatic relations with Israel, too. 


Perhaps most importantly — for the people on the ground, the parties involved in the negotiations, and for the history and future of the region — Trump believes the parties should also stick to their commitments to expedite efforts to locate and identify the remains of missing persons from the war which ended two decades ago. 


But the historic opening created by the September 4, 2020 Trump agreement has one provision that has already been squandered by the Biden Administration. It has been infuriating to watch as Biden has ignored my warnings earlier this year that the pending end to one of the most hard-fought points of the agreement was upon us: the one-year moratorium on Kosovo’s search for new membership in international organizations and a one-year moratorium for Serbia’s de-recognition campaign against Kosovo. 


Sadly, that one-year commitment is over and the parties are no longer obligated to keep to that vow. It is incredibly disappointing that Joe Biden failed to even try to extend their pledge. It’s as if Joe Biden has forgotten that the Balkans even exist. 


President Trump’s belief from the start has been that trust is built first in the process of creating opportunities and futures for young people, rather than in the settlement of scores, symbolism, or the righting of historical wrongs. Sadly, the Trump team was mistaken that the petty score-settling between political opponents was only a problem in the Balkans; we now see that the Biden Administration has the same difficulty. 


Pro-EU opposition frustrated with EP facilitators (Danas)

The pro-EU part of the opposition has still not received the proposal of the members of the European Parliament on improving electoral conditions in Serbia, the Democratic Party (DS) announced on Tuesday. “It was originally agreed that by September 1 the proposed text of the agreement would be delivered to all the participants in the negotiations, but this has not happened” said the statement, adding that “so far no one has explained why it is at least a week late.” “As far as the opposition is concerned, so far the content of the proposed agreement is known only to those with close ties to [Parliament Speaker] Ivica Dacic,” the DS stated, referring to the group of parties with whom the government is negotiating improved 

electoral conditions without foreign mediation. The circumstances that the MEPs sent their working document, according to unofficial sources, to Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic and not to them – despite the agreement that they would not do that – indicates a certain underestimation of the pro-EU opposition, stated Pavle Grbovic, leader of the Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) for Danas on Wednesday. 


The pro-EU opposition had a very constructive approach to the process so far, even when such an approach was met with incomprehension and discontent of the local public, he said. 

“They offered concrete, realistic and feasible solutions, some of which are even common in the countries form which the EU mediators come. I can understand that they don’t like the solutions and don’t want to include them in the document that will be discussed, but such treatment of the opposition is unjustified and is to a certain extent depreciating. The agreement from the previous round of dialogue was that the mediators send their proposal for the document by September 1. The agreement was not for the deadline to be unilaterally and unjustifiably extended seven days nor for the opposition to have to wait for Dacic’s approval so that we would have to which we would give our opinion” Grbovic said. 


What MEPs suggest for election conditions (Tanjug)

The draft proposal of the Working Document for Improving Electoral Conditions prepared by MEPs was forwarded to the parties that now have until September 12 to submit their comments, and among other things, the document says that the dates of important elections announced for 2022 should be determined as soon as possible, Tanjug finds out. 


The letter sent to the parties specifies that the upcoming dialogue will be held in the same format as during the meeting in July. The letter was signed by co-facilitators Tanja Fajon, Vladimir Bilcik and Ivica Dacic, and, as announced, former members of the European Parliament Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein will also participate in the dialogue. 


The Draft Working Document estimates that the participants in the July dialogue have shown their readiness to commit to the process, as well as a constructive stance, and that an agreement on the working document is expected to be reached at the next dialogue on 17 and 18 September or at least six months before the next elections. 


The draft working document will focus on two main topics: (first) equal access to the media, pluralism in the media, media ethics and standards, and (second) the integrity of the electoral process. 


According to the document, the draft contains a series of suggestions and concrete proposals for possible steps forward, and provided that there is enough political will, an agreement could be reached within the framework of the Inter-Party Dialogue. 


It is emphasized that the co-facilitators will do everything in their power to pave the way for a political agreement, but at the same time they emphasize that the final outcome lies in the hands of the participants in the Inter-Party Dialogue. 


When it comes to equal access to the media and pluralism in the media, it is emphasized that all media must publish their tariffs for political advertising before the start of the election campaign. "During the election campaign, the public media service is obliged to provide all declared candidates and announced electoral lists under equal conditions with appropriate time intervals for their political advertising" the draft document reads. It is also stated that all broadcasters must strictly adhere to the existing Law on Electronic Media, which obliges them to inform the public freely, truthfully, impartially, completely and in a timely manner. "It is essential that all news programs, both terrestrial and cable, ensure a balanced presentation of the views, announcements and opinions of the government, ruling parties, opposition parties and platforms, as well as experts on topics of public importance" the document reads. In order to achieve that, the inter-party dialogue could, as it is stated, propose to consider the adoption of new regulations, in the form of a binding rulebook for the Public Media Service (RTS and RTV) in order to better regulate the coverage of the election campaign. 


The rulebook could reflect and offer solutions in line with the findings of the ODIHR report and be adopted after public consultation. To this end, it is stated that the formation of a temporary supervisory body could be considered, which may consist of an equal number of REM members and representatives proposed by the co-facilitators of the Inter-Party Dialogue. 

Its composition should ensure political pluralism and professional expertise. 


By when should the rulebook be prepared 


Among other things, the rulebook will stipulate which activities of public officials during the election campaign can be considered abuse of their position. The Rulebook should be prepared within 30 days after the agreement by the participants in the Inter-Party Dialogue. 

The draft also states that the methodology of monitoring the media during the election campaign will be based on quantitative and qualitative parameters, including the tone of reporting, taking into account the nature of broadcasters. Regarding political advertising on the Public Media Service (RTS and RTV), it is necessary to determine the appropriate distribution key, following the best European practice. It is stated that this distribution key should provide all political parties and platforms participating in the next election campaign with adequate space for political advertising. "In this context, representatives of the opposition should be given enough time to express their views and opinions on news programs, especially regarding the views of the government" the document suggests. It is also stated that the possibility of enabling independent media and organizations to broadcast programs on the national public frequency on a regular basis should be considered. 


When it comes to another topic, ie the integrity of the election process, it is written that the individual decision of each voter must be properly respected, and the secrecy of the vote must be guaranteed. It is pointed out that measures should be taken to increase the transparency of voter registration and trust in voter lists. "The transparency of campaign financing needs to be improved, in order to ensure equal opportunities for competing parties and platforms in the upcoming election campaigns" the draft reads. It emphasizes that election rules must be precise, predictable and sustainable for those who want to run in political competition, as well as for voters. 


"Given the unusual situation created by the boycott of the elections of certain parties and platforms in the last parliamentary elections in 2020, for the next elections, consideration should be given to finding an appropriate solution to temporarily change the composition of the REC, in order to increase confidence in the election process" reads the Draft Document. 

It is added that due to that, during the next election campaign, additional temporary members of the REC could be appointed, who are not representatives of the parliamentary groups in the National Assembly, and which would be determined by the Inter-Party Dialogue. "It should be ensured that the responsible authorities have effective procedures and measures to prevent and, if necessary, thoroughly investigate undue pressure on voters, including employees of state institutions or state-affiliated institutions and enterprises" the document reads. In this context, the competent authorities should provide full protection to potential whistleblowers, as provided by the relevant law. 


Voter lists should be available to the public, and it is also proposed to reduce the limit for donations. "The establishment of limits on campaign expenses should also be considered. Appropriate measures should be taken to submit campaign revenue and expenditure data before election day" the document said. 


Finally, it is reminded that the measures should be implemented six months before the first of the three types of announced elections. The next round of the Inter-Party Dialogue, with the mediation of the MEPs, will be held on September 17 and 18 in the Palace of Serbia, it was confirmed in the letter. 


Brnabic: Hungary gives the greatest support to Serbia (RTS)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbia has the greatest support from Hungary in European integration, that the country has become the third largest economic and trade partner of Serbia, and that she expects that the total trade in 2021 will exceed two billion euros. Brnabic thanked Hungary for the hospitality and emphasized that Serbia has not held six joint sessions of the two governments with any country so far, as is the case with Hungary. 

She pointed out that a lot has been achieved since 2014, when the first joint session of the governments of the two countries was held, when the Prime Minister of Serbia was Aleksandar Vucic. All that led, as she said, to today's signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement. 


"A whole series of joint successes has been achieved, and above all I want to thank for the political support for European integration, Brnabic stressed, adding that Hungary is openly and sincerely committed to the enlargement agenda and that Hungary gives Serbia the greatest support on the European path" said Brnabic thanked Hungarian PM Viktor Orban for that. 

She added that the agreement on joint use of embassies and diplomatic-consular missions, which was signed earlier, also speaks of special relations. 


Serbia-Hungary Strategic Partnership Agreement signed (RTS)

The Prime Ministers of Hungary and Serbia, Viktor Orban and Ana Brnabic, signed an Agreement on cordial relations and strategic partnership between the two countries in Budapest. 


The line ministers signed accompanying memoranda on cooperation in the fields of economy, agriculture, diplomatic relations, police - conducting mixed border patrols, European integration - expert assistance for accession negotiations, as well as for the development of high-speed passenger trains from Belgrade to Budapest. 


The agreements were signed on behalf of the Government of Serbia, with colleagues from Hungary, by Ministers of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic, Minister of Economy Andjelka Atanackovic, Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic


Bilateral meetings between the two prime ministers and members of the two governments were previously held at the Hungarian government headquarters. 


The agreement on cordial relations and strategic partnership between the two countries will create the institutional framework for further improvement of relations between Serbia and Hungary, as well as the realization of joint projects in many areas. A Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary and the Ministry of Economy of Serbia will also be signed. 


The Memorandum of Understanding will enable the cooperation between young farmers of the two countries, and a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of diplomatic training between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade of Hungary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia will be signed. 


Zakharova: Legitimate canon law of the Serbian Orthodox Church should be strictly respected (B92)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova spoke on the occasion of the events that took place in Montenegro. She believes that it is important to resolve the situation with respect for the canonical rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers. 


"It is deeply regrettable that certain circles in Montenegro are trying to use church related issues to incite hostility and internal political confrontations. The policy of artificially creating chaos, dividing citizens for any reason has been a recognizable sign of those forces that do not want to reconcile with defeat in last year's elections of the group of Montenegrin president (Milo) Djukanovic, seeking revenge for their own selfish interests. As a result, peace and security in the country have been called into question again", Zakharova said in a statement on the Foreign Ministry's website. She noted that Moscow fully supports the statements of Serbian Patriarch Porfirije and Metropolitan Joanikije, aimed at reducing tensions. 


"We are convinced of the need to resolve the situation within the framework of the constitution and current legislation, with strict respect for the legitimate canonical rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers, who make up the vast majority of the Montenegrin population" Zakharova added. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Schmidt causes big blow for those who advocate civil concept in B&H; Vulic: Bosniaks are not happy that guest is disobedient, Kresic: Bosniaks to understand that IC will no longer be their lawyer (RTRS)

RTRS noted that with his public appearance at the discussion in Germany dedicated to the Euro-Atlantic perspectives, German diplomat Christian Schmidt has caused a big blow for those who advocate the so-called civil concept in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Schmidt clearly said that changes to the B&H Election Law are necessary because Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic was elected thanks to votes of Bosniaks. Croat and Serb members of the B&H Parliament told RTRS that this is why Schmidt has crossed the road from warm welcoming to the status of persona non-grata in Sarajevo in a short period of time only because he is telling already-known facts. The reporter noted that Sarajevo political establishment welcomed Schmidt’s arrival with hope that he will promote their interests especially since Republika Srpska (RS) does not observe him as a HR. However, the reporter argued, Schmidt’s message that Komsic was elected in the B&H Presidency thanks to Bosniak votes – and Sarajevo is dominantly a Bosniak city – has turned Sarajevo hopes into a nightmare.  


According to RTRS, it is interesting that Sarajevo remained silent to Schmidt’s observations because it is difficult to dispute the fact that Komsic is a spare Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency. Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) said via phone that it is an undisputable fact that the other people elects political representatives of Croats in a House of Peoples and it is a fact that they have no representative in the B&H Presidency, while Bosniaks have two representatives. Kristo added: “This is why I understand that Schmidt says that there is a need to change the Election Law in order to remove anomalies that undermine the Dayton Agreement.”  


RTRS noted that the standpoint of the RS has not changed and the RS still observes Schmidt as a person that present himself as a HR without legitimacy of the Russian Federation and China. SNSD MP Sanja Vulic said that Bosniak representatives are not happy that some guest came and the guest is disobedient and he has his own opinion because he presented facts that everyone in B&H knows and that the RS underlines. Vulic added that Bosniaks should be left dealing with their guest, while the RS remains firm in its stance; i.e. that B&H has no the HR. The reporter noted that there is no doubt that Schmidt is speaking to the benefit of Croats, which can be observed through diplomatic efforts of Croatia to get better position for Croats in B&H via one of the most powerful countries of the EU, Germany.  


Speaking about this issue, political analyst Zoran Kresic said via phone that this is an important crossroad and now it is up to the Bosniak side to understand that the international community (IC) will no longer be their lawyer and they must sit down with Serbs and Croats and reach an agreement about the future. According to RTRS, some politicians from the Federation of B&H said that nothing will be the same following Schmidt’s messages that they characterized as historic and a serious blow for the so-called civil concept of B&H.  


International community thinking about option of Schmidt imposing changes to Law on Elections? (

According to, the key political issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is changes to the Law on Elections of B&H and that this Gordian knot is the biggest challenge for local politicians as well as the international community (IC). unofficially learns that diplomatic circles are seriously thinking about option of the High Representative (HR) imposing changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. According to the same source, judging by the current political situation and the fact the state institutions have been blocked because of foremost SNSD, which also rejects Christian Schmidt as the HR, it is difficult to expect there will be an agreement about the Law on Elections soon. Article further reads that many deadlines for changes to the law have been breached long ago and that the trench battle between HDZ B&H and SDA, and inferiority of SNSD, indicates there could be twisting of arms. claims it has unofficially learned from diplomatic sources that an option of imposition of provisions of the Law on Elections of B&H is being pondered, which is why the ground is being tested about possible reactions that could follow. Reportedly, the IC is thinking about imposition of the Law on Elections that would not fully meet HDZ B&H’s demands, but would mainly favor HDZ B&H. Reportedly, the assessment is that pro-Bosnian parties and wider public in general would express dissatisfaction, which is why assessments are being carried out as to how big the dissatisfaction would be. also wrote that the IC could play the card that “the Bosniaks got Inzko’s law”, which is why changes to the Law on Elections would not favor the Bosniaks. 


Leaders of HDZ and HDZ B&H to discuss B&H Election Law and HR’s statement concerning Croats (O kanal)

Leaders of HDZ and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should meet in Zagreb on Wednesday. Also, HDZ’s member of European Parliament Zeljana Zovko should attend this meeting. Main topics of this meeting will be the Election Law of B&H and a recent statement of High Representative Christian Schmidt concerning Croats. O Kanal reminds that Schmidt had said recently that Zeljko Komsic is a member of B&H Presidency from the rank of Croats, but he was elected more by Bosniaks than by Croats. Komsic commented by saying that Schmidt’s assessment is bad and underlined that principle to form ballot boxes for Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs is anti-civilized and cannot be part of solution. 


Session of the House of Representatives doomed (Nezavisne


The daily carries that Speaker of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic scheduled a session of the B&H HoR for September 20, but that it is already clear that MPs from Republika Srpska (RS) will not take part in its work and that all possible decisions that will be adopted will be brought down in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP).  


Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac has told the daily that the session can take place and that certain decisions can be adopted, but that having in mind the B&H HoP and the position that there is no decision-making in the B&H institutions, there is the question of the purpose of scheduling the session itself. Novakovic-Bursac claims that scheduling of the session of the B&H HoR is a show in which one is trying to present that something can function and work, "and we all know that it is not true." Novakovic-Bursac underlined that Bosniak politicians must realize that one can exit such a situation only through dialogue and agreement.  


Representatives of parties from the RS which are not part of the ruling coalition at the B&H level have also said that they will not come to the session of the B&H HoR and decide on proposed items on the agenda.  


PDP MP in the B&H HoR Mira Pekic underlined that Zvizdic wants to show that he is working and using all procedural opportunities to schedule a session. "We stick to the conclusion of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) that there are no conditions for decision-making in the joint institutions and that is our position. That does not mean that we will not go to work and be in the Caucus, but we will not decide" Pekic emphasized. Pekic pointed out that in such situations, one can see the importance of the B&H HoP and the possibility of protecting the vital national interest for the RS, "which has a real political capacity."  


The daily recalls that after former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed changes to the B&H Criminal Code banning the denial of genocide in B&H, the leaders of the political parties from the RS agreed conclusions which, among other things, imply that representatives of the RS in the B&H joint institutions will not take part in decision-making at the B&H level until the issue of controversial and imposed law is resolved. 


SDA’s Ramic says OHR should make system functional; SNSD’s Kovacevic says first decision to be adopted can only be decision on abolition of ‘Inzko’s law’; Stevandic says SDA and OHR are culprits for current blockade (Vecernje Novosti)

The daily reminded that the decision on prohibition of genocide denial that was imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko only deepened the gap between Serbs and Bosniaks and there is no solution in sight. While Serb politicians refuse to participate in the adoption of decisions at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Bosniak politicians do not even want to discuss possible abolition of the imposed law but they do expect the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to “force” Serbs to work in B&H institutions.  


SDA Vice President Edin Ramic told the daily that it is important for B&H institutions to function and solve problems in those institutions and not by using blockades. “It was logical to expect heightening of tensions after the decision of OHR but this was not the first law or decision that was imposed. For the sake of lives of citizens, budget and constitutional competencies, it is necessary for the institutions to work. The sooner those start functioning and people from Republika Srpska (RS) return to the institutions, the sooner the situation will be normalized” Ramic said and added that the OHR should make the system functional.  


Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic stated that the first decision that can be adopted in B&H can only be a decision on abolition of ‘Inzko’s law’: “Once this decision is adopted, then we will be able to talk”. Kovacevic concluded by saying that it is ridiculous to see Bosniaks constantly ask foreigners to fulfill their political wishes.  


Chair of Serb Caucus in the Parliament of B&H (and leader of ‘United Srpska’) Nenad Stevandic said that the problem of Bosniak politicians lies in the fact that they fail to realize that Serb representatives in B&H institutions are not “wage workers” and that institutions are not the property of Bosniaks. Stevandic said that SDA and OHR are the only culprits for blockades of B&H institutions and of the entire B&H because of the imposed law: “When they speak about solving of this crisis, they should look at a mirror”. 




HDZ and EPP delegations condemn incidents in Montenegro (Hina)


The delegation of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and the European People's Party (EPP) to the European Parliament on Tuesday condemned incidents that occurred during the inauguration of Serbian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Joanikije in Montenegro at the weekend. 


We condemn all incidents that occurred during the inauguration of Serbian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Joanikije in Montenegro, notably those in Cetinje, the spiritual and cultural center of Montenegro, the HDZ/EPP delegation said in a statement signed by four HDZ MEPs – Karlo Ressler, Suncana Glavak, Zeljana Zovko, and Tomislav Sokol. They also “expressed concern that several dozen people had been injured in the incidents” Hina reported. 


It said that any calling into question of the existence of the Montenegrin nation and its identity is unacceptable because Montenegro has a long history of independence and the co-existence of different religious and ethnic groups on its territory. 


The HDZ/EPP delegation said that anti-European political forces in Montenegro are undermining respect for human rights, stressing the need to protect the right of the Croatian people to preserve their customs and rich cultural heritage in Montenegro. It urged the Montenegrin government to make more effort to defuse tensions so that the country can successfully continue its journey towards EU membership. 


About 30 police officers and protesters were injured in riots during the inauguration in Cetinje on Sunday when people opposed to the ceremony taking place in the Montenegrin historical capital set up barricades at the entrances to the city and clashed with the police. The protesters saw the ceremony as an act of provocation and belittling of Montenegrins and demanded that it be held elsewhere in the country. The police used teargas and stun grenades to disperse the crowds. 


Former officials from Ex-Yugoslav countries issue appeal to EU, NATO over Montenegro (Hina)


Former office-holders from the area of the former Yugoslavia on Monday evening sent a letter to EU and NATO leaders, expressing concern about the situation in Montenegro and calling on them to join in active political dialogue and help resolve the crisis in that country peacefully. 


"One more place of conflict and crisis in Europe is the last thing Europe and the world need right now. We therefore call on EU institutions and other allies to join in active political dialogue with the different political and social stakeholders in the current crisis in Montenegro and help them arrive at a peaceful solution to the escalating conflict in the country" the letter of appeal reads. 


Signatories to the letter, including Croatia's former foreign minister Vesna Pusic, former Serbian prime minister Zarko Korac, and former Bosnia and Herzegovina PM Zlatko Lagumdzija, said that the recent events surrounding the enthronement of the new leader of the Serb Orthodox Church in Montenegro were only superficially related to religious issues but in reality "have nothing to do with religion, and not even with politics or ideology." 


"They are yet another manifestation of a conflict between forces that believe that Montenegro should not exist as a separate state and those who believe that Montenegro should stay independent, with all attributes of statehood," the letter reads. 


"Since we have all witnessed the Balkan wars of the 1990s, we cannot help but notice alarming similarities between the current developments in Montenegro and those that led to the wars of 25-30 years ago," the signatories to the letter said, noting that Montenegro was not a country with a large population but that strategically it was very important for the stability of Southeast Europe. 


Riots erupted in Montenegro on Sunday during the inauguration of the Serb Orthodox Church Metropolitan of Montenegro, Joanikije, with those whose opposed the ceremony being held in Cetinje putting up barricades on roads leading to the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica and clashing with police. 


Metropolitan Joanikije and the head of the Serb Orthodox Church (SPC), Patriarch Porfirije, were taken to Cetinje aboard a police helicopter and the religious ceremony of Joanikije's inauguration was held there. The protesters interpreted the SPC's insistence on holding the ceremony in the Montenegrin historical capital of Cetinje as an act of provocation and humiliation of Montenegrins, asking that it be moved to some other Serb Orthodox shrine in Montenegro. Thirty police officers and protesters were injured in the clashes and police used tear gas and stun guns during Sunday's riots. 




MFA: Serbian authorities need to stop mistreating Montenegrin MPs (CDM)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, just like it used to do before, whenever a Montenegrin MP was mistreated at the border with Serbia, is going to urge the Serbian authorities to provide an explanation about yesterday’s behavior towards MP Dragica Sekulic


“It’s clear to everyone that apprehensions and harassment of members of the Montenegrin Parliament do not represent good neighborly relations and are not approved by anyone in the political life of both Montenegro and Serbia, regardless of which part of the political spectrum they belong to” stated the ministry run by Djordje Radulovic


Detention of MP Sekulic, who provided the explanation for possessing diazepam drug to competent bodies, was just one in a series of inconveniences that the Montenegrin MPs had experienced while traveling to Serbia over the past few months. 


Abazovic: There was no disobedience (Nova S)

Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that the investigation would establish details and facts about security threats during the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije in Cetinje, and added that there was a major security threat for the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which, as he said, was also confirmed by the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church in his statement. 


"It was a difficult decision and it was very difficult to take the protected person to a certain destination in a completely safe way. Mr. Porfirije confirmed in his statement that such a thing was not easy to do. All this talk about whether someone objected or not somehow came from a certain danger that was evident and the data that said that there was a percentage of risk" Abazovic said for Nova S. He assessed that the security services passed the big exam, while on the other hand, as he says, there is a bitter taste related to the whole event. Abazovic said that there were no cases of disobedience in the security sector, but that there were cases of certain emotional fluctuations in some people. The security sector functioned flawlessly. Abazovic says that they had a special action of bringing Joanikje and Porfirije to Cetinje and at the same time establishing public order and peace without victims. "I do not allow anyone to charge people with something that does not belong to them. Anyone who refused any task will be suspended" said Abazovic. He notes that Porfirije is a protected person and that it is the obligation of the police to keep him as far away from danger as possible. "And here we had the opposite effect that we should put him in danger and then someone wants to accuse the police and deal with whether someone was for enthronement or not. It's not a question of security and it's not a question that should be asked, but whether someone's lives will be endangered and whether more chaos will come out of that" he said. 


North Macedonia 


US President Joe Biden sends congratulations on Macedonia’s Independence Day (Republika)


US President Joe Biden sends congratulations on Macedonia’s Independence Day 

The United States will remain a strong and steadfast supporter of Macedonia, reads among other a letter of congratulations sent by U.S. President Joe Biden to President Stevo Pendarovski on the country’s Independence Day – September 8. 


“On behalf of the American people, I congratulate Macedonia on your Independence Day. As we celebrate this occasion, we also honor the 25th anniversary of our diplomatic relations and the strong friendship between our two nations. Our countries are united through the bonds of family and history, as well as by our shared democratic values and commitment to human rights. Our partnership will continue to benefit our peoples for years to come. 


We proudly welcomed Macedonia as the 30th NATO ally last year, while recognizing that your country made vital contributions to the security and stability of the region long before joining the alliance. Thank you for hosting the multinational exercise Decisive Strike 21 at the Krivolak Military Training Center this year and for demonstrating again Macedonia’s capacity and willingness to lead. 


As your country continues to make strides – increasing prosperity for all your citizens, improving the rule of law, strengthening your democratic institutions – the United States will remain a strong and steadfast supporter. 


We look forward to working with Macedonia as you continue to pursue the reforms that will secure your country’s European future, including European Union accession. 


I wish you a safe and happy Independence Day and thank you for your continued friendship, U.S. President Joe Biden writes in the letter sent to Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski on the occasion of Independence Day – September 8. 




The Czech Prime Minister calls for the expansion of the Schengen area (Radio Tirana)


Slovenia and the Czech Republic are expected to propose to EU member states to offer the region the prospect of Schengen membership to Balkan states before they become politically part of the European family. Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis stated that the enlargement of the European Union to include the countries of the Western Balkans is a complex process that will take a long time, but until then we will remove the borders between them and with the EU. "Why are we not talking about Schengen?" The enlargement of Schengen is much easier than the enlargement of the European Union. For the sake of Europe's security, we must also include the Western Balkan countries in Schengen if they meet the conditions. Serbia must come first, as it is on the path of illegal migration and is actively fighting against illegal refugees" he said. 


According to Babis, the expansion of the Schengen Area would significantly help stop illegal migration. The Prime Minister also reiterated that in addition to EU member states, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania, Serbia should also be admitted to the Schengen Area. Babis stated that the current system is not working. When asked if he had to choose between state borders and Schengen, he replied that he would choose state borders. "Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa has promised to propose this as a topic for discussion at the next informal European Council meeting on 6 October" Babis added. Slovenia currently holds the presidency of the EU Council, and its priority is EU enlargement to include the Western Balkans. 


Ambassador Soreca expresses his expectations about the new parliamentary season, EU integration should be the focus (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the European Union Delegation in Tirana, Luigi Soreca, encouraged the political class to cooperate in support of the Albanians' aspiration for EU membership. "The new political season marks the return to parliamentary life of the opposition and I think this is a good omen for Albanian democracy. "Parliament will consist mainly of two blocs, which will have to work together on key decisions for the country's future, especially regarding EU integration" he said. Soreca said that "he expects that the new Parliament, as a whole, will continue to push forward the implementation of all necessary reforms for Albania's integration into the EU". The Ambassador expressed confidence that “the new teams, the Parliament as a whole and the non-political actors, are all ready to move forward, aware that only by doing so can they achieve the national and cross-party priority of Albania's EU integration, starting with the first Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) between the EU and Albania, which will officially mark the opening of accession talks ”.