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Belgrade Media report 9 September



Vucic: We are not interested in any wars and conflicts (RTS, Tanjug)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the public from the Palace of Serbia and announced an important visit of Angela Merkel. "On September 13, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is coming. I have the honor to host her" Vucic said. Vucic thanked Merkel for showing respect to Serbia and for coming to our country. "We will never forget what she did for us in 2015 when Croatia imposed sanctions on Serbia. I want to remind you that Merkel represents a country that is convincingly our biggest trade partner. That country is becoming the most important investor in our country" Vucic said. We have increased the trade exchange with Germany two and a half times in just ten years. "We will do our best to show gratitude but also respect for the woman who was not only at the head of Germany for 16 years, but also informally at the head of Europe, and who also helped the development of Serbia," he said. 


"I will have a conversation with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after that Ursula von Der Leyen" said Vucic. "I will have talks with Milorad Dodik on Sunday, before the Day of Serbian Union, Freedom and National Flag. September will be full of important events for Serbia" he said. 


According to him, “peace is of crucial importance for Serbia”. “Everything we managed to build and changed was because we maintained stability” he added. 


About talks with Pristina 


"It is good that little progress has been made on the issue of the missing. But there has been no other kind of progress. That was not because, I will try to be gentle, the Albanian side does not want any talks. I do not know why they are doing that," Vucic said. "We will do everything we can to introduce a part of Albanians into the system of the Republic of Serbia, but we will ask them to know well which country they belong to and that there is no bargaining about that," he said. 


About the events in Montenegro 


"Although I received an invitation to the enthronement, I did not go. In my congratulations, I said that I did not want to interfere in their state affairs. The attacks started from Croatia and of course from Montenegro where I am always the number one topic,” Vucic said. "They say that I ordered who will fly the helicopters, that we are changing the opinion of the members of the Montenegrin government. I want to inform you that I did not talk to either Krivokapic or Abazovic" Vucic explained. 


"I read that some foreigners accused me of wanting to create a Greater Serbia through the SPC and of a partnership with Milo Djukanovic... Several conclusions can be drawn, and I will ask a few questions: This is a well-organized campaign, always similar, this time only stronger and better orchestrated because some people they do not know how to put up with their political defeat and they do not know how to react like statesmen and they behave in a way that does not befit their position or role in their societies" said Vucic. 


"For let's say MEP Viola von Cramon, I was thinking whether to answer in an insulting way and I decided not to do that. So, I'll ask her to tell me when I had any partnership with Milo Djukanovic. I hope your partners in Pristina will inform you, since she is known as the biggest lobbyist for the independence of Kosovo and as a friend of Zelenovic, and political movement "Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own", so I'll let them help her" Vucic said. Vucic stated that he expected her to apologize to him. 


Vucic said that there have been attempts to turn the region against Serbia, adding that “certain powers are helping prevent Serbia from standing out”. “The danger for us is that different powers will try to reduce Serbia’s power and help others suppress it” he said. According to him, “peace is of crucial importance for Serbia”. "There is an urgent need of those who cannot follow Serbia's growth to stop it in any way. It is important that people in our country be aware of that, so it is necessary to fight for Serbia, with full understanding of the circumstances in our region," he told the citizens. 


I hope Montenegro will overcome divisions 


He said that Serbia is not interested in destroying the independence of any country in the region and denied any interference in Montenegrin internal affairs. There will be no military conflicts because Serbia today is much stronger and that possibility won’t cross anyone’s mind, he said. "We do not want to attack anyone's independence, we are not interested in anything, we have a lot of work to do" said Vucic. "We ask everyone else not to try to suppress the influence of our country by pressure, not to expect that we will not be able to defend ourselves. Do not humiliate Serbia and the Serbian people as you have used to," President of Serbia said. 


"As for Montenegro, I would like to once again congratulate Metropolitan Joanikije on his enthronement. I hope that our friendly and fraternal Montenegro will succeed in overcoming the divisions that exist in every country. I believe we can cooperate, there is much room for our economic cooperation" he said. President of Serbia said that he did not expect excessive support from countries in the region, because, as he says, why would a strong and successful Serbia suit them. 


"We have partners, we have interests, but we do not expect love... Do not expect that someone who was much ahead of us, and now looks at our backs, will be satisfied" said Vucic. "The easiest mantra for the West is to say that Vucic is like Milosevic... These attacks are always ordered. You can see how the service of one country works. You can see exactly who the target and the topic are. The same texts come out in one day. It shows their impotence", Vucic said. 


About the presidential election 


"The first round of the presidential elections is far away. I am looking forward to opposition's success, which they are already talking about. Let's wait and see what the people will say. What I can promise is that we will oppose them," he said. "They have not been in power for nine years and now they have a great chance to win... I congratulate them in advance on all the victories. Maybe they will win in the first round, they don't need the second round" he said. 


About lobbying for the recognition of the so-called Kosovo

When asked whether Serbia will continue to lobby on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic said that when Serbia asks for support, then it will get it and it will be known. "When you hear that we appealed to some country, that country will respond, unlike their call to India, which will be left without response" Vucic said. 


Vucic met with Christian Schmidt (RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the High Representative of the International Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Christian Schmidt. Vucic and Schmidt met at the "Mir" villa, and the expected topics of conversation are the situation in B&H and overcoming the crisis after the B&H Parliament adopted the Law on Prohibition of Genocide Denial, after which the Republika Srpska (RS) representatives decided not to participate in the work of joint institutions. 


Last week in Bled, where the Strategic Forum was held, at which he met with Schmidt, the President of Serbia announced that he would soon meet and hold talks with the new High Representative in B&H, with whom RS institutions refuse to cooperate. 


Commenting on the request of the member of the Presidency of B&H, Sefik Dzaferovic, who called on Schmidt to replace Milorad Dodik due to the boycott of that institution, Vucic said "some people" cannot understand how much "irresponsible and dangerous playing with fire is". He added that he was satisfied with Schmidt's reaction and that it was important that, as he said, he did not listen to "meaningless requests". 


Earlier, after the B&H parliament adopted the Law on Prohibition of Genocide Denial, Vucic said that he would talk to Schmidt and openly tell him that he was completely against the use of the Bonn powers, that the decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko was bad and that any action against Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS officials was disastrous in terms of stability in the region. He pointed out that they understand Dodik and RS, but also Schmidt, their positions, and that Serbia must have its own position. Vucic said that Schmidt is an extremely intelligent man, who he hopes will have more thoughtfulness and that he will want to hear the Serbian side, especially the RS side. 


Vucic: I expect an impartial approach from Schmidt (RTS)

After the meeting with the High Representative of the International Community for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Christian Schmidt, President Aleksandar Vucic announced that representatives of the international community often unilaterally observed things in B&H and the region, and that he expects an impartial and balanced approach from him. Vucic added that Serbia respects the wholeness and integrity of B&H, as well as the wholeness and integrity of the Republika Srpska (RS) within B&H. 


Vucic expressed the position that the peoples of B&H should decide on their destiny with as little pressure and interference from the side as possible, expressing the belief that Serbia and B&H can develop their economic ties and relations incomparably faster in the future. 


Vucic and Schmidt exchanged views on the current political situation in the region, with an emphasis on B&H's and other Western Balkan countries' progress towards the European Union. 


Schmidt stated that the functionality of the state of B&H is a necessary factor in order to reach a level where it will no longer need international supervision, as well as for progress towards EU integration. Christian Schmidt also expressed support for initiatives aimed at regional integration of all countries in the Western Balkans, which should be inclusive and represent a step forward towards European integration, the statement said. 


Vucic talked with Schmidt today in the villa "Mir" in Belgrade, and during his visit to the capital of Serbia, Schmidt also met with Patriarch Porfirio. High Representative met with His Holiness, Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirio, the OHR said. According to the statement, during his visit to Belgrade, the High Representative used the opportunity to exchange views and opinions on the region with the patriarch. It was agreed that he would continue to maintain contact. 


Lajcak: Belgrade and Pristina’s positions still far apart (Beta)


The European Union's special representative for dialogue stated on Sept. 8 that the positions of Belgrade and Pristina on many pressing issues were still far apart. "We just finished two days of hard work and intense discussions with the chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia. Positions on a number of pressing issues remain far apart. A lot of work lies ahead" Miroslav Lajcak tweeted. Another technical round of the EU-mediated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has finished in Brussels. The representative of the Kosovo delegation, Besnik Beslimi, stated after the meeting that not enough elements existed at this time for a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti, and announced that the next 

meeting at the technical level should be held at the end of October. The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, stated that there had been some progress on the issue of missing persons. 


Patriarch says Kosovo binds Serb nation (N1)


The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Porfirije said on Wednesday that Kosovo binds the Serb nation. An Instagram post said that Kosovo has “an ultimate meaning and the significance of a magnet which binds us”. “We do not have a national narrative but we have Kosovo, Kosovo is our narrative,” the post said. The Patriarch added that Kosovo is “the foundation and pledge of the Serb national being”. He warned that pledge is one thing but a myth is something that can be used politically. The post included a picture of the Patriarch at the traditional seat of the SPC patriarchs in the Kosovo town of Pec. The head of the SPC holds the title of Archbishop of Pec, Belgrade-Karlovac Metropolitan and Serb Patriarch and their residence has been at the Pec monastery since it was built in the 13th century. The Patriarch said that the Kosovo pledge is from the New Testament “and holiness is in the center of the New Testament”. 


Militiadis Varvitsiotis: Position of Greece regarding Kosovo remains unchanged (Beta)


Greek Alternate Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis has stated that the position of Greece regarding the status of Kosovo remains unchanged and emphasized that Athens strongly supports the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the aim of reaching a comprehensive, legally binding agreement, in accordance with the international law and the EU acquis. 


In an interview for Beta and Euractiv, Varvitsiotis also said that a firm, merit-based EU membership perspective for the Western Balkan countries is in the interest of the EU itself, but that at the same time it is a key incentive to transformations in the region. He stressed that Greece fully supports all individual initiatives that could boost the region’s further progress and serve as a preparatory step on the path to EU membership, announcing that a Regional Balkan Forum will be held in Thessaloniki on Sept. 15. He pointed out that Athens “Strongly support[s] the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and firmly believe[s] that implementation of what has already been agreed remains crucial.” Varvitsiotis added that for Greece it is very important that “Serbia accelerate[s] its progress and become[s] a member of the European family as soon as possible.” He also said that Greece believes that is where Serbia’s natural place is. 


Opposition displeased with MEPs proposals for Holding Fair Elections in Serbia, views them as vague and unfeasible (Danas, N1)

Caution prevails in reactions of opposition leaders to proposals of members of European Parliament for holding fair elections in Serbia, but it emerges that practically the entire opposition scene is unsatisfied with the draft wording provided to them. 


Leader of the largest opposition Freedom and Justice Party (SSP) Dragan Djilas made the  

said that the document of the EP brokers is unacceptable for Serbian citizens and that “the SSP certainly won’t sign it in the present form”. Djilas said the document does not contain clear mechanisms to ensure respect of the law, which is indispensable for holding free and fair elections. “We will inform European MPs and the public of concrete objections to the text after meeting with our partners with whom we worked to create a common platform for free and fair elections” he said. 


First vice-president of the People’s Party (NS) Miroslav Aleksic has described the document 

provided by the EU as “vague” but added that it can serve as basis to reach an agreement through dialogue. “The NS did not hold high expectations from this document but the presidency will be deciding about it on September 10 and state further steps that it would take regarding this issue” the party vice-president Vuk Jeremic has said. Jeremic said he will take a stance about the EP document only once he examines it in details. 


Leader of the Democratic Party (DS) Zoran Lutovac declared that European MPs have provided a good diagnosis of the political situation in Serbia but failed to prescribe an adequate therapy. “The text offered by European MEPs is unacceptable both by form and by content, because it is not conducive to achieving goals for which it has been drafted. By form, it is a draft, a framework document suggesting what should be done to ensure conditions for free and fair elections. By content, this text lacks key provisions – a procedure and mechanism to achieve the set goals” Lutovac has said. He went on to say that this document does not ensure fundamental progress in the election process and that MEPs avoided assuming their part of responsibility. “Party bodies will decide about the next steps to be taken, in agreement with opposition partners, but the DS certainly won’t accept that the mafia rules over the state and citizens based on yet another fraudulent election” he said. 


Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic has underlined that the document of European MPs contains important topics, but that its defect is that it is not precise enough. He said that it all depends on whether all will remain as good wishes on paper or on whether the opposition will be given a role in controlling the implementation of this agreement. “The benefit is that we finally have topics such as media freedom, REM activities, pressure on voters, officials’ campaign… And that is a good thing. The downside is that these topics aren’t well elaborated and mostly contain formulations such as ‘should be’ ‘we hope that it will be done” he said. 


The representatives of Serbia's opposition organizations 'Don't Let Belgrade Drown' and 'Together for Serbia' Dobrica Veselinovic and Nebojsa Zelenovic told N1 in Brussels they wanted to show that the European Union saw them as partners in the country's future. Commenting on the European Parliament (EP) document N1 had access to, Zelenovic said, „I did not see anything in it on the expulsion of the mafia from the election process. I had the evidence, and we faced severe pressure, and it happens everywhere in the country. There is nothing about that; we will ask for it to be fixed. “ 


Asked if he believed the authorities would accept the proposals, Zelenovic said: „Let them say they won’t; I would really like them to say they won’t. After everything we went through, all the established irregularities, all the torments we are going through, I would really like them to say that they will not (accept the EP suggestions). I don’t think they’ll say that. If they say they won’t, then we will take to the streets”. 


Veselinovic and Zelenovic said their talks with the MEPs included „the collapse of democracy in Serbia and the lack of the authorities’ political will to improve election conditions” as well as continued „pressure on activists, independent media and political opponents of the Aleksandar Vucic’s regime. Zelenovic said that he had no objections to the proposal submitted to the opposition but that it was clear that there would be no progress without decisive intervention from Europe. “I hear that everyone (from the opposition) is dissatisfied with the document, but (MEP) Tanja Fajon cannot win for us. We need to work on strengthening our positions” he added. 


Dacic: On Friday, a meeting with parties without foreigners, on Saturday with Vucic (Tanjug)

The President of the Assembly of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, stated that a meeting of the Working Group for Inter-Party Dialogue will be held on Friday without the presence of foreigners, at which the text of a possible agreement on election conditions will be further discussed. Dacic added that another meeting of that working group will be held on Saturday, which will be attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. "I hope that we will slowly approach one final document" Dacic said, answering Tanjug's question regarding the continuation of the inter-party dialogue. 


Dacic said that all parties had the opportunity to give objections, that those objections had arrived, and that it was now up to the representatives of the ruling coalition to consider what could be acceptable and what could not. "There is a great deal of correctness, productivity, and the dialogue has in some way raised the level of mutual trust. That is why these meetings are very important because one must come from the phase of presenting the proposal to the phase of harmonization, preparation and adoption of the final document" said Dacic. 


When it comes to the dialogue with the mediation of the representatives of the European Parliament, Dacic reminded that the continuation of the dialogue is scheduled for September 17 and 18. "A proposal was sent on which the parties should declare themselves by September 12, and give written remarks" said Dacic, and stated that the conversation with the representatives of the parties that do not want the participation of foreigners has progressed much further. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Komsic meets ambassadors of European countries; Komsic: Schmidt is taking sides which is not good; OHR: Schmidt did not take any side and he proposed joint work (Hayat)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Serbia and Albania next week. She will also meet all six leaders of the Western Balkans countries. Hayat notes that Merkel is arriving after outrage was caused by statements of High Representative Christian Schmidt regarding the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic met with Ambassadors of EU countries on Wednesday in order to discuss this issue. He stated that the German Ambassador stated that the stance of Schmidt about the process of election of B&H Presidency members is not the stance of Germany. Komsic commented on the changes to the mandates of B&H Presidency members brought up by Schmidt. He said that this is not possible as the mandates of the Bi& Presidency members are defined by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and Schmidt cannot change that. Komsic believes that it is bad that Schmidt is taking sides at the beginning of his mandates when he is discussing such issues. He added that this can cause issues in his future work, as there will be doubt about his intentions.  


BHT1 reports that the message from EU Special Representative and Head of the Delegation of the EU in B&H Johann Sattler is support to B&H, and that the key issue now is to focus on Election Law, i.e. constitutional reform. After the meeting, Komsic said for the media: “Yesterday, we sent our Ambassador (Jadranka Winbow) to the Office of Chancellor (Angela) Merkel to ask if the statements by Mr. Schmidt represent the change of the official position of the Federal Republic of Germany compared to the statement from May 6 this year, when the German Government stated its position in relation to amendments to the Election Law, i.e. going back to the constituent status would be a step back, etc. They told us it is not the case”.  


Komsic stated it is bad that Schmidt has taken someone’s side at the very beginning, in this case the (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic’s side. In its statement, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) denied that. “The HR talked about the situation and described different positions, noting that the current talks on Election Law reform are difficult. He did not take anyone’s side, and he proposed to work together in order to start in timely manner talks on the Law, or amendments to the Law, before the 2022 elections” reads the statement by the OHR.  


“The High Representative calls on the B&H legislature to implement the recommendations of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the Venice Commission, and to present a package of election reforms that is in line with democratic principles and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of B&H. Every law should respect the principles of the General Framework Agreement for Peace”.  


Komsic also stated that any representative of the EU cannot deviate from the 14 priorities of the European Commission (EC). Komsic stated: “Everything is written nicely for you there. Ambassadors cannot deviate from that no matter what they think privately. It is the official policy of the EC, plus EU member states”. The EU ambassadors also asked about the boycott of B&H institutions carried out by politicians from Republika Srpska (RS). Komsic said that the message is clear and that both Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic’s address is the international community (IC), because with their moves, as Komsic claims, they are asking the IC to withdraw and agree to their demands.  


Dodik: Not a single part of what Komsic said at meeting with EU ambassadors are stances of Presidency (RTRS)

Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic’s meeting with ambassadors of the EU countries held in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Dodik stated that not a single part of what Komsic said at the meeting with ambassadors represents stances of B&H Presidency, but his personal stances. He went on to saying that no one from Republika Srpska (RS) addressed the German Government, adding that Komsic probably has used the word “we” to describe himself and member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. Dodik stressed that Komsic deceived diplomats that blockade of B&H institutions is at scene, although he knows that is not true. Dodik explained that representatives of the RS in joint institutions have been regularly performing their duties. According to Dodik, the constituent status of peoples in B&H, that is a part of the B&H Constitution, is obviously something that terribly irritates Komsic. “He is well aware that the constituent status implies representation and he is not a representative of a people whose position he took” stated Dodik. He went on to saying that Komsic is even more irritated by the fact foreigner (Note: Referring to High Representative Christian Schmidt) on whose support he counted, understood fraud used by Bosniaks to elect two of their representatives in the B&H Presidency. 


Grlic-Radman calls on Komsic to resign if he is against constituent status of peoples (ATV)

Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman called on Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic on Wednesday to resign if he is against the constituent status of peoples adding that Komsic does not represent Croats or cares about them. Grlic Radman also stated that he is surprised and cannot understand that it is not unpleasant for Komsic to present himself as a representative of Croat people, since he has not been elected thanks to votes of Croats. “Anyway, if he is against the constituent status of peoples, he should submit resignation” stated Grlic Radman. 


Sejdic sends open letter criticizing Schmidt’s statements about B&H Election Law; HNS criticizes Sejdic’s statement (FTV)

President of the Roma Information Center ‘Kali Sara’ Dervo Sejdic sent an open letter to High Representative Christian Schmidt in which he said that he is not a member of the three constituent peoples and as such he cannot be elected as a member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, because he is a Roma. Sejdic stated that Schmidt did not comment on the verdict of the ECHR in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case, which is his obligation given his role as a representative of the international community in B&H. Sejdic criticized Schmidt because in Schmidt’s statements, as Sejdic stated, Schmidt never mentions those who do not belong to the constituent peoples. Sejdic was quoted as saying in his letter to Schmidt: “As a legalist and a representative of the EU, I expect you to include members of Others in your work, in particular the work on harmonization of the Constitution and the B&H Election Law, in accordance with the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights and its implementation, because it concerns us”.  


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) stated that the attacks following Schmidt’s public speech on discrimination against Croats have stripped Bosniak nationalism to the bone. In their statement, the HNS pointed out that it is not clear to them why Sejdic, who is also a victim of discrimination, sided with, as they said, radical nationalist narratives. 


"In B&H, mostly on the territory of the Federation of B&H (FB&H), live 350,000 to 400,000 citizens, B&H nationals who do not belong to the constituent peoples, whom you forget in your statement and comments, i.e. eliminate them as an important subject in the electoral processes of B&H. In your observation of the election process in B&H, you did not refer to the verdict of the European Court of Human Rights with any gesture or comment, which as a High Representative of the European Union should be your duty and obligation, especially if you look at the 14 requests to B&H from the institution you represent" Sejdic stated in the letter. 


Ivanic: OHR is responsible for current crisis, it should also resolve it (Oslobodjenje)

The daily carried an interview with former PDP leader and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Mladen Ivanic who withdraw from politics in 2016. Asked if the current crisis is the greatest B&H has ever seen, Ivanic said that it is too early to tell, but the situation is very serious. If the ongoing blockades continue, this will in fact be the greatest crisis ever, said Ivanic. According to him, OHR needs to clearly say that there will be no more imposing of laws, and this would be the main precondition for an end of the crisis. He argued that the decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose amendments to B&H Criminal Code brought B&H years back, and that it was completely unnecessary. He argued that it is unacceptable that a bureaucrat holds absolute power to pass laws, and underlined that democratic countries should not accept this situation. Another possible solution is a political agreement of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, said Ivanic. However, he added, this other solution is not possible because Bosniaks have no motive to do anything, since they see themselves as victors. Since OHR is responsible for the crisis, it should also resolve it. According to him, the greatest victims are normal politicians who are forced to deal with issues which serve interests only of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic instead of dealing with issues such as economy or better living standards. Asked to comment speculations about a possible new Dayton Agreement, Ivanic said that it is unclear what the new agreement would contain. He noted that a new agreement would be created by Serbia, Croatia and Turkey, and the three countries have nothing in common. Also, in order to have legitimacy, talks on a new agreement would have to include USA, EU and Russia, as well as China due to new circumstances. Bosniaks would demand abolition of entities, Serbs would demand independence of RS and Croats would demand the third entity. These demands are so different that there is no chance an agreement could be reached, Ivanic underlined. 


Day of Serb Unity to be marked on September 15, ruling and opposition parties in RS clash on most issues except Inzko’s decision; Comments (EuroBlic)

The Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag will be marked in Republika Srpska (RS) on September 15 but, judging by statements of representatives of ruling and opposition parties in the RS, political unity related to the question of future of the RS has been jeopardized. Namely, SNSD announced possible peaceful dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) unless all three people reach an agreement but SDS, as the largest opposition political party in the RS, replied by saying that this move of SNSD will drag people into a dangerous game in which they can lose a lot.  


Leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that he is disappointed to see that the Day of Serb Unity will come while everyone is exchanging insults. Stevandic added that it would be better if politicians apologized to each other if they crossed the line or if they apologized to citizens for letting down some of their expectations. Finally, Stevandic noted that unity represents a protection of rights that guarantee “our future” and he added “Serbian flag is common for all of us no matter where we live”.  


Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said that it is very important for all parliamentary parties from the RS to have a united stance whenever it comes to “state, national interests of the RS” and he argued that SNSD has called to unity on many occasions already but did not have a partner in it. “This shameful decision of (former High Representative) Valentin Inzko (on prohibition of genocide denial) managed to unite us now, we have a joint response at the level of joint institutions. However, it is obvious that this is not suitable for many in opposition and many of those who have an influence on opposition so they are eagerly looking for a situation in which they will abandon this unity”, Kovacevic argued and sent a message to representatives of opposition parties that they will have to decide whether interests of the RS are more important than their petty political interests. “Opposition is now trying to create an artificial crisis, to make a problem out of (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik’s statements on the occasion of the meeting with Turkish President (Recep Tayyip Erdogan), they fabricate stories on how Dodik announced Dayton 2. On the other hand, there are worrying statements coming from the opposition. First, there was a statement of the Deputy President of SDS that the RS was not created on January 9, 1992 but by signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), which is a dangerous construction which we were able to hear only from the most impassionate representatives of Bosniaks. After that, SDS leader said that the peaceful dissolution, i.e. the possibility for the RS to become independent in a peaceful manner, is something they will fiercely oppose” Kovacevic concluded.  


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that everyone must gather around the Day of Serb Unity but he noted that, except the atmosphere related to this holiday, everything is the same as it was several months ago. “We agreed on a joint stance on Inzko’s law but on majority of other matters we are two different worlds” Borenovic explained and noted that it is normal for the ruling parties to act in a corruptive manner and “place BAM 100 million in pockets of their best men but this is not normal for us”. 




FM Grlic Radman discusses situation in B&H with Covic and Zovko (Hina)


Croatia's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlic Radman, on Wednesday discussed the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) with the leader of the HDZ B&H party, Dragan Covic, and the vice-chair of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Zeljana Zovko, the ministry said in a statement. 


The meeting focused on the reform of B&H's electoral legislation "to ensure the quality and legitimate political representation of the Croats", the steps that need to be taken by B&H on its path towards European Union membership and how Croatia can help it in that regard. 


Covic spoke of the current political situation and ethnic relations in his country and challenges to the achievement of legitimate rights for the Croats, while Zovko presented the European Parliament's activities concerning B&H and the rest of southeast Europe. 


Grlic Radman reiterated that B&H has the support of Croatia and his ministry in political demands for the legitimate representation of the Croats "so that B&H would be functioning, stable and prosperous and would achieve its Euroatlantic ambitions more easily." 


They all agreed that amendments to the election law would contribute to the stability and functioning of B&H and increase trust between the three constituent peoples and all other citizens in the country, the statement said. 




Djukanovic: I'm worried (RTCG)

Dramatic events in Cetinje are not caused by a religious issue, but by a political aspect and abuse of religion, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic stated. He pointed this out after a meeting with Apostolic Nuncio, monsignor Luigi Pezzuto. He pointed out the concern for renewed retrograde ideas in the region and emphasized that Montenegro must defend itself with full awareness that the most important thing is to preserve peace, stability, interethnic and inter-religious harmony, RTCG reported. 


"These are the greatest achievements of modern Montenegro, defended in the previous 30 years of temptations during which Montenegro served as a refuge for members of various religions and nations, which we consider a moral capital that we will not give up. In order to protect that, we must protect the state and I am sure that we will succeed" President of Montenegro said. As it was announced, Djukanovic expressed high respect for the moral and spiritual reputation of the Holy See in the world and gratitude for the support that Pope Francis has sent to Montenegro and its people on several occasions. 


The Apostolic Nuncio Pezzuto, with gratitude for the reception, expressed his understanding for the concern and reminded of a completely different social moment during the previous meeting of the two interlocutors. He added that sometimes things need to be observed from a distance and that the help of the Vatican will certainly come, and said that he would inform the Vatican about what happened in Cetinje through an objective presentation of all parties, including the president's concerns. "Be brave, because we always have to see how to move forward in spite of everyone and in spite of everything" Pezzuto said, the President's Office announced. 


Indictment against Kovacevic (RTCG)

The Higher State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica has filed an indictment against the mayor of Niksic, Marko Kovacevic, for inciting national, racial and religious hatred, it was confirmed to the Television of Montenegro (TVCG). 

"After the reconnaissance procedure during which he was questioned as a suspect, on the circumstances regarding the stated position on the genocide in Srebrenica, which was broadcasted in the show" Usijanje dana "on TV Kurir, on June 18, 2021. and other necessary evidence gathered, this prosecutor's office filed an indictment against MK in the High Court in Podgorica for the aforementioned criminal offense, " the state prosecutor and spokesperson of the Podgorica VDT, Lepa Medenica said. Kovacevic was earlier questioned as a suspect because of his statement about the genocide in Srebrenica. 


North Macedonia 


Horrific tragedy in Tetovo, at least 10 dead as fire rips through improvised Covid hospital (Republika)


Horrific tragedy in Tetovo, at least 10 dead as fire rips through improvised Covid hospital 

The Macedonian public remains in the dark about the horrific tragedy that struck the modular Covid hospital in Tetovo yesterday evening. Based on media reports and sparse official reports, between 10 and 14 casualties are expected, all or almost all of them Covid patients who were hospitalized and receiving oxygen in the hospital. 


Only Tetovo Mayor Teuta Arifi would speak to the press after a meeting of the top Government officials who rushed to Tetovo, and she insisted that more information will be shared only after the investigation has been completed. In absence of official reports, local media described the tragic scene as families rushed to the medical center to look for their loved ones. Saso Trajcevski, deputy commander of the Tetovo firefighting brigade, said that the call was made at 21h, and immediately seven vehicles were dispatched to site. They came across a huge blaze ripping through the modular hospital. It’s built of plastic and styrofoam, the fire was spreading extremely fast, of course, with the oxygen tanks adding to it, Trajcevski said. He also blamed the notorious traffic congestion in Tetovo for the fact that the fire trucks could not get to the hospital quickly enough. 


Shocked doctors and nurses told the press they had mere minutes to evacuate what patients they could. In some instances, visiting relatives carried their sick family members from the hospital, and some said they tried to come back to carry more people out, but couldn’t from the intensity of the fire. Trajcevski said that the firefighters were risking their lives while extinguishing the fire, and managed to put it out in 40 minutes, while carrying people out on their hospital beds. 


The sick were mostly in moderate condition from Covid, as the most severe cases are transported for treatment to Skopje, but hooked to oxygen supply and it’s unclear how many of them were able to try to flee the fire. Witnesses described explosions moving from room to room, presumably as the fire caught up with the oxygen tanks, and one particularly horrific video shows screams coming from the hospital. 


Tetovo is ground zero for the current large wave of the coronavirus epidemic, after many from the diaspora used the summer and the relaxed travel regime to come to the city to see friends and relatives. It had by far the highest infection rate per capita in the country and about 2,000 active cases. Because of this the Covid ward in the brick and mortar general hospital could not accommodate all the patients, and many had to be moved to the “plastic” modular hospital whose construction was plagued with a number of reported issues with construction, and was only put in use this spring, during the previous large wave of the illness. 


Some outlets reported that there were between 20 and 30 patients in the modular hospital at the time of the fire, and unspecified numbers of relatives and medical staff, but there is still no confirmation from the Healthcare Ministry or other local or Government officials. The hospitals were built by a company owned by former Deputy Prime Minister Koco Angusev, in an urgently awarded contract that was criticized as untransparent. Such modular hospitals were placed next to medical centers in Skopje and a dozen cities across the country. 




Tetovo hospital fire, PM Rama and Ruci condoles families of victims (ADN)

Prime Minister Edi Rama joined the messages of condolence for the serious event that happened last night at the modular hospital of Covid in Tetovo, where so far, the death toll has reached 24. Through a Facebook status, the head of government has consoled the relatives of the victims, while accompanying the post with a black ribbon as a sign of mourning. "Good morning, and joining all of you in the deepest condolences to the families of the victims of last night's tragedy at the Covid Hospital in Tetovo, as well as in the fraternal embrace for the entire Tetovo community and all the people of North Macedonia, I wish a peaceful day to you and all your families" stated Rama. 


Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, Gramoz Ruci has conveyed a message of condolences to the victims of the burning of the hospital in Tetovo. Ruci says that the news of last night has saddened everyone. He shares the deep pain with the brothers and sisters from Tetovo, the Albanians and all the people of North Macedonia. "It is news that has saddened us all. Therefore, we share the deep pain with the families of the people who lost their lives, our sisters and brothers from Tetovo, with the Albanians and all the people of North Macedonia" wrote in his reaction the Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruci.