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Belgrade Media Report 29 October


Vucic: Sino-Serbian projects worth almost 8 billion Euros (Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday said projects jointly pursued by Serbia and China were worth almost 8 billion Euros and that the two countries maintained exceptional relations, supporting each other and strengthening their trade ties. Addressing a press conference after a closed-door discussion with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and a plenary meeting between Serbian and Chinese delegations, Vucic said he was pleased Wang was visiting Serbia, and added that they had had a long conversation on all subjects. “With China, we have joint projects worth almost 8 billion Euros,” Vucic noted, adding that Serbia and China supported each other in international institutions and organizations and that bilateral trade between the two countries had tripled over the past five years. He said China was Serbia’s third-largest trade partner but also rising at lightning speed. “We have exceptional relations graced by a steely friendship. Thank you and the President of China for your support to Serbia,” Vucic told Wang. Vucic said he was particularly glad and surprised Wang had noted a need for cooperation in innovative modern technologies, robotics and artificial intelligence. “That way, with China’s support, Serbia can keep up with the world's most developed countries,” Vucic said.

Wang: Vucic exceptional leader, Serbia, Serbs have spine

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday in Belgrade the 1.4 billion of Chinese knew they had a ‘steely friend’ in the west of the Eurasian continent - Serbia, and added that, under the exceptional leadership of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia and the Serbs had a spine and that China would continue to support Serbia. “China will continue to support firmly the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Serbia and stand closely with the Serbs on those issues,” Wang said at a press conference with Vucic following a meeting of Serbian and Chinese delegations at the Palace of Serbia. “The Chinese people know there is an exceptional leader who is firmly maintaining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and dignity of his country and nation and insisting on the friendship with China, and that is President Vucic,” Wang said. He said Serbia and the Serbs had their principles and that the people of China were proud to have such a good and true friend. Under the strategic guidance of Vucic and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Serbia and China do not only maintain traditionally good relations but also have a new vitality - a stable and indestructible friendship, he said. Wang also said Serbia was giving unequivocal support to China. He said China’s Belt and Road initiative was already producing results for both sides, in particular for Serbia. “We know there are objections over the cooperation between Serbia and China, but we have great confidence that we will persevere in the cooperation and that what we are doing is in mutual interest,” Wang said, adding that the two countries were on the right side of history.

Vucic: Pristina’s refusal to deliver on agreements a question for EU (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday the EU should respond to Pristina’s refusal to implement a Community of Serb Municipalities. Speaking to reporters, he said Pristina’s refusal to deliver on what had been agreed under the Brussels agreement and the arrogance of the Pristina politicians said more about them than it did about Belgrade. Commenting on a statement by Vjosa Osmani that the so-called Kosovo would not change its constitution for the sake of the Community and that Serbia was the cancer of Europe, Vucic said it was a question for Europe. “If they do not want to change it... We have understood their message and we will wait for a response from Europe and the EU. We will not change that part of our constitution either, and then what? Will they kill the Serbs, expel them?,” Vucic said. He added that Belgrade would always act in a responsible manner and maintain peace and stability despite Pristina’s arrogant behavior.

Millard: Serbia is key US partner committed to preserving a stable Western Balkans (Tanjug)

Advisor to the US Ambassador to the United Nations Elizabeth Millard has stated that Serbia is a key US partner committed to preserving a secure and stable Western Balkans, a partner that, as she pointed out, is strengthening its position on the world stage, reports Tanjug. At a reception organized by the Serbian Consulate General in New York on the occasion of 140 years since the establishment of Serbia-US diplomatic relations, Millard recalled famous Serbs such as Nikola Tesla and David Vujic and stressed that the anniversary of diplomatic relations is dedicated to a common history and a bright future. At the reception held in Hudson Yards, one of the most prestigious parts of Manhattan, she said that whenever Serbs and Americans work, create, and play together, great things happen. “And what is even more important, Serbia is a friend to the United States for the next 140 years,” said Millard and reminded that in 1881 two agreements were signed - the Trade Agreement and the Consular Convention, which initiated dynamic relations that are growing today. Millard also said that her message was simple. “Just like 140 years ago, the United States stands with Serbia on the path to creating a modern, prosperous state in the heart of Europe, we are committed to strengthening economic cooperation, advancing reforms and good relations with all neighbors,” she said. According to her, the roots of these unbreakable ties do not lie in governments, but in everyday connections, friendship and trust between the Serbian and American people. She said that an indicators of growing economic ties is the opening of a modern NCR campus in Belgrade that employs 5,000 people, as well as cooperation in all fields.

Selakovic thanks Slovakia for support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTV/Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Thursday in Bratislava, at the beginning of a two-day official visit to Slovakia, with Slovak Foreign Minister Ivan Korcok. At a joint press conference, Selakovic reminded that trade relations in the first eight months showed serious signs of economic recovery after a year of pandemic. In the first eight months, Serbian exports to Slovakia increased by 43.9 percent, and Slovakia’s exports to Serbia by 50.9 percent. As of September, we will exceed the level we had throughout 2020, he underlined. He expressed confidence that the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Economic Cooperation between Serbia and Slovakia would consider the possibilities of developing economic potentials. Selakovic expressed gratitude to Slovakia and Minister Korcok for supporting Serbia on its European path, believing that after a positive progress report, concrete reforms will be rewarded with the opening of new negotiating clusters. Also, Selakovic thanked Slovakia for providing support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. I assure you, Belgrade is the participant in the negotiation process between Belgrade and Pristina who is dedicated to dialogue as the only way to resolve the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. We refrain from responding to provocations and unilateral actions, and we are committed to the implementation of the agreements reached in 10 years of negotiations, Selakovic said. Selakovic also reminded that one very important link between Serbia and Slovakia, the Slovak national community in Serbia, is a community of honest, hard-working and good people. Korcok pointed out that Slovakia strongly supports Serbia’s European path, and that the achieved progress must be rewarded by opening a cluster, emphasizing that in connection with the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, everything that has been agreed must be implemented. He assessed that bilateral cooperation is excellent and that economic cooperation should be further developed, and emphasized that those successes and job creation are important to Slovakia. Selakovic also talked last night with Prime Minister of Slovakia Eduard Heger. After the meeting, Selakovic pointed out that Slovakia continues to provide strong and principled support to Serbia on the issue of preserving our territorial integrity and sovereignty, with the support of continuing the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, in order to find a compromise solution to the Kosovo and Metohija problem. He also pointed out the strong and unequivocally clear support of Slovakia to Serbia’s efforts to achieve its strategic goal, which is EU membership.

Dacic: Vucic to be SNS-SPS candidate if he runs for president (TV K1/Tanjug/RTS)

Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic on Thursday said Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic would be the joint candidate of the SNS and the SPS if he ran for president in next year's elections. In an appearance on TV K1, Dacic said the main news from a recent meeting of the SNS and SPS leaderships was that they were pleased with the parties’ cooperation to date and that it would be continued after the elections. “Since the opposition will likely have a different approach than in some other elections - which means that it will certainly have in mind a need for some kind of unification - that implies an appropriate response on the other side,” Dacic said.

Agreement on electoral conditions signed in Serbian parliament (Tanjug/Beta/RTS)

An agreement on improvement of electoral conditions was signed in the Serbian parliament on Friday. It was signed by parliament speaker Ivica Dacic and representatives of the parties that had formed a working group on inter-party dialogue - the Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia, which are a part of the ruling coalition, and seven opposition parties: Dveri, the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, the Serbian Oathkeepers Party, the Serbian Radical Party, Healthy Serbia and Enough Is Enough. The agreement deals with electoral legislation and the electoral process itself, including submission of electoral lists and collection of signatures, control over the electoral roll, the election day and election results, as well as with campaign financing and reporting by the public broadcaster and other media. The signatories said 3 April election date had been set in the agreement and that presidential and parliamentary elections would be called on 3 March and 15 February, respectively.

Von Cramon: EC report tends “to give something to Serbia’s President ahead of poll (Beta/N1)

MEP Viola von Cramon-Taubadel said in Belgrade on Thursday the European Commission (EC) job was not to sound positive in its report on Serbia’s progress to the EU and give something to Serbia's President before the elections. “(Report) has the signature of the Hungarian commissioner. And as I said earlier, there is a tendency to give something to Serbia’s President before the elections. That is normal and okay, but that is not the job of the Commission,” she told journalists and added the report still had a lot of critical points and was realistic. Von Cramon is on a visit to Serbia to support the countries’ environmentalist’s petition. “If you have critical remarks regarding the current situation, how can you finally have an idea to open clusters. We need to discuss this in the coming weeks. I see many signs of skepticism among my colleagues in the parliament,” Von Cramon said. She added that the government’s treatment of the media, which did not favor it, and anyone with different opinions, was unacceptable. Few member states, Von Cramon said, were aware of the situation in the Western Balkans, so there was no interest in enlargement. “That must change.” “If we are more present and if we know what’s happening, we can understand better. If we are not interested, it is normal to have frustration in countries that want to join. Some countries make progress but are pushed into the same basket as those that don’t make it. The whole region is seen as a hopeless case,” she said. Answering the question about the potential agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, she said that the development of the situation in the dialogue depended exclusively on Serbia and Kosovo but did not expect any progress before the elections in Serbia next spring.

Mihajlovic: Von Cramon lobbying for Kosovo (Beta/N1)

Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said the talks between the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Kosovo Von Cramon and a part of the opposition, have to do with lobbying for the recognition of Kosovo. “Their talks with Viola von Cramon are lobbying for the recognition of so-called Kosovo. There will be no talks about the environment because she is interested in only one thing, and that is to advocate the independence of Kosovo,” Mihajlovic said. Earlier, a ZSS statement said that “the residents of the village of Gornje Nedeljice are directly endangered by the planned construction of the Rio Tinto jadarite mine. The locals will be forced to move out and leave their households and the fertile land where they produce food for people in Serbia”. Von Cramon is a member of the German Alliance 90/the Greens and the European Green Party.

EU decision on opening new clusters with Serbia due by end-November (Tanjug)

The EU member states are due by end-November to make a decision on opening new clusters in the accession talks with Serbia and, in case the green light is given, the clusters are expected to be opened in December. “Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi yesterday presented to the ambassadors of member states the Commission’s progress report on Serbia, and now it is up to the capitals of the EU to study it and make a decision,” a diplomatic source in Brussels told Tanjug on Thursday. The EC has proposed the opening of Cluster 3, which consists of eight negotiating chapters in the field of competitiveness and inclusive growth, and Cluster 4, which consists of four chapters related to the green agenda and sustainable connectivity. Under the previous methodology of the EU accession process, Serbia has already opened five chapters in Cluster 3. On the other hand, the country has as yet opened none of the chapters in Cluster 4, but they are all technically ready and have been tabled to a Council of the EU working group on enlargement. Opening the clusters requires a consensus by the EU 27.



Schmidt addresses B&H parliament; Every attempt to destroy progress made in past 26 years will not be accepted (BHT1


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt addressed members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) in Sarajevo on Thursday. The session of the B&H HoR which had only one item on the agenda - the HR's address - was not attended by the MPs from Republika Srpska (RS). Schmidt stressed that it is unacceptable for the institutions to be hostages and to try to undo any progress made in the past 26 years. Schmidt assessed that there was not much constructive dialogue nor results concerning key laws in the B&H parliament, noting that he absolutely does not understand that someone is blocking the institutions which, as he stated, are the right place for talks. "MPs have left the institutions of B&H, including this House, the most important body for discussing laws, precisely at the very moment when they should be debating, discussing and drafting the much needed reform legislation that would benefit every citizen and move the country forward on the path to the EU. Giving up and leaving and jeopardizing the future of the citizens, which this body represents, is not an option," Schmidt emphasized. The HR stressed that decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H when it comes to state property are final and binding, and that unilateral abolition of laws is unacceptable. Schmidt pointed out that the international community will not accept any attempt to undermine progress. MPs in the B&H HoR, among other things, asked the HR what else needs to happen for him to use the Bonn powers and sanction those who are undermining the constitutional and legal order of B&H. "I am not Paddy Ashdown. We will not go back to that time because there has been a handover of responsibility to the local authorities," Schmidt underlined. MPs in the B&H HoR who listened to the HR's address deemed it as useful, encouraging and soothing, especially in terms of the reaction to the moves that undermine the constitutional and legal order of B&H. DF MP in the B&H HoR Dzenan Djonlagic stressed that what the MPs heard from the HR is that "if that actually happens on the scene that reaction of the OHR and the HR will not be impossible." Speaker of the B&H HoR Denis Zvizdic said that if one analyzes Schmidt's answers, one can read from them all that it is important at the moment to resolve the current situation and what is important for the further European future of B&H.

Schmidt pointed out that calls for divisions and disintegration must stop, stressing that the citizens of B&H do not deserve fear. The HR called on the MPs to work together and not allow B&H to go backwards. Schmidt pointed out that he does not understand that someone is blocking the Parliament, which is the first place for talks. "I repeat to those who thought that things would be easy, no. My predecessor was here for a long time and it took a long time until he passed the law. But again, the powers are in a drawer and I do not rule out the possibility of opening that drawer," Schmidt underlined. Schmidt emphasized that it is unacceptable for the institutions to be anyone's hostages, and called on the representatives of the RS to return to the joint B&H institutions and participate in their work. “The international community will not sit idly by and watch what is happening. Every attempt to destroy the progress made in the past 26 years will not be accepted”. Addressing the media after the session, Zvizdic said: “Certainly, and I am sure about that, if decision is made for the law to enter in force, to derogate the competencies of the Agency for Medicinal Products, thus preventing the RS citizens to have access to medicinal products, a key element for numerous therapies, the OHR (Office of the High Representative) will react. But I am not sure the said law will ever enter in force”. SDA representative at the B&H parliament Adil Osmanovic expressed satisfaction with what Schmidt said, i.e. “that he will act in accordance with the Bonn Powers the moment it is assessed, and that not only him, but other international officials also are monitoring the situation”. The reporter notes it is interesting that Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) member countries were invited to the session, however some are of view the diplomatic corps ignored Schmidt’s address.

Schmidt meets with Komsic and Dzaferovic, stresses need for all representatives to unconditionally return to B&H institutions and unblock their functionality (Hayat


Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Zeljko Komsic, and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency, Sefik Dzaferovic, held a meeting on Thursday with HR Christian Schmidt. They spoke of the current situation in B&H and it was emphasized that tensions must be calmed and work in state-level institutions must be unblocked. Reforms must continue, especially those that need to be implemented on B&H’s path towards the EU. The main messages sent from this meeting refer to full respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement DPA), the integrity and sovereignty of B&H.

The OHR issued a statement reading that High Representative talked with two members of B&H Presidency about all challenges that are ahead of B&H. It also reads that High Representative expressed all international support to the Presidency and underlined that any agreement has to be achieved within B&H institutions. Following meeting with members of the Presidency, Schmidt said that achieved peace and everything else that was achieved over last 26 years will not be undermined.

Covic: Duty of all is to find political solution instead of threats (O Kanal)


President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic organized a meeting with journalists on Thursday, days before he is set to take over the post of Speaker of the B&H House of People (B&H HoP). He stated that B&H is at the peak of a crisis and the next step will be a downfall. Covic stressed that the duty of all is to find a joint political solution, since dialogue is better than threats. He stated that the B&H Constitution needs to be respected and changes to the election law need to enable Croats to appoint their legitimate representative. Covic said that the B&H Presidency currently has two Bosniak members and the alleged Croat member is offended because he claims the international community is protecting the interests of Croats. He said that there is not wish to create a third entity through changes to the election law. Covic said that irresponsible Bosniak policy could force Croats to think otherwise. Asked why he does not criticize the statements and acts of Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Covic said that it is not his style and stated that to him separatism and unitarism are identical, since they feed each other and create a crisis. He said that he has no issue in saying this to Dodik and to Izetbegovic. Commenting on the work of the OHR, Covic said that he is certain that High Representative Christian Schmidt will never use Bonn Powers. He added that OHR would have left B&H a long time ago if things were good. Covic assessed that B&H is incapable but it also prolongs the life of OHR.


Palmer and Eichhorst meet Izetbegovic and Covic (Nova BH


US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey at the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst held talks with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic about the election reform. The talks started at the residence of US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson. Addressing the media before the meeting, Izetbegovic said: “Friends from the international community have made a decision to focus on this virtual issue, and to set aside the two real issues for now”. Commenting on the talks on the election reform, Izetbegovic said: “What we were informed by Mr. Palmer was that it would go at the expense of the pro-Bosnian bloc in B&H, the line of the least resistance. I think I succeeded in proving to them that it would not be the line of the least resistance, but of stronger resistance, so a medium solution will need to be found.” After the meeting, Covic confirmed that the international community insists on an urgent solution, and added there are two potential solutions. “One solution is indirect election. We offered it, and I see colleague Izetbegovic is again talking about it. We eliminated it, although it is the simplest. I do not mind,” said Covic, and added the second proposal is to have two constituencies “exclusively on the day of elections” for the election of two B&H Presidency members, which would “cease to exist” immediately after the elections. Covic went on to say that another option is to link the elections of the B&H Presidency members to cantons, “since they are part of the elections”, noting that, in that case, the census should be taken into account, noting “then we all go in accordance with the population structure, so no one can trick anyone. It is known there is five per cent of Croats in Sarajevo. Multiply the number of Croats who run in elections with five, and you get the number. There is no rigging, those who rig, lose”. Izetbegovic was the first to leave the meeting, visibly disgruntled. Addressing the media Izetbegovic said the mediators from the international community are persistently trying to “reduce a format to talks between HDZ and SDA. I told them it cannot go that way. We need two-third majority in the Parliament for the constitutional changes to be adopted, and ignoring the people from the opposition, from left and civic political parties, in addition to not being fair, is not smart”. Izetbegovic also said such negotiations with HDZ B&H would not be held, but the protection of the rights of Croats at the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the Federation of B&H HoP without imposing the will of minority over majority could be discussed. Covic did not want to comment this after the meeting, noting only that the meetings would continue.

Dodik: I do not expect anything from Palmer’s visit (RTRS


Member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serb people Milorad Dodik said that he does not expect anything from the visit of US Special Envoy on Reform of Electoral Legislation in B&H Matthew Palmer, adding that he does not expect much from the meeting that will be held on Thursday evening. The reporter noted that Palmer came to Sarajevo for a new round on reform of electoral legislation and he met with leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic on Thursday. Ahead of the meeting with Palmer, Dodik stated that it was not stipulated for foreigners to rule B&H, but the Constitution. He stressed that electoral legislation is one of competences that were transferred from the entity level to B&H level in an attempt to build a state. Dodik underlined that as far as he knows, Palmer’s activities have been reduced to one issue and only to relations between Muslims and Croats to find some solution.

Niksic slams Palmer's statement regarding election of Presidency of B&H members (Dnevni list


SDP leader Nermin Niksic wrote on his Facebook profile that SDP has been and still is a force that fights for state of B&H, a state of equal citizens and peoples. According to Niksic, SDP remains dedicated to preserving peace, territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of B&H. The SDP leader further wrote that talks have no alternative and that problems should and can be resolved only in institutions of B&H, namely the Parliament of B&H, the Presidency of B&H and the Council of Ministers of B&H. Niksic also wrote that Palmer gave a statement about one state, two entities and three constituent peoples, mentioning along the way that the only problem is the issue of election of members of the Presidency of B&H. In this context Niksic said SDP finds it unacceptable that the all the problem is reduced to the issue of election of members of the Presidency of B&H, whilst competences of the House of Peoples remain unchanged so blockades of the authorities can remain in place. The SDP leader further noted that SDP also finds unacceptable that SDA and DF are abusing the fight for B&H via their portal, stressing that SDP and their partners in the opposition will continue to fight for the principles and the state of B&H. “Therefore, fight for B&H YES, single party abuse of the fight NO!” wrote Niksic. Meanwhile, SDP B&H Vice President and party delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), Denis Becirovic said that the agreement can always be reached if reasonable people take part in discussion. Becirovic stressed that agreements must be reached in line with the Constitution of B&H and the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Becirovic said HDZ B&H’s model is unacceptable as it tries to “violate legality of the process by insisting on the legitimate representation”. Asked if representatives of the international community (IC) lean towards accepting HDZ B&H’s model, Becirovic emphasized that there is “no space in B&H for further ethnic divisions or introduction of new apartheid”. Becirovic said asymmetrical model is unacceptable for SDP B&H, and this party only supports solutions that are in line with European models. As B&H aspires towards Euro-Atlantic integration, Becirovic says European standards must be implemented in this country. He called on IC representatives in B&H to only advocate and support the standards that exist in the EU and in the member states that they represent. “All that you do not want, and what you do not have in your own countries, do not resolve over backs of citizens of B&H,” Becirovic pleaded the international representatives.

Prodanovic: Erasing ethic prefixes from electoral legislation on B&H House of Peoples is not possible (Glas Srpske


US Special Envoy for the Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EEAS Angelina Eichhorst met with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic to discuss possible changes to B&H Election Law. Eichhorst and Palmer are expected to meet with representatives of parliamentary parties from the RS on Friday. The daily comments that the beginning of the talks indicates that the path to reform will not be easy, because one of the proposals includes erasing ethnic prefixes in B&H House of Peoples. There is no consensus on this issue within the Federation of B&H (FB&H), and the RS will not accept this solution either, comments the daily. Before his visit to B&H, Palmer stirred up controversy by saying that if there is no consensus on the FB&H and B&H House of Peoples, then it is necessary to focus on method of election of B&H Presidency members. Commenting the idea of erasing the ethnic prefixes in electoral rules on B&H House of Peoples, SNSD’s Lazar Prodanovic said that this idea is not acceptable at all. He underlined that BIH as a state is based on the principle of three constituent peoples. “Any reduction of the constitutional position of the House of Peoples is not acceptable. Competences prescribed by the Constitution are well-known,” said Prodanovic. When it comes to the issue of election of B&H Presidency members, the RS made its stance clear already and that it is possible to amend the Election Law to stipulate that one member of Presidency is elected in the RS, Prodanovic reminded. He underlined that there will be no progress if there are any extreme demands.

Izetbegovic meets Kalabukhov: Russia supports continuation of EUFOR mission, but not role of HR (Oslobodjenje)  


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic met on Thursday with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. Kalabukhov emphasized that Russia is interested in preservation of peace and stability in B&H. He informed Izetbegovic that Russia will support continuation of the EUFOR Althea mission as a principle, but Russia will not be able to vote for the proposed text of the UN Security Council resolution on EUFOR if it mentions the role of High Representative Christian Schmidt. Izetbegovic said that with a balanced approach to all sides in B&H, Russia can be a stabilizing factor. Izetbegovic and Kalabukhov agreed that B&H and Russia need a higher level of understanding which can be achieved through higher level of visits and communication. Izetbegovic expressed hope that Russia will reconsider its stance on the High Representative.

SNSD Main Board discusses initiative for restoring RS’ competences (ATV


The Main Board of SNSD held a session in Pale on Thursday and the focus of its session was set on the initiative to restore the RS’ competences, which were transferred onto the B&H level. On this occasion, the SNSD Main Board’s session was attended by around 450 members while several members absent due to COVID-19 infection. The SNSD Main Board members who were at the session discussed the platform for how all representatives from the RS, from rank of SNSD, will act until the seized competences are returned to the RS. The Main Board announced that the RS parliament should discuss a set of laws that would aim towards restoring the RS’ competences. According to the SNSD Main Board’s conclusions, SNSD will discuss this set of laws together with its coalition partners before they are submitted to the RS parliament for discussion. It has been announced that the initiative for restoring the competences that initially belonged to the RS will include withdrawing the RS’ consent from agreements, signed with the Federation of B&H, on formation of the B&H Armed Forces (AF), the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H, and the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of B&H. This was already discussed by the SNSD Presidency, and the Main Board endorsed its conclusions. During the session, members of the Main Board reiterated the stances from the RS that Christian Schmidt is definitely not the HR in B&H and that the RS does not recognize him as such. According to the Main Board, the RS considers Schmidt to be illegitimate. The Main Board assessed that the policy of SNSD and its coalition partners is based on the essence of the Constitution of B&H. The Main Board warned that the transfer of competences represented a shameless violation of the Constitution instead of its affirmation. It was underscored that the RS will not renounce its legitimate, constitutional rights defined by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the Constitution, as well as that foreigners should not rule B&H.

Dodik: RS will not give up on its competences and its rights defined by B&H Constitution (RTRS


The RS will not give up on its competences and its rights defined by the Constitution of B&H, said leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik following session of the Main Board of SNSD held in Pale on Thursday. He added that the RS does not jeopardize territorial integrity of B&H, adding that it will not give up on intention to restore stolen competences. Dodik also stated that set of laws enabling the RS to withdraw from agreements on formation of B&H Armed Forces (AF), B&H Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) and other institutions and agencies at B&H level will be prepared by mid-November and sent to the RS National Assembly (RSNA) for adoption. He stressed that SNSD will work on these laws over next 10 days along with SNSD’s coalition partners. “We will withdraw our consent to form B&H AF, B&H ITA and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. We will task the RS Government to adopt legal system that will regulate these areas within period of 60-120 days said Dodik. Leader of SNSD emphasized that more frequent organizing of the RS parliament sessions cannot be excluded so that it can successively adopt abovementioned laws. He underlined that final goal is to return to the Constitution of Bi&. Reporter noted that at its session held on Thursday, SNSD rejected a civic concept of organization of B&H. Dodik underlined that this would enable domination of Bosniaks in managing of political processes. He went on to saying that current format of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will resume to exist until next general elections, adding that unless there are only three ministries in B&H CoM - as defined by the Constitution - following next elections, the RS will not participate in work of it.  Dodik stated that Christian Schmidt is person who usurped position of High Representatives, because he was not appointed in line with necessary procedures. SNSD leader added that best thing is for the UN Security Council (UN SC) not to appoint new High Representatives ever again.  Asked about his expectations from upcoming session of the UN SC, Dodik said that one day before the session he will get opportunity to address members of the UN SC and inform them about the RS’ stance about Schmidt and about current political situation in B&H. Leader of SNSD emphasized that he does not oppose continuation of Althea mission in B&H in current capacity, adding that this is contribution of the RS to peace and stability in B&H.  He also stated that self-appointed Peace Implementation Council (PIC) does not have any role defined by the Dayton Peace Agreement or by the UN. Dodik underlined that those who threaten with sanctions are ones who abolished the rule of law.

Hearing on US engagement in Western Balkans held before House Foreign Affairs Committee; Escobar points out that sanctions are ready for those who undermine B&H's territorial integrity (BHT1


The situation in B&H was discussed in the US Congress on Thursday. Namely, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar was heard before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. It was stressed at the hearing on the US engagement in the Western Balkans before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which was organized by the US House Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber, that peace in the region must be preserved, that B&H must continue to implement reforms and that separatist rhetoric which is coming from the RS only further destabilizes B&H. In his introductory speech, Chair of the US House Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber William Keating stressed that the Western Balkans is a complex, dynamic geostrategic region that took a long time to establish democracy after a period of violence. In regard to B&H, Keating stated that it is important to implement reforms, calm inflammatory rhetoric and develop dialogue between the ethnic groups to maintain peace and reconciliation. "Separatist rhetoric and illegal legislation in the RS only further destabilize the country with deep social divisions," Keating underlined. Keating said that the countries of the Western Balkans are partially free because of the electoral process accompanied by fraud, lack of freedom of speech and the rule of law, stressing that the US must remain committed to the region of the Western Balkans. "This region must remain strong. In the coming weeks and months, we will be discussing ways in which we in the Congress can help achieve long-term solutions which have been unattainable so far," Keating underlined. Escobar pointed out that the European path is the only path for the countries of the Western Balkans to maintain peace and security in this part of Europe. Escobar stated that sanctions are ready for those who undermine the territorial integrity of B&H. "Recent threats to the state-level institutions by Milorad Dodik are dangerous and undermine the Dayton and the European choice and prosperity of all citizens of B&H. We are involved with local actors and partners to prevent any move that threatens a return to B&H's troubled past, instead of securing a brighter future," Escobar pointed out. Congresswoman Ann Wagner told the hearing that deepening divisions in B&H fueled by Dodik's reckless threats represent perhaps the biggest threat to the stability of the Balkans. Wagner stated that Dodik asks for the abolition of the OHR with the support of Russia and Serbia. She reminded that the OHR is an independent institution whose job is to interpret the DPA. Wagner added that Dodik demands the secession of the RS, boycotts B&H institutions and formed parallel institutions. She stated that Dodik was already sanctioned for the threatening of the DPA and asked why the EU is not implementing sanctions as well. Escobar stated that a more detailed report will be given following his visit to B&H in November. The Board assessed North Macedonia and Albania as countries that can join the EU by the end of 2022, while Belgrade and Pristina need to solve the issue of the independence of Kosovo to come closer to the EU. It was stated that the main goal in Montenegro is to unite the country and bring it closer to the EU. Escobar reminded that for the past 30 years the region has been the focus of the US and investment, and the current US administration shares this determination. Escobar mentioned high levels of corruption and crime in the region, as well as the malignant influence of Russia and China.


Milanovic: Dodik, Izetbegovic and Covic should try to resolve situation at meeting in presence of Vucic, Erdogan and myself (HRT1


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic has revealed what he discussed with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik two days ago, during the political crisis in B&H and the most recent initiative of the US Administration to influence changes in Election Law. Milanovic said the key topic was the idea of the meeting between representatives of the constituent peoples in B&H and him, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Addressing the media on Thursday, Milanovic said he had proposed joint meeting with Dodik, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic “to try, with my support, support of Aleksandar Vucic and President Erdogan, whom I wanted to contact and who, I am certain, would agree with that. However, Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic is somewhat reserved, and I am not attacking or calling him out. He needs to explain why. So, this way of different representatives, envoys, etc., when two or three of them come from the same state, leads to nowhere. It has buried B&H in the sand up to its neck”. Milanovic specified that he met with Dodik, because he is a representative of Serb people in B&H. According to the Croatian President, Izetbegovic has reservations towards abovementioned meeting. “I am convinced that Erdogan would agree to such talk”, the Croatian President stressed. “The Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) entered force in order to ensure peace. The DPA is a line in the concrete that must not be crossed,” he concluded. Milanovic believes that this format of meeting could achieve results while negotiation through some ambassadors and other middle men does not lead to anywhere.  Milanovic stressed that this topic was discussed during his meeting with Dodik.

Izetbegovic said that Milanovic phoned him and proposed holding of such meeting and added: “I told him this will not work. We have friends from USA and Brussels here who are trying to do serious job with us”. Izetbegovic argued that B&H would “amnesty” USA and Brussels from such responsibility if it accepted Milanovic’s proposal on the meeting “because, in this way, we would practically reduce ourselves to three ethnic parties in B&H, each supported by three ‘big brothers’”.


PM: I’m thinking about forming Christian Democratic Party, I want to reconcile two strong extremisms (RTCG

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has announced that he is considering the formation of the Christian Democratic Party, which could, as he states, reconcile two strong extremisms. As a guest on RTCG, Krivokapic has stated that such a party could change the political picture in Montenegro. He adds that the formation of a good party infrastructure is an extremely difficult and demanding job, so he cannot dedicate himself to various activities that should be important for this country. Krivokapic claims that the special American envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said that this government has America’s support. “This time, the Western Balkans is cooperating with Europe and the United States. America is getting back to this area through the big door. That is a chance that the countries of the Western Balkans should take,” he stresses. Commenting on the government reshuffle, Krivokapic believes that everyone should be aware and that everyone should accept their role and build Montenegro together for the benefit of the people. “The model of the expert government has experienced full affirmation, regardless of criticism and opponents. It is a model that guarantees a good transition and undertaking reform steps,” Krivokapic points out.


Government: The messages from Sofia are not friendly (Gov. Press service

The government reacted to the actions and statements from Bulgaria, which, as it assesses, the Macedonian citizens do not find friendly. “With the Agreement of 1 August 2017, Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria signed that they will discourage provocations that are not in the interest of either side, that they will not enter the circle of insults, accusations and hate speech that do not bring anything good to anyone, and at least for the Macedonian and Bulgarian peoples. Instead, the Agreement obliges to maintain a European dialogue and to respect and apply it fully, including the fundamental principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of both countries.

We have an understanding of the internal political pre-election situation in Bulgaria and the complicated election process, but we believe that this is not a reason for political messages for campaign needs that go beyond the European values ​​and principles of respect on which the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation is built. Such tones are not perceived as friendly by Macedonian citizens. Non-interference in the internal affairs is a principled position, and we expect such an attitude from the neighbors. Reaching agreements and our commitment to their implementation, among other things, are necessary for the reconciliation of the peoples and states in our region in order to live in lasting peace, and to develop lasting friendships, as we do with all our other neighbors. We remain committed to dialogue with Sofia and to seeking a mutually acceptable solution to the issues that have arisen. The Republic of Northern Macedonia has shown maximum proactivity and political will to clarify certain dilemmas and we have offered answers to more of the questions raised. We are continuously working on the active implementation of the Agreement. Solutions are not in the past, they are in the future, and the future requires dialogue, not a monologue for internal use. When it comes to an EU member state and a country with a recognized recognition that it has met all the conditions for the start of membership negotiations, dialogue is the only solution to bilateral issues and to find mutual understanding. The Republic of Northern Macedonia is ready for that dialogue. It is time for Bulgaria to show the same readiness,” the government said.

Escobar in Congress: Macedonia and Albania to start negotiations with the EU before the end of the year (MIA

The strongest message the EU can send now is to start EU membership talks with Northern Macedonia and Albania before the end of this calendar year, said today Gabriel Escobar, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. This, he said, would dispel the frustration of the region's population with European policies and stop the malicious influence of Russia and China, which are working against EU enlargement in the Western Balkans. In a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the US engagement in the Western Balkans, Escobar said that both Northern Macedonia and Albania had completed the difficult work required of them and that the process should begin without delay. "The postponement of the process after the Council of Ministers on 22 March recommended the start of talks, spreads suspicion in the region and risks rejecting the hopes of new generations who want a future in the EU," Escobar said. He reiterated a joint statement by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on 14 October that European integration was the only hope for the region. Escobar said Moscow and Beijing were actively opposing the region's EU membership. "They are misinforming and using vulnerable places to divert the Western Balkan countries from their democratically chosen path, while gaining an economic and political presence in Europe," Escobar said. According to him, Russia uses the energy it supplies to Europe as weapons to blackmail politicians, stimulate corruption and halt development potential. "China is also expanding its influence in critical infrastructure and economic conditions. "We must not allow them to succeed." Escobar pointed out that the Western Balkans is an economically dynamic region with the intention of joining the single European market. He praised initiatives such as the Open Regional Market and the Green Agenda, and noted that President Joe Biden's administration has redoubled its commitment to working with allies to help the Western Balkans realize its European path. Congresswoman Claudia Tenny, co-chair of the Congressional Friendship Group with Macedonia and the Macedonian-American Community, noted that there are 16 rulings by the European Court of Human Rights regarding violations of the right of assembly of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. responds to what the US administration does to ensure that Bulgaria, as a NATO member, fulfills its human rights obligations. "The basis of our partnership with European partners is values, not only the common interest but also the common values, and everything that disrupts that relationship is of great concern to us," Escobar said. According to him, the US Ambassador in Sofia is working to address the problems with human rights violations in Bulgaria.


Xhacka meets Vukcevic, Serbian Ambassador: Friendly relations between Albania and Serbia, key to the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana

Olta Xhacka, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, received Aleksandar Vukcevic, the newly appointed Serbian Ambassador to Albania. "Albania and Serbia have made very important progress, leaving behind a difficult past. We still have work to do to improve cooperation and bilateral relations," Xhacka said. "Friendly relations between Albania and Serbia, as well as mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, are key in building a stable and prosperous future for the Western Balkans," Xhacka was quoted as saying.

MEPs call on the EU to speed up the integration of the Western Balkan countries (Radio Tirana

MEPs call on the EU to support financially and through institutional co-operation the countries of the Western Balkans to fight corruption and organized crime. Through a report adopted by the Foreign Affairs Committee for the Western Balkans, MEPs urge countries to step up efforts to advance justice system reforms. The document states that the integration of these states would enable them to be removed from the map as countries of origin for trafficking in human beings. EU co-operation with the Western Balkans would reduce criminal activity in those countries, the report said. MEPs, on the other hand, want the countries of the region to address all the shortcomings they have in their justice system, so that the European Union can provide them with the necessary assistance. According to the report, EU support would put an end to all interventions by Russia and China which do not have a functioning democratic system. In another point of this report, it is underlined that the EU should continue the process of visa liberalization for Kosovo without further delays. Among other things, the report emphasizes that the governments of the region should continue the cooperation through Eurojust, which includes Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, as well as the authorization for the opening of negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina.