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Belgrade Media Report 14 September



Merkel revealed her position on the recognition of the so-called Kosovo (B92)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Kosovo issue will not disappear, so it must be resolved, but some issues will be resolved at the end of a process. When posed the question by German journalist, that a decade ago, when Chancellor Merkel was in Belgrade, it was on the agenda that Serbia must recognize Kosovo if it wants to join the EU, and whether that is an inevitable condition, she stressed that some issues will be resolved in the end of the entire process. 


"Not all EU members have recognized Kosovo. It must be resolved in order for the states to resolve EU accession. I had a pragmatic approach" she said during her address. "There is no point in talking about the end of a process before solving other problems. This issue will not disappear, it must be resolved. But I am for a roadmap where all other issues are resolved first. I hope we will have new progress in the process around Kosovo" she explained. 


She said that Germany, based on its history, knows very well that it takes time to resolve such issues, and reminded how long the unification of Germany lasted, until we came, as she said, to the agreement. 


President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia knows what the condition for joining the EU is, that it is resolving relations with Pristina. "We do not hide it from our public. And tonight, when everyone is closely following this visit, I will not deny it with a single word. That is why we are conducting a dialogue in a serious way" he explained. Vucic pointed out that, as it is heard that Pristina has its own constitution, so does Serbia and it must respect it. 


He underlined that Serbia is ready to discuss all compromise solutions, to discuss relations, and before that to agree that we have a free flow of goods, services, money and people, to bring people closer, because then it will be easier to find a solution. "If the question is whether we are aware that we will not enter the EU before resolving the Kosovo issue - it is absolutely clear" he said. 


Vucic said that he openly talked about this issue with Merkel, both when they agreed and when they did not agree on it. "I have tried to always be open to you and to her. I am against the frozen conflict, and I don't think that is the solution. Nobody will be happy in Serbia with my words. I think it is good for this generation to solve this, but it must be a compromise solution, not a solution that would humiliate or defeat one side" he concluded. 


Vucic against the frozen conflict (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he is against the frozen conflict between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that he knew "no-one in Serbia will be glad" to hear that. 

"I think it's good for that problem to be solved by this generation instead of us leaving it to another. But it has to be a compromise solution, not a solution that will be humiliating and defeating for Serbia" Vucic told reporters at Serbia Palace after meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Vucic stressed that he was aware that resolving the Belgrade-Pristina relationship would be the basis for Serbia's admission into the European Union, and added that this was why the "dialog is being conducted seriously and responsibly." "We are always willing to talk about every possible compromise solution, to offer them, to talk about them, to regulate our relations first to have a completely free flow of goods, people, services, capital. To bring each other closer, and then I'm sure that some form of compromise solution will be closer for both sides" Vucic said. 


Merkel: Serbia achieved a number of results, still long way to EU (Beta)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Belgrade that Serbia had produced a series of results in reforms, but that both Serbia and the entire region still had a long way to go to membership in the European Union. Merkel told a joint news conference after meeting 

with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that she was "glad to hear" that Serbia was deeply engaged in judicial reform. I know that the perception is that the process of EU integration is going slowly and that the EU is making new demands, but we do see a series of results and 

we do see progress. Care is being taken that the same conditions are required of all West Balkan countries, Merkel said. She went on to say that the EU had a great geostrategic interest in seeing all West Balkan states admitted into the bloc, and warned of possible influences from other areas if the EU did not act quickly enough in certain situations. She encouraged Serbia to make further strides toward being a rechtsstaat and a pluralistic society, adding that 

economic successes should indicate that EU membership is a worthwhile goal. 


Merkel says it would be good if other countries of Western Balkans also joined 'Open Balkan' initiative (RTS)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in a two-day official visit to Serbia on Monday. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Merkel also discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the Berlin Process, an initiative launched back in 2014 by Merkel, in agreement with European leaders, for the countries of the Western Balkans. Following their meeting, Merkel and Vucic addressed a joint press conference. Vucic said that if he was Merkel, he would say a couple of things when ill-intentioned people say that they do not see a great legacy of the Berlin Process and Angela Merkel’s work in the Western Balkans.  


Merkel stressed that every elected chancellor of Germany will advocate the process in the Western Balkans, including the Berlin Process. Merkel underlined that the European Commission (EC) has great interest in integration. "The Berlin Process is closely monitored by the European Commission and we would not be able to implement it without it" Merkel said at the joint press conference with Vucic. Vucic announced that he would acquaint Merkel with the 'Open Balkan' initiative, which he launched together with the prime ministers of North Macedonia and Albania, at the working dinner which was expected to be held in Belgrade on Monday evening.  


RTS asked Merkel whether she sees the 'Open Balkan' initiative as competitive or complementary to the initiative Berlin Process and Merkel said that she sees that initiative as an opportunity to unite the market of the Western Balkans. However, Merkel also said that it would be good if other countries of the Western Balkans also joined the 'Open Balkan' initiative. Vucic responded to that by saying that the 'Open Balkans' initiative is open to all Western Balkan countries.  


Vucic and Merkel exchange pleasantries in Chancellor’s farewell visit, but little substance (Danas, VIP)

Much-hyped farewell two-day visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Belgrade began on Monday with a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and their joint press conference, which took place mainly in the exchange of pleasantries and pointing to the steady progress of economic relations between the two countries, but at which, almost nothing had been heard that had not already been said during any of their many previous encounters. Practically the only news that the Serbian public could hear from Merkel and Vucic concerned the plans for the two countries to sign a “strategic agreement” on cooperation in the fight against climate change, announced by the Serbian president, and the chancellor’s announcement that on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Wehrmacht attack on Yugoslavia, Germany would donate EUR 500,000 to Serbia for the reconstruction of the old building of the National Library of Serbia, destroyed in the bombing of Belgrade on April 6, 1941. That is an important sign for reconciliation and remembrance, Merkel said, mentioning in that context the ratification of the agreement between the governments of Serbia and Germany on war memorials.


More or less everything else did not go beyond the framework of protocol proclamations: about good working relations between the two of them, their mutual trust and successful cooperation; about Serbia’s European ambitions, which still have a long way to go; on the need to close the Kosovo issue first. “Once again, we had the opportunity to hear many empty phrases from both sides about the processes that have been going on for decades, whereas the essence that Serbia will not access the European Union until it resolves the areas of justice, rule of law and media freedom could only be guessed from the mentioning of the Berlin process” International Secretary of the opposition Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Natan Albahari, said to Danas on Tuesday. “Perhaps, however, we naively expected Merkel to remember the values on which the EU was built at the end of her term, because she built relations in the Balkans through (Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS)) and other partners based exclusively on the principles of stabilocracy and economy during her entire rule” Albahari said. In any case, it was disappointing for the pro-EU and anti- Vucic part of the Serbian public that Merkel did not mention the issue of violated democratic standards in Serbia at all, or the threat to media freedom, while she mentioned the rule of law only in response to a question from a German journalist. That part of that public was especially annoyed by the chancellor’s claim that she perceives Vucic “as a person who does not make false promises, but fulfills what he said”.


Vucic was the one who mentioned that one of the topics of conversation was the rule of law, stating that “much remains to be done” in this field. “I also submitted a new report [sic] on everything that the government has done on this issue, also pointing to the fact that we know that we still have a lot to do and that things are far from ideal, and that we are committed to constitutional reform and judicial reform, and reform of media and the entire political sector” he said.


Proportionally more time was spent at the 35-minute press conference to point out the close social and economic ties between the two countries and Vucic’s emphasis on the contribution of Germany and Merkel personally to improving relations in the region. Vucic called Merkel’s visit “a great honor for Serbia”, repeatedly expressing his gratitude for “everything she had done for Serbia” and the region. Vucic also said he was “a little bit afraid” of how the relations in the Western Balkans and the cooperation that was taking place within the Berlin process would develop when Merkel left the position of chancellor. “I wonder who will call us from Europe and say that we have to be more responsible instead of arguing. When people say that one cannot see a great legacy (of Merkel’s policy in the region), if I were in their shoes, I would say three things. Firstly, we have had peace all this time. Secondly, we have been going through a turbulent period including the migrant crisis, which we overcame with Merkel’s help. Third, the pandemic occurred after that and difficult economic circumstances caused by it, but despite that Germany’s companies entered into projects in Serbia. I think it is an exceptional legacy” Vucic said.


As one of the illustrations of Merkel’s contribution to relations in the region, Vucic mentioned that before he and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama met for the first time in Berlin, the last meeting of top Albanian and Serbian officials took place in 1947. “I think that speaks enough about the importance of the Berlin process and Merkel. Only a few years since the beginning of the process, Rama and I call each other every seven to ten days, we see each other every month, we work together, we open borders” he said.


Vucic had the most concrete things to say on the topic of economic relations between Serbia and Germany. He said that in 2014, when he became prime minister – two years after his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) came to power - 17,000 people worked in Germany’s companies in Serbia, while today that number is 72,000. “Germany remains Serbia’s largest foreign trade partner, and this year’s trade could reach six billion euros”, he said. “It has increased three times. Not three percent, not 30 percent, which would also be a lot. But three times. And (Serbia’s exports to Germany) have increased more than three times, again thanks to Germany’s companies” Vucic said. 


Recalling that, as previously announced, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen would arrive in Belgrade this month, he said that an agreement on the construction of the Nis-Pristina highway would be signed within 15 days, which he said would be vital for the part of Serbia through which it passes, which is among the poorest in the country. Critics of the project, however, see neither the purpose, nor the economic viability of building the highway.


According to the announcements, during her visit to Belgrade, Merkel will also meet with representatives of the civil society of the Western Balkan countries. She travels from Belgrade to Tirana on Tuesday. 


Serbia’s opposition to Merkel: Take Vucic with you; You supported dictatorship (N1, Beta)


Angela Merkel, the outgoing German Chancellor, arrived in Serbia on Monday at the end of her 16-year mandate, and while Serbia's authorities are preparing a glamourous welcome, opposition says she brought President Aleksandar Vucic to power and suggested she should take him with her. Some of Serbia’s opposition leaders met Merkel with banners in German reading she supported the dictatorship in the country for nine years. 


“You are guilty because you support (the President of Serbia) Aleksandar Vucic, who destroyed democracy in Serbia, who, by violating the Constitution and laws, implements arbitrariness. You are guilty, Ms. Merkel, because our country is classified as a non-free state with a hybrid system, in which there are no free elections and in which the opposition and all other different opinions are suppressed,“ said the president of the Movement for Change, Janko Veselinovic told reporters outside Serbia’s Palace, the venue of the Vucic – Merkel meeting. 


Dragan Djilas, the head of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), earlier said: “German Chancellor Angela Merkel brought Aleksandar Vucic to power in Serbia; she supported him all the time. Now that she is leaving politics, it would be fair to take him with her”. 


A nationalist opposition leader added her “legacy in the Balkans is extremely negative.” The head of the Liberation movement Mladjan Djordjevic said, “her legacy in this region are corrupted regimes, many linked to the mafia, drawing strength from German support”. He said that Merkel’s support of Vucic started in 2011 and that then she „practically brought the Serbian Progressive Party (Vucic’s SNS) to power (in 2012)”. 


Addressing reporters outside Serbia’s Presidency building, Djilas agreed. He said Merkel was a historical figure, who marked the epoch in Germany and Europe, but among many things that would remain behind her were Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Slovenian Janez Jansa and Vucic. “If you ask me – mostly Vucic. With her support, he came to power; I can say that she brought him to power” Djilas said. Both opposition leaders agreed that Merkel started supporting Vucic after the then President Boris Tadic refused to withdraw Serbia’s police from the north of Kosovo in 2011, claiming Vucic said – ‘I will do it.’ Tadic lost the presidential elections to Vucic in 2012. 


Djordjevic added that “the Western Balkans states, including Serbia, are now further from the European Union than in 2005”. He said that many German flags across Serbia on Monday showed “Vucic’s subservient attitude”. Djordjevic described Merkel’s visit more as “the welcoming of a colonial manager” adding her coming did not mean a lot since she would soon retire and her party faced a defeat in the forthcoming elections. However, Vucic had quite the opposite view of the Chancellor farewell visit. He said it was “a great honor for Serbia and an opportunity to express gratitude to her for everything she has done for Serbia and the region during her long and successful mandate”. 


New US envoy for the Balkans: Belgrade and Pristina should not avoid dialogue (Beta, N1)  


The new US envoy for the Western Balkans and the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, Gabriel Escobar, said on Monday the US had an apparent goal of making the entire Western Balkans part of the European Union where it belonged geographically, historically and culturally. In his first public appearance since the appointment, Escobar said Washington would support EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak by concrete moves and strategy. He added the State Department would work through embassies in the region to implement agreements and that actors should not avoid dialogue. 


At a panel organized by the Brussels-based Center for European Policy (EPC), Escobar said the EU membership could bring great benefits, that countries could become more democratic, more prosperous, and that even the candidacy for membership encouraged countries to become more democratic and economically stronger. He reiterated that the US wanted to convince the EU that it was “worthwhile to bet” on the region’s countries. 


Escobar, who succeeded Matthew Palmer as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Asia and Eurasia bureau and envoy for the Western Balkans, said the US would work together with the EU to convince all sides that that was the only right path. “The region is not only defined by political criteria, but also by strong economic dynamism and a high degree of mutual integration of countries, which should be encouraged” Escobar has said. He said that “Western Balkans is one of the fastest-growing regions, and that is why it needs the EU”. 


However, the American diplomat said that he was a bit worried about the lack of trust in the EU message on enlargement and because that message did not have more significant support from the EU member states. 


Asked what the ultimate goal of an agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina should be for the US, Escobar said that it was not only mutual recognition but also EU membership and a peaceful and functional region as a part of the EU. He said the US would honor the Washington Agreement from September 2020, which aimed to create confidence-building measures between Serbia and Kosovo in the economic sphere. “They could cooperate without interfering with the status issue”. “However, the focus remains on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and we support it” Escobar told the panel, also attended by Lajcak, MEP Viola Von Cramon and CiviKos platform executive director Donika Emini


Lajcak said he had a mandate to mediate in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina but that a final agreement was a matter for negotiators. He added an agreement should result in international recognition of Kosovo, complete control over the entire territory of Kosovo and progress towards the EU. “The goal of the process is to bring Serbia and Kosovo as close as possible to the EU, but we are not forcing anyone. An imposed solution is not sustainable, and we do not want to push partners. Ultimately, it is not an agreement between the EU but Kosovo and Serbia” Lajcak said, adding that „what was agreed must be implemented, but the final deal is in the hands of the two sides. We are just offering our expertise”. 


He added he did not hide that „the current enlargement is not at the top of the priorities. The EU has to deal with so many unforeseen things, such as the pandemic or Afghanistan. „But that doesn’t mean enlargement is not one of the strategic goals. “ 


On the suggestion that the political dialogue was dead and that only technical talks were being conducted, Lajcak said there was no technical dialogue and technical things and that everything had a political effect. 


Donika Emini said the dialogue was insufficiently transparent, to what Lajcak responded that there were mechanisms through which EU member states were informed about the course of the process and that he was in constant contact with EU officials and MEPs. But he added there was a balance between transparency and confidentiality because very delicate issues were negotiated. 


Viola von Cramon agreed with Emini that there was a particular frustration on the ground because of the process of EU enlargement and that the reputation of the Union had been significantly damaged, especially among young people in Kosovo, but also among young people in Serbia. 


Although Pristina had met all the conditions, she said, visa liberalization for Kosovo people remained a broken EU promise. Von Cramon also agreed that many things were in the negotiators’ hands but added they needed to show much greater commitment than in recent months. According to her, the people in the region see the EU as a mediator and a leader who should take a more active role and push certain things forward. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


B&H Ambassador to Serbia invited for urgent consultations in Sarajevo regarding Vranj case (N1)

The arrest of former high-ranking official of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Police Administration (FUP) Edin Vranj on the Serbian border, on charges of committing war crimes in Gorazde, sparked a series of reactions. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic summoned B&H Ambassador to Serbia Aida Smajic for consultations in Sarajevo, after Serbian Ambassador to B&H Aleksandar Djordjevic refused to meet with Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic.  


In a joint statement, Komsic and Dzaferovic emphasized that, in case there are grounds to suspect that Vranj should be criminally prosecuted, that should be done before the B&H judiciary and not in Serbia. Komsic and Dzaferovic shared the view that Vranj needs to be extradited to B&H, otherwise Serbia will be seen as a hostile state towards B&H citizens. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik disagrees with the views of Komsic and Dzaferovic and he stated that it is necessary to admit that the RBiH Army members also committed war crimes. According to Dodik, judiciary in Serbia is independent while that is not the case with the B&H judiciary.  


The B&H Ambassador stressed she is glad she is coming to Sarajevo for consultations as that will provide her with a better insight into the steps that will be undertaken. She urged the B&H authorities to systematically solve the issues that B&H citizens face in Serbia.  


Komsic and Dzaferovic issued a joint statement reading that the arrest of Vranj is one in series of planned persecutions of B&H citizens carried out by Serbian authorities that have been misusing the principle of universal jurisdiction in processing of war crimes. The statement further reads that the fact Serbia has been protecting sentenced war criminals and those indicted of genocide in Srebrenica, while it continuously has been apprehending members of RBiH Army and police is evidence that its goal is selective persecution grounded on political motives.  


Djordjevic stated that the Serbian Embassy to B&H received a call from certain (Komsic’s adviser Davor) Vuletic to come for a meeting with Komsic but without précising topic of the meeting. After Djordjevic said that he will not be able to come to this meeting out of the sudden, the Komsic’s Cabinet called him and said that this may be unpleasant because media will report about him refusing the call of Chairman of the B&H Presidency. Djordjevic claims that the topic was not mentioned and that he was invited over for a coffee chat and he also called on people from Komsic’s Cabinet to inform themselves about the diplomatic communication that is very precise. Vuletic then reacted by saying that Djordjevic was not invited for a coffee and chat but he was invited due to serious issues concerning the two states. Vuletic also said that if Djordjevic does not know what he did when he refused the invitation, he should consult someone with serious diplomatic experience and not colleagues from the BIA.  


Commenting on this issue, Dzaferovic told FTV that this is a grave insult for the B&H Presidency and the Chairman of the B&H Presidency and added that this only deteriorated relations with Serbia. "I did not say that I do not want to come. I said that I have certain obligations. They in Komsic's Cabinet work as they think they should. That is their business. I respect this country. I respect regulations and I respect the law" Ambassador Djordjevic told BHT1 in a phone statement. 


Novakovic Bursac, Borneovic criticize Komsic for his accusations against Serbian Ambassador (Glas Srpske)


Last Sunday, Serbian police arrested former Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Police Administration official Edin Vranj who is suspected of war crimes. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic reacted by summoning Serbian Ambassador to B&H Aleksandar Dordjevic. According to the daily, Komsic summoned Djordjevic in an undiplomatic manner, and he later cancelled his participation in the summit marking the 60th anniversary since the establishing of the Non-Aligned Movement which will be held in Belgrade in October.  


Commenting Komsic’s reaction, Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Snjezana Novakovic Bursac said that Komsic’s behavior is the same as the method he used to get to the position of B&H Presidency member – grotesque and scandalous. She argued that people from Komsic’s office communicated in Djordjevic in an inappropriate manner and they untruthfully claimed that Djordjevic refused to come to the meeting in B&H Presidency. According to Novakovic Bursac, this is yet another scandal of “political fraud” Komsic who advocates independent judiciary, processing of all war crime suspects and good neighborly relations, but only until he has to face crimes committed by someone from his ranks or until he is expected to visit Serbia.  


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that the fact that Komsic summoned Djordjevic over the arrest of Vranj shows the narrow view on politics by the official Sarajevo. He argued that Djordjevic was right not to responded to the undiplomatic invitation, because he knows diplomatic rules and code of conduct, unlike representatives of B&H institutions who believe that they can humiliate a friendly neighboring country. 


HR Schmidt meets Turkish FM Cavusoglu; Cavusoglu: I will continue to support efforts of OHR for stability and unity in B&H (Nova BH)

High Representative Christian Schmidt met with Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu, in Ankara on Monday. Cavusoglu said that he will continue to support efforts of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) for stability and unity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Posting on his Twitter, Cavusoglu stated: “It is my pleasure to host Christian Schmidt, who was appointed the High Representative in B&H. We will continue to support the work of the HR on stability and integrity of B&H”. The article reminded that a couple of days ago Cavusoglu also met the former HR, Valentin Inzko


Final preparations for Serb Unity Day in RS and Serbia underway; Dodik: Idea of ‘Serb World’ is story of preserving values of Serb people; We want to strengthen RS to extent that we can become independent state (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia are ready for the grand celebration of the Serb Unity Day, which they have started jointly marking last year. Namely, the RS and Serbia jointly mark September 15 as the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom, and National Flag, and it is symbolically on the same date as the anniversary of the Thessaloniki Front Breakthrough in the First World War. The central ceremony of marking the Serb Unity Day is scheduled to take place on Wednesday in Belgrade, while the ceremonial activities in Banja Luka will start on Tuesday evening with a formal ceremony at the gate of the Christ the Savior Temple along with a diverse cultural and art program during which highest ranking officials of the RS will deliver speeches. All main streets in Banja Luka have been decorated with the RS flags ahead of the Serb Unity Day, and citizens have been invited to display these flags at their windows.  


Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nedeljko Cubrilovic will also open an exhibition of the Cyrillic manuscripts at the RSNA building. On Wednesday, the RSNA is expected to adopt the law on preserving the Serbian language and the Cyrillic script. RS  


President Zeljka Cvijanovic pointed out that it is necessary to preserve the freedom and unity of Serb people as some of the most important achievements. Cvijanovic said that, by celebrating – as RTRS quoted her – “this national holiday on both sides of Drina River” the RS and Serbia commit themselves to ensuring that their future is as great as the Serb people’s history. According to Cvijanovic, Serb people from around the world represent one complete corpus. “By marking this day, we primarily show the connection of institutions of the RS and Serbia, and that unity of the people” she noted.  


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that, like all great peoples, the Serb people deserves to mark its holidays and strengthen its identity by cherishing the values of “the Serb World” – values tied to religion, language, script, and Patron Saint’s Day. Dodik reiterated his belief that Serbs have the right to an independent RS. “Our project is very clear: to strengthen the RS to make it an independent state in this area and we are committed to this. We believe that we have the legitimate right just as Croats, Montenegro citizens have or anyone else; so that we, here in this area, have the RS that will be an independent state”. Speaking about marking of the day of the Serb unity on September 15, Dodik said that Serbs will celebrate this holiday and that no one should have anything against that.  


According to N1, political representatives of the RS and Serbia denied the allegations that the Serb Unity Day is based on the idea of ‘Greater Serbia’ and claim that the project ‘Serb World’ is based on the idea of preserving the identity of Serb people. Dodik specified that the idea of ‘Serb World’ represents the story of preserving the values of Serb people. However, Dodik reiterated the aspirations towards independence of the RS. “Our project is clear, we want to strengthen the RS to the extent that we can become an independent state”, Dodik noted. He reminded that the RS and Serbia plan to adopt the law on protection of Serbian language, as well as to build a Memorial Center in Donja Gradina. RS Minister for Veterans Dusko Milunovic said that the Serb Unity Day is symbolically marked on the Day of the Thessaloniki Front Breakthrough. Patriarch of the Serb Orthodox Church Porfirije also denied that Serbia has any territorial pretensions towards other states.  


Dodik also said that they did not have this holiday until recently and now they mark it jointly in both the RS and Serbia. He stressed that the holiday is not targeting anyone, but it is their right to mark it and protect their heritage. Cvijanovic said that it is the obligation of the people to mark their heritage and tradition. She added that they are showing the connection between the institutions of the RS and Serbia with this holiday. Cvijanovic added that wherever Serbs live in Europe and the world, they are part of one united group.  


Serbian National Assembly starts discussion on law on preserving Serbian language and Cyrillic script; Serbian Minister Gojkovic: This law proves unbreakable ties between RS and Serbia (RTRS)

The Serbian National Assembly started on Monday a discussion on the law on preserving the Serbian language and the Cyrillic script, which both the Serbian National Assembly and the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) are expected to adopt on Wednesday, on the occasion of marking the Serb Unity Day. On this occasion, the proposal of this law was presented as a legislative solution aimed towards preserving the Serbian language and the Cyrillic script as the most important segments of cultural heritage and identity of Serb people. This legislative solution aims to encourage an increase in use of the Cyrillic script in public life.  


Addressing the Serbian National Assembly, Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojkovic presented this law proposal, warning that the Cyrillic script has been negatively affected by the technological development and the popularity of social media. Gojkovic specified that the state-owned companies will be obliged to use Cyrillic in operation, while stimulation measures will be provided for the use of Cyrillic letter in the private sector. According to Gojkovic, this law does not threaten the rights of other peoples but rather defines protection of the Cyrillic script as the non-material cultural heritage of Serb people. The Serbian minister concluded that this law proves the unbreakable ties of the RS and Serbia. “The fact is that there are global flows that we cannot have much influence on. However, in the past decades, there has been no political will to value the Cyrillic script in the right way or for the institutions to carry out adequate measures to protect it” she noted.  


Member of the Serbian National Assembly’s Commission for Culture and Information Milos Terzic pointed out that this law should connect, protect, and preserve identity of Serb people, regardless of their place of residence. “The Serb identity, the Serb heritage, the Cyrillic script, and our words erase all borders – both visible and invisible – between us and our people and lead us to a better realization of ourselves, no matter where we live, wherever the Serb world is” he said. 


IAWG should meet soon; Members of IAWG not convinced that solution will be reached (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje reads that the session of Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for electoral reform will take place when delegates from Republika Srpska (RS) agree with that. Chairperson of IAWG and SDA’s representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Alma Colo, stated that IAWG leadership composed of her, Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) and Sredoje Novic (SNSD) is the one that schedules the session. Colo argues that they have reached the issue of B&H Presidency, item eight of twenty and they are following the list and recommendations of the ODIHR, OSCE and Venice Commission and five judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. Colo underlines that it is necessary to remove the discrimination in election of BIH Presidency so all citizens would have right to run for the post. She further stressed that there is a request of the HDZ B&H regarding the election of Croat member of B&H Presidency, adding that they will discuss this request, but must not allow new discriminations and divisions of the constituency in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). She further noted that HDZ B&H will not give up the request, adding that SNSD demonstrated readiness to carry out the ethnic provision in election of members of B&H Presidency. Colo noted that there is no readiness of the SNSD in regards to House of Peoples and added that they declaratively support HDZ B&H in their request to have the Croat people elect the Croat member of B&H Presidency.  


Colak stressed that the electoral reform is the most important issue and expressed hope that IAWG session will take place soon, adding that based on the ‘Mostar Agreement’ the task is to implement the ECHR judgement and for the HDZ B&H the ruling of B&H Constitutional Court in ‘Ljubic case’ i.e. the legitimate representation. Colak noted that HDZ B&H is prepared for compromises, but argues that the solution ‘one man one vote’ is not possible and stressed that domestic solutions are much more preferable than the imposed ones. However, Colak noted that he is not very optimistic when it comes to political will, arguing that even though there was a certain progress recently, this was not sufficient to reach final agreement.  


SNSD’s Snjezana Novakovic- Bursac noted that term ‘blockade’ is wrong and that this is a mere expression of a political stance, arguing that SNSD representatives do come to their work places. As for electoral reform, she stressed that just as with the other big political issues in B&H, this one is in the same phase and the only solution is finding of a political compromise. She underlined that election Law is not exclusivity and cannot be observed separately, adding that IAWG is part of a political milieu. Novakovic- Bursac stressed that progress in this matter is not possible until big issues of election of B&H Presidency and B&H House of Peoples are solved and stressed that everything is the matter of a political agreement. She however noted that until the current political situation is resolved, she does not expect progress in electoral reform or other major issues and underlined that SNSD has a great communication with HDZ B&H and others, but key representatives of Bosniak people avoid any form of open dialogue. In this regard, Novakovic- Bursac underlined importance of compromise between SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA.  


SDP’s Sasa Magazinovic said that he is not optimistic that solution would be reached within IAWG, stressing that it is wrong to discuss this important matter at the level “of tribal communities” i.e. ethnic groups. NS’ Damir Arnaut said that ‘Our Party’ will soon propose their own solution in this matter in order to remove the discrimination. However, he is convinced that B&H will live up to see marking of 7th anniversary since submitting of application for EU membership, without being granted the status of EU candidate state.  

B&H CEC submits report to B&H Parliament requesting set of changes to electoral legislation (Glas Srpske)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) sent a report on implementation of laws under jurisdiction of CEC in 2020 to the B&H Parliament. The report contains a list of items which need to be changes in electoral legislation in order to strengthen the role of the CEC. The report reads that it is necessary to focus on further improvement of the electoral legislation with strong engagement of B&H CEC in the process, especially in the work of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for electoral reform. While B&H CEC focuses mainly on digitalization of the election process, it also reiterates the need to implement rulings of B&H Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights. B&H CEC also recommended that relevant authorities reexamine and update the list of persons with voter rights who also have the status of displaced persons. According to B&H CEC, it is also necessary to reexamine the number of mandates from each electoral unit, as well as the boundaries of the electoral units, and resolve the issue of entity citizenship of Brcko District citizens. B&H CEC also highlights the need to limit campaigning activities to the legally prescribed campaign period and make sure that chairpersons and their deputies in polling station committees are non-partisan. B&H CEC also believes that it should be consulted before registration of new political entities, and that financing of political parties and campaigns need stricter regulation. B&H CEC emphasizes that all changes to electoral legislation need to be adopted on time. 




Milanovic comments on Vucic’s idea: Devil finds work for idle hands (Hina)


"The devil finds work for idle hands" President Zoran Milanovic said on Monday in a comment on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's proposal for ethnic Serbs in Serbia and abroad to display Serbian state flags for Serbian Unity Day, 15 September.  


“I really can’t believe that people in Serbia do not have more important things to care about, such as economic development, in which Serbia has been lagging behind and Croatia has not been making adequate progress,” Milanovic said while visiting Pazin when asked by reporters to comment on Vucic’s call for the people of Serbia and Serbs around the world to display Serbian state flags on Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag Day. 


Milanovic believes that one should not react to that act of provocation. “I guess we are all now expected to respond in a similar way, and then we will have something Vucic has been surviving on for the last 20-30 years,” said Milanovic, describing Vucic’s initiative as “nonsense.” As for Serbs in Croatia, Milanovic said they should decide for themselves what the true motives of Vucic’s proposal were. “That’s not the way to build a strong and influential country,” he said. 


Asked if he considered visit by the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije, to Jasenovac an act of provocation, Milanovic said that he was not sure what to say about it, adding that he had a good relationship with Porfirije at the time when he was the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana. “My predecessor Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic put a reproduction of an icon he gave her on a wall in her office” he said. “It is still there, I have not moved it,” Milanovic said, adding that he hoped he would not have to. 


Serbian Orthodox Church head holds memorial service at Jasenovac (Hina)


The people killed at Jasenovac were innocent and each innocent victim is indeed a martyr and transcends ethnicity even though their ethnic background is well known, the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije, said in Jasenovac on Monday. Patriarch Porfirije made the statement while conducting Mass at the Monastery of St. John the Baptist at Jasenovac, some 90 kilometers southeast of Zagreb, at an event honoring the martyrdom of people killed at a WWII concentration camp that operated there during the 1941-1945 Nazi-allied Ustasha regime. 


Porfirije said that members of the Serbian Orthodox Church had never gathered at Jasenovac to compare those victims against other victims but to remember them and pray that something like that never happens to anyone again. Those who do evil renounce their ethnicity, he said, noting that this goes for any ethnic group. 

On enthronement of head of Serbian Orthodox Church Metropolitan of Montenegro 


The Church is not a political organization and has no political goals, he said, among other things. The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is autocephalous, it has its canonical territory and is recognized by others. Our jurisdiction does not depend on state and political borders and the Church cannot change its borders or its ecclesiastical jurisdiction based on external pressure, he said. “We do not mind if any group organizes as a prayer community… on the condition it does not threaten others. It can try to steal our spiritual identity. We know that that is not possible and we do not want to defend ourselves against that. I leave, of course, the possibility for everyone to ask themselves if some of the groups organized as prayer communities are really prayer communities” he said. 


By trying to depict (the recent developments in Montenegro) as a fight for the Church, and by using the straw man argument, some in Montenegro wanted to forcibly prevent a purely religious act. By shooting and throwing stones, they wanted to prevent the constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion, Porfirije said in reference to riots that erupted in Montenegro on 5 September during the inauguration of the SPC Metropolitan of Montenegro, Joanikije


Straw man argument 


Porfirije went on to say that the biggest fallacy was the argument according to which the Serbian Orthodox Church was the initiator of all evil and all conflict. If you name someone an absolute evil, you give everyone the right to eliminate that evil however and whenever they want, he said. He noted that he was not surprised that the fallacy of argument had spilled from Montenegro to Croatia and that some in Croatia had started calling the SPC the source of all evil, expressing regret that some people who knew him well thought so, too. Porfirije noted that his words and deeds could be analyzed for any inconsistency. Whoever analyses those words will see that there was never bad intent involved, he said. 


“I have always and everywhere spoken only affirmatively of Croatia, even though sometimes there were reasons not to do so. I ignored those reasons every time… We respect every country and ethnic group, whether they be Serbs, Montenegrins, Bosniaks, Albanians, Croats. We absolutely respect everyone and respect their right to be what they are without fear or the need to hide it” he said. 


My love of Croatia is public 


“Regardless of how much someone may be bothered by it, I love all the people of Croatia, regardless of which ethnicity they belong to… I do not expect absolutely anything in return,” Porfirije said. “I know that the Croatian state, together with its government and a huge majority of people, has the democratic capacity to let everyone live in individual and ethnic freedom, to feel and state what they truly are, regardless of which God they pray to” he said. 


Attending the Jasenovac event were also the leader of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS), Milorad Pupovac, Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milosevic, and Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency member Milorad Dodik


Croatia launches 2021 census (HRT)


The census will count Croatia's current population, a data point that has been the subject of many debates about depopulation in recent years. Talk of declining birthrates and younger people leaving Croatia to find better opportunities abroad, has led to grim predictions about how much the population has shrunk over the last ten years. That number and a trove of other demographic data are expected to be released in December. 


"The State Statistics Bureau has said that Croatia's population was 4 million and 36 thousand at the beginning of this year but I project the real number will be more like 3 million, 900 thousand and something" says demographer Ivan Cipin. 


For the first time, the massive data gathering operation is being done digitally. That is, citizens can speed up the process by self-reporting their data through the electronic government services platform, e-gradjani (e-citizens). Self-reporting is open September 13 - 26. After that, census workers will go out into the field to check self-reported data and collect the rest. This process will last until October 17. 


"Around 10 thousand citizens already started self-reporting," said the main coordinator for the census, Damir Plesac said Monday morning.  


The digital self-reporting method is expected to be more popular among the younger population, while elderly citizens will likely wait for census workers to come to their homes. Census officials say that when self-reporting for a multi-member household, the family needs to agree which one of them will do the reporting. That individual also has to have access to the e-gradjani platform through one of more than two dozen identity verification methods, such as a bank token. This person will also be the individual of reference for that particular household. For a family of four, it takes about 20 to 25 minutes to fill out the on-line form, census officials said. Once the data is submitted, the person doing the reporting will receive a unique code, which he or she will present to census workers. 


Giving false information or failing to comply with the count can carry fines of up to five thousand kuna. Some people may be weary of disclosing information to the government about their income and properties but Plesac, the census coordinator, said they shouldn't be. "People should rest assured that when we receive this data it can only be mined in aggregate from." This means that statisticians can only see the raw numbers and not the people associated with them. Around 9 thousand people will be working on the census. 




About the current situation with the Prime Minister (RTCG)

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic invited the heads of the parliamentary clubs of the parliamentary majority to consultations in order to discuss the current political situation. The meeting started at noon in the Government building. Goran Danilovic (United Montenegro), Slaven Radunovic (Nova) and Dragan Ivanovic (SNP), Branko Radulovic (PzP), Maksim Vucinic (RP), Milos Konatar (URA), Srdjan Pavicevic (CIVIS) are at the meeting. 


 Milos Konatar from URA said that the party would insist at the meeting on discussing the election of a new Prosecutorial Council. He said that this is the most urgent topic without which there is no further story about the reform processes. Konatar pointed out that there is no more room for political calculation and procrastination, and that at this moment no one has an excuse to sabotage the reform of the Prosecutor's Office and obstruct the election of the new Prosecutorial Council. 


PM Krivokapic to meet with Chancellor Merkel in Tirana (RTCG)


Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic will travel to Tirana, where he will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Krivokapic and Chancellor Merkel is scheduled for 16:00, after a working lunch, which will be attended by the leaders of the Western Balkan countries. The topic of the joint meeting with the leaders of the Western Balkan six will be regional cooperation and its improvement. 


PM Krivokapic had an online meeting with the German Chancellor in February, at which he pointed out that cooperation with Germany is a good way and incentive to continue reforms in Montenegrin society, which are necessary for EU accession but equally necessary for Montenegro itself. Merkel welcomed the commitment of the Government of Montenegro to regional cooperation and reiterated that Germany will remain a reliable partner of Montenegro on its European path. 


Abazovic to meet with Lajcak and Belgium's DPM in Brussels (RTCG)


Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic is paying an official visit to Belgium, where he is meeting with President of the European Council Charles Michel, EU's Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak and Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium Sophie Wilmes. Also, a series of bilateral meetings are planned, as well as a meeting with the Montenegrin diaspora in Brussels. 


North Macedonia 


Another non-paper on dispute with Sofia: Will we be both Macedonians and Bulgarians?! (Republika)


The Government of Macedonia considers the proposal presented during the Portuguese EU Presidency as the official one, a proposal that ensures solutions acceptable for all sides. This was stated in Government’s response to MIA’s question whether a new non-paper is in circulation for resolving the dispute between the two countries, which was published Monday by Klan TV, without citing a specific source, about which Skopje and Sofia reportedly familiar with, and also the more important member states of the Union. 


The Republic of Macedonia remains committed to the process, in order to overcome the differences with the Republic of Bulgaria, which would remove the obstacles to the start of accession negotiations with the EU. It is in the interest of the citizens of both countries, and thus of the European agenda. We hope that political conditions will be created in Bulgaria as soon as possible to open the possibility for an intensive dialogue between Skopje and Sofia to resolve the issues that caused the blocking of the EU enlargement process, adds the Government. 


The non-paper, which was released by TV Klan, contains several points as guidelines for resolving the dispute. According to the published document, the Republic of Bulgaria will be given guarantees for strengthening the current concept of nation-state, while recognizing the historical context for the Bulgarian origin of its citizens without exception and thus Bulgaria, as it is stated, will be free from the trauma that long-term stability and security will be threatened through minority rights. 


The newly released non-paper claims that in the Republic of Macedonia, the context of the multiethnic society will be strengthened through the inclusion of the Bulgarian narrative. It is proposed that Bulgarians be included in the Constitution, respectively like all other ethnic communities, Bulgarian associations would thus receive protection and special care from the state to nurture, promote and study their own aspect of historical events and that would be constitutionally guaranteed. It is added that the majority of the Slavic people, who identify themselves as Macedonians and who count on the historical context for the uniqueness of the Macedonian people, will retain the opportunity for their own aspect and narrative of this common history. 


This implies that there will be a single factual truth, derived from empirical scientific activity, which will be provided with a dual aspect of defining the national context and meaning for the two national identities, the non-paper states. 


It is added that this dual system would be also applied in the educational system, with a dual explanation of the context of historical events, including the Macedonian and Bulgarian narratives. 


The issue of language and the use of the short name for Macedonia should be resolved according to the proposals of the (German, Portuguese, Slovenian) presidency, which were already unofficially considered acceptable to both parties, the non-paper said. 


The government and Pendarovski claim that there is no so-called non-paper on negotiations with Bulgaria (Republika)


Regarding the so-called non-paper that was published in the media, President Stevo Pendarovski’s Office informed that no negotiations have been held with Bulgaria for months and therefore no document has been submitted from Sofia to Skopje. The position of President Pendarovski regarding the identity and language of the Macedonian people is clear and unchanged, so far it has not been up for negotiations, nor will it be in the future, said the President Pendarovski’s Office. 


The Government of Macedonia considers the proposal presented during the Portuguese EU Presidency as the official one, a proposal that ensures solutions acceptable for all sides. This was stated in Government’s response to MIA’s question whether a new non-paper is in circulation for resolving the dispute between the two countries, which was published Monday by Klan TV, without citing a specific source, about which Skopje and Sofia reportedly familiar with, and also the more important member states of the Union. 


The Republic of Macedonia remains committed to the process, in order to overcome the differences with the Republic of Bulgaria, which would remove the obstacles to the start of accession negotiations with the EU. It is in the interest of the citizens of both countries, and thus of the European agenda. We hope that political conditions will be created in Bulgaria as soon as possible to open the possibility for an intensive dialogue between Skopje and Sofia to resolve the issues that caused the blocking of the EU enlargement process, adds the Government. 


Lajcak: Blockade of the EU path of Northern Macedonia due to its dispute with Bulgaria has a bad effect on the neighboring countries, especially on the relationship between Pristina and Belgrade (MIA)


The blockade of the European path of Northern Macedonia due to its dispute with Bulgaria has a bad effect on the neighboring countries, especially on the relationship between Pristina and Belgrade. This was stated by the EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak


Asked by MIA how he views the blockade of Northern Macedonia's negotiations with the EU, Lajcak said at a conference organized by the European Policy Center in Brussels that the situation had negative consequences for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and called for a speedy settlement of the Sofia-Skopje dispute. 


"This has consequences for the dialogue and those consequences are negative, the fact that the EU did not open negotiations with Northern Macedonia had a negative impact on the EU's credibility in the region, I personally faced it during my visits and travels and it will not change until Northern Macedonia and Albania begin membership talks" said the EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans. He added that the European Union must fulfill the promises given to the partner countries, which have fulfilled their promises, as is the case with Northern Macedonia. 


Zaev to meet Merkel in Tirana (Republika)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is paying Tuesday a one-day visit to Tirana at the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Zaev will take part in Chancellor Merkel’s working meeting with the leaders of the Western Balkan countries, the Government announced. 

According to the agenda, in the afternoon Zaev, together with Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, will have a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Merkel. As part of this one-day working visit, Prime Minister Zaev will visit the Macedonian Cultural Center in Tirana. 




Merkel recived by PM Rama at the Palace of Brigades (Radio Tirana)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel was received with all honors at the Palace of Brigades in Tirana by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. After the execution of the national anthems of the two countries by the spirit band of the Republic Guard, Rama and Merkel paraded on the red carpet in front of the respective delegations. 


Merkel and Rama concluded the one-on-one meeting at the Palace of Brigades. The press office at the Prime Ministry has distributed footage from the meeting which lasted about 45 minutes, but has not yet provided details about the content. After the meeting, the delegations left for Tirana Business Park where they will meet with the leaders of the Western Balkans. Merkel will also bring together the heads of six Western Balkan countries' governments, with regional co-operation issues in the foreground. Tet-a-tet talks are also planned with the heads of government of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and North Macedonia. Merkel's visit comes as part of the Berlin process. 

Rama has honored German Chancellor whit the Prime Minister's Medal of Public Acknowledgment. This is the Star of Gratitude and this is the symbol of our National Hero, Skanderbeg, who defended Albania from invasion and was nicknamed the "Athlete of Christ" as the defender of Christianity. So, I think we owe you for that. I will not give a speech here because I know that you do not endure the ceremonies before, so let us be content with the photo" said Rama. For her part, Chancellor Merkel said that it was a good thing that she worked with the Albanian Prime Minister. "I am aware that it is a great honor and it was a good thing for me to work with you" said Merkel. 


German official: Regional cooperation to be comprehensive and open to all 6 countries (Radio Tirana)


The Secretary of State at the German Foreign Ministry, Miguel Berger, in an interview with DW talks about the most immediate issues to be resolved regarding the Western Balkans. 


Miguel Berger underlined that the EU is doing a lot for the future of the Western Balkans. For example, with the Economy and Investment Plan, which reach to multibillion-dollar amounts and focuses on, inter alia, ecological and digital transformation and connectivity. 


"The EU is and will remain the closest and most reliable partner of the six Western Balkan countries. There is some disappointment, but during my trip to the region I also experienced a closeness and a great interest in the EU. But we, the EU, must make it clear that we take the Western Balkans' path to the EU seriously. That is why it is so important that enlargement negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia start as soon as possible" said Berger. 


He also added that the Berlin Process, initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2014, to promote regional cooperation should be seen as a supporter of the EU enlargement process. The pace of the region's EU integration is really unsatisfactory. Last year, the European Union modified the enlargement procedure in order to give more dynamism to the enlargement process, but also to the necessary reforms. "The EU also supports the countries of the Western Balkans financially. In response to the difficult situation created by the pandemic in the region, in April 2020, the region was given an emergency aid package, amounting to 3.3 billion euros. In October 2020, the European Commission presented an Economy and Investment Plan, with a total volume of up to 9 billion euros, for the medium-term economic recovery of the Western Balkans. All this underlines that the EU continues to be very engaged and offers various incentives to promote the reform processes in the Western Balkans, as well as to promote the integration of countries into the EU," he said. 

As regards Open Balkan Berger stated that they want a sustainable strengthening of cooperation between the six countries of the Western Balkans. 


"We are following this approach in the Berlin Process. In the Regional Cooperation Council, for example, much progress has been made in the G6, even with the support of the EU. In principle, of course, any regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is to be welcomed. But on the other hand, it is important that regional co-operation be comprehensive and open to all six Western Balkan countries. By this I mean both the development of new ideas and initiatives, as well as their implementation. This is an approach to which the participants in the "Berlin Process" are committed and which is also promoted by the EU. 

It is crucial for us that at the last summit of the Berlin Process, on 5 July, the heads of state and government of the six Western Balkan countries, at the invitation of Chancellor Merkel, reaffirmed their efforts to bring the Common Regional Market to life. This is a truly historic project, pledged by the six Western Balkan countries at the Berlin Process Summit in Sofia in November 2020. In this context, with the support of the RCC Regional Cooperation Council, all four agreements are being negotiated, including an agreement on the free movement of people with identity cards and an agreement on the recognition of academic and professional qualifications. These are agreements that will bring real improvements for people in the region, for example, visas will no longer be needed for travel between Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina" he said. 


"It is crucial for us to advance the work for the Common Regional Market of the six countries of the Western Balkans in the framework of the Berlin Process. This is very important, because the Common Regional Market, which will be established by 2024 is the main precondition for the successful implementation of the EU Economic and Investment Plan in the region. 


We expect a clear signal that the European path of the region will continue. Therefore, we very much hope that we will be able to avoid the current obstacles in order to finally start the accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, which has been approved since March 2020. The solution is on the table - in June it was expressly supports 26 EU member states" Berger said.