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Belgrade Media Report 9 November


Upward trend in cooperation with US in field of defense (Politika/RTS)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic talked on Monday with acting deputy to US Assistant Secretary of Defense Nate Adler about improving cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense. Stefanovic assessed that the cooperation in this area follows the development of the overall relations of our countries, which have an upward trend, and that the upcoming bilateral defense consultations between Serbia and the US will enable the harmonization of future steps in it. Stefanovic and Adler, who is on an official visit to Serbia, assessed the cooperation so far as very developed, especially in the military-military field. Adler expressed his belief that in the coming period, Serbia and the US will raise cooperation to a higher level in all areas of common interest, especially in the military-military segment. Adler pointed out at the meeting that the United States wants to improve partnership relations with all countries of the Western Balkans, but that they consider Serbia an important factor in the stability and development of the region. Stefanovic reminded that Serbia continues to pursue a balanced defense policy and constantly works on improving and further qualitative development of relations in the field of defense with all countries and international organizations, in accordance with its long-term strategic commitment to maintain the status of a military neutral state.

Petkovic: Osmani did not pay attention to messages from the State Department (Tanjug/RTV)

By replacing the thesis that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in so-called Kosovo would form the Republika Srpska, Vjosa Osmani showed that she did not pay attention to the lesson when unequivocal messages arrived from the State Department and the US Embassy in Pristina that Pristina must form the ZSO, said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. But, it seems that the political messages from the US are selectively valid for Osmani, just as all the agreements signed so far in Brussels are selectively valid for her and Albin Kurti, Petkovic added, as announced from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Had Osmani, as Petkovic adds, read the statements from 21 October and 4 November from beginning to end and with understanding, she would remember that the US is committed to respecting all agreements reached so far between Belgrade and Pristina, without justification and exception, which includes the formation of the ZSO. “Precisely because of their security and peaceful sleep, we will never give up on the demands and efforts to form the ZSO in Kosovo and Metohija. And Vjosa Osmani can continue to spread misinformation and political propaganda, for which she will receive applause from those opposition politicians in Belgrade who obviously warmed her chair before her trip to the US,” Petkovic added.

Schmidt: There will be no peaceful dismissal of B&H army (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)

There is no consent within the Republika Srpska (RS) on the announcement of Milorad Dodik on return of competencies to the RS and reminded of statements of several politicians from the RS given over past days. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that all past announcements of Dodik on independence, abolition of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H as well as many other “were left to lie in a drawer immediately after elections”. Sarovic also argued that Dodik’s announcements represent “playing with destiny of the RS” and added that SDS will present its stance on this matter before the RS parliament. DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that DNS supports strengthening of competencies but it does not support ‘adventures’. Nesic added that this matter can be discussed either in the RS NA or “in presence of the Serbian President (Aleksandar Vucic) as the supreme political authority of Serbs”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic too said that this matter can be discussed only before the RS parliament. On the other hand, Dodik’s advisor Radovan Kovacevic said that it is not a good time for internal quarrels and reminded that even Vucic recently said that he is disappointed with the fact political unity no longer exists in the RS. Kovacevic also reminded that US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said that he had phone conversations with individual representatives of opposition and made an influence on them so that they would no longer be a part of the unity. Dodik met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday in Banja Luka and, after that, Dodik also met with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa in Ljubljana. Following the working dinner, Jansa wrote on his Twitter account: “The territorial integrity and respect of the existing constitutional order, while making sure same rules are applied on everyone, are the foundation for coexistence of its people and solving of current dilemmas. The future is in full sovereignty of B&H and membership in the EU”.

Viola von Cramon-Taubadel: Kosovo and RS cannot be compared (Novosti


European Parliament’s Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel stated that she does not want to compare Kosovo and RS as an entity in B&H, nor she would in any way make any connections between the two: “Those are separate issues and we are dealing with B&H separately from Serbia-Kosovo dialogue.” Von Cramon-Taubadel commented on statements of individual officials who compared the status of Kosovo and RS and she noted that she does not want to speculate on whether the RS should be “used as a currency for Serbia’s concessions to Kosovo” and concluded by saying that both Kosovo and RS must turn towards their own democratization, peaceful solving of internal matters and full implementation of reforms related to the EU, instead of constantly creating tensions and nationalism.



Escobar holds separate meetings with B&H Presidency members: There will be no war in B&H; Escobar: I had productive meeting with Dodik where possibility to withdraw all decisions on transfer of competences was opened (Hayat


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar held separate meetings with B&H Presidency members, Zeljko Komsic, Milorad Dodik and Sefik Dzaferovic respectively, in Sarajevo on Monday. Escobar and his interlocutors agreed that there will be no war, and Escobar stressed that this is the main message of the meetings he held as a part of his visit to B&H. Addressing a press conference after his meetings with the B&H Presidency members, Escobar said that it is very important to underline that it is necessary to ensure that B&H remains a sovereign country with territorial integrity. "And I am glad I had a productive meeting with Dodik where the possibility to withdraw all decisions on transfer of competences was opened so that we could continue to work on economic development because the political crisis increases the lack of confidence among investors," Escobar emphasized. At the same time, addressing a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo after his meeting with Escobar, Dodik said that the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans "considers our objections frustrations." "Of course I am frustrated, very frustrated with the lies they often told us that this is a state where there is rule of law, and it is not," Dodik said, adding that he told Escobar that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H is an inquisitorial court which made decisions outside the Constitution and that this cannot be and should not be tolerated. Komsic, on the other hand, said that Escobar explicitly stated that there will be no war in B&H nor will anyone violate the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). "Mr. Escobar's assessment is that everything that is happening in B&H is an artificial crisis, that there is no real basis for this crisis and that the US will certainly take good care and nothing regarding the change of borders, relations defined in Dayton and derived from Dayton will not be acceptable to the United States," Komsic underlined. Dzaferovic told Escobar that blockade of the B&H institutions, as well as diminishing what has been achieved so far is unacceptable. "No one can diminish the achieved level of reforms and development of the B&H institutions. No one can do that unilaterally. That is the next, very important message. B&H has to continue to on its European path. B&H has to continue to meet the obligations from the European Commission's (EC) Opinion and adopted Program of Reforms," Dzaferovic emphasized. Komsic and Dzaferovic underlined that there was no talk of imposing sanctions at the meetings with Escobar, but that no one who disrupts stability will go unpunished. Dodik called for an intervention of the international community against anyone who threatens with an armed conflict. He added that he informed Escobar about their plan to withdraw agreement for the establishment of certain B&H institutions and that new laws will be adopted within six months. Komsic said that nothing outside of the DPA can happen without the USA and EU allies. BN TV noticed that Escobar was visibly satisfied with the reached agreements during the press conference held after his meetings with the B&H officials. Escobar's main message was that there will be no war, and he added that this is the position of all leaders in the region of the Western Balkans. "The second thing I came to talk about here is the incredible economic potential which the Balkans has. The Balkans is currently the fastest growing part of Europe. Admittedly, B&H does not share all the parameters of that growth. Therefore, we need to do two things. The first is to make sure B&H shares those parameters of growth with the rest of the region, and the second thing is for Europe to recognize the economic potential that this region has and I am completely convinced that Europe will realize within a reasonable period of time that you must be a part of the EU" Escobar said. Escobar underlined that the future of the countries of the Western Balkans is in the EU, but that before that, those countries need to work on regional connectivity in order to be economically as strong as possible. Escobar clearly stated that B&H is economically the least developed country of the Western Balkans primarily due to constant political tensions because, as he said, investors do not like political tensions in any country. Escobar underlined that it is necessary to ensure that B&H remains independent, sovereign and territorially whole. Dodik said: “If the Constitution is not amended following the adopted reforms, that means the said reforms are not in line with the Constitution. We will continue to work in accordance with the B&H Constitution. This was clearly said to Mr. Escobar. His response was there should be talks, and I am for that. No one in the RS is against it.” Dodik informed Escobar about preparations to primarily adopt laws at the RS parliament to retrieve the RS’ competencies related to the military, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), and the indirect taxation system, that would be followed by retrieving all 140 competencies taken away from the RS. “We do not share values of B&H that was created by violating the Constitution. We are for constitutional B&H, and I informed him about our intentions that all our political actions are constitutional and that none of the political actions in that regard will be contrary to the Constitution, that we have no intention to violate the territorial integrity, and that it was not our goal,” said Dodik for the media. Addressing the media, Escobar said: “I was glad that I had a productive meeting with Dodik, where the possibility has been opened to withdraw decisions he made, but also announced, that are related to transfer of competencies, so that we can continue to work on economic development.”  The reporter comments that Escobar did not specify if under open possibility he proposed withdrawal of decisions according to which the RS’ competencies had been priory taken away, or potential return to joint negotiations of B&H officials. He clearly said to members of the B&H Presidency from Sarajevo, who strongly opposed ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, that the initiative was a great opportunity for B&H, and the said B&H Presidency members seem to have changed their minds after that. Addressing the media after the meeting, Komsic said: “All regional initiatives, including ‘Open Balkans’ initiative are acceptable.”

Escobar meets with members of Collegium of both Houses of B&H parliament, says DPA remains basis of US policy towards B&H and that no one has right to unilaterally change its essence nor achieved level of reforms in B&H (FTV


US Deputy Secretary of State and US President's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar attended on Monday two separate meetings with representatives of the B&H Parliament and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) parliament. Those that attended meetings with Escobar on Monday said they were satisfied with the calming messages that he sent, and some of them – HDZ B&H representatives, used this opportunity to speak of the need for amending the Election Law of B&H and ensuring legitimate representation of all constituent peoples in B&H. Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Denis Zvizdic told a press conference that Escobar conveyed an important message on Monday and that is that security situation in B&H will remain to be calm. Escobar also said that the Dayton Peace Agreement remains to be the foundation of the US’ policies towards B&H. “And that nobody has the right to, unilaterally, change neither the essence of the Dayton (Agreement) nor the level of achieved reforms in B&H,” Zvizdic underlines. B&H HoR deputy speaker Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) said she spoke as a representative of Croats in B&H, and she emphasized the need for improving the status of Croats, on the territory of entire B&H. She said decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) must be implemented first, and then decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which refer to the legitimate representation of constituent peoples. Zvizdic said that an important message from the meeting with Escobar is that "everything that is happening, all ideas and achieving certain solutions has to go through the state-level institutions, i.e. it has to pass through the B&H Parliament, and by no means through any other authority level." "We also spoke in part about regional cooperation, especially from the aspect of economy. We spoke about the capacities that the Western Balkans has in the economic sense. Sanctions were not mentioned at this meeting, but it seems to me that the messages conveyed by Mr. Escobar, obviously also in the meeting with members of the Presidency and now in the meeting with us, are very clear and that is that the US is fully behind the DPA," Zvizdic underlined. Kristo also said: “Everything comes down to the only possible thing in B&H, and that is that the dialogue to look on all issues, i.e. B&H as a country of three constituent peoples and other citizens who live in it. It is the only way to look at its future and its present”. The reporter notes that Kristo used the opportunity to remind Escobar of two Bosniak members at the B&H Presidency, and that it is another issue that should be resolved with dialog. “We forget today that Bosniak people has two B&H Presidency members, etc. Therefore, all these relations we are burdened with within B&H in regard to socio-economic reforms, are perhaps burdened due to some issues that we need to primarily resolve”. Zvizdic said it is important that Escobar had full legitimacy, i.e. support of the US Administration in everything he did. “The first significant message, in my view, is his statement that he is not coming as an individual, which is perhaps related to attempts by individual politicians to minimize his role, but that he is coming as a representative of the US Administration, and that he advocates, defends and presents the US policy,” said Zvizdic. The reporter notes that Escobar tried to impose the economy and regional cooperation as a topic in the meetings, but there is no agreement among the politicians in B&H on how it should be organized.

Escobar and FB&H MPs discuss political situation in B&H and FB&H (Hayat


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar met with the leadership of both Houses of the FB&H parliament in Sarajevo on Monday. Escobar and members of the FB&H Parliament discussed the political situation in B&H and the FB&H, the current political crisis and strengthening of institutions as an important precondition for accelerating economic progress and EU integration. Escobar reiterated the US commitment to respect the Washington and Dayton agreements and the need for mutual dialogue as a way to resolve all open political issues. FTV learns that Escobar insisted on speaking about economic matters during this meeting. Non-implementation of election results in the FB&H was also not discussed on Monday. Speaker of the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP), Tomislav Martinovic (HDZ B&H) told a press conference that he believes it is important that Escobar emphasized the fact that the US continues to respect both the Washington Agreement and the Dayton Peace Agreement. “That is very important; that is something that gives hope, and something that encourages all of us – primarily in the FB&H, as we here also have many political misunderstandings” Martinovic stated. Speaker of the FB&H House of Representatives (FB&H HoR), Mirsad Zaimovic (SDA) said the FB&H authorities, which also includes the FB&H Parliament, must focus on the standard of citizens, on growth rates – which are higher in countries of the region, and to set goals that connect to development and stability of the citizens’ living standard. Zaimovic said SDA representatives expressed their concern, during meeting with Escobar, regarding the situation that is being created in B&H at this moment. Zaimovic stated that they should point out what is crucial nowadays and that is behavior of member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and jeopardizing stability in the entire B&H. According to Zaimovic, this is what they mostly talked about during the meeting with Escobar.

Representatives of opposition parties in RS accuse Dodik of double-dealing (BN TV

After the meeting between Milorad Dodik and Gabriel Escobar which took place in Sarajevo on Monday, representatives of the opposition parties in the RS stated that Dodik is double-dealing and that he is saying one thing in the presence of representatives of the international community and another thing in front of the citizens of the RS. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that Dodik showed fear at the meeting with Escobar because he was frightened by the topics that were on the table. "I believe that he is always double-dealing and telling one thing to the international representatives and another thing to the public to present himself as a big boss, when in essence he also plays that other, humble role," Sarovic underlined. Sarovic stressed that he and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic will convey their view of the situation in B&H to Escobar. "Through talks with the representatives of great powers and representatives of the EU, to preserve what we believe is the most important to preserve and that is the RS, the people, our autonomy, the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and everything that we possess, not gambling and not toying with that. That is our main policy. Everything that belongs to the RS, we stand up for it, without jeopardizing peace and invoking war" Sarovic said. RS MP Nebojsa Vukanovic said that Dodik is acting as a little child, creating problems when he does not get what he wants. PDP Vice-President Jelena Trivic stressed that SNSD's hypocritical policy has once again proved itself. "Dodik is the one who is gambling with the fate of the RS and the fate of this people and who is ready, for the sake of himself and his remaining in power and his interests, to ruin what others have created and defended and not him," Trivic emphasized.

US Embassy comment Escobar’s meetings: It is in everyone's interest to come back to the table (Oslobodjenje


The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement on their official Twitter account regarding the meetings that US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar held on Monday. “Dialogue and work through institutions on rule of law, electoral and economic reforms will build a more functional B&H where both entities and Brcko District prosper and government at all levels is equipped to deliver services and a European perspective. Talk of withdrawal from state-level institutions creates regulatory and legal uncertainty that will damage the RS and undermine B&H and regional economic prospects. It's in everyone's interest to come back to the table,” reads the statement.

Erdogan: We will not allow B&H's suffering from the 1990s to be repeated (O Kanal


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would not allow B&H to experience the suffering it experienced in the 1990s. B&H, with which Turkey has had deep relations for centuries, occupies a special place in the hearts of the Turkish people, Erdogan said during a reception for representatives of Bosniak non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Turkey on Sunday. “Since the Dayton Peace Accords, Turkey has been the biggest obstacle in prevention of the sad events that have happened in B&H in the past from happening again. Bosniaks, as well as Serbs and Croats, benefit from the projects implemented by Turkey in B&H, the development assistance it provided, as well as the investments of Turkish companies,” Erdogan stated. "Turkey will not allow B&H’s suffering from the 1990s to be repeated. We will continue our initiatives until a lasting solution is reached. I do not even feel the need to say that we will not refrain from a more determined attitude if necessary. There is no longer Turkey from the period of the late Alija (Izetbegovic), today there is another Turkey. That is why the steps we will take will be significantly different” Erdogan told a press conference. "The Turkish people consider it their duty to be with B&H at every historical moment, regardless of the circumstances. We will continue to be with our Bosniak brothers in a much stronger and different way. We have exerted effort, and continue to do so, to make the peaceful environment established after the war lasting. We have provided support without any discrimination for the preservation of the multicultural and ethnic identity of B&H and its stability," Erdogan underlined. Erdogan stated that Turkey has undertaken the initiative to help resolve problems and current crisis in B&H and the Balkans. He noted that all sides, including Dodik, wanted Turkey to get involved in the process. Erdogan underlined that Turkey is willing to take the role of an intermediary, but not upon Dodik’s request.

Izetbegovic says Erdogan’s good relations with Vucic and Dodik should be used to create more normal state and rejects idea of meetings of political parties’ leaders with Erdogan, Milanovic and Vucic to discuss solution for B&H (N1


SDA leader and deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Bakir Izetbegovic has confirmed for N1 he talked with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the situation in B&H. Izetbegovic said Erdogan had good relations with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, “and that should be taken advantage of, i.e. instead of creating such problems that will drive away children from the Balkans, let us create a more normal state, construct the Sarajevo-Belgrade highway, to do positive things where we could be assisted by Turkey. That was basically the content of the talk with Mr. Erdogan”. Asked if Erdogan had any idea how the crisis could be overcome, Izetbegovic reminded of the idea proposed by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic for the representatives of the three peoples in B&H to discuss the situation with “three big brothers” (referring to Erdogan, Milanovic and Vucic), and said he had not accepted that, noting “this country has its institutions. I am not a Bosniak representative, I am a leader of a political party. I do not want B&H to be treated in such a manner”. Izetbegovic went on to say that after saying to Erdogan he would not agree with such s meeting, Erdogan asked how Turkey can help, to which he responded that Erdogan’s good relations with Serbs and Bosniaks could be used to find a solution. “He is a man who can recognize, and his associates will analyze the relations in B&H, and inform him about that, so perhaps he, from the distance, and based on his experience, can recognize something we do not see from here,” said Izetbegovic.

Ruling coalition to submit proposal on Information on competencies taken away from RS with imposed laws and competencies transferred with RS’ approval; Action Plan to be developed after session; Dodik says finalization of RS activities is expected within six months (RTRS

The RS ruling coalition will submit on Tuesday a proposal to the RS parliament for a new special session to discuss the Information on competencies taken away from the RS with imposed laws, as well as the competencies transferred with the approval of the RS, related to indirect taxation system, the B&H Armed Forces (AF) and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). The reporter notes that only four hours after the meeting of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar  and Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, the ruling coalition in the RS held a session in Banja Luka, where the statement by Escobar, interpreted by SDS leader Mirko Sarovic that Dodik is abandoning the idea of retrieving the RS’ competencies was clarified. Addressing the media, Dodik said: “As for what Escobar said that Dodik is willing to think about something, I informed him that we are going with the Information and that we will give a six-month deadline to organize it adequately. What he concluded, that is his issue, but I see that Mr. Sarovic is trying to get out of the mud he got himself into, because Escobar said for him that he is among those people who are destroying the Serb unity. He did not say that for me, he said other things for me, but I responded.” RTRS reports that the special session of the RS parliament is expected to be held next week. Addressing the media, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic said: “It is certain that people creating this path at this moment will exclusively abide by the constitutional principles and the Constitution, but only with what is written. Our Constitution, as you know, is the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”. RTRS reports that immediately after the special session, the ruling coalition will develop the Action Plan, and it has already been determined that five laws will be finalized within 30 days. “One of the said laws is the law on annulling the (former High Representative Paddy) Ashdown’s law, i.e. the law on prohibiting disposal of military assets. We will do that in the upcoming period, not later than within 30 days. There will be a set of laws regarding the judiciary, to organize the judiciary so that the system we opt for can receive the budgetary support as of 1 January,” said Dodik. RTRS reports that all working materials have been delivered to the opposition representatives, who have also called for a dialogue. NPS leader Darko Banjac said there is majority at the RSNA to do that, primarily the ruling coalition, “we are unified and strong enough. But what I want to say is that we have invited other political parties that do not participate in the government to support us, i.e. to go in the direction of the policy of the RS. However, for now, we have not found understanding”. NDP leader Dragan Cavic said it was a high time to stop “any nomination or adoption of standards by anyone in this country who has not been elected and outside the framework determined by the Peace Agreement from 1995”. RTRS reports that leaders of ruling political parties said the competencies of the RS would be retrieved based on the Constitution and the DPA and that they fought for the RS’ rights using exclusively democratic methods. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic said: “What we are doing is the promotion of peace, stability, economy, better life and protection of people, and what we hear from the Federation of B&H is the promotion of war, conflicts and announcement of unrests in B&H. We are glad that due to the RS’ broad diplomatic activities, the whole world shares very similar opinion, and we will continue to do so.” SP leader Petar Djokic said: “We are not the creators of the crisis, but we fight for legal, legitimate interests we must defend, and achieve, as representatives of the people and the RS’’. RTRS reports that representatives of the ruling coalition said they would continue their activities in that direction, despite the warmongering statements from Sarajevo, with aim being to back to the dialog and bringing B&H within the framework of the DPA.


Croatian FM meets Montenegrin Deputy PM to talk about ‘deepening relations’ (Hina

Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman met with Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic in Zagreb on Monday. Grlic-Radman and Abazovic talked about "deepening the relations between the two countries," according to the ministry's press release, carried by state news agency Hina. Abazovic was on a working visit to Croatia, the ministry said in an unsigned press release, adding that the two officials had “underlined the wish for and importance of deepening and strengthening the bilateral relations and solving all outstanding issues.” “There is agreement that it is necessary to cultivate the culture of remembrance so that we can build a peaceful and stable future together, and a big step forward was made by jointly marking 30 years of the establishment of the infamous Morinj camp early in October,” the press release said, in reference to a detention facility in Montenegro where several hundred Croatian POWs and civilians had been held during the 1991-95 war. On that occasion, Grlic-Radman and Montenegrin Foreign Minister, Djordje Radulovic, laid wreaths in memory of the hundreds of prisoners, mainly from the Dubrovnik area, who had been detained there. Grlic-Radman and Abazovic also “talked about EU enlargement” and Grlic-Radman “reiterated Croatia’s support and willingness to help Montenegro on the EU path” Hina said, citing the press release. They also talked about supporting ethnic minorities, and especially the small Croat ethnic minority living in Montenegro, historically based around the coastal town of Boka Kotorska. Grlic-Radman “drew attention” to key projects for preserving the identity of ethnic Croats in Boka Kotorska, Hina said.


DF v PM: In their language – hypocrites against clown (CdM

The Democratic Front (DF) is once again overthrowing the government. At the invitation of the DF, the parliamentary majority will discuss the election of a new government. One of the DF leaders Andrija Mandic has recently said that the time has come to state that because of Dritan Abazovic (URA) and PM Zdravko Krivokapic, the phase of talks for the Government reshuffle is coming to an end. “We are launching a new initiative, for the election of a new government, and we will propose to the partners from the parliamentary majority to elect a new government, a new prime minister and new ministers,” Mandic has said. In the meantime, Krivokapic, in his text, has asked the parliamentary majority for support for him and his government to continue. Democrats say that they are for the government reshuffle, URA does not want even that. Democrats are angry at the three URA MPs for not wanting the reshuffle. URA says the government must remain in the expert concept.

Nikolic: Coalition with DF impossible, we need a majority of 54 MPs (CdM

“The most desirable way out of the crisis would certainly be early parliamentary elections, and the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is completely ready for them. However, although the most desirable, early elections are not the only way out of the crisis. The DPS is ready to support any solution that will lead to the fall of the current government, which would eliminate the risk of endangering the vital strategic interests of our country. It remains to be seen what the solution will be in the end,” says DPS MP and spokesman Milos Nikolic in an interview for CdM. He points out that the partners of the DPS can be those parties that nurture the anti-fascist heritage of Montenegro, the concept of a civil state and advocate for the European future of Montenegro. At this moment, Nikolic says, only the Democratic Front (DF) excludes itself from this possibility. According to him, if we really want to make real strides for the future of Montenegro, then we must reach a majority that is significantly larger than 41 MPs. So, he points out, only a majority of 54 or 49 PMs can provide what Montenegro needs – unblocking of key judicial institutions and strong support for membership in the European Union, and the key word for reaching that majority is – compromise.

CdM: In an interview in 2017, you said that a greater contribution of the DPS was needed to strengthening the identity and overcoming divisions. It is obvious that a large number of pro-Montenegrin bloc voters do not hide their dissatisfaction with the political situation in Montenegro. However, we often hear comments from them that you from the largest party of the former government are to blame for that, because you did not use the best ways to strengthen the state, its institutions, to allow corruption, allow foreign interference and lack of international support. Is there any truth in that? 

Nikolic: As for the first part of the question, I would say that there is no doubt that the biggest problem of modern Montenegro is the inherited deep division of society. I say inherited because we are aware that the roots of today’s divisions date back at least 100 years. As for the second part of your question, I am familiar with it and, of course, with such interpretations. I would say that they are more the product of a kind of resentment and frustration with the current situation than some serious political analysis. I believe we did more than could have been done. Montenegro has strategically wisely chosen the country’s foreign policy course and has achieved exceptional results in that field. I would like to remind you that we have become a member of all relevant international organizations, including NATO, and that we have opened all chapters in the negotiations with the EU and closed three of them. Internally, the Montenegrin economy is much stronger than it was 14 years ago. We were record holders in Europe in attracting foreign direct investment, we completed the process of turning Montenegro into a year-round high-paying tourist destination, we developed evenly the north, especially through the ongoing highway and ski projects. The data from which the evident growth can be seen speak best about salaries, pensions, minimum wages. However, 14 years is not enough to complete the process of state formation in the institutional, identity and economic sense.

CdM: The Montenegrin bloc is encouraged that the international community has recognized the mistake of giving support or not reacting in the last elections due to the interference of other foreign powers in the elections in Montenegro. Is it just encouragement with a message – Hold on until some next elections? 

Nikolic: I would say these are banal and superficial comments. Neither did the international community give such strong support to the new government last year, nor will it now tend to resolve what the internal issues in our country are. The peaceful transition of power is a great asset that Montenegro gained after last year’s parliamentary elections and it is an important event for Montenegro’s reputation as a democratic state. Could there have been more active action of the international community in the part of protection of Montenegro from malignant influence of third parties? Of course, there could.

CdM: When will the next elections be? 

Nikolic: Early parliamentary elections are the most common way to resolve the political crisis in all democratic societies. So, I believe that the context of your question was – when will the political crisis in Montenegro actually be resolved. In this context, I believe that the coming months, and probably the coming weeks, will lead to a resolution of the current crisis. The most desirable way out of the crisis would certainly be early parliamentary elections, and the Democratic Party of Socialists is completely ready for them. However, although the most desirable, early elections are not the only way out of the crisis. There are some other modalities.

CdM: I’m sure you do public opinion polls regularly. You announced a part recently, and that is that the DPS has reached 35% to 38% of the electorate that would go to the polls. Tell us something that is not good for you in that survey. All political factors often deprive us of that. 

Nikolic: From every survey we get, I can say, thousands of data. They are used to see the current position of the party, eliminate weaknesses, set a communication strategy and make some strategic decisions about future moves in the party. (…) The survey leaves no dilemma: if elections were held, the current parliamentary majority would go into opposition.

CdM: The Montenegrin bloc should go to the polls in one or two columns… or maybe three? Why? 

Nikolic: The Montenegrin bloc should run in the elections in the modality that will offer it the best chances of winning. We are currently working on these analyzes and what I can say is that there are several options that we are evaluating. What will be the final solution in the end depends primarily on the assessment of the success of the parliamentary elections.

CdM: Has the DPS, after joining the opposition, been a reformed party, partially reformed, or something else? 

Nikolic: The DPS is nearing the end of its intra-party reform. I understand that part of the public views this in the context of primarily personnel policy in the highest party bodies, but that is not the case. The DPS is a serious organization with over 50,000 members, and hundreds of various units of party work. If we want serious reform and elimination of all those shortcomings that led us to defeat in last year’s parliamentary elections, we must do the whole job thoroughly. This means that the reform is not only about changing the members of the Presidency but also about analyzing the work and performance of each individual in the structure.

CdM: Did President Djukanovic make political mistakes, and if so, which ones? 

Nikolic: I believe it would be more correct to talk about the success of policies than any individual. Yes, the DPS had certain mistakes that we are fully aware of. I think that, from this distance, the key mistake was in the relationship of commitment to the strategic and daily needs of Montenegro and its citizens. We focused almost all our energy on those projects that we believed were the perspective of Montenegro and that would lead us to the desired results in five or 10 years. I am talking about the highway project, the Adriatic-Ionian highway, energy projects to make our country the energy hub of the region for which we have the potential, importing ski resorts in the north, European integration, strengthening institutions, etc. These are all jobs that take years, and some of them decades.

CdM: If you stayed in power, what would you do better? 

Nikolic: If we had stayed in power, we would probably have been deprived of the analysis I gave you in answer to the previous question. Therefore, this question of yours can be reformulated in two ways: What are the three key things that would happen if you stayed in power, or what three key things do you intend to do better when you return to power. If we had remained in power, Montenegro would have had a total budget surplus for the first time by 2024, the first phase completed and new phases of the highway and the Adriatic-Ionian highway started, and all negotiating chapters in negotiations with the EU closed.

CdM: If you won any potential election, would you rule the same or different way? If different, explain as specifically as you can? 

Nikolic: The DPS did not rule, but exercised power. This is a big difference because exercising power implies a significantly more complex process. So, when we exercise power again, a lot will depend on the overall environment and on who the partners in exercising power will be.

CdM: Tell us the name of the ruling party with which you could form a pre-election or post-election coalition. 

Nikolic: As you know, for twenty years now, the DPS has had certain traditional coalition partners. This partnership is based on program agreement and togetherness in terms of views on certain values. In this context, the nurturing of the anti-fascist heritage of Montenegro, the concept of a civil state and the European future of our country stand out. All those who agree on these values can be our partners. At this moment, with the policy they have been pursuing for many years, the only one who excludes itself from this possibility is the Democratic Front. In order for a compromise to be reached, it is necessary to rise from daily politics and narrow-party thinking and show leadership and even state capacities. Everyone on the European platform of the current parliamentary minority is ready for that. The ball is therefore with some leaders of the new parliamentary majority. Whether they will have the capacity and courage remains to be seen.


Mickoski and Ahmeti meet as the vote of no confidence in Zaev’s government looms (Republika

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski met briefly with the DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti in the Macedonian Parliament. VMRO sources say that the meeting was initiated by Ahmeti, who previously met with Zoran Zaev. Faced with the prospect of being sent off to the opposition, DUI officials gave Ahmeti the power to negotiate any necessary political outcomes with other parties – an indication that he may break ranks with SDSM and help topple Zaev’s coalition even after he initially strongly supported keeping Zaev as Prime Minister. Mickoski initiated a vote of no-confidence in Zaev, which is set for Thursday. VMRO has the support of Albanian opposition parties, eager to drag down DUI and share the spoils in public offices and influence it has accumulated over the past almost two decades, but some of their members of parliament are uncertain if they will support the vote of no confidence.

Nikoloski: More than 61 lawmakers will support the government no-confidence vote on Thursday (Republika

The Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE and MP Aleksandar Nikoloski informed Monday that they, together with the MPs of AA and Alterativa, Besa and Levica, are filing a government no- confidence motion. According to him, this motion was signed by 61 MPs and they expect that the parliament speaker will schedule a session within the appropriate deadline, ie no later than Thursday. Nikoloski, who quoted part of the motion, expressed confidence that he expects the government no-confidence motion to be voted with 61 or more MPs, despite the position of MP Skender Rexhepi from AA. He said they were in talks of support with several other lawmakers. We waited for eight days after the announcement of the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to resign, said Nikoloski.

Apasiev asks Albanian opposition parties to set aside emotions and use the opportunity to finally remove DUI from power (Republika

Dimitar Apasiev, leader of the populist Levica party, called on the Albanian opposition parties to support the vote of no confidence in the Zaev government. One of the Albanian members of Parliament who supported the push became uncertain in it, and as nominal reason cites the inclusion of Levica in the process, as Levica opposes Macedonia’s NATO membership. If the members of parliament from Alliance, Alternative and BESA do not use the historic chance they have on Thursday to send DUI to the opposition, then, on the next general elections, whenever they are, they will be steamrolled by that same DUI party as a frog and will never recover. From a position of power, DUI will win 18 seats. They will struggle to win 9. So, keep your heads cool, set emotions to the side and I’ll see you at the session on Thursday, Apasiev said. DUI has been in power for 17 of the past 19 years, after sparking the 2001 civil war, and has accumulated institutional power it uses to quash other Albanian parties. AA, Alternative and BESA see a chance to put an end to this state of affairs after Zaev announced that he will resign in wake of his local elections defeat, but their members of parliament are also under strong pressure to back down.

Rutte will visit Macedonia a day before the vote of no confidence in Zaev (Republika

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will visit Macedonia on Wednesday. The unusual announcement comes a day before the scheduled vote of no confidence in Zoran Zaev.

Zaev’s officials and supporters in the media were publicly calling on international officials to come to his aid in the growing political crisis. Dutch diplomacy supported Zaev’s Colored Revolution he used to grab power, to the extent that a former Dutch Ambassador to Macedonia was guest of honor on Zaev’s rallies. But it is also highly skeptical of bringing new countries to the EU. Zaev’s failed bet that the humiliating concessions with national identity issues will open Macedonia’s EU accession talks is a big part of the drop-in support for his SDSM party, that brought him government on the verge of collapse.


Rama welcomes US congressmen in office: "Friendship is strengthening day by day" (Radio Tirana

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama received in a meeting, a group of US senators and congressmen, who are on a visit to Albania. Rama assessed that "friendship and partnership with the US are strengthening day by day". "With senators and congressmen from the United States, in a path of friendship and partnership that is strengthened day by day," said Rama. The Prime Minister shared photos from his office at the Prime Minister's Office, where the US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim was also present.

EP supports the launch of membership negotiations with Albania (Radio Tirana

The President of the Republic Ilir Meta received in a meeting the Rapporteur for Albania, MEP, Isabel Santos. The President said that during the meeting he praised the commitment of Santos and the European Parliament in support of the start of membership negotiations with Albania. "We agreed that organized crime and immigration are a serious concern, which should be treated with priority" said Meta. "Today marks the 11th anniversary of the European Council decision on visa liberalization with Albania. It is necessary for this process to be concluded with our region, by liberalizing visas as soon as possible with Kosovo, the only country that has not yet been enabled this right even after fulfilling all the conditions" stressed Meta. "I also stressed out the importance of regional cooperation, focusing on the worrying situation created in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to which the European Union must pay due attention without wasting time," Meta said.