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Belgrade Media Report 06 October 2021


Vucic: No excessive expectations, but I expect positive message from EU (Tanjug/B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late on Tuesday he had no excessive expectations from Wednesday's EU-Western Balkans summit at Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia, but that he expected a positive message of support to the Western Balkans. "We will see what the Europeans will decide," Vucic told Serbian reporters in Kranj. He announced he would raise with all European leaders the issue of support in the energy sector amid the energy crisis on the continent. "That will be one of my requests tomorrow, and a plea to Merkel and Macron - that they listen and try to help us, just like they will be helping EU states," he said. Vucic also said he would have a series of important bilateral meetings on the margins of the summit, including with Merkel and Macron. "I believe both Macron and Merkel will have a message for both me and Albin Kurti," he said. Vucic addressed the media after the Summit of EU and Western Balkans leaders from the ranks of the European People's Party (EPP). "The strength of the European People's Party is in Central and Southeast Europe after these elections in Germany. We are currently, along with the Romanian party of President Klaus Iohannis, the easternmost people's party in power. Despite second place in the German elections, the People's Party remains the largest in Europe," Vucic began his speech. Vucic says that Serbia did not agree with the two Albanian representatives. He pointed out that he was not happy about what he heard about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). He has never noticed so many differences in the speeches of the representatives of the three peoples in B&H. "We did not agree on anything with both Albanian representatives. The most impressive thing is that I was not happy with what I heard from the Bosnian representatives. We cannot count on an absolutely safe and secure environment. The differences between the three peoples have never been more pronounced." "At the summit, I learned that the Slovenian delegation proposed that all Western Balkan countries be admitted to the EU by 2030. I don't think that will be accepted. There are more countries, but three are strongly against it. I have no illusions about joining the EU quickly. It is important for us to be on the European path. 62 percent of our trade is with them, 67 percent of exports... We have to take care of ourselves." Vucic emphasized that Serbia is the most ready for the EU of all the countries from the Western Balkans, but that it is now a political issue. "The citizens of Serbia know, they do not want to spoil relations with Russia or China." "I am sure that tomorrow the Europeans will be overwhelmed by our quarrels. I do not have high expectations, but I am sure that we will send a positive message."

Vucic, Covic discuss Dayton Agreement

Vucic on Tuesday discussed respect of the Dayton Agreement with Croatian Democratic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina leader Dragan Covic. In an Instagram post, Vucic wrote that he had had a "friendly conversation" with Covic. "We discussed respect of the Dayton Agreement and the legitimate interests and representation of the three peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina," Vucic added.

Confirmation from Greece that it will not recognize Kosovo

Vucic announced that he would ask the Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis tomorrow for confirmation that Greece will not recognize Kosovo. "Some European officials are going to Washington to ask the United States to put pressure on the five EU countries to recognize the independence of the so-called Kosovo," he said. Vucic explains that it is unbelievable how much some European countries object to Serbia's cooperation with Russia and China, and those same countries that criticize Serbia cannot do without Putin's gas and have an excellent trade exchange with China.

Drecun: Pritina will try to impose recognition on Belgrade through license plates (RTS)

The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told the morning press review of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the most important thing was that special police units withdrew from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, that the danger of incidents and possible conflicts ceased and that the sticker regime was a temporary solution. “A final solution for the license plates and for the implementation of the agreement on freedom of movement has yet to be sought, and that is the job of the working group that will be formed by the end of the month, as planned, and which should find a solution in the next six months,” he said.  He assessed that the talks will be very difficult and that it will be difficult to reach a solution. “Because Pristina is abusing the issue of plates to try to impose two positions. One is for Serbia, at least indirectly, through plates, to recognize this false state of Kosovo, and the other is to introduce the issue of so-called reciprocity into the political game and make it common and something normal,” Drecun said. He added that the statement of the special envoy of the State Department Gabriel Escobar shows that “the US gives Pristina consent for such behavior and has allowed them to introduce so-called reciprocity measures”. Drecun pointed out that the solution with stickers will enable unhindered movement of people, but that a temporary solution with stickers was agreed in 2016. “It shows exactly how this action of Pristina was completely unnecessary, how violent, provocative it was, how much it tried to impose unilaterally something that is only in the interest of Pristina, and not in the interest of the Serb people living in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Drecun. He said that by refusing to “extend the validity of status-neutral KS tables, issued by UNMIK, Pristina is symbolically trying to impose that there is no United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija”. Drecun stated that Kurti received criticism from several opposition parties in Pristina and that the Albanian parties are protesting that the situation has not been further aggravated. “Kurti seems to have lost a lot of political points here. In the beginning, he was probably the winner, he showed a firm stance, he showed that he can engage in such unilateral actions, that what he promises, he will fulfill, but he has no other ticket for local elections. He has not achieved any results in the economic field, he has not achieved results in the fight against extremely high levels of unemployment, corruption and crime. He has not opened the prospect for a better life for people in Kosovo and Metohija,” Drecun said. He added that the only thing left for Kurti was to “raise the level of intolerance towards the Serb people and try to unite the Albanian electorate”, but that he “experienced a debacle” in that.

Mali: Lies about 24 flats, no proof, I have one (N1)

Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali again denied on Tuesday the findings of international investigative networks showing he owned 24 apartments on the Bulgarian coast and a couple of offshore companies, describing the Pandora Papers report as lies. “I would ask those who deal with the issue to stop lying because that has no sense whatsoever. They can say I have 240 or 2,400 apartments, same difference. I have one flat which I reported and where I spend summer holidays with my children for the last ten years,” Mali told reporters. And then added he was not “Dragan Djilas, to have dozens of million euros in offshore destinations. Nor am I Gojko Djilas to have 35 apartments.” Mali on Tuesday changed the subject, saying it was not about 24 flats, but “that they cannot find Aleksandar Vucic’s accounts.” “They don’t have a problem inventing 24 flats; their topic is where are Vucic’s accounts which don’t exist, of course… They lie about everything,” Mali said. Asked about his signatures on the companies’ certificates proving he owned them, Mali said he answered that years ago. “If there is something illegal, you have respective institutions, submit the papers… I’ve been there. So, please, stop lying about it for the sake of the public, my family and yourselves,” Mali said.

I believe Serbs will return to institutions (Politika, by Jelena Cerovina)

In an interview to the daily, High Representative Christian Schmidt said that he insists everyone to return to their work in B&H institutions, but he noted that this is not his obligation. “The return is the obligation of those who were elected to work in favor of people. The boycott is a sign of a political weakness and not a sign of a political contribution”, Schmidt added. Asked to state how he plans to solve this situation, knowing that Serb representatives in B&H institutions decided not to participate in the work of B&H institutions until a decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko on prohibition of genocide denial is revoked, Schmidt replied by saying that he is sure they will return to the institutions and express their political stance there. “Should they fail to do that, who will be their political hostages? It will be people – young and old, all those who expect circumstances in which they live to be improved”, Schmidt stated. Asked whether there is a chance for the law imposed by Inzko to be revoked, knowing that imposing of this law was not a step towards reconciliation of people, Schmidt replied by saying: “I think none of us wants genocide or war crimes to be praised. We all need to know past in order to work for better future. No law in the world blames, nor can it blame, entire people but only individuals. Therefore, I would suggest all of us to sit together and think about what our task is, so that we can lead younger generations towards reconciliation. In that way, past will stay in past and not in future”. Commenting on the fact Banja Luka refuses to recognize him as the High Representative, Schmidt said that he cannot avoid having someone with “strange interpretations” but he is still confident that his mandate will be successful. Schmidt noted that he paid a visit to Belgrade and had a chance to see that there is readiness in Belgrade to work and cooperate with the international community: “The international community appointed me and I will be working in scope of my competencies”. Asked to comment on growing economic cooperation between the RS and Serbia, Schmidt said that he would suggest for the entire B&H to have close economic cooperation with its neighbors. He added that he thinks that the Open Balkans initiative can, in a way, be integrated in economic cooperation which already exists among the six countries of the Western Balkans on their path to the EU. Knowing that Sarajevo hesitates to join the Open Balkans, Schmidt said that being a part of Open Balkans does not mean that one should reject possibilities of cooperation in scope of the Western Balkans six, but it would be a way to reconcile both initiatives. “All six countries are included in the regional integration, and the EU and Merkel invested lots of effort and ideas in that. If the reason for rejection is the expected domination of Serbia in the regional cooperation, then one should view this as a positive proactive expansion of initiative for the benefit of everyone,” Schmidt said.

Asked whether he prefers the Western Balkans six, Schmidt said: “Yes, I would rather we have the ‘Western Balkans 6’. I can see that Open Balkans initiative accelerates cooperation among the Western Balkans countries. If we could expand it from three to six countries, by adding Montenegro, B&H and Kosovo, that would be the best”. Schmidt added that well used initiatives could open the path towards economic success for everyone. Speaking about the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H to dispute the right of the RS to regulate the ownership over agricultural land and forests in its territory with regard to the construction of Buk Bijela hydroelectric power plant, Schmidt said that he is dissatisfied because legislation at the state level, which was supposed to regulate matters in this field, has failed to do that. Schmidt added that this position of B&H requires first activities of the state and only then integration of interests of entities, cantons and municipalities: “The main thing is that there has to be a law at the state level. In the meantime, everyone has to respect this decision made by B&H CC”. Asked whether he thinks reduction of competencies of the RS is essential for the path of B&H to the EU, as Banja Luka claims, Schmidt said: “Honestly, I feel that there are too many stories ‘I am not treated well’ and this is your problem. A state is consisted of compromise and I think there should be a balanced approach, including competencies of the entities. So far, I do not see that there are any pressures related to competencies of the entities”. Schmidt went on to say that, currently, the blockade of state institutions also prevents entities from functioning properly and added that everyone should sit down, start working and stop complaining. Finally, asked whether B&H will be granted the candidate status, Schmidt added that the EU is currently worried with B&H’s approach to fulfillment of the 14 priorities and he said that it is not up to the EU, but B&H institutions, to show that they are willing to carry out negotiations.

McAllister: EU-Western Balkans Summit is about reinforcing trust (N1)

David McAllister, Chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted on Tuesday that the European Union-Western Balkan summit is about reinforcing trust among #WesternBalkan partners and the EU. He added that “the accession process is a marathon, not a sprint! The individual countries have to be judged on their own merits. EU needs to deliver on our enlargement promises. But, we cannot compromise on values and rights. Our Western Balkan partners need to deliver on the necessary reforms.”



Tegeltija demands removal of B&H Defense Minister Podzic (N1/ATV)

Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija requested the removal of B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic on Tuesday. He filed the request for the removal of Podzic to the B&H parliament, despite the fact that RS politicians boycott the work of B&H institutions. The reason for the removal is the fact that Podzic postponed the military exercise that the Armed Forces of B&H (AFB&H) were set to have alongside the Serbian Army at Manjaca between 9 and 16 October. "The BiH CoM Chairman, who is responsible for harmonizing the constitutional relations of the CoM with the work of the B&H Presidency, the B&H parliament, the entities and the Brcko District, as well as for harmonizing the work of the CoM, made this decision after Minister Podzic violated the B&H Defense Law in the manner of work and decision-making and violated the rule of law and internal trust, as well as diplomatic relations and foreign cooperation with unilateral moves," Tegeltija was quoted as saying. In a letter addressed to Podzic, Tegeltija stated that the epidemiological situation has worsened several times this year, but that despite that, the B&H AF conducted exercises with other partner countries and organizations. Tegeltija also reminded Podzic that the B&H CoM recently adopted a decision on temporary financing, so his claim that there is no money for the exercise is incorrect.

Dodik calls for Podzic’s removal from post of B&H Defense Minister (Nova BH/FTV)

Addressing media on Tuesday, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the information that B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic cancelled the joint military exercise of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H and the Serbian Army. Dodik called for Podzic’s removal from the ministerial post, due to what the Serb member of the Presidency called violation of the Constitution of B&H. Dodik said that only the Presidency can cancel a military exercise, and he added that Podzic obviously consulted Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic about this. Dodik said that Podzic severely overstepped his rights and competences. Dodik officially requested Podzic’s removal on Tuesday stressing that he violated the Constitution of B&H and that he should be accused of abuse of office or official authority and malpractice in service.

Podzic: Joint military exercise of B&H AF and Serbian Army not cancelled, it has only been postponed due to COVID-19 situation (Nova BH)

B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic reacted on Tuesday to media reports on cancellation of the joint military exercise of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H and the Serbian Army, which was supposed to take place on Mount Manjaca. In this regard, Podzic dismissed the media allegations about the cancellation as untrue and clarified that the exercise has only been postponed, rather than completely cancelled. When it comes to the reason for postponing the exercise, Podzic underlined that the epidemiological situation related to COVID-19 has deteriorated and it is necessary to protect the soldiers from being infected. “Due to inaccurate information that appeared in certain media that the exercise has been cancelled, I want to emphasize that the exercise has not been cancelled. The exercise has been postponed only due to a deteriorated epidemiological situation, both in B&H and Serbia”, noted the minister. The Minister said that the COVID-19 immunization rate among B&H AF members is low so he does not want to take the risk of contagion among them. He concluded that the exercise will take place as soon as the epidemiological situation normalizes. B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic (DF) and B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) said in a joint statement that Podzic’s decision to cancel the military exercise is justified, while Milorad Dodik’s request for Podzic’s removal is unfounded and represents politicizing.

EPP holds summit on eve of EU-Western Balkans summit; Dzaferovic: Message of the meeting is that Western Balkans has European perspective and that EU advocates expansion on the region (FTV)

The European People’s Party (EPP) held a summit in Slovenia on Tuesday on the eve of the EU-Western Balkans summit. B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) and B&H House of Peoples speaker Dragan Covic (HDZ B&H) also participated. Dzaferovic told reporters after the summit that he presented his views on the situation in B&H, the current work blockade in BiH institutions, the Election Law of B&H and the HR’s law banning the genocide denial in B&H, and that he warned that the situation in B&H is dangerous and worrisome. He said that he also presented the proposal to reduce the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) to the status of the RS Council of Peoples (CoP). Covic discussed the issue of legitimate representation of constituent peoples in B&H with the EU and regional leaders, on the sidelines of the EPP’s summit. He posted a Tweet later on Tuesday in which he said that he met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. They discussed the situation in the region, the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of B&H, expressing support to immediate changes in that regard with respect for the legitimate representation of all three constituent peoples.

Dzaferovic says that EPP summit confirmed that Western Balkans is part of EU (BHT1)

In an interview for BHT1, member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic talked about the summit held on Wednesday. Among other things, Dzaferovic said that it was important meeting in function of preparation for the EU – Western Balkans Summit that will be held on Thursday. He stressed that summit of the EPP group was held on Wednesday and reminded that members of the EPP are important part of the EU administration. Dzaferovic went on to saying that most important thing is that once again it was confirmed the Western Balkans is part of the EU and it needs yet to become part of the EU institutions. He underlined that the EU perspective of all the Western Balkans countries is clear, adding that all these countries need to fulfill certain conditions. Member of B&H Presidency stressed that when it comes to B&H, it needs to implement 14 priorities from the EC Opinion to B&H’s application for the EU membership. He emphasized that B&H does not need to fulfill all 14 priorities to get status of the EU candidate country, adding that it needs to demonstrate serious work in this regard. Dzaferovic went on to saying that pessimistic predictions there are the EU countries which oppose the EU enlargement and that this stance might become official policy of the EU proved to be ungrounded. He explained that Slovenia even called on the EU to set 2030 as final deadline for the EU accession of all the Western Balkans countries. Member of B&H Presidency said that there cannot be stability in the Western Balkans or the EU until all countries from this part of Europe become members of abovementioned bloc. Dzaferovic believes that achieving of stability for entire Western Balkans requires membership of countries from this part of Europe in NATO as well regardless to the fact some countries from the region have different agenda in regards to military cooperation and security aspect.

Borenovic discusses current political situation and challenges in region with Vucic (BNTV)

PDP leader Branislav Borenovic met on Tuesday with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Slovenia, ahead the EU-Western Balkans Summit. According to unofficial information available to BNTV, Borenovic and Vucic discussed the current political situation and challenges in the region in the upcoming period. Borenovic also met with former President of the European Council Donald Tusk and Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz.

Candidate for US Ambassador to B&H Murphy addresses Senate; My priority will be sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H (Avaz)

Candidate for the US Ambassador to B&H, Michael Murphy addressed the US Senate on Tuesday night and answered the questions. Murphy said that he is honored to be considered for this post and underlined that he will do everything in his power to improve interests of the USA in B&H. Stressing that he would look forward to return to Sarajevo, Murphy noted that during his career there was a strong bipartisan consensus about integral Europe, which is prosperous and in line with US national interest. “US engagement in B&H is crucial for achieving this goal and our leadership is necessary there,” said Murphy. He underlined that in case his appointment is confirmed, his priority would be support to implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, reforms at the state level and B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He noted that 26 years of peace is a great achievement, but must not be took for granted, adding that it is necessary to support independent and democratic, multi-ethnic B&H and give support to the Office of the High Representative and ‘5+2 Agenda’. Murphy presented his priorities in case he is confirmed stressing that he will first support the EU and NATO integration of BIH and work with allies and partners on enabling of key reforms for integration process, which is the safest path to democratic, prosperous and safe future of all BIH citizens. Secondly, Murphy noted, he will support reforms in rule of the law sector, especially anti-corruption activities, arguing that corruption in B&H undermines national security of the USA, by undermining functionality and stability necessary for implementation of the DPA by endangering EU and NATO perspective of B&H. Thirdly, Murphy said that he will support increasing of economic growth, strengthening of trade and US investments. Fourth, Murphy said that he will work on standing against efforts of local and foreign stakeholders, especially of Russia and China, which endanger US interests and undermine B&H’s future. Finally, Murphy said that he will focus on security and welfare of US citizens and all their employees in B&H.


Message to the Western Balkans is clear: No EU enlargement for time being (Jutarnji list, by Zeljko Trkanjec)

The daily reported that the EU- Western Balkans Summit, held under the Slovenian Presidency over the EU, started at Brdo near Kranj on Tuesday and before the Summit the meeting of European People’s Party (EPP) took place, which was attended by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The EPP meeting was followed by a dinner, during which the officials held “a strategic discussion about role of the Union at the international scene in light of recent developments in Afghanistan, security partnership of USA, UK and Australia (AUKUS) and development of our relations with China”, as was announced in the letter sent by President of the European Council Charles Michel. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell underlined that changes in the US society will influence the role of the USA in the world and he stressed that cooperation with the USA is much better in the region of the Western Balkans as was demonstrated during the recent solving of the crisis between Kosovo and Serbia. The daily noted that Slovenian President Janez Jansa had great hopes for the Summit, hoping that the final document will list the year 2030 as the date of new EU enlargement and accession of the countries of the region. However, according to the rumors from Brussels, this was ridiculed, the daily reads and notes that they got the chance to review the final draft of the document which was agreed by Ambassadors (Committee of Permanent Representatives- COREPER), which does not mention the date. The daily noted that the document started with the usual terminology about undisputable support to the European perspective of the western Balkans, “joint strategic interests”, “EU dedication to the enlargement” and this is followed by “based on the credible reforms of the partners, just and more rigorous conditioning and principle of their own merits”. According to the author’s stance, this is followed by a crucial sentence: “We remind that the EU can preserve and deepen its own development, by securing the aptitude for integration of new members”, which author interprets that means that the EU will discuss the enlargement only after solving its own problems, which are plenty. The daily noted that continuation of the document, which is ten pages long, repeats the thesis about dedication to the rule of the law, European values and principles, fight against corruption and organized crime. “Credibility of these obligations depends on meaningful implementation of necessary reforms and achieving of good results, supported by clear and consistent communication”, reads the document and the author noted that this means that the EU wants to see actions and not only declarative promises. When it comes to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his posters all over Belgrade where he thanks Chinese President Xi Jinping, the EU underlined that the EU is the closest partner to the region, the main investor and the most important donor. “Range of this support is without precedent and it has to be fully recognized and partners have to convey it in public discussion and communication”, reads the document and author elaborates that this means that it is acceptable for Serbia to thank China, but only if at the same time they underline that two-thirds of Serbian foreign exchange is with the EU and that the EU sent aid in peak of the pandemic, while China was selling the equipment. In conclusion, the document reads: “The EU support will continue to be connected to tangible progress in the rule of law and socioeconomic reforms, as well as dedication which the partners will demonstrate towards European values, regulations and standards”. It is stated that the EU welcomes intra-regional connections, removing and abolishing of trading and transport obstacles and creating of conditions for freedom of movement. The EU further asks for “determined efforts for encouraging of the reconciliation and regional stability, as well as finding and implementation of final, inclusive and obligatory solutions for bilateral disputes and issues based on heritage of the past, in line with the international law and determined principles, including Agreement on Succession and remaining cases of missing persons and war crimes”.


Krivokapic to present reshuffle plan to leaders (Pobjeda)

Today, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic is to present to the leaders of the parliamentary majority the plan for the government reshuffle, which includes the final number of Ministries and DPM positions, but without specific names, Pobjeda has learned. Several Pobjeda sources from the parliamentary majority said that it was an agreement from the previous individual meeting of the Prime Minister and the leaders of the parties that make up the parliamentary majority.

Konjevic: EC report will be negative, Govt hasn’t made a single step forward (Gradski portal)

Every WB country that deserves to be a part of the EU will join it sooner or later. Although the leader in the integration process, Montenegro is still waiting for the European Commission report, which will be negative, assesses the Leader of the Social Democratic Party, SDP Rasko Konjevic. “It will be the first time that we get a negative EC report on several areas. Until recently we were the leader in the integration process, we opened certain chapters and closed some others, but the most important ones are Chapters 23 and 24 and we haven’t completed the negotiations until we close them,” Konjevic told while speaking in a morning show ‘Rujna Zora’ (Red Dawn) screened on the Gradski TV. The fact is, he adds, that Zdravko Krivokapic’s government hasn’t made even a minimum progress in the integration process. The question is “whether we are creating a good political will and environment for the reforms”, as the rules on the road to the EU are well known. Despite rising tensions in the region, the leader of the SDP doesn’t think its stability or the stability of Montenegro is going to be threatened.


Pendarovski– Sakellaropoulou: We have clear political will and intention to fully implement the Prespa Agreement (MIA)

The Prespa Agreement, its full and consistent implementation, possibilities to deepen bilateral cooperation were in the focus of a meeting between Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski and Greece’s President Katerina Sakellaropoulou at the presidential palace in Athens. The two presidents highlighted the importance of the official visit given that it is a first historic visit organized at high level by the two countries, MIA’s Athens correspondent reports. President Pendarovski said he had found out while traveling to Athens that the two commissions arising from the Prespa Agreement have agreed on a date for their next meeting. “Your visit is a first official visit by a President of the Republic of North Macedonia to my country. Thus, it gains particular importance and symbolism for the relations between our countries,” said the Greek President. Sakellaropoulou stressed the importance that Greece attaches to strengthening bilateral relations and the European perspective of Macedonia. “To hold a first meeting at the highest political level after 30 years between two countries that are immediate neighbors is a major thing. We had excellent cooperation even before, but since 2018 we’ve set the political and legal framework called the Prespa Agreement, which enabled us to cooperate even better. I’d like to mention a legal principle which you know well, and to which we intend to hold on when it comes to the Prespa Agreement – Pacta sunt servanda, which means that agreements must be kept,” said Pendarovski. Pendarovski and Sakellaropoulou agreed that a lot has been done in the past two and a half years. “I’d say the largest and most difficult part has been implemented. Of course, there are a few more things that need to be completed, and as I said, we have an absolutely clear political will and intention to completely fulfill the agreement. Prespa enabled us to join NATO, and our next goal for which we expect your support is to start accession negotiations with the European Union and thus, wrap up our Euro-Atlantic dream,” Pendarovski said after the meeting with Sakellaropoulou. I’m sure you would agree that full, consistent and in good will implementation of the Prespa Agreement is key to achieve these two goals. It has already been two-and-a-half years since the Prespa Agreement entered into force. We recognize that positive steps have been made by North Macedonia, but still there are many unresolved issues. Resolving these outstanding issues will enable further development of our cooperation,” Sakellaropoulou said, adding that all aspects of bilateral cooperation are being considered by the Greek side. President Pendarovski pointed out that this visit and the meeting with Sakellaropoulou indeed have a historic dimension.

Mickoski in Ljubljana: The EU path is far from us because of the criminogenic Zaev-led government (TV Alfa)

“I expect, as you said, unequivocal support and full support for the Western Balkans’ EU integration and a clear European perspective for the countries in the region. But I have to say that I am worried about the information I received from the margins. At the insistence of an EU member state to set a precise date that would be a deadline for the integration of the Western Balkan countries, unfortunately, two member states did not accept it to be part of the conclusions of tomorrow’s EU Summit on the Western Balkans. And that practically calls into question the clear and unequivocal European perspective of the Western Balkan countries,” Hristijan Mickoski, leader of VMRO-DPMNE, said in an interview with TV Alfa. Mickoski added that it does not make us happy, it disappoints us, and if it is confirmed as true information, the question immediately arises whether Macedonia and the citizens are living in a dream for the past 5 years, which in fact will not be possible to achieve. “That dream is a big lie, which the current government of SDSM and Zoran Zaev have been telling us for the past 52 months, and in essence it is an attempt to kept themselves on the political scene as long as possible. And to continue normally with crime and everything that Macedonian citizens have witnessed in the past 52 months or for the past 5 years,” Mickoski explained. But what makes me especially happy, he added, is that the European People’s Party, the largest political family in Europe, maintains strong position that the future of the Western Balkan countries is within the EU, he stressed.

Macedonia is entering a new cycle of crisis because of the lack of EU perspective (Republika)

Despite all the objections about high levels of crime and growing corruption, the lack of judicial reforms and the economic backsliding, Macedonia should be allowed to open its EU accession talks, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during his meeting with the leader of the EPP party Donald Tusk. Mickoski and the party’s international secretary Timco Mucunski are in Slovenia for the EU – Balkans summit, where the EPP leaders are gathered. This country and its path to the EU can’t be kept hostage to Zoran Zaev, Mickoski told Tusk. The opposition leader warned that the news coming from Slovenia are not good – given that the EU member states were unwilling to set a clear timeline when Macedonia will be allowed to open its EU accession talks, and also refused a proposal from Slovenia that 2030 is set as the deadline when the Balkan countries should be admitted to the EU. “Unfortunately, two EU member states refused this initiative. If confirmed, this will put into question what was a clear EU perspective for the Western Balkan countries, Mickoski said, noting that Zaev made numerous concessions, but is still unable to secure a date to open the accession talks. “This brings the country in a new crisis cycle,” Mickoski added.


Xhacka: EU steps that we should follow are still unclear (Radio Tirana)

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka, at a joint press conference in Tirana, with the OSCE Chairwoman-in-Office, Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde, stated that there is uncertainty in the EU regarding further steps of the region in the integration process. "And this uncertainty, in addition to the damage it does to the EU reputation, also damages the paradigm on which stability and cooperation in the Western Balkans region are built," said Xhacka. She said that "the active commitment of the Swedish Presidency and the attention shown to the region, is a message, which has certainly been properly read as a message of commitment and support." Minister Xhacka reaffirmed the full will of the government of Albania for comprehensive cooperation and contribution to multilateralism.

Linde: We support the EU integration of Albania (Radio Tirana)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden and at the same time the chairwoman-in office of the OSCE, Ann Linde stated today in Tirana that the decision to open membership talks is the right step for Albania. "Sweden supports the process of integration of Albania. Sweden supports your reforms on the road to the EU. The EU decision to open negotiations for Albania's membership is a milestone for our relations. "We encourage you to continue the reforms," ​​said Ann Linde.

"I would like to express my appreciation for the Albanian government, for its excellent cooperation with the OSCE presence here. I encourage Albania as a host country to continue and make full use of its assistance and expertise to advance the country's strategic objectives. Through its presence, the OSCE will continue to provide strong support to the country's reform processes. "I renew the OSCE offer to provide assistance and expertise in this and other relevant areas," Linde said.

Kim: Safe institutions are needed for the rule of law to work (Radio Tirana)

The Institute for Girls and Women in National and International Security Policy convened this Tuesday. Also present at the event was the US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim, who in her speech emphasized the three priorities, democracy, defense and business. "Our work at the US Embassy focuses on three priorities: democracy, protection and business . "Secure institutions are needed for the rule of law, the implementation of the Justice Reform, the institutions, the business," said Ambassador Kim.