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Belgrade Media Report 30 September 2021




Agreement reached; Vucic: ROSU to withdraw; “Such Albanian actions won’t be repeated” (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has addressed the public at a press conference at the Officers' Home in Nis. He pointed out that we have reached a compromise solution to the crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that the ROSU units will leave by 4 pm on 2 October.

“The withdrawal of ROSU is foreseen, and that is an indicator that in the future such actions of Albanians will meet the resistance of the Serbian population. The return of KFOR in accordance with Resolution 1244 is significant and shows that it is possible to provide security guarantees for Serbs,” Vucic pointed out. He pointed out that there will be no removal of Serbian license plates, i.e. charging for temporary RKS license plates. President of Serbia said that the EU, as a facilitator, will process everything that arises from the first agreement as a priority at the next meeting as the chief negotiator. He stated that the formation of Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) and violation of the agreement will be the first on the agenda. The disadvantages of the agreement are that a more difficult solution will be reached within a period of six months. “We are the ones who introduced the sticker regime for them, they can’t introduce trial plates, but they will put a sticker on the Serbian coat of arms and there are no costs involved,” Vucic explained.

Agreed conclusions

Both parties agreed on the following points:

1. The special police units currently deployed at Jarinje and Brnjak, CCPs will be removed simultaneously with the roadblocks, starting on 2 October 2021, at 8.00 a.m., and finishing no later than 16.00h. KFOR will deploy at Jarinje and Brnjak CCPs before the beginning of simultaneous removal and will remain for approximately two weeks to maintain a safe and secure environments and freedom of movement.

2. As of 4 October 2021, at 8.00 a.m., the sticker regime as agreed in the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue will be applied as a temporary measure until a permanent solution is agreed.

3. A Working Group consisting of the representation of the EU, Belgrade and Pristina parties, and chaired by the EU, will be established to find a permanent solution to the license plate issue, based on the EU standards and practices. The first meeting of the Working Group will be held of 21 October 2021, in Brussels. Within the six months from its first meeting, the Working Group will present its findings on a permanent solution to the high-level format of the Dialogue.

We will not be granted EU membership until we resolve relations with Pristina (Beta)

Today, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen continued her visit to Belgrade as part of her tour through the Western Balkans region. She attended the ceremony marking the launch of works on the modernization and rehabilitation of the Nis-Brestovac railway on the international railway Corridor 1, and referred to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, i.e. on Kosovo and Metohija. The ceremony was also attended by President Vucic. “For us, this is a historic visit, a great and important thing. I promise that the delegation in Brussels will make efforts to reach an agreement, preserve peace and sign more agreements that will mean a better economy for all. Serbia will not be a member of the EU until we resolve relations with Pristina, but we will fight and resolve things. I am glad that you will know where Nis is and how important it is for Serbia, and you are always welcome,” Vucic said, adding that Serbia remains committed to respecting the agreements signed with the EU within the dialogue with Pristina. Today, Vucic thanked President von der Leyen for, as he said, reasonable words and her position on the crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic noticed that there is hardly a family that is destined to be firmly connected to the EU as the von der Leyen family, so the President of the EC, Ursula von der Leyen, a long time associate of Angela Merkel, whose father was one of the first officials in Brussels in 1958, knows best that the fundamental freedoms are embodied in the four great freedoms - the movement of people, goods, services and capital. “It is unlikely that such a person exists. You, before anyone else, have the right to express an objective position on all political and economic developments in Europe and the world. I am especially pleased with your position on the crisis in northern Kosovo and Metohija and everything for which you have found a balanced approach,” Vucic said. “With gratitude for those words of reason, I want to reiterate that Serbia is fully committed to the implementation of the agreements signed so far, which is sponsored by the EU,” he said. Vucic also said that the Belgrade delegation in Brussels is doing its best and making maximum efforts to reach an agreement. He said that Von der Leyen is always welcome in Serbia and thanked her for her kind words and desire to see Serbia in the EU. “We know what our job is, but having in mind the difficulties due to relations with Pristina, we will do everything we can to advance on the European path,” Vucic said.

“It’s good that the dialogue resumes”

Von der Leyen said that it is good that the dialogue lasts. “It is good that talks are taking place in Brussels. The region needs reconciliation, and you are part of that. Dear Alexander, we are extremely looking forward to meeting at next year’s summit. Serbia is making an important contribution and its voice should be heard. We are listening to you,” she said. “I strongly support Serbia’s European integration. I welcome the reforms in Serbia, you have done a great job. We support Serbia’s ambitions to open new clusters,” she said in her speech. She referred to Serbia’s EU accession. “I think we all agree on the fact that Serbia has already come a long way. The efforts that Serbia is making are not just for the EU, but to improve the lives of everyone in Serbia. Some preconditions must be met. The EU has built values ​​that we respect. We know you are improving and it is an ongoing process. The rule of law and democracy are great values​... We have learned that we are incredibly strong if we work together. I want the Balkans to be integrated and raise single market standards. There are principles about common values that need to be respected. Not only will we be friends and partners, but we will all be in the EU,” she said.

Brnabic: Regional cooperation strong impetus for European integration process (Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday in Novi Sad that regional integration is one of the most important issues before us, because we are obliged to offer young people in the region the prospect of a better future, noting that there is no European integration without regional connections. At the conference dubbed “Western Balkans – one region, one market”, Brnabic pointed out that stronger economic cooperation between neighboring countries and countries in the region brings a higher quality of life for all citizens. It is high time to offer the generations that come after us a different future from the one we had, that is, to create conditions for them to create a different region. That is one of the issues that we can directly influence, Brnabic emphasized. We all the reforms primarily because we believe in them, building stronger countries, the public administration focused on citizens and the economy, which is more a service to citizens and the economy in terms of the rule of law, she underlined. According to her, those reforms are primarily because of us, and then they will bring us closer to the EU. However, she warned that the whole process of EU integration, after all, depends not only on us, but also on the EU and each of its individual members. In that sense, we see all the frustrations of our friends from North Macedonia and Albania. So, you can do whatever is required, but if there is one country in the EU that is skeptical about enlargement, that stops you. That is why regional initiatives are where we can do the most. Brnabic pointed out that the issue of regional or European integration is not raised at all, because we need both, and regional integration will help us get closer to the EU faster and better. Also, I think that the region in the EU is a goal for all of us, she said. Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes emphasized that this gathering is proof that Europe lives and that the whole region lives, and that regional and economic cooperation are the best tools for de-escalating problems and conflicts.

Stefanovic: Spain’s principled position on non-recognition of so-called Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic talked on Wednesday in Belgrade with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Spain Teodoro Esteban Lopez Calderon who reiterated the country’s principled position on non-recognition of so-called Kosovo. Stefanovic expressed Serbia’s gratitude for Spain’s principled and consistent position regarding the non-recognition of so-called Kosovo, and also emphasized that Serbia continues to strongly support the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Spain, the Defense Ministry announced. Pointing out the importance of mutual support in the protection of sovereignty and respect for the principles of international law, Admiral Calderon reiterated the principled position of the Kingdom of Spain on non-recognition of Kosovo and thanked Serbia for its support for the country’s territorial integrity. Recalling the very good and friendly relations between the two countries, Stefanovic expressed satisfaction with the achieved level of cooperation in the field of defense and pointed out the possibilities for its qualitative improvement. He said that the crown of cooperation is our joint participation in multinational operations, especially in UNIFIL. Stefanovic emphasized our commitment to continuing military to military cooperation activities, with a focus on the exchange of experiences and participation in multinational operations, CBRN and special forces’ cooperation, as well as the cooperation in military-economic and military-technical fields. Speaking about the possibilities for improving cooperation, Admiral Calderon pointed out the exceptional professionalism demonstrated by members of the Serbian Armed Forces in multinational operations. He conveyed Spain’s commitment to continuing joint participation in these operations and intensifying military to military and military-economic cooperation with our country.

Stefanovic: Security situation does not permit reduction of KFOR troops (Beta)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic stated on Wednesday during the meeting with the parliamentary State Secretary of the Defense Ministry of Germany Thomas Silberhorn that the security situation in Kosovo does not permit a reduction of the number of KFOR troops.

According to the Serbian Defense Ministry, he also said that that “current unilateral and extremely irresponsible acts of the provisional institutions in Pristina are absolutely unacceptable, damaging to the Brussels dialogue and affect the destabilization of the entire region”. Silberhorn pointed out the “importance of the continued process of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue for the stabilization of the situation in the region”. Speaking about the defense sector, Stefanovic said that cooperation in that field was “developed, substantial and diverse” and declared the readiness for its further development and intensifying. The German official also met with the chief of general staff of the Army of Serbia, General Milan Mojsilovic, and discussed the experiences from the joint engagement in the EU’s peace mission in the Republic of Mali.

Agreement on abolition of visas between Serbia, Guatemala (RTV/Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met today with President of Guatemala Alejandro Eduardo Giammattei Falla, and on that occasion said that Serbia is determined to further strengthen ties and overall cooperation with that friendly country. Selakovic pointed out that bilateral relations are based on sincere friendship, respect and understanding, and added that the fact that the two countries will mark 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations next year speaks volumes about our long tradition. As he assessed, such a jubilee deserves to be adequately marked in all fields, in addition to political – bilateral visits and the signing of a comprehensive agreement on cooperation between the two countries, as well as in the field of culture, science, education and sports. The head of Serbian diplomacy expressed gratitude for the confirmation that the Guatemalan delegation, led by the Foreign Minister, will be present at the upcoming commemorative gathering in Belgrade, on the occasion of marking the 60th anniversary of the First Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement. The officials reached an agreement on the abolition of visas for citizens of both countries and that the agreement be signed in Belgrade, during the commemorative gathering of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Selakovic especially expressed his gratitude to Guatemala for its sincere support in preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, and for its commitment to respect the basic principles of international law. Selakovic informed the President of Guatemala that Serbia will allocate financial support for the village of Srbija in Guatemala to eliminate the consequences of the earthquake, which will be used to build houses for families in this Guatemalan village named after our country.

Dacic meets with Venice Commission delegation (RTV)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic had an on-line meeting on Wednesday with a delegation of the Venice Commission headed by Commission President Gianni Buquicchio. The meeting revolved around the ongoing process of constitutional reforms in Serbia. Dacic expressed regret that the meeting had to be held online, not in person as was previously planned, due to the complex epidemiological situation. He thanked all members and experts of the Commission who had shown to be deeply interested in the success of the process of amending the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, stressing that today's meetings are a very important part of the overall procedure of passing constitutional amendments, which has already gone through several important phases. He restated that the Republic of Serbia has tried to ensure the transparency and openness of the process, primarily by organizing numerous public hearings where representatives of the professional public presented their views, ideas and proposals. After these public hearings, the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues made certain changes to the text of the draft Law amending and modifying the Constitution, based on the material collected during the public hearings, which were sent to the Venice Commission. Dacic said he hoped that the Venice Commission would consider the submitted draft Law and amendments at its coming 128th plenary session in Venice and give its official opinion on them. Buquicchio indicated that the rapporteurs’ opinion at the coming session of the Commission would be very favorable for Serbia and that he was convinced it would be adopted as such.

Belgrade to EC President: ‘Herzlich Willkommen’ (N1)

Serbia’s capital wishes a hearty welcome to the EC President Ursula von der Leyen, expected in Belgrade later on Wednesday for a two-day visit. The billboards reading ‘Herzlich Willkommen’ in the German language as Von der Leyen is from that country appeared across the city.



Sarovic: Dayton gave RS autonomy, anything else is problematic (N1)

An independent Republika Srpska (RS) entity was a war-time goal and the Dayton Peace Agreement is a compromise that giver the RS its autonomy – everything else is an adventure from which the entity could get the short end of the stick, the leader of the opposition Serb Democratic Party (SDS) Mirko Sarovic, told N1 Wednesday, adding that his party would support the dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) only in case of a broad consensus in the country. “The independent RS was a war-time goal. The Dayton Agreement is a compromise. The SDS believes the Dayton Agreement is the best solution because it provides RS with its autonomy. Everything else would be very problematic and an adventure from which the RS could draw a short end of the stick. We believe that there is no alternative to the Dayton architecture of B&H,” Sarovic said. Speaking about the recent announcement by the leader of the ruling party in the RS, the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), Milorad Dodik, who is also the Serb member of Bosnia’s tripartite Presidency, that RS institutions could withdraw from the agreement on the state-level judiciary and the Armed Forces of B&H, Sarovic said that Dodik and others like him love the state of constant crisis and that he (Dodik) would like for it to last by the end of spring next year. “He’s constantly producing crisis events like unpacking the Dayton, peaceful dissolution… I believe he is not capable of following through with what he’s saying. We were very clear about the unpacking of the Dayton Agreement. I must say that the return of Dayton's original competencies is very acceptable to my party, but it should be noted that those competencies were transferred [to the state level] by the votes of Serb MPs,” Sarovic pointed out. He believes that with these talks, Dodik is leading the RS into uncertainty. Even RS's traditional friends like Russia, China and Serbia, he said, have always supported the Dayton Peace Agreement. According to him, Dodik’s ideas are supported by those who are against the RS, they applaud him for what he is doing and Sarovic believes this is something the RS should not go into. “The SDS is not against the peaceful dissolution of B&H in case there is an absolute consensus on this matter in the country, but such a consensus doesn’t exist,” Sarovic confirmed. When asked what would it take for the current crisis in the country brought by Serb ministers in the B&H government’s boycott due to international community former High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko’s ban on genocide denial and glorification of war criminals, the SDS leader said it would have to be the freezing of Inzko’s decision and the implementation of peaceful elections. “Normal topics need to dominate (the political discourse) and those who win the election should give themselves a reasonable deadline to resolve this issue. This is a horrible crisis with a potential of becoming even worse,” Sarovic told N1.

Speaking about Inzko, Sarovic said the thing he holds against him the most is the said decision. “Inzko made this decision some three or four days before leaving office. (Before that) he sat here for 11 or 12 years. That’s my biggest objection against him,” Sarovic said, adding that this issue should have been regulated by the parliament and that anyone who finds themselves a victim would have had a greater satisfaction that the law was adopted by the Parliament instead of being imposed by a High Representative.


Dodik and Kalabukhov agree that solution to political crisis in B&H lies in revoking of law imposed by Inzko (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov at the RS Administrative Center in Istocno Sarajevo on Wednesday evening. On this occasion, Dodik and Kalabukhov agreed that a solution to the political crisis in B&H, which emerged following former High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko’s decision to impose amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H, only lies in revoking of this law. The Cabinet of the Serb member of the Presidency issued a statement confirming that Dodik informed Kalabukhov about the current political situation in the RS and B&H. Dodik underlined that the RS remains committed to the original Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and noted that peace and stability of the RS will be preserved. The Russian Ambassador emphasized that Russia, as the guarantor state of the DPA and the member of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), is explicitly for respect of the peace agreement and the international law. The Ambassador added that Russia opposes to any imposing of laws and solutions, as well as to tutorship over B&H.

Tegeltija denies RS opposition’s accusations of violation of RS parliament conclusions (RTRS)


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) denied on Wednesday the RS opposition’s accusations that the Serb ministers violated to conclusions that the RS parliament adopted in response to the law imposed by former High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko. Namely, the RS parliament conclusions defined that the Serb representatives in the B&H institutions will not participate in work and decision-making until further notice. In his clarification, Tegeltija noted that, by adopting the decision on temporary financing of the institutions of B&H for the last quarter of 2021, the CoM avoided causing damage to the RS budget, too. Tegeltija noted that there is no need for the RS to allocate additional funds from its budget for salaries of employees in the B&H institutions, when the RS budget is already deprived of the amount of indirect taxes that is paid into “the joint institutions”. According to Tegeltija, the conclusion that leaders of all RS parliamentary parties signed on 26 July 2021 reads that participation of Serb representatives in the decision-making in the B&H parliament, the CoM, and the Presidency, is allowed in cases when it is necessary to prevent decisions, which might be detrimental to the RS. “The decision on temporary financing of joint institutions is absolutely in interest of the RS,” the CoM Chairman noted. The CoM Chairman added that all leaders of political parties in the RS, both in the ruling coalition and the opposition, have been informed about the decision on temporary financing and no one opposed to it. In addition, Tegetlija mentioned that, as soon as the decision was passed, the RS opposition harshly attacked the RS authorities accusing them of giving up on the signed conclusions in the RS parliament. Reflecting on the claims from the opposition that the CoM adopted this decision after receiving the letter from Christian Schmidt, whom the RS does not recognize as legitimate HR, Tegeltija noted that this has nothing to do with Schmidt’s letter. “We waited for the end of the month to confirm this decision, because we were aware of the damage that the RS would have sustained if it had not been adopted,” Tegeltija specified, reminding that even B&H Minister for Human Rights and Refugees Milos Lucic, from DNS that is now in the opposition, endorsed the decision. Spokesperson of SNSD and advisor of Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Radovan Kovacevic said on Wednesday that conclusions of the RS parliament were not violated. Kovacevic said that the conclusions read that they will not allow reaching of decisions that go to detriment of the RS. Kovacevic told RTRS that Dodik consulted all leaders of parties in the RS and informed them about the intention to adopt the decision on temporary financing, before the session took place. “He spoke with leaders of the parties from the ruling majority and the opposition over the phone. One of the leaders of the opposition (DNS leader Nenad) Nesic said that he supports the decision. Others had no courage to say that, because they wanted to leave room for media performances” he added. SNSD’s representative in the RSNA Srdjan Mazalica noted that this decision was adopted for the sake of interests of the RS, adding that the effects that some actions have on the RS need to be taken into account.

Mektic: I believe we should return to institutions and introduce moratorium to difficult political topics (O Kanal)


Asked whether decision of the RS ministers in B&H CoM to vote in favor of decision on temporary financing of B&H institutions was forced or it represents introduction into end of boycott of B&H institutions by political representatives of the RS, SDS MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Dragan Mektic said that the RS representatives should return to institutions of B&H. Mektic underlined that it is necessary to introduce some kind of moratorium to difficult political topics, especially because B&H is entering electoral year. He emphasized that such moratorium is precondition that would enable B&H institutions to deal with key problems of citizens in B&H.

Palmer: We would like to see limited changes of Constitution (FTV/VoA/Vecernji list/Hayat)

The US Special Envoy for Reform of Electoral Legislation of B&H Matthew Palmer started his visit to B&H on Wednesday. During his visit, Palmer will meet with B&H officials and political leaders. All these meetings will be held without presence of media. Reporter commented that this is one in series of subtle pressures of international community to B&H politician to solve issue of electoral legislation before general elections in B&H in 2022. According to FTV, the US and Palmer insist on compromise between political factors in B&H on limited changes of the Constitution that would enable implementation of rulings of the ECHR and ensure higher level of transparency and accountability of elected officials. In an interview for Voice of America (VoA) that was broadcast on Tuesday, Palmer said that he is rather optimist there is understanding within B&H in regards to solving of abovementioned issue. Reporter commented that bearing in mind current situation in B&H, it is hard to understand what Palmer’s optimism is grounded on. In a statement for VoA, Palmer underlined that they would like to see some limited changes of the Constitution that would remove ethnic prefixes concerning election of members of the Presidency of B&H and election of delegates in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP). He went on to saying that they would like to see reform of electoral legislation that will provide higher transparency and accountability in line with recommendations of the OSCE and GRECO (The Group of States against Corruption). “It includes solving of concrete rulings of the ECHR, including one in Sejdic-Finci case. Package we have been advocating and one we have been working on along with politicians would achieve both things” explained Palmer. Palmer told the media that the US will assist in reaching of an agreement, however the responsibility lies with politicians in B&H who must be ready for compromises and difficult decisions. Palmer further stated that “the package we advocate and work on with the politicians” includes two issues, namely judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and how to promote functionality and help B&H move towards Europe. Palmer also stressed the idea is to remove and decrease the level of discrimination in the political system in B&H, and make sure that everyone not only has an opportunity to vote but to run for any position. Vecernji list daily notes that Palmer has sent very clear messages that will not be liked by “autistic policy in Sarajevo”. Namely, daily stresses that Palmer did not speak about reduced role of the Houses of Peoples and that he said that the foundation for the electoral reform is the ‘one country, two entities, three constituent peoples’ principle. The Democratization Policy Council reacted to Palmer’s interview for ‘Voice of America’ in which the US Special Representative spoke about his new task. The Council assessed that the interview was disappointing but not surprising. According to the Council, Palmer practically showed that he will not be a neutral mediator but rather “a de facto Spokesperson for Dragan Covic and HDZ B&H” in promoting anti-democratic diversions on legitimate representation. Hayat carries that Palmer said that the Election Law of B&H issue should be resolved by removing “ethnic prefixes” in the election of members of the B&H Presidency and delegates of the FB&H HoP. Croatian President, Zoran Milanovic, responded to Palmer, saying he should “try and remove ethnic prefixes in Texas”. Palmer held meetings with members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec, EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson. It was stated that the need for electoral reform which would focus on the integrity and transparency of the electoral system was discussed. Palmer will discuss this topic with B&H officials and representatives of political parties in the coming days.

Domestic politicians present different stances on Palmer’s announcement on election reform (EuroBlic)


Following statements of Matthew Palmer on the election reform in B&H, Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac stated that the stance of SNSD on changes to the Election Law of B&H, in part concerning the election of members of the Presidency of B&H and Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples, remained unchanged. Novakovic-Bursac explained that SNSD is willing to accept whichever agreement partners from the FB&H reach under the condition they do not disturb election of a member of the Presidency of B&H from the RS, but only after the situation related to imposed changes to the Criminal Code of B&H is solved. Member of SDA Presidency Edin Ramic said that it is up to politicians in B&H to reach an agreement on changes to the Election Law of B&H and he reminded that the adoption of changes will depend on representatives in B&H HoR, because that is the only place where the Election Law of B&H can be changed. “Everything else coming from the international community is, in a way, an encouragement for changes to the Constitution. The things coming from individual opposition parties, which do not even have their representatives in the Parliament of B&H, is scoring of cheap political points,” Ramic argued and concluded by saying that changes to the Election Law of B&H will largely depend on the agreement of the three biggest political parties, i.e. SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H. Representative in B&H HoR Predrag Kozul (HDZ B&H) did not want to comment on Palmer’s statement and only said that changes to the election legislation is not a simple matter. “The stance of HDZ B&H on changes to the Election Law of B&H is already known,” Kozul said. The daily reminded that HDZ B&H stated on several occasions in past that the only acceptable thing for this party is to enable legitimate representation of constituent people in B&H to avoid “Komsic case” happening to Croats again. PDP Vice President (VP) Igor Crnadak has assessed as positive the assistance the US and the EU are providing to the process of changes to the electoral legislation in B&H. Commenting arrival for US envoy for electoral reform Matthew Palmer, Crnadak said it show the US have the most serious intention that changes do happen. According to the PDP VP, the RS has no reason to be afraid because it has been announced that the US will stick to the Dayton agreement and the constitution structure stipulated in the Dayton agreement.  Crnadak also welcomed Palmer’s intention to implement the ODIHR’s recommendations in terms of bigger transparency and fairer elections. “It means to put an end to election frauds we witnessed in the previous election cycles and to stop pressures, blackmails and pressures that the voters, especially in the RS, have been exposed to,” said Crnadak.

Delegation of UK parliament visits B&H, meets delegation of B&H parliament (Oslobodenje)


All-party delegation of the UK parliament is paying a visit to B&H and on Wednesday they met with the delegation of B&H parliament, led by speaker of B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic and deputy speaker of B&H House of Peoples Nikola Spiric. On this occasion, representatives of B&H parliament expressed gratitude for UK’s assistance in establishing of peace and then in development of democratic and reform processes. Guests were interested to learn about current developments in B&H and role of B&H parliament in developing perspective of B&H. Officials underlined that it is necessary to make additional efforts in order to raise the communication and trust, which is a condition not only for removing of the current standstill in work of B&H institutions, but also for progress of the society. At the same time, officials noted, positive processes would significantly prevent departing of the youth and of entire families, who are leaving B&H and go to more stable environments and organized markets. Accent was placed on domestic political stakeholders and need for them to make the conditions for necessary steps forward, with minimal assistance of friends form the international community. UK MPs were interested to learn about tourism sector and underlined the necessity for increasing of the trading exchange.


Croatia is against simplification of Dayton peace accords (Hina)

Attempts to make the Dayton agreement banal or to simplify it are against the spirit, wording and logic of that agreement, and Croatia advocates the equality of all the peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina so that the Croats, the Bosniaks and the Serbs could feel good, the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday. Plenkovic underscored that Croatia has been defending the rights of the Croats to be on an equal footing with the other two peoples, and that Zagreb has been advocating the amending of the election legislation that would foil “the election engineering” that prevented B&H Croats to have their legitimate representatives on several occasions. The US State Department special envoy on electoral reform in B&H Matthew Palmer said earlier on Wednesday the electoral law issue should be resolved by removing “ethnic prefixes” in the election of members of the country’s Presidency and members of the upper house of the parliament of the FB&H. “Palmer is searching for compromise solutions,” Plenkovic said in his comment. “We are against the banalization and simplification of the agreement, which can be noticed from Dayton to Brussels, and it is against the spirit, wording and logic of the Dayton-Paris Agreement,” the Croatian PM. “Our duty is to explain this to the international community and to advocate equality so that all — the Croats, the Serbs and the Bosniaks — could feel good in B&H.” Croatia’s constitutional obligation is to care for the Croatians outside Croatia, no matter whether they are an ethnic minority or a constituent people, Plenkovic said. He is hopeful of a compromise in B&H for amending the election law before the 2022 polls. Asked by the press about Tuesday’s meeting between Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and the leader of the Bosniak SDA party in B&H, Bakir Izetbegovic, Plenkovic said he had not attended the meeting and could not comment on that. He only added that meetings such as that one with Izetbegovic and last week’s talks with the Bosnian grand mufti, Husein Kavazovic, in Zagreb, were attempts by Croatia to “raise the intensity of dialogue and the intensity of understanding, and to see that Bosnia and Herzegovina can function well and is stable” while being on its journey towards the EU.

Tensions in Western Balkans 

The visit of European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen to Western Balkan EU aspirants is part of the preparations for a summit meeting with Western Balkan representatives, set for next week in Slovenia. Plenkovic said that earlier on Wednesday he had participated in consultations with several EU leaders in a bid to send the correct message ahead of the summit meeting. “We have agreed that we must make our engagement in the region stronger or “somebody else will be more influential in this region,” said Plenkovic but stopped short of identifying those centers of power. The EU is not the only one, he said.

Milanovic: I talked with Izetbegovic about relations between B&H and Croatia, primarily between Bosniaks and Croats (N1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on Wednesday on the meeting he held with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, in presence of former Croatian President Stjepan Mesic. Namely, Milanovic and Izetbegovic discussed improvement of relations of Croats and Bosniaks. No further details of this meeting were disclosed. In his comment to media, Milanovic confirmed that he invited Izetbegovic for a meeting, and referred to him as “the most important representative of Bosniak people” in B&H. Milanovic stressed that this is simply a reality, regardless of whether it is ideal or not, adding: “I do not seek friends, but rather partners and collocutors.” Given that Izetbegovic previously criticized Milanovic for not recognizing Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic as a legitimate representative of Croats in B&H, Milanovic stressed that he was then advised by Mesic, as their common friend, to meet with the SDA leader. “Mr. Mesic called me and suggested that we hold this meeting. I told him that, as far as I was concerned, this meeting could have happened a year ago, when Dodik came to see me,” Milanovic added. In his opinion, Mesic’s presence helped in relaxation of the atmosphere “and Mr. Izetbegovic probably felt better, too”. Milanovic announced that he will inform the Croatian Government about this meeting. The Croatian President also made a comment saying that Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman is still trying to come up with how to approach the issue of B&H. The Croatian President briefly touched on Dodik’s idea of formation of the RS Army, noting that this is unrealistic. Milanovic said that Dodik is not, in his opinion, a radical man, but that he is simply a hostage of situation in the RS, and that there are some elements and people that are more radical than him. “What is a fact is that the army is not provided by the Constitution. The army of B&H does not exist, there is some command staff and some soldiers. Mr Dodik is in a way hostage to the situation in the RS and the elements and people who are more radical than him. I don’t think he’s radical at all, but at some point, it gets a little frivolous. It's like me threatening Slovenia with an aircraft carrier. Firstly, I would never threaten Slovenia, secondly, I cannot talk such nonsense,” said Milanovic. Milanovic emphasized that there is a lot of room to improve cooperation between Bosniaks and Croats in B&H, adding that currently this cooperation is not at satisfying level. “Off course, it should not be detrimental for Serbs. I will inform Milorad Dodik about this and will motivate all of them to try – if it is possible – to work more together,” concluded President of Croatia.

Grlic-Radman: Bosniak ethnic minority is ‘precious to Croatia’ (Hina)

The Bosniak minority is "a precious value" to Croatia, Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman said at an event marking the 28th Day of Bosniaks in Croatia and wished the community to successfully preserve its identity. In a multiethnic nation, it is good when everyone feels comfortable and respects each other, the minister said. The Bosniak minority is well-integrated, it is a “precious value” to Croatia, he said. Following statements by previous speakers that “loyalty” was not an expression that reflected the emotional attitude of Bosniaks because “they love Croatia”, he recalled their contribution to the Homeland War.

About 25,000 Bosniaks took part in the Homeland War, and 1,187 laid down their lives for Croatia. Grlic-Radman also talked about B&H, whose territorial integrity Zagreb strongly supports. “No one has it in their interest for B&H to be a stable and functioning state as much as the Republic of Croatia,” he said. He said that Croatia had achieved its goals of integration with NATO and the EU and that it wanted the same path for B&H. He also commented on the dissatisfaction with the violation of equality and constituency of B&H Croats. “Reforms from 2000 onwards and changes to the election law mainly through interventions by the High Representative have enabled Bosniaks to outvote Croats, who don’t have a legitimate representative in the three-member presidency. We should strive for changes in the election law that will enable equality and constituency and eliminate any forms of discrimination,” he said.

He expressed hope that leaders in B&H would find a solution, and the new High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt would first and foremost talk and listen, and not impose solutions.

Grlic-Radman wished the Bosniaks in Croatia to be successful in preserving their cultural Bosniak identity. The Day of Bosniaks is observed in memory of the first meeting of the Bosniak Assembly, held on 27 and 27 September 1993, at which Muslims changed their name to Bosniaks and the name Bosnian language was advocated.


Becic welcomes Ursula von der Leyen: Welcome to the next EU member state (CdM)

Speaker of the parliament of Montenegro Aleksa Becic welcomed at the airport in Podgorica the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen who is on her first official visit to Montenegro. During the reception, Becic, handing her a bouquet of flowers, welcomed the high representative of the European Commission. “Welcome to Montenegro, welcome to the smallest but most beautiful Balkan country. Welcome to the next member of the EU. I am sure that you will help us on that path!” said Becic. Von der Leyen pointed out that that was exactly why she came.

Von der Leyen: Montenegro not forced to do anything; Djukanovic: WB stability being tested (CdM)

Montenegro is not forced to do anything, said clearly European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen after talks with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, answering the CdM’s question whether Montenegro will have to become part of the Open Balkans project. President Djukanovic said that during the talks, Von der Leyen pointed out that the stability of the Western Balkans is being tested. “I pointed to the real political processes in Montenegro and the region. This visit is important at this moment when the region is going through some new temptations, which provoke the current level of stability in the Western Balkans,” Djukanovic told journalists after today’s meeting with Von der Leyen, who is on her first working visit to Montenegro. “We live in a time when the stability of the Western Balkans is at stake, thanks to the offensive of geopolitical interests opposed to the European value system. The interest of these influences is to thwart the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU. I pointed out our firm determination to reach European values,” said Djukanovic. He pointed out that he also talked to von der Layen about political processes within Montenegro. He recalled that Montenegro went through a change of government, as well as everything that was achieved in 30 years before the change of government, from preserving peace and stability, restoring independence, NATO membership and opening all negotiating chapters to EU membership. “We welcomed the change of government. Today we can summarize the effects of that government. I told the President of the EC that I was not satisfied with the achievements of this government, but that it was part of our internal political life. We believe that the EU will open its doors, depending on the ability to carry out values ​​and adopt standards, according to the regatta principle,” stated Djukanovic, among other things.

On Reuters text 

Commenting on a Reuters text that announced that Brussels could not guarantee EU membership for the six Balkan countries, and whether that meant that the enlargement process had been abandoned, Von der Leyen said that she was here for encouragement. “You have come a long way and it is important that you stay on that path. If you need proof – we are all working on accession. We stick to that, sometimes we encounter obstacles but it is important to stick to a common goal. Our message is clear – we want you in the Union,” pointed out Von der Leyen.

Djukanovic stressed that he believes in the vision of a united Europe. “As Europeans, we are interested in being competitive and using all resources and being united. All great visions go through better and worse phases, this is not one of the better phases of a united Europe, but perseverance is important. The fear that arises from the Reuters text is like a rule, because when elections take place in one of the European countries, this is how enlargement is talked about. The idea of a united Europe must be more clearly politically marketed within the European public. That is an idea for which the advantages should be explained to European citizens,” said Djukanovic.

Citizens decide – that’s democracy 

Answering the question whether, if an open pro-Serbian and pro-Russian DF enters the government, that government will be able to fulfill the European agenda, she said that the citizens of Montenegro decide whom to give their trust and whom to trust, and that it is democracy. “I believe that Montenegro will be on the right path to give confidence to parties that want democracy, transparency, the rule of law. These are the values needed for EU accession,” Von der Leyen said.

Judiciary independence most important 

The President of the EC pointed out that the judiciary independence is the most important of all. “The guidelines in the accession process are clear. This is one of the fundamental values of the EU. Working on that is key. It is important that the guidelines are respected and the criteria of the Venice Commission are met,” she said.

Montenegro made most progress on path to EU 

Von der Leyen pointed out that the EU has made great efforts to eliminate the negative effects of the coronavirus. “We need to look to the future and make strategic investments in key sectors. The citizens of Montenegro deserve a greener, more digital future, quality and well-paid jobs. We expect Montenegro to propose quality projects, for you to create projects in which investments are made. If we look at this year, we have already invested €500m, and I am glad to announce that we will be able to invest another €600m. We will support the part of the road that connects Podgorica and Belgrade, as well as the railway line that connects Tirana and Podgorica,” she pointed out. According to her, Montenegro has made the most progress in the accession process and the EC wants it to continue. “Montenegro needs political dialogue in order to make progress. You have done a lot. It is important that Montenegro is preserved as a multi-religious and multinational country. Democracy is not made up of one party or faction. Democracy is people. The protection of minority is needed. Montenegro was the first in the Western Balkans to legalize same-sex partnerships. You are an example for the region and beyond,” Von der Leyen stressed.

Krivokapic, Von der Leyen: Montenegro remains unreservedly and consistently committed to its European path (Gov. Press service)

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic met with President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, who ended her working visit to our country with a meeting with the Montenegrin Prime Minister. At a meeting Krivokapic expressed gratitude to President Von der Leyen for the friendship, solidarity and financial assistance that the EU has unreservedly provided to Montenegro in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, including donations of a significant number of vaccines and valuable medical equipment, thanks to which Montenegro vaccinated 50.4 percent of adult Montenegrin citizens with the first dose. Krivokapic assessed that the Government of Montenegro has set the process of European integration as the main and strategic foreign policy priority. We see our future exclusively in the EU, with strong reforms in the area of the rule of law. In this regard, we will take all necessary steps to meet the expectations of our citizens, among whom, after the election of a new government, support for EU membership is growing daily, and at this time exceeds the figure of 75 percent. Equally, as a fully-fledged NATO member, which shares the values of the Alliance, we want full stability in the Western Balkans, said Krivokapic. The Prime Minister underlined that Montenegro remains fully committed to reform activities and meeting the interim benchmarks in Chapters 23 and 24. In the context of future infrastructure projects and the support of the European Commission, PM Krivokapic pointed out that the Government, with its responsible policy in the field of public financial management and rescheduling of loans for the construction of the first section of the Bar-Boljare motorway, has already created preconditions for intensifying cooperation with European banks and providing fiscal space for new projects, which will enable non-refundable EU support through the Western Balkan Investment Framework. In this sense, the priority areas in this part remain projects in the field of transport. The Prime Minister also stressed the importance of the European Green Deal, which Montenegro wholeheartedly supports through its own strategic documents, but also through the recent revitalization of the idea of an ecological state of Montenegro. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said that the visit to the Western Balkans is very important for her because of her personal impression of our region. She pointed out that Montenegro has made great progress on its European path, and that it is important to continue in that direction. What we have in common is that we share dreams, vision, soul and desire to achieve results. We are convinced of your commitment to the common market, said Von der Leyen. At the end of the meeting, Krivokapic reiterated that the EU has no alternative for Montenegro, and that he is convinced that the fate of the region must also be European, and that our country will intensively contribute to that as a leader in the EU integration process, adding that Montenegro will continue to fully comply with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, which clearly shows our geostrategic orientation, and that our country remains unreservedly and consistently committed to its European path.

Montenegro is a leader in the region (Gov. Press service)

Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatovic participated in a working dinner as part of the conference: "Western Balkans: #OneRegionOneMarket - A Step towards Common Market of the EU" in Serbia (Novi Sad). Last year there was a big economic downturn, and today, I can proudly say that Montenegro is experiencing great economic growth and that Montenegro is among the leaders in the region when it comes to stabilizing economic activity, which is the result of a great recovery of the tourist season, which happened thanks to regional cooperation and the openness of Montenegro's borders to all countries in the region, the Minister emphasized. The Minister said that the story of regional cooperation is a story of economic development of each country in the region and that Montenegro is very interested in having an even stronger role in this process in the future. Montenegro strongly supports and promotes the Common Regional Market and the Government of Montenegro is making additional efforts to accelerate this process. In order for the economy of the entire region of the Western Balkans to be a success story, we believe that every country must reach for even greater reforms, Milatovic added. He is convinced that regional cooperation is crucial in the process of European integration, which means that more intensive work should be done to strengthen regional cooperation. The future of our economies, not only in Montenegro and Serbia, but in all Western Balkan countries, is integration into a single market within which the free flow of goods and services without business barriers will take place, and which as such will be part of the common European market. Our countries and our markets are small, which is why we should create a single market and a single investment space. Serbia has made a lot of progress in the economy in the previous period. We in Montenegro are happy with that progress. In the coming period, we want to dedicate ourselves even more strongly to economic cooperation, joint projects and to present to your economy the benefits of investing in Montenegro. The coronavirus pandemic has taught us that economies and government representatives must work closely together to achieve the best results, Milatovic concluded.


Commissioner Varhelyi’s quiet visit to Macedonia (Republika)

European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi did not give a statement during his visit to Macedonia today. Varhelyi came quietly and left in the same manner – the only news report from the visit being the information that he intervened to have a human rights advocate meet with Jordan Orce Kamcev. Kamcev has been imprisoned for months, after revealing details about the major Racket scandal. Varhelyi came a day after the visit of Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen that was dominated by the issue of whether Albania will be allowed to open EU accession talks while Macedonia is still stuck. Another issue that jumped to the fore is the Reuters report that EU member states were unwilling to even give a broad assurance to Balkan countries that they will eventually be allowed to join the EU.


An attempt of Serbia to dominate Western Balkans (ADN)


Chancellor Merkel, it can be said with certainty, was the only European politician who showed interest in the Western Balkans during the last decade, has said the founder and President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (HCHR) in Serbia Sonja Biserko. Biserko made that comment in an exclusive interview with Albanian Daily News (ADN) which coincided with the elections held in Germany on Sunday to elect the successor of Madame Merkel who was government head for the last 16 years. She has left her ‘seal’ in the Western Balkan as the promoter and launcher of the Berlin Process and to mark the work done in this frame all the leaders of the region gathered in Tirana on 14 September 2021. “Her messages during her last visit to the Balkans were significant - that there should be no change of borders and that the Berlin Process is the only framework for all initiatives aimed at the integration of the Western Balkans” said Biserko during the interview. According to her, the reason for some failures of the initiative is linked with the fact that corruption has devastated institutions of the regional countries which she called as ‘captured states’. HCHR’s Biserko could not say if the Berlin Process will go on because, according to her, the interest is weaker since the EU itself faces the challenges that need an innovative policy, as well as large format politicians. “The EU is still searching for its political identity.” In a comment on the role of civil society organizations she revealed that they depend exclusively on foreign donations, which means that regional countries are not particularly interested in supporting critically oriented organizations. “They mostly create their own networks which they also support financially.” Asked about the Open Balkans initiative Ms. Biserko said it did not offer anything new; in fact, we did not see its concretization. According to her, the three countries which reject that initiative do not see it as something that will accelerate Euro-Atlantic integration. “On the contrary, they see it as an attempt of Serbia to dominate, which is objectively the central and the largest country. Moreover, she still shows territorial aspirations towards its neighbors.” Discussing the enlargement process of the Western Balkan countries, Biserko thought it is certainly not a priority of the EU, as shown by the change in the enlargement strategy. “This process also depends on the dynamics outside the EU and the activities of other actors in the Balkans that significantly obstruct this process.” Biserko said that unfortunately attempts to partition Kosovo still exist, and she said that Grenel and Timothy Less who were part of the lobby group are visiting Belgrade regularly and Wolfgang Petrich repeated few days ago that demarcation is the solution. Eying the future approach of Germany towards the Western Balkans she was of the opinion that that country should take more substantive leadership role. “Germany is the most important country regarding the Balkans and should certainly take more substantive leadership role. It means that Germany should continue with more comprehensive policies which will also take into account the security dimension as well. Foreign policy cannot consist solely of securing business interests, because business will always sacrifice values for profits, long-term plans for short-term quick income,” said President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Sonja Biserko in the following interview:

ADN: The WB leaders involved in the Berlin Process had a meeting with the initiator of this process German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Tirana on September 14 as September 26 marks the end of her mandate. There are comments that she started many things but has concluded a few. As a close follower of this initiative, Madame Biserko, what has it delivered and could it be said that the situation in the region is better than before because of it? 

Biserko: Chancellor Merkel, it can be said with certainty, was the only European politician who showed interest in the Western Balkans during the last decade. She is credited with signing the Brussels Agreement. Then she launched the Berlin Process which unfortunately did not meet expectations. Her messages during her last visit to the Balkans were significant – that there should be no change of borders and that the Berlin Process is the only framework for all initiatives aimed at the integration of the Western Balkans. I think that the region too often passes on its failures to others because it does not make enough efforts to implement the reforms necessary for membership. The reason for this is that corruption has devastated institutions and we are, as is often said, captured states. It contributed to its stagnation and regression over the last few years. It turns out that local political elites are immature and unprepared for the necessary efforts. The Europeanization of the region is a long and arduous process.

ADN: The follow up question which has brought about many discussions: Will the process go on because many are suspicious that it has been linked with Merkel’s figure, it has been ‘her baby’, and few of the new German leaders are interested in it while the EU has been like a décor most of the time? 

Biserko: It is difficult to predict how European politicians will treat the Balkans. Objectively, the interest is weaker since the EU itself faces the challenges that need an innovative policy, as well as large format politicians. The EU is still searching for its political identity. In addition, the EU is divided within itself – into a liberal and an illiberal bloc, which further complicates its cohesion, especially when it comes to foreign policy and enlargement. It turned out that post-socialist societies, despite making economic progress, have not yet reached the desired level of democracy. Meanwhile, the Western world is also quite disoriented. The EU’s interest in the Western Balkans also depends on the international context and its cooperation with the United States. This primarily refers to the security aspect that includes the Western Balkans. The Euro-Atlantic architecture of the Western Balkans has been called into question by the change of the international context, which is also being reflected in the Balkans.

ADN: It is gaining ground the claim that ‘Chancellor Merkel backed autocrats in the region like Serb President Aleksandar Vucic and Albanian PM Edi Rama’. A coincidence or not but the end of the ‘show’ happened in Belgrade and Tirana on September 13 and 14. What do you think of this? 

Biserko: These two countries are considered the axle of the Western Balkans, and it is normal that Merkel visited the two countries. She brought these two countries closer. The thesis that she supports autocrats is a bit far-fetched because we, not Mrs. Merkel, are electing those autocrats. We need to be more aware of the character of our societies, what was our starting point, what is our opposition, civil society, media, etc. Our societies and citizens, despite the justified dissatisfaction with the behavior of political elites, have not yet achieved their own responsibility for the choices we are making.


ADN: It has been much spoken of the growth of the role of the civil society one of the main targets of the initiative. With your permission I will refer to the case of Albania. There are three decades since the fall of communism but despite the increase in number the role of civil society organizations has been little felt in Albania. I would say they have been absent regarding some sensitive issues of the Albanian society. In general, Ms. Biserko, what do you think of this aspect in Albania, Serbia and elsewhere?

Biserko: The civil sector cannot be significantly different from the overall political and social context. Our political cultures are authoritarian and it would take decades, I would say, for individuals to take their own responsibilities seriously. The efforts of the civil sector should not be discouraged, as this is a long-term process. In addition, our civil societies depend exclusively on foreign donations and that means that our countries are not particularly interested in supporting critically oriented organizations. They mostly create their own networks which they also support financially.

ADN: As far as I notice the initiators of the Open Balkans initiative continue their efforts to ‘sell’ it even out of the WB borders. President Vucic said that he got the support of Turkish President Erdogan for it in a meeting in Istanbul last week. Besides Germany and a few countries and the three regional countries – Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina, which reject it, there is confusion in the stance of the EU. According to you, which is the perspective of the initiative and ambitions of the promoters? 

Biserko: The Open Balkans initiative did not offer anything new; in fact we did not see its concretization. That is why the three countries you mentioned do not see this initiative as something that will accelerate Euro-Atlantic integration. On the contrary, they see it as an attempt of Serbia to dominate, which is objectively the central and the largest country. Moreover, she still shows territorial aspirations towards its neighbors.


ADN: “My heart beats for the Western Balkans!” Is it just an empathetic confession, or there is a wish/intention of her not to give up her initiative? 

Biserko: I believe that Angela Merkel sincerely wants the Western Balkans to join the EU and that she will be a significant political figure in the background, who will be engaging to make that happen. I repeat, it is more important that the region sincerely engaged in the process of reforms. EU methodology is slow but far- fetched.

ADN: Doesn’t it seem that the EU accession process not only for Albania and North Macedonia but generally in the WB is seems to be at crossroads. Do you think ‘enlargement fatigue’ of the EU has now turned the progress of the EU accession of WB into an ‘indefinite mission’? 

Biserko: Enlargement is certainly not a priority, as shown by the change in the enlargement strategy. This process also depends on the dynamics outside the EU and the activities of other actors in the Balkans that significantly obstruct this process.

ADN: Do you think it is normal the animosity between the leaderships of Tirana and Pristina demonstrated even in presence of Chancellor Merkel when Rama, the host of the WB meeting, called the stance of PM Kurti a ‘conspiracy theory’ towards the Open Balkan initiative? Is this, Ms. Biserko, an added example that the ‘Greater Albania’ scheme is just a fabrication by certain foreign forces?

Biserko: Animosity between Kurti and Rama has existed since before. I’m not familiar enough with the background to be able to comment on that relationship. Historically, Kosovo has reason to fear. Belgrade has always sought better relations with Albania than with Kosovo, which it does not recognize as an independent state. Unfortunately, we have witnessed attempts to partition Kosovo. They still exist. Grenell and Timothy Less who were part of the lobby group are visiting Belgrade regularly. Few days ago, Wolfgang Petrich repeated that demarcation is the solution.

ADN: To conclude, there is much talk on the threat of the aims of Russia, China and Turkey to increase their influence in the region. If it so serious/real why doesn’t the EU protect its own interests by advancing the membership process? 

Biserko: You already have headlines in the world media such as "We already miss Merkel." She is a confident woman who has her own beliefs. She had a moral compass and was aware that politics was a matter of the possible. And she did her best in the given circumstances not only in the Balkans but worldwide. Germany is the most important country regarding the Balkans and should certainly take more substantive leadership role. It means that Germany should continue with more comprehensive policies which will also take into account the security dimension as well. Foreign policy cannot consist solely of securing business interests, because business will always sacrifice values for profits, long-term plans for short-term quick income.

DP to submit request on continuing electoral reform to parliament (ADN

Chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha has revealed Wednesday that his political entity has set up a working group headed by Vice Chairman Enkelejd Alibeaj and will submit to the parliament the request for the continuation of the Electoral Reform. DP’s Head released this information during a statement immediately after the meeting with the Head of the OSCE/ ODIHR mission, Ambassador Urszula Gacek. Meanwhile, Basha stated that the OSCE-ODIHR report does nothing but prove the fact of the 25 April election massacre, adding that they are inside the parliament with only one clear mission which is the restoration of democracy in our country. Among other things, DP’s Chair stressed that they will not allow Albania to become like Belarus in terms of democracy. He was also asked about the possibility of a split within the DP without the exclusion of Berisha, but Basha stated that the Democrats are united against the only enemy that is Edi Rama. “I expressed my gratitude to the Ambassador for the extraordinary work. We also shared with her and her associates the full agreement on OSCE-ODIHR reporting. This report documents the electoral massacre. The state must guarantee the freedom and secrecy of the vote. This is the second point. And that people should vote freely. If you remove Albania from the name, then you will think that it is an election in Lukashenko, Belarus. Ironically, one of the oppositions is in Albania today. The recommendation says nothing more than that the citizens' sentences have been stolen. There are people who need to be investigated for criminal activity users of this data. The report clearly states in the 5 main recommendations that the June 5 agreement is not in line and that it should be in line with European standards. It talks about media freedom. You were writing the report and the prime minister took the spokesperson and put him in charge of the AMA. He has set up propaganda agencies to eliminate that bit of transparency. It also talks about vote buying, which in cooperation with organized crime was not only not resolved on April 25, but worsened. We are in parliament with only one goal, to restore democracy in the country. For this to happen, only what is stated in the recommendation document is resolved. We have set up a key working group from Alibeaj and we will send the request to the assembly for the continuation of the work for the electoral reform. He violated even those rules that he approved himself without the opposition, without the DP, without our allies. It is not needed simply an electoral reform but a deep shake-up. The two main mechanisms to move towards this are not only to give these changes to Albanians, but also the instruments that these will not remain on paper. Lukashenko also has good laws, but Albania does not become like Belarus. We will do everything to impose a civic agenda of democracy in order to restore fair elections,” said Basha.