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Belgrade Media Report 8 November


Brnabic at National Convention on EU regular plenary session (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic voiced expectation on Friday, at the regular plenary session of the National Convention on the EU, that, despite the challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic and energy crisis, Serbia’s economic growth and progress will continue. Brnabic pointed out that the reforms, primarily in the area of the rule of law, as well as in the area of environmental protection and energy transition to a green circular economy, will be something that will additionally affect economic development.Commenting on the economic criteria in the Report of the European Commission on the progress of Serbia in reforms and their assessments, she stated that it is already common for that part of the Report to be the most positive. This is natural, because we have pretty good results in the field of the economy, she pointed out and recalled that the fall in GDP in 2020 was 0.9 percent, and that this year the GDP growth will be at least seven percent. Brnabic announced that monthly salaries will exceed the amount of €600 by the end of the year, which will confirm the leadership in the region of the Western Balkans, expressing the expectation that our country will overtake one EU member state in terms of average salaries. She pointed out that the economic and fiscal policy for 2022 will be focused on youth employment and noted that youth unemployment currently stands at approximately 20 percent. When you look at the investments that are now coming to our country, as well as the way in which the local economy is being transformed, you can see that the increasing volume of investments is monetary, but with less labor, she stated. Brnabic explained that this means that these investors are more technologically advanced, and that we are less and less recognized as a country of cheap labor. Speaking about the dialogue that the Serbian government has had with the National Convention, she pointed out that it is certainly one of the reasons for a positive or, certainly, much more positive European Commission Progress Report. The European Commission has recognized the intention of the Serbian government to strengthen communication with civil society organizations, to work more focused on reforms in the field of the rule of law and to do so in a transparent manner, she concluded.

Dacic at National Convention on EU regular plenary session (

“My assessment is that we have done an excellent job and in the Annual Progress Report we see that the European Commission shares the same opinion. The Report we received recently is the most positive in the last few years and we can be rightly satisfied with what has been achieved. However, it also reminds us those areas in which we will continue with reforms,” Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic told the regular plenary session of the National Convention on the EU on Friday. “You know that the parliament is a place where all our efforts in terms of meeting the criteria for full EU membership cross paths and in this regard I would like to remind you of several important processes that we have all carried out together over the past year and which have, when all is said and done, decisively contributed to the European Commission’s overall positive assessment. First of all, I am thinking of the changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in the part concerning the judiciary which has been one of the most important issues that the European Commission draws our attention to when it comes to the area of the rule of law. We are at the very end of this process and I am convinced that we will complete it within the current parliamentary legislature’s mandate, as required by the very procedure for Constitutional amendment. I am sure that when we make the final decision on the Constitutional amendment, it will be hailed in the European Commission’s next report as a great progress in the area of the rule of law. In this complex process, a very intensive and wide public debate was conducted at a large number of public hearings organized both in the parliament and abroad, where the most eminent university authorities and other experts, representatives of judges and prosecutors associations, our state institutions, as well as a large number of lawyers and civil society organizations dealing with the rule of law contributed to the future constitutional text. We came to a solution in constant cooperation with the Venice Commission which gave a positive opinion to our proposals, so I am convinced that we will soon, in parliament and then in a referendum, have new solutions regarding the judiciary, with the widest possible professional and political consensus. I would like to point out that, regardless of the positive opinion of the Venice Commission to the previous text of the constitutional amendments, it was necessary to have additional consultations. Together with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and the Minister of Justice Maja Popovic, I held a series of meetings with representatives of the judges and public prosecutors who were dissatisfied with the earlier text, which is why it was decided to restart the constitutional change procedure to come to a consensus on the issue. The Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues had organized a series of hearings and set up a the Working Group for the Drafting of the Act to amend the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, and I personally took part in the Venice Commission, which contributed to the institution’s giving a positive opinion. I would like to remind you that the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues should determine the final text of the constitutional amendments, which is to be followed by a discussion on the Law on Referendum. Also, we have recently completed another important process - the inter-party dialogue on electoral conditions. In part, we cooperated with the delegation of the European Parliament, and in order to ensure the greatest possible support and consensus on these issues, we also had a dialogue with those parties and movements that did not want the participation of foreign institutions in this agreement. Although this is not a regular parliament activity, we paid the dialogue the greatest possible attention, with the President of the Republic participating in the process on several occasions, so that in the end we can be satisfied with everything we have done, because we have reached a solution with the broadest consensus. And that was the goal at the beginning of the dialogue, even though at the time it seemed unattainable to many. That is why I am convinced that we will organize the next elections, in the spring of next year, with the highest democratic standards and a broad consensus of all the participants in terms of their content and control. In the past year, the parliament has made several important decisions previously marked by the European Commission as areas in which progress is expected. First of all, I mean the large reduction in the number of laws passed by urgent procedure, in which we enjoyed excellent coordination with the Government. The Code of Conduct has been amended in line with GRECO recommendations and an Ethics Commission was recently set up. Like last year, when we did it for the first time, I can announce that this time we will have a plenary debate on the European Commission’s Annual Report. It turned out that in this way the parliament contributes, not only formally but materially as well, to fulfilling the EU accession criteria because it has the opportunity to consider all the aspects of the Report in an open debate and demonstrate that it treats the assessments received from the European Commission very responsibly and at the highest institutional level. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to convey our common belief that Serbia should open two negotiating clusters, as soon as possible, by the end of this year. Not only because the European Commission recommended it to the member states, but because Serbia has really made great progress in its reforms and has long deserved it to be formally acknowledged through a greater number of open chapters, i.e. clusters. I would like to thank the National Convention for organizing this Plenary Session and for continuing the very good cooperation on the common goal in the previous year, as I am sure that we will continue to do in the year to come,” Dacic said.

Vucic: Everyone is entitled to evaluate someone else’s democracy as they see fit (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in comment after a report that Serbia was not invited to the Summit for Democracy, a virtual conference that will be hosted by US President Joseph Biden, that “everyone has a right to evaluate other democracies as they see fit”. After receiving a Covid-19 vaccine at the Belgrade Fair, the President told journalists that everyone has the right to choose whom they want to invite. He also said that proof of his corruption was my effort to obtain ventilators, and that this is no proof of any kind of corruption, but his struggle. In response to a request by a group of US congressmen, who asked President Biden to consider introducing sanctions against people who were destabilizing the Western Balkans and accused the Serbian president of deepening corruption and exerting pressure on the media, Vucic said that Serbia is a factor of stability in the Balkans, and that he was not afraid that his assets or accounts in a foreign state would be frozen, because “I have none”. President Vucic alleged there was an “alliance of tycoons, mobsters and criminals” who, he said, must destroy Serbia. He said that this alliance involved people from Serbia, “the occupied parts of it”, and other states, including Western states that had recognized Kosovo’s independence and were working to disempower Republika Srpska.

Djilas meets Escobar, says all we expect is support for democracy (Beta/VoA)

Freedom and Justice Party president Dragan Djilas said in Washington after a meeting at the US State Department that it was up to the Serbian citizens to change the regime in their country and that he expected countries that advocated democracy to uphold European standards. "We did not come to get support, we came to talk to the representatives of the world's biggest power and give our view on everything happening in Serbia," Djilas told the Voice of America on Friday after meeting with Gabriel Escobar, US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans. Djilas would not confirm whether his party would run in elections in 2022 election nor say whether there was a prospective opposition candidate, but voiced optimism as to the opposition winning local elections in Belgrade, and said that a good contender could defeat sitting Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. "If we make the decision to run in elections in Serbia, I am confident that we will win the election in Belgrade and that the results of the parliamentary election will be very different to what many people in Serbia and internationally believe at this time. I am confident that the right candidate stands a chance of beating Aleksandar Vucic in the presidential vote," Djilas said, adding that deciding to run in the elections "is not at all easy" and that the decision needed to pass through all of the party organizations that wanted to run together.

Dacic announces candidates for Supervisory Body for Media Monitoring (TV Pink/FoNet)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic responded to the letter of the Ministry of Culture and Information, in which he was informed that the Serbian government had decided to establish a Temporary Supervisory Body for Media Monitoring during the Election Campaign and that he needed to propose six candidates for members of the Temporary Supervisory Body. Dacic said that in the previous period, in accordance with the Final Document of the Inter-Party Dialogue, he had the necessary consultations with the co-facilitators of the European Parliament in order to agree on a joint proposal for six candidates of the Temporary Supervisory Body. The following candidates have been proposed: Rade Veljanovski, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Zdravko Veselinov, Coalition NADA (National Democratic Alternative) consisting of the Democratic Party of Serbia and the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, Milorad Marinkovic, Serbian movement Dveri, Pedja Milosavljevic, Enough is Enough, and Stevan Ristic, Party of Modern Serbia. Dacic said that, as regards the sixth candidate, it was agreed to hold additional consultations with representatives of opposition parties by 26 November 2021, after which the final proposal will be submitted. “I ask you to appoint the proposed candidates as members of the Provisional Supervisory Body for Media Monitoring during the Election Campaign so that this body can become operational as soon as possible and perform the tasks entrusted to it without any hindrance,” he said.

Serbian deputy speaker Zukorlic buried (Beta)

Muamer Zukorlic, president of the Party of Justice and Reconciliation and deputy speaker of the Serbian parliament, was buried in his home village of Orlje, in the Tutin municipality, after dying suddenly at the age of 50. Husein Kavazovic, grand mufti of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said at the funeral that no one could be left unimpressed by former mufti Zukorlic. “Friend or foe, in his own way he forced everyone to respect him,” Kavazovic said. He said Zukorlic would be remembered in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina for “striving for Bosniaks to be respected in his country, Serbia”. Mevlud Dudic, mufti of the Islamic Community in Serbia, told funeral-goers assembled in Novi Pazar’s central square that his predecessor at the helm of the Community was among those rare individuals who had changed society. He recalled the years of Zukorlic’s hard work and fight to strengthen community, restore seized property and establish institutions of higher education.

Schmidt says solution for B&H is in dialogue of different subjects, calls Dodik to ‘come down to ground’ (Tanjug)

In an interview to Tanjug, High Representative Christian Schmidt said that he advocates dialogue of different subjects, but he also prefers useful assistance of all neighboring countries in solving of the crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). In this context, Schmidt noted that he finds talks with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic very useful. Asked whether the crisis in B&H can be solved through dialogue or perhaps exerting of pressures on Republika Srpska (RS) and Milorad Dodik would be a solution, Schmidt replied by saying that talks within both B&H and RS would be desirable. Schmidt added that the talks should be held primarily with politicians who disagree with Dodik and added that there are many of such politicians in the RS. “The problem is not in the dialogue between the international community and Dodik, many are talking to him and both I and several important people called him to talk to me. We must talk for the sake of good development of the country and I am not rejecting any proposals just because they are coming from the RS. I must stay neutral,” Schmidt added. Schmidt also called Dodik “to come down to the ground”. Asked whether he sees himself as a man who can solve the current crisis in B&H, having in mind his legitimacy has been disputed, Schmidt replied by saying that he can contribute to reaching a solution in the best possible way. Schmidt said that the fact he did not personally present his report before the UN Security Council (UN SC) as well as the fact that the UN SC adopted a resolution extending the mandate of EUFOR in B&H, in which neither OHR nor the High Representative were mentioned, will not affect his position in the international community in any way. Schmidt added that the important thing is that he submitted his report and argued that he got more recognition and feedback in this way than he would get had he presented the report personally. Schmidt added that there are no winners or losers following the session of the UN SC and noted that the situation is clear: “Many people in the region are committed not to allow escalation of the situation. Let me name them. They are Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and other responsible people who have to deal with many things.”



Hungarian PM Orban meets with Dodik in Banja Luka, focus on economic issues (BHT1


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto visited Banja Luka on Saturday. During their visit, the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) stepped up the level of alertness and the security measures, and some streets in Banja Luka were blocked for traffic due to safety reasons. On this occasion, Orban and Szijjarto met with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. After the meeting, Dodik stated that he informed Orban that the RS remains committed to respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H, with respect of the territorial integrity of B&H. However, Dodik pointed out that the RS preserves its right to restore its competences. Dodik referred to Orban’s visit as a friendly visit. Dodik accentuated the economic issues as the topic of discussion with Orban, primarily in the field of energy.

Dodik meets Jansa and informs him about RS' commitment to preserve DPA and return competences (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa in Slovenia on Sunday. Dodik used this opportunity to inform Jansa about RS' commitment to preserve the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and return the competences that are in accordance with this Agreement and the Constitution of B&H. After the meeting, Jansa stated on Twitter that he had a meaningful conversation with Dodik about the situation in B&H. "Territorial integrity and respect for the existing constitutional order, taking into account the same rules for all, are the basis for the coexistence of its peoples and the solution to current dilemmas," Jansa tweeted.

Schmidt: RS’ withdrawal from B&H and formation of its own, separate army within B&H would be crossing ‘red line’ (BHT1/Reuters


In an interview for Reuters, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt stated that the ‘red line’ for the international community to seriously consider its actions would be the RS’ withdrawal from the B&H Armed Forces (AF) and formation of its own, separate army within B&H, which Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik had been announcing. Schmidt noted that, if this turns out to be true, then the international community will seriously consider how it will be possible to continue, but underscored that the use of the Bonn powers would be the last remaining option. The HR assessed that there is currently no direct risk of dissolution. However, he concluded that further degrading the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) would pose risk for a dissolution.

Dodik: B&H does not have armed forces under Constitution and DPA clearly allowed entities to have their own armies (RTRS/BBC


In an interview with BBC, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that B&H does not have armed forces under the Constitution and that the DPA clearly allowed the entities to have their own armies. Asked whether that means that the RS will form, i.e. bring back its army, Dodik said that it is its constitutional right that has never been abolished. "We only agreed to a different way of organizing the military forces in B&H. We will now withdraw that consent," Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik emphasized that he strives for peace, stability and constitutional law, and that the RS will remain a part of B&H with the powers it has under the B&H Constitution.

Dodik condemns HRs, foreign judges in B&H CC for creating large mess in B&H and US, EU for backing this mess, claims that RS seeks reinstatement of all its constitutional rights and competences and not to ruin B&H Constitution (RTRS

Milorad Dodik spoke about his push for reinstatement of the RS’ competences. Asked about his push for reinstatement of the RS’ competences, Dodik said that current period will be predominantly marked with stability and nothing more will be happening except for normal political processes. He claims that unlike in the past when the narrative about B&H was controlled by few embassies of western countries and former HRs, many people and states in the region and across the world are not just the RS’ friends but clearly understand the situation in B&H. He stressed that there is no doubt the RS authorities are acting in line with the Constitution of B&H and they are not trying to undermine or ruin it but to exercise the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. He explained that the RS authorities are not looking to immerse themselves in decadence as did the HR and three foreign judges in the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) who “created a large mess in B&H” but instead of cleaning up, global superpowers such as the US and the EU backing this mess. He warned that existing concept has been imposed upon B&H and it is not in line with the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). He underlined that B&H is supposed to have strictly international sovereignty and no one is trying to ruin it whatsoever. He condemned the EU for perpetuating misleading narrative about its fight for the rule of law in B&H while at the same time completely ignoring the rule of law by allowing foreign judges in the B&H CC to violate the Constitution and backing former HR Paddy Ashdown’s decision to impose the Criminal Code of B&H which stipulates criminal prosecution of those who disrespect the CC’s decisions. He pointed out that all of this was premeditated and the goal was to sanction anyone who stands up against unconstitutional work of the CC. He stated that the RS’ main strategy is to prevent changes of the Constitution and this will be deemed legitimate if the RS continues to insist on total respect for the Constitution. He dismissed accusations that the true purpose of his actions is to hide something or avoid prosecutions for various criminalities adding that if this was his goal, he would have simply done whatever the US Embassy to B&H demanded from him but he is actually fighting for political interests of the RS and its citizens. He stressed that his actions are not a caprice and he is not powerful enough make the UN Security Council (UNSC) to make the decisions it did during recent session dedicated to B&H. He argued that the British Embassy to B&H brought in Ashdown with support from the US Embassy to B&H and embassies of several European countries and together they created a whole different system in B&H while those who opposed them were immediately declared enemies but they forgot the fact that everything related to B&H is taking place in B&H, not the US, the UK or any other country. He noted that the UNSC’s session showed that they are not always successful and they are now doing damage control by minimizing the effects of what they did but still continue to perpetuate the same false narrative. He stated that no one will try to stop the opposition from joining united majority in the RS but SNSD is pushing for reinstatement of competences because of the position the RS is in, not in order to win the elections or to protect its officials from prosecution, and this is best proven by what happened at the UNSC’s session and the fact the international community is now paying close attention. He deems that the RS managed to break down communication barriers set by others and establish great relations with many other countries. Dodik revealed that he will visit Slovenia and meet Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa on Sunday, after which he will visit Turkey on Tuesday or Wednesday and meet Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan whom he intends to inform about the RS’ stance regarding the situation in B&H. He underlined that visit of US Special Representative for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar to B&H will change nothing because the RS’ policy is clear and his task as Serb member of the Presidency is to inform Escobar about the RS’ stances, as well as what is unacceptable for the RS. He stated that he has no reason to fear Escobar in any way and he openly showed this but the opposition is again putting itself at disposal of foreign officials, thus giving them more power to make drastic cuts. According to Dodik, Escobar recently addressed the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs and admitted to persuading the opposition leaders in the RS to join the bloc opposed to united defense of the RS while they were speaking over the phone. He pointed out that soon after, MPs from the opposition did not hesitate to leave recent session of the RS parliament but the opposition and the ruling parties will surely face off again in the RS parliament. He claims that he is absolutely sure this a genuine opportunity for the RS to reinstate its competences and he is not urging the opposition but he is praying for the opposition to join forces with the ruling parties. He stressed that he is even willing to step aside and allow the opposition to be in charge of the whole process once he is assured the opposition’s true goal is to strengthen the RS’ constitutional position but the opposition is actually ruining the RS and destabilizing its institutions by constantly repeating allegations about crime and corruption. He argued that the battle against crime and corruption is important but reinstatement of competences is far more important because this is the only thing that allows the RS to continue to exist and function as an independent state within the DPA’s arrangement of B&H. He claims that if this is not possible, the RS should continue on its own and nothing in what he is saying implies separatism whatsoever. He pointed out that the RS citizens have no reason to accept humiliation and subjugation or to accept stances imposed by “occupiers such as Schmidt”. He said that the RS cannot acknowledge Schmidt as the HR when he was not acknowledged by the UNSC. He clarified that he will not talk to Schmidt in order not to give any legitimacy to him and the opposition is allowed to talk to Schmidt but his legitimacy can only be given by the ruling parties. In conclusion, Dodik called on the parties from the Federation of B&H to engage in talks with the RS authorities and said that the RS seeks reinstatement of all its constitutional rights and competences, not to ruin the Constitution of B&H. He added that the resolution adopted by the UNSC will not lead to another attempt to reach a new agreement about B&H because political Sarajevo has different perception but he is absolutely sure that everything in B&H depends on those in B&H, not foreign officials.

Escobar: We are committed that there will be no new war; Dodik is trying to look for ways to protect his power and his money; Schmidt: We cannot offer to him to talk only with him, because there are many politicians in RS, many groups that do not fully agree with Dodik (FTV/RFE

US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar arrived in B&H on Sunday, where he is expected to hold a number of meetings to discuss potential for economic development of the region and how the US can assist in creating opportunities that the Western Balkans can take advantage of. Commenting on the current political situation, Escobar said there would be no war, and that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is a basis of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, fully supported by the US as such. In an interview for the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty ahead of his arrival to B&H, Escobar said: “I really want people in B&H to know that we are committed that there will be no new war. And believe me that all the countries in the region, including the DPA signatories, which includes Croatia and Serbia, are committed to not seeing a war in the region”. Escobar said that he will first meet US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson before making an announcement on possible sanctions, but he did not present any details on what kind of sanctions he was talking about. Asked whether he thinks he could be the one to stop not only anti-B&H rhetoric but also Dodik’s concrete moves, Escobar replied by saying that nobody in the region supports Dodik’s agenda. “I am not trying to divide Serbs, but just take a look at what we are doing in Serbia where we support the ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, which we believe to be a positive development in the region”, Escobar said. Escobar reminded of a number of investments and projects in Serbia and noted: “We can do the same for Serbs in the RS as well.”

FTV reports that Escobar has also met with RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and stressed the importance of the DPA, noting that any move leading to undermining is damaging and destabilizing for the whole region. Commenting on HR in B&H Christian Schmidt, Escobar said they cooperated closely. Talking about the current situation and political crisis in B&H, Schmidt said everything could be resolved in dialog with other politicians from the RS who do not represent positions of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad. “I would say the dialog still exists. And I think also about the positive support from all neighboring countries and responsible representatives. I would underline one thing that Mr. Dodik must learn, and that is that it is better to talk, sometimes for own benefit. De facto, I think he wants to talk. What we cannot offer to him is to talk only with him, because there are many politicians in the RS, many groups that do not fully agree with Mr. Dodik,” said Schmidt. Commenting on the weakening of state institutions, Escobar said for the RFE/RL: “With regard to weakening of the central institutions, I will be very honest. The reason behind this is really about corruption. What Milorad Dodik is doing is he is trying to look for ways to protect his power and his money”. The reporter notes that Dodik responded to this statement in his own style. Dodik said: “If I had been doing that, I would have gone to the US Embassy and signed everything he requested and I would be protected in every possible way, and declared the ‘cleanest’ man in the Balkans.”

Dodik on Escobar’s visit: B&H can have future only based on B&H Constitution that everyone agreed with in 1995 and if its peoples and entities fight for it and not Americans, Russian, Europeans or HRs (ATV

On the occasion of Escobar’s visit to B&H, Milorad Dodik stated that Escobar should know that B&H can have future only based on the Constitution of B&H that everyone agreed with in 1995 and if its peoples and the entities fight for it and not Americans, Russian, Europeans or HRs.

Dodik said that if Escobar thinks that the crisis in B&H was caused so that Dodik preserves power, he came for nothing because according to Dodik, his power is based on votes of over 380,000 voters. Dodik called on Escobar to take into account all facts or else, “he could only give his contribution to atrophy of B&H”. Dodik stated: “If the international factor really advocates that B&H survives, then a pretty simple choice is ahead of us and ahead of them and that is the Constitution of B&H that is undisputable and unambiguous. There is no more room for force of the international factor in B&H because this area indurated to beating.” The reporter noted that leadership of the RS said that nothing will stop return of competences to the RS. Commenting on this visit, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic proposed Escobar to enjoy his time in B&H, to visit Sarajevo, eat “cevapi” and return to the US safe and sound. ATV noted that the leadership of the RS is aware that the West has been meeting wishes of political Sarajevo for years, while those from the other side of the Drina River are aware that there are more and more foreigners in the field and they fear that intentions of some individuals are not good. Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin stated that he believes that there will be attempts to diminish the RS adding that foreigners are already trying to find political leaders who will be ready – after certain elections - to explain that this is good for the RS as well as to become nothing but a shell. Vulin stated that Serbia will continue to provide support to the RS and Serbs who live in the Federation of B&H and elsewhere in the region. He emphasized that the RS must be the way it was defined in the Dayton Peace Agreement, and that diminishing of RS’s competences is not acceptable. “The RS was not created in Dayton, it was created through struggle of the Serb people and made official in Dayton, and because it was created through struggle of the Serb people, it cannot be diminished or endangered in any way”, said Vulin. He called on all politicians in the RS to act in unity and accord when it comes to key national issues which mean survival for the RS. He warned that politicians must not be overcome by ego and that they should not listen to foreigners or trust them. “They should not trust that they (foreigners) love them more than they love each other, or that day can bring them more good than Serbs will bring to the RS,” said Vulin. He underlined that as long as Aleksandar Vucic is Serbia’s President, the RS will be foreign policy priority of Serbia. Dodik pointed out that the story about corruption, Russian influence and the alleged wealth of politicians in B&H is misplaced and a stereotype that Americans maintain in order to preserve their projections in B&H. "Does Escobar think that the citizens of the RS do not see what has been happening in the last 26 years in which they have been robbed of their competences, forests, land, landmarks, and even the RS' Day, and does he underestimate the people in the RS so much, considering them short-sighted and incapable of seeing what one has been doing to the RS for years?," Dodik was quoted as saying.

Tadic: Dodik is leading dangerous policy, he did not act in this way in my time (Dnevni avaz


Speaking for Dnevni avaz, former Serbian president Boris Tadic stated that the biggest problem in the Balkans is the fact that consequence of the war is basic mistrust among the people and the states and this will not be overcome until political leaders change their rhetoric and behavior. He noted that the current policy is completely different from the one he carried out, being that he honestly worked on reconciliation and solving of problems, but he also underlined that during his mandate he was facing huge prejudice and mistrust in B&H and Croatia. He, however, claims that the policy that he led suffered a defeat in this region, stressing that the political campaign that he started along with Ivo Josipovic and Sulejman Tihic in 2004 was defeated very soon and things return to the old pattern. Commenting the latest actions of Milorad Dodik, who announced taking over of series of competencies from the state, Tadic noted that there is an entire strategy behind Dodik’s activities: “I am not certain that Dodik’s behavior got out of control. I think that there is definitely a strategy behind his activities. His policy should not be observed unambiguously. In certain things that he is saying, Dodik is right on point. On the other side, he is increasing tensions in an extremely dangerous way. He did not act like this during my mandate. I find Dodik’s policy to be very dangerous policy and I think there is no reason whatsoever for such tensions”. However, Tadic underlined that Dodik’s moves are also encouraged by provocations on the Bosniak side: “Dodik has his twins on the side of Bosniak politicians, who do not understand that their policy and statements directly provoke Dodik’s reactions. When Bosniak politicians say that they would recognize independence of Kosovo, they do not understand that they immediately make a step towards the RS independence and they are opening door for Dodik for his reaction. And that he has justification for his reaction. On the other side, Dodik is tying his political survival to survival of the RS. This is completely unacceptable.” Tadic noted that the initiative ‘Open Balkan’ is a good idea, compromised by simultaneous promoting of the idea of ‘Serb world’. He argues that countries here, who are not EU members, should recreate in the region everything that resembles the EU, adding that Europe will respect us more if “we achieve something on our own”. He underlines that everything that will enable free movement of goods, people and services in a fair, is good for this region. Tadic concluded that he cannot support in any way the idea of ‘Serb world’, wondering what would happen if ‘Serb world’ is responded with creating of ‘Bosniak world’ or ‘Croat world’: “Then we enter the conflict again. The entire idea needs to be reconciliation, cooperation and searching for joint interests and creating of architecture in the Balkans which will secure long-term stability and peace”.

Panel on Western Balkans hosted during Baku Forum; Perspective of region lies in EU (N1


The 8th Baku Forum took place this weekend and a panel discussing the Western Balkans was organized on Saturday. The topic of the panel was the region and the EU, how the lack of enthusiasm for the EU accession has affected the Western Balkans and the situation in it.

Former Montenegrin minister of foreign affairs Igor Luksic said that he does not want to be pessimistic about the slowing down of the EU accession process and it is necessary to increase enthusiasm and influence the improvement of the European ambient in the region. Former Croatian president Ivo Josipovic said that there can be no improvement without a compromise. He stressed that the situation is very serious and the key strategic goal of the region is to join the EU. Former Serbian president Boris Tadic said that political relations depend on the people who are in power and since 2012, severe changes have been made in the policies in the region which brought the return of populist policies. President of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP) Susan Elliott stated that the USA is present in the Balkans with a new and changed tactic. She explained that they will work with a new team on the achieving of the EU perspective of the Balkans. Elliott reminded that many diplomats are well versed in Balkan issues and US President Joe Biden knows the region well. Former Croatian president Stjepan Mesic said that the EU membership of countries in the region would mean the ultimate end to wars. He believes that the danger lies in the remains of the policy of former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic. Mesic also said that Milorad Dodik and President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic are twins who are trying to break B&H apart, but no one will say this and they continue discussing with them as politicians. The panel offered three key solutions for the region: a joint market with the EU, the access to the EU Green Agenda and the infrastructural connection of the region.

Serbia, RS hold exercise ‘System 2021’; Vulin dismisses claims this is preparation for war and says they test preparations for natural disasters (BN TV/N1


Ministries of internal affairs of Serbia and the RS held a joint tactical exercise 'System 2021' on the B&H-Serbia border on Friday, as a part of the major exercise that is simultaneously held at more than 50 locations across Serbia with some 8,000 participants involved. The RS took part with 50 members of its Civil Protection Administration, as well as the members of the RS Helicopter Service, the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) and the Red Cross of the RS. “I am thankful that the exercise demonstrated that there can be no and should be no border between the Serbs, and that we are here for each other if and whenever needed,” said Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who assessed the exercise as “very good”. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, RS Interior Minister Dragan Lukac and RS Police Administration Director Sinisa Kostresevic attended the event, which took place in Zvornik on Drina River. According to Vulin, in the largest exercise of the Civil Protection, the Sector for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia, since the creation of modern Serbia, 8,000 people showed how efficient and capable they are, and that Serbia can be peaceful and safe, because there is someone who takes care of this country, even in moments of the greatest disaster. He stated that realistic conditions and realistic situations were exercised at 50 locations throughout Serbia, and that according to the reports he received from the local headquarters, everything went as it should, no one was injured, and all plans were fully realized. The exercise showed the readiness of all services in case of floods on Drina River to evacuate the population from one bank to another, but also to save people who found themselves trapped in the torrent. N1 reported that the exercise has sparked different reactions in B&H as some military analysts assessed it as a preparation of civil structures of Serbia for a war, while Vulin denied this and called the claims groundless. Vulin characterized such claims as stupid adding that each local community has the obligation to prepare and protect from natural disasters. Vulin also said that Serbia should exercise with the RS reminding of their special and parallel relations and arguing that everything was carried out in line with the law. According to Vulin, the exercise also showed that Drina River cannot be a border between Serbia and the RS. Lukac too emphasized that the exercise was performed in line with the law and in line with special and parallel relations between the RS and Serbia.

FB&H Police Administration says joint exercise with RS MoI and SIPA was organized by US Special Forces team and was carried out successfully (Oslobodjenje


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Police Administration issued a press statement saying that police officers of the Special Police Unit of the FB&H Police Administration, together with members of the RS Ministry of Interior and State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H, participated in a joint culmination exercise organized by the US Special Forces team. The exercise took place from 1 to 4 November and police officers of the FB&H Police Administration actively participated in the scenario of arrest of people suspected of planning of terrorist activities in the area of Tuzla Canton. According to this scenario, the activities started in Banja Luka and were carried out by members of the RS Ministry of Interior and SIPA and the FB&H Police Administration members were deployed to Dubrava location in Tuzla Canton. The last location in realization of this exercise was in Konjic, where members of the SIPA were deployed. The FB&H Police Administration stated that the exercise was carried out successfully and that exceptional readiness, training, special skills, coordination and communication with other police agencies in B&H were demonstrated.


Djukanovic: NATO and EU need to defend B&H and Western Balkans more strongly from malignant policies that want chaos (Podgorica TV

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said nationalisms that had led to the war in the early 1990s “were not buried with the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”, noting the nationalists continued to cherish the same ideas using the weakness of the international community. Djukanovic also said he would not exclude the possibility of having a new war in B&H, due to which the NATO and the EU need to defend B&H and the Western Balkans more strongly from “malignant policies that want chaos” and violation of the NATO values. “B&H must get functionality, and the functionality of the Bosnian state must win over internal destruction in B&H, because, unfortunately, those who have violated the functionality of B&H the whole time, are now using the B&H’s non-functionality as the key element for the destruction of B&H. Then it is possible to direct B&H and all other countries here towards the adoption of the European value system,” said Djukanovic.

Djukanovic: Greater Serbia nationalists have broken their teeth in MNE and it’s just the beginning (Gradska RTV

Speaking on Gradska RTV, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic assesses that the virus of intolerance and insults has arrived in Montenegro as well, adding that it (MNE) simply couldn’t resist the regional culture of dialogue. He also stresses that over the past year, the Greater Serbia nationalists broke their teeth in Montenegro and it’s just the beginning.

“The events over the past year have confirmed the justification of decisive rhetoric when I said that if necessary, we will defend the values of modern Montenegro in the forest. I think we’ve shown that when you have the right values you can defend them even if being the opposition.”

According to the President, there’re two offers – to return our society to the European home and contrary to it, there’s a tough policy striving to keep these societies on the outskirts of the Balkans. “The EU doesn’t know well the circumstances in the WB. It perceives us as the region where European values have already been embedded. If the Greater Serbia project succeeds, it’d lead to thinking about a new configuration,” Djukanovic believes. He also warns about the destructive potential of Russia which has become stronger. “Russia’s destructive policy has spread in the Western Balkans. Russia has turned its destructive edge towards Europe. It’s also a self-destructive policy. Russia is waging a war against European unity. During that time, Western partners were dealing with their own problems,” Djukanovic emphasized. “Many things have gone wrong over the past years, even with our strategic partners, such as Europe. The expectation that America will immediately focus on the Western Balkans is unrealistic. But it is unrealistic for nationalists to think silently about all events. America is now predominantly focused on the Indo-Pacific region.” Europe, he adds, doesn’t have a clear policy for the WB so all the activities from Washington seem like their initiative when it comes to this region.

On relations between Serbia and Montenegro 

Commenting on the recent welcome of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic in Belgrade, Djukanovic said that a Belgrade professor described it best: both clumsy, unfortunate and diplomatically disgusting. Asked what he would do, Djukanovic said he was sure that it could not happen to him – and added: “If it could have happened to me, it would have in these 30 years.” He said that Prime Minister Krivokapic behaved decently. The President also said he had no contact with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic and didn’t meet him in Glasgow either. On the statement of the former Serbia’s president Boris Tadic, that he helped Tomislav Nikolic and Aleksandar Vucic to come to power in Serbia, Djukanovic said it was a “nonsense”.

The Church of Serbia had an important role in Montenegro election 

“We made mistakes during our ruling, there was SPC’s and foreign powers’ meddling. The SPC manipulated the circumstances, it started a wave of the alleged defense of shrines thus inspiring religious feelings, and it’s how we got the election results,” the President explained.


Pandora papers 

“There are people who passionately want to discredit me. I have not done anything illegal and immoral. It is impossible to find something to cast a shadow on the fact that I did everything according to law and in the interest of the state. Everything else are speculations and accusations,” he said.

Djukanovic on govt’s intention to postpone local elections: Inappropriate political idea in defiance of constitutional and legal system of Montenegro (CdM

The parliamentary majority wishes to postpone the Cetinje, Petnjica and Mojkovac local elections scheduled for 5 December. According to the announcement of the parliament speaker Aleksa Becic, MPs are going to declare over this proposal at their first sitting. Commenting on this statement, the President of Montenegro is adamant – it’s an extremely inappropriate political idea, in defiance of the constitutional and legal system of Montenegro.  “The fact that the president’s decision to call for the elections is a part of the Montenegrin legal system is being ignored, and there’s an attempt to impose an obligation to the president through the creation of some legal norms outside the constitutional-legal system, where it’s clear that the president’s constitutional obligations and powers are prescribed by the Constitution and the Law on Election of President, and there’s no way to impose an unconstitutional obligation on the president through other laws, particularly when it comes to exercising of fundamental democratic rights, such as the right to election once in four years,” Djukanovic underlined. The President further explains that based on the Law on Election of Councilors and MPs, the president shall call for the elections at the latest 60 days before the election day.  “I called for the elections in these municipalities more than a month ago (on 14 September),” he points out.

Djukanovic’s office: Becic’s priorities – govt reshuffle and to include DF in it (CdM

Priorities of the parliament speaker Aleksa Becic are the government reshuffle and to include the Democratic Front (DF) in its work, the office of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic stated in response to Becic’s statement that after the amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government are to be passed, the president will have a legal obligation to align the decision to call for elections in the municipal assemblies of Mojkovac, Petnjica and Cetinje. According to Djukanovic’s office, articles 13 and 14 of the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs prescribes the obligation of the President of Montenegro to call for elections at the latest 60 days before the election day. The law also suggests that “election of councilors and members of parliament shall be held no less than 15 days prior to the expiry of the election period of councilors and members of parliament whose term of office is running”. Therefore, in this specific case, the deadline for the adoption of the decision to call for elections in Mojkovac, Petnjica and Cetinje was 6 October.


DUI leadership authorized Ahmeti to make decisions regarding inter-party negotiations alone (Republika

After the three-hour session of the DUI central board, the party leadership authorized the leader Ali Ahmeti to make decisions alone, said party spokesman Bujar Osmani. The members of the central board discussed the interests of the citizens and the interests of the state. They agreed that the continuation of the Euro-Atlantic course of the country is non-alternative and that it is necessary to make every effort in order to guarantee the Euro-Atlantic course of the country, because there is no alternative, and to continue with the realization of important infrastructure projects that have been started, and are important for a better standard and a better life of the citizens. The central board unanimously authorized president Ahmeti to continue talks with all political parties as an important and decisive factor after the parliamentary and local elections in order to maintain this progressive path and the Euro-Atlantic course of the country, while talking to all political parties with both blocs except those who are against this Euro-Atlantic course, against the strategic interests of the citizens and the state, said Osmani. He stressed that with the authority he has from the central board, Ahmeti continues to talk with representatives of other parties in order to maintain political stability. “We are not concerned about the situation with the opposition. For us, the priority is the state, not the party interests – to solve the problem with Bulgaria, for the country to function normally,” said DUI leader Ali Ahmeti on Sunday prior to holding of the party’s general council meeting in Tetovo. As Ahmeti said, DUI is open for talks with all those who are pro-EU and NATO, but there is no communication, nor will there be with those who nurture anti-NATO, anti-EU and anti-Albanian philosophy. According to Ahmeti, it is democratic for someone to have a majority of 61 MPs, but that strategy, concept and initiative is a completely different. When asked by a journalist whether it is true that DUI MPs will increase the majority of Hristijan Mickoski, Ahmeti said that this is fake news and that DUI is complete. “The current political developments will be analyzed at the meeting, and the goal is how to preserve the normal situation in the country. DUI is a party with great credibility and priority. It always puts state interests before party interests. State interests are a priority and that is the most important thing. Let’s solve the problem with Bulgaria, let the state function in a normal state. We are not worried about the situation with the opposition,” Ahmeti said before the meeting.

Lukarevska: We are working on solutions and decisions to reorganize SDSM (Fokus

Sanja Lukarevska, Vice president of the ruling SDSM told Fokus that they are currently working on reorganizing the party. Together with the president Zoran Zaev and the bodies of the party, we are working on solutions and decisions with which SDSM is reorganized, with the sole purpose to continue working in the interest of the citizens and the state. For each specific, defined step, the public will be informed in a timely manner, said Lukarevska.

Mickoski: This is the majority that guarantees that the government of Zoran Zaev is over (Republika

Opposition parties and Besa announced that they have agreed on a new parliamentary majority. After the meeting in the parliament, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mckoski gave a statement to the press. “We have secured a majority that will guarantee that this SDSM government is a thing of the past. We expect the announced resignation of Zoran Zaev, and if that does not happen, we will file a motion for a government no-confidence vote,” said Mickoski. He added that they will wait for Zaev to submit his resignation to the parliament this weekend, and the no-confidence motion procedure will start on Monday. The meeting was to announce that there is a majority, which if Zoran Zaev does not resign, will vote no confidence in his government, said Mickoski. Mickoski said that there are two options – to consolidate the opposition and no elections or to hold early snap parliamentary elections. This is a majority that guarantees that the government of Zoran Zaev is over, concluded Micoski.


US can persuade Serbia to end tensions (ADN


The Albanian deputy in the Serbian parliament Shaip Kamberi has told Albanian Daily News that he still is considered as ‘Serbia’s enemy’ because of his speech which was held in Albanian despite the brutal stance of the Speaker Ivica Dacic, who did not want him to speak in his native language on the occasion of the inauguration of the Serb government on October 28, 2020. “The work continues in the same atmosphere in which I and the parliamentary group I represent (United Valley and SDA Sandzak) are considered not only opponents of the autocratic regime of Aleksandar Vucic, but also enemies of Serbia” said Kamberi, adding that none of their requests had been approved, nor had any effort been initiated for dialogue with Albanians on the vital problems that this population is facing. Kamberi, who is the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the united Albanian opposition in the Serbian parliament, was Mayor of the Commune of Bujanoc coming from the ranks of the Party for Democratic Action and was elected deputy in the parliamentary elections held in Serbia on June 21, 2020. Kamberi highlighted the constructive cooperation in the parliamentary group composed of 3 Albanians and 3 Bosnians but they have not managed to convince official Belgrade to treat the minorities they represent -Albanians and Bosnians- as equal citizens in Serbia. “The biggest ethnic distance in Serbia remains with the Albanians. This is the best evidence proving the negative atmosphere in which Albanians live in this country.” Speaking of the long discrimination exerted by Serbia, the Albanian MP noted that especially the non-recognition of diplomas, the lack of serious investment and the lack of jobs are the main factors that are affecting the depopulation of Albanians’ municipalities. But he was particularly worried about the implementation of the selective administrative measures for the “passivation of residential addresses” of a number of citizens in their territory, which is aggravating the situation in this aspect and therefore the situation is worryingly sad. Kamberi was critical towards the European Union because it has done nothing to make Serbia halt this depopulation practice against Albanians in their territory. “Unfortunately, these discriminatory measures are being implemented in the eyes of the European Union, which, besides ascertaining the situation, has never asked Serbia to stop this practice.” In the meantime, he thinks that only the inclusion of the issue of the Presevo Valley in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue remains the only and last opportunity for the advancement of the rights of Albanians. On the other hand, Kamberi was very sad because the youth are leaving their homes in their territories. “The lack of perspective for improving the situation is influencing the most vital part of our population - the youth, to lose patience and it is leaving,” he said. According to the Albanian deputy, the only hope remains the American diplomacy in this situation of tensions not only in Kosovo, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and previously in Montenegro, as Belgrade is ambitiously trying to build the ‘Serbian World’. “The US is the only power that can persuade or force Serbia to end its policies of provoking tensions in the region and making progress in talks with Kosovo with the ultimate goal of a final agreement on mutual recognition,” said the Albanian deputy in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi in the following interview:

ADN: Let me, first of all, thank you for the opportunity for this conversation with Albanian Daily News. The echo of your speech in Albanian in the Serbian parliament is still fresh, marking the first time of such an event after many decades. The essence of your accusation was the discrimination that the Serbian state exerts on Albanians. Since then, how is the atmosphere of your relations in parliament where some Serb MPs have accused you of being an 'enemy'? 

Kamberi: The work continues in the same atmosphere in which I and the parliamentary group I represent (United Valley and SDA Sandzak) are considered not only opponents of the autocratic regime of Aleksandar Vucic, but also enemies of Serbia. So, since our first criticism made in October last year when the current government of Serbia was elected, discrimination against Albanians in the Presevo Valley continues with the same intensity. None of our requests have been approved, nor has any effort been initiated for dialogue with Albanians on the vital problems that this population is facing.

ADN: Since the parliamentary elections, how is the group of Albanian and Bosnian MPs functioning as the only real opposition force and what influence does your opposition approach have on the political life of Serbia? 

Kamberi: I can say that the functioning of the group is normal and it is compact. It is not that we have managed to convince official Belgrade to treat the minorities we represent (Albanians and Bosniaks) as equal citizens, nor have we managed to have space in the main press, with the exception of some independent media (VremeAl Jazeera Balkans or Danas) that write on our work. It is worth mentioning that even the Serbian opposition out of Parliament, which itself is disintegrated and at no point is managing to present itself as a democratic alternative to the authoritarian regime, has not shown any particular interest in cooperating with us. The biggest ethnic distance in Serbia remains with the Albanians. This is the best evidence proving the negative atmosphere in which Albanians live in this country.

ADN: - Let me talk about the situation in the municipalities of the Presevo Valley (Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja). How is the situation of the Albanian population in face of the discrimination of the Serbian state, and it is more important to learn from you whether the depopulation process of these lands is slowing down? 

Kamberi: - As I have pointed out before, the long discrimination - especially the non-recognition of diplomas, the lack of serious investment and the lack of jobs are the main factors that are affecting the depopulation of our municipalities. On the other hand, the implementation of selective administrative measures for the “passivation of residential addresses” of a number of citizens in their territory in a complementary manner is aggravating the situation in this aspect, and therefore the situation is worryingly sad.

ADN: Following the above idea, does the practice of the suspension of Albanians’ addresses in their territory continue, and practically what is causing such a ‘sophisticated’ policy, I mean in the ethnic structure of the Albanian population? 

Kamberi: The practice of ‘passivation of addresses’ is continuing in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja. Many times, we have described this measure as selective because it is being applied only to Albanians and is discriminatory. These police administrative measure is affecting the artificial change of the ethnic structure of these municipalities. As a discriminatory measure, it is also prohibited from the point of view of the current Serbian legislation, because the Constitution of Serbia itself prohibits state intervention to change the ethnic structure with administrative measures. Unfortunately, these discriminatory measures are being implemented in the eyes of the European Union, which, besides ascertaining the situation, has never asked Serbia to stop this practice.

ADN: Meanwhile, has the sensitivity of Albanians of all political forces to act with a common language in this confrontation, and secondly, how much does Albania contribute, especially to the relevant international organizations, in denouncing the violation of human rights by Serbia and is there any coordination of this activity between you and the competent institutions of official Tirana? 

Kamberi: The project of political interaction of many Albanian political forces that exist in the Presevo Valley can be considered our participation in the parliamentary elections of Serbia last year and the achievement of three representative mandates. But this project will be challenged very soon, as in Serbia new parliamentary elections are announced to be held in April next year. It will be difficult to maintain this continuity without a direct influence from Tirana or Pristina. What will be their commitment in this regard is expected to be seen. The Republic of Albania has undertaken several initiatives to raise awareness of the issue of ‘passivation’ in international organizations such as the OSCE or the Council of Europe, but without any concrete results. It is very clear that it will be difficult for the Albanian subjects of the Presevo Valley, even with their interaction, to succeed alone without greater help from official Tirana and Pristina in face of the generally known discriminatory tendency of Serbia towards Albanians. Therefore, we think that the inclusion of the issue of the Presevo Valley in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue remains the only and last opportunity for the advancement of the rights of Albanians. 


ADN: Do Albanians have hope that Serbia's EU integration process will influence a change in the Serbian discriminatory policy towards Albanians, and how committed is Brussels itself to protecting the rights of Albanians as, for the sake of truth, the issue of protection of minority rights is presented by the Union as a basic condition in the membership process? 

Kamberi: Our hope that chapters 23 and 24 in the process of Serbia's EU membership will yield concrete results is fading. I said above that, unfortunately, apart from the findings that Albanians are facing discrimination, especially in the field of integration, education, etc., the EU has not taken any concrete action, and has not set any conditions for Serbia to make something concrete in this aspect. On the other hand, Serbia's prospect of EU membership without regulating the position of minorities is dim. Even at the last summit in Brdo, Slovenia, no concrete date was set for EU enlargement. As Serbia does not have a specific membership date, it is in no hurry to meet the criteria required by Chapters 23 and 24, which is causing delays in meeting our requirements. The time and delay of the realization of our requests, this is the real problem. The lack of perspective for improving the situation is influencing the most vital part of our population - the youth, to lose patience and it is leaving. We are in an uninterrupted struggle for our rights that has been going on for almost 20 years. Its results are incredibly modest. This has caused frustration among our young people who are leaving. Today in the eyes of the democratic world, Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia is returning to the time of Aleksandar Rankovic, when anti-Albanian policy was the official state policy.

ADN: -These days the initiators of the Open Balkans have been very active. What is your opinion about this project when 3 out of 6 countries in the Western Balkans do not participate in it, and does this initiative contradict the Berlin Process? 

Kamberi: Undoubtedly, mutual cooperation should be the future and perspective of the peoples of the Western Balkans. Therefore, any initiative that has this purpose is welcome in principle. But in this case, in my opinion, there are two problems. The first is that three of the six Balkan countries are not participating in this initiative, a fact that makes the idea incomplete. Second, despite trying to present the idea of an open Balkans as a diplomatic success of its president Serbia at the same time has launched the idea of creating a Serbian World as a priority of the “current generation of Serbian politicians”. This proves that there is no sincere commitment to the Open Balkans initiative. In addition, the return of Kosovar boxers from the Serbian border and their prevention from participating in the international tournament, despite the fact that the Kosovo Boxing Federation is a member of the International Boxing Federation (AIBA), may be compatible with the Serbian World but in no way with the Open Balkans. Serbia remains closed to others while it makes every effort to extend its influence wherever there are Serbs. This is a serious problem that affects the stability of the Balkans and it is a fact that international diplomacy, especially that of the United States, must keep in mind to prevent the recurrence of the years of bloody wars of the '90s.

ADN: In addition to its deadlock, Pristina-Belgrade dialogue has been accompanied by an increase in tension between the two countries in recent months. Mr. Kamberi, looking back - the long time of this process without any results, what is your opinion about its future? 

Kamberi: It is a fact that ten years ago, when the first round of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia began, the initial enthusiasm of the first years of the process that led to reaching several agreements, including the Normalization Agreement of 2013, has been replaced by a long-term crisis. Serbia’s obstruction for Kosovo to become a member of international organizations, the question of the exchange of territories, the signing of the agreement in Washington and the appointment of Miroslav Lajcak as EU Special Representative, these shows, among others, that the tenth anniversary of the start of the dialogue is without any significant success. Moreover, the current impasse in the dialogue has been replaced by dangerous tensions as a result of the constant provocations of Serbia and the instrumentalized Serbs of northern Kosovo. All this is happening again in the eyes of the European Union, which, due to the lack of internal cohesion for a unique foreign policy, is failing to influence the progress of the talks. The growing influence of Russia and China and Serbia's three-seat play also add to the potential for rising tensions in the region. In this situation of tensions not only in Kosovo, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina and previously in Montenegro, which in my opinion are a consequence of the ambitions for the realization of the "Serbian World", the only hope remains American diplomacy and the five appointed by the administration of President Biden that can make things come out from the impasse. The US is the only power that can persuade or force Serbia to end its policies of provoking tensions in the region and making progress in talks with Kosovo with the ultimate goal of a final agreement on mutual recognition.

Peleshi visits North Macedonia: The future of the two countries, Euro-Atlantic integration (Radio Tirana

"Albania and North Macedonia as NATO allies reaffirm mutual support and share the common position that the future of the region belongs to Euro-Atlantic integration". That is the statement issued by the Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi during his visit to Skopje, where he met with the President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski, the Speaker of the Assembly Talat Xhaferri, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani and his counterpart Radmila Sekerinska.

During the meeting with the Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska, the importance of intensifying the joint activities was underlined, but also the possibility for reviewing and adapting the legal framework of this cooperation to the current one. The two ministers shared the same position to increase bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of education, training and education, civil defense, but also developments in the field of technology and innovation, where a regional approach to the DIANA project within NATO was mentioned. A special focus during the meeting was placed to the interaction in regional initiatives, US-A5, SEDM, etc., but also in the Regional Center for Public Relations. Ministers Peleshi and Sekerinska stressed their support for the open-door policy in the region. On his part, the Albanian Minister thanked his counterpart from North Macedonia for the positive and active approach to Kosovo. In other meetings with key political leaders in North Macedonia, the current political situation there, the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the two countries as well as current developments in the security and defense environment in the Western Balkans were widely discussed. Minister Peleshi thanked Xhaferri and Osmani for the constructive approach to the issues that affect the Albanians in North Macedonia and for the role that they, but also the entire Albanian factor has for the future of the state and the prosperity of all citizens of North Macedonia.