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Belgrade Media Report 16 November 2021



Brnabic, Dacic: Serbia a militarily neutral country but seeks cooperation with NATO (Tanjug/Politika)


Addressing a Rose-Roth seminar hosted by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Belgrade, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Monday reiterated Serbia was a militarily neutral country, but noted that cooperation with NATO was important for maintaining stability in the region and worldwide. Serbia does not aspire to membership in NATO, but wants to advance its dialogue and partnership with the alliance as part of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program to maintain security and stability, Brnabic said. Speaking about regional cooperation and Kosovo and Metohija as a major security topic, she said Kosovo-Metohija occupied a major place in the relations with the alliance, given the presence of the NATO-led KFOR mission there. She noted that, since the beginning of the year, there had been 115 ethnically motivated incidents targeting Serbs in the province and nine incursions by Pristina’s heavily armed police troops into the north of Kosovo. She also spoke of the danger of a transformation of the so-called Kosovo Security Force into an armed force, and added that the introduction of compulsory military service by Pristina was an additional cause of concern for Kosovo Serbs. Dacic said military neutrality was Serbia’s principled position and that 15 years of cooperation within the PfP were a good indicator of the direction the cooperation with NATO should be heading in. As for the security issues and challenges we are facing, it is clear that for Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija is the number one issue and the focus of our greatest attention. Although we are investing great efforts and great patience to reach a mutually acceptable solution within the framework of the EU facilitated dialogue, which will bring peace and stability to this area in the long run, we are still facing numerous security problems in Kosovo and Metohija, where our compatriots are primarily endangered. The generator of these constant security threats is only and exclusively the government in Pristina, and we had the opportunity to see this only a month ago in the north of Kosovo during the illegitimate and violent actions of special army forces from Pristina. These actions, accompanied by constant efforts to establish and equip some armed forces of Kosovo are a direct threat to peace and stability, not just in Kosovo and Metohija, but in the whole region. Serbia has never and on no occasion taken any step that would pose a risk or threat to security in the region, and especially in the area of Kosovo and Metohija. The fact that Serbia is showing great patience and restraint must not deceive anyone into thinking that it is indecisive regarding the protection of its population in Kosovo and Metohija. On the contrary, this attitude shows only our strength and determination to resolve this issue exclusively through political and diplomatic means, because we know very well that this is the only way to reach compromise and have a permanent regulation of the relations between Serbs and Albanians. In this regard, we expect the KFOR mission in Kosovo and Metohija, under the command of NATO, to fully carry out its tasks and timely thwart any attempt of violence and destabilization of the situation on the territory under its jurisdiction, especially in the areas where Serbs live. Our relationship with the KFOR mission has been at a high level from the very beginning and we appreciate the efforts of all its members to maintain peace in Kosovo and Metohija, particularly to help the Serb community when needed. As a responsible country, we will continue to cooperate with KFOR at all levels, because we respect its mandate and the role it has been appointed. This aspect of our cooperation is among our top common goals and interests and I will use this occasion to invite all NATO member states, and you as representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly, to do whatever you can to make this mission in Kosovo and Metohija be really the factor of preserving stability and preventing violence. Dacic said the participation of Serbian troops in eight UN and EU international peacekeeping missions was a particular value stemming from the partnership and noted that Serbia was thus making a major contribution to global peace. He said military neutrality was Serbia’s principled position and added that, in addition to being a legal commitment, it reflected the sentiment of a vast majority of Serbians and the deep feelings of our people about the NATO intervention against our country 22 years ago. “Just like Serbia has no plans to join the NATO alliance, NATO has no secret plans to make us a member either, as I was told several years ago by a senior NATO official at the time,” Dacic said, noting that membership in PfP was the optimal framework for cooperation with NATO.


Botsan-Kharchenko with Brnabic on relations, cooperation (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on Monday met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko to discuss bilateral relations and the partnership between the two countries and cooperation on joint projects. Botsan-Kharchenko presented to Brnabic an invitation from Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to the 10 December International Export Forum in Moscow. He noted that this year’s forum, to be attended by Serbia as a partner country, would be dedicated to exporters, experts, officials, and development institutions, as well as current affairs concerning possibilities for boosting exports. Expressing gratitude for the invitation to the important international platform, Brnabic said Serbia attached particular significance to advancing its economic and overall relations with Russia as a major strategic partner of Serbia and one of its most significant economic partners. In light of Brnabic’s upcoming visit to Moscow, the parties concluded that the traditional friendship and the sincere ties between Serbs and Russians made a continued commitment to advancement and expansion of bilateral relations by exchanging top-level visits and building a partnership a mutual obligation for the two countries, an official statement said.


Selakovic: Hypocritical to accuse Serbia that it wants instability and war (Tanjug/RTV/B92)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic answered his Kosovo counterpart Donika Gervalli Schwartz, who accused Serbia of aggressive behavior towards Kosovo and Metohija, B&H and Montenegro. During the conference “Talks on the Future of Europe - Perspectives and the Role of the Western Balkans”, held at the European College in Bruges, Selakovic asked if it was possible that the country described above was the first in terms of GDP growth and attracting foreign direct investment in the region. He told Gervalli Schwartz that it is pointless to accuse Serbia of wanting instability and war, because as the most economically advanced country in the region, instability suits it the least. “Serbia is the biggest and most sincere advocate of cooperation and economic liberalization in the region,” Selakovic said. He also pointed out that it is hypocritical to present someone as a promoter of dialogue and European integration who does not respect the signed obligations, reminding that Pristina has been avoiding the implementation of the Brussels agreement, which was signed with the mediation of the EU. The conference, moderated by the rector of the European College Federica Mogherini, was attended by several representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs from the Western Balkans, and concrete proposals were made to speed up the European integration process and improve the EU's relations with the region.


Full EU membership strategic commitment of Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met Monday night in Brussels with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi.

Selakovic stated that full EU membership is a strategic commitment of Serbia and underlined that we are dedicated to the maximum degree possible to structural reforms, but that the pace of opening accession negotiations does not correspond to our results. The Minister assessed as very important that this year’s report from the European Commission on Serbia’s progress in reforms is more positive than the previous one and added that we are encouraged by the recommendation to open clusters 3 and 4. Selakovic said that we follow with great attention every exchange of opinions regarding the reform of the EU and efforts aimed at its strengthening, however we expect the enlargement process not to be neglected, but rather to run parallel with this reform. It is important that the region be encouraged on its path to the EU and to achieve new results in the negotiations with candidate countries and future candidates by the end of Slovenia’s current chairmanship of the Council of the EU. Selakovic underlined that the EU has been the most important foreign trade partner of Serbia for over two decades now and highlighted that we are grateful that we are part of the economic and investment plan and that this is one of the indicators that our region is high on the agenda of the European administration. The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that regional cooperation is one of Serbia’s foreign policy goals and that we contribute to peace and stability in the Western Balkans with our engagement, adding that the European Commission has been recognizing Serbia’s engagement in regional cooperation for many years. The pillar of improvement of regional cooperation is economic linking, Selakovic said and pointed to the importance of the “Open Balkans” initiative to that end. Selakovic and Varhelyi also discussed challenges in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and Selakovic gave special thanks to the EU for its decision to recognize digital covid certificates issued in Serbia. Selakovic underlined that this very important decision will make it easier for our citizens to travel to the EU. He met previously in Brussels with Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourova and briefed her on reform processes in Serbia over the past few years, first and foremost on economic results that make Serbia one of the fastest-growing European economies. He also informed Jourova about the course of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, with a special reference to the latest series of one-sided moves by Pristina and pointed to the danger of such behavior to regional stability, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Borrell: EU expecting implementation of all Belgrade-Pristina agreements (Beta)


EU is expecting from Kosovo and Serbia to fully implement all the agreements achieved during the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and to constructively engage in ensuring a swift progress towards full normalization of relations, EU High Representative Josep Borrell has said in Brussels.

Summarizing a debate of EU foreign ministers on the Western Balkans held on Monday, Borrell said the EU was hoping to see a new round of the dialogue at the highest level held by the end of 2021, to be attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti. Borrell added that it was at least his goal and a call to both leaders. The EU foreign ministers reviewed “the Document for the debate on the Western Balkans” prepared by the European External Action Service (EEAS), headed by Borrell. The document, which Beta has seen, warns that the political situation in the Western Balkans “is burdened with growing challenges” accompanied with deterioration of serious political crisis and messages sowing the seeds of discord in Bosnia and Herzegovina, tension in Kosovo’s north, and divisions of political parties in Montenegro “which have been shaking and paralyzing the political system” in the country. The document also states that “the atmosphere surrounding the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is still full of challenges,” and that no progress has been made in the last few months. The document, which was discussed by the EU foreign minister without adoption of a conclusion, focuses on the introduction of “open issues in the dialogue” towards achieving normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


EU Foreign Ministers expect progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (N1)


EU Foreign Ministers said on Monday that they expect Belgrade and Pristina to fully implement all agreements and make progress towards a normalization of relations. A statement issued after the EU Foreign Affairs Council said that the “ministers reiterated their expectation that Kosovo and Serbia fully respect and implement all previous agreements, and constructively engage to make rapid progress on the comprehensive normalization of their relations”. It said that the Foreign Ministers discussed concrete ways to strengthen the EU’s engagement with the Western Balkans beyond enlargement. “They focused in particular on how to involve Western Balkans partners in EU’s foreign policy discussions, and enhance cooperation on cyber security, hybrid threats and other instances such as the use of space data,” it added.


“Open Balkans” for better economic cooperation of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia (Tanjug/Politika)


The Serbian government stated on Monday that at the end of the meeting of the “Open Balkans” regional initiative which was held in Nis on 12-14 November, and which gathered ministers of finance, agriculture, labor and employment of the governments of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, two conclusions from working meetings were signed. The conclusions define all the activities which are to be implemented ahead of the December summit in Tirana and which will facilitate trade, cooperation in the field of food safety, phytosanitary and veterinary inspection and the free access to the labor market for citizens of the three countries. The first conclusion was signed by Serbian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Branislav Nedimovic, Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic, Albanian Minister of Finance and Economy Delina Ibrahimaj, Albanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Frida Krifca and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of North Macedonia Trajan Dimkovski. This document envisages that by the end of the year, intensive work will be done on the establishment of a system for electronic exchange of all necessary documents, customs declarations, phytosanitary and veterinary certificates, as well as on the improvement of existing systems. It was also concluded that all three parties will sign and validate agreements on the recognition of the status of authorized economic entities by the end of 2021, which will greatly facilitate the crossing of the border for some companies and bring other benefits. It was also agreed that work will be done on reducing all fees paid when crossing border crossings, for the goods originating in the member states. When it comes to integrated border management, the so-called One Stop-Shop, Serbia and North Macedonia will solve by the end of the year all existing shortcomings in order for it to be fully functional, and North Macedonia and Albania will continue to work on establishing a One Stop-Shop between their countries. The conclusion from the working meetings envisages the establishment of a joint working group by the end of November, which will deal with the harmonization of the tax policy of our three countries. Regarding the part of the conclusion related to cooperation in the field of food safety, phytosanitary and veterinary inspection, it was agreed to harmonize the list of plants and plant products that require phytosanitary inspection and issuance of phyto-certificates, then the exchange of quarantine lists with status and the exchange of the programs of control over harmful organisms, further exchange of all monitoring and plan of official controls in the field of food of plant, animal and mixed origin. Also, it was agreed to recognize and accept laboratory analyses and inspections outside border crossings, that is, from the nearest customs offices for plants that require phytosanitary inspection, then unification of the list of animal diseases, as well as the list of approved facilities for food of animal origin and animal feed, where the exchange of notifications of facilities without on-site control is implied, only with the exchange of a monitoring plan. The second conclusion was signed by Minister Tatjana Matic, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Albanian Minister Ibrahimaj and Deputy Minister Dimkovski. This conclusion envisages the signing of an agreement that will enable free access to the labor market of the citizens of our three countries. They will be able to freely reside and work in the territory of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Shameful verdict to Zoran Djokic (Tanjug/RTV)


The decision of the so-called Court of Appeals in Pristina to confirm the verdict against the Serb from Pec Zoran Djokic, from 12 years in prison for the alleged war crime, shows all the passion and unilateralness of the courts in Pristina, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a press release. Djokic’s defense counsel, who was hired by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, was informed by the media and did not receive a written decision, which is inadmissible. It follows from this that the verdicts against Serbs are passed according to the ethnic key, and their purpose is to criminalize an entire nation and create an artificial balance with the crimes of the so-called KLA, whose leaders are being tried in The Hague,” reads the statement. “With such draconian punishments they are trying not only to declare Serbs criminals, but also to deter any potential returnees from coming to Kosovo and Metohija and use their rights,” states the Office, which will continue to provide assistance and support, with all available diplomatic and legal means, to all Serbs who are being tried before the courts in Pristina, and only because they bear the Serbian name and surname, including the case of Zoran Djokic.




Vucic meets Dodik; Vucic: Serbia will always support DPA, Constitution of B&H and their full implementation; Dodik: RS will peacefully advocate restoring of its competences (ATV


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik discussed the current issues in the region and joint projects in which Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia participate, at a meeting held in Belgrade on Monday. Vucic promised that Serbia will continue with financial assistance to the Municipalities of Nevesinje, Kostajnica, Dubica and Drvar, as well as with further investments in the educational and health infrastructure in all parts of the RS. Commenting on the current political situation in B&H, Vucic stressed that Serbia will be always supporting the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H, as well as their full implementation. Dodik stressed that these projects are of strategic importance for the RS and thanked Serbia for significant support. Dodik reminded that competences that belong to the RS in line with the DPA have been seized for years and stressed that in a peaceful manner the RS will advocate for return of rights and justice stipulated by the Constitution of B&H. Dodik said that Vucic is one of few who understands the situation in B&H and that they share concern for the DPA and the situation in the RS. Dodik also stated that there have been attempts to reduce competences of the RS and to adopt solutions that are not in line with the Constitution of B&H and the DPA and to blame the RS for it.


Dodik: RS does not give up on return of competences transferred to level of B&H, preparation of documents for RSNA MPs is underway (RTRS


Milorad Dodik stated that the RS does not give up on return of competences transferred to the level of B&H adding that drafting of documents about this issue for members of the RS parliament is underway. According to Dodik, he did not withdraw as some claim and he assessed that this was used for daily political purposes. He explained that they delivered documents to the RS parliament in order to put this issue on the agenda but the Collegium of the RS parliament is the one that decides about date of the session. Dodik added: “A special session will be held after a regular (session). We should have in mind the upcoming holidays.” Expert of constitutional law Sinisa Karan commented on this issue for RTRS. He assessed that respecting the Dayton Agreement is the key. Karan emphasized that the Constitution and laws are on the side of the RS. He reminded of previous calls for all interested parties of the Dayton Agreement, including the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the international community (IC) to stop with unconstitutional activities and undermining of the Constitution and the position of the RS, but Sarajevo ignored the calls. He stated: “This process brings no unrest. This is a political, constitutional-legal process and it is underway in the RS parliament, in a legitimate institution. We call on the FB&H as the side that signed the Dayton Agreement to sit and talk, and to reach an agreement on possible additional competences of B&H as the Constitution stipulates.” According to Karan, the special session of the RSNA should return B&H on the track of respect for the current documents. He underlined that the RS advocates for equality of peoples that is stipulated in the Constitution. Karan stated: “This process in the RS parliament is a process and fight for the Constitution of not just the RS but also the Constitution of B&H. This is a process that is not just aimed at stopping further undermining of the constitutional position of the RS in B&H, but also at protecting and defending this B&H that is only possible. All those who attack the RS of violating something are actually those who ruined the rule of the law in B&H with this unconstitutional and illegal path and they are the ones who lead it to the path that is unstable and insecure.” Speaking about withdrawal of consent from agreements on the judiciary, defense and indirect tax, Karan reminded that when these decisions were reached from 2002 until 2005, the RSNA gave consent for partial transfer of competences but it kept the right to withdraw signature from the documents. RTRS underlined that data – that 144 competences were transferred to the level of B&H primarily via activities of High Representative - shows that the attempt to implement IC’s force and not respect of rights.


RS parliament receives documents on plan of return of RS’ competences, ATV publishes main conclusions from documents (ATV


The RS parliament has received documents that will be on the agenda of the RS parliament’s special session dedicated to return of the RS’ competences. The documents enlist all the competences that have been seized from the RS in a number of fields in the past 20 years. According to information that will be discussed at the special session, High Representatives used Bonn Powers unlawfully, imposed 260 decisions, amended laws and the Constitution of B&H, removed the elected political officials, etc. Finances, security, judicial institutions, telecommunications and public broadcasting are some of the sectors in which the HRs interfered, which led to formation of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H, the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. Information on judicial institutions reads that the law on the Court of B&H was imposed and was not passed democratically, as well as that foreigners are part of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H that was also formed based on the imposed law. Part of conclusions on judicial institutions drawn in this information read that the law on HJPC of B&H will not be applied in the territory of the RS from the day of entry into force of the law on the HJPC of the RS. According to information regarding transfer of competences in the field of indirect taxation, the RS is greatly affected by negative effects of functioning of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of B&H that mostly regard the distribution of collected revenues from B&H ITA’s single account. Part of conclusions drawn in this field read that the RS parliament will task the RS government to withdraw its consent to the agreement on competences in the field of indirect taxation between the RS and the FB&H. The documents on return of the RS’ competences also read that a series of competences were seized from the RS in the field of defense and security, reminding that the Constitution of B&H stipulates that none of the entities in B&H will threaten with the use of force or use force against other entity, as well as that armed forces of any of the entities will not enter the territory of other entity without consent from entity government of B&H Presidency. Information regarding this field reads that entities have exclusive competences for the defense sector, as well as that transfer of competences to the level of B&H happened with the formation of B&H Ministry of Security that was formed as an imposed decision of the HR – after which the Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA) of B&H and the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H were formed. According to conclusions drawn in the defense and security sector, the law on defense of B&H, the law on service in B&H Armed Forces, the law on B&H OSA and the law on SIPA will not be applied in the territory of the RS from the day of entry into force of the RS laws in the field of defense and security.


Mazalica claims that new RS Constitution can be passed by RS parliament only because RS CoP is illegal (Nezavisne


The RS parliament is expected to discuss the Declaration on Constitutional Principles stipulating adoption of new RS Constitution in its next special session. The Declaration also stipulates rejection of all decisions and laws imposed by the High Representative. Adoption of new Constitution is questionable because the RS parliament and RS Council of Peoples (RS CoP) both need to approve the new Constitution. Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP already announced that its members will vote against new Constitution. However, SNSD claims that the RS CoP was also imposed by the High Representatives, and if all decisions imposed by the High Representative are rejected, it will be possible to pass the new Constitution without the RS CoP. Deputy speaker of the RS CoP Mihnet Okic stated that all previous attempts to change the RS Constitution have been prevented, and the same thing will happen again. He underlined that the RS CoP has its role to play, and that the Bosniak Caucus will use all available legal means to oppose the new Constitution. SNSD’s Srdjan Mazalica stated that the RS CoP was imposed by the High Representative and thus illegal. In his opinion, the new Constitution can be passed by the two-thirds majority in the RSNA. The daily reminds that in the past, Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP blocked several attempts to amend the RS Constitution, including the amendment declaring Banja Luka the capital of the RS and the amendment abolishing death penalty.


Nesic invites leaders of opposition parties to meeting on 19 November (Glas Srpske


DNS leader Nenad Nesic invited leaders of the RS opposition parties to a meeting in Banja Luka on 19 November. Nesic sent the invitation to SDS leader Mirko Sarovic, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and SPS leader Goran Selak. The opposition leaders will discuss possible responses to the current political crisis and ways to protect the constitutional position of the RS. Nesic stated that he is concerned because of the overall political situation which emerged after former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed the amendments to B&H Criminal Code and after B&H Constitutional Court passed the decision declaring forests in RS state property of B&H.


Dunovic blames HDZ B&H of blocking FB&H, claims HDZ B&H and SNSD support each other (Oslobodjenje


In an interview to the daily, FB&H Vice President Milan Dunovic (DF) commented on the fact that the results of 2018 elections have not been implemented and said that the blockade carried out by HDZ B&H is obvious “and they are not even hiding it anymore”. Dunovic reminded that HDZ B&H refuses to implement election results until changes to the Law on Elections of B&H are adopted in line with wishes of HDZ B&H and he reminded that the way in which the FB&H President, FB&H Vice Presidents and FB&H Government are appointed will not change even if HDZ B&H’s proposal on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H were adopted. Dunovic argued that HDZ B&H also blocks the appointment of judges of the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC) and noted: “In this case, it is FB&H President Marinko Cavara who does not want to carry out the appointment of judges”. Dunovic speculated that “this might be a rehearsal of HDZ B&H for 2022 general elections, to try to soften citizens through the public space and say ‘fine, we do not even need elections, we can continue in this way as well”. Asked to comment on claims of HDZ B&H that SDA and pro-Bosniak parties should be blamed for the situation, Dunovic replied by saying that SDA is an ethnic party but, unlike some other ethnic parties, it is not participating in decomposition of B&H and its institutions. Dunovic reminded that HDZ B&H deems that civic organization of B&H is Unitarian and pro-Bosniak, with which he disagrees and deems that civic organization of B&H is the only future for the country. Asked whether he talked to Cavara, Dunovic said that they had verbal conflicts on many topics and added: “Obviously, Mr. Cavara does not think that we need to appoint judges of the FB&H CC or new government. He publicly defended moves of SNSD and Mr. Milorad Dodik by claiming that he is not culpable for processes of blockade at the state level authorities, but that the indirect fault is in hands of (former High Representative) Valentin Inzko because of changes to the Criminal Code. I do not agree with that and I think that, in this way, HDZ B&H supports SNSD because they obviously have common goals.” Dunovic added that Cavara simply refuses to talk about obligations of the FB&H President and FB&H Vice Presidents in carrying out of their respective duties. Dunovic went on to say that cantons in which HDZ B&H holds the authorities have been obstructing rulings of the FB&H CC on constituent status of people for years and added that it is surprising to know that representatives of SNSD at the state level have been refusing to discuss this topic, which also proves that there is an agreement of SNSD and HDZ B&H to block such matters. Asked whether the engagement of international representatives will help B&H political leaders reach an agreement on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, Dunovic replied by saying that everyone in B&H likes to think that the international community has all the answers and should make decisions but, at the same time, everyone fails to take advantage of talks within B&H institutions: “Changes to the Law on Elections of B&H must be carried out in scope of the Parliament of B&H, this is the only right way”. Dunovic reminded that talks of political leaders with the international community never produced any results, so he does not think there will be any results in this matter either unless the issue is returned to B&H institutions. Finally, Dunovic was asked to state whether talks with US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar will force the RS politicians to get more serious and he was also asked to state what High Representative Christian Schmidt is waiting for, to which Dunovic replied by saying that talks with Escobar with RS politicians must be viewed in two ways – first, there were talks with Dodik which might result in unblocking of the work of B&H institutions but only if pressures were exerted on Dodik and his associates through imposing of sanctions and, second, there were talks with representatives of opposition parties which clearly presented stances opposite to Dodik’s stances for the first time in years. As for Mr. Schmidt, Dunovic said that he is facing a period of time of a greater engagement: “Only at the level of the FB&H, I know that the OHR was very much interested in filling in vacant seats in the FB&H CC during Inzko’s time. This will be yet another topic for Schmidt.”


Field meets Cvijanovic, Cubrilovic, discuss current political, economic situation in B&H (RTRS


UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field visited Banja Luka on Monday. He held separate meetings with RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. During the meeting, Cvijanovic informed Field about stances and the position of the RS and she confirmed full commitment to full respect for the Dayton Peace Accords and the Constitution of B&H. Cubrilovic informed Field that dialogue and agreement of the two entities and the three constituent peoples in B&H are the only option for solving of open issues. During the meeting with Field, Viskovic emphasized that the RS Government is committed to full implementation of the Constitution of B&H and that dialogue is the only way for solving of the newly-created political situation. The Cabinet of the RS President stated that they talked about the current political and economic situation in B&H and during the meeting, the importance to intensify political dialogue was emphasized with the goal to overcome challenges and in order to solve priority issues, respecting interests of the constituent peoples and citizens in B&H.


FAC discusses situation in Western Balkans, B&H at session in Brussels; Borrell: We are concerned because situation is serious, we support European perspective of B&H (N1


Brussels discussed the situation in the Western Balkans and in B&H at a session of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) held on Monday. Prior to the session, some European ministers characterized the situation in B&H as the worst since the end of wars in the 1990s. According to N1, European ministers especially underlined rhetoric of member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and in this regard, they mentioned necessary sanctions. The reporter noted that the FAC sent the main message by saying that the EU insists on integrity of B&H and the EU called on all leaders to refrain from inflammatory and divisive rhetoric.  High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated after the meeting that the year without elections in B&H was not used for reforms but quite the opposite, it was used for undermining of reforms, divisive rhetoric and for blockade of institutions which is why he called on all leaders to return to the Reform Agenda, to unblock institutions and to continue working in interest of citizens and to implement reforms. Addressing media, Borrell said: “Of course that the crisis in B&H was high on the agenda because the situation over there is very serious. We are pretty much concerned because instead of using the year without elections for progress in important reforms, some leaders used divisive rhetoric and secession. We support European perspective of B&H. We want to insist that this is an integrated, single and a sovereign state. Leaders must return to dialogue, to state institutions in full capacity and begin working on key reforms.” According to the reporter, there was no word about sanctions against Dodik. Asked by reporters if new conflict in the Western Balkans is possible, Borrell stated that they should not invoke bad times, stressing that the situation in B&H is unstable and that some leaders use nationalist and separatist rhetoric. “We must insist on the fact that B&H needs to remain unified, that it is a single country for us and that any attempt to divide it or create a new entity will cause problems. We must avoid that,” Borrell concluded. The FAC also discussed topics related to the region; the need to finally launch negotiation process for Albania and the North Macedonia and to continue with the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. According to the reporter, although the FAC should have put the Western Balkans and B&H in the focus, the ministers talked the most about the situation in Belarus. The ministers announced that they will intensify their engagement in this region and stronger inclusion of the Western Balkan countries in foreign political debates within the EU Foreign Affairs Council. Before the final decision on sanctions, a debate between the EU member states will be held. European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi emphasized the importance of continuing with the enlargement policy. Varhelyi noted that it is also necessary to start implementing the economic-investment plan for the Western Balkans as soon as possible. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters after the meeting that sanctions against politicians who undermine and question state-level structures in B&H, encourage and spread hatred and undermine relations with the EU need to be considered and stricter approach is necessary in order to stop that. Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman told reporters that he presented his stance at the meeting on secessionist and unitary tendencies in B&H and that he particularly stressed the need to amend the Election Law of B&H with an aim to ensure legitimate representation. He said that the role of Dodik might be seen from a different perspective, given that Dodik is a fact and talks need to be held with him, reminding that he stressed the need for dialogue. “The growing Unitarianism and separatism disturb the stability of the country. The key solution is for equality of the three constituent peoples to be respected. The electoral reform is of key importance; we need for urgent progress to be made in that direction,” emphasized Grlic Radman. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic was in Brussels on Monday. She participated in an informal meeting of foreign ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) member states. “At the very least, we expect a firm stance and strong commitment to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, but also its European perspective,” Turkovic said.

Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu expressed concern over the security situation in B&H, and he underlined the importance of coordination of the EU and the US when it comes to that issue. Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto stated that Finland is very concerned about the situation in B&H. “The DPA should be fully respected. Tensions should be reduced,” he added.


Chollet starts visit to B&H, meets Schmidt, Izetbegovic, Covic; Chollet: US supports OHR’s role in B&H (FTV


FTV reports that the US diplomatic offensive in B&H continues as Counsellor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet, who serves as a senior policy advisor to the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, started his official visit to B&H on Monday. Chollet came to B&H accompanied by US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. Chollet met with HR Christian Schmidt after which he held a meeting with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. A series of meetings is planned to take place during the US State Department Counsellor’s visit, and the focus is set on the current political crisis in B&H.

At the meeting with HR Schmidt, Chollet stated that the US supports the role of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H. After meeting with Schmidt, Chollet met with Izetbegovic and Covic in order to, as he confirmed on Twitter, urge the leadership and trust building. Izetbegovic noted that US friends are there to provide support but they insist that he and Covic agree on a solution. Following the meeting, Izetbegovic said there is nothing new: “US friends are by our side, but they expect us to lead the process, to offer solutions. They are also very persistent that Mr. Covic and I should propose solutions. So, to say, we are approximately on the same level as we were by now. There is no progress or some new moments.” Posting on his Twitter, Covic wrote: “With Counselor Chollet and Escobar we discussed about BIH, key steps for strengthening of stabilization and our EU and NATO path. Urgent changes of Election Law and limited constitutional changes have to respect the rights and equality of constituent peoples and must not discriminate”. Covic confirmed that they discussed key steps for strengthening stability as well as the EU and NATO path, where Election Law and constitutional changes were among the specific topics. After the meeting with the HR, Chollet also wrote that they had a productive meeting. He reiterated the position of the United States that “they support the OHR’s essential role and the mandate of the High Representative in maintaining the Dayton peace in B&H”. He added that they also support work on fulfilling the ‘5+2 Agenda’, which would lead to the cessation of international supervision in B&H. Chollet’s first meeting was with US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson at the US Ambassador’s Residence in Sarajevo. Presenter noted that Chollet is not expected to provide concrete solutions but rather to only act as a mediator.


Dzaferovic: Sanctions represent solution to Dodik’s unconstitutional behavior and to his attack on constitutional order of state (O Kanal


O Kanal carries an interview with Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency and SDA Vice-President Sefik Dzaferovic. Given that the US and European officials have lately increased their visits to B&H, Dzaferovic was asked whether possible sanctions would be a solution to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik’s blockades and crisis in B&H. In this regard, Dzaferovic replied that the sanctions represent a solution to unconstitutional behavior and attack on constitutional order of the state, coming from Dodik. “In that case, sanctions of all possible forms, starting from those that B&H can impose through its judiciary to international sanctions, are necessary,” Dzaferovic stressed. According to Dzaferovic, “anything is better than allowing for escalation to happen in an already difficult political situation in this country”. Dzaferovic is convinced that the state institutions, primarily judiciary, should have already reacted as there are several undeniable things that Dodik and some other officials from the RS are doing. Dzaferovic singled out denial of genocide, which has been banned by the amended Criminal Code of B&H, and blockade of the state institutions as some of those things. “With our authorities’ failure to carry out their obligation and the lack of sanctions from the international community, Dodik and his followers are encouraged in their destructive policy that worries the whole world, especially us here. This needs to be stopped. Institutions in B&H need to start functioning and everyone in the state should do their job,” he underscored. Presenting his expectations from the IC in this regard, the Bosniak member of the Presidency noted that the IC and its institutions, the Office of the High Representative (OHR), are defined in the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) as “a special form of institutions of B&H”. He referred to the OHR as practically being an institution of B&H stipulated by the DPA, due to which he finds that the OHR should have reacted despite Dodik’s attempts to weaken the OHR’s position. He also called on the OHR to help with unblocking the work of the state institutions and move forward. According to Dzaferovic, international interventionism in B&H is defined by the DPA. Namely, Dzaferovic assessed that the blockade of state institutions is the most dangerous at this moment, reminding that the state budget still has not been adopted, the appointment of ambassadors cannot be carried out, the helicopters and other resources of the B&H Armed Forces (AF) cannot be put in function during the state of natural disasters. Asked what precisely can be done to unblock the institutions, Dzaferovic stated that Dodik is not more powerful than the state, and there are enough mechanisms in the international community to ensure that the institutions are unblocked. Dzaferovic considers that the blockades emerge because the system based on the Constitution of B&H allows that to happen, adding: “It is not possible to leave B&H with such constitution. The OHR is the only mechanism to unblock the institutions at the moment.” When it comes to his upcoming meeting with Counsellor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet, Dzaferovic emphasized that he expects help to immediately unblock the institutions of B&H. “That is the main thing at this moment. Dodik will not succeed in his announcements of secession and bringing down the institutions of B&H. He knows what surrounding the military barracks of the AF means, and he knows that the AF will defend themselves. He knows that it represents a security threat. All that is clear to him. He knows that it is a serious criminal offense that could entail a years-long prison sentence,” noted Dzaferovic.


Croatian PM calls on Kosovo, Serbia to hold dialogue, normalize relations (Hina


Kosovo and Serbia should find a way to normalize relations and Croatia will support them in that, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Pristina on Monday. "Croatia's stand is that we support stability, that we are for de-escalating all the tensions we have seen in recent weeks, that it's first of all up to Serbia and Kosovo to find the optimal way to resume dialogue and respect either the existing agreements or reach new agreements which will make the relations better," Plenkovic said at a joint press conference with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Croatia is interested in developing relations with Kosovo and normalizing the relations with Serbia as much as possible, Plenkovic said. "We will do our best to support normalization between Kosovo and Serbia." Kurti invited Serbia to mutual recognition of the two countries, saying that they should talk about the disappeared. "We want to join NATO and the EU. It's necessary to make progress in the Euro-Atlantic integration process," he added. Plenkovic said Croatia supported EU enlargement and that the road to membership represented a clear anchor and course of political, social, economic and sectoral development. "Serbia's European perspective is equal to that of all Southeast European countries, he added. Serbia is conducting EU accession negotiations, while Kosovo has not been recognized by five EU member states - Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain - so Serbia, Plenkovic said is several steps ahead of Kosovo. He is confident the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue with the EU's mediation will bring them closer to membership and "eventually, I don't know when bringing to mutual recognition. But it's up to the states to agree on that". A meeting was held between Plenkovic, Kurti, their delegations, and the two countries' business people, including representatives of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Koncar - Electrical Industry. Before the pandemic, Croatia-Kosovo trade was €100 million annually. Croatia is Kosovo's seventh biggest foreign trade partner. Plenkovic said the relations between the two countries were friendly, full of understanding and the wish to intensify them. He also met with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, who presented him with the Saint Theresa presidential medal. The medal was also given to Josip Samardzic, director of the general hospital in Slavonski Brod which treated the passengers from a Kosovo bus that crashed near the Croatian city in July. Ten people were killed in the accident. Plenkovic was also received by Kosovo Parliament Speaker Glauk Konjufca. This is the first official visit by a Croatian prime minister to Kosovo in ten years.


Milanovic and Pope Francis touch upon situation in B&H; Milanovic: I support demand of Croats in B&H regarding election in B&H Presidency (Jutarnji list


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic met with Head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, in Vatican on Monday. On this occasion, Milanovic and Pope Francis touched upon the situation in B&H, primarily the security situation and the issue of amending of the Election Law of B&H. Addressing media after the meeting, Milanovic said that he supports the demand of Croats in B&H to elect their own representative in the B&H Presidency. Milanovic noted that he would want to meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to see if they can come to a solution for the situation in B&H. According to the Croatian President, perhaps he and the presidents of Serbia and Turkey can achieve more than “the second-ranked diplomats – not by status, but rather character-wise – who have been making a mess in B&H for years now”. He concluded that such situation does not suit anyone. Croats still care about B&H, you should be afraid when we turn our backs to you’ not signed reports that Milanovic said that as long as Croats insist that they should not lose the right to elect their representative and that as long as Croats are looking at Sarajevo, “you should be happy”. “You would have chills down the spine when Croats turn away from Sarajevo and say they are not interested,” said Milanovic. Asked what Pope Francis thinks about the situation in the Western Balkans, especially in B&H and Montenegro, President Milanovic said he talked about that issue with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and Secretary (Relations with States) of the Secretariat of State Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher. “They are friends willing to help, they know a lot, but do not know everything,” added Milanovic.


Croatian FM: B&H’s Milorad Dodik ‘is a fact’ (Hina


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman said on Monday the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik was a fact and that one should talk with him like with everyone making decisions, Hina said. Asked by Croatian reporters covering his visit to Brussels if Dodik was Croatia’s friend or problem, Grlic-Radman said, “That’s a black-and-white way of looking at it.” “Dodik is a fact and one should talk with him, especially Croatia, which has its longest border with B&H. We depend on each other and must invest every effort, diplomatic and political, to contribute to a more stable, more prosperous and more functional B&H.” Grlic-Radman went on to say that the Western Balkans and the situation in B&H were one of the topics of the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, and that he pointed to the rise in unitarizm and separatism in B&H. “It’s crucial to change the electoral law so that it guarantees what was arranged with the Dayton peace agreement, the equality and legitimate representation of the constituent peoples in B&H’s collective institutions.” He criticized all those in B&H who are stalling with reaching an agreement on electoral law changes, saying that time is running out as 2022 is an election year. “All those stalling are taking the responsibility and the risk for the future of B&H.” He said several EU foreign ministers supported his address. The EU high representative for the foreign and security policy Josep Borrell expressed concern at the fact that B&H leaders are not using a non-election year to agree on changes to the electoral law as well as the fact that some politicians in the country are using a rhetoric of division. He reiterated that the EU supported an integral and sovereign B&H and that it called on all political leaders to sit at the negotiating table.


Democrats and DF don’t mind external influences (Pobjeda


The proposal of the Center for Democratic Transition to establish a working body of Parliament that would deal with illegal foreign interference in democratic processes was supported by six parliamentary parties – URA, SNP, DPS, Bosniak Party, SDP and SD, but this initiative has still not been included in the legislative agenda of parliament. Pobjeda’s interviewees – DPS MP Danijel Zivkovic, SDP Secretary General Ivan Vujovic, SD spokesman Nikola Zirojevic, and Bosniak Party spokesman Adel Omeragic agree that the experience with the election process so far has shown that it is necessary to form a body that would, together with a strong institutional response, deal with foreign influences and interference in democratic processes. Zivkovic believes that by working in such a committee, following the example of the European Union, they could create a strategic framework that would enable them to deal with attempts to shape the awareness of citizens through the placement of disinformation. This is especially true, he adds, because some media have become a serious instrument of other countries in the implementation of the set goals.


ACG a new target of Serbian World (Dnevne novine


The President of the Board of Directors of the Airports of Montenegro (ACG) Nebojsa Djokovic, with a part of that body, is trying to put Montenegrin airports under the control of the Serbian World, claim Dnevne Novine’s sources well acquainted with the events in this company. According to the information submitted to this media, shortly after he was elected president of the board, Djokovic signed a consulting contract with Serbian historian Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, who is considered a person trusted by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

The same sources point out that Djokovic’s monthly fee in the board is around €1,800, while citizens pay Dobrosavljevic’s consulting services at ACG around €700, plus transportation and accommodation costs. A large amount of information about Dobrosavljevic can be found in the media. In 2016, for example, the Serbian tabloid Kurir published an article in which it was written about Dobrosavljevic that he “led the attempt to overthrow Montenegrin PM Milo Djukanovic” that he was also known as “a magician for election campaigns, but also techniques of non-violent revolutions”. So, Dobrosavljevic has been present in Montenegro for a long time, but so far, his name has not been associated with our state-owned companies.


Krivokapic meets with UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Peter Lundberg (Gov. Press service


Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic met with UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Peter Lundberg. Prime Minister Krivokapic expressed satisfaction that he has the opportunity to meet with Lundberg again after the celebration of the UN Day in Podgorica, which was dedicated to the global fight against climate change. The Prime Minister emphasized that Montenegro is absolutely focused on all the efforts of the international community to face all problems as efficiently as possible. Also, the Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the UNDP Office, which has been involved in the procurement of medical and other necessary equipment during the pandemic. He said that he expects this type of cooperation to continue in the future, adding that Montenegro counts on the full support of the UN system. Since Montenegro was in the situation in which many UN members are today, which were left aside in the global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, PM Krivokapic said that Montenegro is ready to show additional solidarity and responsibility in international assistance and fight against pandemic. Prime Minister Krivokapic informed the UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro about the transformation of the Department for Sustainable Development, which will soon formally become an Office within the Secretariat-General of the Government, in order to implement public policies and development projects based on the principles of sustainable development as fast as possible. The Prime Minister also informed Lundberg about the ambitious expectations from the "Europe Now" and "Europe Here" projects. The Prime Minister said that he was looking forward to the visit of the UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Alice Wairimu Nderitu, which is expected from 24 to 26 November, as well as a re-visit by WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge. UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Peter Lundberg expressed satisfaction that he had the opportunity to publicly express his gratitude to the Prime Minister of Montenegro for the successful, joint organization of the UN celebration, which was dedicated to climate change. Noting that the UN, through 25 of its groups, cooperates with the Government of Montenegro in thematically different projects, Lundberg pointed out that in the last period there has been a dominant cooperation in the fight against the COVID- 19 pandemic. Lundberg believes that "through the appointment of heads of negotiating teams, things are slowly consolidating within Montenegro's negotiations with the EU", thus creating "a healthy environment for richer cooperation". Lundberg pointed out that the UN Monitoring Group will work on identifying specific areas in which the UN can provide concrete assistance to the Government of Montenegro, in order to facilitate the implementation of specific activities. The UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro reminded that the UN Common Country Analysis has been completed, which will serve to draft the final strategy for the next five-year cooperation between Montenegro and the UN.


Filipovic filing complaint against Informer editor Vucicevic (CdM


CdM analyst Ljubomir Filipovic filed a report against the editor of the Serbian Informer, Dragan Vucicevic, for insults on ethnic and national grounds. “Today, I’m filing a report against the editor of Informer, Dragan Vucicevic, with the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia and the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro for insults on ethnic and national grounds, as well as for spreading racial, national and ethnic hatred. It is unfortunate to observe how much such people pollute the public space in Serbia,” says Filipovic. After Vucicevic’s insults, a wave of several hundred insulting messages and threats against Filipovic was launched on social networks.


Rexhepi: Let there be no speculation, I voluntarily decided not to vote for a new majority (Libertas


The lawmaker, who until recently defended Besa's colors in parliament, said he had taken refuge voluntarily on Thursday to prevent the country from going in a direction contrary to his ideological aspirations. Four days after the "search" for him and after the failure of the no-confidence motion against the government, MP Kastriot Rexhepi, who until recently defended Besa's colors in parliament, appeared in parliament yesterday morning. The press conference announced by Rexhepi on Friday started yesterday with a twenty-minute delay, because the MP, as he said, was first at the session of the Committee on Finance and Budget, where the debate on the 2022 budget started. I am calm, with a clear conscience. It is no greater honor to lead your country on the path to freedom, democracy, NATO and the EU. I voluntarily took refuge on the day of the session of confidence in the Government so as not to allow the country to go in a direction that is contrary to my ideological commitment, Rexhepi told reporters.


Varhelyi expects a solution to the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria (Nezavisen vesnik/Albanian Post)


The EU must continue its enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans, says EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. He cited another reason why enlargement is important. "The other instrument we have is the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, which must be implemented as soon as possible," Varhelyi said. Varhelyi said that after the elections in Sofia and Skopje, every effort will be made to resolve outstanding issues and formally start accession talks with Macedonia and Albania by the end of this year. According to the Albanian Post, the French President demanded that the Macedonian-Bulgarian dispute be resolved as soon as possible, and that the country start negotiations with the EU. There are positive signals from Bulgaria that a solution and lifting of the veto for the start of negotiations is possible. The winner of the elections in Bulgaria announces a new, modern approach which, instead of history, will shift the focus of the issue to the areas in which concrete cooperation lies.


Bregu: The remedy against the slowdown of the EU enlargement process is the integration of the Balkans! (Radio Tirana


An informal meeting of Southeast European Co-operation Process foreign ministers (SEECP), organized by the Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Dendias, on behalf of the Greek presidency of the SEECP was held today in Brussels. Regional Co-operation Council (RCC) Secretary General Majlinda Bregu said that the European perspective of the Western Balkans is the impetus that makes the process of cooperation beneficial for all, in the long run. "I believe that the EU has all the power needed to keep the EU perspective alive in the Western Balkans. Without a credible path to EU membership, the Western Balkans could easily succumb to regional nationalism. As regional co-operation agendas are built and the intensity and challenges become greater, we are witnessing every day that the co-operation process between the Western Balkans is facing a stalemate. In a highly contested regional geopolitical environment, action plans like the Common Regional Market (CRM) and the Green Agenda (GA) alone will not suffice. These instruments are nothing but a soft power for regional cooperation. But if the model of cooperation is compromised, the soft power will disappear. The most ambitious actions to integrate the Western Balkans into EU single market policies turns out to be the remedy against the slowdown in the EU enlargement process. Growth potentials can only be unlocked through the regional economic integration of the six Western Balkan countries, bearing little in the way of the potentials from previous integration into selected EU single market policies. This is the ultimate goal of the Regional Common Market Agenda that we at RCC lead," Bregu said. The meeting was also attended by Josep Borrell, Vice President of the European Commission (EC) and Oliver Varhelyi, EC Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement. The RCC Secretary General commended the Greek SEECP leadership for their excellent work in using the SEECP platform for further cooperation and allowing exchanges on a range of topics of regional importance. The RCC remains fully committed to supporting the SEECP as the main forum for regional cooperation in Southeast Europe, as well as to helping the region increase prosperity, security and stability.


Borrell confirms support for EU integration of Albania, N. Macedonia (ADN


The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of EU Commission Josep Borrell confirmed Monday the support for the EU integration of North Macedonia and Albania. "North Macedonia is firmly anchored on its EU path. Our position remains unchanged - both North Macedonia and Albania have delivered and we look forward to holding the first Intergovernmental Conferences as soon as possible. I reconfirmed this to Minister of North Macedonia this morning," said Borrell. He said that hopes this will happen before the end of this year.